ASN Nursign Program Antepartum / Intrapartum / Postpartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan Student Name: Elizavet Bravo Course Number: NUR2421C PATIENT INITIALS: RJ ALLERGIES: NKDA AGE:14 ADMISSION DATE & TIME: 7/22/23 &0030 CLINICAL SITE: North shore WEIGHT:145 LB. Hospital HEIGHT:5’6” ROOM/BED: 388 GESTATIONAL AGE: 37 WEEKS + 1 DAY ESTIMATED DUE DATE: 8-10-2023 BLOOD TYPE: O (+) RHOGAM: NO TIME / DATE CULTURE / ETHNICITY RELIGION CHRISTIAN PRIMARY LANGUAGE ENGLISH MARITAL STATUS SIGNEL OCCUPATION STUDENT HIGHEST GRADE LEVEL COMPLETED N/A PRENATAL RECORDS YES DELIVERY: CESAREAN GIVE REASON FOR CESAREAN DELIVERY: HSV WITH ACTIVE TIME / DATE OF DELIVERY 7/21/2023 1845 ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS 400ML SUPPORT SYSTEM: AUNT DIET REG ACTIVITY ORDER ORDER-AMBULATE AS SAFETY CALL LIGHT IN REACH TOLERATED SIDE RAILS UP AFRICAN AMERICAN LEGIONS G__1__T__1__P__0__A__0__L_1___ BED IN LOW POSITION PERSONAL ITEMS IN REACH BRIEF HEALTH HISTORY: Pt has no known allergies. Pt received prenatal care and has been taking iron and folic acid supplements. EDC was 8/10/2023. Pt was admitted to the mother baby unit on 7/21/2023 at 0030. Mother has a history of HSV, Anemia, PIH. She was GBS negative and negative for all other test like HIV, Rubella, chlamydia but positive with active lesions of HSV. 1 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan ASSESSMENT: Vitals: RR:22 HR:78 SPO2 98% Temp: 97.6 BP 135/68 Patient is alert and oriented X4, cheerful. She is in bed relaxed with no complaints of pain. Patient is cooperative with no signs of acute distress. Chest clear, bilaterally, non-labored respirations. IS in use. Bowel sound present and well hydrated. Voiding without difficulty, amber and clear urine. Face is symmetric, no weakness or involuntary movement. Conjunctivae clear, sclerae is white, no lesion. Patient skin color appropriate for her race, warm to touch, turgor good, no lesion: nail bed pink with CMS of 2 sec, no deformities. Beast soft/non tender, filling, secreting colostrum. Assistance needed for breast feeding. Nipples everted and tender. Bowel sounds are present in all 4 quadrants. Fundus firm. Lochia rubra with moderate amount. Cesarean section with original dressign on; site is dry and intact with no redness or sign of infection. Homan’s sign is negative. Genitalia: no lesions, no inflammation or discharge. Rectum: No fissures, hemorrhoids. Genitalia red with active lesions. Needs further assessment with baby bonding. Patient has a 22-gauge IV catheter inserted on the Rt. forearm. LR solution infuses at 100ml/hr. MEDICATIONS / TREATMENTS MEDICATION NAME (TRADE & GENERIC NAMES) INCLUDE DOSAGE, FREQUENCY / ROUTE AND SAFE RANGE Nifedipine (Procardia XL) 30MG, PO once daily/ Initially, 30 or 60 mg extended-release tablet PO once daily, adjusted over 7 to 14 days. Maximum dose is 120 mg/day. CLASSIFICATION AND PRIMARY ACTION OF MEDICATION NURSIGN IMPLICATIONS / PRECAUTIONS / CONTRAINDICATIONS SIDE EFFECTS / ADVERSE EFFECTS & INDICATION Antihypertensives– CNS: dizziness, antianginals GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, . Calcium channel blockers Monitor BP and HR regularly, Fluid retention Contraindications: Cardiogenic Shock Therapeutic class: Antiulcer drugs Contraindicated in patients allergic to prostaglandins. Safe range Misoprostol( Cytotec) Headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea 2 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan MEDICATION NAME (TRADE & GENERIC NAMES) INCLUDE DOSAGE, FREQUENCY / ROUTE AND SAFE RANGE 200MCG PO QID 200 mcg PO q.i.d. with food; if not tolerated, decrease to 100 mcg PO q.i.d. Give dosage for duration of NSAID therapy. CLASSIFICATION AND PRIMARY