Chapter 1 Quality Control in the Modern Business Environment 1.1 The Meaning of Quality and Quality Improvement " SpeciÞcations ◦For manufactured product, the speciÞcations are designed measurements for quality characteristics of components and subassemblies that make up he product, as well as the designed value for quality characteristics in Þnal products ◦Lower speciÞcation limit (LSL): smallest allowable value for a quality characteristic ◦Upper speciÞcation limit (USL): largest allowable value for a quality characteristic ◦Target/ nominal value: a value of a measurement that corresponds to the desired value for that quality characteristic " Defective or nonconforming product/ defect or nonconformity ◦Nonconforming products are those that fail to meet one or more of their speciÞcations ◦A speciÞc type of failure is called a nonconformity ◦A nonconforming product is considered defective if it has one or more defects ◦Defects are nonconformities that are serious enough to signiÞcantly aûect the safe or eûective use of products 1.1.1 Eight Dimensions of Quality ◦Performance (Will the product do the intended job?) ◦Reliability (How often does the product fail?) ◦Durability (How long does the product last?) ◦Serviceability (How easy is it to repair the product?) ◦Aesthetics (What does the product look like?) ◦Features (What does the product look like?) ◦Perceived Quality (What does the product look like?) ◦Conformance in Standards (What does the product look like?) " DeÞnition of Quality ◦Traditional deÞnition: Þtness for use # Two general aspects: " Quality of design: variations in grades or levels of quality are intentional " Quality of conformance: how well product conforms to speciÞcations required by the design ◦Modern deÞnition: Quality is inversely proportional 1.3 Statistical Methods for Quality Control and to variability in the important characteristics of a Improvement product (implies: ³variability, ±quality) " Fig1.1 warranty costs quality; Fig1.2 distribution variability " Japanese-produced transmissions having much lower costs (Japan: higher quality) " US: ~75% width of speciÞcations; Japan: ~25% width of speciÞcations (Japan: lower variability) " Japan: Less variability in the important characteristics lower costs (better quality) " US: higher variability, lower cost (lower quality) ³variability, ³costs (±quality) " (Modern) deÞnition of quality improvement: reduction of variability in processes and products ◦Equivalent deÞnition: elimination of waste 1.1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology " Quality characteristics: parameters " Critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics: ◦Physical: length, weight, voltage, viscosity ◦Sensory: taste, appearance, color ◦Time orientation: reliability, durability, serviceability " Variability Ð statistical terms: classify data on quality characteristics as either attributes or variable data ◦Variable data: continuous measurements (ex. Length, voltage, or viscosity) ◦Attribute data: discrete data (often taking form of counts) " Fig 1.3: a process as a system with a set of inputs and an output " In a manufacturing process, controllable input factors x1, x2, É, xp are process variables such as temperature, pressures, and feed rates; the input factors z1, z2, É, zq are uncontrollable (or diûcult to control inputs such as environmental factors or properties of raw materials provided by an external supplier " The production process transforms the input raw materials, component parts, and subassemblies into a Þnished product that has several quality characteristics " The output variable y is quality characteristic Ð that is, a measure of process and product quality " Statistical and engineering technology useful in quality improvement. SpeciÞcally three major areas: ◦Statistical process control ◦Design of experiments ◦Acceptance sampling " Statistical process control (SPC): ◦Control chart: one of the primary techniques of SPC ◦Useful in monitoring processes, reducing variability through elimination of assignable ◦Plots averages of measurements of a quality characteristic in sample taken from process vs. time (or sample number) # Upper control limit (UCL) # Center line (CL) # Lower control limit (LCL) ◦Center line: represents where this process characteristic should fall if there are no unusual sources of variability present " Designed experiment: ◦Extremely helpful in discovering the key variables inßuencing the quality characteristics of interest in the process ◦An approach to systematically varying the controllable input factors in the process and determining the eûect these factors have on the output product parameters ◦Invaluable in reducing the variability in the quality characteristics and in determining the levels of the controllable variables that optimize process performance ◦Factorial design: One major type of designed