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(Introduction, Reasons, Types, Examples, Evaluation method)
Introduction about adulteration
In this section we will understand what adulteration is
Factor causing adulteration
We will know about different factors which are involved in adulteration, by
which we can figure out any adulterated drug
Reason of adulteration
Know about the different causes due to which adulteration of crude drugs
Types of Adulteration
To know about the different methods by which intentional or deliberate
adulteration takes place
Methods of adulteration with examples
Explanation of each types of Adulteration with common examples for better
Evaluation Method of adulteration
Different laboratory method for the detection of adulteration by which we
will able to know that our drug is adulterated or not
(Let’s Know about What is Adulteration by its Definition and General Introduction)
Adulteration is a practice of substituting the original drug completely or partially with other similar
looking substance The substance, which is mixed, is either free from or inferior in quality in terms
of chemical and therapeutic properties. The substance which is added with the original drug is called
Adulterants are either of substandard verities of the original crude drug or inferior drug or artificially
prepared or other substance which are present in the original drug which decrease its quality. In
general term adulteration is devaluation of any substance by adding or subtracting any thing with the
original substance which decreases the quality of that substance and may be injurious to health and
may cause variety of adverse effects from mild, moderate to severe life threatening reactions. It has
been studied in many report that the adverse drug reaction happens not due to the administration of
genuine drug but due to the presence of adulterants in it. So, understanding of all the methods of
adulteration and its evaluation technique is necessary to rectify this illegal act and maximizing
consumers' safety. This adulteration may be done intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional
adulteration is a criminal act and punishable offense, usually in case of crude drug. The motives
behind the intentional adulteration are normally commercial one and originate mainly with the
intention of enhancement of profits.
(Factors creating adulteration in authentic crude drug)
Impairment of the quality or value of drug by
the attack of microorganism.
Spoilage caused by fungi or bacteria with a result the
crude drug will be not suitable for human consumption
Distraction of quality of drug by the removal
of constituents by the distillation method or
due to moisture, heat, insects and rat.
Removing maximum amount caffeine by over roasting
the coffee beans
Addition of one substance to the other due to
the ignorance or carelessness or by accidents
or collection of two similar species
Addition of soil and stones to the roots or rhizomes
and stem part to the leaf accidently at the time of
Intentionally or deliberately, addition of
inferior material with genuine drug.
Glucose powder is added to acacia gum powder.
Addition of yellow colored starch powder in Zingiber
officinale (ginger) powder.
Completely different substance is given in
place of the original drug
Cotton seed oil in place of pure olive oil
Any natural substandard drug containing
chemical constituent less than the standard
drug value
Seeds of Strychnus nuxvomica containing less than 1.15
% of the strychnine than it is considered as inferior.
Reasons of Adulteration
(Know about the different causes due to which adulteration of crude drugs occur)
Two main types for reasons of adulteration
Unintentional or Indirect Adulteration
Intentional Adulteration or Direct Adulteration
It occurs without any bad intention of manufacture or
suppliers. Mainly occur due to the following reason
It occurs intentionally by manufacture or suppliers.
Mainly occur due to the following reason
Due to similarity in morphology and or aroma
Lack of knowledge about authentic source
Lack or no availability of authentic plant
Absence of proper means of evaluation
Name confusion in vernacular name
Careless collection or storage
Due to the high price of the drug in the market
Due to the Scarcity of drug
To earn more profit
Reasons of Unintentional Adulteration
(Know about the different causes due to which adulteration of crude drugs occur unintentionally)
Confusion in vernacular
Confusion occur due to same vernacular name of
different species and vice versa and due to which
the two herbs are interchanged or adulterated.
