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B.Com English Notes: Comprehension, Vocab, Stories

Comprehension Assessment.1
Our first human ancestors were a rare species. They lived under precarious conditions, exposes to rigorous of
the weather, to the hostility of the wild beasts, and to the dangerous of famine that could be caused by the
drought. They possessed no weapon, they probably had not mastered the use of fire and if they had language
of any sort, it must have consisted of no more than a few cries. Their one weapon in the struggle for existence
was intelligence and intelligence at first was very far from being so powerful a weapon as it has become. The
biological usefulness of intelligence consists largely in the possibility of transmitting experience. An animal
may learn from another animal what it actually sees done, but it cannot learn through narrative, a man, when
he has acquired language, can do so and therefore the intelligence of each individual can become the property
of the whole tribe and each generation can hand on to the next a multitude of skills which would be beyond
the power of any animal species to transmit.
1. Under what conditions did our ancestors live?
2. How would they possibly have expressed themselves?
3. What weapon did they use in their struggle for existence?
4. How can experience be transmitted without speech?
5. Suggest the suitable title of the passage?
Comprehension Assessment.2
The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he will do first, will do neither. The man who
resolves but suffers his resolution to be changed by the first counter suggestions of a friend who fluctuates
from opinion to opinion, from plan to plan and veers like a weather-cock to every point of the compass, with
every breath of caprice that blows –can never accomplish anything great or useful. Instead of being
progressive in anything, he will be at best stationary and more probably retrograde in all. It is only the man
who first consults wisely, then resolves firmly and then executes his purpose with inflexible perseverance
undismayed by those difficulties which daunt a weaker spirit that can advance to eminence in any time. Take
your course wisely, but firmly and having taken it, hold upon it with heroic resolution and the Alps and
Pyrenees will sink before you. Wavering and fickleness of the mind are not only signs of a weak personality
but also symptom of inferiority complex. Taking a decision promptly and then sticking to it firmly may be the
quality found rarely in the selected few but average human beings are quite capable of developing the habit of
thinking deeply and wisely and then executing the plans efficiently. It can be achieved through guidance, willpower and psychological treatment.
i) What is the result of indecisiveness?
ii) Why should a man refrain from changing his plans after taking a firm decision?
iii) What are the conditions of successful accomplishment of a task?
iv) What do repeated change in plans show about a man s’ personality?
v) Suggest a suitable title for the passage?
Comprehension Assessment.3
Teaching is not confined to parents and professional teachers. Whenever there are beginners and experts, old
and young, there is some kind of learning going on, and some sort of teaching. In every business and industry
there are learners and teachers. Indeed, we are pupils and are teachers. Some of it is amusement; the rest is
made up of learning and of teaching. Whether you are a doctor, enlarging your knowledge of certain types of
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illness or a house wife planning her work more effectively, whether you are a trade union official learning
about economics or a typist learning about life on minimum wages, whether you are a young audience, a bus
driver covering a new route or an author writing a new book, you are learning for yourself and teaching
others. Most people do not realize how much even of their private life is taken up with amateurish teaching
and haphazard learning, and not many understand that most of us, as public being, either learn or teach
i) What is the writer s’ ideas of teaching?
ii) How does and individual live his life?
iii) Examples of what persons have been given by the writer?
iv) What do most of the people not realize?
v) Suggest a suitable title of the passage?
Make the précis of the above passages.
