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Chapter 5 sen-2

Sensing Our World:
Basics of Sensation
• Sensation is the process by which physical
stimuli is sensed by our sensory organs and
are converted into neural impulses sent to
the brain.
• The brain uses this information sensed to
create our experiences of vision, touch,
hearing, taste, smell, and so on. This is our
• Perception is the process the brain uses to
integrate, organize, and interpret sensory
information to create representations of the
world. Can reflect reality, or not…
• Sensory receptors in our sensory
organs convert sources of sensory
stimuli, such as light and sound, into
neural impulses the brain can use to
create sensations.
• Psychophysics is the study of
relationships between the features of
physical stimuli, such as the intensity
of lights and sounds, and the
sensations we experience in
response to these stimuli.
• Absolute threshold is the smallest
amount of stimulus a person can reliably
• Difference threshold (or just
noticeable difference) is the minimum
difference or change in a stimulus that
can be detected.
• Weber’s Law states that the amount
of change in a stimulus needed to occur
for that difference to be detected is
given by a constant ratio of the original
Absolute Thresholds
Light energy
Rods and cones in The flame from a single
the eyes
candle flickering about 30
miles away on dark night
Sound waves
Hair cells in the
inner ear
The ticking of a watch
placed about 20 feet away
from a listener in a quiet
Chemicals on
Taste buds on
the tongue
1 teaspoon sugar dissolved
in 2 gallons water
substances that
enter the nose
Receptor cells in About one drop of perfume
the upper nostrils dispersed in a small house
Movement or
pressure on skin
Nerve endings in
the skin
The wing of a bee falling
on the cheek from about
1 centimeter away
• Signal-detection theory states that
the threshold for detecting a given
event depends not only on the
features of that event but on other
factors as well, including background
stimulation (noise) and on the
biological and psychological
characteristics of the receiver.
• Sensory adaptation occurs when
sensory systems become less sensitive
to constant or unchanging stimuli.
Seeing the Light
The visible spectrum for humans is only a small
portion of the total range of wavelengths. Many
insects can see shorter wavelengths than
humans can see. These wavelengths are in the
ultraviolet spectrum. Many fish and reptiles can
see longer wavelengths than humans can see.
These wavelengths are in the infrared spectrum.
The color spectrum is
often remembered
with the name Roy G.
Biv, which stands for
red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and
Red has the longest
wavelength (about 700
billionths of a meter,
or nanometers), while
Violet has the
shortest, at about 300
The Eye
• The eye has two purposes, providing a “housing” for
neural tissue that receives light, the retina, and
channeling light to the sensory receptors (rods and
cones) in the retina.
• The eye is composed of the cornea, a transparent
window where light enters the eye, the lens, which is
a crystalline structure that lies right behind the cornea
and focuses the light rays on the retina. The iris is the
colored ring of muscle around the pupil (the black
center of the eye), which constricts or dilates
depending on the amount of light present in the
environment, and changes the size of the pupil.
• The size of the pupil regulates the amount of light by
constricting to let in less light and vice versa.
Fovea (point of central focus)
Path of light
Optic nerve
(to visual cortex of
Axons from the
retina to the
brain converge at
the optic disk, a
hole in the retina
where the optic
nerve leaves the
eye. If an image
falls on this hole,
it can’t be
seen…the blind
Blind Spot
• The retina has two
types of receptors,
rods and cones.
• Rods play a key role in
night vision because
they are more
sensitive to dim light.
• Cones play a key role
in daylight vision and
color vision. Cones do
not respond well to
dim light, but in bright
light they provide
more sharpness and
detail than rods.
Bipolar Cell
Optic Nerve Fibers
Receptor Cells
(rods and cones)
Optic Disk
(and blind spot)
Ganglion Cell
Light striking the rods and cones triggers firing of neural
signals that pass into the cells in the retina. Signals move
from receptors to bipolar cells to ganglion cells, which send
impulses along the optic nerve. These axons carry visual
information, and depart the eye through the blind spot.
Visual Pathways
Axons leaving the
back of each eye form
the optic nerves,
which project into the
brain’s relay center,
the thalamus. The
optic pathways then
travel from the
thalamus to the
primary visual
cortex in the
occipital lobe at the
back of the brain.