Ashoka is the vernacular name of medicinal plat Saraca
asoca and ornamental plant Polyalthia longifolia
Lack of knowledge about
authentic source
This is one the reason by which adulteration takes
place in which supplier is unaware of authentic
Mesua ferrea (Nagakesara), market samples are
adulterated with flowers of Calophyllum inophyllum
Similarity in morphology
Reason of adulteration is due to the similarity in
appearance of adulterant with the genuine drug
Mucuna pruriens adultered with other similar
Papilionaceae seeds like Mucuna utilis (White variety)
& Mucuna deeringiana (Bigger variety)
Unscientific Collections
and storage of drug
Carelessness at the time of collection of herbs
Saileyam or Shilapushpam (Parmelia perlata), a lichen
usually admixed with Parmelia perforata & Parmelia
Lack of authentic plant
Due to the limited availability of certain species
In India limited availability of Hypericum perforatum,
H. patulum sold in the name of same
Similarity in color
In the course of time the drug material changed to
or substituted due to similarity in color
Ratanjot original only source in past is Ventilago
Madraspatana but the present source is Arnebia
Types of Intentional Adulteration
Substitution with inferior Adulteration by artificially
commercial varieties
manufactured substance
Addition of synthetic
Usage of vegetative part
of the same plant
Addition worthless heavy
material/toxic materials
Substitution by superficially
similar but cheaper/inferior
natural drug substance
Substitution by
exhausted drug
Different Methods used for Intentional Adulteration
(substandard) commercial varieties
Due to the morphological resemblance
inferior quality drugs adulterated to the
original drug
Japanese ginger to adulterate medicinal ginger
Substitution by superficially similar
(Inferior/ cheaper natural substance)
Drug which is used for adulteration
physically very similar to the original drug
Indian dill with European dill or caraway
Belladonna and Senna leaves substituted by
Ailanthus leaves
Substitution by exhausted drug
In this method active constituent of drug
extracted out and are used again.
Clove, Fennel after extracting volatile oil. Used
tea leaves dried and mixed with genuine drug.
Adulteration / Substitution by
artificially manufactured substance
Substance are artificially made to look like
similar to adulterate the original drug
Compressed chicory in place of coffee, Artificial
invert sugar for honey
Usage or presence of vegetative
matter from the same plant
Presence of excessive amount of
vegetative part of same plant Adulteration
by faulty collection
excessive amount of stem in Senna, Starmonium,
lobelia. mosses, liver worts and lichens growing
on bark are mixed with the cinchona or cascara
Generally stone and gravels are added to
the drug to increase its weight
A large number of stone with liquorice root
Limestone pieces with Asafoetida
Additions of synthetic substance to the
original drug
Citral to lemon oil, Benzyl benzoate to balsam of
Addition of synthetic principles
Substitution with Inferior Commercial Varieties
The adulterants used resembles the original crude drug by morphological, chemical or therapeutic characters, but are substandard
in nature/ inferior in quality and hence cheaper in cost. This is rather most common practice of adulteration. Example Hog gum for
tragacanth gum, mangosteen fruits for bael fruits.
Original Drug
Strychnous Nuxvomica
Strychnous Potatorum
Original Drug
Zingiber officinalis
Japanese ginger
Substitution with Inferior Commercial Varieties
Original Drug
Original Drug
Capsicum minimum
Capsicum annum
Indian Senna
Arabian Senna
Adulteration by Superficially Similar Looking but Inferior Natural Substance
Substitution of the original drug by superficially similar cheaper natural substance. The substance which is used for adulteration is
physically very much similar in appearance to the original drug but not having any relation to original drug and may or may not
have any chemical or therapeutic value.
Original Drug
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Papaya seed (Carica papaya)
Original Drug
Saffron (Crocus sativus)
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
Adulteration by Superficially Similar Looking but Inferior Natural Substance
Substitution of the original drug by superficially similar cheaper natural substance. The substance which is used for adulteration is
physically very much similar in appearance to the original drug not having any relation to original drug and may or may not have
any chemical or therapeutic value.
Original Drug
Original Drug
Indian Dill
Belladona leaves
Ailanthus leaves
Adulteration by Superficially Similar Looking but Inferior Natural Substance
Substitution of the original drug by superficially similar cheaper natural substance. The substance which is used for adulteration is
physically very much similar in appearance to the original drug not having any relation to original drug and may or may not have
any chemical or therapeutic value.
Original Drug
Peach Kernel/Apricot kernel
Original Drug
Fresh Cloves
Clove with Clove stalk
Substitution by Exhausted Drug
Same drug is used again after removing/extraction out the medicinally active constituents. Practice is most common in case of
costly drug such as case volatile oil containing drug (clove and fennel). Examples are Balsam of tolu devoid of cinnamic acid.
