UPPER EXTREMITIES 1st CMC JOINT METHOD Robert Rafert-Long PROJECTION AP Lewis Burman CR ⊥ to the 1st CMC Joint 15° entering 1st CMC Joint 10-15° entering 1st CMC Joint 45° entering 1st CMC Joint SD First CMC Joint free from superimposition of the soft tissues of the hand Magnified concavo-convex outline of the 1st CMC Joint Angulation of the Central Ray: 1.) May help to project soft tissue of the hand away from the first CMC Joint 2.) It can help open the joint space when they are not shown on a ⊥ CR. 1st MCP JOINT METHOD Folio PROJECTION CR PA ⊥ midway bet. hands at the level of MCP joints SD For diagnosis of UCL rupture/Skier’s Thumb METACARPAL FRACTURES METHOD PROJECTION POSITION Lane-Kennedy Reverse PALM DOWN; and Kuschner Oblique rotation of Recommendation Projection hand 45° medially Kallen Tangential FLEX MCP Recommendation Projection Joints 75-80°; 40-45° rot to ULNAR side; 40-45° forward SD Severe MC deformities or FX MC Head FX HAND: Lateral Lewis Recommendation: rotate the hand 5° posteriorly - Removes superimposition of MCS RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS METHOD PROJECTION CR SD NORGAARD APOB ⊥ midway bet. For early detection of hands at the RHEUMATOID level of MCP ARTHRITIS joints Stapczynski recommendation: for demonstration of FX of the base of the 5th MC WRIST PA – slightly oblique rotation of ulna AP – BD ulna and C. interspaces (better) SCAPHOID/CAPITATE METHOD POSITION Daffner, Emmerling and Butterbaugh PA CR 30° towards the elbow SD Elongates scaphoid and capitate 30° towards Elongates the fingertips capitate WRIST: Lateral Burman recommendation: lateral position of the SCAPHOID should be obtained with the wrist in PALMAR FLEXION SD: Carpal Boss - Rotates the bone anteriorly into a dorsoalveolar postion Fiolle: Carpal Boss (Carpe Bossu) - Small bony growth on the dorsal surface of the 3rd CMC joint WRIST: PAOB and APOB Lateral Rot PAOB: Carpals on the lateral side of the wrist (Trapezium and Scaphoid) Medial Rot APOB: Carpals on the medial side of the wrist (Triquetrum, Pisiform and Hamate) WRIST: PA Ulnar Deviation: Corrected foreshortening from SCAPHOID lateral carpals -10°-15° CR angulation to provide clear delineation Radial Deviation: Carpals on the medial side SCAPHOID METHOD Stecher Rafert-Long PROJECTION CR PA Axial ⊥ to the SCAPHOID PA AND PA Axial 0°-10°-20°-30° to the SCAPHOID TRAPEZIUM METHOD PROJECTION CR Clements-Nak PA Axial 45° distally to ayama Oblique ana. Snuffbox and through the TRAPEZIUM CARPAL SULCUS METHOD PROJECTION CR Lentino Tangential 45° caudal, 1 ½” to the wrist joint Gaynor-Hart SD Scaphoid free from superimposition Scaphoid FX SD Trapezium FX SD Scaphoid fx, lunate disc, FB and Chip FX on the dorsal asp of carpals CARPAL CANAL; Hook of hamate Inferosuperior 25°-30° to the long axis of the hand, 1” distal to the base of 3rd MC Superoinferior 20°-35° to the CARPAL CANAL; Hamulus of hand from the hamate long axis of the forearm Marshall recommendation: Placing a 45° sponge under palmar surface of the hand to place the carpal canal TANGENT to the CR. FOREARM: AP – Hand is SUPINATED Oblique – Hand is PRONATED FOREARM Lateral: demonstrates Modelling’s deformity (Midshaft curvature) ELBOW: AP – Radial head, neck and tuberosity slightly superimposed over the proximal ulna Lateral - 90° flexion; 30°-35° flexion for soft tissue injury - Demonstrates the Olecranon Process - Fat Pads are least compressed at this position - Visualization of posterior fat pad is a pathologic sign (GRISWOLD) ELBOW: APOB (MCLaRa – UlTroch – RadCapi) Medial Rotation: coronoid process free from superimposition; superimposed ulna by radial head Lateral Rotation: radial head and neck free from superimposition of the ulna PROXIMAL FOREARM & DISTAL HUMERUS PART PROJECTION FLEXION CR DISTAL AP PARTIAL ⊥ HUMERUS ⊥ to the AP ACUTE Jones Technique PROXIMAL FOREARM PA Axial 75° AP PARTIAL PA ACUTE Jones Technique SD Distal Humerus Olecranon Process and FX of the elbow humerus, 2” superior to olecranon process ⊥ to ulnar Ulnar sulcus; radiohumeral sulcus bursitis (tennis elbow) Proximal ⊥ Forearm Olecranon ⊥ to the Process and flexed forearm, FX of the 2” distal elbow to olecranon process Holly: AP projection of the radial head thru AP Distal Humerus - Wrist 30° from the horizontal RADIAL HEAD METHOD PROJECTION CR 4-Position Lateral ⊥ to the elbow Series joint SD Radial head in varying degrees of rotation 1. Hand is rotated externally/supinated as much as possible 2. Hand is in lateral position/thumbs up 3. Hand is pronated (Coyle) 4. Hand is rotated internally/thumbs down OLECRANON PROCESS: PA AXIAL PROJECTION - 45°-50° flexion of the arm - ⊥ CR: Dorsum of the olecranon process - 20° towards the wrist CR: curved extremity and articular margin of the olecranon process TRAUMA METHOD Coyle PROJECTION CR Axial 45° towards Lateromedial the shoulder 45° away from the shoulder SD Radial Head Coronoid Process HUMERUS - Upright: best for pxs with shoulder & arm abnormalities - AP: Greater Tubercle in profile - Lateral: Lesser Tubercle in profile - Mediolateral: BD pxs with broken humerus - Lateromedial (Supine): BD for pxs w/ known/suspected fx SHOULDER: AP ● Ext Rot: - GT is visualized - Site of insertion of the supraspinatus tendon is also visualized. - Proximal Humerus: AP ● Neutral Rot: - Posterior part of the supraspinatus insertion - Partial profile of GT - Proximal Humerus: Oblique ● Int Rot: - Subscapular insertion visualized - LT in profile - Proximal Humerus: Lateral GLENOID CAVITY METHOD PROJECTION BODY ROTATION 35°-45° Grashey APOB Apple APOB 35°-45° (holding 1 lb of weight) AP Axial Oblique 45° (loss of articular cartilage in SHJ) Garth (recom for acute shoulder trauma, Hill-Sachs defect & posterior SH disc) CR ⊥ to GC, 2” MI and INF to the superolateral border of the shoulder ⊥ to CP 45° caudalf to SHJ HILL-SACHS DEFECT METHOD PROJECTION BODY POSITION CR 15° medially to the Rafert MOD Inferosuperior Supine axilla Axial 10° cephalad to CP Stryker-Notch AP Axial Supine 25° ANT and MED West-Point Inferosuperior Prone Axial 45° to SHJ Garth AP Axial Prone Oblique Hall, Isaac and Booth: described the notch projection as being useful in identifying the cause of shoulder disc ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES METHOD PROJECTION Neer Tangential - AP Axial BODY POSITION RAO/LAO; 45°-60°; Erect Supine Blackett-Hea ly PA Prone AP Supine CR SD 10°-15° caudad Supraspinatus to the most Outlet superior aspect of humeral head 25° caudad to CP Infraspinatus ⊥ to the head of humerus ⊥ to the SJ, entering the coracoid process Insertion Teres Minor Insertion Subscapular Insertion INTERTUBERCULAR GROOVE (PROXIMAL HUMERUS) METHOD PROJECTION BODY POSITION Fisk MOD Tangential Erect; 10°-15° humerus to CR AC JOINTS METHOD Pearson PROJECTION AP (Single) Alexander (Bilateral) AP Axial BODY POSITION Erect; holding 5-8 lbs of weights Erect PA Axial Oblique 45°-60° PROJECTION Tangential BODY POSITION Seated SCAPULAR SPINE METHOD PROJECTION Laquerriere-Pier Tangential quin BODY POSITION Supine SCAPULA METHOD Lorenz & Lillienfeld BODY POSITION RAO/LAO CLAVICLE METHOD Tarrant (for multiple injuries) PROJECTION PAOB CLAVICLE ● 0°-15° - standing LORDOTIC ● 15°-30° - SUPINE ● PA Axial – CEPHALAD ● AP Axial – CAUDAD CR ⊥ to IR CR ⊥ to the ML of the body, at the level of ACJ 15° cephalad to the CP 15° caudad to ACJ CR 25°-30° ANT and INF to midshaft of clavicle CR 35°-45° caudad to posterosuperior region of the shoulder CR ⊥ to the protruding scapula ● Tangential - 25°-40° from the horizontal (supine) - 15°-25° - medial third of the clavicle SCAPULA ✔ Exposure made at SHALLOW BREATHING ● AP ⮚ 2” INF to coracoid – SCAPULA ⮚ 1” INF to coracoid – SHOULDER ● Lateral ⮚ Back of the hand @ posterior chest: ACROMION & CORACOID PROCESS ⮚ Px grasping the opp shoulder or arm extended upward/forearm resting on head: SCAPULAR BODY ❖ APOB ❖ 15°-25° rot - Scapula FREE from superimposition ❖ 25°-35° rot for steeper projection - Scapula NEARLY FREE from superimposition ❖ SCAPULA Y – suspected shoulder disc; described by Green, Gray and Rubin SCAPULAR SPINE ❖ Tangential Projection – PRONE/UPRIGHT; 45° cephalad through the scapular spine CORACOID PROCESS ❖ AP Axial Projection - 15°-45° cephalad to CP Kwak, Espiniella and