Generalized Kronecker and permanent deltas, their spinor and tensor equivalents and applications R. L. Agacy Citation: Journal of Mathematical Physics 40, 2055 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.532851 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Spinors and the Weyl tensor classification in six dimensions J. Math. Phys. 54, 052502 (2013); 10.1063/1.4804991 Tensor generalizations of affine symmetry vectors J. Math. Phys. 50, 122506 (2009); 10.1063/1.3266423 The determination of all syzygies for the dependent polynomial invariants of the Riemann tensor. II. Mixed invariants of even degree in the Ricci spinor J. Math. Phys. 47, 052504 (2006); 10.1063/1.2192976 Covariants, joint invariants and the problem of equivalence in the invariant theory of Killing tensors defined in pseudo-Riemannian spaces of constant curvature J. Math. 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The aim of this paper is fourfold: ~i! to introduce a generalized permanent delta on an equal footing with the generalized Kronecker delta, to use for the symmetries of any tensor or spinor, ~ii! to cite an ancillary reference source of comprehensive tensorial and spinorial combinatorial formulas for both, ~iii! to table spinor equivalents of these individual tensors and give examples of their usage, and ~iv! to tabulate the tensor equivalents of various useful combinations of their spinor forms. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. @S0022-2488~99!03303-4# I. INTRODUCTION The generalized Kronecker delta ~gKd! is well known as an alternating function or antisymmetrizer, e.g., d abc de f X abc 53!X @ de f # . In contrast, although symmetric tensors are seen constantly in the mathematical language for general relativity ~GR!, there does not appear to be employment of any symmetrizer, for e.g., X (abc) , in analogy with the antisymmetrizer. Historically, nomenclature for both date back to Cauchy 1812 in terms of ‘‘fonctions symétriques alternées’’ and ‘‘fonctions symétriques permanentes.’’ 1 A permanent symmetrized tensor was probably first introduced by Cramlet,2,3 but seems to have been neglected, never acquiring the same prominence as the gKd. However, it is exactly the combination of both types of symmetrizers, treated equally, that give us the flexibility to describe any type of tensor symmetry, being exactly the symmetrizers needed to describe Young tableaux tensors.4 We define such a ‘‘permanent’’ symmetrizer as a generalized permanent delta ~gpd! below. Our purpose is to restore an imbalance between the gKd and gpd and cite a reference of combinatorial formulas for them, most of which is not in the literature. The contents of this Ref. 5, referred to as PAPS, which contains a comprehensive tabulation of gKd and gpd formulas is amplified at the end of this section. In Sec. II we define the gpd and gKd and state some very basic relations. In Sec. III we illustrate the usage of the generalized deltas in the symmetries of tensors. In Sec. IV examples are given of finding spinor equivalents of simple tensors almost instantly, using gKd and gpd spinors. A table of spinor equivalents of individual tensor generalized deltas are tabulated in Appendix A. Converse to finding spinor equivalents, we next tabulate the tensor equivalents of spinor generalized deltas in Appendix B. They can be applied to obtain a variety of spinor formulas. General indices range from 1,...,n. All index sets are permutations of each other. Twocomponent spinor indices are in capital lower case roman. The PAPS reference5 contains the following parts and sections: Part I; formulas for n-dimensions, ~1! Introduction, ~2! Definitions and illustrations of the gKd and gpd, ~3! Generalized Kronecker d, ~4! Generalized permanent d, ~5! Combined gKd and gpd, Part II; formulas for