After extraction, saffron and red rose petals are recolored by artificial dyes.
Original Drug
Original Drug
Exhausted clove
Exhausted fennel
Substitution by Artificially Manufactured Substance
Substance are prepared/manufactured in such a way so that it look similar in appearance with the original drug and these
artificially manufactured substance are than used for adulteration. Examples are ergot adulterated with flour dough molded in
correct size and colored with red and writing ink.
Original Drug
Bees wax
After Yellow coloration of
Paraffin Wax
Original Drug
Artificial invert sugar
Substitution by Artificially Manufactured Substance
Substance are prepared/manufactured in such a way so that it look similar in appearance with the original drug and these
artificially manufactured substance are than used for adulteration. Examples are ergot adulterated with flour dough molded in
correct size and colored with red and writing ink.
Original Drug
Coffee Beans
Compressed Chicory Root
Original Drug
Properly cut, shaved Basswood
Adulteration by Vegetative Matter
Adulteration due to the presence of vegetative matter from the same plant due to the faulty collection or intentionally adding excessive
vegetative matter from the same plant. A part of same plant which is devoid of therapeutic action are mixed with the same drug.
Examples Clove is mixed along with leaves and petioles, excessive amount of stem in lobelia and Starmonium leaves
Original Drug
Senna leaves
Excessive amount of
Stems in Senna leaves
Original Drug
Cinchona Bark
Moss, liverworts and lichens
growing on bark are mixed
with the cinchona bark
Adulteration by Synthetic Principles
Using synthetic drugs/chemicals are used to enhance natural character, market and therapeutic value. Examples, Citral is added to
citrus oils (like lemon oil and orange oil), Benzyl benzoate to Balsam of peru. Apart from this, the herbal product labeled to improve
sexual performance in men when analyzed contain Sildenafil, Sleeping Buddha contain Estamazole, Diabetes Angel containing
Glyburide and Phenformin
Original Drug
Lemon oil
Original Drug
Balsam of Peru
Benzyl Benzoate
Adulteration by Worthless Heavy Material or Toxic Substance
Drugs are also adulterated by the addition of worthless heavy material or the material that would be toxic in nature. Generally
stone and gravels are added to the drug to increase its weight in order to gain more profit. Piece of lime stone in Asafoetida,
Mentanil Yellow in Turmeric powder, Lead shot in Opium, Addition of rodent fecal matter in Cardamom seed, Argemone seed in
Mustard seed, White oil in coconut oil.
Original Drug
Mustard seed
Argemone seed
Original Drug
Turmeric Powder
Mentanil Yellow
Adulteration by Worthless Heavy Material or Toxic Substance
Drugs are also adulterated by the addition of worthless heavy material or the material that would be toxic in nature. Generally
stone and gravels are added to the drug to increase its weight in order to gain more profit. Piece of lime stone in Asafoetida,
Mentanil Yellow in Turmeric powder, Lead shot in Opium, rodent fecal matters in Cardamom seed, Argemone seed in Mustard
seed, White oil in coconut oil.
Original Drug
Original Drug
Piece of Lime Stone
Liquorice Root
Other hard woods (Toxic)
Adulteration of Powders
Powdered drugs are found to be adulterated very frequently. Adulterants used are generally powdered waste products of a suitable
color and density. Examples: Olive stones in powdered Gentian, Liquorice or Pepper, Brick powder in barks, Red Sander wood
into chillies, Dextrin in powdered Ipecacuanha, exhausted powder ginger in ginger
Original Drug
Powdered Gentian
Original Drug
Olive stones
Red chillies Powder
Brick Powder + Colour
Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
Evaluation means determination of identity, quality and purity of any drug. There are different evaluation methods available by which
we can detect any type of adulteration in the original drug.
Purity evaluation means to check the
Quality means to determine the
authenticity or exact biological source
presence of foreign material, either organic
of drug. Whether the drug we are using
or inorganic which may be present in the
active constituent present in the drug
are from the same biological source or
drug accidently or intentionally added to the
and comparison with the standard
from different source.
drug to earn more money
value so that the drug produce
desirable therapeutic effect.
Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
Different methods are available for the evaluation of crude drug and detection of adulteration in crude drugs
Sr. N.
