A STUDY ON CREDIT TO MSME BY FOREIGN BANK IN INDIA Introduction Foreign banks are those banks whose branch offices are in India but they are incorporated outside India, and have their head office in a foreign country. These banks were allowed to set up their subsidiaries in India from the year 2002. They have to operate their business by following all the rules and regulations laid down by the RBI - Reserve Bank of India. They have to pay more attention to the priority sector by giving them a special place in bank lending. These banks are expected to follow all the banking regulations, just like any other domestic banks. The foreign banks can operate in India only, if they have a sound financial status. They must have a minimum of 25 million US dollars in minimum 3 branches. The first branch and the second branch must have 10 million US dollars each. The third branch should have a minimum of 5 million US dollars. The foreign banks are permitted to open up more branches in the country, if the performance of the bank is more than satisfactory and it matches the criteria laid adopted by the domestic banks. There are 43 foreign banks from 21 different countries operating in India. The business is conducted with the help of more than 331 branches. These branches are located in more than 15 states which includes union territories. Apart from these banks there are representative branches operating in India from 12 different countries. Foreign banks have played an important role in the Indian economy, especially in the priority sectors. Globalization has compelled the banking sector to reach out to more customers in order to expand their business. This meant opening banking businesses even in the foreign countries. Many of the private banks were interested in expanding their business all over the world. They opened up branches across the globe to serve large number of customers, and also improve service to the existing customers. This change was a blessing for India. Currently, the foreign banks are growing tremendously in India. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) play very important role in Economic development of the country. It is acknowledged by the government that, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is an important segment of Indian economy. The MSME Contribute significant to employment generation, dispersal of industrial activity to rural and backward area, Micro, Small and Medium enterprises like a channel of Small savings which may idle in rural area. It contributes 982919 crore of total industrial production and account for 202017 crore of export from the country. The employment provide by this sector is 695.38 lakh people in 31.75lakh units. This sector has developed from the production of sophisticated and precision product like electronic control system .Microwave component system, engineering product, electronics, electronically, chemical, plastics, steel, cement, textiles, paper, matches, plastics, steel, cement, textile. Paper readymade garments Medical equipments, TV set and the like over 8000 product are manufactured by MSME. Review of literature 1. S. Krishnamuthy P. Alagarsamy in their article (Bank Credit to SSI Sector) rightly pointed out that most of MSME sector has not avail timely availability of adequate money and also he pointed out the MSME also face problems in giving collateral securities for obtaining loan. Most of MSME sector could not avail the bank loans because of insistence of collateral securities. 2.K.Kamalakannan N.Namasivayam In their article( SIDBI and Small Scale Industries : a Study) has Rightly indicated that the importance of SIDBI. More over they suggest that the SIDBI should make efforts to sanction Loans in Balanced manner to different stats of the country. The SDBI earmark adequate funds which shall be at least equal to five percent of expected production of the small scale sector and in order to wideness the area of operation the SIDBI should open more branches in District head Quarters. 3. U. Arabi - Conclude in her article that Given growth and employment potential of Small Scale unit , there is need to increase the credit availabilities this sector at reasonable cost. Banking institution must improve their credit assessment capabilities with regard to Small Scale enterprises. So that they can distinguish adequately between good and bad credit. 