Kattan recommendation - 30° cephalad to the CP Shoulder Impingement: Hobbs MOD & Neer Method Superoinferior Axial: 5°-15° through the SJ and towards the elbow; rel. bet. humerus and GC AP Axial: 35° cephalad to SHJ; rel. bet. humerus and GC LOWER EXTREMITIES TOES: AP/AP AXIAL - ⊥ /15° posteriorly to the 3rd MTP joint - Angulated CR to open joint spaces/reduce foreshortening DORSOPLANTAR WEIGHT BEARING - Demonstrates Hallux & Valgus SESAMOIDS METHOD Lewis Holly PROJECTION Tangential Causton POSITION CR Prone; Dorsiflexed toe Supine; Plantar 75° to IR; toe flexed with strip gauze bandage Lateral recumbent ⊥ to the 1st MTP joint 40° towards the heel FOOT AP – FB & location of fragments AP Axial - 10°-25° posteriorly to reduce foreshortening - ⊥ CR: for forefoot demonstration APOB Medial Rot: - 30° rot - ⊥ to the 3rd MTP Joint - CUBOID and interspaces on lat. aspect of the foot Lateral Rot: - 30° rot - ⊥ to the 3rd MTP Joint - NAVICULAR and interspaces on med. aspect of the foot METHOD PROJECTION Grashey PAOB POSITION Prone: 30° med. rot Prone: 20° lat. rot CR SD ⊥ to 3rd MTB 1st and 2nd MTB; Medial cuneiform & navicular 2nd to 5th MTB; Cuboid DORSOPLANTAR OBLIQUE: BD Lisfranc fx FOOT: MEDIOLATERAL & LATEROMEDIAL - demonstrates entire foot in lateral position - Tibiotalar joint FOOT: LATEROMEDIAL WEIGHTBEARING - Demonstrates longitudinal arch/pes planus & Bohler’s critical angle - Bohler’s critical angle: angle bet. superior apex of mid-calcaneus to anterior process of hamulus - Normal: 20°-40°; FX: 20° METHOD Weight-Bearing Composite PROJECTION AP Axial TALIPES EQUINOVARUS METHOD PROJECTION AP Kite CR 10°-15° to the 3rd MTB 1st: 15° posteriorly to 3rd MT; 2nd: 25° anteriorly to 3rd MT POSITION Supine SD Accurate evaluation of tarsals and metatarsals; shows ALL bones of the foot Full outline of the foot free from superimposition CR ⊥/15° posteriorly SD Rel. of tarsal bones and ossification centers Lateral Kandel Lateral ⊥ to the midtarsal area 40° anteriorly thru the lower leg Axial Erect Dorsoplantar/Suroplantar Anterior talar subluxation and degree of plantar flexion Calcaneus Freiberger, Hersh, and Harrison: three radiographs with varying CR angulations (35°-45°-55°) to demonstrate sustentaculum talar joint fusion CALCANEUS/OS CALCIS Plantodorsal: 40° cephalad towards the long axis of the foot - Calcaneus, subtalar joint (supine) Dorsoplantar: 40° caudal towards the heel - Calcaneus, subtalar joint, sustentaculum tali (prone) CALCANEOTALAR COALITION METHOD POSITION Weight-Bearin Upright-Standing/ g “Coalition Coalition Position Method” METHOD Weight-Bearing CR 45° anteriorly to the posterior surface of the ankle RECOMMENDATION LILIENFELD POSITION CR Upright; one foot 45° caudad to away from IR enter the lateral malleolus SUBTALAR JOINT METHOD POSITION Broden AP Axial Medial Oblique (45° foam supine) CR 40° cephalad to lateral malleolus 20°-30° cephalad to lateral malleolus SD Useful for diagnosis of stress fxs of calcaneus and tuberosity SD Anterior portion of posterior facet Middle facet (talus and sustentaculum tali) Isherwood AP Axial Lateral Oblique (45° foam supine) Medial rot. FOOT (45° foam) Medial rot. ANKLE Lateral rot. ANKLE 10° cephalad to lateral malleolus 15° cephalad Posterior portion of posterior facet Posterior facet and middle facet ⊥ to 1 inch distal and anterior to lateral mallelolus Anterior articulation of subtalar joint and oblique tarsals; similar to Feist-Mankin method Middle articulation; “end-on” projection of sinus tarsi Posterior articulation of subtalar joint 10° cephalad, 1 inch distal and anterior to lateral malleolus 10° cephalad, 1 inch distal to medial mallelolus APOB: MEDIAL/INTERNAL - Demonstrates Maissoneuve’s FX – FX of the distal tibia and proximal fibula ANKLE AP – inferior tibiotalar & talofibular will not be “open” - a positive sign for radiologists because it indicates that the px has no ruptured ligaments or other type of separations MEDIOLATERAL – Lateral projection of the lower third of tibia and fibula, ankle joint and tarsals LATEROMEDIAL - Medial projection of the lower third of tibia and fibula, ankle joint and tarsals APOB Medial Rot.: 45° rot; demonstrates distal tibiofibular joint Medial Rot.: 15°-20° rot; demonstrates entire mortise joints; talofibular joint space Lateral Rot.: 45° rot; demonstrates the superior aspect of calcaneus, subtalar joint and calcaneal sulcus; also for determining FXs METHOD Stress PROJECTION AP CR - SD Ligamentous tear *With local anesthesia administered at sinus tarsi *putting a strip bandage around the ball of foot Weight-Bearing AP ⊥ Side to side comparison of the joints (narrowing joint spaces); MEDIAL MORTISE – OPEN LATERAL MORTISE CLOSED ANKLE: LATERAL – demonstrates TRIMALLEOLAR FX KNEE Rosenberg Method Weight-Bearing: PA - 45° flexion of knee; ⊥/ 10° caudal sometimes - Evaluating joint space narrowing and demonstrating articular cartilage disease AP - 5° inward - RP: inf patellar apex - CR: Thin pelvis (<19 cm): 3°-5° caudad Thick pelvis (>25 cm): 3°-5° cephalad Normal pelvis (19-24 cm): ⊥ - SD: open femorotibial joint space PA – 5°-7° caudal to 1½ inch to inferior patellar apex; open femorotibial joint space LATERAL - 5°-7° cephalad to 1 inch distal to medial epicondyle; - 20°-30° flexion – relaxes the muscle - <10° flexion – for unhealed patellar FX - For Osgood-Schlatter disease AP: Weight-Bearing Method - Bilateral; for demonstration for varus (<>) and valgus (><) deformities Leach, Gregg and Siber: recommended using this method to evaluate arthritic knees/ narrowing of joint space INTERCONDYLAR FOSSA METHOD PROJECTION CR Holmblad PA Axial ⊥, 70° knee flexion (widens joint space-improved image) Beclere AP Axial ⊥, 60° knee flexion; curved cassette Camp-Conven try PA Axial SD Open fossa, intercondylar eminence and knee joint space 40° caudad for 40° flexion; 50° caudad for 50° flexion PATELLA PA – BD patella- closer OID results in sharper detail (1) (2) joint mice; (3) underdevelopment of lateral femoral condyle on slipped patella evaluate split & displaced cartilage in osteochondritis desecans; AP – joint effusion PAOB Medial rot. & Lateral rot. - 5°-10° knee flexion - 45°-55° rot - ⊥ METHOD Kuchendorf METHOD Hughston PROJECTION PA Axial Oblique PROJECTION *he also recommended to examine both knees for comparison Merchant Tangential CR SD 25°-30° caudal between patella and femoral condyles (10° flexion of knee; 35°-40° rotation to lateral) POSITION Prone; 50°-60° flexion Supine; 40° knee flexion; relaxation of quadriceps femoris is critical for accurate diagnosis CR Slightly oblique PA projection of patella free from superimposition SD 45° cephalad Patellar through subluxation and patellofemoral FX joint Patellofemoral disorders ⊥ *can be varied from 30°-90° to demonstrate various patellofemoral disorders – (Merchant) Settegast Supine/Prone; slow, even flexion *this projection should not be attempted until a transverse fx of the patella has been ruled out or if the patient is in pain FEMUR AP ⊥ Vertical FX of patella; patellofemoral articulation; chondromalacia ⮚ Proximal Femur: rotate the limb internally 10°-15° to the place the femoral neck in profile ⮚ Distal Femur: rotate the patient’s limb internally Lateral ⮚ Proximal Femur: 10°-15° rotation from the lateral position ⮚ Distal Femur: 45° knee flexion PELVIS AP - rotate both entire lower limbs internally for about 15°-20° to place the femoral necks // to IR - CR is ⊥, midway bet. ASIS and symphysis pubis Lateral - Berkebile, Fischer and Albrecht recommendation: dorsal decubitus lateral projection of the pelvis for the demonstration of “gull-wing sign” in cases of fracture disc of the acetabular rim and posterior disc of the femoral head PELVIS AND HIP JOINTS CHASSARD-LAPINE/JACK KNIFE/KNEE-CHEST: Axial - CR is ⊥ through the LS region at the level of GTr - SD: ✔ Bi-ischial diameter in pelvimetry ✔ Demonstrates the rel. of femoral head to acetabulum ✔ BD opacified rectosigmoid colon FEMORAL NECKS METHOD PROJECTION Modified APOB Cleaves (can be done unilaterally or bilaterally) Original Cleaves Axiolateral POSITION BL: Supine; frog leg 45° abduction of the leg to place the FN // to IR UL: Have the px flex the hip and knee and draw the foot up to the opp. knee Supine; frog leg CR BL: ⊥, 