Optimization zation Analyze LTE Optimi Internal Only▲ TABLE OF CONTENT Part 1 Basic Cell Parameter Planning Part 2 LTE LTE Call C all Drop Optimization Optimiza tion Part 3 LTE LTE Cell C ell Reselection Optimizat Optimization ion Part 4 LTE LTE Coverage C overage Optimiza Optimization tion Part 5 LTE LTE Hanover Ha nover Optimizat Optimization ion Access Problem due to PRACH not Planned (1) Symptom: In a site test, under cellor can make a calltoinaccess the areas opposite in tothe the antenna, ut itthe is UE di!!icult to one access e"en unale the eNodeB areas that other cells can also co"er# The $%$& and CIN$ meet the access re'uirements# Analysis: (# A!ter the othe otherr t)o cells o! the eNodeB are disa disaled, led, the UE can access the eNodeB i! the si*nals meet the access re'uirements# +# A!ter all three cells ar are e enaled, access is di!!icult or unale unale in the o"erlapped co"era*e areas o! the three cells# The UE sends the $$C Connection $e'uest messa*e, ut the system does not respond# # %i*nalin* on the eNod eNodeB eB side sho)s the the system recei"es recei"es the mess messa*e a*e and responds, ut the response is not recei"ed y the UE# -# Check results o! the start acc access ess parameter con!i*uration con!i*uration sho)preamle/ the par parameter ameter .Lo*ical root se'uence numer used to *enerate prach o! the three cells is set to 0, and the parameter .NC .NC% % used to *enerate prach preamle/ preamle/ is set to ((# This means the access preamles o! the three cells sent to the UE are the same# 1hen the UE is in the o"erlapped co"era*e are area, a, the three cells recei"e the messa*e !rom the UE and returns returns the 2%3- mess messa*e a*e at the same time# The UE recei"e t)o 2%3- messa*es and cannot demodulate them, so the access attempt !ails# Access Problem due to PRACH not Planned (2) Solution: $eset the &$AC4 parameters, includin* .Lo*ical root se'uence start numer used to *enerate prach preamle/, and .NC% used to t o *enerate prach preamle/# A!ter A!ter the resettin*, the UE can access acc ess the system in any co"era*e area o! the eNodeB so lon* as the si*nals are o! *ood 'uality# Summary: &rior to the kicko!! o! a to pro5ect, it isnei*hor re'uired cells# to plan access6related parameters in addition &CI and UE Unable to Access due to Incorrect Parameter Confguration (1) Symptom7 Symptom7 In the pre6preliminary acceptance test o! &3&, it is !ound under the cell )hose &CI is 80, UEs cannot access the %29 eNodeB and se"eral access !ailures take place in one minute# 4o)e"er, the radi radio o si*nal 'uality is !ound ! ound *ood :$%$& ; 6(0- dBm, CIN$ ; (0+ dB<# UE Unable to Access due to Incorrect Parameter Confguration (2) Analysis7 Analysis7 The UE should report the %tatus packet to the eNodeB a!ter it recei"es the LTE =L A2 All &=U messa*e# 4o)e"er, the analysis o! UE lo*s sho)s the eNodeB does not recei"e the %tatus packet# As a result, the eNodeB repeats sendin* the messa*e in the $LC layer# On the UE side, the UE has recei"ed the messa*e - times, )hile on the eNodeB side, the $NLU sends the $nlu$nlcErrInd messa*e to the $NLC, and the $NLC returns the $rcConnection$elease $rcConnection$elease messa*e, causin* the UE>s !ailure to access# By de!ault, our net)ork parameter settin* allo)s %$B si*nalin* to e repeatedly transmitted !or up to (? times# Check the parameter settin* and !ind the ma@imum $LC A2 retransmission time )as incorrectly set to -# 2ean)hile, the %$B $LC Type o! the eNodeB is also incorrectly con!i*ured as U2 :Unackno)led*ed 2ode<, )hich should e A2 :Ackno)led*ed 2ode<# Solution: 2odi!y the %$B $LC Type to e A2 and the prolem is sol"ed# Access Failure due to a UE Fault (1) Symptom7 Symptom7 In the pre6preliminary acceptance test o! &3& &3&,, it is !ound %amsun* UEs !ail to )ork !rom time to time, leadin* to access !ailure# Access Failure due to a UE Fault (2) Analysis: First, the UE lo*s are analyed# The radio en"ironment is *ood as the $%$& is 6+ dBm and the CIN$ is ( dB# But a!ter the U UE E recei"es the .Acti"ate de!ault E&% earer conte@t re'uest/ messa*e !rom the 22E, it re5ects the re'uest throu*h the .ulIn!ormationTrans!er/ messa*e on the uplink, the andcomparison returns the o! reason .&TI unmatched/# 4o)e"er, 4o)e"er the si*nalin* elements in the normal procedure )ith those in the anormal procedure sho)s the &TI :&rocedure transaction identity< sent y the 22E is the same as the t he &TI carried in the attach re'uest messa*e o! the UE# U E# There!ore, it is concluded that the prolem is caused y %amsun* UE>s !ailin* to maintain the &TI &T I properly# properly# Solution: Update the 41D%1 "ersion o! %amsun* UE or replace %amsun* UE )ith other UEs, !or e@ample, ualcomm UEs do not report such a prolem# Internal Only▲ TABLE OF CONTENT Part ! "asic Cell Parameter Planning Part 2 LTE Call Drop Optimization Part 3 LTE LTE Cell C ell Reselection Optimizat Optimization ion Part 4 L LTE TE Coverage C overage Optimiza Optimization tion Part 5 LTE LTE Hanover Ha nover Optimizat Optimization ion Call Establishment and Call ro! NA% and A% NA%7 Non6Access %tratum A%7 Access Access %tratum Call Establishment and Call ro! Connection $elease UE EUTRAN RRCConnectionRelease RRCConnectionRe lease Call =rop =e!inition A call call )ill e dropped )hen )hen an UE e@its the $$CGCONNECTE= state# Call Establishment and Call ro! Call =rop Common Causes (# Connection $eestalishment $e5ect :%i*nalin*< :(<# The UE sends the rrcConnectionReestablis rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest; hmentRequest; Cause = otherFailure messa*e throu*h the UL6CCC4# :+<# The eNodeB returns the rrcConnectionReestablishmentReject messa*e throu*h the =L6CCC4# :<# 1hen e@periencin* a call drop prolem, the UE starts to recei"e the roadcast messa*e that contains %IB( throu*h the BCC46%C4 BCC46%C4 until the UE ori*inates the ne@t call# Call Establishment and Call ro! Call =rop Common Causes +# &oor %i*nal o"er the Air Inter!ace :%i*nalin*< Incomplete si*nalin*7 1ithout recei"in* the Connection Release messa*e, the UE is transitioned !rom the RRC-CONNECE! state to the RRC-"!