4. BL Chandak has rightly pointed out that in his article (SSI Financing: An over view) that is “the success of the economy especially in industrial sector can be better ensured through a confident , reliable and efficient financial system. He also conclude that financial weakness facing large part of the rank and file the business is masked by high visibility of note worthy performance of a selected band of corporate and few industries . However they cannot compensate the loss of employment and production in general and SSI Sector spur in retail credit without commensurate flow of credit and investment in industries may not have large term sustainability. 5. Manokaran sharma in his article (Financing of SME s –emerging issues and key strategies) he has Rightly pointed out that Bank and financial institutions provide a range of modalities and term for loans aimed at improving development performance for loan aimed at improving development and performance of SSI, and also he pointed out in his article that the preoccupations with the intrinsic health of Banking system by restrictive credit. Moreover he pointed out in his article conclusion that “SIDBI has also been granted permission for extending comprehensive finance and service to Mses covering both fund and non fund based facilities extended integrated service to MSEs continue in the next age. Objectives of the study 1. To study total loan offered by foreign bank to Indian MSME 2. To study loan offered to MSME by top ten foreign bank 3. To study the priority sector lading offered by foreign bank 4. To study Export credit offered by foreign bank to MSME. Scope of study The percent study is related to Loan or credit offered to Micro , Small and Medium Enterprise by foreign bank , which consist thirty six bank in India according to 2011 RBI Report . This study focus on all Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise which located in India Methodology The present study is a descriptive research work. This study based on secondary data. The secondary data collected from various secondary sources such as MSME annual report, RBI Annul report, and southern economic, Indian journal of marketing etc. simple percentage are used to Data Description Outstanding Bank credit to MSME Table-1 The following table revel year wise foreign bank credit to Indian MSME ( Amount in crore) Year Foreign bank Credit Annual increase % of Annual increase 2005 6907 2006 8430 1523 22.050 2007 11637 3207 38.043 2008 15489 3885 25.082 2009 18063 2574 14.250 2010 21080 3017 16.703 2011 21,461 381 1.816 Source: Reserve Bank of India. --- As per data given in Table 1. It has showed foreign bank credit, annual increase foreign bank credit, and percentage change in annual increase in foreign bank credit India. The table 1 it has showed the foreign bank offered Loan to MSME in India. As per the regard the foreign bank Granted 6907 crore in the year 2005. In the year 2006 the foreign Bank credit Increased 1523 crore than previous year .i.e. 8430 crore. In the year 2007 it increased 38.043 % in previous year. in the year 2008 it increased 3885 crore more than the year 2007. In an average the Foreign Bank credit increased 14.250 % in year 2009. In the year 2010 it grant 21080 crore to MSME. It record 21461 crore in the year 2011. It increased1.816% than previous year, .i.e. 381 crore. While analysing the table it indicate that the foreign Bank credit increased over the year, but is there is no constant growth in previous year. In an average it grant in last seven year. 14723.86 crore The top ten foreign banks which provide credit to MSME Table-2 The following table revel year wise foreign bank credit to Indian MSME ( SL NAME OF NO BANK 1 Standard charted bank Amount in crore) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL 3022 3285.40 3565 4163 4476 18511.40 2 Citi Bank 2408 3483.39 3994 4428 4174 18487.39 3 HSBC 1506 3105.59 3461 3430 2994 14496.59 4 ABN Amro Bank 1853 2422.61 2341 -- -- 6616.61 5 Barklays bank 11 367.11 1004 2168 2005 5555.11 6 Dutshe Bank 494 587.61 1051 954 1664 4750.61 7 The Rayal bank -- -- -- 1965 2070 4035 8 BNP Paribas 266 454.21 670 935 738 3063.21 9 DBS Bank 267 304.53 422 625 687 2305.53 247 304.16 351 416 509 1827.16 10 Bank of Nava Scotia Source: RBI Annual report As per data given in table -2 It has show foreign Bank Credit to Indian MSME. The table consists five year from the 2007 to 2011. As per the table the Standard charted Bank granted huge amount of loan to MSME. i.e. 18511.40 Crore in the last five years. In an average the standard charted Bank offered 3702.2. As per the record the standard charted Bank Grant 3022 crore in the year 2007. In the year 2008 the standard charted Bank grant 8.72 % greater than previous year i.e. 3285.40 crore. In overall it increased 48.11% over the year i.e. 1455 crore. It is indicate that the credit rate standard charted Bank is increased constantly. In an average the Citi Bank offered analysis It offered 3697.48 crore in the last five year, i.e. 2007 to 2011. In