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Hollow Worlds & Anunnaki: Anton Parks Interview

Revue Top Secret, été 2006
Top Secret review, summer 2006
The Hollow Worlds and the Annunaki
An Anton Parks exclusive interview
Anton Parks, the author of « The Secret of the Dark Stars » (first volume of « The Gírkù Chronicles »,
published by Éditions Nenki) on the Anunnaki and the most enigmatic part of our planet past,
express his vision about the Hollow Worlds and therefore the Hollow Earth : he draws some of his
knowledge in the Sumerian texts and in the "myths" of antediluvian civilizations.
An interview that plunge us deep into the depths and in Earth’s caverns, where strange creatures
may reside.
An interview by Karma One for Top Secret magazine – Hors Série Number 1 – summer 2006
Thanks to Karmaone who kindly prepared us this interview. A remarkable way to treat the "Hollow
Earth’s folder" by following other traces and possibilities.
Roch Saüquere, publishing director and editor of Top Secret’s magazine.
Top Secret: The Hollow Earth’s theme is certainly not a modern concept that might have been put in
evidence by researchers of 19th century, or by authors like Jules Verne.
It seems that the Sumerian civilization evoked this conception by the name of Abzu (Apsu in
Akkadien language). What are these Hollow World’s, what does it look like?
Anton Parks: In Mesopotamian mythology, the Abzu represents the water abyss situated under the
Earth’s crust. This gigantic mass river irrigates not only the Tigris, the Euphrates, but also all the
waters in Earth. There are many differents myths that reinforce this conception. I think that we may
be able to talk about it a little further.
There is in the Akkadian literature an explicit passage that clearly evokes the Abzu as an
extraordinary place outwards the man’s world. We can find this passage in tablet 11 of Niniveh’s
version of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
The "god" Ea (Enki), Lord of Apsu (Abzu) warns Ut-napishtim (the Babylonian Noah) about a
cataclysm who has been decided by the High Council of the "gods" that will cover the entire Earth
and will leave no survivors. Ea-Enki reveals to Ut-napishtim the way to create an unsinkable boat
which will allow him to navigate the sea and escape the flood. Then, the underground world’s master
recommends to Ut-napishtim to tell people who would find suspect his futur departure : "[Tell
them]: "I am affraid that Enlíl [Editor’s note: Enlíl is the opponent of Ea-Enki] took me in hatred. I
shall not stay no longer in your city, I will not set foot on Enlíl’s territory, but I will go down to the
Apsu to stay with my Lord Ea““. This strange advice can only be correctly translated if we consider
the Apsu as being the underground world where Ea-Enki remains and where Ut-napishtim will find
refuge with his ship. It’s not indicated on the tablet, but we can easily imagine that the Lord of abyss
advises Ut-napishtim on how to join him in his underworld by one of the planet’s poles entrances.
Enki-Ea would never informed Ut-napishtim to find him on land from above while a "diluvian
hurricane crushed the Earth during 6 days and 7 nights“ according to the terms of the same Akkadian
text. The violence of this deluge is all the more evident as it is further said that "the Anunnaki lifted
up ther "torches" of their divine brigthness which ablaze the Earth… the gods were frightened by the
deluge, they retreated by ascending to the heaven of Anu“. The torches are of course the inflamed
vessels of the "gods" that allowed them to rise and to leave the Earth to join the "god" An(u) in the
sky. It is also from the sky that the "gods" take knowledge of the damages on the Earth’s surface.
Meanwhile, Enki-Ea who was not part of the trip, was quietly away in his Apsu with his family and Utnapishtim !
This small detail says a lot about how the Earth was divided between the "gods". No Anunna(ki) was
allowed to set foot in Enki’s Abzu, otherwise they would not have flown to reach the heaven of Anu,
they would have simply went underground with the Lord of abyss…
When the Sumerian word AB-ZU is decomposed, we get "the hole of knowledge" or "the retreat of
Those definitions are consistent with the fact that Enki-Ea was considered to be apart, because he
possessed a particular knowledge from his mother Nammu, the great Gina’abul ("lizard" in
Sumerian=name of the family to which belong the Anunnaki) geneticist.
