Chapter 19:Carboxylic Acids 0 Nomenclature: - ROH 0 II 1 + OH oic acid ⑧ yMethanoic Mor] *thataic Acid Bonding structure's ↳ polar H : I↳ - A -- CH io C ↳ . ... - H - - C + 0H & t Physical Properties ↳higher melting s Boiling points - intermolecularforces ↳ Strong 8-St 0 ---H- O_ HzC" C -o - - - - ! He 3 hydrocarbons than (Hydrogen is oxygen containing organic similar shape of is similar to b Size bonding) in water solubility 4 carboxylic acids w/ four in all structures alcohols carbons or less are miscible in water proportions Acidity - ↳ weak acids ↳ More acidic than ↳ carbonyl 10: alconds groups are as conjugate base is more stable dueto resonance EWG 8 H3C vs. .... ate H3c-cHz- - Conjugate of cany·ug acid carboxylic of Alcohol Estrength ↳ Ka of Carboxylic acids of form [nHan+ICOCH ↳ electronegative substituents Cl 91 - i I ⑧ - ~, -2 N ~ I L are a carbon increase attached to relatively the same of carboxylic acids acidity & As the number of bands between the 2-carbons, increase, the inductive effects electronegative substituent decrease in strength Formod 3 ↳ Strong than acetic adin slightly stronger ⑧ 11 * carbon ENG pka 4.7 = Not becomes to ortho to more electron-withdrawing carboxyl groups increases as its 5 charcter increases compared to acidity Parasmeta Acid Salts ylic ↳ in presence of strong base, carboxylic ⑧ CHOH ⑧ + StrongBase (Li-ot) acetic CHao -- Lithium acid acetate ↳ Hydrophilic ↳ if onthe The 3 acids are rapidly neutralised -ic--ate 3 Metal first group long hydrocarbonchain which are lipophilic (fat-loving) then hydrophilic rest of chain is lipophilic amphiphilic molecule end of carboxyl is a the end = 3 have the Micelles carboxyl facing ↳ out the hydrocarbon on the chain inside Acids Doxylic ↳ require ↳ one twolonisations to carboxyl group hadthe boric ! i CO2 remove acts as a H each EWG we -... - - H.0 H carbonic acid carboxylic acids ↳of cobalt or CHOH Comcat., + heat, pressure of the carboxyl which stabalises the - = hydrogen CH3CO,H acetic acid - or group the other ionization of w/ Acids from Grignard -ic See ·Ngx R ~- 3 a. Hot S - 8t ↳ alkyl or aryl halide into In I. Mg,diethylether I -> C carboxylic acid using griguard acidic workup reagents I ·on 2. CO2 3. 5yO are incompatible have substituents that * can't w/ griguard Brough Hydrolysis alkul cyanides of reagents (OH,SH, NHD Acid ↳ Nitriles are ↑ - R. RCEN+2H20 /1 M -/ - cHCl Sw2 Nitriles REN+ix: - Nitrice ROH +H NaCN -> DMSO NHI H20 Al -CHICNI LY BrBr H20 + 91 CH20H heat NC CN - ⑧ 120, HCI - Heat Il O It How CH ism of Acid-Catalysed Esterification - O 1" I I- CH30H t OH Eat I - 10-enriched H20 + Methanol G c-o band of the alcohol is preserved MECHANISM: tabe More S - Step 1:Protonate carboxylic acid 0: I 11 W IlT I/ - - - H n + ,[Hs k - at0 - =,To I H- CH3 : 0 - 2 Step3:deprotonate the 2 7 ~ // I I - I x L - .0 1 CH3 : "H · O - -H oxygen carbon Methand bonds c0 to ... -cry H W 7 0 I 0 L I/ -7 of - - H postivly charged oxygen ,a53 CH3 -H I/ - 0 - nucleophile L H0; / - H acts as a / I/ I I/I -H - -H - Step 2:alcohol H,A - a) cresonancesarethe C- on + O- - (CA) H0: 2 - W I I IL I1 : --- - - CH3 H + - H- the = w/ a +-ve charge Step 4:Protonate oxygen of -OH CA Hi // I I-cH3 - S 10. Le t + - -H Step 3:Protonated 0 or 10. - H Step 6:Deprotonate group t - ↓To -H - leaves 120 as / I I 11I/T - o-cr+x - H t C OH = ↳1 / 7 11 = H - - I I - H: -cH] I H3 -cts L. II I I/ LI->I - H- 0: ↳ I group i CH3 IH ... CH3 - acts 0: be" - 6: H- + + -H :0- CH3 Ester Formation:Lactores - ↳ Hydroxyl (-0H) is carboxylic acid containing compounds canform cyclic Esters called lactones ↳ Five or six ↓ membered rings ↳ 8-lactones Flactones O 11 OXoH 40 -- H,0 + ⑧ 11 noteor I O 1 -> - 0 H20 + ↳ Happens spontaneously ↳ Replace - ↳ Reactions oic 11 with -olide that are expected to produce lactones if O acid a 9 membered 5 or 6 u OH 1. NaHy -> 2. H30+ ring acids often yield hydroxy can be formed M - 11I O off 0 I via 0 It not Exylation of Malonic Acid - RCO2H Gloss of -> HO CO2 + CO2 from ↳ very hard I 0 I RH Carboxylic Acid decarboxylation = rarely happens ⑳ It II MoH 150° -> 0 =c 0 = ↳ only one carboxylic acid group H of ·X Slow -o c 0 = = - NoH + lost 0 0 ko 11 fast ~Or - + on ↳ Keto-Enol in 9.11 escopic Analysisof Carboxylic Acids - ↳ 1H NMR: a ↳ The proton on the 13 hydroxyl group CWMR:carbon of -CO2H is is the most deshielded around 140-185 nm Chapter 20:Carboxylic Acid Derivatives:Nuc Acyl Substitution - Hi 0 11 Ras Acyl chloride ↳ all have an Acid ⑧ 0 R Ro- Anhydride acyl group bonded Ester to an It -N- ative electroney element Ri Amide R ⑧ O H R1 X Il - Nu-H-> + R H X - + Nu Nomenclature 1) Acyl chloride - is acid---yI L-carbonyl chloride used for attachments to rings other than benzene 0 I Mc Pentanoy chloride #)Acid Anhydrides "anhydride" "acid"replaced with 99 No Acetic Anhydride #) Esters ↳ Named as alkyl alkanoates 11 CH3 0 CH2CH3 Ethyl #) in I COCH2CH2CI 0 0 I CH3CH2C0 CH3 acetate - L/ - Methyl propanoate 2-chloroethyl benzoate Amides - is acid/-oic acid ↳substituting 3- on ->-amide the Methylbutahamide Nitrogen indicated by locant" the /Ne A I N-Ethyl-3-methyl butanamide ↳ carboxamide used when amide N-Ethyl-N,3-dimethylbutah amide group is attached to a ring )Nitriles ↳ -oic acid/-ic acid -> ↳ "carbonitrile"if - CN group attached to ring a ↓ CH3CEN Ethanenitrile MEN - cyclopentane carbonitrile 5-methylhexahenitrile or or Acetonitrile Reactivity onitrile 4-methylpentyl cyanide Carboxylic Acid Derivatives of AcylChloride) anhydride ester) amide (for reactivity) ↳ Amides : 80. R 4 R is a Sie / R1 7 C-clbond - cy X: + IX: electrons Release of :: R-cc! : " Lonepairdonatich ineffectivebecause is Not a significant resonance contributeare overlap very long (prevents effective electron #) Acid delocalisation) Anhydrides ↳ oxygen : ↳I R C is a better electron donor than chlorine :0: A I vo - I -- 11 C : 5- -R R / · . XR O .. C : : -> R - c I +- C .. xR O 5> R- jo from X stabalises the poor electron pair donor - - R - C I carbonyl group I) Acyl Chlorides ↳ chlorine - resistant to hydrolysis are more ↳ Both carbonyl groups fighting for Esters the same stability lone pair which reduces # ↳ only R carbonyl group they one : - C is more are more stable x pro&9 effective than 2 R IV) Amides ↳ Nitrogen is less electronegative -: B - C ~I.. - ↳ High Ni than R-swan3 oxygen very effective resonance rotational energy barrier for C-U bond meaning there double bond character Nudeophilic Acyl Substitution HoX .0: 11 R addition - Nu-H-> RNU + X (Mechanisms] (slow) (fast) significant 0 #Nu H Elimination -> is + - X R I Rate determining Step ↳ Depending on acid-base intermediate is formed H- j* -H RV Nu I tetrahedral ↳ once formed Product of stable pH of R -NoI tetrahedral solution) ·X - R ~Nu Tr conjugate base of tetrahedral intermediate intermediate ↳ Reactions / on T conjugate acid ~ (depends H - - T1-Ht of a cation, anion, or neutral chemistry the TI can revert to tetrahedral original intermediate derivative CA or