overall 18487.39 crore in last five year. The standard charted Bank offer 24.01 crore more than Citi bank. The HSBC Bank offer year. In an average it offered 144961.39 crore to MSME in the Last five 28992.32 crore. The citi Bank 126474.2 Crore more than Citi Bank. The ABN Amro Bank it offered 6616.61 crore in first three years i.e. 2007 to 2009. In an average for last five year it grand only 1323.32 crore. The ABN Amro bank not offers any loan to MSME in the year 2010 and 2011. Barklays bank Offer it grant 5555.11 crore. In an average 1111.02 crore. While analysing the table the Barklays Bank offer 11 crore in the year 2007. Following that it offer 304.16 crore in the year 2008. In the year 2010 it Grant 2168 loan to MSME. It is 197.09th time greater than the year 2007. Dutshe Bank Grant 4750.61 crore in the last five year .i.e. from the year 2007 to 2011 . In overall credit the Dutshe Bank contribute 2.31. %. In overall credit to MSME. The Rayal Bank grant 7156.61 % less than the Dutshe Bank. In overall credit it contributes 1.97 % in last five year. BNP Paribas grant 3063.21 crore in last five year. In an average it contributes an the DBS Bank offered 612.64 crore in last five year. In 461.11 crore in last five year, and also it contribute 1.12 % in overall credit. Bank of Nava Scotia contribute less than one percentage .i.e.0.890% . in an average it contribute 365.43 crore in last five year. Export credit offered by foreign bank to MSME Basically A financial institution or agency that provides trade financing to domestic companies for their international activities. Export credit agencies (ECAs) provide financing services such as guarantees, loans and insurance to these companies in order to promote exports in the domestic country. The primary objective of ECAs is to remove the risk and uncertainty of payments to exporters when exporting outside their country. The following table revel the top ten foreign bank which are provide export credit to Indian MSME. Table-3 The following table revel year wise foreign bank export credit to Indian MSME ( Amount in crore) SL NAME OF Foreign NO bank 1 City bank Standard 2 charted bank 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 4426 6732.44 6534 68855 7406 31953.44 3891 4267.84 5439 6927 8097 28621.84 3 HSBCLtd 2780 4595.98 5131 5361 6810 24677.98 4 ABN Amro bank 5058 5917.07 5062 -- -- 16037.07 5 Deutche Bank 1114 1616.98 5131 5361 6810 10170.98 -- -- -- 4876 3709 8585 The Royal bank of 6 Scotland 7 Bank of nova scotla 877 1461.94 1536 1334 2220 7428.94 8 DBS 209 767.07 660 1131 3103 5870.07 9 Barclays bank 20 437.46 953 1364 1600 4374.46 596 883 784 987 1088 4338 Bank of America 10 national As per data given in table -3 It has show foreign Bank Credit to Indian Priority sector. The table consists five year from the 2007 to 2011. As per the table the Citi Bank granted huge amount of loan to Indian export .i.e. 31953.44 Crore in the last five years. In an average the Citi Bank In an average the Citi Bank offered 6390.69 Crore. In the year 2008 the standard charted Bank grant 52.11 % of loan greater than previous year i.e. 67.33% over the year i.e. 2303.44 crore. In overall it increased 2980 crore. It is indicate that the credit rate Citi Bank is increased constantly. In an average the Standard charted bank offered year, i.e. 2007 to 2011. In overall analysis It offered standard charted Bank offer 5724.368 crore in the last five 28621.84 crore in last five year. The 3331.6 crore less than Citi bank. The HSBC Bank offer 24677.98 crore to MSME in the Last five year. In an average it offered 4935.60 crore. The Standard charted bank granted 3943.86 Crore more than HSBC.The HSBC Bank offer 24677.98 crore to MSME in the Last five year. In an average it offered 4935.596 crore.. The ABN Amro Bank it offered 16037.07crore in first three years i.e. 2007 to 2009. In an average for last five year it grand only 3207.41 crore. The ABN Amro bank not offers any loan to MSME in the year 2010 and 2011. Deutche Bank Offer 10170.98 crore. In an average it grant While analysing the table the Deutche Bank offer 2034.20 crore. 