Evaluation method
Morphological/Organoleptic Evaluation
In this type of evaluation, drugs are evaluated with the help of sense organs
Microscopic Evaluation
In this type of evaluation drug or its powder are examined under the
microscope to study the arrangement of tissue and characteristics of powder
Physical Evaluation
In this type of evaluation physical constant of drug is determined wherever
Chemical Evaluation
This method is used to determine the active constituent in a drug by the
chemical test or chemical process
Biological Evaluation
In this type of evaluation biological activity of drug is determined
Chromatography and spectrophotometry
Different chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were used to check
the quality and purity of drug
Morphological and Organoleptic Evaluation of Adulteration
Morphological and organoleptic evaluation includes characters like color, odor, taste, size, shape, special features like touch, texture
etc of crude drug. In organoleptic evaluation drugs are evaluated with the help of sense organs like color, odor, taste and texture.
Morphological and organoleptic features of various part of plants are very useful in identification of crude drug and also gives an idea
about the presence of adulterants in crude drug.
1. Wavy shape- Rauwolfia , Disc shape – Nuxvomica , Conical shape Aconite, Quills of cinnamon
2. Strength of odour like musty, moldy, rancid, fruity,
3. Aromatic odour of umbelliferou fruit
4. Sweet taste Honey and liquorice
5. Bitter taste Gentian and chirata
6. Brown color of cinnamon
7. Pungent taste Capsicum and ginger
8. Mucilaginous taste Ispaghula
9. Fractured Surface- Chichona, cascara bark, quassia wood
Microscopic Evaluation of Adulteration
Medicinal plant dealers have discovered the scientific method in creating adulteration of such a high quality that it very difficult to
trace out the adulteration without microscopic and chemical analysis. In this type of evaluation, drug or its powder are examined
under the microscope to study the arrangement of tissue and characteristics of powder. This can be performed by powdering crude
drug or cutting a thin section or preparing a macerate of the crude drug. The characteristic feature of cell wall, cell content, starch
grains, calcium oxalate crystal, Trichome, fibers, vessel etc. have been studied
Sr. N.
Powder of clove stalk contain sclereids and calcium oxalate crystal but cloves does not contain these two
Sclerenchyma absent in Rauwolfia Serpentine root but present in Rauwofia micratha, R.densiflora
Glandular Trichome of Mint and warty Trichome of Senna
Stone cell present in frangula bark and absent in cascara bark
Lignified Trichome and plasmodesmeta in nuxvomica
Click here to see the microscopy of Fennel by Solution-Pharmacy (Works in PDF) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOmgf9Q539A
Click here to see the microscopy of Adhatoda Vasica by Solution-Pharmacy- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmbh-Yd1UV0
Quantitative Microscopy
Quantitative microscopy is an analytical technique to analyze the powder drug when chemical method of evaluation
of drug fails to measure the accurate quality of drug. It includes Lycopodium spore method, Stomatal number,
Stomatal index, Palisade ratio, Veinlet terination number, Vein-islet number
Stomatal number: - The average number of stomata per square millimeter of epidermis is termed as Stomatal number
Stomatal index:- Stomatal index in defined as a portion of stomata against the total number of cell in the epidermis (epidermal cell
plus the stomata) reduced to percentage
Stomatal Index
S ×100
E+ S
Palisade ratio: - Palisade ratio is defined as the average number of palisade cell beneath each epidermis cell of the leaf
Veinlet termination number- It is defined as the number of veinlet termination per square mm of the leaf surface midway between the
midrib and margin
Vein-Islet number- It is defined as the number of veinislet per square mm of the leaf surface midway between the midrib and margin
Physical Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
This type of evaluation method is very essential for the determination of quality and purity of drug. In this type of evaluation physical
constant of drug is determined wherever possible. Different parameters to physically evaluate the drug are described below
Moisture content
The presence of excessive moisture content in a drug will deteriorate its quality due
to activation of enzymes which causes chemical changes or due to the growth of
microorganism. It is determined by Karl Fischer method or loss on drying method at
1050 C in an oven to constant weight. Click here for Our Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfxHot6BLZk
Starch- Moisture content
Not more than15 %
Digitalis not more than 5%
Melting point
It is useful parameter for determining the purity of solid, fixed oil and waxes. Pure
phytochemical gives very sharp and constant melting point
Bees wax- 62-65o C
Wool fat -34-40o C
Refractive index
