Uploaded by Anwar Hossen

Object Permissions & File Access Control

Object permissions and file-based access control
File-Based Access Control :
Unix treats everything as a file.
Permissions on files are critical.
Hierarchical file system structure.
User-Group-Others Model (ugo):
Assigns privileges based on 3 categories
User: file owner's privileges.
Group: shared access for user groups.
Others: permissions for all other users.
Figure: Symbolic display of file permissions.
ACL Alternatives :
Advantage :
● powerful and offer fine-grained precision
Disadvantages :
● Consuming memory and search time
● may need frequent updates
META Data and File Permission:
A commonly used such data structure contains the following
protection-related fields:
1) user: indicating the userid (UID) of the file owner.
2) group: indicating the groupid (GID) of the file.
3) 9 bits: 3 protection bits for each of (user, group, others)
● R (read): the file content may be read.
● W (write): an existing file’s content may be modified.
● X (execute): a binary file may be run.
4) 3 bits: special protection bits setuid, setgid, t-bit.
Limitations of ugo Model:
● Limited expressiveness.
● Bit-operations on 3 categories only.