tensors and spinors in the mathematical language of GR, ~6! Spinor equivalents of gKd and gpd tensors, ~7! Tensor equivalents of gKd and gpd spinors. Appendixes A–F provide tabulations of all formulas. The derivation of each and every formula is provided in the above sections. II. DEFINITIONS AND BASICS OF THE gKd AND gpd Complete symmetry of ~a tensor’s! indices, as opposed to total antisymmetry, is manifested by all positive signs in any p-linear expression. Whereas the gKd’s antisymmetry comes about a! Electronic mail: 0022-2488/99/40(4)/2055/9/$15.00 2055 © 1999 American Institute of Physics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 2056 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy through a determinant ~interchanges of rows/columns or indices changes the sign!, total positive or pure or permanent symmetry, as we term it, comes about through the use of a permanent. Then in complete analogy to the gKd we introduce the generalized permanent delta or gpd. This is defined, like the gKd determinant of a matrix, except that we take all positive signs. We use the kernel letter p to denote a gpd and double vertical lines for the permanent of the defining matrix. The gKd and gpd are completely complementary to each other and are defined, for p(<n) distinct indices, respectively by, U U I I i i ¯i 1 p i i • • d j1 d j1 • • d j1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • d jp • • d jp 1 d j1 ¯ jp 5 i d j1 i d jp 1 p 1 , i ¯i p j1 ¯ jp 5 1 p i i d jp p 1 p , i p where the first is a determinant and the second a permanent. The gKd has value 11 ~21! depending on whether ( j 1 ,..., j p ) is an even ~odd! permutation of (i 1 ,...,i p ). The gpd has the permanent value 11 for any permutation of the index sets. Note that p ab 5 d ab . The gpd is a complete symmetrizer ~permanent symmetrizer! and now one easily sees that p abc de f X abc 53!X (de f ) . A simple but important interaction between the gKd and gpd is that in any expression containing them as a product, where there is a summation on a pair of indices between them, such expression vanishes. For ............ ...a...b... ............ ...b...a... ............ ...a...b... ............ d ...a...b... ............ p ...a...b... 5 d ............ p ...b...a... 52 d ............ p ...b...a... 52 d ............ p ...a...b... 50. From this it also obviously follows that the product of any gKd and any gpd with two or more common contracted indices vanishes. If A5 @ a ij # is an n3n matrix its determinant and permanent are det A5 1 i1 i j ¯j a ¯a jn d i 1¯i n , n 1 n n! j 1 per A5 1 i1 i j ¯j a ¯a jn p i 1¯i n . n 1 n n! j 1 III. gKd’s AND gpd’s IN SYMMETRIES OF TENSORS The use of symmetrizing parentheses and antisymmetrizing brackets for specification of tensor symmetries can become both convoluted and ambiguous. For example 4T @ (i u j u # k) can be confusing at first sight; taken to mean performing symmetry in i, k and skew symmetry in i, j, it is still ambiguous, depending on which operation is performed first. It can be appreciated that symmetry specifications in this way for tensors with a large number of indices and intertwining brackets can be quite horrendous. Specification of tensor symmetries with generalized deltas ~gd’s— collectively gKd’s and gpd’s! gives clean, unambiguous expressions. Performing symmetry then antisymmetry and vice versa on 4T @ (i u j u # k) gives two quite different expressions: pn pn 2 ~ T @ i j # k 1T @ k j # i ! 5 ~ T i jk 1T k ji 2T jik 2T jki ! 5 p ik ~ T p jn 2T j pn ! 5 d lm p j p ik T lmn , ln pm 2 ~ T ~ i u j u k ! 2T ~ j u i u k ! ! 5 ~ T i jk 2T jik 1T k ji 2T ki j ! 5 d ipm j ~ T pmk 1T km p ! 