Uploaded by Jane Kresnadi

Indonesia & Malaysia GDP Shares Analysis

First thing to note, Indonesia’s share of GDP timeline starts in 1960; whereas,
Malaysia’s starts in 1955. The share of household consumption for both Indonesia
and Malaysia are significantly higher than the other categories. The difference is that
Malaysia’s trend line is slowly decreasing, and Indonesia has a pretty big peak from
1960-1970 and 1994-2012 with a long trough in between. Another key difference,
Malaysia seems to slowly reach an evening of the ratio of percentages; whereas,
Indonesia’s shares seem to remain at their original percentages (with the exception of
both switching the amount of shares in gross capital formation and net exports). The
share of gross capital formation is slowly increasing, and the share of net exports is
decreasing. Looking at the share of government consumption, Malaysia’s trend line is
relatively flat. Indonesia’s trend however shows a slight peak from 1978-2000.