#E state# A typical symptom symptom o! this call drop prolem7 The UE sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest messa*e ut does not recei"ed the RRCConnectionReestablishment messa*e, and e"en the UE does not send the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete messa*e# Call Establishment and Call ro! Call =rop Common Causes # Other Causes Narro)ly speakin*, a call drop prolem occurs only )hen the UE sends the rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest messa*e, that is to say, the $$C connection is roken# I! the $$C connection is reestalished due to a hando"er or any other prolem, the $$C $$C reestalishment is usually success!ul# success!ul# In a real pro5ect, you need to pay special attention to such prolem# 1hene"er necessary, you must reach an a*reement )ith the customer on )hether re*ardin* re*ardin* such a prolem as a call drop prolem# Cause Anal"sis 1 # Poor Co$erage &rolem %ymptoms Cause Anal"sis 1 # Poor Co$erage Cause Analysis7 Analyin* Analyin* the =ri"e =r i"e Te Test =ata =at a %tep (# Collect the dri"e test data# %tep +# Analye the dri"e test data usin* H&O% CNA or TE2% =isco"ery# %tep # Check )hether there is any o! the !ollo)in* symptoms throu*h the *eo*raphical chart or Tale 9ie) )hen a call drop prolem occurs7 Lo) $%$& :ser"in* cell<7 $%$& J 6(08dBm Lo) CIN$ :ser"in* cell<7 CIN$ J 0dB &oor si*nal stren*th :nei*horin* cell<7 %i*nal stren*th K 6(08dBm Cause Anal"sis 1 # Poor Co$erage Optimiation %olutions (# =etermine )hich sectors are ser"in* current poor co"era*e areas# +# =etermine the most suitale sectors ased on the net)ork topolo*y and radio en"ironment, and stren*then the co"era*e o! this area# Trouleshoot the hard)are !aults !rom the aseand, $F, and antenna system, 9%1$ alarms# Increase the $% po)er o! the ser"in* cell# Increase the po)er o! the ser"in* sector# Ad5ust the antenna antenna tilt o! the ser"in* sector# sector# Ad5ust the antenna antenna aimuth o! the ser ser"in* "in* sector sector## Add some sites plus plus ad5ustin* the anten antenna na tilt and aimuth o! th the e surroundin* ase stations# # Implement Co"era*e Capacity Optimiation :%ON6 CCO< !unctionthe :pendin*<# Case %tud" 1 # Poor Co$erage &oor Co"era*e $%$& J 6(+0 dBm %er"in* Cell CIN$ J 6+ dB Cause Anal"sis 2 # Hando$er Failure &rolem %ymptoms Be!ore a call drop prolem occurs, the UE has e"er sent the t he measurement report and recei"ed the RRCConnectionRecon$i%uration messa*e !rom the eNodeB# The UE sends the rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest; Cause = han&o'erFailure messa*e immediately )hen recei"in* the roadcast messa*e !rom the tar*et cell# The UE usually sends the rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest messa*e to the source cell a!ter e@periencin* a hando"er !ailure# Cause Anal"sis 2 # Hando$er Failure Cause Analysis7 Analyin* the %i*nalin* =ata Otain the si*nalin* data collected !rom the dri"e test# Check )hether there is any o! the !ollo)in* symptoms )hen a call drop prolem occurs7 Be!ore a call drop prolem occurs, the UE has e"er sent the measurementReport messa*e# The UE can recei"e the rrcConnectionRecon$i%uration messa*e that contains the (obilityControl"n$o !ield !rom the eNodeB# 1hen hando"er to the tar*et cell that is carried y the rrcConnectionRecon$i%uration messa*e, the UE can recei"e the system"n$ormation)loc*ype+ messa*e throu*h the BCC46%C4# 1hen recei"in* the system"n$ormation)loc*ype+ messa*e, the UE sends the rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest Cause=han&o'erFailure messa*e# Usually, UEto can hando"erthe ack thesuccess!ully source cell# reestalish the connection )ithin +00 ms, and Cause Anal"sis 2 # Hando$er Failure Optimiation %olutions Check )hether the nei*horin* cells are properly con!i*ured y comparin* the Nei*hor Cell )orksheet o! the source cell to the %er"in* Cell )orksheet o! the tar*et cell# Check )hether the tar*et cell is normally runnin*# No it errors durin* the transmission Normal po)er output No hando"er !ailure due to the cell o"erload Check )hether the so!t)are "ersions o! oth source and tar*et cells are correct# Familiarie yoursel! )ith common hando"er !ailures# A hando"er hando"er !ailure occurs ecause the + inter!ace is improperly con!i*ured# A hando"er hando"er !ailure occurs ecause tra!!ic load is urdened in a sin*le cell# A hando"er hando"er !ailure occurs ecause the hando"er success rate is too t oo lo) in this cell# A hando"er hando"er !ailure occurs ecause a ne) site is deployed in the surroundin* area# A hando"er hando"er !ailure occurs ecause the UE is located at the ed*es o! di!!erent 22Es# A hando"!re'uencies# hando"er er !ailure occurs ecause the UE is located at the orders o! ase stations in di!!erent Case %tud" 2 # Hando$er Failure Inter6Fre'uency 4ando"er Unsupported Cause Anal"sis & # 'issing eighbor &rolem %ymptoms Cause Anal"sis & # 'issing eighbor : Cause Analyin* %i*nalin* =ata OtainAnalysis the si*nalin* data collected !romthe the dri"e test# Check )hether there is any o! the !ollo)in* symptoms )hen a call drop prolem occurs7 Be!ore a call drop prolem occurs, the $%$& o! the ser"in* cell is continually c ontinually decreased# Be!ore a call drop prolem occurs, the UE sends the measurementReport messa*e consecuti"ely# The purpose is to check )hether the si*nals o! nei*horin* cells are stron* enou*h# The si*nal o! the ser"in* ser" in* cell ecomes poorer and poorer ecause no nei*horin* cell is con!i*ured, c on!i*ured, and