The Visual Cortex
• All visual input eventually reaches the occipital
lobe of the cortex. Researchers have investigated
how cortical cells respond to light by placing
microelectrodes in the visual cortex of animals to
record action potentials from individual cells.
• The cells in the visual cortex respond to lines,
edges, and more complicated stimuli, rather than
to small spots of light.
• Neurons that respond to specific features of a
visual stimulus are called feature detectors.
• David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel discovered this
by accident.
The Visual Cortex
A vertical line elicits rapid firing in the cell, while a horizontal
line elicits no response, the cell fires at its baseline rate. A
diagonal line elicits moderate firing in the cell.
Cells in the visual cortex seem to be highly specialized. They
have been characterized as feature detectors, neurons that
respond selectively to very specific features of more complex
stimuli. Yet the brain is able to piece together these particular
visual features to form impressions of whole objects & patterns.
Color Vision
• Trichromatic theory of color vision believes
the human eye has three types of receptors
sensitive to the specific wavelengths associated
with red, green, and blue-violet.
• When the three primary colors of light – red,
green, and blue-violet – are combined, they form
• A light of any color can be matched by mixing of
the three primary colors.
Color Vision
• But what about yellow? Is it just reddishgreen? Ewald Hering, proposed opponentprocess theory, which holds that color
perception depends on receptors that make
antagonistic responses to three pairs of
colors: red vs. green, yellow vs. blue, and
black vs. white.
• While researchers argued about which was
right for almost a century, most
psychologists now agree that it takes both
theories to explain color vision.
Color Blindness
Research finds that more males than females are
affected by color-vision limitations. This may be
because there is a sex-linked genetic defect on the
x-chromosome, of which males only have one.
The Music of Sound
The stimulus for the auditory system is sound
waves, which are vibrations of molecules. Sound
waves must travel throughout some physical
medium, such as air.
Sound waves are characterized by amplitude
(loudness) and wavelength (pitch).
The vertical size of the wave (the amplitude) is
related to the volume of the auditory stimulus,
while the wavelength (indicated in the frequency) is
related to the pitch of the auditory stimulus.
The Ear
• The ears channel energy to the neural tissue that
receives it.
• The human ear can be divided into three sections: the
external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Sound is
conducted differently in each section.
• The outer ear funnels sound to the eardrum, which is
a tight membrane (similar to a snare drum) that
vibrates when struck by sound waves.
• The middle ear consists of a mechanical chain made
up of three tiny bones in the ear, the hammer, anvil, and
stirrup, known collectively as the ossicles.
• The inner ear consists of the cochlea, a fluid-filled,
coiled tunnel that contains the hair cells, the auditory
receptors. The hair cells are lined up on the basilar
Outer Ear
Middle Ear
Inner Ear
(stirrup) Cochlea
Hair cells
Auditory nerve
(to auditory
cortex of brain)
Organ of Corti
• Place Theory – the perception of pitch corresponds to
the vibration of different portions, or places, along the
basilar membrane. Different places have different pitches,
like keys on a piano. This helps account for higher-pitched
sounds that can be coded by the brain for location.
• Frequency Theory – the perception of pitch
corresponds to the rate, or frequency, at which the entire
basilar membrane vibrates, causing the auditory nerve to
fire at different rates for different frequencies. Then the
brain detects the frequency of a tone by the rate at which
the auditory nerve fires.
• Volley principle - the firing in volleys of groups of
neurons along the basilar membrane. The brain interprets
the firing of these neurons to interpret sounds between
1,000 and 4,000 cycles per second.
Our Other Senses:
Chemical, Skin, and
Body Senses
• The physical stimuli giving rise to odors are
chemical substances carried in the air that are
dissolved in fluid- the mucus in the nose.
• Olfactory receptors are located in the upper
portion of the nasal passages. Chemical
information is sent via the olfactory nerve
directly to the brain via the olfactory bulb.