Top Secret: In your book « The Secret of the Dark Stars » (published by Éditions Nenki), a certain
class of Anunnaki lives there. Can you explain us briefly who are the Anunnaki and why does this
caste lies in the Hollow Worlds ?
Anton Parks: At the beginning of the Chronicles that I relate, it is not the Anunna but an affiliated
race to them called Šutum, who usually used to occupy the Hollow Worlds.
The Šutum were a working-class under the orders of the dominant caste, the Ušumgal (Great
Dragons) who are the masters of the great Bear constellation (Ursa Major). Abzu-Abba was the king
of the Ušumgal, and actually he lived underground in the Abzu. This distinguished king possessed all
the Abzu of the Gina’abul (Editor’s note: generic name of the reptilian races) colonies. Abzu was the
ordinary term used by Gina’abul to name all the planetary cavities.
King Abzu-Abba was eliminated and dispossessed of all his possessions by Enki, the son of "god" An,
because he had discovered the real reason that prompted Ušumgal to clone Anunna warriors. After
that and to keep secret the number of cloned Anunna, unbeknownst to Enki, An and his accomplices
hid a large part of Anunna clones in the depths of the Hollow Worlds.
For some reasons that are too long to describe here and explained in "The Secret of the Dark Stars“,
a war erupt within the Gina’abul family, which resulted in the arrival of the Anunna in our solar
To simplify, we can say that after their arrival, Enki and his mother Nammu inherited the Abzu (the
underworld) of Uraš (the Earth).
Therefore, those who settled down in Earth’s Abzu were under the exclusive responsability of
Nammu and her son. It was in this specific place that Mammítu-Nammu and Enki created mankind.
The same facts are clearly reported in numerous mythologies. Mesopotamian texts accurately testify
that Enki and his mother Nammu were two illustrious geneticists who lived and worked in the Abzu.
To complete on the Annuna and Enki, the master of the underworld, I shall add that the son of
Nammu benefited from a unique and special position in the Gina’abul-Anunna kingdom. Due to his
mother Mamítu-Nammu, he enjoyed a kind of erudition that the Anunna didn’t have. Enki had
special rights that allowed him both to advise Enlíl’s Anunna(ki), but also to lead them occasionally. In
the eyes of all the Anunna, Enki was considered to be apart, he detained a knowledge which was
totally unknown to them. Precisely the knowledge of the priestesses who supported the master of
abyss. This peculiar situation gave Enki numerous privileges that even Enlíl, the undisputed master of
the Anunna(ki), did not have.
Top Secret: The Catholic religion – especially when we see some of the paintings of Jérôme Bosch or
those "scary" catechism’s illustrations from the early 20th century – traditionally made reference to
the fact that hell is located in the underworld, populated by demoniac creatures, reptilian and having
a connection with fire. Can we say that those traditions came from a Sumerian knowledge of these
worlds ?
Anton Parks: The abyss refers to the notion of the strange, to something impenetrable and some sort
of apprehension.
But we make often the amalgam between the inside of the Earth (the Hollow Earth=Abzu) and the
caves that are located under the Earth’s crust or under the mountains. This may seems insignificant
but makes complete sense when we refer tot he Gina’abul’s universe that we can partially find in the
Sumerian legends.
The Abzu from Mesopotamian mythology is generally a quite place, inhabited by affable creatures
with multiple forms, indeed, but working for humanity.
Among the Nungal (or Igigi) entities that were cloned by Enki, we can find aquatic beings called Abgal
(Apkallû in Akkadian language), Enkû priests, the Namlú’u (survivors of the primordial humanity), or
even the female Amam’argi (lit. "Brigth mother who restaures")… All those individuals live in perfect
harmony within the Hollow Earth that can be assimilated to Earth’s paradise. This world is in
opposition to the world of caves where some Anunnaki survivors took refuge, as like some Kingú
(Royal Gina’abul) and also the Mìmínu ("grays") who serve the dominant Gina’abul caste. This
universe is actually the one that we find in Judeo-Christian literature that evokes the underworld
hell, populated by dragons and sinister and threatening serpents.