5 p pk d i j T lmn . Specification of what one means by the gd’s is unequivocal. They are also exactly what is needed for tensors obeying the symmetry of Young tableaux illustrated next. The Riemann tensor R abcd is a Young tableau ~YT! tensor in its algebraic symmetries, expressible as4,6 R abcd 5 121 R $ ac,bd % , obeying the partial symmetries and antisymmetries as determined by its tableau $ac,bd%. Fully expanded, it is4 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy 2057 R abcd 5 121 R $ ac,bd % 5 121 @ R abcd 1R adcb 1R cbad 1R cdab 2R abdc 2R acdb 2R dbac 2R dcab 2R bacd 2R bdca 2R cabd 2R cdba 1R badc 1R bcda 1R dabc 1R dcba # . Its symmetries are inbuilt. It is easy to see the skewsymmetry in ~a,b! and in ~c,d!. Then too the interchange (a,b)⇔(c,d) can also be seen, while the cyclic symmetry R abcd 1R acdb 1R adbc 50, though tedious, is easy enough to verify. Conversely, using these symmetries in the rhs does indeed produce the lhs. The above expression can be put into a convenient form involving gKd’s and gpd’s. Let E abcd be the expression on the rhs within brackets: E abcd 5R abcd 1R cbad 1R adcb 1R cdab 2R abdc 2R dbac 2R acdb 2R dcab 2R bacd 2R cabd 2R bdca 2R cdba 1R badc 1R dabc 1R bcda 1R dcba pq 5 d ab @ R pqcd 1R cqpd 1R pdcq 1R cd pq 2R pqdc 2R dq pc 2R pcdq 2R dc pq # pq rs 5 d ab d cd @ R pqrs 1R rq ps 1R psrq 1R rspq # pq rs eg 5 d ab d cd p pr @ R eqgs 1R esgq # pq rs eg f h 5 d ab d cd p pr p qs R e f gh , so that pq rs eg f h d cd p pr p qs R e f gh R abcd 5 121 d ab and there are no intertwined, or indeed any parentheses or brackets. As for recognition of symmetries from this, it is evident that because of the gKd’s the expression is skew in ~a,b! and in ~c,d!. With (a,b)⇔(c,d) and slight index manipulation it is also visible that the expression is symmetric. The cyclic identity is not obvious from either the 16 term expression or its compacted gd equivalent. But it is here that the PAPS reference tables come into play. pq rs eg f h d cd p pr p gs above and formula m3 from the table in PAPS ApObserving the gd factor d ab bcd pq rs .. pendix C 7.3.2, i.e., d ... d .b d cd p pr p ..qs 50 ~dots allow any free indices!, we can immediately write down the symmetry/condition as d bcd i jk R abcd 50. But let us show it in reverse ~in fact deriving the m3 identity!. Multiply the above relation for R abcd by d bcd i jk to get 1 bcd pq rs eg f h d bcd i jk R abcd 5 12 d i jk d ab d cd p pr p qs R e f gh pq eg f h 5 61 d brs i jk d ab p pr p qs R e f gh ~ or see PAPS-formula k8 or, better, Eq. ~ 4 !! p prs q eg f h 5 61 @ d qrs i jk d a 2 d i jk d a # p pr p qs R e f gh 50 ~ two repeated indices for a gKd and a gpd! . Expanding the lhs ~six terms!, but using the antisymmetry in the last two indices, produces the cyclic identity. This reverse derivation relied on ‘‘already knowing’’ the cyclic identity of the Riemann tensor ~by applying d bcd i jk ). If instead we have the tensor This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 2058 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy U abcd 5T abcd 2T cbad 1T dbac 2T dbca 1T cbda 2T abdc 1T bacd 2T bcad 1T bdac 2T bdca 1T bcda 2T badc pgh 5 d acd ~ T pbgh 1T b pgh ! pgh e f 5 d acd p pb T e f gh one may, with some scrutiny, discern the antisymmetry in indices ~a,c! and in ~a,d! ~and hence total antisymmetry in all three of these indices! from the expanded expression. The antisymmetry in ~a,c,d! is immediately obvious from the compacted gd expression. However, there is another ‘‘hidden’’ symmetry, unobvious from either expression for U abcd . It is U abcd 2U bcda 1U cdab 2U dabc 50. But how can this be discovered? Here, again, inspection of the identity o9 in the same table in PAPS, i.e., d e....f gh d ep..f g p ..hp 50, provides the answer. Adapted to our indices by (e, f ,g,h) →(a,c,d,b) we can write ~sign changes do not matter here! pgh e f d abcd i jkl d acd p pb T e f gh 50. Thus the ‘‘hidden’’ identity is d abcd i jkl U