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Internship Report on Search Engine Optimization (2)

Internship Report on Search
Engine Optimization
Ali Wahdat
Digital Business and Data Science
Berlin Campus
Matriculation: 78992621
Academic supervisor: Prof. Rand Kouatly
Name of Company: UIZ Gmbh
Table of contents
Intern Schedule
Description of the Internship provider
Type of organization and ownership
Problem Definition
Objectives and tasks
Software and technology
Measures and methodology
Implications and suggestions for practice
Discussion and prospects
Final evaluation of the practical experience in relation to the study program
Declaration of Independence
To begin, I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Jay for providing me with this
opportunity to study and enhance my skill set. Also, University of Europe for Applied
Sciences for the academic life I had and thoroughly liked. I am grateful for my elders'
kind remarks, recommendations, directions, and encouragement. They have provided
me with unending assistance and guidance in the creation of this report. I'd like to
take this time to thank everyone. In addition, I must express my thanks to Dr. Jay
Thakur, CEO and Mrs. Dikha Rani, supervisor of UIZ in Berlin, Germany. They took on
my responsibilities voluntarily, provided me a lot of time, and generously offered great
insight on their work experiences with me. Their ongoing supervision and assurance
that the project would be accomplished was really motivating. Their advice taught me
how to operate well in a team environment with all of my coworkers as well as how to
grasp the business culture. The things that I learned have allowed me to present this
report. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all of my coworkers, the UIZ team as a
whole for their assistance and contributions to making my time at work special.
Additionally, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the SEO team division,
whose employees always encouraged and supported me in my efforts to expand my
practical knowledge and make the most of my Internship experience. I am very
appreciative of the guidance and assistance my seniors and mentors gave me during
my internship. Their steadfast dedication to sharing their knowledge and experience
was essential to my professional progress. Their advice and support gave me the
confidence to take on difficult assignments, and it gave me a rare chance to broaden
my skill set and industry knowledge. I am really appreciative of their help and can't
convey how much I value the priceless skills I learnt while working for the
The internship report that follows is a representation of my time at UIZ and how well I
understand website development and on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization). My
internship began on October 28th, 2022, and it finished on February 28th, 2023. I was
treated more like a full-time worker during these four months at work, and I gained
experience that enabled me to get a basic understanding of how German digital firms
Working with UIZ has been a privilege, and I am really grateful that they have given me
the chance.As part of this project, I helped identify the many phases of website
creation, industry standards and trends, the website industry overall, and most
significantly, it educated me about a brand-new IT sector. Working with them has been
quite enlightening, and I think it will be very beneficial to my professional chances. My
initial ideas have evolved into a mature marketing knowledge base thanks to the
organization as a whole, which I am convinced I can use for future worthwhile
projects. The study begins with a simple overview of UIZ and a few of the services that
it offers.
The relevance of the study and the UIZ's efforts are then discussed in more detail. The
significance of web-based companies is then extensively covered, including how it
operates and how SEO has been a major component in this industry. The growth of the
idea should be fostered because it is brand-new. The significance of what I learned
during my internship for both my professional and personal lives have also been
highlighted. However, it does have certain shortcomings, just like every other industry,
thus some advice has also been given.
Some of the data may no longer be correct by the time it is analyzed since, as we all
know, digital metrics actually change every day. Despite all of that, I think there are
sufficient arguments in this research to recognise the value of SEO for online
Intern Schedule
Objectives and
1st month
31st Oct - 4th Nov
Web and app
Introduction video
on SEO.
7th Nov - 11th Nov
Web and app
Implemented SEO
and competition
14th Nov - 18th Nov
Web and app
Learned about On
page Optimization
and best SEO
21st Nov - 25th Nov
Web and app
Got familiar with
tools like SE ranking
for page rank and
28th Nov - 2nd Dec
Web and app
Brief run of Word
press for On page
5th Dec - 9th Dec
Web and app
Searched for
keywords and made
a keyword planner
in SE ranking
12th Dec - 16th Dec
Web and app
Optimized meta
descriptions, titles
based on data of
19th Dec - 23rd Dec
Web and app
Image optimization
techniques for
improving site
speed, Internal
26th Dec - 31st Dec
Web and app
Published articles
and created a SEO
checklist for
maintenance of the
2nd Jan - 6th Jan
Web and app
Creation of content
2nd month
3rd month
4th month
in regards with the
target audience and
addition of
9th Jan - 13th Jan
Web and app
Maintained the web
page and added
styles via HTML
language in
16th Jan - 20th Jan
Web and app
Learned and
different plug-ins in
Wordpress for
smooth editing and
publishing of
23rd Jan - 27th Jan
Web and app
Off page best
practices for better
30th Jan - 3rd Feb
Web and app
company’s social
networks such as
Facebook, Youtube
6th Feb - 10th Feb
Web and app
Made a weekly
schedule for social
media and content
posts on webpage.