e"entually this causes a call drop prolem# The measurementReport messa*e sent y the UE contains the tar*et nei*horin* cells that satis!y the A or A8 A8 e"ent, dependin* o on n system setup# The system :nei*horin* cell< messa*e sent y the ser"in* cell does not contain the tar*et nei*horin* cell o! the measurementReport messa*e sent y the UE# A!ter sendin* the measurementReport messa*e, the UE does not recei"e the rrcConnectionRecon$i%urationRequest messa*e )ith a hando"er instruction !rom the eNodeB# Cause Anal"sis & # 'issing eighbor Optimiation %olutions Usin* the con!i*uration tool or atch6import !unction in the O2C, add the missin* nei*hor cells to the ser"in* cell list prior to the call drop# Implement the AN$ AN$ !unction to optimie the con!i*uration o! nei*horin* cells# :pendin*< Case %tud" & # 'issing neighboring Cell The UE sends the measurementReport messa*e !or se"eral times e!ore a call drop prolem occurs# Cause Anal"sis * +$ershooting &rolem %ymptoms Cause Anal"sis * +$ershooting Cause Analysis7 Analyin* the %i*nalin* =ata Otain the si*nalin* data collected !rom the dri"e test# Check )hether there is any o! the !ollo)in* symptoms )hen a call drop prolem occurs7 The si*nals in a co"era*e area )here a call drop prolem occurs, ser"in* cell, or searchale nei*horin* cell contains some o"ershootin* si*nals :o"ershootin* or more layers<# =etermine )hether the co"era*e area )here a call drop prolem occurs is in nature a pilot polluted area, )hich is ser"ed y more than th an three cells :$%$& K 6((0 6((0 dBm, CIN$ J 0 dB<# =etermine )hether any nei*horin* cell is uncon!i*ured# Check )hether the nei*horin* cell list o! the co"era*e area contains any o"ershootin* cell# Cause Anal"sis * +$ershooting Optimiation %olutions The *eneral principle is7 on the condition that the co"era*e area is pro"ided )ith stale and proper si*nals, try as est as possile to control the si*nals o! the o"ershootin* area# =ecreasin* the po)er o! the o"ershootin* area Increasin* the antenna do)ntilt o! the o"ershootin* area By takin* the order co"era*e o! the o"ershootin* area as )ell as the net)ork topolo*y into consideration, care!ully ad5ust the antenna aimuth o! the o"ershootin* area# &ilot &ollution Caused y O"ershootin* Co"era*e Increase the po)er o! the primary sector Ad5ust the antenna do)ntilt do)ntilt o! the primary primary sector Ad5ust the antenna aimuth aimuth o! the primary primary sector Control the polluted si*nals !rom other areas Nei*hor Cell Uncon!i*ured7 Optimiin* nei*hor cells Cause Anal"sis , # E-ui!ment Fault &rolem %ymptoms E'uipment Faults 4ando"er anormalities A call drop prolem occurs and can reoccur )hen a ser"ice is processed at a !i@ed time or place# A call drop prolem occurs and can reoccur in one or more speci!ic sectors o! the eNodeB# A call drop prolem occurs and can reoccur in an inter6 22E, inter6TA, or any other special area# Cause Anal"sis , # E-ui!ment Fault Cause Analysis7 Analyin* the =ri"e Te Test =ata and O2C %tatistics =ata %tep (# Collect the re'uired data# %tep +# Analye Analye the data e!ore e!ore and a!ter the call drop prolem occurs# $adio en"ironment :3E<7 poor co"era*e, !ast !adin*, shado)in* Co"era*e o! the ser"in* cell :$%$& and %IN$< Nei*horin* cell con!i*uration and hando"er statistics %i*nalin* !lo) anormalities %tep # Eliminate the causes one y one and sum up some help!ul principles 1hole or part o! a siteM %( or + inter!aceM A!!ected y any critical operationsM operatio nsM Cause Anal"sis , # E-ui!ment Fault Optimiation %olution I! a call drop prolem is caused y any e'uipment !ault, you need to sumit it to an $= en*ineer# en*ineer# 1hen necessary, you you must capture the re'uired in!ormation !or !urther analyin* the call drop prolem, in coordination )ith the $= en*ineer# Follo) up the prolem trouleshootin* procedure# E"entually,, "eri!y that the prolem is properly eliminated# E"entually Cause Anal"sis . # Inter/erence &rolem %ymptoms :Uplink Inter!erence< Cause Anal"sis . # Inter/erence &rolem %ymptoms :=o)nlink Inter!erence< Cause Anal"sis . # Inter/erence Cause Analysis : !ri'e est !ata Analysis , O(C !ynamic !ata Analysis %tep (# Collect the dri"e test data and dynamically oser"e the $%%I data in the O2C )hen a call drop prolem occurs# %tep +# Analye the data !eatures )hen a call drop prolem occurs7 Check )hether the $%%I o! the BT% is too hi*h :such as 68 dBm or hi*her<# I! yes, you can in!er that uplink inter!erence is present# Check )hether the transmit po)er o! the UE is *reater than +0 dBm )ithin a !e) minutes prior to the call drop dr op occurrence# At this time, the UE not located in anyis)eakly co"ered area# In this case, you can in!er thatisuplink inter!erence present# Check )hether the $%$& is 60 dBm or etter ut the CIN$ is smaller than 0 dB in the ser"in* cell :e"en includin* nei*hor cells< that is ein* tested# I! yes, you can in!er that do)nlink inter!erence is present# %tep # it=etermine )hich type o! inter!erence is present, and then handle accordin*ly# Cause Anal"sis . # Inter/erence Optimiation %olution =etermine and trouleshoot uplink inter!erence7 %peci!y the rou*h ran*e o! the inter!erence :)hich cells e@periencin* inter!erence and )hether these cells are included in a certain cluster< Usin* a spectrum scanner such as BT+80 plus a*i antenna to pinpoint the inter!erence source# =etermine and trouleshoot do)nlink inter!erence7 Con!irm that do)nlink inter!erence does not come !rom any internal system :This re'uires eliminatin* the o"ershootin* co"era*e and uncon!i*ured nei*hor cell prolems<# I! do)nlink inter!erence comes !rom an e@ternal system, you need to use a spectrum scanner such as BT+80 plus a*i antenna to pinpoint the inter!erence source# Cause Anal"sis 0 # rac Congestion &rolem %ymptoms There are relati"ely too many real6time