abcd 50. One may wish to leave it like this; however, expansion of it, and using antisymmetry in first, third, and fourth indices produces the 4-term alternating cyclic identity above ~with subscripts i,j,k,l!. Further, we also remark that while the antisymmetries can be encompassed within the bracketed notation, U abcd 5U @ a u b u cd # , what can be suggested to accommodate the hidden symmetry? Clearly the gd notation to express and ‘‘discover’’ symmetries of tensors seems superior. The simpler Lanczos tensor7,8 satisfies algebraic ~nondifferential, or not involving covariant differentiation! relations L i jk 52L jik , L i jk 1L jki 1L ki j 50, and L i j j 50 ~optional algebraic gauge condition, often accepted!. In any case, it is the symmetries of the ~free! 3-index object that interests us. These first two symmetries qualify it as a YT tensor, expressible as4 L i jk 5 31 L $ ik, j % . This again is a one-line expression for the tensor, encompassing the first two symmetries. Fully expanded, we have L i jk 5 31 L $ ik, j % 5 31 @ L i jk 2L jik 1L k ji 2L ki j # 5 13 d ipm j @ L pmk 1L km p # ln 5 13 d ipm j p k p L lmn . jk ) It is then easy enough to verify the skewsymmetry and the cyclic symmetry ~multiply by d iabc from this equation—and in reverse; that with these symmetries, employed on the rhs, we do get the lhs. The cyclic relation for the Lanczos tensor gives rise to the identity d i...jk d ip.j p ..k p 50, recorded as identity o2 in the PAPS reference document. Other than determining symmetries of tensors, the use of gd’s may possibly help in ‘‘seeing’’ the number of independent components of a tensor with various symmetries. Some computer algebra packages allow for symmetrization and antisymmetrization of indices. It is suggested that perhaps specific gpd and gKd objects ~over and above a single Kronecker delta! be constructed in these packages allowing easy expansions of products of them over summed indices. This would be most useful for checking identities and formulas of various sorts. IV. SPINOR AND TENSOR EQUIVALENTS OF gKd’s AND gpd’s AND EXAMPLES A. Spinor equivalents of tensors It is quite easy to construct spinor equivalents of the gKd’s and gpd’s from the basic spinor equivalent of the Kronecker d, i.e., d ab ⇔ d AB d B 88 , and the use of determinants and permanents. This A This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy 2059 leads to a tabulation of spinor equivalents of individual gKd’s and gpd’s in Appendix A. The derivation of such formulas can be done by sight and by simple manipulations. Apart from this table it is also our purpose to demonstrate in a couple of examples that use of the gd’s can facilitate extremely quick derivation of spinor equivalents. In general, if one expresses the symmetries of a tensor using gd’s then ~using the table of Appendix A! we can write down their spinor equivalents, replacing all tensor indices by corresponding spinor equivalent ones. Once this is done the spinor equivalent is technically found. However, it may involve several relations and consequent algebraic manipulations in order to get decompositions, such as the Weyl and Ricci parts for the Riemann tensor equivalent. The two illustrations of obtaining the spinor equivalents of 2-index permanent symmetric and skewsymmetric tensors follow. First, we determine the spinor equivalent of the skewsymmetric tensor F ab 52F ba 5F @ ab # . This can be written as F ab 5 21 F cd d cd ab in terms of a gKd. Then taking the spinor equivalent ~see D 2 in Appendix A! gives CD 8 8 8 8 F ABA 8 B 8 5 41 F CDC 8 D 8 @ d CD AB p A 8 B 8 1 p AB d A 8 B 8 # C D C D 52F BAB 8 A 8 5F @ AB #~ A 8 B 8 ! 1F ~ AB !