virtual book exhibition E-BOOKS ON PEDIATRICS KSMU Digital Library "Medicus" Учебное пособие для подготовки к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работы по педиатрии для студентов иностранного факультета на английском языке = Tutorial in pediatrics for the English speaking students of the foreign medical faculty : учебное пособие / И. Г. Хмелевская, М. М. Гурова, Н. С. Разинькова, И. Г. Метелева ; Курский гос. мед. ун-т. Курск : Изд-во КГМУ, 2010. - 102 с. : ил. – FULL TEXT Учебное пособие для самоподготовки к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работы по детским инфекциям для студентов иностранного факультета на английском языке = Tutorial in children's infections for the English speaking students of the foreign medical faculty / И. Г. Хмелевская, Л. Ю. Зайцева, М. М. Гурова, В. Г. Бречка ; Курский гос. мед. ун-т. - Курск : Изд-во КГМУ, 2010. - 103 с. : ил. – FULL TEXT Методические рекомендации для самоподготовки к практическим занятиям по педиатрии для студентов иностранного факультета на английском языке = Learning instructions in pediatrics for the english speaking students of the foreign medical faculty : [на англ. яз.] / И. Г. Хмелевская, М. М. Гурова, В. А. Афанасьев, И. Г. Метелева ; Курский гос. мед. ун-т, каф. детских болезней. - Курск : Изд-во КГМУ, 2004. - 40 с. – FULL TEXT Student's Consultant [Russia] Database «Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English» Pediatric diseases : textbook / ed. by R. R. Kildiyarova. – Moscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2022. - 752 с. FULL TEXT Annotation: The textbook reflects the current level of knowledge on the most common childhood diseases. The book clearly and easy-to-follow sets out all sections of pediatrics: history of pediatrics, propedeutics of childhood diseases, neonatology and pathology of early childhood, allergology and pulmonology, cardiology and rheumatology, gastroenterology and hepatology, nephrology, hematology and immunology, endocrinology, children infectious diseases, as well as emergency pediatrics. The textbook is written in accordance with the program of the discipline “Pediatrics”, it is distinguished by systematization, clarity, the possibility of independent study of the material and further self-control. Designed for students studying in educational institutions of higher and secondary medical education, as well as students of additional professional education. eBook Clinical Collection (EBSCOhost) Esland, Joe. Paediatrics: A clinical handbook : textbook in 2 vol. Vol. 1 / Joe Esland, Anouska lerner, Arif Khan. – Banbury : Scion publishing, 2019. FULL TEXT Annotation: Paediatrics: a clinical handbook provides all the essential information required for a successful paediatrics rotation. Written by two recently qualified junior doctors and a consultant paediatrician, the book offers an exam-centred, reader-friendly style backed up with concise clinical guidance. Building on the success of the other ‘Clinical Handbook'titles (Rheumatology and Psychiatry), Paediatrics: a clinical handbook provides reader-friendly coverage of the subject in an attractive fullcolour design. To help the reader get to grips with the subject quickly and easily, the book features a wide variety of learning aids including mnemonics, numerous clinical photos, OSCE tips, red flag boxes and rapid diagnosis boxes. Paediatrics: a clinical handbook is ideal for medical students and junior doctors; like the other books in the series it will also appeal to medics who want a quick refresher of the subject. Self-assessment tests, in the form of 20 Short Answer questions and 40 Single Best Answer Questions, are available at: Mancini, Anthony J. Pediatric Dermatology : A Quick Reference Guide / Anthony J. Mancini, Daniel P. Krowchuk. – 4th ed. - Itasca, IL : American Academy of Pediatrics, 2021. – FULL TEXT Annotation: Significantly updated and revised, this best-selling quick reference provides practical and concise guidance on the recognition and treatment of more than 100 pediatric and adolescent skin conditions. Includes more than 300 full color images that aid in accurate visual diagnosis. Coverage spans everything from dermatitis and acne to infections, pigmentation disorders, hair disorders, neonatal and infant conditions, drug eruptions, and much more. Key Features Nine new chapters Cercarial Dermatitis Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris (PRP)Pilomatricoma Spitz Nevus Ectodermal Dysplasia Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis StevensJohnson Syndrome (SJS) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae-Induced Rash and Mucositis Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis (CARP)Hyperhidrosis 35+ new color images to aid in accurate visual diagnosis Must-have information on each condition is presented in the precise sequence in which you need it in the clinical setting: Etiology/epidemiology Symptoms and signs How to make the diagnosis Treatment Prognosis Referral considerations Resources for families Content highlights: Approach to the patient with a rash Diagnostic Techniques Therapeutics Dermatitis Acne Localized Viral Infections Systemic Viral Infections Localized Bacterial Infections Systemic Bacterial, Rickettsial, or Spirochetal Infections with Skin Manifestations Fungal and Yeast Infections Infestations & Bites Papu losquamous Diseases Vascular Lesions Hypopigmentation Hyperpigmentation Lumps and Bumps Bullous Diseases Genodermatoses Hair Disorders Skin Disorders in Neonates/Infants Acute Drug/Toxic Reactions Cutaneous Manifestations of Rheumatologic Diseases Nutritional