acti"ated suscriers in the cell# The cell starts to re5ect the UEs durin* the admission control procedure# The transmit po)er o! the cell is ecomin* almost saturated# The call setup success rate and the call drop rate are ecomin* )orse# Cause Anal"sis 0 # rac Congestion Cause Analysis: O(C er$ormance Statistics Analysis %tep (# Collect per!ormance statistics in usy hours !rom the O2C, includin* call setup, hando"er, and call release# %tep +# uery the numer o! suscriers as )ell as the tra!!ic load )hen a call drop prolem occurs, and then check )hether the cell is hea"ily loaded# %tep # uery the cell setup success rate, hando"er success rate, and call drop rate and locate their potential causes# %tep -# 1hen 1hen a cell starts to re5ect the UEs UEs durin* the admission control procedure ecause o! resource insu!!iciency, you can in!er that the call drop prolem is caused y tra!!ic con*estion# Cause Anal"sis 0 # rac Congestion Optimiation %olutions Increase the system capacity capacity## Increase the cell po)er# Compress the o"erhead channel po)er# Increase the resource locks :$Bs<# Add some ase stations# stations# Chan*e the net)ork topolo*y and alance the tra!!ic load# %hrink the co"era*e and ad5ust the $F !or miti*atin* the po)er o"erload Implement the %ON6CCO !unction :pendin*<# Internal Only▲ TABLE OF CONTENT Part ! "asic Cell Parameter Planning Part 2 LTE LTE Call C all Drop Optimization Optimiza tion Part 3 LTE Cell Reselection Optimization Part 4 LTE LTE Coverage C overage Optimiza Optimization tion Part 5 LTE LTE Hanover Ha nover Optimizat Optimization ion The %6criterion !or Cell %election :%r@le" K 0< 0< %r@le" ; r@le"meas :r@le"min P r@le"mino!!set< r@le"mino!!se t< 6 &compensation r@le"meas is the re!erence si*nal recei"ed po)er :$%$&< o! the candidate cell# r@le"min and r@le"mino!!set r@le"mino!!set are the minimum recei"ed le"els !or cell campin* con!i*ured in the %IB :%IB(<# The r@le"mino!!set r@le"mino!!set is used only in the situation )hen the UE camps on a 9&L2N cell# &compensation uses a lar*er "alue amon* 0 and the "alue o! &E2A :the peak uplink transmit po)er o! the UE< deductin* &U2A :the ma@imum $F output po)er o! the UE<, that is 2A ( &E2A - &U2A, 0<# The unit is dB# Actually, it is the compensation o! Actually, o! UE>s transmit po)er and and the ma@imum allo)ed transmit po)er po)er to the cell selection# :I! the transmit po)er o! UE is lar*er than the ma@imum allo)ed transmit po)er, the &compensation is 0 other)ise it is necessary to use the transmit po)er o! UE to compensate the access threshold#< Cell $eselection &rocess The process o! cell reselection includes these steps7 conductin* measurement as per measurement rules, reselectin* a cell as per cell reselection rules, and cell access "eri!ication# A!ter the UE has camped on a cell, it )ill conduct measurement to determine )hether there is a etter cell so as to conduct cell reselection# The priority6ased cell reselection is a ne) mechanism in the E6UT$AN# Cell $eselection 2easurement $ules To reduce po)er consumption, less measurement operations are pre!erred# The 3&& %peci!ications de!ine t)o thresholds !or tri**erin* the UE>s measurement# They are s6Intra%earch and s6NonIntra%earch, )hich are all con!i*ured in %IB# I! the 'uality o! the ser"in* cell is etter than the s6Intra%earch, the UE can conduct no intra6!re'uency measurement# I! the 'uality o! the ser"in* cell is etter than the s6NonIntra%earch ut )orse than the s6Intra%earch, the UE )ill conduct the intra6 !re'uency measurement, ut not the inter6!re'uency or inter6$AT inter6$AT measurement# I! the 'uality o! the ser"in* cell is )orse than the s6 NonIntra%earch, the UE )ill conduct the intra6!re'uency, inter6 !re'uenc y, and inter6$AT !re'uency, inter6$ AT measurements# measure ments# =urin* the early sta*e o! a commercial net)ork, the UEs are asically data cards, and there is no need to consider the po)er consumption# As a result, the con!i*uration con!i*uration !or s6Intra%earch and s6NonIntra%earch are not a"ailale# The UEs are re'uired to conduct the intra6!re'uency, intra6!re'uency, inter6!re'uenc inter6!r e'uency, y, and inter6$AT inter6$ AT measurements# measure ments# E"aluation and Cell %e'uencin* ( Accordin* to the priorities priorities o! nei*hor cells and tthe he ser"in* cell, the cell reselection takes place in three situations :see ne@t pa*e<7 The cell )ith lo)er priority !re'uency %er"in* Cell The cell )ith hi*her priority !re'uency E"aluation and Cell %e'uencin* + The priority o! the nei*hor cell is hi*her than that o! the ser"in* cell# The si*nal 'uality :%non%er"in*Cell,@< o! the measured nei*hor is hi*her than Thresh,4i*h in the time t ime o! Treselection# The priority o! the nei*hor cell is lo)er than that o! the ser"in* cell# I! the ao"e t)o situations are not satis!ied, the cell is reselected )hen the 'uality o! the ser"in* cell is lo)er than Threshser"in*, lo), lo), and the measurement 'uality 'uality %non%er"in*Cel %non%er"in*Cell,@ l,@ o! a nei*hor cell )ith lo) lo)er er priority is hi*her than Thresh@, lo)# E"aluation and Cell %e'uencin* + The priority o! the nei*hor cell is e'ual to that o! the ser"in* cell# All cells :includin* the ser"in* cell< are are put in a 'ueue# I! a cell ranks hi*hest in the 'ueue and lasts lon*er than the time set in Tre Treselection, selection, the cell is selected# The $6criterion is sho)n elo)7 $s ; meas,s P 4yst $n ; meas,n 6 o!!set $s is the 'uality score o! ser"in* cell :rankin* criterion !or ser"in* cell< and $n is the 'uality score o! the nei*hor cell# meas,s and meas,n are the $%$& "alues o! the ser"in* cell and and the nei*hor cell respecti"ely# G4yst is the parameter to control the hysteresis o! the ser"in* cell in the t he se'uence# Go!!set de!ines the o!!set !or a nei*hor cell# For