1114 crore in the year 2007. Following that it offer 1616.98 crore in the year 2008. In the year 2011 it Grant 6810 loan to MSME. It is 6.11th time greater than the year 2007. Total Priority sector advance offered by foreign bank The Government of India through the instrument of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mandates certain type of lending on the Banks operating in India irrespective of their origin. RBI sets targets in terms of percentage (of total money lent by the Banks) to be lent to certain sectors, which in RBI's perception would not have had access to organized lending market or could not afford to pay the interest at the commercial rate. This type of lending is called Priority Sector Lending. Financing of Small Scale Industry, Small business, Agricultural Activities and Export activities fall under this category. This is also called directed credit in Indian Banking system Financing Priority Sector in the economy is not strictly on commercial basis as not only the general approach is liberal but also the rate of interest charged on such loans is less. Export finance is, in fact, available at a discount of 20% or more on the normal rate of interest to Indian corporates. Part of the cost of this concession is borne by RBI by means of refinancing such loans at concessional rate. Indian Banks, therefore, contribute towards economic development of the country by subsidizing the business activities undertaken by entrepreneurs in the areas which are consider "priority sector" by RBI. Table -4 The following table revel year wise priority sector advance to Indian MSME ( Amount in crore) SL NAME OF BANK NO 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL 1 City bank 8786 11770.60 12678 13298 13246 59778.60 2 Standard Charted bank 9055 10044.60 11359 12868 14188 57514.60 3 HSBC Ltd 5880 9346.94 10077 9722 10463 45488.94 4 ABN Amro bank 6121 7645.07 6688 -- -- 20454.07 5 Deutsche bank 1632 2240.68 3108 3325 4828 15133.68 6 The royal bank of Scotland -- -- -- 6111 4792 10903 7 Barkles bank 30 1225.12 2555 3477 3043 10330.12 8 Bank of Nova scotla 1225 1934.95 1824 1508 2729 9220.95 9 DBS 476 1072.60 1084 1824 3790 8246.6 10 Bank of America national 943 1178 1119 1317 1518 6075 Source: RBI Annual report As per data given in table -4 It has Priority sector to Indian MSME. The table consists five year from the 2007 to 2011. As per the table the Citi Bank granted huge amount of loan to Indian Priority sector. i.e. 59778.60 Crore in the last five years. As per the record the Citi Bank offered 8786 crore in 2007. In the next year it increased 33.97 %in the year 2008..i.e.2984.60 crore. Over the year it increased 2984.60 crore to 4460 crore in the year 2011. In an average it Grant 11955.72 crore over the year. The city bank contribute 18.81 % in total priority sector . Standard Charted bank offered 2264 crore less than citi Bank in overall year i.e. 57514.60 crore. It contribute 18.12 % in overall priority sector lending. HSBC Ltd Bank Grant 45488.94 crore to Priority sector . HSBC Ltd Bank offered 12025.66 crore less than Standard Charted bank . The ABN Amro Bank offered 20454.07 only first three years i.e. .from 2007 to 209 . In an average of it Granted 4090.814 crore in last five years . It contributes 6.44% in overall priority sector lending at last five years. Deutsche Bank offered 4230.68 crore greater than The royal bank of Scotland in priority sector Lending. In an average it contribute 3026.736 crore. Barkles bank Grant 30 crore in the year 2007. In the year 2008 it grant more than 1195.12 crore than previous year. I.e. 1225.12 crore. While analysing the table it indicted that loan Granted by Barkles bank to MSME increased constantly, and also it contribute 3.25 % in overall industrial credit. In an average the DSB bank offer 16493.2 crore in last five year. It contributes 2.60 % in overall credit. The Bank of America national granted less than 2272 crore than DBS Bank. Conclusion The finance is the life blood of business. The adequate finance is need to MSMEs for setting up an industrial unit, providing infrastructure placing advertisements, marketing of their product. The Business will run only the timely availability of adequate money at a right time. To raise the adequate money most of Indian MSME depend on various financial institutions such as Indian Banks as well as foreign banks. In India foreign Bank play very important role in Indian industry especially in MSME. There are thirty six Bank exist in India in the year 2010-11. They offered huge amount of loan not only Indian MSME, but also Export Credit and priority sector. Though it offered huge a amount of loan to MSME, there is no constant Growth in year wise year credit due to fluctuations in no banks. Reference 1. S. Krishnamuthy P.Alagarsamy Southarn economist (ISSN 0038-4046) 5th year Publication Volume 45 Number 1 march 1 2006. 2. K.Kamalakannan N.Namasivayam Southarn economist (ISSN 0038-4046) 5th year Publication Volume 45 Number 1 march 1 2006. 3.U. Arabi Journal of Social and Management studies (ISSN 0970-8448) Volume XXXV NO 3- October- December 2006 4. BL ChandakVOl.XXV. NO.4 Jannuary –March 2005 (ISSN 0970-8456)Vinimaya 5.Manokaran sharmaFinancing of SMEs – Emerging issues and key strategies. Bank quest- volume 76 No 4 October- December 2005