Lesson 1: The Purpose Of Accounting Done By Shehara Perera F4 Friday, August 11, 2023 What is the purpose of Accounting ? To the viewersNOTE: Please watch this video as it has been attached in below. 01 Introduction of Accounting(Further in discussed in presentation) 02 Identifying what is Assets,Liabilities,Capital 03 Accounting Equation Contents 1.1 Introduction To Accounting Accounting can be known as a language of business You may, ask what does accounting communicate Well, it communicates information required by interested parties (also known as stakeholder) within outside of an business in order to make decisions. Shareholders can divide into 2 namely; Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders Internal Stakeholders Managers Employees Investors Board of Directors External Stakeholders Customers Suppliers Competitors Bank Each of the above party takes decision in various nature and for that they require information. Accordingly, providing information for decision making is the prime objective of Accounting. Based on the above objective there are also Secondary objectives such objectives are given as below; To asses the level of profitability To know finical position of the business To measure and monitor the progress of the business(comparing the financial statements of one year with those previous years or with those of other similar businesses) To plan future developments of the business In order to fulfil legal requirements FACT: Luca Pacioli Is referred as father of bookkeeping Bookkeeping To the viewersNOTE: Please watch this video as it has been attached in below. Objectives of Bookkeeping To have permanent record of all the business transactions. To keep records of incomes and expenses in such a way that profit or loss may be calculated. To keep records of assets and liabilities in such a way that the financial position of the business may be ascertained. Bookkeeping VS Accounting Income Statement Income Statement that represents that revenue and expenditure of a business in order to assess the profit ability over a period of time. Outcomes of an Income Statement Profit Owner is receiving return on his investment Profit allows growth Profit improves livelihood Loss Loss reduce operations Loss leads to bankruptcy Statement of Financial Position The statement that provides a snapshot or an overview of a business’s financial position at given point of time. Financial position statement provides a snapshot of it; Assets-What a business owns and what it owns Liabilities&:What a business owes to other parties Equity: What a business owns to its owner Process of Accounting Source Document Prime Entry Ledger Bookkeeping tasks of Bookkeeper Trial Balance Bookkeeping tasks of Bookkeeper Financial Statements Analysis &Interpretation Accounting tasks of Accountant Thank You And May God Bless You!