@ A 8 B 8 # 5 e AB c A 8 B 8 1 e A 8 B 8 f AB , where c A 8 B 8 5 21 F X X (A 8 B 8 ) and f AB 5 21 F (AB)X 8 X 8 . If F ab is real, F ab 5F̄ ab , then c A 8 B 8 5 f̄ A 8 B 8 5 f AB , so that the spinor equivalent of the real skew-tensor ~Maxwell tensor! F ab is F ab 5F @ ab # ⇔ e AB f̄ A 8 B 8 1 e A 8 B 8 f AB . Second, we determine the spinor equivalent of a permanent symmetric ~or just symmetric by common usage if the context is clear! tensor T ab 5T ba 5T (ab) . This can be written T ab 5 21 T cd p cd ab in terms of a gpd. Then taking the spinor equivalent ~see P 2 in Appendix A! gives CD 8 8 8 8 T ABA 8 B 8 5 41 T CDC 8 D 8 @ d CD AB d A 8 B 8 1 p AB p A 8 B 8 # C D C D 5T BAB 8 A 8 5T @ AB #@ A 8 B 8 # 1T ~ AB !~ A 8 B 8 ! 5 41 e AB e A 8 B 8 T1T ~ AB !~ A 8 B 8 ! , where T5T X X X 8 X 8 5T XX 8 XX 8 , which is also the trace of the tensor T a a . Thus T ab 5T ~ ab ! ⇔ 41 e AB e A 8 B 8 T1T ~ AB !~ A 8 B 8 ! . If one writes R in place of T, then the spinor equivalent of the trace-free Ricci tensor is R ab 2 14 g ab R⇔R ~ AB !~ A 8 B 8 ! . B. Tensor equivalents of spinors The tensor equivalents of gd spinors in combination are elegantly derived in PAPS. The results, along with related formulas are accumulated in the table in Appendix B. We feel it worth mentioning at least one formula, one that enables us to easily remember the usual rather complicated formula for the spinor equivalent of the alternating tensor—by using gKd/gpd spinors. Abbreviate by putting AB D5 d CD AB P5 p CD D 8 5 d C88 D88 P 8 5 p C88 D88 . A B A B This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 2060 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy The formula, with the understanding that the first relation is a symbolic equivalence, is ~see full derivation in PAPS! i i AB A 8 B 8 i DP AB A 8 B 8 d D 8 P 8 [ ~ DP 8 2PD 8 ! 5 ~ d CD p C 8 D 8 2 p CD d C 8 D 8 ! ⇔ e ab cd . 2 2 2 To give an example from the table, consider the tensor equivalent of the spinor ~last but one table entry in Appendix B! ab ab d AC d BD d DA 88 d CB 88 ⇔ 21 ~ p ab cd 2g g cd 2i e cd ! . Multiply the lhs by H ABA 8 B 8 and the rhs by its tensor equivalent H ab and one immediately obtains ~see Ref. 6, p. 153! 1 ab ab ab a H CDD 8 C 8 ⇔ 21 ~ p ab cd 2g g cd 2i e cd ! H ab 5 2 ~ H cd 1H dc 2g cd H a 2i e abcd H ! . Now take the conjugate of the spinor/tensor equivalent relation, to get d AD d BC d C88 d D88 ⇔ 21 ( p ab cd 2g ab g cd 1i e ab cd , multiply as before by H ABA 8 B 8 and its equivalent H ab , and arrive at the different tensor equivalent ~with unprimed indices interchanged! A B H DCC 8 D 8 ⇔ 21 ~ H cd 1H dc 2g cd H a a 1i e abcd H ab ! . APPENDIX A: SPINOR EQUIVALENTS FOR THE gKd AND gpd In the reference formulas below it should be mentioned that there is a good deal of interplay between the gKd and gpd in such specifications, there being a variety of ways to express expansions of some gKd’s, gpd’s ~and also their spinor equivalents!. 1. Spinor equivalents of the gKd’s D 1 5 d ab ⇔ d AB d B 88 , A D 2 5 d ab cd 5 U d ad d bd D 3 5 d abc de f 5 d cd U d ac d bc d ae d be d ce U U d AC d CA 88 d ad ⇔ B B8 d bd d Cd C8 U d AD d DA 88 d BD d DB 88 AB AB 5 21 @ d CD p C88 D88 1 p CD d C88 D88 # , A B A B U d af d bf d cf 1 a bc a bc A BC 8 BC 8 8 8 8 5 d ad d bc e f 2 d e d d f 1 d f d de ⇔ 2 @ d D d D 8 ~ d EF p E 8 F 8 1 p EF d E 8 F 8 ! A B C B C BC BC BC BC 2 d AE d E 88 ~ d DF p D88 F88 1 p DF d D88 F88 ! 1 d AF d F 88 ~ d DE p D88 E88 1 p DE d D88 E88 !# . A B C B C A B C B C This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy 2061 We can expand the gKd with 4 ~upper/lower! indices by a Laplace expansion of its first two rows and complementary minors. The result is U d ae d be D 4 5 d abcd 5 e f gh d ce d de d af d bf d cf d df U d ag d bg d cg d dg d ah d bh d ch d dh cd ab cd ab cd ab cd ab cd ab cd 5 d ab e f d gh 2 d eg d f h 1 d eh d f g 1 d f g d eh 2 d f h d eg 1gd gh d e f . The rhs can be written as the sum/difference of permanents of gKd’s, if desired I II d ab ef d cd ef II d ab d ab gh eg cd 2 d gh d cd eg I d ab d ab fh eh cd 1 dfh d cd eh d ab fg . d cd fg The spinor equivalent of d abcd e f gh is AB CD CD AB AB 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 D 4 ⇔ 41 @~ d AB EF p E 8 F 8 1 p EF d E 8 F 8 !