13th Feb - 18th Feb
Web and app
Internally linked
content posts to
web pages for
better page
navigation and
addition of style via
20th Feb - 24th Feb
Web and app
Externally linked
website to multiple
other web pages for
better ranking.
27th Feb - 28th Feb
Web and app
Created possible
topics for future blog
posts according to
the services
provided by the
Internships are structured programmes meant to offer students who are new to a
subject with practical experience in a real-world setting. By providing students with
tangible job experience, internships aid in the development of strong résumés.
Internship programmes offer interns a unique chance to create a solid basis for their
career, learn corporate culture, obtain valuable job expertise, acquire essential skills,
and find long term employment opportunities in the desired firm.
My Internship started on 31st of October 2022 and lasted until the 28th of February
2023. During these 4 months I have had the opportunity to explore the field of my
interest and found out what I was diving into. It also allowed me to decide if these set
of skills will help me the path of career I have chosen.
Some major benefits that I learned during this internship were:
1. Practical implications of the things we learnt in university such as HTML
language. In Wordpress the use of HTML is very prominent and my previous
knowledge came in very handy.
2. I also received valuable experience and knowledge about company culture. It
has also taught me what abilities are genuinely necessary to compete in the
employment market.
3. Networking would be one of the biggest benefits. My professional circle is way
vast than before and has helped me develop my communication skills to the
next level.
4. It might help me land a potential job opportunity as it is a growing and high in
demand field of work.
5. It has helped me unlock my creative perspective. Playing around with HTML in
Wordpress has allowed me to style web pages and make them visually pleasing.
6. The internship allowed me to gain confidence in my own abilities, particularly
when I was able to complete tasks. The full freedom of solving the problem on
my own was a key component that helped me increase overall confidence.
Overall, there are other benefits that can help individuals develop their professional
skills, expand their knowledge and experience, and improve their job prospects.
Description of the Internship provider
From an early age I have been very fond of the IT industry. Being a part of it in any sort
of way whether it be as a software engineer or as SEO specialist was one of the
primary things I opted for. Also, the fact that the curiosity and the hunger to learn
really drove me to this field. UIZ is a small IT business based in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Jay
Thakur started UIZ in 2014. It is a technological research-based firm that provides
geoinformatics, water resource management, IT solutions, and BPO services.
Department of IT solutions include services such as creating brilliant websites, social
media marketing and search engine optimization. UIZ specializes in web development
and works continuously to provide visitors with high-quality content through the use
of white hat SEO (both on and off page). The company meets the information
technology needs of organizations and offers a safe, efficient, and faultless digital
experience by maintaining relationships with clients, consumers, and other business
partners based on openness, perseverance, mutual trust, and honesty. UIZ
professionals thrive on integrating innovative ideas with extensive knowledge to
constantly provide great outcomes. UIZ has worked with a lot of local restaurants and
multiple other businesses when it came to developing business websites. Not only
websites but further maintaining and updating them with numerous content related
to the businesses products and services in order to generate traffic, all came under the
SEO team of UIZ.
“Implementing and bringing to society.”
Contact Information
E-mail: info@webdesign-bpo.de
Phone: 030 20679115
Address: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 34, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Linkedin: https://de.linkedin.com/company/uiz-gmbh
Website: https://webdesign-bpo.de
Type of organization and ownership
UIZ was founded in 2014 as a privately held environmental technology, web
publishing, and web development company. Its headquarters are in Berlin, Germany.
The company relies on, but isn't confined to, developing websites and producing blog
material for native speakers from the United States, Germany and other regions of the
world. They are also engaged in offering BPO services to overseas corporations. The
corporation's ownership structure is Gmbh, which stands for Gesellschaft mit
beschränkter Haftung, meaning a company with limited liability.
