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Presentation Notes: Clothing, Victim Blaming, Harassment

Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Presentation notes
Slide containing:
- Literature review:
• An article by Minnesota Journal of Law and Inequality, "Is Clothing Probative
of Attitude or Intent - Implications for Rape and Sexual Harassment Cases"
(Lennon et. al 1993) states that, “Not only is a woman's clothing believed to
affect the chances that she will be sexually assaulted, social science research
also shows that a woman's clothing may be the source of blame or responsibility
attributed to a victim of a sexual assault."
• Article talks about how blaming clothing of the victim has become a part of
rape culture even though people believe that the clothing is not a reason to be
• Our results are inline with the supporting research in the sense that most of our
population believes that clothing is not to be blamed but they also think that the
clothing is taken as a cause of such cases.
- Methodology:
• Sample:
90 people ranging bw the ages of 14-52 years. Pie chart of male:female, pie chart
of married:single
——————————• Measures:
1. Demographic form:
- age,
- gender
- marital status
——————————————————2. Form linking clothing of victim and harassment cases;
- Close ended, scenario related or direct questions asking for opinion of
- An example of the scenario related question is, “A girl wearing fitted and
revealing clothes is more likely to get harassed than a girl wearing shalwar
kameez and hijab?”
- An example of a direct question from the form is, “Has blaming the dressing
of women become a part of rape culture?”
3. Form linking relation bw education and harassment cases:
- Close ended questions which were to be answered based on the participant’s
- Main topics covered were:
• Sex education and assault
• Self-defence techniques and assault
• Reporting centres and assaults
• Procedure:
- Questionnaire was distributed and filled online
- Ethical guidelines were followed
- The questionnaire was designed in an order that the demographic details
appeared first, followed by the form linking victim’s clothing and assaults, and
then by the form that investigated impact of education on harassment cases
- The results were then studied and observed
- Secondary researches were then used to explain why the results came out the
way they did