1” superior to PS UL: ⊥ to the FN 25°-45° cephalad HIPS Danellius Miller & Lorenz Method: Axiolateral Inferosuperior/Lateral - 15°-20° FN to IR, Horizontal Beam; For trauma cases; Hip joint, acetabulum, FH & FN & GL Trochanters METHOD Lauenstein PROJECTION Lateral POSITION CR SD ⊥ to the hip joint, Femoral head and midway bet, ASIS neck overlapped by GTr and symphysis pubis 20°-25° cephalad Femoral head free Hickey from superimposition Supine: knee is Acetabulum, ⊥ to the long axis Danellius-Mil flexed and hip of head, neck and of the FN ler the unaff. side is trochanters of the elevated femur Supine: limb in 15° posteriorly Demonstrates hip Clements-Na neutral position to FN arthroplasty or Axiolateral kayama limitation of movement Lateral recumbent 35° cephalad to Axiolateral Friedman FN (Kisch projection of the recom: 15°-20° head, neck, cephalad) trochanters and proximal body of the femur RAO/LAO; Prone; ⊥ to the posterior Posterior disc. of Hsieh PAOB elevate the unaff. the femoral head surface of the side 40°-45°; flex iliac blade knee and forearm of the elevated side RPO/LPO; Posterior rim of Urist APOB Supine; injured the acetabulum in hip is elevated 60° acute fx-disc injuries of the hip RAO/LAO; lat Mediolateral obl. Lilienfeld Mediolateral recumbent on the projection of the Obl unaff. side; roll the ilium, acetabulum elevated side 15° and proximal to separate the 2 femur sides of pelvis Colonna recommendation: same position as for the Lilienfeld method EXCEPT the px is placed on the unaff. side; the aff. Side is rotated 17° anteriorly from true lateral position. It separates the shadows of the hip joints and gives the optimum projection of the slope of the acetabular roof and depth of socket False profile: demonstrates the anterior acetabular roof Supine-Obl (Affected side abducted) ⊥ Examinations contraindicated for px with suspected fx or pathologic conditions: F-O-L-LH ⮚ Friedman ⮚ Original Cleaves ⮚ Lillienfeld ⮚ Lauenstein & Hickey Congenital Disc. of the Hip ❖ Andren-von Rosén approach (Bilateral Hip): both legs forcibly abducted to at least 45° with appreciable inward rotation of the femora Knake & Kuhns: described the construction of a device that controlled the degree of abduction and rotation of both limbs ❖ AP - CR: ⊥ - lateral/superior displacement of FH - CR: 45° to symphysis pubis – anterior & posterior displacement ACETABULUM METHOD PROJECTION Teufel PAAxialOB Judet APOB POSITION CR SD RAO/LAO; elevate the unaff. side 38°; prone RPO/LPO; semi-supine 45°; aff. Side up (Int Obl) 12° cephalad thru the acetabulum Fovea capitis and superoposterior wall of acetabulum ⊥, 2” inf. To the ASIS of the aff. side (Int Obl) Acetabular rim; Iliopubic column and posterior rim (Int Obl); Acetabular rim; Ilioischial column and anterior rim (Ext Obl) Judet R., Judet L., and Letournel: described two 45° posterior oblique positions that are useful in diagnosing fx of the acetabulum: Int Obl and Ext Obl positions Iliopubic column (anterior): composed of a short segment of the ilium and the pubis and extends up as far as the anterior spine of the ilium and extends from the symphysis pubis and obturator foramen through acetabulum to ASIS Ilioischial column (posterior): composed of the vertical portion of the ischium and the portion of the ilium immediately above the ischium and extends from the obturator foramen through the posterior aspect of the acetabulum ANTERIOR PELVIC BONES PA – BD Obturator Foramen 45°; aff. side down (Ext. Obl) ⊥, to the pubic symphysis (Ext Obl) METHOD Taylor PROJECTION AP Axial “Outlet” Lilienfeld Superoinferior Seated-uprig Axial “Inlet” ht; flexed knees, lean backward 45°-50° PA Axial Prone “Inlet” Staunig POSITION Supine CR SD 20°-35°, 2” distal to the superior border of pubic symphysis for males and 30°-45°, 2” for females ⊥, 1 ½ superior to pubic symphysis Rami w/o foreshortening seen in PA or AP due to the CR more ⊥ to the rami 35° cephalad to pubic symphysis at the level of GTr Superinferior axial projection of the anterior pubic and ischial bones and the pubic symphysis PA Axial projection of pubic, ischial bones and pubic symphysis Bridgeman: 40° caudad ILIUM APOB - RPO/LPO; supine; unaff side elevated 40°; ⊥ - SD: Unobstructed projection of ala and sciatic notches; profile image of acetabulum PAOB - RAO/LAO; prone; unaff. side elevated 40°; ⊥ - SD: Ilium in profile; femoral head within the acetabulum VERTEBRAL COLUMN – Suspend Respiration V LATERAL OBLIQUE CR C AP IF 15°-20° T IF AP ⊥ MSP 45° 70° BEST POS PAOB PAOB L SI Cervical Thoracic Iliac IF - AP SI PAOB – CLOSEST APOB - FARTHEST 45° APOB ⊥ 25°-30° PAOB ⊥ Lumbar Chest PAOB - FARTHEST Ribs APOB – CLOSEST ANTLANTOOCCIPITAL ARTICULATIONS ❖ APOB – R & L head rotations (45°-60°), IOML ⊥ to IR – 1” ANT to EAM - Dens & open antlantooccipital articulations Buetti recom. – head is turned 45°-50° with mouth wide open, the chin is drawn down as much as the open mouth allows; ⊥ to the open mouth ❖ PA – Prone; forehead & nose on the table; OML ⊥ to IR; CR is ⊥ DENS METHOD Fuchs PROJECTION AP CR SD ⊥ Demonstrates dens w/in the foramen magnum and when its upper half is not clearly shown in the open-mouth position For use in conjunction with the AP & lateral projections Smith & Abel: for demonstration of laminae and articular facets of upper cervical vertebrae – slightly extend the px’s neck and open mouth wide; rotate the head 10° to the side; CR is 35° caudad to C3 Hermann & Stender: for demonstration of the antlantooccipital-dens relationship; head is adjusted as for Kasabach method and the CR is directed vertically midway bet. mastoid process at the level of antlantooccipital joints Kasabach (R & L rot.) ATLAS AND AXIS METHOD AP Axial Obl 10°-15° caudad; midway bet. outer canthus and EAM PROJECTION CR SD Albers-Schönbe rg & George Atlas and axis thru the open mouth A 30” SID is often used for this projection to increase the FOV of the odontoid area Judd Atlas and axis ⊥ at the level of w/in the foramen mastoid tips magnum AP Open Mouth ⊥ to the open mouth PA LATERAL – R/L Position - Supine; crosstable; ⊥ to a point 1” distal to a mastoid tip Pancoast, Pendergrass & Schaeffer recom.: head should be rotated slightly to prevent superimposition of the atlas. They further recom. a slight horizontal tilt of the head for the demonstration of the arches of the atlas CERVICAL ❖ AP Axial - Supine/upright; elevate chin - CR: 15°-20° cephalad to C4 - SD: lower 5 CB & upper 2 or 3 TB; presence or absences of cervical ribs ❖ Lateral– R/L - Hyperflexion and hyperextension - CR: ⊥ to C4 - SD: shows motility/ for functional studies; demonstrates normal apophyseal movement/absence of movement resulting from trauma/disease METHOD Grandy Ottonello PROJECTION Lateral AP CR SD ⊥ to C4 All 7 CV (interspaces, articular pillars, lower AP & spinous processes) (C3-C7) All 7 CV with blurring of mandible to further visualize the atlas and axis CERVICAL AND UPPER THORACIC VERTEBRAE ❖ Vertebral Arch (Pillars) ❖ AP Axial - Px’s neck is hyperextended - CR: 25° caudad to C7 (20°-30° range) - The CR angulation is determined by cervical lordosis: ↑ angle = curve is accentuated; ↓ angle = curve is diminished - SD: BD Vertebral Pillars; useful for pxs with whiplash injury ❖ AP Axial Obl – Supine - Px’s head rotated 45°-50° (the articular process of C2-C7 and T1); 60°-70° (articular process of C6 and T1-T4) - CR: 35° caudad to C7 (30°-40° range) - SD: Vertebral arches/pillars when the px cannot hyperextend the head for AP or PA Axial Projection ❖ PA Axial Obl – Prone - MSP-Neck: 45°; Flexed neck: demonstrates C2-C5; head extended: C5-C7 & T1-T4 - CR: 35° cephalad to C7 (30°-40° range) CERVICOTHORACIC REGION METHOD PROJECTION POSITION R/L; upright Twining CR SD ⊥ to C7 & T1 if shoulders are well depressed; 5° caudad if not elevate the arm, flex the elbow, & the rest the forearm on px’s head R/L; recumbent; 3°-5° caudad to Pawlow and extend the px’s C7 and T1 MOD arm in which the Pawlow px is lying, to the head Monda MOD: 5°-15° cephalad due to the slope of the spine and a non-elevated lower spine (IV Disks) Lateral C5-T4 THORACIC VERTEBRAE ● AP - Supine; flexed knees to reduce kyphotic curvature; shallow breathing - Upright; CR: ⊥ → Oppenheimer recom. - SD: All 12 TVB, w/ disk