l_ W " i*ff lff flil:{ffi*}trtrd*i:'''}i *iti}rl rl'' Academic Calendar F'or Ocld Semester, Session 21123-24, (Tentative Schedule) S. No. Particulars l].Tech / I].'tech (PTDC) I Sem M(lA/M.Sc.iPh.D. I Sem .h-rty-Dec-2023 Duration of Semester I ? 04.09.2023 (lommcnccment of (llasses J lnduction Program 04.09.2023 To 1 5.09.2023 1 Registration on Student Portal 05. 5 Dashahara Vacation F'irst Review of Attendance & lnternal Assessment 20.1 Mid Semester Test-I 30.10.2023 Diwali Vacation ,{econd Rcview of Attendance & Internal 09.1 1.2023 6 1 8 9 r0 ll l2 13 14 Mid Scmester'l'est-ll F-inal Rcview of Attendance & lnternal Assessment liram tbrm Forw'ading br thc hcad of denartmcnt form Sutrmission of Examination (without latc fec) Submission of Examination lbrm (with late fee) Remedial classes 16 Ilnd of Teaching 17 Preparation l,eave Commcnccmcnt of Flnd Semcster l'.xamination .: 20 lind Sernestcr Ilreak fbr Studcnts ('ornntcncement of Evcn semcster classes 0.2023'fo 1 0. 10.2023 0.2023'f o 25. 10.2023 27.10.2023 .fo To 31 .10.2023 I 7. 1 1.2023 28.11.2023 Assessment l5 l8 I 2e.11 .2023 To 30.1 I .2023 0n.12.2023 I I .12.2023 'l-o 1 5.12.2023 I 1 .12.2023 To 1 1 5. 12.2023 'l'o 20.12.2023 8.I 2.2023 11 .12.2023 -l'o 20. 12.2023 20.12.7023 2l 12.2023 'l-o 26.12.201i 27.12.2023 ,,'\lf* ('omplctiort ol- Respective I:xnlination To )l tol12024 22.01.2024 xNs*z )ilnrNclnnl .labal;tu r Iingincr:ring College JabalPur