Anatomy – (Meninges, Ventricles, Sinuses) MENINGES: Bone structures: -->Cranium (Neurocranium): -->Cerebrum - cerebellum – truncus cerebri (Beyin, beyincik, beyin sapı) -->Columna vertebralis: -->Medulla Spinalis (omurilik) --> Meninges: -->Dura mater = Pachymeninx -->Arachnoidea mater Leptomeninx -->Pia mater --> Dura mater: outermost and strongest membrane, no strecth fibrous con. t. --> Arachnoidea mater: the spider web-like between the other two membranes --> Pia mater: innermost membrane, attached to brain / sinal cord tissue 1) DURA MATER: It has two layers: are conjoined except “sinus venosus” (filled with venous blood) -->Lamina externa (periosteal layer) -->Lamina interna (meningeal layer) ** 2 parts: -->Dura mater cranialis -->Dura mater spinalis A) Dura Mater Cranialis: surrounds the brain -->Lamina externa (periosteal layer) is the periosteum, covers inner surface of skull bones, loosely attached --> also called dura periostalis -->Lamina interna (meningeal layer) --> also called dura encephali **Lamina interna: *main dura mater layer, beyin dokularını asıl o sarıyor * continues as dura mater spinalis around the Medulla Spinalis It forms the epineurium of the cranial nerves outside the cranium, **sinirlerin geçeceği tüp/kılıf It sends some extensions between CNS structures; beyin dokuları arasına gönderdiği uzantılar -->falx cerebri -->falx cerebelli -->tentorium cerebelli -->diaphragma sellae a) Falx cerebri: --> It lies between the cerebral hemispheres. (beyin yarı küreleri arasına giren uzantı) --> It is in the fissura longitudinalis cerebri. b) Falx cerebelli: --> small, sickle-shaped, --> Its free anterior margin enters between the cerebellar hemispheres. c) Tentorium cerebelli: beyinciğin örtüsü -->It overlies the posterior fossa cranii --> It is between the occipital lobe and the cerebellum. --> İt’s anterior border: incisura tentorii d) Diaphragma sellae: --> It covers the sellae turcica on the upper surface of the corpus of the sphenoid bone. **Arter ve Venleri sonra tekrar anlatacak. Tentorium cerebelli ve falx cerebri birleşim yerinde “sinus rectus” bulunuyor. B) Dura Mater Spinalis: It closes at the S2 vertebral level and joins the structure of the filum terminale. It ends by fusing to the periosteum and bone tissue of the 2nd coccygeal vertebra. Spatium epidurale [peridurale] : • In the space between the dura mater spinalis and the periosteum; ** the plexus venosus vertebralis internus and loose areolar tissue are located. The vein plexus is the counterpart of the sinus venosus in the dura mater cranialis. Kemik doku Vein plexus Spatium epidurale Dura mater 2) ARACHNOİDEA MATER: *not permeable 2 parts: -->Arachnoidea mater cranialis -->Arachnoidea mater spinalis A) Arachnoidea Mater Cranialis (Encephali) : -->It enters only the large slits / crevices / fissures where the falx cerebri, falx cerebelli and tentorium cerebelli are located. • It does not enter the sulcuses / grooves on the brain. (dura materle aynı yerleri örtüyor)** **Beynin bütün bu kıvrımlarını örten pia materdir Spatium subdurale is located between the dura mater and arachnoidea mater Dura mater Arachnoidea mater Pia mater Sulcus cerebri Arachnoidea mater sends extensions called "villi arachnoidea" into "lacuna vasorum" • These extensions cluster together to form the cauliflower-like "Granulationes arachnoidea (pacchioni corpuscle)" It allows the passage of CSF to the venous system. *** (spider webs= trabeculae arachnoidea) B) Arachnoidea Mater Spinalis: It ends at the level of the S2 vertebra Spatium Subarachnoidea The space between arachnoidea mater and the pia mater is called "spatium subarachnoidea" • This space contains CSF !!! "spatium subarachnoidea" shows enlargement between L1 – S2 vertebrae • enlargement is called Cisterna Lumbalis • Spinal anesthesia is applied to this space between L3-L4. *CSF --> dura mater sinüse dökülür --> venöz kan dolaşımına katılır (sürekli salınıp emilir) 3) PIA MATER: -->Lamina externa (epipial layer) --> Lamina interna (intima pia) 2 parts: --> Pia mater cranialis --> Pia mater spinalis A) Pia Mater Cranialis: Tela choroidea forms “plexus choroideus” (damar yumağı) → !! Produces CSF B) Pia Mater Spinalis: Fibers of Fissura mediana anterior condenses and forms Linea Splendens Pia mater condenses between spinal nerve roots and forms Lig. Denticulatum ***Soru dedi (allows medulla spinalis to maintain it’s position) Filum terminale: It is an extension of pia mater • It extends down from the conus medullaris (L1-2) • It extends to coccygeal 1st or 2nd vertebra • about 20 cm Parts of the filum terminale; --> filum terminale internum (pars piale) --> filum terminale externum (pars durale) Spatium subarachnoideum; expands in some places and forms Cisternae subarachnoidea (boşluktaki genişlemeler) Cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior [magna]: • It is between the lower surface of the cerebellum and the roof of the ventriculus quartus Cisterna lumbalis: • It is between L 1 – S 2 vertebra. Contents: • Filum terminale • Cauda equina VENTRICLES: Ventriculus: • They are in the brain (cerebrum) and brain