spaces, transverse processes & costovertebral articulations ● Lateral - Supine/erect; shallow breathing - CR: ⊥ to T7 when VC is elevated; 10° cephalad for females and 15° cephalad for males due to greater shoulder width - SD: IF; T1-T3 not well visualized LUMBAR – LUMBOSACRAL VERTEBRAE ● AP - Supine; flex the px’s knees and hips to reduce distortion - Upright position for pxs who experience excruciating pain to reduce physical discomfort - CR: ⊥ to L4 – LS; ⊥ to L3 – Lumbar x-ray - SD: lumbar bodies, IDS, interpediculate spaces, laminae, spinous and transverse processes ● PA - Places the intervertebral disk spaces // to the divergence of beam - Reduces px dose ● Lateral - Recumbent/upright - CR: ⊥ to L4; 5°-8° caudad if no lead rubber (5° for men/8° for women) - SD: L1-L4 IF, L5 IF is not well visualized ● L5-S1: Lateral Projection - Recumbent; CR is ⊥, 2” posterior to ASIS & 1 ½” inferior to iliac crest LUMBAR – ZYGAPOPHYSEAL JOINTS ● APOB - RPO/LPO - Recumbent/upright; rot. of 45° toward the aff. side (articular process) / 30° (lumbosacral processes) - CR: Lumbar region – 2” medial to elevated ASIS and 1 ½” above the iliac crest; 5th AP – 2” medial to elevated ASIS; both ⊥ - SD: AP joints closest to IR; “Scottie dog” sign ● PAOB – RAO/LAO - Recumbent/upright; semiprone - CR: ⊥ to L3 - SD: AP joints farthest from IR; “Scottie dog” sign FIFTH LUMBAR METHOD PROJECTION Kovacs PA Axial Obl POSITION CR SD RAO/LAO; lateral recumbent; extend the upper arm, rotate the pelvis 30° anteriorly from the lateral position; place a sandbag under the knee to prevent excessive rotation of the hip 15°-30° caudad to L5 Open L5 IF LUMBOSACRAL JUNCTION AND SACROILIAC JOINTS ● AP/PA Axial - Supine: CR is 30°-35° cephalad, 1 ½” superior to pubic symphysis - 30° for males, 35° for females - SD: LS Joint; SI Joint free from superimposition - Prone: CR is 30°-35° caudad to L4 Meese recom: prone for SI Joints because their obliquity places them with the divergence of the beam; CR is ⊥ at the level of ASIS ● APOB - Supine; LPO/RPO; elevate the side of interest 25°-30°, and support the shoulder, lower thorax and upper thigh - CR: ⊥ 1” medial to elevated ASIS - SD: SI Joints farthest from the IR ● PAOB - Semiprone; RAO/LAO; rotate the side of interest 25°-30°; forearm and flexed knee support the position - CR: ⊥ 1” medial to elevated ASIS - SD: SI Joints closest to the IR PUBIC SYMPHYSIS METHOD PROJECTION Chamberlain PA POSITION CR SD Upright; facing the VCH, standing on 2 blocks; replace one block on after the other (standing one leg) ⊥ to the pubic symphysis Abnormal SI motion; SI slippage or relaxation SACRUM AND COCCYX ● AP/PA Axial - A. Sacrum: Supine/prone; CR: 15° cephalad, 2” superior to PS (supine); 15° caudad to sacral curve (prone) - B. Coccyx: Supine/prone; CR: 10° caudad, 2” superior to PS (supine); 10° cephalad to coccyx - SD: Sacrum/coccyx free from superimposition ● Lateral - Lateral recumbent; flexed hips and knees - CR: Sacrum - ⊥ at the level of ASIS to a point 3 ½” posterior Coccyx - ⊥, 3 ½” posterior to the ASIS and 2” inferior - SD: Lateral projection of the coccyx SACRAL VERTEBRA CANAL AND SI JOINTS METHOD PROJECTION POSITION CR SD Nolke Axial Seated; px should lean forward and should also grasp the legs or ankle LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISKS METHOD PROJECTION POSITION ⊥ to the long axis of the sacrum Sacral vertebral canal CR SD IV Joint mobility; to localize the involved joint as Upright facing the 15°-20° caudad shown by VCH; px bends to to limitation of the right and left L3/L4-L5/L5-S1 motion at the site of lesions in pxs with disk protrusion Duncan and Hoen recom: PA Projection be used because in this direction the divergent rays are more nearly parallel with the IDS WeightBearing PA SCOLIOSIS RADIOGRAPHY ● PA & Lateral – demonstrate the amount/degree of curvature that occurs with the force of gravity acting on the body - PA/AP upright - PA/AP upright w/ lateral bending - Lateral upright w/ or w/o bending - PA/AP prone or supine *Bending studies are often used to differentiate primary from compensatory curves Frank and Kuntz/Frank et al., - PA Projection for scoliosis radiography (protecting the breasts) – to reduce exposure to sensitive organs THORACOLUMBAR SPINE: SCOLIOSIS METHOD PROJECTION POSITION Seated/standing Ferguson PA st 1 : normal seating/standing position 2nd: elevate the hip or foot on the convex side of the primary curve 3”/4” CR ⊥ SD For comparison of T & L vertebrae which are used to distinguish the deforming or primary curve from the compensatory curve in pxs with scoliosis Young, Oestrich and Goldstein recom: addition of a lateral position, in upright to show spondylolisthesis or demonstrate exaggerated degrees of kyphosis or lordosis Kittleson and Lim: described Ferguson and Cobb methods of measurement of scoliosis LUMBAR SPINE: SPINAL FUSION ● AP – R & L Bending - Make the 1st radiograph with maximum right bending, followed by maximum left bending - Cross the px’s leg on the opposite side to be flexed over the other leg in order to obtain equal bending force throughout the spine - CR: ⊥ to L3, 1 to 1 ½” above the iliac crest - SD: These studies are employed to pxs with early scoliosis to determine the presence of structural change when bending to the R & L. It is also used to localize a herniated disk as shown by limitation of movement at the side of lesion and to demonstrate whether there is motion in the area of spinal fusion ● Lateral - Lateral recumbent; lean forward and draw the thighs up to forcibly flex the spine as much as possible, and then lean the thorax backward and posteriorly extend the thighs and limbs as much as possible - Apply a compression band across the pelvis to prevent movement - CR: ⊥ to L3 - SD: determine whether motion is present in the area of a spinal fusion or to localize a herniated disk as shown by limitation of motion at the site of lesion BONY THORAX STERNUM ● PAOB (RAO Pos) *30” SID to blur posterior ribs - Prone/Upright for trauma pxs; 15°-20° body rot.; shallow breathing/suspended breathing at EOE for more uniform density - CR: ⊥ to T7 and 1” lat. to the MSP - SD: Slightly oblique projection of the sternum; obliterated pulmonary markings on use of breathing motion METHOD Moore PROJECTION PA Obl POSITION Modified prone; px’s arms above shoulders w/ palms down; center sternum to IR; shallow breathing CR 25° to T7 and approx. 2” to the right of spine SD Slightly oblique projection of the sternum (Small px < Large px >) ● Lateral – R/L pos A. Upright - Rot. the shoulders posteriorly, and have the px lock hands behind back; center the sternum to the midline of grid; breathing is suspended DI - CR: ⊥ - SD: Lateral image of the entire length of sternum shows superimposed SC joints and medial ends of the clavicles - 72” SID is used to reduce magni. & distortion B. Recumbent - Flex the px’s hips and knees; elevate px’s arms over the head; center the sternum to the midline of the grid; breathing is suspended at the end of DI - CR: ⊥ - SD: Lat. aspect of entire length of sternum - Use the dorsal decub. for pxs with severe injury SC ARTICULATIONS ● PA*crosswise IR - Prone/upright for trauma pxs; px’s arms along the sides w/ palms facing up; center the IR at the level of the spinous process of T3 (lies post. to jugular notch) - BL: rest the px’s head on the chin; UL: turn the head to the affected side and rest the cheek to rotate the spine slightly away to the side examined - CR: ⊥ to T3 - SD: SC Joints and medial portions of clavicles METHOD PROJECTION POSITION CR SD Body Rotation Central Ray Angulation Kurzbauer PAOB; crosswise IR PAOB; Non-bucky Axiolateral RAO/LAO; Prone or seated ⊥ to T2-T3, 3” upright/ upright for distal to vert. trauma pxs; prom. and 1”-2” 10°-15°; lat. from the MSP breathing is suspended at EOE Prone/upright for trauma px; grid IR positioned directly under 15° lat. from upper chest; ext. the MSP at the the px’s arms level of T2-T3, along the side of 3” distal to the body w/ palms vert. prom. facing upward; rest head on chin/ and 1”-2” lat. rotate the chin to the MSP towards the aff. side Lat. recum. on the aff. side w/ SC region centered; flexed hip and knees; fully ext. arm of aff. side 15° caudad and place the to the SC other arm