Dermatoses Other Disorders Berkowitz, Carol D. Berkowitz’s Pediatrics : Instructor’s Guide / Carol D. Berkowitz. – Itasca, IL : American Academy of Pediatrics, 2020. – FULL TEXT Annotation: This new resource was created as a companion to Berkowitz's Pediatrics: A Primary Care Approach, 6th edition. It contains the case study questions and resolutions found in each of the 157 chapters of the main text as well as answers to the case study questions. Berkowitz, Carol D. Berkowitz’s Pediatrics : A Primary Care Approach / Carol D. Berkowitz. - 6th ed. - Itasca, IL : American Academy of Pediatrics, 2020. – FULL TEXT Annotation: The reference of choice for pediatricians, residents and medical students, the newly revised and expanded 6th edition provides clear, practice-oriented guidance on the core knowledge in pediatrics. Edited by a leading primary care authority with more than one hundred contributors, the 6th edition provides comprehensive coverage of hundreds of topics ranging from temper tantrums and toilet training to adolescent depression and suicide. More than 155 (including 5 brand new) clinical chapters review pertinent epidemiology and pathophysiology, then give concise guidelines on what symptoms to look for, what alternative diagnoses to consider, what tests to order, and how to treat your patient. New in the 6th edition All chapters have been reviewed and updated to address current issues. Five new chapters are included on the following: Health Systems Science Population Health for Pediatricians Social Determinants of Health: Principles Adverse Childhood Experiences: Trauma Informed Care Commercially Exploited Children and Human Trafficking Student worksheets corresponding to each chapter's case study questions will be posted online in a user-friendly format so that they can be completed in preparation of discussions. Case study questions have been enhanced and resources have been revised. This edition is completely reorganized into 15 sections using a systemsbased approach Nelson, Maureen R. Pediatrics / Maureen R. Nelson. – New York : Demos Medical, 2011. – FULL TEXT Annotation: Pediatrics: Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference presents 111 alphabetically arranged topics covering all major concerns in pediatric rehabilitation. Organized in three sections, the first part reviews diagnostic considerations and testing while the final section highlights special considerations such as aging with pediatric-onset disability and polytrauma. The bulk of the book catalogs the diverse diseases, injuries, complications and other problems commonly seen by practitioners who work to restore function to children with disabilities and offers a quick reference guide to providing high-quality clinical care. Every entry is standardized for quick look-up in the office or clinic, and features description, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, natural history, diagnosis, red flags, treatment, prognosis, helpful hints and suggested readings. Edited by Ralph Buschbacher, MD, the Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference series is designed for the busy practitioner. The texts provide quick answers when diagnosing and treating common or more complex rehabilitation issues. All volumes in the series present the listed conditions in a read at-a-glance format with consistent headings for easy access to key information. Every entry is standardized for quick look-up in the office or clinic, and features description, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, natural history, diagnosis, red flags, treatment, prognosis, helpful hints, and suggested readings. All Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Referencetitles offer: Consistent Approach and Organization: at-a-glance outline format allows readers to find the facts quickly Concise Coverage: of mustknow information broken down into easy-to-locate topics Fast Answers to Clinical Questions: diagnostic and management criteria for problems commonly encountered in daily practice Hands-on Practical Guidance: for all types of interventions and therapies Multi-Specialty Perspective: ensures that issues of relevance to all rehabilitation team members are addressed Succinct Pediatrics: Evaluation and Management for Newborn, Genetic, Neurologic, and DevelopmentalBehavioral Disorders / Leonard G. Feld [et. al.]. - Elk Grove Village, IL : American Academy of Pediatrics, 2018. – (Succinct Pediatrics, book 3). – FULL TEXT Annotation: Obtain evidence-based information to make timely and accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions. Continuing with this volume, Succinct Pediatrics is an ongoing series covering the entire scope of pediatric medicine. Each volume includes concise chapters with key features and invaluable tables and algorithms—resources health care professionals can use to deliver the highest quality of care. This third volume features 41 topics with key points and detailed therapies in neonatology, genetic and metabolic disorders, neurology, and developmental and behavioral disorders. Evidence-based levels of decision support are also provided throughout the book to provide insight into diagnostic tests and treatment modalities. Topics include Apnea of Prematurity Birth Injuries Respiratory Distress Syndrome Down Syndrome and Turner Syndrome Ataxia and Movement Disorders Cerebral Palsy Febrile Seizures Hydrocephalus Autism Spectrum Disorders Behavior Patterns in Infancy and Preschool Congenital Heart Disease Sudden Unexpected Infant Death And more… The Library of KSMU, the department of foreign literature September, 2022