stem (truncus cerebri) • They contain "Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)" • They are interconnected spaces • They develop from the lumen of the tubus neuralis (canalis neuralis) -->Ventriculus lateralis on the right (1st ventricle) and They are located within the cerebral hemispheres. (beyin yarım küreleri içerisinde) on the left (2nd ventricle) **Foramen interventriculare (foramen of Monro): 2 holes, right and left. CONNECTS 2 ventricles -->Ventriculus tertius It is in the middle of both thalamus and hypothalamus. (3rd ventricle) **Aqueductus mesencephali (aqueductus cerebri, aqueduct of Sylvius) CONNECTS 2 ventricles -->Ventriculus quartus (cisterna cerebellomedullaris ) Spatium subarachnoideum (4th ventricle) It is at the back of the brain stem (truncus cerebri), in front of the cerebellum. 1) Ventriculus quartus: • below (caudal), it continues with the canalis centralis, which lies within the Medulla Spinalis. -->Apertura mediana ventriculi quarti (foramen of Magendie): • It is located behind and in the middle of the 4th ventricle. • It is single, opens into the subarachnoid space -->Apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti (foramen of Luschka): • double on both sides of 4th ventricle • They open into the subarachnoid space Plexus Choroideus: Tela choroidea and ependymal cells form “plexus choroideus” (damar yumağı) → !! Produces CSF **It is found in all ventricles It is absent in cornu frontale [anterius] and cornu occipitale [posterius]. ***** Aşağıda CSF produced mostly from ventriculus lateralis ***** 2) Ventriculus lateralis: 2 lateral walls --> Ventriculus Lateralis Dexter (1st ventricle), --> Ventriculus Lateralis Sinister (2nd ventricle) They are seperated from each other by the septum pellucidum located between the 2 ventricles. It also forms the medial wall of ventriculus lateralis Parts of the lateral ventricles: -->Pars centralis -->Cornu frontale [anterius] -->Cornu occipitale [posterius] -->Cornu temporale [inferius] -Junction of pars centralis, cornu posterius and cornu inferious is Trigonum collaterale **Septum pellucidum is composed of 2 layers; lamina septi pellucidi, sometimes there is a gap between them = Cavum septi pellucidi SINUSES Sinus Durae Matris: They are between the two layers of the dura mater cranialis Venous blood of the brain and some skull bones, and CSF drain into these structures -Durameter sınuses contain blood & CSF Finally, the venous blood in the dural sinuses pours into the v.jugularis interna There is no valve. (klasik damar yapısında değil) There are no muscle fibers in their walls. 1) Sinus sagittalis superior: -->It starts near the crista galli. It runs along the convex upper margin of the falx cerebri. 2) Sinus sagittalis inferior: --> It extends posteriorly 2/3 posterior to the free lower border of the falx cerebri. --> It fuses with the v.magna cerebri (vein of Galen) to form the sinus rectus.** 3) Sinus rectus: POT Q ** --> It is formed by the union of the V.magna cerebri özellikle vurguladı (vein of Galen) and the sinus sagittalis inferior at the junction of falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli** 4) Sinus transversus: --> They are located where the tentorium cerebelli attaches to the sulcus sinus transversus. Dura mater yaprakları arasında oluşur. Confluens sinuum (torcular Herophili): enlargment of sinüs sagittalis superior The junction of Sinus sagittalis superior Sinus rectus Sinus occipitalis Sinus transversuses 5) Sinus sigmoideus: -->It is the continuation of the sinus transversus -->It continues as v. jugularis interna 6) Sinus occipitalis: -->It is located where the falx cerebelli attaches to the os occipitale. 7) Sinus petrosus superior: -->It runs along the upper edge of the Pyramis (os temporale) --> It connects the sinus cavernosus to the sinus transversus. 8) Sinus petrosus inferior: --> It runs along the lower edge of the Pyramis (os temporale) -->It connects the sinus cavernosus to the v. jugularis interna. --> It is the only dural sinus that extends outward from the skull. 9) Sinus sphenoparietalis: -->It opens into the anterior part of the sinus cavernosus 10) Plexus Basilaris (Sinus Basilaris): -->They connect the sinus petrosus inferior, sinus petrosus superior, and sinus cavernosus. 11) Sinus cavernosus: POT Q • in fossa cranii media • on the sides of the body of the sphenoid bone --> They are connected to each other via sinus intercavernosus anterior and sinus intercavernosus posterior --> They are connected to V. Facialis via v.ophthalmica superior. --> They are connected to the plexus pterygoideus by a v. emissaria passing through the foramen ovale --> They connect to the sinus transversus via the sinus petrosus superior. --> They are connected to V. jugularis interna by the sinus petrosus inferior The structures passing through ; The structures passing through the • a. carotis interna outer wall ; • n.abducens • n.oculomotorius (CN III) It is adjacent to the hypophysis cerebri and sinus sphenoidalis on the inside. • n.trochlearis (CN IV) Aleyna Çabuk • n.ophthalmicus (CN V-ı) • n.maxillaris (CN V-ıı)