Protest ---------------- disapproval, to object
Squeezed --------------- exert pressure, to force
Hitherto --------------- untile this time, up to now
Inconvenient ----------- causing trouble, difficulty
Inhabitants ------------ person who lives in a place
Monitor ---------------- person or device for checking, watch closely
Install ---------------- place in position
Die down --------------- become fewer
Pedestrian ------------- person who goes on feet
Images ------------------------- pictures, mental pictures
Offspring ---------------------- child, young
Rip ---------------------------- tear
Ramp --------------------------- to play about energetically
Charge ------------------------- attack
Clamber ------------------------ to climb with difficulty
Spoiling ----------------------- showing great affection for
Enclosure ---------------------- place surrounded by a wall
Inoffensive animals ------------ animals that are harmless
Dies hard ---------------------- It is difficult to forget
adored grand-children ---------- grand-children that are greatly loved
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Slumber -------------------- sleep
Strenuous ------------------ energetic, needing energy
Profound ------------------- deep
Demonstrate ---------------- to show by doing practical
Portray -------------------- to show, to describe
Whisk ---------------------- to move quickly
Utopia --------------------- imaginary perfect world
Extensive ------------------ very vast
Formidable ----------------- difficult
Chore ---------------------- piece of routine work
Nuisance ------------ person, thing or circumstance causing trouble or annoyance
Prevail ------------- 1.(often foll, by against, over) be victorious or gain 2. be the more usual or
Offend -------------- 1. cause offense to , upset 2. Displease, Anger
Student Body --------- all student member of college
Influential ---------- having great influence
Diffident ----------- shy, lacking self-confidence
Unanimously ---------- all in agreement (committee was unanimous)
Authorities ---------- favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority
Optimum ------------- best
Fatigue ------------- tiredness
Crest --------------- highest point
Adequate ------------ enough
Chip ---------------- cut
Relaxation ---------- rest
Conserve ------------ save
Exhausted ----------- tired, completely used up
Accord -------------- agreement
Odious -------------- hateful, horrible
Prejudice ----------- (unjust) feelings against someone
Varies -------------- differ, changes
Achieve ------------- get, obtain
Subdue ---------------- to conquer
Defy ------------------ disobey
Recruit --------------- people to work
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Antagonist ------------ rival
Oppressor ------------- unjust ruler / disorders
Harness --------------- (to a cart) attach a horse
Vagrant --------------- tramp
Dominate -------------- to be obvious to rule
Feast ----------------- large meal
Postpone --------------- delay
Detective -------------- a person who investigate
Champaign -------------- organized method of working
Sufficient ------------- enough
Commit ----------------- carry out a crime
Compensation ----------- payment for the damage
Establish -------------- set up
Inevitable --------------------- unavoidable
mournfully --------------------- sadly
Taunted ------------------------ hurt
Echoes ------------------------- repeated sounds
Familiar ----------------------- well known
Reluctance --------------------- unwillingness
Vainglorious ------------------- very proud / arrogant
Gnarled ------------------------ rough
Propelled ---------------------- persuaded to leave
Impulsively --------------------- without thinking
Bitter -------------------------- not sweet
Bursar -------------------------- person in charge of Finance of an school/college
Desperately --------------------- urgently
Grin ---------------------------- to smile, wide smile
Mist ---------------------------- thin fog
Avenue -------------------------- wide, tree-line road in a city
Utter --------------------------- to say
Shriek -------------------------- scream sound
Recognize ----------------------- identify as already known
Trifle -------------------------- thing of slight value or importance
Offend -------------------------- cause offense to, upset
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Rude ---------------- impolite
Strain -------------- stress; physical tension
Renounce ------------ to give up officially
Swagger ------------- proud way of walking
Spank --------------- to beat; to smack on the behind
Insanely ------------ madly
Insolent ------------ rude
Shaggy ----------------- With long hair
Splayed ---------------- turned outwards
Reminisce -------------- to recollect the memory about the past events.
Futile ----------------- useless
Boorish ---------------- rude
Haul ------------------- to pull with difficulty
Wearily ---------------- in a tired way
Inaudibly ---------------- which cannot be heard
Conscious ---------------- aware
Confess ------------------ admit some fault
Fetch -------------------- go and bring
Drag --------------------- to pull someone or something
Astonishing -------------- surprising
Improbable --------------- unlikely
Opportunity -------------- chance
Reference ---------------- hint
Eagerness ---------------- keenness
Existence ---------------- being; life
Anxiously ---------------- worried
Elusive ----------------- difficult to point out
Veiled ------------------ hidden
(To) haunt -------------- to return to mind mind repeatedly
Unwittingly ------------- unintentional
Tumultuously ------------ violent
Afflicted --------------- suffered from
Hastened ---------------- made a hurry
Twitter ----------------- chirp, sing (of birds)
Slender ----------------- weak
Exhaustion -------------- tiredness
Revealed ---------------- let out, disclosed
Distant ----------------- remote
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CHAPTER 1 A Traffic Nightmare
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why are the residents of Beach Road protesting against the new traffic arrangements?