~ d GH p G 8 H 8 1 p GH d G 8 H 8 ! 2 ~ d EG p E 8 G 8 1 p EG d E 8 G 8 ! A B A B C D C D A B A B CD CD AB AB CD CD 3 ~ d FH p F 88H 88 1 p FH d F 88H 88 ! 1 ~ d EH p E 88 H88 1 p EH d E 88 H88 !~ d FG p F 88G 88 1 p FG d F 88G 88 ! C D C D A B A B C D C D AB AB CD CD AB AB 1 ~ d FG p F 88 G88 1 p FG d F 88 G88 !~ d EH p E 88H 88 1 p EH d E 88H 88 ! 2 ~ d FH p F 88 H88 1 p FH d F 88 H88 ! A B A B C D C D A B A B CD CD AB AB CD 8 8 8 8 3 ~ d EG p E 88G 88 1 p EG d E 88G 88 ! 1 ~ d GH p G88 H88 1 p GH d G88 H88 !~ d CD EF p E 8 F 8 1 p EF d E 8 F 8 !# . C D C D A B A B C D C D 2. Spinor equivalents of the gpd’s P 1 5 p ab 5 d ab ⇔ d AB d B 88 , A P 2 5 p ab cd 5 I I d ad d bd P 3 5 p abc de f 5 d cd I I d AC d CA 88 d ad ⇔ B B8 d bd d Cd C8 d ac d bc d ae d be d ce d af d bf d cf I d AD d DA 88 d BD d DB 88 I AB AB 5 21 @ d CD d C88 D88 1 p CD p C88 D88 # , A B A B 1 a bc a bc A BC 8 BC 8 8 8 8 5 d ad p bc e f 1 d e p d f 1 d f p de ⇔ 2 @ d D d D 8 ~ d EF d E 8 F 8 1 p EF p E 8 F 8 ! A B C B C BC BC BC BC 1 d AE d E 88 ~ d DF d D88 F88 1 p DF p D88 F88 ! 1 d AF d F 88 ~ d DE d D88 E88 1 p DE p D88 E88 !# . A B C B C A B C B C Since permanents only involve positive signs, the following Laplace expansion is also clear: P 4 5 p abcd e f gh 5 I d ae d be d ce d de d af d bf d cf d df d ag d bg d cg d dg d ah d bh d ch d dh I cd ab cd ab cd ab cd ab cd ab cd 5 p ab e f p gh 1 p eg p f h 1 p eh p f g 1 p f g p eh 1 p f h p eg 1 p gh p e f . The rhs can be written as the sum of permanents of permanents, if desired This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 2062 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 I R. L. Agacy II p ab ef p cd ef p ab p ab gh eg cd 1 p gh p cd eg II I p ab p ab fh eh cd 1 pfh p cd eh p ab fg . p cd fg The spinor equivalent of p abcd e f gh is AB CD CD AB AB 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 P 4 ⇔ 41 @~ d AB EF d E 8 F 8 1 p EF p E 8 F 8 !~ d GH d G 8 H 8 1 p GH p G 8 H 8 ! 1 ~ d EG d E 8 G 8 1 p EG p E 8 G 8 ! A B A B C D C D A B A B AB AB CD CD CD CD 3 ~ d FH d F 88H 88 1 p FH p F 88H 88 ! 1 ~ d EH d E 88 H88 1 p EH p E 88 H88 !~ d FG d F 88G 88 1 p FG p F 88G 88 ! C D C D A B A B C D C D AB AB CD CD AB AB p F 88 H88 ! 1 ~ d FG d F 88 G88 1 p FG p F 88 G88 !~ d EH d E 88H 88 1 p EH p E 88H 88 ! 1 ~ d FH d F 88 H88 1 p FH A B A B C D C D A B A B CD CD AB AB CD 8 8 8 8 3 ~ d EG d E 88G 88 1 p EG p E 88G 88 ! 1 ~ d GH d G88 H88 1 p GH p G88 H88 !~ d CD EF d E 8 F 8 1 p EF p E 8 F 8 !# . C D C D A B A B C D C D APPENDIX B: SPINOR⇔TENSOR EQUIVALENTS The mixed mode spinor appears with its covariant form below it. Spinor Tensor d AB e AB d ab d AB d BA 88 e AB e A 8 B 8 g ab A8B8 d AB CD 5D, d C 8 D 8 e AB e CD 5 e AC e BD 2 e AD e BC A8B8 p AB CD 5P, p C 8 D 8 5P 8 e AC e BD 1 e AD e BC 8 1PD 8 ) e AC e BD e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 2 e AD e BC e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 d ab cd 1 1 AB A 8 B 8 AB A 8 B 8 2 ( CD C 8 D 8 1 p CD p C 8 D 8 )5 2 (DD 1PP e AC e BD e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 1 e AD e BC e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 p ab cd g ac g bd 1g ad g bc 1 1 AB A 8 B 8 AB A 8 B 8 2 ( CD p C 8 D 8 1 p CD C 8 D 8 )5 2 (DP d d d d 8 8) g ac g bd 2g ad g bc i DP A B A B i~dACdBDdD88dC882dADdBCdC88dD88!5 dD8P8 2 i( e AC e BD e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 2 e AD e BC e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 ) e cd ab 5 e ab cd A8B8 d AB CD d C 8 D 8 5DD 