Top Secret: It is also mentioned in your book the fact that all the planets (even the moons) are
hollow. Is it the nature of a planet to be hollow ?
Anton Parks: I am not a scientific, my speciality is rather the human past. But, indeed, my knowledge
in this subject, allows me to say assuredly that all the planets are hollow and for the most they are
able to support life such as we experience it in our third dimension ou frequency. We have made a
big folder about this subject on my website. At the time, Roch Saüquere had had the extreme
kindness to authorise us to use the magnificent photography he found when he meticulously inspect
the STS 75 mission archives. Since then, the photo is known throughout world. Your magazine as
also dedicated a beautiful folder on this subject in 2002. Beyond the myths and in the light of NASA’s
pictures circulating on the Internet, this reality is no longer questionable !
Top Secret: Let’s talk about mythology. Do we find references to Hollow Worlds in Egyptian, Tibetan
and South-American cultures, or is it a concept confined on Sumerian culture ?
Anton Parks: The references to Hollow Worlds are global and we can find them in many myths that a
priori have nothing do to with each others.
The Hopŝ Indians of Arizona, North America, claim that they have been created in the underworld by
the Great Spirit Masaw, the Creator of the human race and the underworld gardian. Masaw is a
"double" of the Sumerian "god" Enki-Ea.
The Mawari and the Adima from Africa tell that the first Africans had been created in the depths of
the Earth. They were gathered in the center of the Earth when they decided to scatter to join the
surface. But to reach the places indicated to each one of them by the gods, they had to cross a large
river and purify themselves in its waters.
In Central America, the Nahuas, descendants of the Aztec, tell that the masters of the Earth live in an
underground kingdom that which supports the world. They call this place the Tlalocan. The Tlalocan
is a huge cave composed by mountains, rivers and where we can find in its eastern part an aquatic
place, where all the world’s waters meet. It is precisely in this place where lives the Mother-Goddess
"who is at the same time the embryo and the multiple being of all midwives". This vision is in
accordance with the Sumerian concept of the Abzu, the place where Enki-Ea created mankind with
his mother Nammu, who was also considered as the Mother-Goddess.
In Australia, the aborigines of Arnhem Land claim that "the All-Mother" arrived in the North of the
continent in the shape of a snake, and gave birth to the first Australians. After that, she returned to
her home, inside the Earth.
There is also this legend that is told by the Tabetu (Africa) of a man who founds himself lost in the
depths of a cave and walked for a very long time under the ground. He eventually founds one
opening and was saved. He then founds himself in a totally unknown country. He was warmly
welcomed by the natives and all the women wanted to marry him. He lived ther without knowing
where his family was.
In Ireland, the inside Earth’s natives are the Tuatha De Dannan. They are charged by the goddess
Dana to annihilate the giants who infest Ireland.
There is also this rabbinic legend who says that after being expelled from paradise, Adam wanted to
return. He began to seek for one of its doors in the mountain and eventually founds one, but the
door was definitively closed.
This same theme is found in one the episodes of Gilgamesh, where the hero has to go through a
mountain to reach "god‘s" world…
As you can see, there is an incalculable number of myths who speak about this subject. There would
be enough to write several volumes !
Top Secret: Some authors, as Joscelyn Godwin (Arktos, Adventure Unlimited Press) had made the
synthesis of others researchers works in the 19th century on internal continents that line Earth’s
inner face. We’re talking about Agatha continents and the city of Shambala, which is connected to
Tibet. What’s under the cover ?
Anton Parks: Agartha is supposed to be located in the center of the Earth. The blessed ones go there,
where the light is celestial. This is at least what emerges from Tibetan legends, and this concept is
consistent with most of the myths that we have just pointed out above.
It is generally accepted that Agartha was not located under the ground and was situated in the Gobi
desert nearly 6000 years ago. Its capital was established where the ruins of Khara Khota raises today.