Olfaction (smell) is the only one of the five
sensory systems that does not go through the
• Humans can distinguish among some 10,000
odors, and have over 5 million different odor
Receptor cells in
olfactory membrane
• Taste operates much like the sense of smell. Taste
has as its physical stimulus chemical substances
that are dissolvable in water.
• Receptors for taste are clusters of cells found in
the taste buds, which line the trenches around
tiny bumps on the tongue. These cells absorb
chemicals, trigger neural impulses, and send the
information to the thalamus and on to the cortex.
• The five primary tastes are sweet, sour, bitter,
salty, and umami, with uneven distribution on the
• Taste results from a complex blend of these five
tastes, as well as learning and social processes.
Taste Buds
Projects on tongue
that contain taste buds
• Your skin is your largest sensory organ, and it
contains sensory receptors for touch, pressure,
warmth, cold, and pain.
• Information is transmitted from the receptors in
the skin to the somatosensory cortex, which is
located in the parietal lobe in the brain.
• Pain receptors transmit information to the brain
via two types of pathways: a fast pathway
registers localized pain and relays pain signals to
the brain in a fraction of a second. A slower,
thinner pathway lags a second or two behind and
carries less localized, longer-lasting aching or
burning pain.
Light touch
Light touch
Strong pressure
• The gate-control theory of
pain believes that a neural
“gate” in the spinal cord
opens to allow pain
messages to travel to the
brain or closes to shut
them out.
• Bottleneck at the “gate”
may block pain.
• Endorphins also help close
the “pain gate.”
• Body sense that
provides information
• Movement of body parts
• Relative position of body
parts to each other
• Receptors located in
joints, ligaments,
tendons, skin, and
Vestibular Sense
Semicircular canal
Nerve leading to brain
Hair cells
Fluid in semicircular canals
Membrane in
vestibular sac
Hair cells
Nerve leading to brain
Allow us to maintain our balance and equilibrium, involves messages
received by hair-cell receptors in the inner ear in response to forces of
gravity when we tilt out head or move our head through space.
The semicircular canals are of particular importance to this system.
Motion sickness occurs when the information from your visual system
and vestibular sense are in conflict with each other.
Perceiving Our World:
Principles of
A perceptual set refers
to the tendency for one’s
perceptions to be
influenced by
expectations or
preconceptions. The
experience that you have
had can influence how
you perceive the world
around you.
Duck or Rabbit?
• The way we perceive visual information
can occur in one of two ways – top-down
or bottom-up processing.
• In bottom-up processing, the brain
recognizes meaningful patterns by
piecing together bits and pieces of
sensory information.
• In top-down processing, the brain
identifies patterns as meaningful wholes
rather than as piecemeal constructions.
Gestalt psychologists
maintain that the whole
can be greater than the
sum of its parts.
The principle of figure
and ground is shown
in this image. What you
see depends on which
part of the drawing you
see as figure and which
part you see as
Reversible Figure
Ambiguous Figure
By shifting figure and ground, your perception can shift
from perceiving the ambiguous figure as a young woman
or as an old woman.
A reversible figure is a drawing that is compatible with
two different interpretations that can shift back and forth.
Young Woman
Old Woman
Gestalt Principles
Shape Constancy
• Depth perception is the interpretation
of visual cues that indicate how near or
far away something is.
• Two types of clues are used to make
judgments of distance:
• Binocular cues (both eyes) include
retinal disparity (objects within 25 feet
project images to slightly different
locations on the left and right retinas;
each eye sees a slightly different view
of the object) and convergence- the
eyes converge toward each other as
they focus on a target.
• Monocular cues (one eye) are clues
about distance based on the image in
either eye alone.
Motion Perception
• Our perception of movement depends
on perceptual cues:
• The path of the image as it crosses the
• The changing size of an object in relation
to the observer
• We perceive a car moving faster than our
own vehicle when we perceive it
becoming smaller as it moves further
ahead of us on the road
• Optical Illusions involve an apparently
inexplicable discrepancy between the
appearance of a visual stimulus and its
physical reality.
• The Müller-Lyer illusion is one famous
visual illusion, shown here. Of the two
vertical lines shown here, which one
looks longer?
Ponzo Illusion
Impossible Figure
Stroop Effect
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