experiment # factors are varied together in such a way that all possible combinations of factor levels are tested ◦Fig 1.5a: two factors, each two levels, low and high four possible test combinations ◦Fig 1.5b: three factors, each two levels, low and high eight possible test combinations # Eg. d measure x1 from low to high increase average level of process output/ shift oû target (T); e when x2 and x3 high levels process variability seem to be substantially reduced " Acceptance Sampling ◦DeÞnition: inspection and classiÞcation of a sample of units selected at random from a larger batch or lot and the ultimate decision about disposition of the lot, usually occurs at two points: incoming raw materials or components, or Þnal production ◦Closely connected with inspection and testing of product ◦One of the earliest aspects of quality control ◦Outgoing inspection & incoming inspection ◦Fig 1.6a: outgoing inspection # Inspection operation is performed immediately following production, before the product is shipped to the customer ◦Fig 1.6b: incoming inspection # A situation in which lots of batches of products are sampled as they are received from the supplier ◦Fig 1.6c: disposition of lots # Sampled lots may either be accepted or rejected # If accepted: ship to customers # If rejected: " scrapped/recycled " rework " replaced with good units rectifying inspection 1.4 Management Aspects of Quality Improvement " Six sigma: eûective quality management system " Logic of six sigma (textbook page 28-32) " Main idea: reduce variability (Ã: standard deviation) in critical-to-quality (CTQ) variables to level at which failure or defects are extremely unlikely " Recall: CTQ variables for a product are parameters/ elements that jointly describe what users/consumers think of as quality ◦Smallest/largest value for CTQ variables: lower/ upper speciÞcation limits (LSL/USL) " Formal description: reduce à so that LSL/USL are at least 6à from the mean ◦Fig 1.12a: shows a normal probability distribution as a model for a quality characteristic with speciÞcation limits at three standard deviation (Ã) on either side of mean. ◦The probability of producing a product within these speciÞcations is 0.9973, 2700 parts per million (ppm) defective # Òthree sigma quality performanceÓ If a product consists of 100 independent components, then the probability that any speciÞc unit of product is non-defective is (0.9973)^100 = 0.7631 # 23.7% products defective Ð not acceptable " The Motorola Six Sigma concept is to reduce the variability in the process so that the speciÞcation limits are at least six standard deviations from the mean. ◦The probability of producing a component within L/USL is 0.999999998 Ð one component ◦Probability that any speciÞc unit of product is nondefective is (0.999999998)^100 or 0.2 ppm (100 independent components in a product) ◦The process mean was still subject to disturbances that could cause it to shift by as much as 1.5 standard deviations oû target ◦Under this scenario, a Six Sigma process would produce about 3.4 ppm defective " Why ÒQuality ImprovementÓ is important: A simple example " A visit of a fast-food restaurant: Hamburger (bun, meat, special sauce, cheese, pickle, onion, lettuce, and tomato), fries, and a soft drink # This product has ten components ◦Is 99% good quality satisfactory? ◦If we assume that all ten components are independent, the probability of a good meal is: P{Single meal good} = (0.99)^10 = 0.9044 ◦Suppose family of 4, once a month: # P{All meals good} = (0.9044)^4 = 0.6690 # P{All visits during the year good} = (0.6690)^12 = 0.0080 # Unacceptable! ◦What if 99.9% good quality? Is it satisfactory? # P{Single meal good} = (0.999)^10 = 0.9900 # P{All meals good} = (0.9900)^4 = 0.9607 # P{All visits during the year good} = (0.9607)^12 = 0.6186 Chapter 2 The DMAIC Process 2.1 Overview of DMAIC " DMAIC is a structured problem-solving procedure widely used in quality and process improvement. ◦Consisting of the following steps: # DeÞne # Measure # Analyze # Improve # Control ◦It is usually associated with six sigma, but I can be used with any business or process improvement eûort " Tollgates: ◦Tollgates between each of major steps ◦Project is reviewed to ensure that this is on track, evaluate whether team can successfully complete project on schedule ◦Tollgates also present an opportunity to provide guidance regarding the use of speciÞc technical tools and other information about the problem ◦Tollgates are critical to the overall problemsolving process; It is important that these reviews be conducted very soon after the team completes each step. " Projects: ◦Essential part of DMAIC (quality and process improvement) ◦Breakthrough opportunity ◦Financial systems integration ◦Value opportunity of a project must be very clear ◦Project selection # Completed within a reasonable time frame # Real impact on key