An important detail, this implies that the term "Agartha" does not include the complete notion of
Hollow Earth. Occult traditions from Tibet explain that there was an horrifying war in the Gobi
Desert, home of the Uighurs, an advanced civilization, and that this nuclear war destroyed everything
in its way. The nuclear war sentenced the kingdom of Agartha to hide under the ground. The word
AGA-AR-THA ("Great spirit pure and total") would emanate from the Mongolian, who was adapted
from the Uighur alphabet. The Uighur alphabet is a derivate of Sogdian alphabet who would come
from Aramaic.
A little exercise that my readers are used to allow us to decompose the name using the Emešà, the
matrix language of the Gina’abul (the Sumerian-Akkadian syllabary): A-Gar (plain); TA5 (bright), or
"the bright plain", or also A-GAR-TA5-HÁ "the bright plain of multitude". Once again the Gina’abul
and Sumerian ideology allow us to demystify the deep sens of a legendary term, because it reveals at
the same time the earthly and the divine aspects of Agartha as a former sunbathed plain where a
multitude of individuals used to live. The axial symbolism of the universe, in other words the
mountain and the cave, is totally obvious here…
The same sort of exercise will allow us to decompose the term Shambala which probably ist he name
of an intra-terrestrial locality, a green and white city built of shining precious stones. ŠÀ-AM-BALA
means in Sumerian "the heart of the lord who digs the ditches" or also "the entrails of the lord of the
curved base". This tought includes the Mesopotamian ideology that the master of abyss Enki-Ea is at
the same time "the lord of the mines" or "the lord of the entrails of the earth or of the curved base of
the planet“.
Top Secret: Despite the abondance of references in this mysterious topic, Social-Science or
Astrophysics researchers considers this as an absurde subject or simply ignore all those references.
Why is that, in your opinion ? And why the possibility that our Earth is hollow, and even inhabited by
strange creatures strike so much our sensibility ?
Anton Parks: Our collective subconscious remembers the existence of these "gods" in an "animal"
form who would live under our feet. Admit the presence of Earth’s gigantic cavities would require
some explanations from the International Community -who manages the world’s affairs- to the
Humanity. Does this Community really wants to reveal the existence of such more or less favorable
entities to Humanity ? Does the Community wish to look ridiculous and take the risk to loose the
control of their human slaves ? If the enormous swindle came to be discovered onde day, will they
wish to show the "Anunnaki gods" who live under the mountains and secretly manage the human
affairs ? The big secret will eventually come out, probably soon. But I highly doubt that all this take
place in the greatest serenity. The apocryphal text entitled « The Book of Adam » rejected by the
Judeo-Christian worship who leads the world since milenniums, says a lot about the existence, not
the one of the beneficial beings who live in the Abzu, bu the existence of the beings who live in caves
that are the Anunnaki called Archons by Gnostics. The astonishment of the witness who face the
demons of the caves certainly denotes the same astonishment that we would express if the dark
secret came to be revealed one day: "After the first and sovereign live had thus spoken, I transported
myself by her power in the location of darkness, in the place inhabited by evil, in the homes of
corrupt beings, in the den of snakes, in the furnaces of the consuming fire, in the furnaces of this fire
which rises, rises until the limits of firmament […] I went to the place of the darkness: I saw the gates
of the obscurity, […] the dephts of Sinevis; the black water running in these abysses, water that
brings death to whoever dares to face it. I saw in this water snakes of various colors and different
species; I saw the different vessels of darkness; I saw their depraved pilots, each one of them seated
in his ship, dressed in their unholy weapons". (Excerpt from "The Book of Adam" or "Nazarene code",
excerpt from the first part of chapter 6).
As you can see here, we are far away from the spirituality of the Abzu, Shambala or Agartha. Snakes
eho live in the "darkness" of the caves dispute the legitimacy of the planet. They have made it for
milleniums by interposed human beings. But, very fortunately fort he Humanity, entities who are
located in the gigantic global cavity have always watched over her. Given to the world’s current
context which hardly improves, the friendly entities which we find in a lot of mythologies risk to
replace the human species in front of its own responsabilites as a "young teenager" who will have to
make a choice…
© 2006 Anton Parks, for the decompositions, translations, and Sumero-Akkadian interpretations.
Interview : Karma One (www.karmapolis.be)