8 e AB e CD e A 8 B 8 e C 8 D 8 g ab g cd g ab g cd A8B8 d AB CD p C 8 D 8 5DP 8 e AC e BD e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 2 e AD e BC e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 1 e AC e BD e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 2 e AD e BC e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 5 e AB e CD ( e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 1 e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 ) ab d ab cd 2i e cd A8B8 p AB CD d C 8 D 8 5PD 8 e AC e BD e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 2 e AD e BC e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 2 e AC e BD e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 1 e AD e BC e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 5( e AC e BD 1 e AD e BC ) e A 8 B 8 e C 8 D 8 ab d ab cd 1i e cd 8 8 p AB CD p C 8 D 8 5PP 8 ( e AC e BD 1 e AD e BC )3( e A 8 C 8 e B 8 D 8 1 e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 ) ab 2 p ab cd 2g g cd 2g ac g bd 12g ad g bc 2g ab g cd d AC d BD d DA 88 d CB 88 e AC e BD e A 8 D 8 e B 8 C 8 1 ab ab ab 2 ( p cd 2g g cd 2i e cd ) 1 2 (g ac g bd 1g ad g bc 2g ab g cd 2i e abcd ) A B e abcd g ac g bd 2g ad g bc 2i e abcd g ac g bd 2g ad g bc 1i e abcd This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1999 R. L. Agacy 2063 T. Muir, The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of Development ~Macmillan and Co., Limited, London, 1906!, Vol. 1, p. 94. 2 C. M. Cramlet, Invariant tensors and their application to the study of determinants and allied tensor functions, Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington ~1926!. 3 C. M. Cramlet, ‘‘Applications of the determinant and permanent tensors to determinants of general class and allied tensor functions,’’ Am. J. Math. 49, 87–96 ~1927!. 4 R. L. Agacy, Generalized Kronecker, permanent delta and Young tableaux applications to tensors and spinors; Lanczos–Zund spinor classification and general spinor factorizations, Ph.D. thesis, London University ~1997!. The 1 expression L i jk 5 3 L $ ik, j % is correctly stated on p. 28 of this reference, but incorrectly stated on p. 26 with L $ i j,k % on the rhs. 5 See AIP document No. PAPS JMAPAQ-Vol. 40-033903 for 33 pages of the document entitled ‘‘Generalized Kronecker and Permanent deltas, their spinor and tensor equivalents—Reference Formulae.’’ Order by PAPS number and journal reference from the American Institute of Physics, Physics Auxiliary Publications Service, 500 Sunnyside Boulevard, Woodbury, NY 11797-2999. Fax: 516-576-2223, email: The price is $1.50 for each microfiche or $5.00 for photocopies of up to 30 pages, and $0.15 for each additional page over 30 pages. Airmail additional. Make checks payable to the American Institute of Physics. 6 In this connection we remark that our definition for the algebraic symmetries of the Riemann tensor R abcd 1 5 12 R $ ac,bd % , agrees with the result in R. Penrose and W. Rindler, Spinors and Space-time ~Cambridge University Press, 3 England, 1984!, Vol. 1, p. 144, 4 R abcd 5R( āc̄ ) . This is because the symmetrization on two letters introduces a factor of 1 ( bI dI ) 1/2, which together with 2 rows gives a factor of 1/4. Antisymmetrization of columns produces another factor of 1/4. 3 1 Hence the rhs of the latter is 1/16 of our result, i.e., 4 R abcd 5 16 R $ ac,bd % , agreeing precisely with our definition. 7 S. B. Edgar and A. Höglund, ‘‘The Lanczos potential for the Weyl curvature tensor: existence, wave equation, and algorithms,’’ Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 453, 835–851 ~1997!. 8 P. Dolan and C. Kim, ‘‘The wave equation for the Lanczos potential,’’ Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 447, 557–575 ~1994!. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:23:37