Ans. The residents of Beach road are protesting against the new traffic arrangements because they were facing great
difficulties due to them. This road used to be one-way and there was very light traffic on this road. Now the situation has
become completely changed. It has been turned into two-way road and heavy traffic is passing from here.
Q.2 Why are parents and their children facing problems in picking and dropping?
Ans. There are many schools on this road. Parents are facing problems in parking. The students are having great difficulties
in parking. The students are getting late for schools. It has also become very risky for the younger students to go to their
Q.3 what are the reasons that authorities are not paying any attention to the citizens?
Ans. The authorities do not have any resources to provide any facility to the citizens. They have the opinion that the protest
will be die down soon.
Q.4 What are the citizens doing for press there demands?
Ans. The citizens are doing their best to press for their demand. They are conducting meetings, processions, press
conferences and sending their delegates to the concerned authorities.
Q.5 What evidence is there to show that the residents of Beach Road are against the new traffic arrangements?
Ans. The residents of Beach Road are against the new traffic arrangements and it is obvious due to their protest against it
through holding meetings, processions, press conferences and sending their delegates to the concerned.
Q.6 What do you think the conclusion will be?
Ans. The conclusion will be the same it always happens in developing country like Pakistan. The authorities do no pay any
attention to the citizens’ demands and protest. The officers consider themselves as master and people as their slaves.
Q.7. Does the spokesman believe that the residents’ complaints about the new traffic arrangements are justified?
Support your answer with reason.
Ans. The spokesman of the authority, appreciates the new traffic arrangement to be a source of troublesomeness for the
resident, but does not believe the complaints to be justified. He believes that the new traffic arrangement will improve the
traffic flow.
Q.8. why does the spokesman mention that the studies for the new traffic arrangements were computer aided?
Ans. He mentioned the computer aided studies to imply that the new traffic arrangements are well observed according to
scientific procedure and traffic specialists.
Q.9. Does the spokesman feel sympathetic or unsympathetic towards the demand for pedestrian crossing? Give
reasons for your answers.
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Ans. The spokesman feels unsympathetic towards the demand for a pedestrian crossing, because he is certain of that it
obstruct with traffic flow and would cost a lot of money.
Chapter 2 - Gentle Giants
Questions and Answers
Q.1 What did make the bad reputation of gorillas according to the lesson "Gentle Giants"?
Ans. Some pictures in which the gorillas have been shown as wild creatures and in some movies they have been shown
dangerous to men made the bad reputation o gorillas. In the book of an American explorer about hunting gorillas
contained many pictures in which gorillas are in ferocious state.
Q.2 How do gorillas live in the thick forests of Africa?
Ans. Gorillas are almost vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forest of Africa.
Q.3 Describe the nature and behaviors of gorillas according to lesson "Gentle Giants"?
Ans. Gorillas are not hostile to man and other animals unless they are attacked or treated badly. They also become hostile
and fierce whey they are kept separated in the cages from their families.
Q.4 How do the gorillas bring up their children?
Ans. The gorillas love their children too much. They are vegetarians. They don't attack on other animals. They have kind
nature and love specially children. They even try to play and show their mischievous behavior.
Q.5 Why did the author David Attenborough want to tell us about gorillas and saying them "Gentle Giants"?
Ans. The author David Attenborough wanted to clear the misconceptions and tell the nature of gorillas so he called them
"Gentle Giants". In this way the author is trying to convince the readers that the gorillas are big animals but they are not
harmful to man and for other animals.
Q.6 What is the procedure that is being used to keep the animals in the zoological gardens?
Ans. Scientific methods and techniques are being used to keep the animals in zoological gardens, a natural environment is
provided to keep the animals their survival. All the animals are treated with love and become non aggressive.
Q.7 What is future of gorillas according to the lesson "Gentle Giants"?
Ans. gorillas are becoming endangered in the wild life. No more than a few thousand low land gorillas like jumbo still
survive. His slightly bigger, shaggier relatives, the mountain gorilla are now reduced to only few hundred. Man has
destroyed the forests on which they depend. The hunting of gorillas becoming common therefore the future of gorilla is in
Q.1 Why computers are becoming common now days?