It is very useful for evaluation of volatile oil and fixed oil. It is physical constant. It is
measured by refratomreter
Arachis oil 1.4678- 1.470
Clove oil 1.527-1.535
Optical rotation
Certain substance have the property of rotating the plane of polarized light in the pure
state or in the solution. They are optically active and property is known as optical
rotation. Dextrorotatory (+) and Laevorotatory (-)
Caraway oil + 75o to + 80o
Clove oil 0o to – 1.5o
It is the part of the plant present other that main drug part. Weigh accurately 100 g of
drug taken and spread in a thin layer on the paper. It is examined at 6X magnification
and percentage recorded
Garlic not contain more
Shatavari 1%
The Clevenger apparatus is used to determine volatile oil content
Fennel not less than 1.4 %
Dill not less than 2.5
Volatile oil content
Physical Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
In this parameter drugs solubility in specific solvent is taken into
Colophony in light petroleum
Balsam of Peru in chloral hydrate
Melting point
It is useful parameter for determining the purity of solid, fixed oil and
waxes. Pure phyto-constituents gives very sharp and constant melting
point, incase of crude drug melting point has been fixed due to mixture
of chemicals
Bees wax- 62-65o C
Wool fat -34-44o C
Agar melts at 85oC
Refractive index
It is very useful for evaluation of volatile oil and fixed oil. It is physical
constant that changes the speed of light. It is measured by
Castor oil 1.4758
Clove oil 1.527-1.535
Optical rotation
Certain substance in the pure state or in the solution are optically
active, having property to rotate the plane of polarized light. This
property is known as optical rotation. Dextrorotatory (+) right side
rotation and laevorotatory (-) left side
Caraway oil + 75o to + 80o
Clove oil 0o to – 1.5o
Eucalyptus 0 to + 100
Swelling index
Swelling index is the volume in millimeter taken up by the swelling of
1g of plant material in under the specific condition. Plant containing
mucilage. Click here for our video on it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPFUWYFjq0w
Ispaghula not less than10
Physical Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
This method determine the approximate amount of chemical constituents present
in the given amount of medicinal plant material when extracted with solvent. The
solvent used of extraction dissolve appreciable quantities of substance.
Extractive value
Water soluble extractive value
Water soluble extractive value it is used for drug containing water soluble active
constituent of crude drugs such as tannin sugar, plant acid, mucilage, glycosides
Alcohol soluble extractive value
Alcohol is ideal solvent for extraction of various chemicals like tannin,
glycoside, resins etc. the solvent strength of alcohol varies from 20-95%. The
solvent strength has to be chosen depending on the nature of drug to be extracted
Aloe Not less than 25%
Glycyrrhiza Not less than
20% w/w
Aloe Not less than 10%
Glycyrrhiza Not less than
50% w/w
Click here for our video on it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU4nr0xxMo0
Ether soluble
Extractive value
Volatile ether soluble extractives which represent volatile oil content of drug
Linseed Not less than 25
Non volatile ether soluble extractives represent resin, fixed oil or coloring matter
present in drug
Capsicum Not less than
12 % w/w
Physical Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
Total Ash value
The amount of residue/ash left after the incineration is knows as ash value of
the drug. The quality of drug also determined by the quantity left after
ignition. It simply represent the inorganic salt naturally occurring in Durg or
adhering to it or deliberately added to it as a form of adulteration. Low grade
drug, exhausted drug and excess of sand or earthy matter is detected by ash
value. Click here for videos by us- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR5Ti89TP-Y
Guduchi Total ash Not more
than 16%, Ginger 6%
Acid insoluble ash
Ash insoluble in dilute HCl. By this we can detect the presence of excessive
earthy matter which is likely to occur with roots and rhizomes
Guduchi Acid insoluble ash
value Not more than 3%
Water soluble ash
It is used to detect the presence of material exhausted by water 6000C
Ginger 1.7%
Sulphated ash
Done by addition of sulphuric acid in order to get sulphate salts
Specific gravity
It is also known as relative density. The ration of mass of a solid or liquid to
the mass of an equal volume of distilled water
Coconut oil 0.925
Castor oil 0.95
Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flow. Viscosity of a liquid is constant
at a given temperature and hence used as an evaluation parameter
Pyroxylin viscosity
1100-2450 centistoke
Chemical Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
Determination of active constituent in a drug is referred to as chemical evaluation. In this method different specific chemical test
are applied to check the purity of crude drug. These includes qualitative and quantitative chemical test, chemical assay and
instrumental analysis
Sr. N.