Functions of UIZ as an organization
UIZ, being a full web-based business, operates webpages aimed at native English and
Deutsch speakers both locally and globally. UIZ has worked with local firms to create
business websites; all of their blog material is published in English and German, and
their intended audience is national but largely local. All of UIZ's duties center around
keeping and developing their clients in the top SERP ranking. The web and app
development department is where most of the action happens. Website upkeep,
content generation, SEO optimization, and app development are some of its key duties.
Ideas have been turned into successful web-based products.
1. Web development
UIZ has detailed knowledge in all aspects of web development to help individuals and
their own sites in reaching their maximum potential. The web development process is
more likely to be defined as comprehensive from coding to web design and content. As
a team of working professionals the main goal is to give out an amazing output.
2. Web-design solutions
At UIZ user experience is highly valued. A site's purpose is to draw in visitors, keep
them interested, express your image, and spread the word about a certain good or
service. You only get one chance to create a first impression on your consumers.
3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
The secret to maximizing your online visibility is search engine optimization (SEO).
Maximum online visibility unlocks possibilities of profitability. The SEO part is a
process of consistent efforts, its core services include:
● Keyword research and analysis:
The identification of the terms and phrases that people use to seek information on a
certain topic is a crucial component of search engine optimization (SEO). Businesses
may optimize the content of their websites to appear in search engine results pages
(SERPs) and get more targeted visitors to their sites by identifying the keywords and
phrases that are applicable to their sector.
● On-page optimization:
On-page optimization is the process of improving a single web page to improve its
search engine positioning and attract more relevant visitors. It entails improving a
variety of on-page components, including content, HTML source code, and website
structure, to make it more relevant and user-friendly.
● Off-page optimization:
Off-page optimization concentrates on increasing the reputation and recognition of
the website by external variables, as opposed to on-page optimization, which entails
improving the website itself. Link building, which is obtaining high-quality backlinks
from other websites, is one of the most significant off-page SEO strategies. Another
crucial off-page SEO strategy is social media marketing, which is creating a significant
presence on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Managing a website's and its
brand's internet reputation is another aspect of off-page SEO. This might entail
keeping an eye on internet reviews, reacting to critical comments, and cultivating a
favorable reputation among clients and other businesses.
● Local SEO:
Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website to place higher results for local
searches. Local search results are the entries that surface in search engines when
someone searches for a local company or service in a particular region.
Problem Definition
Despite the fact that the four-month internship term was loaded with excellent
learning opportunities and life-changing experiences, numerous challenges arose. I
encountered various restrictions when creating this report. I was working on a
company project aka Employee.to where we had to develop a web platform so that
small businesses with little resources could recruit remote workers who were experts
in their field. This was worth mentioning as I went through quite a pickle whenever I
was working on the web platform. I ran into an issue with the website's search engine
optimization (SEO) performance while I was an intern at UIZ. My responsibility was to
support the SEO team in raising the website's organic traffic and search engine
rankings. Nevertheless, I discovered that the website was underperforming on search
engine results pages (SERPs), which made it harder for us to achieve the objectives of
our project. Lack of a defined SEO strategy for the website was the initial cause of this
issue. Although the website had previously been search engine optimized, no
continuous strategy or plan was in place to keep it performing well in search engine
results. The website's structure also had technical difficulties, such as slow page loads
and inadequate mobile responsiveness, which were hurting its SEO performance. This
initial circumstance led to a number of difficulties I ran through during my internship.
I struggled to pinpoint the best SEO strategies to enhance the functionality of the
website, and I had to collaborate with the development team to put technical
modifications into place that would have a beneficial influence on SEO. In order to
increase the website's relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines, I also had
to undertake intensive keyword research and content optimization. Additionally, there
were several broken links and non-optimized images, resulting in a greater bounce
rate. Another aspect that contributed to the poor search engine ranking was limited
on-page material that was not optimized for search engines. Additionally, the website's
backlink profile was poor and lacked high-quality backlinks from relevant
employment-related domains. Backlinks play a crucial role in increasing a website's
authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines, therefore this was a big issue.
Other limitations that I came across were:
1. Limited experience:
I didn't have much SEO experience because I was an intern. This made it difficult for
me to carry out several duties and methods successfully.