Ans. Computers are helping us in calculation, drawing pictures, keeping the records, making some analysis and so many
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other purposes. In other words you can say computer is helping us in every field of life that is why they are becoming so
common now-a-days.
Q.2 What is probot and what is the difference between a robot and a probot?
Ans. A probot is a modified form of personal computer, which is made by fitting some moving parts and wheels of machine
in a shape like a man for doing different purposes.
Q.3 What household chores can a robot do?
Ans. A robot can almost do all the household chores, for example, dusting, washing, cooking, guarding the house, teaching
the children and entertaining the people and many more.
Q.4 Why can people sleep soundly at their home?
Ans. The robot can guard homes efficiently so people can sleep soundly in their homes.
Q.5 What are the benefits of an industrial robot? What will happen in the world if many robots are started to use in
different industries?
Ans. Industrial robots are designed to do different kind of works in industries. One industrial robot has ability to do the
work of ten men. Industrial robots can increase the gross national product of a country and they can make to do work
more easily. If the trends of using so many industrial robots become common in the world then the whole world will be
suffered by the dangerous problems of unemployment.
Q.6 What type of robot will produce the changes in the standard of living of people?
Ans. The type of robot, will produce the great changes in the standard of living of people, is known as personal robot, which
is called as Probot. A probot is basically a personal computer with a body and if it is equipped with wheels, is enabled to
move from one place to another place. It can do many household works as well.
Q.7 How do you think that a probot is useful than an industrial robot?
Ans. A probot is more useful than an industrial robot because industrial robot is designed for special kind of work while a
probot will be used at every home and will be able to do many household jobs simultaneously.
Chapter 4 - The Door Swings Open
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why it is thought that man could be doctor according to the lesson "The Door Swings Open"?
Ans. According to the lesson “The Door Swings Open" people thought that women were not too strong that could bear the
stress to become a doctor or could carry out their duties properly as doctor.
Q.2 How did Elizabeth get admission in the medical college?
Ans. An influential and famous American doctor recommended her for the admission in medical college. The
administration could not refuse the doctor so they put the matter in front of student union hoping that they would refuse
her admission but unfortunately the students gave their vote in favor so the administrator of college had to admit her in
the medical college.
Q.3 Why did college authorities not wish to give an admission in their medical college for a woman?
Ans. the college authorities not wish to give an admission in the college for a woman because they were influenced under
the traditions of those days that a woman could not perform her duties properly as doctor.
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Q.4 What was the behavior of the male students when the dean of the college introduced Elizabeth as a female
Ans. The Dean of the college introduced Elizabeth to her classmates. The class numbering about 150 students was
composed largely of young men from neighboring town. They all become surprised and showed complete silence in the
class room.
Q.5 What effects did appear in the presence of a woman student among the male students in the medical college?
Ans. The male students were rude but after the admission of Elizabeth as a woman student the whole situation was
changed. Hence the presence of a lady proved to be more beneficial in the discipline of the college than the rules.
Q.6 Now days are women treated equally with men in medical colleges or in other professions?
Ans. Now a days women are working side by side with men. They are playing very active role in modern society. They are
playing an even increasing role in all kinds of careers and professions. In hospitals we can see a lot of female doctors with
male doctors working with great devotion and love for their medical profession.
Chapter 5 - How to Study?
Question and Answers
Q.1 Explain the term optimum in the context of the lesson "How to Study"?
Ans. The maximum learning for someone in a day, is called optimum. A student should keep this principle of the optimum
mind when he feel exhausted, he should sleep and stop reading.
Q.2 What is the misunderstanding about study according to the author of the lesson "How to Study"?
Ans. There are many misunderstandings about studying. Many students do not know about the principles of studying. The
author of the less "How to Study" explains an effective period of study which is generally misunderstood by the student.
Q.3 What are the common misconceptions about studying and how best can we achieve our optimum?
Ans. The common misconceptions are listed below:
1. The students study without knowing their most favourable period and effective period for their study, which is called as
optimum point.