the intra6!re'uency cells, it is the cell6ased c ell6ased o!!set "alue# For the inter6!re'uen inter6!re'uency cy cells )ith the same priority,sed priority, it includes t)o parts7 the cell6ased o!!set "alue and the !re'uency6ased !re'uency6a o!!set "alue# Accessiility y 9e 9eri!ication !or !or Cell $eselection $eselection Accessiilit I! the est cell in the LTE LTE !re'uency ran*e is arred or reser"ed, it is re'uired that this cell is remo"ed !rom the cell reselection candidate list on the UE# The UE can try other cell o! the same !re'uency, unless the cell indicates that the UE can not select any intra6!re'uency intra6!re'uency cell in a period o! time# I! the UE e"aluates the est tar*et cell and !inds that it is not suitale due to some reasons# For e@amples, the trackin* area prohiits roamin*, or the cell is not a cell in the re*istered &L2N# In a period o! time :)hich )ould not e lon*er than 00s< that !ollo)s, the UE )ill not take any cell in this !re'uency as the tar*et cell !or ! or cell reselection# Cell $eselection %peed Factor ( By calculatin* the !re'uency o! cell reselections, the UE determines )hich moility state it is in# In %IB, the moility state parameters are con!i*ured, includin* n6CellChan*e2edium, n6CellChan*e4i*h, t6 4ystNormal and t6E"aluation# In the period o! t6E"aluation, i! the count o! cell reselections is lar*er than n6 CellChan*e4i*h, the UE determines it is in a hi*h speed moility state# I! the count o! cell c ell reselections is lar*er than n6CellChan*e2edium, n6CellChan*e2edium, the UE determines it is in a medium speed moility state# In the period o! t64ystNormal :t64ystNormal must e lar*er than t6 E"aluation<, the UE )ill return return to the norma normall moility state i! it doe does s not detect any condition that meets the medium speed moility state or hi*h speed moility state# Cell $eselection %peed Factor + In hi*hto speed moility state medium and speed moility state, the UEthe needs otain and uses theand s!62edium s!64i*h con!i*ured in t6 $eselectionEUT$A6%F and '64yst%F !rom %IB# O! )hich, s!62edium is the !actor used !or medium speed moility state, and s!64i*h is the !actor used !or hi*h speed moility state# 2ultiply the correspondin* !actors o! Tre Treselection selection and t6$eselectionEUT$A6 %F,, and use it as the ne) timer !or cell reselection# %F Add the s!62edium or s!64i*h in '64yst%F '64yst%F to hyst# The hyst is used in the $6criterion# Black D 1hite List, Access $estriction, Cell The UE should ypass the cells on the lack list )hen it conducts %tates cell selection, measurement and cell reselection# Blacklisted cells are not considered in e"ent e"aluation or measurement reportin*# For the C%3 cells and 4yrid cells, the UE should otain the C%3 I=s !rom the system in!ormation# I! the C%3 I= is stored on the C%3 )hitelist o! the UE, the UE should put the cell in the candidate list and conduct measurement and se'uencin* Each UE elon*s to an access class :AC< in the ran*e 0 6 # %ome UEs elon*s to one or more hi*h6priority ACs in the ran*e ((6(8, )hich are reser"ed !or speci!ic uses# AC(0 is used !or emer*ency access# The UE considers access to e arred i! access is arred !or all its applicale ACs# 1hen the cellBarred state o! a cell in %IB( is arred, the UE can not select this cell in cell selection nor cell reselection, e"en in emer*ency# Late 2easurement 2easurement threshold7 s6Intra%earch and s6NonIntra%earch# =ue to improper con!i*uration :too small "alue<, the cell reselection measurement is started late# The conditions to start measurement are ready,, ut no measurement is started# ready The ser"in* cell does not measurement< pro"ide con!i*urations !or s6Intra%earch :a!!ectin* intra6!re'uency or s6NonIntra%earch :a!!ectin* inter6!re'uency or inter6$AT measurement<# The UE conducts the intra6!re'uency, inter6!re'uency and inter6$AT measurements# Increase the "alue o! s6Intra%earch or s6NonIntra%earch so that the cell reselection measurement is started as soon as the 'uality o! the ser"in* cell )orsens# &in*6&on* $eselection I! pin*6pon* cell reselections occur, you can increase the cell reselection hysteresis, and raise the priority o! LTE LTE cell reselection# I! the ao"e method does not )ork, you can decrease the "alue o! Threshser"in*, lo) !or the ser"in* cell# For the same operator, the priority settin*s !or UT$AN and E6 UT$AN in the U2T% and LTE net)orks should e the same# The cell reselection parameter con!i*urations on the t)o sides must match each other so as to pre"ent the pin*6pon* hando"er# Late Cell $eselection I! the on cellan reselection conducted too late, t he UE the may !ailure ori*inate calls unsuitaleiscell, )hich easily causes access or call drops# Take an intra6!re'uency cell reselection !or e@ample# To speed up the cell reselection, the !ollo)in* methods can e used7 %et the "alue o! cell reselection Treselection Treselection as small as possile# At present, )e recommend settin* it to (s# =ecrease the "alue o! 4yst# =ecrease the "alue o! o!!set# Call Con*estion I! suscriers su!!er call con*estions in the o"erlapped co"era*e area, you should decrease the threshold !or cell reselection to other cells, no matter such call con*estions occur in )hich net)ork, so as to properly distriute tra!!ic# Case #t$y ! Improper measurement control threshold settin* leadin* to access !ailure Fault =escription =urin* a commissionin* test, )e !ound that the UE !ailed to ori*inate calls in a cell, ut it could ori*inate calls in a nei*hor cell )ith etter 'uality soon :hundreds o! milliseconds<# Case %tudy ( Fault Analysis Analysis 1e checked the UE lo* and !ound that the radio en"ironment o! the cell that the UE accesses !or the !irst time )as poor :&CI;0Q, $%$&;6 (0dBm, CIN$;68dB<# There )as a nei*hor cell )ith *ood si*nal 'uality :&CI;Q, $%$&;6QdBm<, ut the UE did not select it# The situation )as that the UE !ailed to access the cell )ith &CI;0Q, ut it soon success!ully accessed the cell )ith &CI;Q# 1e checked the %IB messa*es !rom the net)ork, and !ound s6Intra%earch;Q in the intraFre'Cell$eselectionIn!o section# Accordin* the calculation !ormula, ! ormula, the ser"in* cell ori*inate intra6!re'uency measurement )hen the $%$& "alue is smaller than 6(0P(-;6((? 