Tool: Additional Journaling Practices BLA KE STRATTON 1. Desire ➡ Belief Use this template to discover how you can support your desired future with your thinking. A desire I have right now is… What beliefs would support this desire? (List as many as you can) 2. Notes for the Method Actor Imagine you have casted a famous method actor, like Daniel Day-Lewis or Meryl Streep, to the ideal future version of you. This is the version of you that has achieved your most exciting goals and vision. The actor needs speci ic notes on how to become this character—answer their questions so they can become you. How do I carry myself? What do I look like? How do I feel on an average day? What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? What do I want? Why do I want it? How will I get what I want? What must I overcome to get what I want? f What other details will help me act the part? 3. 85 Year-Old Advice Use this prompt when you’re in need of a greater perspective to help you make decisions. Write down the details of the situation you’re facing: Take 60 seconds to imagine yourself at 85 years-old. Now imagine this “future you” is sitting across from you right now. What would you ask? Write out those questions, and then write what “future you” might say from their 85 year-old perspective. 4. Morning Warm-Up Use these prompts to start your day with intention and optimism. Pick a topic and write the positive things about it Some things I like about myself are… What are you building towards today? What drives you today? Is there someone I can forgive today? Someone, perhaps me, that I could let o the hook? What do you want to hand over to God today? ff Script the ideal day, as if everything went amazingly well. [Bonus: take a few minutes to visualize and feel what that would feel like] 5. Gratitude Warm-Up Use this template to gently train your mind to focus on positive, preferred things. Pick a topic, item or circumstance you like (for example: co ee, autumn, your friend, etc.): Write 10+ positive things about that subject: Pick a topic you feel neutral about: Write 10+ positive things about that subject: ff Now consider today, the things and circumstances you’re currently experiencing. Write 10+ positive things you can observe: