Uploaded by Adam Poloney

Notes Class1 082823

Business can be a Changemaker
o Solves Problems
 Finds Solutions for unmet needs
 Address social issues
 Bring People closer together
o Creates Stability
 Economic Stability of nations
 Personal economic stability
o Accelerates Progress
 Generate new ideas, opportunities
 Create new methods and processes
 Enable competition that redistributes wealth
Course Highlights
o Textbook: teach you about operations, marketing, finance, accounting and HR.
(quizzes on each – 10 of 12 count)
o 3 Class Deliverables
o OCE and ProComms Deliverables (jobs and presentation skills)
o News Talk + Class Participation (15% of your grade)
o Industry Memo (analysis project) – First big assignment
o Pitch for $500,000. Create New Product Launch/Team Project to solve problem in
one, chosen industry. Present at end of semester
Kogod Resources – Will be uploaded
Moving Parts
o Content (What it is) + Context (How we do it)
Talked about kogod style guide, can refer to that
Personal Purpose Statement
o Insstructions on canvas
o Watch linked video
o Reflection on your “Why”. Looking back to look forward.
 What is your purpose?
 How did you develop that purpose?
 What challenges in your life shaped who you are today?
 What do you enjoy doing in life that makes you feel truly alive?
 500 Words
Industry Memo
o What is an industry memo?
o Research and identify critical issues in an industry
o Uses a framework (PESTEL)
Business Style Writing
o Business Style writing uses a hybrid of prose and bullets/headers
o APA citations
o Use good writing strategies such as topic sentances
News Talk
o Choose from reliable sourse
o Explain how your news items relates to the course content
o Give your opinion on the topic