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Irregular Verb 'to be' Guide

Irregular verb to be
The Use
Случаи употрибления глагола to be
Name (имя)
I am Steve/ he is John/ They are Pete and Mara/ This is Amber
Age (возраст)
She is 30, you are 25
Nationality / where are you from
(национальность, откуда мы)
He is Japanese, She is English, you are Russian/ I’m from Russia, they are from
England/ She is from Italy
Job ( профессии)
Jessica is a dentist/ they are engineers/ Paul and Adam are teachers/ I am a
How we feel ( чувство, состояние)
I am tired, he is angry, she is kind, they are hungry
Be+ adjective ( с
He is smart, the office is large, the room is big, she is tall, English is easy,
location( where we are)
(местонахождение, где мы)
He is in the office, the books are on table, I am at home, they are in Paris, you are
at work.
The time ( какое время)
It’s ten o’clock/ it’s late(поздно)
Long form
Short form
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Negative form( отрицание)
Отрицательная форма составляется с помощью частицы not , которая пишется после am/is/are
Long form
Short form
I am not
I’m not
You are not
You aren’t/ you’re not
He is not
He isn’t / he’s not
She is not
She isn’t / she’s not
It is not
It isn’t / it’s not
We are not
We aren’t / we’re not
They are not
They aren’t / they’ not
Questions and short answers
(Вопросы и краткие ответы)
Am I?
Yes I am / No, I am not/ No, I’m not
Are you?
Yes you are / No, you are not/ No, you aren’t
Is he?
Yes, he is/ No, he is not / No, he isn’t
Is she?
Yes, she is/ No, she is not / No, she isn’t
Is it?
Yes, it is / No, it is not/ No, it isn’t
Are we?
Yes, we are/ No, we are not / No, we aren’t
Are you?
Yes you are / No, you are not/ No, you aren’t
Are they?
Yes, they are / No, they are not/ No, they aren’t
*Утвердительные краткие ответы нельзя сокращать, отрицательные можно
Еxpressions with to be
What is your name?
Как тебя зовут
Where are you from?
Откуда Вы\ ты?
How old are you?
Скольrо Вам лет?
What are you? / What’s your job
What time is it?
My name is…
I am an engineer
I am from Russia
I am 20/30/40…
It’s 20.00, it’s 6 o’clock
Кем Вы работаете?
Какое время сейчас?
I’m Bob and this is my friend Steve. We are from Scotland. I am a dentist, Steve is not a dentist
he is doctor
Are you from London?
No, I am not. I am from Oxford.
It’s cold today. But it is not windy (Сегодня холодно, но не ветренно)
Where is your office? ( Где находиться ваш офис?)
It is in the center (Он в центре)
He is a student from Glasgow ( Он студент из Глазго).
Is she American? Yes, she is.
How are you? - Как вы себя чувствуете? I am bored and sleepy (Мне скучно и я сонный)
Is the dog hungry? (Собака голодная?) No, it isn’t, it’s thirsty (Нет, она хочет пить)