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3500 Monitoring System Configuration Guide

Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
The 3500 Monitoring System
Power Supply,
TDI/RIM, and
Keyphasor Module
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
A 3500 rack can contain a variety of modules that can be set up to operate different
ways. The process of setting system, module, and channel options so that all the
modules in a 3500 rack work together is called configuration. Configuring a 3500
rack consists of using the Rack Configuration Software to set options and then
downloading the settings to the rack.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
3500 Rack Configuration
• Identify & explain different ways to connect 3500 monitoring
system to host (configuration) computer
• Identify & explain effect of uploading & downloading data
from computer to monitoring rack
• Explain general process of configuring 3500 monitors &
modules using configuration software
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
This section provides a general introduction to the 3500 Rack Configuration software and
shows how to configure the power supply, the RIM/TDI, and the Keyphasor Module.
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Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Starting the 3500 Rack
Configuration Software
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You run the 3500 Rack Configuration software by clicking Start | Programs | 3500
Software as shown above.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Two methods for adding modules
to a rack
Method 2: Connecting to the rack and then
uploading a configuration from the rack
Method 1: Adding the modules by hand
Drag and drop
a monitor type
to the rack
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
In configuration, there are two methods for adding modules to the rack diagram
• adding the modules by hand and
• connecting to the rack and then uploading the configuration from the rack.
Once a rack is configured, the configuration file should be saved so that it is easily
accessible later. The configuration files have an extension of “.rak” and are small enough
to be carried on floppy disks or stored on any hard drive or network.
When the configuration process is completed and verified, the configuration computer can
be connected to the rack, and the configuration can be downloaded to the monitors.
Operations staff should be advised, and some monitors in the rack should be bypassed if
they are in the critical control path of the machine. The actual download process is usually
accomplished within a few minutes.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 1: Adding modules by hand
Selecting Monitors and Modules
for Configuration
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
There are two ways to add monitors to the rack diagram. The first way, shown
above, is to select the Slot button and then left-click on the slot in which the
monitor is to be placed. The monitor or module is then selected from the menu
provided. If either the RIM or TDI is configured as TMR for this rack, the selection
of a monitor type will give you the option to install one or three monitors in the
selected location.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 1: Adding modules by hand
Selecting the type of Interface
Step 1: Click on
the Slot Button
Step 2: Click on the
slot 1 module
Step 3: Adjust
the settings for
Rack Setup
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
To configure the Rack Interface Module, left click on the Slot button and then left click on
RIM module to select the Interface Module of either TDI or RIM.
Select the System Type of Standard or TMR Interface Module.
Select Full Rack or Mini Rack.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 1: Adding modules by hand
Using the Tool Palette
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The second way to add a monitor to a slot is to use the Tool Palette. Display the
Toll Palette by selecting Tool Palette from the Options menu.
Add a monitor to the configuration diagram by dragging a monitor from the Tool
Pallete and then dropping it into the appropriate slot. You may be queried for
choices related to the monitor. Once these are answered, the appropriate monitor
will be added to the slot.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Connecting to the rack and
uploading the configuration
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The second way to add monitors to the rack diagram in the 3500 Rack Configuration
software is to connect to the rack and upload the configuration.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 2: Connecting and uploading
Connection Choices
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
There are four ways to connect to a 3500 rack to implement the configuration
process. The first two are described on this page.
1) The Direct choice is selected to use the RS-232 or RS-422 serial connections to
the rack. In most cases, the connection can be implemented at 38,400 baud. The
user must also provide computer port number (normally COM 1 or COM 2), and the
rack address, which is set (in binary) in the DIP switches in the front of the Rack
Interface Module (RIM). It is possible to browse for the available rack addresses,
but since this is a serial connection, it may take a significant length of time.
2) The Network via DAQ Server selection supports a network connection from the
computer doing the configuration to a data acquisition computer connected to the
rack, and with the data acquisition software running. As long as the user is
authorized to log on to the data acquisition computer, s/he need only provide the
computer name and the rack number.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 2: Connecting and uploading
Connection Choices
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The second two connection choices are described below.
3) The Network selection allows direct connection to a monitor rack via the /92
Communication Gateway or /22M TDI module. The /92 module must be
configured for the 3500 protocol, and both the computer and the Communication
Gateway must have IP (Internet Protocol) addresses that will allow access to each
other. Configuration of the /22M TDI cannot be utilized through the /92. The
software allows the user to browse for the available monitoring rack, and then
connect once it is found. While this is not required, it makes the process a little
easier, and it does not take very long. Browsing across subnets is not allowed.
4) The Remote selection allows the user to log directly into a monitor rack using a
modem which is either internal to the RIM, or an external modem. Telephone
numbers, and modem setup conditions, including the port used, and the
communication speed desired, may be entered here as needed, and as for all
connections, the rack number must be provided.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Method 2: Connecting and uploading
Uploading or Downloading
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Once connected, data may be uploaded from, or downloaded to the 3500 monitor
When Upload from Rack is selected, the software acquires the types of monitors
installed in the rack, and all of the configuration information about each one. If
there is another configuration on the screen when this choice is selected, you can
save it or overwrite it.
