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Inspiring Speech: Prioritizing Health and Overcoming Challenges

Ignite Speech
Beginning of the Story (Act 1/Introduction)
What events happened in this?
Attention Getter:
Imagine spending your summer traveling for your siblings’ sports tournaments and just
being happy to tag along then suddenly receiving bad news that might result in no good
Good morning class, I hope your morning is going well and today for my 5-minute
speech I will be telling a story that will…
Central Idea/Lesson to be taught:
…inspire you all to take care of your health early and to not take it for granted.
Reason to Listen:
To live a long healthy life, it is important to prioritize your health as it provides us with a
strong immune system, plays a major role with our moods, allows us to feel energized and
Preview of Points:
With the long healthy life that we have, we must keep in mind that in order to feel like
ourselves our health is the main factor, our body is our home, and that there is so much more in
life that we can push ourselves to accomplish.
Main Points/Middle of the Story/Act 2
Build up the tension!
Main point 1: when our health isn’t the greatest, we tend to not feel the greatest.
Point 1: My mom and I have a great relationship that I am very thankful for. Prior to my
last family vacation, I noticed that she seemed off and something was wrong but like the mom
she is, she would always put her kids first. On our last family vacation, she was not like herself,
she seemed very sluggish and didn’t seem to want to go watch my brother play. I continuously
asked if she was okay, and she would always say she didn’t feel well. It would make sense that
something was wrong with her health if she had felt this way for some time. When we seem to
get sick or simply get the flu we tend to not feel like ourselves and our health plays a major
factor in the way our body responds.
Main point 2: our body is our home.
Point 2: When my mom began to have symptoms such as fatigue, irritation, and unusual
lumps these were all signs that the body was giving her so that she would figure that something
was not right. After some time, she finally got a call during our family vacation that she had
cancer. It was very shocking simply because my mom is healthy and young, but just because we
may be healthy and young does not mean we should take our health for granted or wait until
symptoms get worse to be seen by a doctor.
Main point 3: there is so much more we can push ourselves to accomplish in life.
Point 3: After our family vacation, we sat down and talked about what is going to happen
next. My mom needed to go through a rough journey to get better and she did. It began with
her hair loss, chemo, then multiple surgeries and long months of recovery. To this day she keeps
up with her doctor’s appointments and checkups to make sure nothing has changed on her road
to recovery. She beat the cancer after a long 2 years and is now going back to school working
towards accomplishing her LVN. As she progressively got better, she set so many goals for
herself that she wants to accomplish. Although she had to go through a rough journey and put
her life on pause, it did not stop her from living her life and have new beginnings for herself.
End of the Story/Conclusion/Lesson Learned/Act 3
Transition to End:
Review main points:
Overall, Lesson Learned/Restatement of CI:
Final Thought:
Overall as we all may be trying to enjoy our lives; things seem to happen not only just
because but always for a reason. So, if you have been feeling off within your body I inspire and
encourage you to take care of your health early and to never take your health for granted
because there are many people around the world who wish for better health. Not only do they
wish for a better health, but it is possible that they wish they had the ability to accomplish many
things that we are capable of such as being here today. Not only does being healthy make us
feel more alive but it is proven to make us feel happier. Our health is the number one factor to
motivation, happiness, feeling more connected and more. With the long healthy life that we
have, we must keep in mind that to feel like ourselves our health is the main factor, our body is
our home, and that there is so much more in life that we can push ourselves to accomplish.
Thank You!