6(0P(-;6((?dBm# dBm# Then, it is too late# %olution In current net)ork en"ironment, the terminals are data cards, )hich ha"e no re'uirement on po)er consumption# %o, )e can set the parameter y%Intra%rch&re to !alse, ensurin* that the terminal conducts $%$& measurement !or intra6!re'uency nei*hor cells all the time# Case %tudy + Improper cell reselection parameter settin* leadin* to call drops Fault =escription =urin* a preliminary acceptance test !or &3&, the si*nal 'uality o! the ser"in* cell )orsened *radually in the process o! UE U E access, leadin* to $$C call drop# The cell reselection parameters )ere improperly con!i*ured, and the UE ori*inated calls on the cell )ith poor 'uality si*nals, leadin* to $$C call drops# Case %tudy + Fault Analysis Analysis 1e checked the UE lo* and !ound that the radio en"ironment o! the cell that the UE accesses )as poor :$%$&;6+dBm, CIN$;(dB<# There )as a nei*hor cell )ith *ood si*nal 'uality :&CI;+8( , $%$&;6 Q#?dBm<, ut the UE did not select it# =urin* the access process, the UE could not e handed o"er to a etter cell, the t he si*nal 'uality o! the ser"in* cell ecame )orse and )orse, and at last the call dropped# 1hen the time re'uirement :(s, the t he minimum "alue< !or intra6!re'uency cell reselection is met, the cell reselection process can e initiated accordin* to the $6criterion# Furthermore, decreasin* the "alue o! o!!set or hyst can accelerate cell c ell reselection# %olution 2odi!y the cell reselection parameter hyst :dB 6K (dB< to speed up cell reselection so that the UE can c an select the cell )ith etter 'uality# Internal Only▲ TABLE OF CONTENT Part ! "asic Cell Parameter Planning Part 2 LTE LTE Call C all Drop Optimization Optimiza tion Part 3 LTE LTE Cell C ell Reselection Optimizat Optimization ion Part 4 LTE Coverage Optimization Part 5 LTE LTE Hanover Ha nover Optimizat Optimization ion rans*Re rans*Regional gional Co$erage the trans6re*ional co"era*e usually re!ers to the co"era*e o! some ase stations e@ceeds the planned scope# %uch prolems are usually the !ollo)in* solution7 (# reduce the po)er o! cross6district co"era*e area +# reduce the antenna do)n tilt # ad5ustin* the antenna an*le -# reduce the antenna hei*ht 8# $eplace the antenna# Use small6*ain antenna# 2echanical do)ntilt antenna replaced y electronic do)ntilt antenna# Loe )idth is narro)er eam antenna replacement antenna loe ?# I! the site is too hi*h causin* more area co"era*e, is in"alid in the case o! other means, you can consider ad5ustin* the net)ork topolo*y, the relocation site is too hi*h# o dominant cell %uch an area is no dominant or leadin* cell, replace cell too o!ten# This )ill result in !re'uent hando"er, )hich reduces system e!!iciency, e!!iciency, increasin* the likelihood o! dropped calls# Area !or lead6!ree areas should e under the antenna y ad5ustin* the an*le o! inclination and direction o! the other methods, and enhance a stron* si*nal area :or close6'uarters< o! co"era*e, )eaken the other )eak si*nal area :or remote area< co"era*e# Inter/erence Anal"sis (# =o)nlink inter!erence analysis %canner =T test y analyin* the recei"ed %IN$ to tar*et# I! $%$& *ood co"era*e %IN$ !alls elo) a certain threshold, ut there may e do)n)ard inter!erence# =eterioration o! re*ional identity out o! the %IN$, check the deterioration o! the re*ion do)nstream $%$& co"era*e# I! the di!!erence is do)n $%$& co"era*e also identi!ied as co"era*e issues, co"era*e issues in the analysis to e addressed# %IN$ !or the $%$& *ood and ad situation reco*nied as the do)nlink inter!erence prolems ecause o! inter!erence and to resol"e them# +# Uplink inter!erence Uplink inter!erence prolem 5ud*es y checkin* noise !loor o! site# I! the noise !loor o! a cell is too hi*h, and there is no e'ui"alent hi*h6 tra!!ic is present, con!irm the presence o! uplink inter!erence prolems, analysis inter!erence and resol"e# Anal"sis o/ hando$er Nei*hor list optimiation !ocus on nei*hor list missin*# Nei*hor list missin* )ill lead to dropped calls# Throu*h the dri"e test data analysis so!t)are and statistical analysis, !or each district to pro"ide nei*hor list added, deleted, reser"ations recommended# By ad5ustin* aimuth and do)ntilt o! the antenna, )e chan*e position o! hando"er area and si*nal distriution# I! the hando"er area is too small, can sol"ed y reducin* do)ntilt or ad5ust the aimuth# I! you hando"er one si*nal chan*es too !re'uently, !re'uently , appropriate aimuth andchan*e do)ntilto!ad5ustments e considered to ensure a smooth a sin*le cell#could RF common method o/ o!timi3ation Antenna aimuth ad5ustment ad5ustment Antenna do)ntilt ad5ustment ad5ustment Nei*hor list D &CI ad5ustment Basic )ireless parameters "eri!ication Ad5ust the antenna hei*ht hei*ht Ad5ust the antenna location location Ad5ust the antenna connector connector to use particular antenna Ad5ust the accessories, such as the to)er ampli!ier 2odi!ied do)nlink po)er Antenna do4ntilt calculation /ormula Antennas do)ntilt !ormula !ormula ( R ; atan :+4 D L< S ?0 D :+ S p< P D + 6 eG Antennas do)ntilt !ormula !ormula + R ; atan :4 D L< S ?0 D :+ S p< 6 eG 1here7 R indicates initial antenna mechanical do)ntilt 4 indicates site e!!ecti"e hei*ht L indicates that the distance et)een antenna and cell co"era*e ed*e represents the "ertical loe an*le eG indicates electronic do)ntilt# Antenna do4ntilt calculation /ormula instruction (# Formula ( main scenarios7 Under uran dense sites, !or the most ener*y o! the antenna radiation in the co"era*e area can reduce the inter!erence o! nei*horin* cells, )hen settin* the initial do)ntilt, the antennas hal!6po)er point ao"e the main loe aim at co"era*e ed*e :de!ined as L D +<# 3enerally not recommended to set initial do)ntilt accordin* to the !ormula, a"oid the initial inclination may e set too hi*h, )hich lead to net)ork co"era*e prolems, and more as re!erence o! optimiation# +# Formula +"illa*es, is the *eneral the!ar main scenarios7 the suurs, roads, !ormula, sea and so as to co"er asin much as possile, can reduce the initial do)ntilt, so that a ma@imum *ain o! the antenna main loe is ali*ned on o n cell ed*e# Antenna do4ntilt calculation /ormula instruction # The actual )ireless net)ork optimiation, optimiation o! the antenna set up do)ntilt depends mainly on the analysis o! dri"e test data to complete# Accordin* to the %IN$ o! the pilot o"erlay can dra) the co"era*e o! each sector, the sector !or more area co"era*e, consider increasin* the antenna tilt,(as re'uired theto an*le to increase the amount o! do)n !ormula can e usedunder to re!er As $F optimiation o! empirical stron*, many people in this settin* is also under the an*le and the surroundin* en"ironment# For the more serious areas co"ered sectors, optimiin* the antenna set may e *reater than under the dip calculated under the !ormula o! a much lar*er an*le# For the co"era*e is insu!!icient, or contaminated areas to e used in the pilot !re'uency optimal use o! the leadin* sectors do, as lon* as more areas )ill not e the optimal co"era*e, the antenna is less than under the dip can e calculated y the !ormula ( under the an*le, E"en less than calculated y the !ormula + under the an*le# o4nlin5 !o4er allocation !rinci!le po)er allocation principle de!ined y 3&& ?#+( For the OF=2 symol does not contain the $%, =e!inite ; &=%C46to6$% E&$E ratio ρA ; δ power-offset + PA VdBW Amon* them, the δ power -offset only e!!ecti"e e!!ecti"e multi6user 2I2O, 2I2O, and tthe he remainin* "alues are 0dB !ormat# PA UE6speci!ic parameter con!i*ured y the $$C , its ran*e is V,+,(,0, 6(#QQ, 6, 6-#QQ, 6?W dB# o4nlin5 !o4er allocation !rinci!le For the OF=2 symol that contains $% =e!inition ρ ; &=%C46to6$% E&$E ratio, the "alue o! ρ )hich pro"ided y the !ollo)in* tale , PB ρ / ρ and the "alue o! the numer o! antenna port# PB is hi*h6le"el con!i*uration B B B A parameter, is cell speci!ic# ρB / ρ A PB .o an& Four Antenna orts One Antenna ort 0 ( 8D- ( -D8 ( + D8 D- +D8 (D+ o4nlin5 !o4er allocation !rinci!le 1ithin the OF=2 in the presence o! $%, and does not contain )ithin the OF=2 symol, respecti"ely, the !ollo)in* e'uation holds# %in*le antenna port : ρ / ρ S 8< and t)o, !our antenna port : ρ / ρ S -< #The t)o "alues are e'ual, so the "alue o! has nothin* to do )ith the antenna ports# B A B PC RS RS _ R E A o4nlin5 !o4er allocation !rinci!le For e@ample, +026and)idth, coupled )ith the ma@imum symol po)er +0) assumption :-dBm<# 1e can estimate the ran*e o! re!erence si*nal po)er# Calculated on the asis o! ao"e rule, the comination o! the "arious possile "alues , ρ / ρ B A PCRS _ RE PA and is, ( dBm ) :dB< Type B Type A #8? (0#-8Q ((#8- (#0(0 #+0 + ( (0#-((#Q0 ((#- (+#( (+#-00 (#+0 (#Q (-#8Q (0#+( ((#+( 0 (+#+( (#0(0 (#Q (8#++ (+#+( 6(#QQ (#? (-#? (8#+- (?#+8 (# 6 (-#88 (8#++ (?#0+0 (?#0 (8#++ 6-#QQ (8#Q (?#( (?# (Q#Q( (?# 6? A"era*e:< (?#-Q (#0(0 (?# (#QQ (Q#8Q0 (-#?( (#+ (8#Q (#+ (#-( R% !o4er !arameter confguratio confguration n $% :Cell6speci!ic $e!erence %i*nals &o)er<7 This parameter indicates the cell re!erence si*nal po)er :asolute "alue<# $e!erence si*nal is used !or the cell search, se arch, do)nlink channel estimation, channel detection, directly impact on cell co"era*e# This parameter is roadcast y %IB+ notice UE, and in the )hole system and)idth and the do)nlink su6!rames is all constant, unless %IB+ messa*e updates :such as the $%6 po)er enhancement<# $% parameters con!i*uration instructions7 do)nlink po)er settin*s are ased on and re!erence si*nal po)er, the re!erence si*nal po)er settin*s chan*e, a!!ectin* thesoentire do)nlink po)er settin*# $% po)er too lar*e )ill cause pilot pollution, and inter6cell inter!erence too small )ill cause cell selection or re6selection !ailure, the data channel cannot demodulation# Cell ransmit Po4er !arameter confguration Cell Transmit &o)er parameter con!i*uration Cell actually used transmission po)er :Cell Transmit Transmit &o)er<7 This parameter indicates the actual use o! cell transmit po)er# Cell Transmit &o)er parameter con!i*uration instructions7 depends on net)ork plannin* and co"era*e is e@pected to determine the ma@imum cell transmit po)er, oth to ensure e!!ecti"e e!!ecti" e co"era*e and a"oid cross6district co"era*e# This parameter is the cell total multi6antenna transmit po)er# -dBm corresponds to +01, -?dBm corresponds to -01# Internal Only▲ TABLE OF CONTENT Part ! "asic Cell Parameter Planning Part 2 LTE LTE Call C all Drop Optimization Optimiza tion Part 3 LTE LTE Cell C ell Reselection Optimizat Optimization ion Part 4 LTE LTE Coverage C overage Optimiza Optimization tion Part 5 LTE Hanover Optimization A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # A&*trigger A&*triggered ed Re!orting E"ent A related parameters E"ent A enterin* condition7 lea"in* condition7 Mn + Ofn + Ocn − Hys > Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys Ms < + Ms Ofs + + Ofs Ocs + + Ocs Off + Off O! )hich, Mn7 The measurement result o! the nei*hourin* cell, not takin* into account any o!!sets Mn7 Ofn77 The !re'uency speci!ic o!!set o! the !re'uency o! the nei*hour cell Ofn Ocn7 The cell speci!ic o!!set o! the nei*hour cell, )hich is set to ero i! not