When Download to Rack is selected, you specify which monitor configurations to
download. All the monitors available may be downloaded, or one monitor at a time
can be selected. Beyond this screen, there are at least two more query screens that
report the progress of the download.
Because the 3500 Monitoring System is designed for configuration when it is
monitoring machines, it is possible to reset an alarm setpoint or set a software
switch in such a way that a relay in the system will change state. Therefore, the
operations staff should be advised and the appropriate monitors in the rack should
be bypassed if the monitoring system is in the critical control path of the machine.
Although the monitor is designed to allow downloads to running machines, there
are relay configurations and other operational parameters that might cause a relay to
change state unexpectedly causing a machine to inappropriately be taken off line.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Saving and downloading
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
After a rack is configured, the configuration file should be saved so that it is easily
accessible later. The configuration files have an extension of “.rak”, and are small
enough to be carried on floppy disks or stored on any hard drive or network.
It is important to archive rack configuration files and to keep them up to date with
the configuration on the rack in case a monitor must be replaced and reconfigured.
When the configuration process is completed and verified, the configuration
computer can be connected to the rack and the configuration can be downloaded to
the monitors. Operations staff should be advised, and some monitors in the rack
should be bypassed if they are in the critical control path of the machine. The
complete download process usually takes a few minutes.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Power Supplies
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
A 3500 monitoring system may use one or two power supplies, although two are
required if the TMR system or the Overspeed Detection System is used. If there are
two power supplies installed, the lower one is the primary one and the upper one is
the secondary. However, if only one power supply is installed, it is to be installed
in the upper slot.
The first format for configuring power supplies was shown earlier in this section for
the RIM and TDI configuration screens. The power supply voltages are easily set
using that screen. However, it is also possible to configure them by left-clicking on
the power supply graphic, and selecting the appropriate voltage condition on the
menu provided.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Transient Data Interface (TDI)
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The 3500/22M Transient Data Interface (TDI) is the latest generation of communication
processors that perform all of the functions of the 3500/20 RIM and allows the 3500-series
machinery protection system to provide a static and dynamic dataset suitable for machinery
management purposes. This communication processor is a single slot interface occupying
the RIM slot location within the 3500 rack. It provides enhanced data and communication
capability over the previous generations of communication processors.
The 3500 TDI is the replacement for the functionality of the TDXnet Communications
Processor. The TDI provides the following enhanced features:
• Expanded scalability
• Larger data range
• Higher-resolution transient data collection
• Expanded alarm data collection
• Enhanced network support
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Transient Data Interface (TDI)
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The following items can be configured for the TDI:
• I/O option between 10/100 Base T and 100 Base F (Fiber) to the rear of the rack
• Network Device Name allows the rack to be identified on the network. No spaces or
special characters are allowed.
• The IP Address is a number that identifies the device on the network at a software level.
It is entered as a string containing 4 numbers between 0 and 255. An IP Address is used to
identify and connect to a rack across an Ethernet WAN or LAN.
Note: An IP Address of and are not valid. See your network administrator to obtain
a valid static IP address, rack subnet, and default gateway address.
• option and configuration for modem connection to the front port
• Agency approvals, which are optional, are configured at the bottom
• connect and configuration passwords may be set in the text windows, and other security
conditions, such as blocking the front port connection, and relay trigger choices can be set
using the “Security Options” button
• the type of rack mount is selected in this window, as needed
• power supply configurations can be set from this window as well as directly on the main
screen, as will be shown later
Of course any of the above items will require certain hardware options to match the given
configuration selections; the software will usually recognize this, and warn the user if there
are discrepancies.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Rack Interface Module (RIM)
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
When the configuration software is started, the power supplies and the Rack Interface
Module (RIM) or Transient Data Interface (TDI) are always shown. Once configured or
uploaded from the rack, one of the power supplies may not be shown if it is not in the
monitor rack.
Power supplies are said to reside in slot zero (0), and the RIM resides in slot one (1). The
remainder of the slots increases from two to fifteen, counting from left to right.
To configure the RIM or TDI as either standard or TMR (Triple Modular Redundant),
right-click on the module, view the options, and select the appropriate choice. Remember
that if TMR is selected, the jumper on the backplane of the rack must also be set for TMR.
Selecting a TMR RIM or TDI will give the option of choosing one or three monitors to be
installed any time one is selected for the rack.
