190 West Campus Drive New Hall West, Suite 141 Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 P: (540) 231-3790 F: (540) 231-3437 studentconduct@vt.edu Self-Disclosure of Arrest(s)/Conviction(s) Form 6WXGHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ: Last Name First Name Student ID# Birthdate Address MI Cell/Local Phone # City VT Email Address State Zip Code $UUHVW&RQYLFWLRQDQGRUQRWLFHRI3URWHFWLYH2UGHU,QIRUPDWLRQ Charge(s)RULVVXDQFHRIDSURWHFWLYHRUGHU: Incident Location City County Court/Jurisdiction Date of Next/Last Hearing Yes Ƒ Have you pled or been found guilty? If guilty, what charges were you convicted of? State No Ƒ Date Yes Ƒ Were charges dropped? No Ƒ Describe sentence or action imposed by the court (eg: period of actual or suspended incarceration, educational program, fine, etc.) Yes Ƒ No Ƒ Are you currently on Probation or Parole? Has the University Conduct System taken action on this incident(s)? If yes, provide any information you have on your student conduct record: Yes Ƒ Signature No Ƒ Date )RU2IILFH8VH2QO\ 5HYLVHG Reviewed by: Student Conduct Action? Checked Admissions? Notes: Date Yes Ƒ Yes Ƒ NoƑ NoƑ Entered into Database Case #: Yes Ƒ NoƑ