con!i*ured !or the Ocn7 nei*hour cell Hys77 The hysteresis parameter !or this e"ent Hys Ms77 The measurement result o! the ser"in* cell, not takin* into account any o!!sets Ms Ofs77 The !re'uency speci!ic o!!set o! the ser"in* !re'uency Ofs Ocs7 The cell speci!ic o!!set o! the ser"in* cell, )hich is set to ero i! not con!i*ured !or the Ocs7 ser"in* cell Off7 The o!!set parameter !or this e"ent I! the "alues o! Ofs and Ocs o! the ser"icin* cell are con!i*ured the same as the "alues o! Ofn and Ocn o! the nei*hor cell durin* the net)ork plannin*, the enterin* condition can simpli!ied as A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # A& hreshold A3 事件的离开条 件为: a6O!!set O!! in the enterin*Dlea"in* condition is a6O!!set Its de!ault "alue is dB The recommend "alue is +, or - dB# A *reater or smaller "alue is not recommended ecause it may lead to delayed hando"er and too many hando"ers at a time This o!!set is applicale to all nei*hor cells A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters ters # im ime eo origg rigger er Radio Parame A3 事件的离开条 件为: TimeToTri**er :TTT< This parameter speci!ies the "alue ran*e used !or time to tri**er parameter, )hich )hich concerns the time durin* )hich speci!ic criteria !or the e"ent needs to e met in order to tri**er a measurement report# 9alue 9a lue ran*e7 enumerated :0, -0, ?-, 0, (00, (+, (?0, +8?, +0, -0, 8(+, ?-0, (0+-, (+0, +8?0, 8(+0< =e!ault "alue7 +0 ms 。 A hi*h T TTT TT can p put ut o!! measurement reportin* an and d reduce hando"ers# $ecommended "alues7 +8?, +0, -0, 8(+ or ?-0 ms# A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # H"steresi H"steresis s A3 事件的离开条 件为: 4ysteresis 4ysteresis, used to ad5ust the t he enterin*Dlea"in* threshold o! e"ent6tri**ered reportin*, determines the period the UE stays at E"ent A A# # =e!ault "alue is 0 。 I! $eportOnLea"e is not enaled , the recommended 。 "alue is 0 A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # Re!ort+n6ea$e A3 事件的离开条 件为: $eportOnLea"e This parameter indicates )hether or not the t he UE shall initiate the measurement reportin* procedure )hen the lea"in* condition is met# Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Ms =e!ault "alue is False :no reportin*< + Ofs + Ocs + Off A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # CI+ A3 事件的离开条 件为: Cell Indi"idual O!!set :CIO< E"ent A enterin* condiction Mn + Ofn + Ocn − Hys > Ms + Ofs + Ocs + Off Ocn in the !ormula is CIO Enumerated :6+-,6++,6+0, 6(, 6(?, 6(-, 6(+, 6(0, 6, 6?, 68, 6-, 6, 6+, 6(, 0, (, +, , -, 8, ?, , (0, (+, (-, (?, (, +0, ++, +-<, unit7 dB To 'uicken hando"er !rom the ser"in* cell to one nei*hor cell or to lo)er the hando"er threshold, you can increase the CIO o! the nei*hor cell y ( to dB# A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Pa Parameters rameters # Re!ortInter$al A3 事件的离开条 件为: $eportInter"all and reportAmount $eportInter"a andRe!ortAmount E"ent tri**erin*7 reportInter"al shall e used )ith reportAmount# 1hen reportAmount is *reater than (, reportInter"al is "alid# &eriodical reportin*7 $eportInter"al is the period to report the measurement 9alue ran*e o! $eportInter"al7 enumerated :(+0, +-0, -0, 9alue ?-0, (0+-, +0-, 8(+0, (0+-0, ?0000, ?0000, Q+0000, (00000, ?00000<, unit7 ms 9alue ran*e o! $eportAmount7 enumerated :(, +, -, , (?, 9alue +, ?-, In!inity<, unit7 times $ecommend "alue !or $eportInter"al is -0ms, and that !or $eportAmount is -# A 事件的进入条 件为: Radio Parameters # &7 A3 事件的离开条 件为: T0 Timer Ti mer )aitin* !or hando"er success 9alue ran*e7 enumerated :80, (00, (80, +00, 800, (000, 9alue +000<, unit7 ms =e!ault "alue7 (000 ms Case %tud" 4ando"err !ailure due to improper radio parameter settin*s 4ando"e &rolem description The cluster X&I analysis report sho)s there is aout 8Y call drop ecause o! 2$ :measurement report< not processed# In a cluster, the call drops ecause o! 2$ :measurement report< not processed e"en account !or o"er 80Y o! the call drops e@cludin* those arisen !rom poor co"era*e# 4ando"er con!i*uration7 %(6ased the hando"er re'uest is tri**ered )hen the nei*hor cell>s $%$& is #8 dB hi*her than the ser"in* cell>s# Case %tud" &rolem description Case %tud" &rolem description A!ter recei"in* a hando"er re'uest !rom an eNB, the 22E processes the re'uest# I! the 22E recei"es another hando"er re'uest !rom the eNB )ithin (s, it )ill i*nore this second hando"er re'uest# Case %tud" &rolem analysis Current parameter con!i*uration 4O &repare Timer ; ( s :Upon recei"in* one UE>s 2$ re'uest, the source eNB sends the .hando"er$e'uired/ messa*es to 22E at an inter"al o! ( s#< Intra6!re'uency $eportin* Inter"al !or E"ent ; (0+- ms Intra6!re'uency Amount Amount o! $eportin* !or E"ent ; ( :I! the tar*et cell meets the 2$ reportin* criterion, the UE reports 2$ e"ery (0+-ms and the total times is (#< I! the UE per!orms hando"er to t)o nei*hor cells one y one in ( second, and the amount o! reportin* is only (, the t he second hando"er re'uest messa*e )ill e ypassed y the t he (s timer on the t he core net)ork side# As a result, the hando"er !ails and call drop occurs# Case %tud" &rolem analysis7 hando"er time se'uence Case %tud" &rolem solution Settin% arameter be$ore a$ter E/planation In an %(6ased hando"er, the source eNB HO Prepare Timer (s 80 ms %ntra&'re($ency Reporting %nterval (0+- ms -0 ms 'or Event %ntra&'re($ency Amo$nt o' ( Reporting Rep orting 'or Event - sends the 4ando"er$e'uired messa*e to the core net)ork, and starts this timer A!ter recei"in* hando"er command !rom the core net)ork, it stops this timer# I! the timer reports a timeout, it means an anormality# The parameter indicates the inter"al to report the 2$s inter"al a!ter e"ent tri**erin*# The parameter indicates the ma@imum report times a!ter e"ent tri**erin*# Reporting Rep orting 'or Event Internal Only▲