Methods of chemical
Qualitative chemical test
Identification test for various for various
Phytoconstituents like glycoside, alkaloid,
tannin. Click here for all phytochemical tests videos-
Copper acetate test used to detect
colophony as adulterant for resin,
balsam and waxes
Van urk’s test for ergot
Vitali mori for tropane alkaloid
Quantitative chemical test
This test include acid value, saponification
value, ester value, acetyl value
Esters value of balsam and volatile
oil , Acetyl value of volatile oil, Acid
value of resin and balsams
Chemical assay
Assay of alkaloids, resin, volatile oil,
glycosides, vitamin or other constituent
present in drug
Assay of total alkaloid in belladonna
Assay of resin in jalap and vitamin in
cod liver oil
Chromatography &
Instrumental analysis
Used to analyze the Phytoconstituents using
chromatographic and spectroscopic method
Biological Evaluation Methods of Adulteration
When physical and chemical method of
are not able to produce satisfactory result
then the drug are evaluated by biological
method of evaluation. This method of
evaluation is also knows as bioassay or
biological assay in which plant or extract
are evaluated by various biological
method to determine pharmacological
activity. These assay are conducted by
determining the amount of drug of known
quantity required to produce a definite
effect on suitable test animal or organ
under standard condition. These method
are performed on living animal, isolating
living organ and tissue, animal preparation
and microorganism. When the living
bacteria, yeast and molds are used for
assaying vitamin and to determine the
activity of antibiotics drugs then it is
called microbiological assay.
Click here for Hot plate video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQqbGAZqyhw
Chromatographic &
Spectroscopic Techniques for Evaluation of Adulteration
Different types of chromatographic
techniques are available for separation
and analysis of component present in the
drug and also to check the purity and
quality of drug by using different types
of spectroscopic techniques. In the
spectroscopic techniques measurement
and interpretation of electromagnetic
radiation absorbed or emitted when the
molecules or atom or ion of a molecule
of sample move one energy state to
other. These methods are used for
qualitative and quantitative evaluation of
Examples- TLC, HPTLC, HPLC, GLC,
UV-Visible spectroscopy, IR, Mass,
Click here for all chromatographic video by us- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtEqsPSBZlXu4dJUFMnNmM5zQuKUIQjbu
Test for Genuinely of Drugs
Test for Genuinely of Drugs
Kumkuma (Crocus sativus)
Adulterants are Stamens of Safflower, Stamens of Marigold. Test for Genuinely: When
sprinkled with concentrated H2SO4, the stigmas turn blue immediately, gradually changing to
purplish red.
Haridra (Curcuma longa)
On addition of Concentrated H2SO4 or a mixture of concentrated H2SO4 and alcohol to the
powdered drug: A deep crimson colour is produced, if the sample is genuine.
Hingu (Ferula asafoetida)
Freshly broken surface when touched with concentrated H2SO4: A bright red or reddish brown
colour is produced, changing to violet when acid washed off with water, if the sample is
Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)
Adulterants used are sand, wood pieces, pieces of bark and shallaki exudates. When small
particles put on water, the particles become round. When put on fire, first liquefies then gives
white fumes.
Sarja (Vateria indica):
Slightly soluble in Alcohol in which it forms a jelly like mass, insoluble in petroleum ether
forming white precipitation.
Kunduru (Boswellia serrata)
Trituration with water forms an emulsion. When immersed in alcohol (90%),a tear of Kunduru
is not altered much in form, but becomes almost opaque and white. When a drop of
concentrated H2SO4 is added on a freshly fractured surface, it becomes cherry red which when
washed with water changes to white emulsion, then turn to a buff color.