From the File menu drop down, selecting the Rack Setup option will allow you to choose
the Interface module type of a TDI or RIM, the System type of Standard or TMR, and the
Rack Size as Full or Mini.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Rack Interface Module (RIM)
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The configuration of the RIM is somewhat easier than the monitors. The following items
can be set:
• I/O option between modem, and direct serial connection to the rear of the rack
• I/O option and configuration for an external modem for the rack
• option and configuration for modem connection to the front port
• output of the rack data to the Data Manager® 2000 interface; commonly this is slots 2-7
for the first port, but other choices such as 2, 4, 6 8, 10, 12 or 2, 5, 8, 11 can be configured
for special monitor configurations, such as TMR
• Agency approvals, which are optional, are configured at the bottom
• connect and configuration passwords may be set in the text windows, and other security
conditions, such as blocking the front port connection, and relay trigger choices can be set
using the “Security Options” button
• the type of rack mount is selected in this window, as needed
• power supply configurations can be set from this window as well as directly on the main
screen, as will be shown later
Of course any of the above items will require certain hardware options to match the given
configuration selections; the software will usually recognize this, and warn you if there are
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Rack Security Settings
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The security settings for a 3500 Monitoring System are accessed from the RIM Options
Configuration dialog and let you control access to the rack and determine behavior of the
rack NOT OK relay.
Change Setpoints in Program Mode Only -- setpoints cannot be changed through
software without the TDI or RIM key being in Program Mode.
Disable Front Port Communications on the TDI or RIM -- This option will disable the
front communications port of the Transient Data Interface (TDI) or the Rack Interface
Module (RIM) in slot 1. Care should be taken when using this feature as a loss of
communications will occur.
If a RIM is installed it is recommended that the rear port of the RIM or the 3500/92
Communications Gateway be used when setting this feature.
If a TDI is installed it is recommended that the rear port of the TDI be used when setting
this feature.
Rack Address is Changed in Run Mode -- drive the Rack NOT OK relay if the rack
address is changed while the TDI or RIM key in slot 1 is in Run Mode.
Module is Removed from the Rack -- drive the Rack NOT OK relay if a module is
removed from the rack.
Key Switch is Changed from Run to Program Mode -- drive the Rack NOT OK relay if
the TDI or RIM key in slot 1 is changed from Run Mode to Program Mode.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Keyphasor Module
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The Keyphasor module is a half height 2 channel Keyphasor card which supplies
Keyphasor timing signals to modules within the 3500 rack. Because vibration monitors use
this timing signal in their configuration, it is good practice to configure the Keyphasor
module first.
The 3500 Keyphasor module lets you configure timing signals from either a Proximitor
sensor or a magnetic input. In your lab stations, you will be using a timing signal
generated from a Proximitor sensor that is installed on a TK3. For this type of Keyphasor
input, the default Keyphasor module settings work well.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Monitor Configuration
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The Options dialogs in the 3500 Rack Configuration software let you set the configuration
parameters for each of the modules in your rack.
You can access these dialogs by either selecting the Options button on the left side of the
configuration screen and then clicking on a module or by right clicking on a module and
then selecting Options from the drop down list.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Monitor Setpoints
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
An alarm setpoint is the level of the proportional value at which an alarm will occur if the
value moves above or below the level. To set alarm setpoints, use the monitor option
displays to enable alarms and adjust the alarm setpoint level.
Notice that all channel variables can have separate alert setpoints and that any two channel
variables can have danger setpoints.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Monitor Point Names
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Point names are custom names that can be assigned to a channel of data so that an operator
can easily identify which machine point are being examined. In 3500, default names are
displayed as RxxSxxCxx to denote which rack, slot, and channel the data pertains to. Now,
meaningful names can be assigned.
For example, suppose you have a 3500/25 Keyphasor Module in Rack 1, Slot 2. The two
channels are gathering rpm data from different generators. By default, the point name for
channel 1 would be R01S02C01 and channel 2 would be R01S02C02. We can now change
the point’s names to something like "Main Generator " for one channel and "Auxiliary
Generator " for the other, leaving no confusion about what is being monitored by each
Point names can be assigned to most of the 3500 module types. Modules that cannot be
assigned point names are: 3500/20 Rack Interface Module, 3500/90 and 3500/92
Communication Gateways, and the 3500/93 and 3500/94 Display Interface Modules.
Where are point names stored?
With release 2.50 of Rack Configuration point names are stored at the module level (module level refers to
storing the names within the configuration of the module) for modules in which the feature is supported. See
below for a list of modules that currently support point names at the module level.
It should be noted that the /45, /50, /53, /60, /61, /62, and /63 all require a certain rev of firmware to support
the point name feature.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Explain why rack configuration files should be stored.
Identify and explain the four ways the configuration software
may be connected to the monitor rack.
Explain what effect uploading and downloading data has on
the 3500 monitoring system.
Explain how the RIM and TDI are selected as standard or
Identify two ways that the power supplies can be configured.
Identify two ways to place a monitor in a slot in the
configuration software.
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
Explain what general conditions must be configured for a
monitor before the channels can be configured.
Explain in general what the Tool Palette is used for.
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Rev 1, Dec08
Power Supply, TDI/RIM, and Keyphasor Module Configuration
3500 Rack Configuration
© 2008 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Rev 1, Dec08