2. Time constraint:
SEO is a continual activity that necessitates a significant amount of time and work. As
an intern, I had limited time to dedicate to SEO activities, which might make achieving
desired results challenging.
3. Restricted Authority:
As an internee, I did not have the authority to make certain changes to a website or to
implement certain strategies. This limited my ability to fully optimize a website for
search engines. Also getting company data was hard to get as the officials didn't feel
comfortable enough to share as it might be sensitive.
4. Google's guidelines:
Google’s aim from the very beginning is user experience. They have always focused on
accessibility and convenient use of web sites. The guidelines are not known by the
public which means it's a trial and error method to figure out what makes the
webpage rank up top. Over the years we have figured out a couple of things about
these guidelines and have tried ways to make websites more user friendly and
accessible but this information is still limited and is known by most SEO specialists in
the market.
5. Getting used to the new routine:
I had a hard time adjusting to the new schedule and workplace as an SEO intern. It was
challenging to make the shift from a student to a working adult, and I had to develop
efficient time management skills to reconcile my everyday activities with the demands
of my internship.
Objectives and tasks
My tasks and objectives were based on the problems I discussed above in this report.
Before we get into the tasks and objectives, a little overview on SEO is required. SEO,
or Search Engine Optimization, is the technique of improving a website's visibility and
rating on search engine results pages by optimizing its content, structure, and other
components (SERPs). It entails a number of strategies such as on-page optimization,
off-page optimization, technological optimization, and content development. On-page
optimization is the process of improving the components of a webpage that can be
managed, such as the text, meta tags, URL structure, and internal links. This involves
optimizing keyword usage, boosting page speed, guaranteeing mobile responsiveness,
and using suitable header tags. Off-page optimization, on the other hand, refers to
efforts conducted outside of the website to increase exposure and authority, such as
high-quality backlink development, social media marketing, and guest blogging on
other websites.
Moving on to the tasks that were required to do to make sure the goal was achieved. To
solve the website's SEO issues, I built a thorough SEO plan that included both on-page
and off-page optimization strategies. The first step was to do thorough keyword
research to determine which terms were most relevant and high-traffic for the
website. Based on my findings, I optimized the website's content to incorporate these
keywords in strategic places such as title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags. I
also improved the website’s on-page content to make it more engaging and relevant to
users, which helped to decrease the website's bounce rate and improve its overall user
experience. In addition to on-page optimization, I optimized the website's technical
performance, such as image optimization, file compression, and page speed. This
aided in improving the user experience of the website and making it more accessible
to search engine crawlers. I used off-page SEO strategies including guest blogging,
analyzing reviews, and updating social media platforms to increase the website's
backlink profile. We were able to produce high-quality backlinks and boost the
website's overall authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines by providing
high-quality content and cultivating connections. Having several backlinks increases
page trust, which means the search engine is more likely to show your material in the
SERP. Furthermore, monitoring and removal of toxic links was also important as it was
negatively impacting the website’s ranking. I must include that my previous
knowledge of HTML came into play here when I was working on On-page
optimization. The website’s structure had issues, for which we created a clean and
well HTML code that would improve the site's crawlability, accessibility and user
experience which are crucial factors for a better ranking.
Software and technology
All of the extensive tasks and objectives mentioned above are only possible if you have
the right tools equipped. Luckily UIZ had some top of the line software that could help
us achieve all what we planned for. Some of these include:
1. SE ranking:
As an SEO intern, I discovered SE Ranking to be a strong cloud-based platform that
provides a variety of tools to assist businesses in improving their search engine
rankings and driving more organic traffic to their website. The relevance of SE Ranking
stems from the significant insights it gives about a website's performance, as well as
its potential to assist organizations in identifying areas for development and
developing efficient SEO tactics. One of SE Ranking's important features is its
competition analysis tool, which helps firms to track their competitors' web presence
and SEO techniques. This tool gives organizations insights into their rivals' search
rankings, backlink profiles, website traffic, and more, helping them to find areas for
improvement and gain a competitive advantage. Another useful element of SE Ranking
is its keyword research tool, which assists businesses in determining the most
appropriate keywords to target for their website. This tool gives information on the
search volume, competitiveness, and prospective traffic of various phrases, enabling
businesses to select the most relevant and profitable terms for their niche. SE
Ranking's backlink analysis tool is very useful, as it assists businesses in analyzing
their website's backlink profile and identifying harmful or spammy links that may
harm their ranking. This tool gives information on anchor text, domain authority, and
other characteristics that influence a website's backlink profile, allowing companies to
find possibilities to enhance their ranking and attract more visitors to their website.