along the side of body joint closest grasping the to IR dorsal surface of the hip to prevent sup. of the two articulations; breathing is suspended at EFI Slightly oblique projection of the SC joint Unobstructed axiolateral projection of the SC joint closest to IR UPPER ANTERIOR RIBS ● PA - Upright (fluid levels demonstrated), seated-upright (diaphragm descends)/prone (rest px’s head on chin); px’s hands against hips w/ the palms turned outward to rotate scapula away from the rib cage; breathing is suspended at FI to depress diaphragm AMAP - CR: ⊥ to T7/ 10°-15° caudad to show 7th, 8th and 9th ribs - SD: Anterior ribs above diaphragm in greater detail POSTERIOR RIBS ● AP - Upright/recum A. Ribs above diaphragm - Rest the px’s hands, palms outward, against the hips; This position moves the scapula off the ribs/ Extend the arms to the vertical position with the hands under the head; breathing is suspended at FI to depress the diaphragm B. Ribs below diaphragm - Place the IR crosswise w/ the lower edge pos. at the level of iliac crests; place the px’s arms in a comfortable position; breathing is suspended at FE to elevate the diaphragm - CR: ⊥ - SD: Posterior ribs above/below the diaphragm, acc. to the region examined, in greater detail AXILLARY RIBS ● APOB – RPO/LPO pos - Upright/recum.; aff. side closest to IR w/ 45° body rot.; abduct the arm of the affected side and elevate it to carry the scapula away from the rib cage; rest the px’s hand on head/under or above the head in recum. pos.; Breathing is suspended at EDE for ribs below and EFI for ribs above the diaphragm - CR: ⊥ - SD: Axillary portion of the ribs are projected free from superimposition ● PAOB – RAO/LAO pos - Upright/recum.; aff. side away from the IR w/ 45° body rot.; have the px rest on the forearm and flexed knee on elevated side (recum); Breathing is suspended at EFE for ribs below and EFI for ribs above the diaphragm - CR: ⊥ - SD: Axillary portion of the ribs are projected free from superimposition COSTAL JOINTS AP Axial *recom. for demonstration of the costal joints in pxs with rheumatoid spondylitis - Supine; px’s head rest directly on the table to avoid accentuating the dorsal kyphosis; if the px has pronounced dorsal kyphosis, extend the arms over the head/place the arms along the sides of the body; apply compression to the thorax if necessary; Breathing is suspended at EFI - CR: 20° cephalad and 2” above the xiphoid process; increase the angulation by 5°-10° to pxs w/ pronounced dorsal kyphosis - SD: Costovertebral & costotransverse joints THORACIC VISCERA TRACHEA ● AP - Supine/upright; extend the px’s neck slightly; center the IR at the level of manubrium; inhale slowly during exp. - CR: ⊥ at the center of the IR - SD: Outline of the air-filled trachea TRACHEA & SUPERIOR MEDIASTINUM ● Lateral – R/L - Seated/standing; clasp the hands behind the body and then rot. the shoulders pos. AFAP; inhale slowly during exp. - CR: ⊥ midway bet. jugular notch and MCP, 4-5” lower for demonstration of sup. mediastinum - SD: Lateral projection of air-filled trachea and the regions of thyroid and thymus glands Eiselberg and Sgalitzer: Demonstrate retrosternal extensions of the thyroid gland, thymic enlargement in infants (in recumbent position), and the opacified pharynx and upper esophagus, as well as an outline of the trachea and bronchi. It is also used in foreign body localization TRACHEA & PULMONARY APEX METHOD PROJECTION POSITION CR SD Twining Axiolateral R/L; seated or standing w/ aff. side towards the IR; elevate the arm adjacent to the IR in extreme abduction, flex the elbow, and place the forearm behind the head; depress the opp. shoulder AMAP 15° caudad through the adjacent supraclavicular impression Axiolateral projection demonstrates the air-filled trachea and the apex of the lung closer to the IR Trachea: slow inspiration Lung apex: exp. made at FI CHEST LUNGS AND HEART ● PA - Full inspiration; The exposure is made after the second full inspiration to ensure maximum expansion of the lungs. The lungs will expand transversely, anteroposteriorly, and vertically, with vertical being the greatest dimension. - CR: ⊥ to T7 - SD: Air-filled trachea, the lungs, the diaphragmatic domes, the heart and aortic knob, and, if enlarged laterally, the thyroid or thymus gland ● Lateral - Full inspiration; The exposure is made after the second full inspiration to ensure maximum expansion of the lungs. - CR: ⊥ to T7, MCP/ Inferior aspect of scapula - SD: LL – heart, aorta and left-sided pulmonary lesions RL – right-sided pulmonary lesions *these projections are employed extensively to demonstrate the interlobar fissures, to differentiate the lobes, and to localize pulmonary lesions ● PAOB – RAO/LAO - Similar to PA; let arms hang free; 45° towards the unaff. side; place the arm on the hip outward and the opposite hand to raise it to shoulder level and grasp the top of the VCH for support - Use a 55°-60° obl pos. when the examination is performed for a cardiac series. This projection is usually performed with barium contrast medium. The px swallows the barium just before exposure; breathing is made after second FI - CR: ⊥ to T7 - SD: LAO – max. area of RLF along with the thoracic viscera; the anterior portion of the left lung is superimposed by the spine; also shown are the trachea, carina, and the entire RB of the bronchial tree; heart, descending aorta and aortic arch RAO – max. area of LLF along with the thoracic viscera; the anterior portion of the right lung is superimposed by the spine; also shown are the trachea and entire LB of bronchial tree; gives the best image of the LA, the anterior portion of the apex of the LV, and the right retrocardiac space *the esophagus is shown clearly when filled with BaSO4 *A lesser-degree oblique position has been found to be of particular value in the study of pulmonary diseases. The px is turned only slightly (55°-60°) from the RAO/LAO body position. This slight degree of obliquity rotates the superior segment of the respective lower lobe from behind the hilum and displays the medial part of the right middle lobe or the lingula of the left upper lobe free from the hilum. These areas are not clearly shown in the standard “cardiac oblique” of 45°-60° rotation, largely because of superimposition of the spine. ● APOB – RPO/LPO - RPO/LPO pos. are used when the px is too ill to be turned to the prone pos. and sometimes as supplementary pos. in the investigation of specific lesions. They are also used with the recumbent px in contrast studies of the heart and great vessels - 45° body rot.; flex the px’s elbows, place the hands on the hips w/ palms upward; exp. made after the second FI - CR: ⊥ at a level 3” below the jugular notch’ exiting T7 - SD: APOB projection of the thoracic viscera similar to PAOB CHEST ● AP - The supine pos. is used when the px is too ill to be turned to the prone pos. It is sometimes used as a supplementary projection in the investigation of certain pulmonary lesions. - If possible, flex the px’s elbows, pronate hands, and place it on the hips to draw the scapulas laterally; exp. made after the second FI - CR: ⊥ to the long axis of sternum, 3” below the jugular notch - SD: AP projection similar to PA; the heart and great vessels are magnified, as well as engorged, and the lung fields appear shorter because abdominal compression moves the diaphragm to a higher level. The clavicles are projected higher, and the ribs assume a more horizontal appearance Resnick recom: angled AP projection free the basal portions of the lung fields from superimposition by the anterior diaphragmatic, abdominal, and cardiac structures; this projection also differentiates middle lobe and lingular processes from lower lobe disease; the px may be either upright or supine, and the CR is 30° caudad to the midsternal region PULMONARY APICES METHOD PROJECTION Lindblom AP Axial PULMONARY APICES POSITION Lordotic; Upright; standing approx. 