2. The students cannot know the efficient functioning of mind.
3. Everyone tries to study but totally neglecting his physical approach and mental efficiency
We can achieve our optimum by discovering the most favourable period and the function of mind.
Q.4 How can you differentiate between the working of mind and working of body?
Ans. People generally think that like body mind also gets rest during sleep, but this is a wrong conception. Sleep just gives
the rest to body while choosing a variety of work or change of work only does the relaxation of mind.
Q.5 How can student realize that he has reached his optimum point?
Ans. When the mind is tired, student cannot concentrate on his studies and cannot learn anymore. It is the sign that he has
reached his optimum point of his study.
Q.6 How is mind compared to a storeroom?
Ans. Everything is arranged line wise in the storeroom. In the opinion of the author, the mind is like storeroom. Its
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efficiency depends on the fact that how it is cataloged. When the examinations are near new material should not be
attempted because it cannot be assimilated by mind however the revision should be beneficial.
Chapter 6 - The Tripods
Question and Answers
Q.1 What is one of the changes in behavior mentioned in the passage, that show one is becoming an adult?
Ans. One ceased to be a child and began to think for oneself show one is becoming an adult. It usually occurred at the age of
Q.2 Why did no one ever raise the question of whether capping was right or wrong?
Ans. No one ever queried the rightness of capping because for them it was an expected and looked for thing accompanied
with feasting and celebration.
Q.3 How did the tripods dominate the human mind?
Ans. For brain washing the human beings and dominating on their minds the tripods used special type of mashes of silvery
metal filled in caps which were closely fixed around the skulls and they were woven into the flesh of the humans. All the
boys and girls when attained the age of fourteen years were compulsorily capped and even such a thing was attended by
large number of friends and relatives by feasting and celebrations.
Q.4 In the world ruled over by the Tripods what kinds of people were called vagrants and how they behaved?
Ans. Due to some technical defects in capping process some of the people could not by controlled by telepathy. Their mind
refused to accept the conditions of the Tripods. They traveled from place to place. They did not remain in one place for a
long time. They never looked after by the tripods and even capped human beings also disliked them. These vagrants were
building anti-tripods thinking among the capped people so that to over through the tripods.
Q.5 What do you know about Ozymandias the vagrant?
Ans. Ozymandias was a big, a red haired bearded man. He was a romantic man interested in poetry and singing songs. He
was not very intelligent and could not differentiate between sense and non-sense. In true sense he was posing as vagrant
so that he could freely travel through the land without being challenged. He wore a bogus cap to cheat the people and the
tripods. He openly told the people that tripods were enemies of human beings and they were Alien invaders and not all
benefactors of human beings.
Q.6 What had probably caused the ruin of great cities?
Ans. Some natural calamity such as earth quakes, floods or epidemics caused the ruin of the great cities or they were
destroyed in war.
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Question and Answers
Q.1 What sort of evidences the police tries to collect after a crime has been committed?
Ans. Police attaches great importance to interview the eyewitnesses who were present at the time at place of committed
crime. They as the victims of the crime if they could identify the criminals, if not, whether the eyewitnesses describe the
features and appearance of the criminals. The license number car/vans/motorcycles used by the criminals if read by the
victims of crime then they should be noted. Next their owners should be located and interviewed. People living in the
neighborhood of the spot of crime are also included in the investigation. All such steps are taken to have a clue to lead to
hide out the criminals.
Q.2 Is it necessary for the police to visit the scene of the crime after the criminals have already escaped?
Ans. whatever degree of intelligence a criminal possesses he/she bound to commit some mistake in his/her haste to escape
from the spot of crime. He/she may leave some clue behind which may help police to chase the criminal or by smelling
such things by police dogs the way of escaping criminals can be traced. The criminals may leave behind things like
handkerchief visiting card or cover of the cartridge used for shooting or some fingerprints etc. Hence the police and
detectives should visit the crime spot to find such clues even after the crime.
Q.3 What sorts of people are interviewed by Police after crime has been committed?