form nucleophilic acyl substitution will one generally convert least stable carbonyl groupto a more ↳ Alternative ↳ R1 Slow ix - > R + - mechanism is observed of cases ↳ ionisation ai -x mechanism +Nu- Nucleophilic Acyl ↳ Acyl only with :0: 11 acyl chlorides 3 Sv1 ↑Nu R in a limited number (Sw2) R 1) Acyl d: = ·Nut fast - X ↳ This nucleophilic acyl substitution .......... YN - Nu xx R Substitutich chlorides chlorides through readily converted to acid anhydrides, esters, isamides Nuc substitution & pyridine acts as B is a a catalyst weak base ↳ increases rate of aculation ↳ Base helps prevent build up of HC #) Acid Anhydrides ⑧ To E 9 I CH320CCH3 Acetic anhydride ↳ Acid anhydrides I " patholic anhydride are two -cr Maleic anhydride acyl groups bonded to the same oxygen O O It I HY:- + 0 ROY HOR + carboxylic Nucleophile Bond Cleavage acid ~Bond S Bond 5 aree +Ho Cleavage ⑧ ⑧ 0 It 11 - No 0.NA-owa - , 02 i N- ov +Howa Mechanism: : Step 1: o II II · +. - I I oT slow -> X 0= T 1// 1 o- - - NO2 Step 2: : ↳1 o = o i o T 1 I - - Physical Properties 4 Esters NO, 10: T - T Fast -> - 1- NO2 + : &Sources of Esters moderately polar ↳ lack hydroxyl groups so they hydrogen bonds by each other are ↳ But they can groups ↳ low MW form hydrogen bonds with substances that contain esters are water solvable ↳ Solubility 1 When # of C4 hydroxyl Reactions of Esters Ester Hydrolysis Acid-Catalysed O 11 0 H20 RCOR' + ROH Alcohol carboxylic Ester acid ↳ generous excess of water " - d 11 - ROH + 10X -or H,0,x ↑T I heat + NoH + Mechanism Step 1: I 0: - Il - 1o R H + -8 Step 2: I ! o i III H - R of -I I H I I 0: - :or fast - ** It - or 10: 0 H - + - R H / t . . t H slow - - R - -H / - or L 3: Step H 10: or = fast 1. V I i- i HO ·H V X ~I S R H + or .. - or t - I "H Step 4: .. H0 A H- H V -- + I RX or i * - H0 fast I I - VH R - H0: - i. slow - - < ↳O -s - H. 0 - Ii I R H + 0 - of ·o- fast : ot H+ -2 Ester + 9 - .H methand Step 6: - H H - +: H X is · I ~ Step 5: or In - . R +- H Ai - H + -+ H - carboxylic acid Hydrolysis in Base:Saponification ↳ Irreversable ↳ hydroxide (-OH) not a is a reactant RYOR' Ho--> + catalyst O 0 Ro-+ROH carboxylate alcohol ich T watermethand ⑧ + NaOH -> heat ⑧ I ol Al- 1oNa+ v// I I ↳ To separate acidification step carboxylic acid, a isolate is O O It =- heaton or 20, I I + CHOH H2SOY 2. ↳ Saponification:Ester hydrolysis in a base Mechanism -..H Step 1: " S :0: H &II ....or RV.. Step V Mor R ,w SIOW - I ~ I 2: :0: r : ↳I Fast - R1 o - ↳ It - - I - H R - - :or - Step 3: ⑧ R : - 11 - ~ 0 - H H +. - H 1 R 0 ..... (weaker base) : X A + - -_-n - Reaction of Esters with ↳ Ester ammonia + = RCOR' Ester amines amide 0 0 11 iH + Ammonia, NH3 -> + ammonia RINHL+BOH Amide 0 :H (weaker acid) H I H- 0 . · - + alcohol needed 0 ⑧ It - + I * NH, N, NH, * FLHEY - amine ↳ Tertiary CH3OH ⑧ Fo+N be & The amine must + (RNH2) primand have no proton on or nitrogen to HO + Secondary (R2NH) be replaced by an acyl group Grignard, organolithium, Lithium Aluminum Hydride Esters with Grignards organolithium I ↳ Needs 2 equiv. Grighard P No + R 2R'MgX or or organolithium R R 2R'Li 1, diethyl ether -> 2. H30t 11 I -1 ⑧ H30+ +MgX R'MgX diethyl ether HAIHs ~AIAS diethyl ether X or - + : . - R CH3 S R Ketone intermediate Wig D ↳ H .0: II -> -- R -H -CH3 Aldehyde ↳ Aldehyde gives Yor H01 1 - - -> N Hydride ((AH) - : Nor - #) Lithium Aluminum R i - X · O diethyl ether - 2CH3MgI2. + A R CH30H alcohol ⑧ 11 I Tertiary Methyl ester O W RXoH 2 is rapidly alcohols: II reduced