business metrics # Understand interrelationships and develop appropriate performance measures " What should be considered when evaluating proposed project? ◦Suppose a company is operating at the 4à level (6210 ppm defective, assuming the 1.5à shift in the mean that is customary with Six Sigma applications) ◦Objective: achieve the 6à performance level (3.4 ppm) ◦Suppose that the criterion is a 25% annual improvement in quality level. ◦Then to reach the Six Sigma performance level, it will take x years, where x is the solution to this: 3.4=6210(1-0.25)^x x is about 26 years # Not going to work! ◦Annual improvement # 50% x=11 years # 75% x=5 years 2.2 The DeÞne Step 2.3 The Measure Step " Objective: " Purpose: evaluate and determine present process state ◦identify project opportunity (evaluate and understand the current state of process) ◦verify or validate it represents legitimate ◦Identify key process input variables (KPIV) and ◦must be important to customers (voice of the key process output variables (KPOV) customer) and important to the business ◦Data: from historical records; from sampling; from " project charter: a short document; a description of observational studies project and it scope & others ◦Histograms, box plots, scatter diagrams, stem◦a description of the project and its scope, the start leaf diagrams and the anticipated completion dates, an initial ◦In transaction and service business, measurement description of both primary and secondary metrics system that will be used to measure success and how # the capability of the measurement system those metrics align with business unit and should be evaluated. (capacity/uniformity corporate goals, the potential beneÞts to the ±, ó) customer, the potential Þnancial beneÞts to the " The Measure Tollgate organization, milestones that should be ◦Comprehensive process ßow chart or value accomplished during the project, the team stream map members and their roles, and any additional ◦KPIVs and KPOVs resources that are likely to be needed to complete ◦Measurement system capability documented the project. ◦Assumption noted ◦Respond to requests 2.4 The Analyze Step " Graphic aids: ◦process map and ßow charts ◦value stream maps ◦SIPOC diagram (a high level map of process) # Suppliers # Input # Process # Output # Customer " The DeÞne Tollgate ◦Symptoms (focus) not on possible causes or solutions ◦Stakeholders ◦Value opportunity ◦Scope neither too small nor too large ◦SIPOC diagram ◦Obvious barriers or obstacles ◦Action plan " Purpose: use data from the Measure step to determine Òcause-and-eûectÓ relationships in the process " Sources of variability: ◦Common cause: embedded in system or process itself ◦Assignable cause: arise from an external source " Tools: ◦control charts # separate common cause variability from assignable cause variability ◦hypothesis testing and conÞdence intervals # hypothesis testing: determine if diûerent conditions of operations process statistically signiÞcantly diûerent results # CIs: provide information about the accuracy with which parameters of interest have been estimated ◦regression models # allows models relating outcome (eûect) variables of interest to independent input (cause) variables to be built " The Analyze Tollgate ◦Opportunity targeted in the Improve step ◦Data and analysis ◦Other opportunities ◦Track 2.5 The Improve Step " Tools: ◦Process redesign to improve work ßow and to reduce bottlenecks ◦Mistake-prooÞng ◦Statistical tools: particularly designed experiments are probably most important statistical tools in the Improve step # Physical process or a computer model of process " Pilot test: a form of conformation experiment ◦Evaluates and documents solution and conÞrms solution attains the project goals ◦Iterative activity " The Improve tollgate ◦How problem solution was obtained ◦Alternative solutions ◦Pilot test ◦Plans to implement pilot test results ◦Any risks of implementing solution 2.6 The Control Step " Objectives: ◦Complete all remaining work on project ◦Provide the process owner with a process control plan " The process owner should be provided with before and after data on key process metrics, operations and training documents, and updated current process maps. " The process control plan should be a system for monitoring the solution that has been implemented, including methods and metrics for periodic auditing. " Control charts are an important statistical tool used in the Control step of DMAIC; many process control plans involve control charts on critical process metrics. ◦Control charts: an important statistical tool in control step " Transition plan: new process weight include a validation step (The transition plan for the process owner should include a validation check several months after project completion.) " The Control tollgate ◦Data (before and after) available ◦Process control plan & control charts ◦Documentation ◦Summary of lessons ◦Opportunities not pursued in project ◦Opportunities use results of project in other parts of business Chapter 3 Modeling Process Quality 3.1 Describing Variation " Stem-and-Leaf Plot ◦Data: x1, x2, É, xn; each number xi consist of at least two digits, divide x1 into two parts # A stem: one or more leading digits # A leaf: two remaining digits ◦For example, data from 10 to 100, number 76 divide value 76 into stem 7 and leaf 6 ◦Percentiles of data: # the 100 kth percentile is a value such that at least 100 k% of the data values are at or below this value and at least 100 (1 2 k)% of the data values are at or above this value # The Þftieth percentile of the data distribution is called the sample median x-bar " First, sort the observations in ascending order (or rank the data from smallest observation to largest observation). " Then the median will be the observation in rank position [(n 2 1)/2 + 1] on this list. If n is even, the median is the average of the (n/2)st and (n/2 + 1)st ranked observations. ◦Eg. n =11 x6; n=40 average of x20 and x21 # The tenth percentile is the observation with rank (0.1)(40) + 0.5 = 4.5 (halfway between the fourth and Þfth observations) # The Þrst quartile is the observation with rank (0.25) (40) + 0.5 = 10.5 (halfway between the tenth and eleventh observation) # the third quartile is the observation with rank (0.75) (40) + 0.5 = 30.5 (halfway between the thirtieth and thirty-Þrst observation) # the interquartile range: IQR = Q3 2 Q1 " occasionally used as a measure of variability Procedure: " plot of data in time order " take time order of observations into account " important factors to variability in quality improvement " plot data value versus time " time is an important source of variability in this process " processing cycle time for Þrst 20 claims is substantially longer than processing cycle time for second 20 claims " Histogram ◦A more compact summary of data ◦To construct a histogram for continuous data: # Divide range of data into intervals called bins # Sort data into bins, count number of obs. in each bin # Use horizontal axis to represent measurement scale vertical scale to represent counts or frequency or relative frequencies (frequencies in each bin divided by total number of observations (n) ◦Example 3.2 Metal Thickness in silicon wafers ◦Gives a visual impression of shape of the distribution of measurement and inherent variability in data ◦Shows reasonably symmetric or bell-shaped distribution of metal thickness data ◦Histogram relatively sensitive to choice of number and width of bin for small data sets ◦Histogram suited for larger data sets, 75 to 100 or more observations ◦Box plot Ð hole diameter distribution is not exactly symmetric Ð left/right boxes around median not same " Comparative box plots Ð useful in graphical comparisons among data sets ◦Too much variability at plant2 ◦Plant 2 and 3 need to raise their quality index performance ◦Height of each bin represents number of observations less than or equal to upper limits of bin # Eg. about 75 of 100 wafer less than 460 Å ◦To construct a histogram for discrete or count data (sample space is countable) # Determine frequency (r relative frequency) " Probability distributions for each value of x, each x value ◦Sample: a collection of measurements selected corresponds a bin from some larger score or population # Plot frequency (or relative frequency) on # Eg. analyze sample layer thickness data vertical scale and values of x on horizontal ◦ Probability distribution: mathematical model scale relates value of variable with probability of ◦Example 3.3: defects in automobile hoods occurrence of that value in the population # Eg. layer thickness Ð a random variable # Probability of occurrence of any value of layer thickness in population " DeÞnition ◦Continuous distributions # When the variable being measured is " Numerical summary of data expressed on a continuous scale, its probability distribution is called a continuous distribution. # The probability distribution of metal layer thickness is continuous ◦Discrete distributions # When the parameter being measured can only take on certain values, such as the integers 0, 1, 2, . . . , the probability distribution is called a discrete distribution. # For example, the distribution of the number of nonconformities or defects in printed circuit boards would be a discrete distribution. " Box plot ◦A graphic display; important features of the data, such as location or central tendency, spread or variability, departure from symmetry, and identiÞcation of observations that lie unusually far from the bulk of the data (these observations are often called ÒoutliersÓ). ◦Display three quartiles, minimum and maximum of data on a rectangular box " Probability mass function (discrete variable) " Scatter, spread, or variability in a distribution ◦Variance " Probability density function (continuous variable) ◦standard deviation à Рsquare root of variance # a measure of spread or scatter in population express in original data " Expected value/ mean ¿ of a probability distribution is a measure of central tendency in the distribution, or its location Chapter 4 Inferences About Process Quality 4.1 Statistics and Sampling Distributions " Statistical inference: draw conclusions about populations (or process) based on sample data from that system " Random sample: a sample selected so that observations are independent Ð same probability of selection " Statistics: any function of observations in sample ◦Eg: sample mean, sample variance, sample standard deviation " Sampling distributions ◦Statistic Ð a random variable; probability distribution ◦Sampling distribution Ð probability distribution of a statistics ◦Question: let x1, x2, É, xn be a random sample size n from a distribution (population) with mean ¿ and variance Ã^2. What is the mean (expected value) and variance of sample mean x-bar? " Three important and useful sampling distributions based on normal distribution ◦Chi-square distribution If x1, x2, É, xn are normally and independently distributed random variable with mean 0 and variance 1, then random variable is distributed as chi-square with n degrees of freedom ◦t distribution if x is standard normal random variable and if y is a chisquare random variable with k degrees of freedom, and if x and y are independent, then random variable: is distributed as t with k d.f. ◦F distribution if w and y are two independent chi-square random variable with u and v degrees of freedom, then is distributed as F with u: numerator df and v: denominator df 4.2 Point Estimation of Process Parameters 4.3.1 Inference on mean of a population, variance known " Distributions described by their parameters " Parameters unknown, must be estimated " Estimator: deÞne an estimator of an unknown parameter as statistic that corresponds to parameter " Point estimator: a statistic that produce a single numerical value as ÒestimateÓ of parameter " Example: consider random variable x~N(¿,Ã^2) mean and variance both known " If a random sample of n observations, then sample mean x-bar and sample variance S^2 are point estimators of population mean ¿ and population variance ◦Suppose random variable x inside diameter n=20 bearings. Sample mean x-bar = 1.495; sample variance S^2 = 0.001 4.3 Statistical Inference for a single sample " Three components of statistical inference ◦Point estimation ◦Hypothesis testing # Null hypothesis vs.. alternative hypothesis # Statistical hypothesis: a statement about values of parameter of a probability distribution # Two-sided alternative hypothesis vs. onesided alternative hypothesis ◦ConÞdence intervals # Refers to the probability that a population parameter will fall between pair of values around mean # Measure two degree of uncertainty in a sampling method # Constructed by conÞdence levels of 95% or 99% " To test a hypothesis ◦Take a random sample from population ◦Compute an appropriate test statistic ◦Either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis ◦Òcritical regionÓ or Òrejection regionÓ: set of values of test statistic leading to rejection of H0 " Two kinds of error when testing hypothesis ◦Type I error: if null hypothesis is rejected when it is true ◦Type II error: if null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false ◦Power of a statistical test " In quality control work: ◦³: producerÕs risk (probability that a good lot will be rejected) ◦´: consumerÕs risk (probability of accepting a lot of poor quality) " ConÞdence interval ◦An interval estimate of a parameter is interval between two statistics that include true value of parameter with some probability ◦For example, construct an interval estimator of mean ¿, must Þnd two statistics L and u such that P{L <= ¿ <= U} = 1-³ ◦Interval L <= ¿ <= U is called 100(1-³)% conÞdence interval for unknown mean ¿ ◦L and U Ð lower and upper conÞdence limits ◦1-³: conÞdence coeûcient " Interpretation of CI: ◦If a large number of such intervals are constructed, each resulting from a random sample, then (1-³)% of these intervals will contain true value of ¿ ◦One-sided lower 100(1-³)% conÞdence bound on ¿ L <= ¿ # L: lower conÞdence bound so that P{L<=¿} =1-³ ◦One-sided upper 100(1-³)% conÞdence bound on ¿ ¿ <= U # U: upper conÞdence bound so that P{¿<=U}=1-³ " Normal distribution, compute p value " ConÞdence interval on mean with variance known ◦Consider random variable x, with unknown mean ¿ and known variance. Suppose a random sample of n observations x1, x2, É ,xn. ◦Then the 100(1-³)% two-sided CI on ¿ is: 4.3.3 Inference on Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance Unknown " Hypothesis testing: x normal random variable with unknown mean and unknown variance 4.3.2 The