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Glucose Revolution Book Review

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Book Review: Jessie Inchaupse (2022). Glucose Revolution: The life-changing
power of balancing your blood sugar (Penguin Life, Australia)
Article · April 2022
1 author:
Trevor John Hawkeswood
Hawkeswood Biological Institute
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Calodema, 937: 1-2 (2022)
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Book Review: Jessie Inchaupse (2022). Glucose Revolution: The life-changing
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Trevor J. Hawkeswood*
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Hawkeswood, T.J. (2022). Book Review: Jessie Inchaupse (2022). Glucose Revolution: The life-changing power of
balancing your blood sugar (Penguin Life, Australia). Calodema, 937: 1-2.
Glucose Rev
balancing you
sugar Paperba
by Jessie Inchauspe
302 rat
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areas of you
This paperback book of 307 pages would have to be one of the most important
published and probably the most important concerning glucose metabolism and
to cravings
to yo
diabetes. The secret to this is how you eat your food and more specifically, the order
in even
which slow
you down ag
- and
have to eat in order to control glucose spikes in your blood and organs like the liver and pancreas. It
implement, science-base
See this image
has been recently found that glucose spikes and type 2 diabetes can be controlled by eating green
levels while
vegetables with high fibre content, then followed by consumption of proteins such
as sugar
eggs and
Follow thesuch
love.that contain
meat, the followed by carbohydrates
as in potatoes, breads etc and finally foods
lots of sugars such as fruits. But the author warns not to overfeed on sugary items. Exercise
is also
Read more
important within 70 minutes of a meal. Scientists also found
one can eat chocolate, ice cream and
+ Follow
other such food items without causing large glucose spikes if you have an egg, drink apple cider
vinegar with water and lemon or consume some vegetables beforehand.
Print length
This book is extremely fascinating and illustrated throughout by hand drawn graphs showing the
glucose spikes after food ingestion. There are also a block of colour plates in the middle of the book
320 pages
showing examples of leafy dishes which are low in calories.
Some authors/doctors have recently stated in their books that fructose from fruits does not elevate
glucose levels. Well this book stresses that this is totally incorrect. Fructose, like glucose and
Frequently bought together
(Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences
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Calodema, 937: 1-2 (2022)
Hawkeswood - Book Review of Glucose Revolution
sucrose, is a dangerous sugar which will increase the glucose levels and will be stored as fat in the
liver etc. These glucose spikes cause more insulin to be produced and in the long term this high
insulin level causes obesity, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and many other
symptoms. The short term effects are constant hunger, cravings, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, colds
and coronavirus complications, gestational diabetes, hot flushes and night sweats, migraine
headaches, memory and cognitive function issues, acne and other skin problems, ageing and
arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and even cancer, heart disease etc.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious inflammatory condition and is now a global epidemic with over 500
million people suffering from the disease. This book shows us the secrets surrounding how to eat in
order to reduce insulin and to better use the glucose in our food. If you eat a meal with starch, fibre,
sugar, protein and fat in a specific order, you can reduce the overall glucose spike after eating by up
to 73 %as well as the insulin spike by 48%!! Add this to regular exercise and you'll cure your Type
2 diabetes in a few months but you have to stick to the order! The order is fibre first, protein and
fats seconds, starches and sugars last.
I very highly recommend this book to everyone. Forget about the local doctor and metformin
tablets, you'll just simply need to control glucose and insulin and to live a longer life by eating
properly and exercising.
Jessie Inchauspe is a biochemist on a mission to translate cutting-edge science into easy tips to
assist people improve their physical and mental health. She's the founder of the widely popular
Instagram account @GlucoseGoddess where she teaches tens of thousands of people about healthy
food habits. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from King's College, London,
UK, and a Master of Science in Biochemistry from Georgetown University, USA. Her work at a
genetic analysis start-up in Silicon Valley, California made her realise that food habits overshadow
genetics for good health.
Date of publication: 25 April 2022
Copyright: Dr Trevor J. Hawkeswood
Editor: Dr T.J. Hawkeswood (drtjhawkeswood@gmail.com)
(Published as hard paper copy edition as well as electronic pdf)
(Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences
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