Ans. Police keeps a list of habitual criminal their fingerprints, etc. so to have a clue to trace the criminals. Some such history
sheets are interviewed tactfully. Further in interviews the staff of the organization or shop in which crime is committed is
included to find out whether the accomplice of the criminals is not a disloyal member of the shop. Sometimes the
watchman and other staff members co-operate with criminals in committing crimes so such people have also to be
interviewed and interrogated.
Q.4 Why police takes written statements from the people to interview?
Ans. Police takes written statements to contract an investigation plan to ponder over and to discuss in order to have a clue
to locate the criminals.
Q.5 How police detects that a statement is not truthful?
Ans. Police interviews and obtains the statements of some selected witnesses or the person who in some way know some
facts of the crime. Then they record them in one file and compare them. In this comparison if they find that a particular
statement is quite different from all other statements then they come to know that the statement is untrue and it makes
further queries from the maker of such statement to find the truth or clue to trace the criminals.
Q.6 What do you think the police do with the statements and other evidence they collect?
Ans. The police examine the evidence thoroughly and try to establish certain links which might lead them to reach the
criminals. Without the evidence and eyewitness accounts, it is almost impossible for the police to solve the mystery of a
Q.7 What might be reasons behind a crime/
Ans. There might be a single reason or a number of reasons behind a crime. An important single reason is that crimes are
mostly committed for the sake of money. The criminals want big money without any labor. They want to become rich over
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night. The other reason might include animosity, hatred, prejudice, jealousy and revenge. Of these animosity or enmity is
the most powerful driving force which is only second to the greed of wealth.
Q.8 Would you consider it sufficient for the police to interview and obtain a statement from one person only? Give
reasons for your answers.
Ans. It is deficient to interview and obtain a statement from only one person. In fact, the more people they interview, the
more information they get. If there are clashes between the statements of the people, they might also be removed after
talking to many people.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What was the part of the writer's life that he closed forever?
Ans. The days passed in the village where he grew up and got education in the school were ended. The period of his
country life is closed for good.
Q.2 How did writer's mother feel about his leaving home and how did she sow her feelings?
Ans. The writer's mother felt sorrow about his leaving home. Her three daughters and a son had already left her. She
showed her feelings by looking at him progressively without saying any words just raising her hand in farewell and
Q.3 The writer says that before his departure his mother gave him only a long and searching look. What do you
think the look was searching for/
Ans. She was looking for his maternal love. She wanted that he did not go but she did not utter a single word to convince
him not to go.
Q.4 Do you think the writer's home life was a happy one?
Ans. No, the writer had spent months of restless unease before leaving home.
Q.5 Did the writer enjoy the feeling that he was now free?
Ans. When nobody stopped him from going, he became very pleased feeling himself free. He was on his own. He could do
what ever liked. He cherished his freedom.
Q.6 Quote the words that tell us that the writer had an optimistic nature?
Ans. He had an optimistic nature. His nature is exposed in these words: "Go where you will. It's all yours. You asked for it.
It's up to you now. You are on your won, and nobody's going to stop you."
Q.7 Why did the writer spend months wandering about the hills before he left the home?
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Ans. It is very hard task to leave one's native place forever. He loved the scenery and the people of his country home. He,
therefore, took many months to make the final decision of going to London
Chapter 9 - Early Autumn
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why did Mary and Bill not marry when they were young?
Ans. Although Mary and Bill were in love with each. They offended by something unimportant. They stopped talking to
each other and got away from each others life. Thus they could not marry each other when they were young.
Q.2 What effect did this youthful breakup have on each of them?
Ans. Bill went away feeling bitter about woman. Mary impulsively got married with a man. Bill settled as lawyer and
married some girl. Bill did not seem to have had effects as he forgot his affair with Mary soon. However, Mary seemed
to have regretted for the break-up between them. She looked old and unhappy. She did not sy anything about her
husband while Bill mentioned his wife's name too.
Q.3 Did marry and Bill show-similar emotions when they met after several years?
Ans. Mary seemed more emotional than Bill. It was Mary who spotted Bill and Mary thought that
Bill would kiss her because they had been in love with each other in the past. Bill only restricted himself to shaking
hands with Mary. Even Mary wanted to tell Bill something but she did not have time or courage to do so. Bill was calm
and composed and showed no strong emotion.