Use of P-Values for Hypothesis Testing " P-value is the probability that test statistic will take on a value that is at least as extreme as observed value of statistic when null hypothesis is true ◦The p-value is smallest level of signiÞcance that would lead to rejection of null hypothesis " ConÞdence interval on mean of a normal distribution with variance unknown 4.4 Statistical Inference for Two Samples 4.4.1 Inference on diûerence in mean, variance known 4.3.5 Inference on a Population Proportion " Hypothesis testing: suppose test proportion p of a population equals to a standard value, Ònormal approximation to binomialÓ " Suppose a random sample of n observations from population ◦X items in sample Ð class associated with p 4.4.4 Inference on two proportions 4.4.2 Inference on diûerence in means of two normal distribution, variance unknown Review STAT 513 Midterm Spring 2022 Zhongyuan Chen [Detailed instruction will be uploaded on Brightspace before the exam.] Please do not distribute this exam. This exam has the format: calculations (most) and short answer questions (minor). There are 100 points on this exam. Please show your work on each problem on this exam, in which case liberal partial credit will be awarded. This exam is open book and open notes. Exam open window: March 29 (Tuesday) 9:00 a.m. EST - March 30 (Wednesday), 2022 8:59 a.m EST Please print the exam (If you do not have a printer available, you can please use your own paper to work the exam. Please organize your work in numerical order.), work on the papers, scan your materials (a single PDF file, better to use a scanner or application program, such as CamScanner, on a smart phone or ipad), and upload it on Brightspace. Exam time limit: 120 min Please bring a calculator. Chapter1: Quality improvement in the modern business environment ¯ Definitions of quality (modern definition) and quality improvement ¯ Terminology: quality characteristics, critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics, specifications (lower specification limit, upper specification limit, target or nominal values), defective or nonconforming product, defect or nonconformity ¯ Statistical methods: statistical process control (SPC), designed experiments, acceptance sampling. ¯ Six sigma: calculation (example: hw2.12) 1 Chapter2: The DMAIC process ¯ DMAIC: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control ¯ Tollgates Chapter3: Modeling process quality ¯ Describing variation: histogram, boxplot, numerical summary of data (sample mean, sample variance, sample standard deviation), probability distribution (discrete variable: probability mass function; continuous variable: probability density function), mathematics definition of mean and variance. ¯ Discrete distribution: hypergeometric distribution, binomial distribution (bernoulli trials), poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution,geometric distribution (calculation: example: hw3.29) ¯ Continuous distribution: normal distribution (central limit theorem), lognormal distribution, exponential distribution, gamma distribution, weibull distribution (calculation: example: Example3.8) Chapter4: Inference about process quality ¯ Statistics and sampling distributions: statistical inference, random sample, statistic, sampling distribution (sampling from a normal distribution), three important sampling distribution (chi-square distribution, t distribution, F distribution) ¯ Point estimation of process parameter: point estimator (properties), estimate. 2 ¯ Statistical inference for a single sample: hypothesis testing, confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing: null hypothesis (H0), alternative hypothesis (H1), standard procedure--- random sample---compute test statistic--- compare with critical value--- either reject null or fail to reject null hypothesis. Two kinds of errors: \alpha = P(type I error)=P(reject H0 | H0 is true) \beta = P( typeII error)=P(fail to reject H0 | H0 is false) Power = 1 - \beta = P(reject H0 | H0 is false) Inference on the mean of a population (variance known (z test statistic: population variance), variance unknown (t test statistic: use sample variance to estimate)): hypothesis testing, confidence interval Inference on a population proportion: hypothesis testing, confidence interval Calculation example: Example4.3; Example4.4 (Note: population variance sigma square unknown, use sample variance as estimate for calculation, use t test statistic) ¯ Statistical inference for two samples: hypothesis testing, confidence intervals. Inference on the difference in means (variance known, variance unknown (equal/unequal variance)): hypothesis testing, confidence interval. Inference on the difference in two proportions: hypothesis testing, confidence interval Calculation example: Example4.8 (Note: population variance sigma square known, use z test statistic) 3