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Poetry Portfolio Rubric: Grading Criteria

Poetry Portfolio Rubric
Directions: Over the course of these 18 weeks of semester one, we will be composing a poetry portfolio during
writing workshops on Fridays. Follow the rubric to find success!
Advanced 10-8
Proficient 7-5
In-Progress 4-0
Sonnet form has been
followed completely (14
lines, Petrarchan or
Shakespearean rhyme
scheme, 10 syllables per
line - See forms here
ms). FOUR poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
Sonnet form has
MOSTLY been followed
(14 lines, Petrarchan or
Shakespearean rhyme
scheme, 10 syllables per
line - See forms here
ms). FOUR poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO) are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
Sonnet form has NOT
been followed.
Haiku form has been
followed completely (3
lines, syllables are 5-7-5,
and content is about
nature- Review here
ms). THREE poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
Haiku form has been
MOSTLY followed (3
lines, syllables are 5-7-5,
and content is about
nature- Review here
ms). THREE poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
Haiku form has NOT
been followed.
Poem tells an illustrative
story that includes all
elements of plot
development. FOUR
poetic devices are
included, and at least
TWO are figurative. The
poem includes an
insightful title. There are
at least THREE separate
stanzas included.
Poem tells a story that
includes all elements of
plot development. FOUR
poetic devices are
included, and at least
TWO are figurative. The
poem includes an
insightful title. This
category MAY indicate
missing poetic
devices.There are at least
THREE separate stanzas
Poem does NOT tell a
story that includes all
elements of plot
Free Verse
Poem includes no
identifiable rhyme
Poem includes no
identifiable rhyme
Poem does not adhere to
free verse form and/or
scheme, and may not
include a consistent
rhythm. FOUR poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. There are at least
THREE separate stanzas
scheme, and may not
include a consistent
rhythm. FOUR poetic
devices are included, and
at least TWO are
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
devices.There are at least
THREE separate stanzas
may not include figurative
The first letter of each line
spells out a word, name, or
phrase when read vertically.
FOUR poetic devices are
included, and at least
TWO are figurative. The
poem includes an
insightful title.
The first letter of each line
spells out a word, name, or
phrase when read vertically.
FOUR poetic devices
should be included, and at
least TWO should be
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
The poem may not follow
acrostic form and/or may
not include figurative
The poem is a tribute to
someone or something
and employs MOSTLY
formal language. FOUR
poetic devices are
included, and at least
TWO are figurative. The
poem includes an
insightful title. There are
at least THREE separate
stanzas included.
The poem is a tribute to
someone or something
and employs SOME
formal language. FOUR
poetic devices should be
included, and at least
TWO should be
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
devices.There are at least
THREE separate stanzas
The poem may not be a
clear tribute and/org may
not employ figurative
The poem is melancholic
(sad) and mourns the
subject’s death. The poem
ends, however, with
comforting consolation.
FOUR poetic devices are
included, and at least
TWO are figurative. The
poem includes an
insightful title. There are
at least THREE separate
stanzas included.
The poem is melancholic
(sad) and mourns the
subject’s death. The poem
ends, however, with
comforting consolation.
FOUR poetic devices
should be included, and at
least TWO should be
figurative. The poem
includes an insightful
title. This category MAY
indicate missing poetic
devices.There are at least
The poem does not mourn
a loss/death and/or may
not include figurative
THREE separate stanzas
Free Verse:
Every poem shows clear
evidence of revision; there
are NO distracting errors
in spelling or usage.
MOST of the poems show
evidence of revision; there
are FEW distracting errors
in spelling or usage.
Many poems include
multiple errors in usage
and/or spelling.