Q.4 What might Mary want to Bill which she was unable to express?
Ans. I think Mary wanted to tell bill that she really regretted missing Bill. She did not look happy with her marriage.
The person to whom she married did not love her much. She looked old and disturbed. She did not her husband's
name or his profession.
Q.5 Make one question from this story for class discussion?
Ans. One question from the story comes to mind. The question is "Are love marriages more successful?" students
might make points for or against. Some people think love marriages are mostly failures. Other thinks they are very
successful. No hard and fast rule can be made. It all depends on husbands and wives whether they have good
understanding and tolerance of each other or not. Love after marriage is more important than love before marriage.
Chapter 10 - Charles
Question and Answers
Q.1 What are the some characteristics of Laurie?
Ans. Laurie was a devilish genius for his age. He had a creative mind with evil designs. He was naturally mischievous
and he wanted to behave as thought about Charles. He was rough in his attitude with his parents and baby sister.
What he wanted to do and could not do he attributed all such desired in the form of characteristics of the imaginary
child Charles.
Q.2 Did Laurie's mother ever meet Charles mother?
Ans. It was out of question because when Charles himself was an imaginary child then how come his mother would
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Q.3 Why did Laurie's mother believe in cock and bull stories about Charles?
Ans. She loved her son so madly that regarded her son to be an angle-boy and believed that Laurie was thousand
times better than Charles and hence he deserved more affection and favour less he would also become as Charles.
Q.4 What is PTA meeting? What are some of its activities?
Ans. A PTA is a parent teachers association. It's a type of get together where both parents and teachers can discuss
students problems.
Q.5 How does the teacher seem to react to "Charles"? What kinds of things does she have him do in the
Ans. The teacher seems to react to Charles in a normal way. She punishes him slightly by spanking him in a corner of
the class room or staying there after the school. Then asked him to give the crayons around and pick up the books.
Q.6 What are the some of the characteristics of Charles? How does Laurie let his parents and teacher know
what kind of person Charles is?
Ans. The characteristics of Charles are not different from Laurie as it is Laurie who invented Charles. Charles is rude,
badly behaved, naughty, free spirited, troublesome and problematic. Laurie lets his parents and teacher know about
Charles by his fictitious stories about him.
Q.7 What is the moral of the story "Charles"?
Ans. Its moral is that "Extra affection spoils the child!" The parents should scold and check the children if they behave
insolently and become naughty other wise the children may develop into a menace for the parents when they grow
Chapter 11 - The Man who had No Eyes
Question and Answers
Q.1 What is the difference in the description between the blind beggar and the insurance salesman?
Ans. There was an obvious difference in the exterior of the blind beggar and the insurance salesman. The blind beggar
was shaggy, thick-necked and dirty. He wore black pouch slung over his shoulder. In that pouch, he kept something
(cigarette lighters) to sell. He assumed the role of a professional beggar. The insurance salesman was young,
handsome, neat and clean and smartly dressed. He wore a clean and tidy gray suit and gray hat. He also kept Malaeca
stick with, as he was blind too.
Q.2 What did Mr. Parsons feel when he heard the blind man approach and why?
Ans. Mr. Parsons felt immense sympathy for the blind because he knew that pain and misery of being as he himself got
blind in an accident at his work.
Q.3 Why was blind beggar always eager to narrate his tale of how he lost his sight?
Ans. He always ready to narrate his story because he looked more a professional beggar who always told his tragic
stories to get money from people, arousing people's pity for him and extracting money from them.
Q.4 Do you think Mr. parsons is blind? If yes, then how did you recognize who the beggar was?
Ans. Yes, Mr. Parson he told that he was blind too. Besides, he also kept a stick with him like other blind people. Mr.
Parsons recognized the beggar's identity when he mentioned the name of Westbury. Mr. Parsons even remembered
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the name of the blind man as Markwardt. It was Markwardt who had trampled him to escape hurriedly from the place.
Q.5 What is the moral of the story?
Ans. The moral of the story is that a man who has the will can do great deeds even he is handicapped
Question And Answers
Q.1 Why did Ella McCarthy's dull afternoon suddenly brighten up?
