LOGO Management of Change Procedure Document Control Document Title: Management of Change Procedure Document Number: EMS-PRO-007 Version Number: 1 Review Date: Insert Date Next review: Insert Date Prepared by: Insert Author Version History Version Date Author Approved by Brief Description of Changes 1 Insert Date Insert Author Approval Authority First Version Management of Change Procedure 1. Purpose To ensure that any changes to the organization processes/activities which can be planned / unplanned, sudden/ gradual takes into consideration relevant risks assessments and the institution of appropriate corrective measures so as to minimize negative impact to the environment. 2. Scope This procedure applies to all processes/ activities and operations conducted by Insert Company Name employees and contractors. 3. References • ISO 14001:2015 Standard 4. Associated Documents • Management of Change Records 5. Responsibility The Head of Department are responsible for the implementation and operation of this procedure. The EMS Representative is responsible for monitoring effectiveness of change management activities. 6. Definitions Insert abbreviation for company for document control purposes: (Insert company name) Commented [CvR1]: For Example: WWISE World Wide Industrial and System Engineers EMS Environmental Management System 7. Activity Description As part of managing change, the Insert Company Name shall address planned and unplanned changes to ensure that the unintended consequences of these changes do not have a negative effect on the intended outcomes of the environmental management system. This procedure will take effect when any change relating to the following needs, take place: • planned changes to products, processes, operations, equipment or facilities; • changes in staff or external providers, including contractors; • new information related to environmental aspects, environmental impacts and related technologies; EMS-PRO-007 Version 1 Page 2 of 3 Management of Change Procedure • changes in compliance obligations. Implementation for change Appropriate information on the change to be released and appropriate training related to the change to be provided to all those affected by the change. Prior to handing over a physical change for normal use, an acceptance check is carried out to ensure; • The changes have been carried out in accordance with the authorized change proposals • All actions from the review process, including any studies conducted have been satisfactorily completed and all outcomes included • The physical change has not introduced and any unforeseen risk A formal review is carried out to access the actual impact of the change against the intent impact and reasons for any deviations On an ongoing basis, the overall system allows for the revision of operation procedures maintenance requirements and emergency preparedness response plan. EMS-PRO-007 Version 1 Page 3 of 3