ACTION OF MEDICATION NURSIGN IMPLICATIONS / PRECAUTIONS / CONTRAINDICATIONS SIDE EFFECTS / ADVERSE EFFECTS & INDICATION Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin E1 analogues Use cautiously in patients with inflammatory bowel disease or known CV disease. Overdose Signs & Symptoms: Sedation, tremors, seizures, dyspnea, abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, palpitations, hypotension, bradycardia. Safe to give. Cefazolin Sodium (Firstgeneration cephalosporin) 2G IV intermediate Children ages 10 to 17 with CrCl of 70 mL/minute or more: 2 g if weight is 50 kg or more or 1 g if weight is less than 50 kg IM or IV 30 to 60 minutes before surgery; then 0.5 to 1 g IM or IV every 6 to 8 hours for 24 hours Safe to give. Therapeutic class: Antibiotics Pharmacologic class: Firstgeneration cephalosporins Dizziness Hypertension Candidiasis Drug to drug interactions with estrogen-based contraceptives Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Overdose Signs & Symptoms: Pain, inflammation, and phlebitis at injection site; dizziness, paresthesia, headache, seizures; elevated creatinine, BUN, liver enzymes, and bilirubin levels; positive Coombs test; thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, leukopenia; prolonged PT. 3 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan MEDICATION NAME (TRADE & GENERIC NAMES) INCLUDE DOSAGE, FREQUENCY / ROUTE AND SAFE RANGE CLASSIFICATION AND PRIMARY ACTION OF MEDICATION SIDE EFFECTS / ADVERSE EFFECTS NURSIGN IMPLICATIONS / PRECAUTIONS / CONTRAINDICATIONS & INDICATION PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA PRENATAL LABS HEMOGLOBIN / HEMATOCRIT # 1 6.9/23.50 @1300 7/22/2023 RPR: NONREACTIVE HGB / HCT # 2 : 8.3/27.60 @2200 7/22/2023 GBS: NEGATIVE Hemoglobin and Hematocrits values slightly below normal range on the first laboratory results obtained after c-section delivery. TX: ________________ RATIONALE FOR ABNORMAL RESULTS: RUBELLA: IMMUNE Expected due to blood lost during c-section delivery, values are not a concern at this time. The second lab result shows an increase in H/H because of a onetime infusion of packed red blood cells (PRBCs); NURSIGN CONSIDERATIONS -Monitor Hemoglobin and hematocrits levels periodically. Administer blood transfusions (blood products) if needed and HEPATITIS B: NEGATIVE HIV: NEGATIVE RATIONALE FOR ABNORMAL RESULTS: No abnormal labs 4 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan ordered by physician. PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA LAB TEST #1 Platelets: (150-400* 109/L) LAB TEST #1 WBC – (5,000-10,000/mm3) RESULTS: 200,000 within normal range RESULTS: 6,000/mm3 within normal range RATIONALE FOR ABNORMAL RESULTS: RATIONALE FOR ABNORMAL RESULTS: N/A N/A 5 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION #1 RBC INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION #2 TYPE: packed RBC TYPE: D5 LR 1000ml CC / HR: 175ml/hr. IV SITE LOCATION 22-gauge IV Rt forearm CC / HR: 125ml/hr. GTTS / MIN: GTTS / MIN: ADDITIVES: ADDITIVES: RATIONAL FOR SOLUTION: IV SITE LOCATION: 22-gauge IV Rt forearm Hydration Replace water and electrolyte loss due to surgery. RATIONAL FOR SOLUTION: Acute anemia caused by trauma, surgical blood loss EPIDURAL CATHETER INSERTION SITE: Spinal REDNESS: no TENDERNESS: no DRAINAGE: no NO PROBLEM IDENTIFIED: No Postpartum Daily Assessment Flow Sheet Respiratory System: 6 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan Assessment Date & Time: 7/23/2023 @0800 Breast: Soft / non-tender Filling Firm Bra on Binder on Ice pack applied NonBreast feeding Breast feeding well Breast feeding needs assistance Breast pump given Nipples: Everted Non-tender Inverted Cracked Fundus: Firm Boggy Displaced Right / Left Lochia: Rubra Heavy Amount Flat Blister noted Tender Massaged Serosa Moderate Amount Alba Scant Clots Light Amount Chest clear bilaterally Non-labored respirations Wheezes / Crackles Tachypnea Chest Pain Asthma Cough Restlessness Skin & nail color changes Incentive spirometer in use Cold Cardio-vascular system: Heart regular / Irregular rate / Rhythm Positive peripheral pulses B/P less than 140/90 or no greater than 30/15 rise in prenatal baseline B/P greater than 140/90 or greater than 30/15 rise from prenatal baseline Edema resolving No edema of hands / face Leg / ankle edema with pitting Extremely discolored Edema of hands / face Varicosities of legs (right / left) (both) Vulva Negative Homan’s sign Positive Homan’s sign Episiotomy / Laceration: None Intact Swollen Hematoma Sitz Bath initiated with follow up Cesarean Section: Original Dressign On Off Re-enforced Incision Intact Incision Swollen Redness noted Describe:____Clean and intact Odor:___________________________________________________ Steri Strips Staples In Drainage Noted Staples Out Light Dressign Bonding with baby: Well Poor Needs further Assessment Neurological / Psychosocial: Oriented X 3 Active range of motion DTR’s +2 Cheerful Combative Depressed Stiff neck Back pain NICU Clear verbal Agitated Lethargic Gastrointestinal System: Gravid abdomen Bowel sounds present No epigastric pain Well hydrated Abdomen soft Bowel Movements Epigastric pain - describe ______________________________ Heartburn Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Constipation Absent bowel sounds Hemorrhoids Gastrointestinal bleeding Diabetes type:________________________________ N/G tube Present to suction Hi Low Intermittent Renal system / Genitourinary: Voiding without difficulty Amber Clear Voiding with difficulty Burning Straight Cathed x _________________ Foley Catheter Urgency Identified UTI present 7 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan Assessment Data Subjective / Objective Nursign Diagnosis Expected Outcome Short / Long Term Nursign Interventions Rational for Interventions Evaluation of Goals 400ml Blood loss during surgery / Fatigue Fluid volume and electrolyte balance altered related to cesarean section as evidenced by lost of blood. Pt will show signs of stabilized fluid volume by balanced intake an output, stable weight, stable VS and absent of edema -Administer D5 LR 1000ml Lost of blood during IV SITE LOCATION surgery 22-gauge IV Rt forearm CC / HR: 125ml/hr. -Assess for S/S of dehydration or volume overload. -Monitor lab values and repost to physician as indicated. Goal met incision due to cesarean sectio Risk for infection related to trauma to the abdominal wall. Patient will not develop an infection during the postpartum period -Administer antibiotics Wond healing due to -provide education on cesarean section. symptoms -Demonstrate wound care Goal met Assessment Data Subjective / Objective Nursign Diagnosis Expected Outcome Short / Long Term Nursign Interventions Rational for Interventions Evaluation of Goals 8 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan 9 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan INITIAL HEAD TO TOE ASSESSMENT: DATE & TIME: 7/23/2023 @ 1800 NEUROLOGICAL: Patient is alert and oriented x 4, cooperative, with no signs of distress. Appearance, behavior, and speech are appropriate, memory intact. Face symmetric, no weakness or involuntary movements. Conjunctivae clear, sclerae white, no lesions. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Joints and muscles symmetric; normal spinal curvature. Full ROM, movements smooth, no crepitus, no tenderness. Muscle strength – able to maintain flexion against resistance. The deep tendon reflexes were normal. Graded to +2 Patient is ambulating as tolerated. Cardiac: BP: 135/68 mmHg left arm, sitting. Consistent with baseline. HR: 78 bpm and rhythm regular. Carotid pulses 2+ and = bilaterally. Positive peripheral pulses. No edema on hands / face. Negative Homan’s signs. All pulses present, 2+ bilaterally. Skin: Warm to touch, no temp, turgor good, incision-clean, dry& intact.; Nail beds pink with prompt capillary refill less than 3 sec, no clubbing, or deformities. The patient has a 22-gauge IV catheter inserted on the right arm. DS Lactated Ringer’s solution infusing at 125 mL/hr. by gravity, IV Dressing is intact. Incision clean, dry, and intact, Steri-Strips. Abdominal binder in place. Temp 97.F tympanic The IV site no, redness, or signs of infiltration. Genitourinary: Patient is voiding without difficulty. Voided sufficient amount 500 ml; amber and clear. Genitalia: lesions, inflammation or no discharge. RESPIRATORY: RR: 16 rpm, relaxed and even, chest moving equally. O2 saturation 98% on room air. Resonant to percussion over the lung fields. Breath sounds clear. No adventitious sounds. Incentive spirometer in use Gastrointestinal: Bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants. Patient reports her last bowel movement was yesterday, consistency soft and brown color. Patient is well hydrated. Abdomen is soft. No bowel movement after delivery yet. Rectum: No fissures, hemorrhoids, fistulas, or skin lesions 10 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan DATE: 7/23/2023 TIME: 0800 NURSES’ NOTES: 0800 Patient is comfortable in bed, pain 2/10 on a 0-10 scale at incision site. Chest is bilaterally moving equally. Saturating at 98% on room air. Breath sounds clear. Pt is A&O x4, corporation with no signs of distress. Acting appropriate to age. Skin is expected color for ethnicity without lesion or rashes. CMS 2sec. IV in left arm with DS LR running at 125ml/hr. IV site no pain, redness, or signs of infiltration. Breast soft and secreting colostrum. Dressing intact. Bowel sound present in all quadrants. Last bowel movement prior to cesarian section. Genital: lesion, inflammation with no discharge. Rectum; no fissure, hemorrhoid, fistulas or skin lesions. Vitals: RR:22 HR:78 SPO2 98% Temp: 97.6 BP 135/68 DATE:7/23/2023 TIME:1200 NURSES’ NOTES: 1200Patient got out of bed to void 500ml. Urine was amber and clear. Pt ambulation as tolerated. Education was provided to patients regarding activity and fall risk. Pt and aunt verbalized understanding. Pt ambulated x2 with aunt to prevent pneumonia complication and prevent pressure injury. Educated pt on deep breathing exercises and the use of IS Q hr. for lung maintenance. 1300 Pt complains of pain in abdomen at C-section sutures site after ambulation. 7/10 on a scale of 0-10. pain med administered. 1400 reassessment of pt pain at 3/10 on a scale of 0-10. Pt education on contraception and vaccination. Incision original dressing on, dry no discharge noted, no foul order. Will continue monitoring patient’s intake and output, laboratory values, bowel movement, incision. All safety and comfort measures in place, call light within reach. Bed in the lowest position, wheels locked. Frequent rounds to be done. 1400 Normal Vitals: RR:20 HR:70 SPO2 98% Temp: 97.6 BP 125/68 11 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan DATE:7/23/2023 TIME:06:30 NURSES’ NOTES: 1800 Pt continues to be stable with no complaints. Normal voiding with no bowel movement. Observed patient bottle feeding infant. The patient aunt verbalized car seat has been properly installed. Pt remains in stable condition repost given to oncoming RN further education on baby care needed. 12 ASN Nursign Program – Intrapartum Comprehensive Patient Care Plan