Uploaded by Owen Miel

Make a PBJ

Owen Miele
PBJ Revision
In this algorithm, the instructions are written for a robot. Below, the images show the layout of the ingredients prior to beginning. Since it is
hard to program a robot to open the bread bag, the bread is already laid out. This robot is not capable of going to the grocery store to buy ingredients
so a human has collected them and placed them accordingly. Each item has a spacing of 1 inch. The robot should start by picking up the bread. It will
then open the jelly/peanut butter and apply it to the bread. In the end, the robot will place the second slice of bread on top to complete the sandwich.
Pick Up First Slice and Put on Plate
- Use Right hand and move it 2 inches left
- Right hand grip
-Right hand move up 6 inches
-Right Hand Move 3 inches Right
-Right hand down 6 inches
-Right hand ungrip
Open Peanut Butter
-Right hand Move left 1 inch
-Right hand move up 6 inches
-Right hand grip
-Left hand turn 90 degrees left
-left hand grip
-Right hand rotate 360 degrees
-Right hand move up 1 inch
-Right hand move back 1 inch
-Right hand ungrip
Spread Peanut Butter
-Right hand move right 2 inches
-Right hand move down 7 inches
-Right hand move forward 1 inch
-Right hand grip
-Right hand move left 2 inches
-Right hand move up 10 inches
-Right hand turn 90 degrees
-Right hand move down 8 inches
-Right hand move up 8 inches
-Right hand turn -90 degrees
-Left hand ungrip
-Left hand move right 1 inch
-Left hand Grip
-Right hand Move right 1 inch
-Right hand move down 10 inches
-Right hand move left .5 inches
-Right hand move right 1 inch
-Right hand move left .5 inch
-Right hand move right 1 inch
-Right hand ungrip
Open Jelly
-Right hand Move left 3 inch
-Right hand move up 6 inches
-Right hand grip
-Left hand ungrip
-Left hand move left 3 inches
-Left hand turn 90 degrees left
-left hand grip
-Right hand rotate 360 degrees
-Right hand move up 1 inch
-Right hand move back 1 inch
-Right hand ungrip
Spread Jelly
-Right hand move right 3 inches
-Right hand move down 7 inches
-Right hand move forward 1 inch
-Right hand grip
-Right hand move left 3 inches
-Right hand move up 10 inches
-Right hand turn 90 degrees
-Right hand move down 8 inches
-Right hand move up 8 inches
-Right hand turn -90 degrees
-Left hand ungrip
-Left hand move right 2 inches
-Left hand Grip
-Right hand Move right 2 inches
-Right hand move down 10 inches
-Right hand move left .5 inches
-Right hand move right 1 inch
-Right hand move left .5 inch
-Right hand move right 1 inch
-Right hand ungrip
-Left hand Ungrip
Put Final Slice of Bread on Top
-Left hand Move left 3 inches
-Left hand grip
-Left hand move up 1 inch
-Left hand move right 3 inches
-Left hand ungrip