SE Ranking also provides a website audit tool to assist businesses in identifying
technical issues that may be impacting their website's search engine ranking. This tool
scans for broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, and other technical issues
that may harm a website's ranking, allowing companies to correct these issues and
enhance the crawlability, accessibility, and user experience of their website. Overall, SE
ranking is an effective tool for improving site SEO.
2. Wordpress:
WordPress is a well-known and robust content management system that is commonly
used for the development of websites and blogs. WordPress is well-known for its
user-friendly design, versatility, and customization capabilities, making it an ideal
platform for SEO specialists. WordPress also lets you optimize your URLs, titles,
headers, and meta descriptions, all of which are important components of on-page
SEO. There is a wide library of plugins available to assist you in optimizing your
website for search engines. Keyword research, content optimization, sitemaps, and
other duties can be aided by these plugins. Also, it is mobile-friendly, which is critical
for SEO, as mobile-friendly websites are prioritized by search engines, having a
responsive design is critical for ranking high in search results.
As I mentioned before, there's a plethora of plugins in wordpress that can be used to
boost performance of a site. The Yoast plugin in wordpress allowed us to optimize
on-page content easily. It checks the content present for readability and provides
suggestions for improvements. The Yoast plugin helps you to optimize your titles and
meta descriptions for search engines, which can boost your click-through rates in
search results. The generation of XML sitemaps is something the plugin looks after as
it allows search engines to crawl and index the content more efficiently. I also used the
social media integration feature in this plugin as it helped me externally link the
website and pages to the social media handles. It also allowed me to optimize social
media posts by customizing the title, description and image for different social
handles. The Yoast plugin even promotes the use of inclusive language as accessibility
to information for everyone is Google’s goal, this makes the Yoast plugin a very
powerful tool for SEO.
3. Google Search console:
Google Search Console is a free Google service that allows website owners and SEO
specialists to monitor, evaluate, and optimize their website's performance in Google
search results. As our website was mainly about remote employment we used google
search console to monitor the performance and average position for the keywords
“virtual employees” and “hire virtual employees”. This helped us identify areas where
improvements can be made and performance can be boosted.
4. Canva(premium):
Canva is a free online design tool that lets users produce a variety of visual material
such as social media posts, infographics, and presentations. Canva can be a highly
useful tool for producing visual content that may be utilized to boost a website's SEO
performance as an SEO intern. Users may compress photos in Canva, which is a crucial
component of image optimization for SEO. Large picture files might make a website
take longer to load, which can have an adverse effect on user experience and SEO
performance. By compressing images using Canva, I improved website loading speed,
which can improve user experience and SEO performance. It also includes a plethora
of templates, design elements, and pictures that can be utilized to create aesthetically
beautiful and interesting content. Visual material, such as infographics and social
media postings, may be utilized to promote social shares, generate backlinks, and
improve overall user engagement, all of which can lead to better SEO performance.
Here are mentioned some figures related to the tasks and objectives completed with
the help of the tools:
SE ranking:
Keyword directory in SE ranking. It is clear that a search engine will display our
website at the top when the keyword "hire virtual employee" is entered.
It can be seen how our website performs against other websites when the phrase “hire
virtual employee” is searched over the course of one week.
This figure shows us keyword research. All the stats are mentioned immediately after
searching the word, in this instance it is “virtual employee”.
This figure shows the organic search results for the keyword “virtual employee”. It can
be seen that employee.to is competing with other sites.
This figure shows how the Yoast plugin in Wordpress is used to optimize
meta-descriptions, titles, etc. The green smile means that it is fully optimized and is
ready to be indexed.
The figure shows how Yoast plugin helps and gives feedback to the editor about the
changes made.
This image was made using Canva for the employee.to blog page.
In this figure, a graphic file is open in the Canva editor for optimization. To enable
quicker loading on websites, the user has compressed the graphic's file size.
Employee.to (website):
This figure shows the blog page of the webpage. It can be seen that there is high
quality content with optimized pictures.