1 ft from the VCH (adjusted to 3” above the upper border of the shoulders) Obl lordotic: 30° rot., aff. side towards the IR; px flexed elbows and place hands w/ palms upward on the hips; lean backward of extreme lordosis CR SD ⊥ to midsternum; exp. made after the second FI AP axial and AP axial obl images of the lungs demonstrate the apices and conditions such as interlobar effusions ● PA/PA Axial*crosswise IR; 72” SID - Seated/standing; flex the elbows and place the hands, palms out, on the hips; depress the px’s shoulders and rotate them forward; keep the px’s shoulders in contact with the IR; exp. made at EFI/optionally FI; clavicles are elevated by inspiration and depressed by expiration; the apices move a little, if at all, during either phase of respiration - CR: 10°-15° cephalad to T3 (inspiration) ⊥ to T3 - SD: The apices are projected above the shadows of clavicles in PA Axial and PA ● AP Axial*crosswise IR; 72” SID - Upright/supine; place the px’s shoulders against the grid; flex the elbows, hands on hips with palms out/pronated; exp. made at FI - CR: 15° or 20° cephalad to T2, entering the manubrium - SD: AP Axial projections shows apices lying below clavicles the AP Axial projection is used in preference to the PA Axial in hypersthenic pxs and pxs whose clavicles occupy a high position; the AP Axial separates the apical and clavicular shadows without distortion LUNGS AND PLEURAE ● AP/PA – R/L, lat. decub. - Advise the px to remain in the pos. for 5 mins before the exp.; if the px is lying on the affected side, elevate the body 5–8 cm; exp. made after the second FI PE: Aff. side down; PNTHX: Aff. side up - CR: Horizontal, ⊥, 3” below the jugular notch (AP)/ T7 (PA) - SD: AP/PA lat. decub pos. shows change in fluid pos. and reveals any obscured pulmonary areas, or in the case of suspected pneumothorax, the presence of free air Ekimsky recom: An exp. made w/ the px leaning directly laterally from the upright PA pos. is sometimes useful for demonstrating fluid levels in pulmonary cavities; px leaning 45° for demonstrating small PEs; inclined pos. is simpler to perform than the decub. pos. and is equally satisfactory ● Lateral – R/L, ventral/dorsal decub. - Prone/supine; thorax elevated 2”–3”; advise the px to remain in the pos. for 5 mins before the exp.; exp. made after the second FI - CR: Horizontal, enters MCP, ⊥, 3”-4” below the jugular notch (DD)/ T7 (VD) - SD: Lat. projection in the decub. pos. shows a change in the position of fluid and reveals pulmonary areas that are obscured by the fluid in standard projections SKULL Cranium ● Lateral – R/L - Seated-upright/semiprone; rest forearm and knee of the elevated side (semiprone); side of int. closest to IR; - IOML // to IR; IPL ⊥ to IR - CR: ⊥, 2” sup. to EAM - SD: Lat. images of superimposed halves of cranium shows the detail of the side adjacent to IR. PADS - Posterior clinoid processes, Anterior clinoid processes, Dorsum sellae and Sella turcica are well demonstrated ● Lateral – R/L; Dorsal decub./supine lat. pos - Robinson, Meares and Goree recom: Dorsal decub. lat. projection for demonstration of traumatic sphenoid sinus effusion; this finding may be the only clue to the presence of basal skull fx - IOML // to IR; IPL ⊥ to IR - CR and SD are same as prev. described for Lateral R/L pos. METHOD PROJECTION POSITION CR Caldwell PA Axial Prone/seated; OML ⊥ to IR; forehead and nose on table Caldwell method ⊥ to IR, exiting nasion 15° caudad, exiting nasion SD Orbits are filled by the margins of the petrous pyramids; PCFF – Posterior ethmoidal air cells, Crista galli, Frontal bone & Frontal sinuses Same as PA Axial + petrous ridges are projected into the lower third of the orbits 20°-25° caudad thru the midorbits Superior orbital fissures 25°-30° caudad exiting nasion Rotundum foramina Lat. decub – for trauma pxs; same pos. and CR CRANIUM AND CRANIAL BASE AP/AP Axial - OML ⊥ to IR; CR is ⊥/15° cephalad to nasion - SD: Same as seen on PA but orbits are magnified due to increased OID METHOD PROJECTION Towne Grashey Altschul Chamberlain AP Axial POSITION CR Supine/seated; 30°/ 37° OML(flexed caudad to neck) ⊥ to IR; OML/IOML, 2 ½” above suspended glabella respiration 40°-60° caudad to OML Haas (for obtaining an image of the sellar structures projected w/in the FM on hypersthenic, obese or other px who cannot be adjusted correctly for the Towne projection) Schüller PA Axial SMV Prone/seated-uprig ht; OML ⊥ to IR; forehead and nose on table; suspended respiration Supine (increased intracranial pressure)/seated upright; IOML // to IR; suspended respiration SD SPDPOP – Symmetric petrous pyramids, Posterior portion of the foramen magnum, Dorsum sellae and Posterior clinoid processes projected w/in FM, Occipital bone and Posterior portion of parietal bones; also used for tomographic studies of ears, facial canal, jugular foramina, and rotundum foramina Entire FM 25° cephalad, 1 ½” below the ext. occ. prot. (inion) exiting 1 ½” sup. to nasion SDP – Symmetric petrous pyramids, Dorsum sellae and Posterior clinoid processes ⊥ to sella turcica, bet. angles of mandible ¾” anterior to the level of the EAMs Symmetric petrosae, mastoid processes, foramina ovale and spinosum, carotid canals, sphenoidal & ethmoidal Schüller VSM Prone; suspended respiration ⊥ to sella turcica, bet. angles of mandible ¾” anterior to the level of the EAMs sinuses, mandible, bony nasal septum, dens & occipital bone Same as SMV but structures in the midbasal region are somewhat distorted & magnified due to increased OID; useful in studies of anterior cranial base and sphenoidal sinuses SELLA TURCICA ● Lateral – R/L - Seated-upright/semiprone; IOML // to IR; suspended respiration - CR: ⊥, ¾” sup. & ant. to EAM - SD: Lateral projection of the sellar region of the cranium SELLA TURCICA, DORSUM SELLAE & POSTERIOR CLINOID PROCESSES ● AP Axial - Seated-upright/supine; IOML ⊥ to IR; Suspended respiration - CR: 30°/ 37° caudad to upper forehead passing thru the head at the level of EAM - SD: Dorsum sellae and posterior clinoid processes w/in the FM (30°)/ Dorsum & tuberculum sellae and the anterior clinoid processes thru the OB above the level of FM (37°); SELLAR REGION & PETROUS PYRAMIDS ● PA Axial - Prone/seated; forehead and nose on VCH/table: OML ⊥ to IR; suspended respiration - CR: 10° cephalad to glabella - SD: Dorsum & tuberculum sellae and the posterior & anterior clinoid processes are projected thru the FB just above the ethmoidal sinuses ORBIT Optic Canal and Foramen METHOD PROJECTION Parietoorbital Obl POSITION Semiprone/seated upright; Zygoma, Nose & Chin on table/VCH; AML ⊥ to IR; 53° MSP to IR; suspended respiration CR ⊥, 1” sup. & pos. to the upside TEA, exiting thru the orbit closest to IR Rhese Orbitoparietal Obl Seated-upright/su pine; AML ⊥ to IR; 53° MSP to IR; suspended respiration ⊥ to uppermost orbit at its inf. and lat. quad. SD Optic canal “on end” and the optic foramen lying in the inf. and lat. quad. of the projected orbit; a parietoorbital projection of the FES sinuses are also demonstrated Optic canal “on end” and the optic foramen lying in the inf. and lat. quad. of the projected orbit; exact reverse of PO projection SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURES ● PA Axial - Prone/seated-upright; Forehead and nose on IR; OML ⊥ to IR; Suspended respiration - CR: 20°-25° caudad exiting at the level of inferior margin of the orbit - SD: The superior margin of the petrous portions of the temporal bones should be projected at or just below the inferior margin of the orbits. The SOF are seen as elongated dark areas lying on the medial side of the orbits bet. the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bones. The margins of the SOF, although somewhat narrowed, are frequently well shown on the 15° caudad PA Axial of the skull. INFERIOR ORBITAL FISSURES METHOD PROJECTION POSITION Bertel PA Axial Seated-upright/pro ne; F-N on VCH/table; IOML ⊥ to IR; suspended respiration CR 20°-25° cephalad, 3” below EOP, exiting nasion SD A PA Axial projection of each orbital floor and IOF is demonstrated bet. the shadows of the lateral pterygoid lamina of the sphenoid bone and the condylar process of mandible EYE ● Lateral, PA & Bone-free studies are taken to determine whether a radiographically demonstrable FB is present; recumbent/seated-upright ● Lateral – R/L - Semiprone/seated-upright, outer canthus of the aff. eye close to IR; MSP //, IPL ⊥ to IR; suspended respiration - CR: ⊥ to outer canthus; instruct to px to look straight ahead for the exp. - SD: Loc. Of FB; superimposed orbital roofs ● PA Axial - FN on IR; OML ⊥ to IR; suspended respiration - 30° caudad to the orbits; instruct the px to close the eyes and holding still for the exp. - SD: Petrous pyramids lying below orbital shadows ● Parietoacanthial – MOD Waters - Rest the px’s chin; OML forms 30° to the IR; suspend respiration - CR: ⊥ to the midorbits; instruct the px to close the eyes and holding still for the exp.; SD is same as PA Axial FB LOCALIZATION VOGT-BONE-FREE POSITION ● Taken to detect small or low density foreign particles located in the anterior segment of the eyeball/eyelids ● 2 Projections: lateral & superoinferior ● 2 Movements: o Vertical: 2 exposures (for lateral) ▪ Look up as far as possible ▪ Look down as far as possible o Horizontal: 2 exposures (for superoinferior) ▪ Look to extreme right ▪ Look to extreme left PARALLAX METHOD ● First described by Richards ● It determines whether the foreign body is located within the eyeball requires no special apparatus ● Not considered as precision localization procedure ● Widely used as preliminary check only ● 2 Projections: o Lateral: 2 exposures o PA: 2 exposures SWEET METHOD ● It determines the exact location of a foreign body by use of a geometric calculations ● Apparatus: o Sweet localizing device o Sweet film pedestal ● 1 Projection: o Lateral: 2 exposures ▪ CR perpendicular ▪ CR 15o -25o cephalad PFEIFFER-COMBERG METHOD ● A leaded contact lens is placed directly over the cornea ● Apparatus: o Contact lens localization device o Pedestal type of film holder ● 2 Projections: o Waters Method: ▪ CR horizontal o Lateral: ▪ CR perpendicular FACIAL BONES ● Lateral – R/L - Semiprone/obliquely seated; MSP & IOML //, IPL ⊥ to IR; suspended respiration - CR: ⊥ to ZB, bet. OC and EAM - SD: Lateral image of facial bones, with R & L side superimposed - Also used in facial profile (STL) METHOD Waters PROJECTION Parietoacanthial POSITION Prone/seated-u pright; Rest chin; HPE neck, 37° OML to IR; SR Same as Waters but req. less extension of the neck (55° OML to IR); SR Modified Waters Modified Parietoacanthial CR SD Orbits, MX & ZA ⊥, exiting acanthion Petrous ridges are projected immediately below the inferior border of the orbits at a level midway thru the MX sinuses Reverse Waters Acanthioparietal Supine; HPE; HPE neck, 37° OML to IR; AML and MSP ⊥ IR ⊥, entering acanthion 15° caudad, exiting nasion Caldwell Law PA Axial Prone/seated; FN to IR; OML ⊥ IR; SR PA Axial Obl Semiprone; ZNC to IR; OML ⊥ IR 30° caudad (exaggerated Caldwell) 25°-30° cephalad, entering pos. to gonion Dems. Blow out fx – inf. displacement of orbital floor and the commonly opacified MX sinus Superior facial bones; magnified compared to Waters Petrous ridges projected into the lower third of the orbits Orbital rims, MX, ZB and the ant. nasal spine; petrous ridges are projected below the inf. margins of the orbits Floor & post. wall of MX sinus (antrum) of side down External orbital wall, ZB & ant. wall of MX sinus of side up NASAL BONES ● Lateral – R/L; CW for 2-in-1 exp./ occlusal film for each - Semiprone; MSP and IOML //; SR - CR: ⊥ to the bridge of the nose ½” distal to nasion - SD: Nasal bones and soft tissue structures of the side near to IR ● Tangential - Extraoral Film (Cassette): prone; chin rested on sandbags; chin fully extended; MSP & GAL perpendicular to IR - Intraoral Film (Occlusal Film): supine; head elevated; MSP perpendicular to sponge; GAL parallel to sponge & perpendicular to film - CR: ⊥ to GAL; SD: For demonstration of any medial or lateral displacement of fragments in fractures ZYGOMATIC ARCHES ● SMV - Supine/seated-upright; IOML //; SR - CR: ⊥ to IOML, 1” post. to outer canthi - SD: Bilateral symmetric SMV images ● Tangential - Seated/supine; HPE neck, IOML // to IR; rot. the head 15o towards side being examined; tilt the top of the head 15o away from the side; SR - CR: ⊥ to IOML, 1” post. to outer canthi - SD: Tangential image of 1 ZA free from superimposition. Useful in pxs with depressed fx or flat cheek bones METHOD May PROJECTION Tangential*crosswise IR MOD Towne AP Axial MOD PA Axial Titterington Superoinferior/Jug Handle View MANDIBULAR SYMPHYSIS POSITION CR Prone/seated; IOML // to IR; rest the px chin on device; rot. the head 15o ⊥ to IOML towards side thru the ZA, 1 being examined; ½” post. to tilt the top of the outer canthus head 15o away from the side; SR Seated-upright/s upine; OML ⊥ to IR; SR Prone; NC on IR 30o caudad to glabella, 1” above the nasion 23o-38o caudad vertex midway bet. ZA SD ZA free from superimposition; Useful in pxs with depressed fx or flat cheek bones Bilateral symmetric ZA images free from superimposition Well shown ZA ● AP Axial - Seated/supine; place the film packet or IR, with its pebbled surface placed under the chin - CR: 40o-45o post. to mandibular symphysis - SD: Mandibular symphysis, mental foramina, and roots of lower incisors and canines MANDIBLE ● PA - Prone/seated; FN on IR; OML ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: ⊥, exiting acanthion - SD: Mandibular body and rami; usually employed to dems. medial or lateral displacement of fragments in fx of rami ● PA Axial - Prone/seated; FN on IR; OML ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: 20o-25o cephalad, exiting acanthion - SD: Mandibular body and rami; usually employed to dems. medial or lateral displacement of fragments in fx of rami ● PA - Prone/seated; NC on IR placing the MS // to IR; AML nearly ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: ⊥ to the level of lips - SD: Mandibular body ● PA Axial - Prone/seated; NC on IR placing the MS // to IR; AML nearly ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: 30o cephalad to midway bet. TMJs - SD: Mandibular body Zanelli recom.: better contrast around the TMJs could be obtained if the px was instructed to fill the mouth w/ air ● Axiolateral Obl. - Seated/semiprone/semisupine; IPL ⊥ to IR A. Ramus – TL B. Body - 30o towards the IR C. MS - 45o towards the IR - CR: 25o cephalad to pass directly thru mandibular region of interest - SD: Region of mandible // with the IR *To reduce the possibility of projecting the shoulder over the mandible when radiographing muscular or hypersthenic pxs, adjust the MSP of the px’s skull w/ an approx. 15o angle, open inferiorly. The cephalad angulation of v of the CR maintains the optimal 25o CR/part angle relationship. ● SMV - Upright/supine; IOML // to IR; SR - CR: ⊥ to IOML midway bet. angle of the mandible - SD: Coronoid and condyloid processes of MR ● VSM - Prone/seated; IOML // to IR; SR - CR: ⊥ to IOML/ occlusal plane, at the level just post. to outer canthi - SD: Mandible as seen from above the px; CPs are easily visible on either image, but the condyle and neck of CPs are better shown with the greater angle TMJs ● AP Axial - Supine/seated-upright w/ post. skull in contact with VCH; OML ⊥ to VCH; SR - CR: 35o caudad, midway bet. TMJs, and entering at a point 3” above nasion - SD: Condyles of mandible and the mandibular fossae of the temporal bones ● Axiolateral – R/L - Semiprone/seated; Mark each cheek at a point ½” ant. to EAM and 1” inf. to EAM to localize TMJ if needed w/ aff. side closest to IR; MSP // & IPL ⊥; SR - After making the exp. w/ px’s mouth closed, change the IR; then, unless contraindicated, have the px open the mouth wide - CR: 25o-30o caudad, ½” ant. to EAM - SD: TMJs when the mouth is open and closed ● Axiolateral Obl – R/L - Semiprone/seated, make exp. on closed and open(if not CI) mouths; rot. the head 15o towards the IR; AML // to IR; SR - CR: 15o caudad and exiting thru the TMJ closest to IR; entering 1 ½” sup. to upside EAM - SD: Relationship of mandibular fossa and condyle; Open mouth: mandibular fossa and the inf. & ant. excursion of the condyle; Closed mouth: fx of the neck and condyle of ramus METHOD PROJECTION POSITION CR SD o Semiprone; TL; 10 cephalad Albers-Scho MSP & IOML // to exiting TMJ nberg closest to IR IR; IPL ⊥ to IR Lateral Lateral recumbent; TL; ⊥ to the Transfacial Zanelli head resting on parietal region; MSP 30o to IR uppermost gonion TMJ PANORAMIC TOMOGRAHY/ PANTOMOGRAPHY/ROTATIONAL TOMOGRAPHY - technique employed to produced tomograms of curved surfaces ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Provides panoramic image of the entire mandible, TMJ, dental arches Provides distortion-free lateral image of the entire mandible Patients who sustained severe mandibular or TMJ trauma Useful for general survey studies of dental abnormalities Adjuvant for pre-bone marrow transplant PNS Cross & Flecker: pointed out the value of erect position ⮚ To demonstrate presence or absence of fluid ⮚ To differentiate between shadows caused by fluid & those caused by pathology ● Lateral – R/L - Seated (RAO/LAO for TL); MSP & IOML // to IR, IPL ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: ⊥ entering ½” to 1” pos. to the outer canthus - SD: All PNS ● SMV - IOML // to IR, HPE neck; SR - CR: ⊥ to IOML thru the sella turcica, entering approx. ¾” to the level of EAM - SD: Symmetric image of the ant. portion of skull base; SS and EAC ● PA - Seated-upright; FN to IR; MSP & OML ⊥ to IR; SR - CR: ⊥, exiting nasion/ 10o cephalad, exiting glabella/ ⊥, exiting midway bet. infraorbital margins and the acanthion - SD: Posterior ethmoid sinuses are projected sup. to ant. ethmoid sinuses (nasion)/ Sphenoidal sinuses through frontal bone (glabella)/ Maxillary sinuses inferior to cranial base (IOM & AC) METHOD Caldwell Waters PROJECTION PA Axial Parietoacanthial POSITION Seated Angled grid: Tilt the VCH down to form a 15° angle; FN rested on VCH; MSP & OML ⊥ to IR; SR Vertical grid: Ext. px’s neck; rest the tip of nose on the VCH; OML forms 15° angle w/ the CR; place sponge bet. forehead and VCH; SR Seated; HPE the neck just enough to place the dense petrosae immediately below the maxillary sinus floors; Chin rests on VCH; CR SD ⊥, exiting nasion FS & ant. EAC MS, w/ the petrous ridges lying inf. to the floor of sinuses; foramen rotundum; distorted F & EAC Open-Mouth Waters Pirie Axial Transoral Rhese PA Obl Law PA Obl OML forms 37° and MML ⊥ to VCH; SR Same as Waters + px slowly open the mouth wide open while holding the pos. Upright; PNC to IR; open mouth; phonate “ah” during exp. Seated-upright: ZNC to IR; AML ⊥ to IR; MSP 53° Seated-erect; ZNC to IR; neck HPE ⊥, exiting acanthion ⊥, ¾” ant. to EAM (sella turcica) SS projected thru the open mouth along with the MS SS projected thru the open mouth; MS; Nasal fossae ⊥ to upper parietal region Obl image of post & ant ES; FS & SS; profile image of optic canal 25°-30° cephalad to uppermost gonion Relationship of MS to teeth TEMPORAL BONE: MASTOID METHOD PROJECTION Law: Original Law: MOD Axiolateral Obl POSITION DT Ang.; TL; Mastoid closest to IR; IOML & MSP //, IPL ⊥ to IR; Tape auricles forward; SR ST. Ang.; Prone; IOML //, IPL ⊥ to IR; 15° rot of the head to the IR; Tape auricles forward; SR Part. Ang; Prone; Head rests on cheek; MSP & IPL CR 15° caudad and 15° ant., 2” post. & 2” above the uppermost EAM 15° caudad,” ⊥, ” SD Mastoid cells, lateral portion of petrous pyramid, superimposed IAM and EAM, and when present, mastoid emissary vessel 15° from IR & vertical; SR Law: Part Ang. 15° caudad, exiting EAM closest to IR Henschen Mastoid cells, mastoid antrum, IAM & EAM Cushing: demonstrating tumors of the acoustic nerve Pneumatic structure of the mastoid process, mastoid antrum, IAM & EAM, sinus & dural plates, and when present, the mastoid emissary vessel Mastoid cells, mastoid antrum, (Runström II) 35° EAM, labyrinth area and carotid caudad,” canal Runström recom: exp. made w/ mouth open for visualization of the petrous apex bet. the ant. wall of EAM and the mandibular condyle Petrosa in the direction of its long axis demonstrates the EAM, tympanic cavity & ossicles, epitympanic recess, aditus, and mastoid antrum closest to IR Schüller Axiolateral Prone/seated; TL; IOML & MSP //, IPL ⊥ to IR; Tape auricles forward; SR 25° caudad,” Lysholm Owen mod1: Stated that it is sometimes advantageous to vary head rot. and/or CR angulation Mayer Axiolateral Obl Supine/seated; Rot. the head 45° to the IR; Depress the chin – IOML // to IR; SR 45° caudad,” O1, cited by Pendergrass, Schaeffer & Hodes: MSP 40° from the IR; Head rot. 10° caudally; CR 28° caudally O1, cited by Etter & Cross: MSP of head 30° to the IR; CR 25°- 30° caudally O1, cited by Compere: Head rot. 30°- 45° to the IR; CR 30° caudally Stenvers: Posterior Profile Axiolateral Obl Arcelin: Anterior Profile*exact opposite of Stenvers MOD Hickey AP Tangential Towne AP Axial SMV*Basilar projection Hirtz for petromastoids – project the long axis of the EAMs, tympanic cavities & osseous part of the auditory tubes immediately Prone/seated; FNC w/ side ex. Petrous ridge, cellular structure closest to the IR; 12° cephalad, of the mastoid process, mastoid IOML // to IR; entering 3” – 4” antrum, area of labyrinth, internal MSP of head 25° post. & ½” inf. to acoustic canal and the cellular to IR; DC skull: upside EAM structure of the petrous apex *if correctly positioned, petrous pyramid // 54° = <; BC skull: to IR 40° = >; SR Supine; Rot. px’s face away from side ex. - 45° w/ 10° caudad, Petrous portion of TB the IR; IOML // to entering 1” ant. & farthest from the IR IR; DC skull: 54° 3/4” sup. to EAM = <; BC skull: 40° = >; SR Supine; face rot. away from side on interest; MSP 15° caudad, 1” Mastoid process free from 35° from the IR/ sup. to tip of superimposition; projected below MSP 45° from mastoid process the shadow of occipital bone vertical; IOML ⊥ to IR; IR 15° caudally inclined; SR Supine/seated-upr Petrosas projected above the skull ight; MSP & 30° caudad to base; demonstrates the internal OML/IOML OML/ 37° caudad acoustic canals, arcuate (cannot flex neck, to IOML; enters 2 eminences, labyrinths, mastoid compensate w/ 7° ½” above the antrums, and middle ears; caudal ang. on nasion dorsum sellae w/in the FM CR) ⊥ to IR; SR Seated/supine; (1) adjust the ext. of 5° ant., midway Mastoid processes, labyrinths, neck so that OML bet. 1” ant. to EAM, tympanic cavities and is // to IR, (2) EAMs acoustic ossicles behind mandibular condyles angle the CR ant. until ⊥ to IR; SR ● SMV - Same PJ., Pos & SD for Hirtz - CR: ⊥ to OML, centered on MSP of the throat at the level of EAMs METHOD Valdini PROJECTION PA Axial STYLOID PROCESS METHOD PROJECTION Cahoon PA Axial JUGULAR FORAMINA METHOD PROJECTION Kemp Harper Eraso MOD SMV Axial POSITION CR SD DILA (IOML 50o): Dorsum sellae; Internal Auditory Meatus (IAM); Labyrinth Recumbent/seated-erect; upper frontal region of skull against IR; head acutely flexed; MSP⊥ to IR; IOML 50o/OML 50o; line extending from inion to 0.5 cm distal to nasion forming 28o to CR; SR ⊥, entering inion, exiting 0.5 cm distal to nasion POSITION CR SD Seated-upright/prone; FN on VCH; Flex neck, OML & MSP ⊥ to IR; SR 25° cephalad to nasion Symmetric image of the styloid processes of the temporal bones projected w/in or just above the maxillary sinuses POSITION CR SD Supine/seated-upright; MSP ⊥, OML // to IR; SR 20° posterior, 1” distal to the mandibular symphysis ⊥, 2” distal to mandibular symphysis Both SMV projections demonstrate jugular foramina projected at or near the level of angles of the mandible Similar to KH + 25° OML from the IR ETB “EaT Bulaga” (OML 50o): External auditory meatus; Tymphanic cavity; Bony part of Eustachian tube *When a px with a prominent mandible is being examined, the angulation of the CR may be increased from 5°- 10° caudally; Eraso mod. Project the JF at ang angle 5° greater than KH Strickler mod.: The neck is extended until a line passing thru the infratragal notch and a point 2 cm distal to the mandibular symphysis is ⊥ to the plane of the film. The CR coincides this line. HYPOGLOSSAL CANAL METHOD PROJECTION Miller Axiolateral Obl POSITION CR SD Supine/seated; Rot. the MSP of the head 45° away from the side being examined, IOML // to IR; Have the px softly phonate ah-h-h to immobilize the mouth in the open pos/SR 12° caudal, entering 1” ant., ½” inf. to the level of EAM farthest from the IR Delineate the HC in a px with hypoglossal nerve tumor Mandibular condyle is projected inf. and ant. to the canal when the px can open the mouth wide enough; because of normal anatomic variations, the ideal image is not always obtained. Kirdani, Valvassori and Kirdani recom: Hypoglossal canal be examined by tomographic sectioning in the SMV, semiaxial AP, and Stenvers positions; These studies also provide excellent demonstration of the jugular foramina