under - intermediate intermediate primary derived from aldehyde one from the alkoxy portion of the original ester one 11 --oX the conditions 1. LiAIHy, diethul ether 2. H30 I IX ~ - or,on Amides ↳ CN bond is shorter in amides ↳ energy forrotation is higher than -H H I ↳ Amides : I HXN A I Fr -> H i I very polar forces stronger intermolecular attractive causes GN< 0 for electronegativity making Amides of RCOR acid Amine RNH of salt - CNRn + O RNHOR carboxylate salt Amide Anhydride amine of Amine 0 YoCHs -RNRL CHOH + + ester ↳ Esters?Amines 1:1 ratio react in a 4 No acidic product iX Methano Amide Methyl Amine : or of Hydrochloride Amide acylchloride + - It O 2RNH acid than RCNR2 +R,NH, C1- R'Cl-> Amine weaker O O + it a (BPM) acid carboxylic zRcNH ... :O are -> Synthesis amines is formed so no base is :X I- H- +NH R2 ↳ Amides are - - - I formed NE" required it "WNR, - R rapidly R + HX a Amides Hydrolysis of I) Heating ↳ strong acid in Amide bond is cleaved RR' HzOT + heating on in the REoM +RINH, - Ammonium carboxylic Amide ion acid #) Heating in a presence of 0 strong Base 0 RR +-OH - RYo RNH ↳ Both are irreversible EHNH so heat I 19 Tr I 1/ I - - H Mechanism Br kOH -> ethanol-water heat of Step 1: Hydrolysis in on Nason I O or HN-X-Br + Acid in HEPA an : - +H RNH, I H Step 2: +- H o +: w H: 1.. ↳ 0 + - H RXNH2 Step 3: Efast H0: - BXNHz HO W OH B XNAz + -H o H- " H a strong acid Step 4: O H.: of -- I- ~v = H + RXNH, - 0· ↓ (H -H REFs "I- - Step 6: 0 -H 1x R10 - : t H Ho - i - I 2: Step 3: Step 4: 0- I H Mechanism of Step 1: H I D I -H I Step L -> V t H i 0- -H ..- H Step 5: 4 rei - A + +: I &+- H R1 +iNHs !+ H- - ↳ ↓ NH3 Hydrolysis 20: I H in 2 + Basic solution e - NH3 Step 5: Lactames ↳ cyclic Amides To wil -Y in 48 N-methylpyrrolidone H e-caprolactam ↳ lactams> lactones for stability ↓ ↓ esters for stability amides) Preparation of Nitriles 0 11 RCNH2 Amide CAryail RCEN -> Nitrile + H,0 , 200C Hydrolysis of Nitriles ↳ Nitriles-> carboxylic acids upon hydrolysis Acid Hydrolysis # RCEN H0 + H0 + Carboxylic acid Nitrile Y T EY - 02- #) Base Ammonium ion 0 - ON - H20, H2SO4 H I I -> heat Hydrolysis carboxylate ion, second step (acidification) would Carboxylate to carboxylic Acid ↳ yields the RYOH+NHy -> a Ro RCEN H20 +OH--> + -+ Carboxylate Nitrile NHS Ammonia ioh CH3(CH2)qCN O 11 1. OH, H2O, heat -> 2. H30t CH3CCHJaCOH Mechanism Step 1: H. RE: Step 2: : "H 0 g"v ask:+ ~ - H O" H-* I - - I a - TNA Ti convert Step 3: H I H-RXH :0: A R -N -At o - 11 H W HO: - + - - H I A Step 4: : RX - + H ~ - H - 0: - 0 It I - RNN - I .. in Basic Hydrolysis R XXN - H :: X OH :. + H Step 6: H I Ho:. V H- 0 RUNH2 K - Step 7: HO it W - OX.oH - r RLNH2 +CH- -> H&OH A H-OH- RUNH5 OH . RX NH2 ↳ - = H + I o Solution H. - +-OH - RV THz ~ Step 8: * HO * -j RYNHs I O ·-H RYOH - > ↑ RTO . - - + Yo-H - Step 9:Irreversible formation 9: +iNHs I H + -H carboxylate of H O 11 RVo +H-0! - · ~ . ion H = -I " H · It2 H I · Step 5: Amide - Addition of ↳ Triple Grignard to bond of Nitriles reactive to is less Nitriles 4 Need strongly basic nucleophiles ether diethyl RCEN+R'MgX1. 2. TE N Y Y H30t CHaMgI + = Nucleophilic attack (Grignard) NH I c RCR Idiethulether -> 2. H30+, heat FC 0 H30t Teat? II RCR , IT L/ - Fac Spectroscopic Analysis I) 'H NMR 4 Methyl propanate ↳ Ethyl Acetate 4 Methyl Hydrogens are MORE shielded when carbonyl group (a) than just #) an attached directly oxygen (b) CNMR ↳ 160-1808 ↳ More shielded ↳ N c= ↑8120 than carbons in AldehydessKetones to a