Measures and methodology
This study is mostly based on primary data that was gathered through observations
made during conversations with coworkers and individuals directly connected to UIZ.
As an SEO intern in the web and app development division, I worked there. I was in
charge of overseeing and managing the on-page and off-page SEO. The primary
sources of information used in this report are my actions and real-world experience
while working at UIZ. Every team meeting, conversation with the mentors, and story
shared by colleagues has given me a wealth of crucial information that I needed to
complete my intern report. The figures provide as important data as well.
As I previously stated, SEO is a continuous process that takes a lot of time and effort.
The modifications in search engine rankings were considerable after executing the
SEO tactics.
The increase in average position is seen in this graph. Although the rise is not very
large, it does indicate that the SEO techniques used in this instance were successful.
The significance of high-quality content for SEO was one of the most important lessons
learnt throughout the internship. We were able to raise engagement metrics and
increase organic website traffic by implementing white hat techniques.
This results page shows that employee.to is the first organic search result when “Hire
virtual employee” is searched. The two websites above are paid ads as it says
This results page shows the knowledge graph box employee.to when “virtual
employee” is searched.
These results prove that the techniques implemented worked on the rankings hugely.
The online visibility increased as well.
Implications and suggestions for practice
I recently finished a 16-week SEO internship at UIZ, where I collaborated with a team
to raise the standing and exposure of client and business websites. I gained useful
expertise in link building, analytics, keyword research, on-page optimization, and best
practices for SEO throughout my internship.
I learned more about SEO best practices throughout the internship, including how to
use them to raise website rankings and traffic. My knowledge of the importance of
keyword research, on-page SEO, and link building increased along with my
understanding of how these elements affect website exposure and search engine
positioning. Also, the internship exposed me to the most recent business
developments and trends. I gained knowledge regarding the importance of voice
search, mobile optimization, and social media's influence on SEO. The development of
efficient SEO tactics that follow current market trends will benefit from these insights.
Lastly, I gained knowledge about the significance of data analysis in SEO. I developed
experience utilizing Yoast, SE ranking to track website performance and pinpoint
areas for development.
I advise businesses to regularly evaluate their websites to find technical and
content-related problems that could be impeding website ranking based on my
experience. On-page SEO, site performance, mobile compatibility, and user experience
should all be examined during the audit. SEO relies heavily on content, thus
organizations should create a content strategy that complements their SEO objectives.
This could entail choosing target keywords, making a content calendar, and search
engine optimization for content. Analytics data offers insightful information about
user behavior and website performance. I advise firms to constantly review analytics
data and utilize it to guide their SEO strategy and website optimization. As SEO is a
sector that is always changing, it's critical to keep up with the most recent
developments. To keep up-to-date on changes to search engine algorithms and SEO
best practices, I advise companies to read SEO blogs and news sources, network with
other SEO practitioners, and attend industry events. I gained useful knowledge on SEO
best practices and market trends throughout my SEO internship. In order to increase
their SEO performance, businesses should periodically assess their websites, create
content strategies, keep an eye on their analytics, and keep abreast of market trends.
Discussion and prospects
I would start this with the SEO strategies that were implemented. I carried out
in-depth keyword research to find popular, pertinent search terms associated with the
company's goods and services. I optimized website content, meta tags, and URLs for
the selected keywords based on the study. The on-page SEO components of the
website, such as header tags, meta descriptions, and image optimization, were
audited, and I made the required adjustments to make sure they were optimized for
both users and search engines. I also contributed to the creation and publication of
excellent, pertinent content that may draw in and keep users while boosting website
traffic and search engine rankings. This includes producing articles for blogs, movies,
infographics, and other forms of material that are useful to consumers. Furthermore,
social media integration should not be forgotten as it increases brand awareness.
The analysis of site traffic data provided some important insights into the efficacy of
the SEO tactics used throughout the internship. First, after implementing focused
keyword optimization and link-building strategies, there was a slight rise in organic
search traffic to the website. This may mean that the SEO techniques were successful
in raising the website's visibility in search engine results. It is crucial to keep in mind,
nevertheless, that SEO is a continuous process that needs constant monitoring and
tweaking in order to preserve and enhance search engine ranks. While a website is
optimized for search engines, it is equally critical to give user experience and quality
content first priority.
My prospects on this is that future SEO strategy should strive to include evolving
industry trends and technology. The growing relevance of voice search, for example,
gives an opportunity for SEO efforts to optimize for long-tail, conversational keywords.
Furthermore, the incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning
algorithms into search engine algorithms makes it difficult for SEO specialists to react
to new ranking variables and techniques. In addition, future study might look at the
influence of adopting local SEO tactics on website traffic and user engagement. Local
SEO methods like optimizing for location-based keywords and claiming company
listings on internet directories may be especially advantageous for small firms with a
local consumer base. Also, frequent content updates and continuous link building
activities will be required to maintain and increase the website's search engine ranks
and traffic. Overall, the SEO internship gave important insights into the relevance of
SEO techniques for increasing website exposure and traffic, as well as potential future
SEO strategies and methods.
Final evaluation of the practical experience in relation to the study
During my internship I faced a lot of things which portrayed a part of my desired study
program. Below I have mentioned how working a SEO internship can be valuable and
how it helped me gain practical experience related to my study program:
1. Digital Marketing skills:
An SEO internship may provide you with hands-on experience in digital marketing,
such as learning about various digital marketing channels, understanding client
behavior, and establishing efficient digital marketing strategies. As a digital business
student, it is critical to grasp how SEO fits into the larger digital marketing ecosystem.
An SEO internship may provide you hands-on experience in designing and
implementing digital marketing initiatives, analyzing their performance, and
optimizing them to meet your company's objectives.
2. Technical skills:
A variety of technical abilities, including website creation, coding, and analytics, are
required for SEO. You may obtain real-world experience using these technical abilities
through an SEO internship, which can be very beneficial for your future job. As a data
science student, I learned how to utilize tools like SQL databases as well as
programming languages like Python and R. A technical internship in SEO will help you
develop new abilities that will complement your current knowledge and help you
become a more well-rounded data expert.
3. Business acumen:
An internship in this industry can help you gain a thorough grasp of how SEO affects
company outcomes. SEO is a crucial component to business success. Learning about
various business models, consumer behavior, and competition analysis are some
examples of this. I studied business strategies and innovation throughout my degree
programme. By allowing you to work on real-world projects and get a greater
knowledge of how SEO can promote business success, an SEO internship may provide
you relevant experience in these fields.
4. Data analysis skills:
Large data sets must be analyzed in order to find trends, patterns, and optimization
possibilities. An SEO internship may provide you hands-on experience with data
analysis, including tracking website performance and pinpointing areas for
improvement using tools like SE ranking. I acquired the skills to deal with data and
apply it to guide business decisions during my degree programme. By giving you the
chance to deal with actual data and find insights that might guide SEO tactics, an SEO
internship will help you further improve these abilities.
5. Teamwork and communication:
Working with teams, cooperating with clients, and talking to customers are frequently
aspects of SEO campaigns. You may learn collaboration and communication skills,
which are crucial for success in any professional context, with an internship in SEO. I
got the chance to work on group projects as part of my degree programme and hone
my presenting and communication abilities. An SEO internship can give you more
chances to use these abilities in a practical situation.
6. Career opportunities:
Lastly, an SEO internship can help you make crucial connections and gain professional
knowledge that can help you tremendously in your future career. After graduation,
many businesses seek interns, and an SEO internship can pave the way for a variety of
careers in business analytics, data science, and digital marketing.
In summary, participating in an SEO internship may give students pursuing a degree in
digital business and data science important hands-on experience in digital marketing,
technical skills, business skills, collaboration and communication skills, and job
opportunities. Students should look for internships in the fields they are studying in
order to obtain practical experience and build skills that will be useful in the future.
One such chance is an SEO internship, which may give students real-world experience
and position them for a successful future in digital business and data science.
All these resources were pretty useful and were used by permission.
Academic sources:
Yoast Academy SEO
Data and figures:
SE ranking
Declaration of Independence
I hereby declare that the work presented in this paper/thesis is entirely my own.
Where I have consulted the works of others, this is always clearly stated, with the
consulted sources being individually named in the bibliography. The work at hand has
not been presented for a degree at any other educational institution. It does not
include material which to a substantial extent has been part of any other assignment
for the duration of my studies at BiTS and has not yet been published.
Ali Wahdat
28th February 2023.