Ans. Ella was sitting alone on a chair in Kensington Garden. There was no one to keep her company. That's why spring
afternoon seems dull to her. The she say Bertie coming towards her. He was Ella's friend. On seeing Bertie, Ella's dull
afternoon immediately turned bright.
Q.2 List three of Bertie's mother qualities. Give examples.
Ans. Bertie's mother's three qualities were maternal, interfering and inquisitive. She had a bad habit of opening others
letters and reading them. Bertie's mother actually wanted to search for signs of youthful troubles and difficulties by
reading her children's letters so that she could help them out. Reading others' letters however is basically regarded as
interference in their private lives. Bertie and his sisters had quarreled with her about it a number of times but she did
not care about it. When she received Clovis's letter to Bertie in the name of a girl, she became curious and started
Q.3 What role did Clovis play in resolving Bertie's problem?
Ans. Clovis solved Bertie's problem by sending three thrilling letters in one day. In the first letter he wrote to Bertie to
be brave enough to get the jewels under the false name of girl Clotilde. In the second letter, Bertie was congratulated
on carrying out the act of killing the girl effectively and warning him not to touch the jewels yet but to wait for some
time. The third letter clarified the whole situation so that person reading the private letters of others might stop doing
so and it certainly happened. In this way Clovis was triumphant at his attempt attempt of helping Bertie.
Q.4 Who is most interesting character in this story?
Ans. I think Bertie is the most interesting character of this story. He is about twenty but he can't solve a simple
domestic problem. He could not convince his mother not to read his private letters. He is sorry about it in front of his
girl friend Ella and states the problem to his friend Clovis. Bertie is, however, lucky to have a friend like Clovis who
helps him get rid of his problem.
Q.5 Why did Bertie's mother read all the letters that came to her home?
Ans. She thought it maternal to know each and everything about her children in order to same them from any trouble
of youth. She might also be of inquisitive nature.
Chapter 13 - The Story of An Hour
Question and Answers
Q.1 What was Mrs. Mallard's first reaction to the news of her husband's alleged death?
Ans. She wept at once, with sudden wild abandonment in her sister Josephine's arms. She rushed to her room and she
stood facing the open window and sank into the armchair near the window. The weather was bit cloudy and the
spring season had set it. She looked outside the window with empty eyes. She threw back her head upon the cushion
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of the chair, calm and repressed. She expected that something was coming to her and she was waiting for it.
Q.2 What was her later reaction?
Ans. She felt a sense of freedom from bondage, as she did not lead a happy married life. She thought of the days ahead
when she would live for herself.
Q.3 What words did she use to express her later feelings?
Ans. She said over and over under her breath with slightly parted lips. "Free, Free!" She was staring and had a terrified
facial expression. Meanwhile her pulse was beating fast.
Q.4 What is the surprise ending of the story?
Ans. Although she was very badly shocked to hear the news of death of her husband death and was feeling that her
unbearable grief would end her life, but she survived. She thought about the agony of lonely, dreadful of many years as
a widow. Then all of a sudden Brently Mallard arrived from his outside tour. He was not on a train which faced
accident. On his appearance Louise was so much overjoyed that she died by an extreme shock of joy. So she was killed
by the great joy and not by the shock of alleged of her husband's death.
Q.5 What is the central idea of this story?
Ans. Sometimes extreme grief does not cause death but extreme joy can kill a person. Death is certain irrespective of
the fact whether it occurs by the shock of grief or by the thunderbolt of an extreme joy.
Q.6 What is your idea about the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard after reading this story?
Ans. Mr. Mallard and his wife were not passing the happy life. Mr. Mallard not love his wife and she felt her alone and
normally she had deep attraction to her husband.
Use any appropriate tense.
1) On June 20th, I returned home. I (be) ____________________________________
2) away from home for two years. My family (meet) ___________________________
3) me at the airport with kisses and tears. They (miss)_____________________________
4) me as much as I had missed them. I (be) ___________________________ very
5) happy to see them again. When I (get) ______________________________ the
6) chance, I (take) ___________________________ a long look at them. My little
7) brother (be) ______________________________ no longer so little. He (grow)
8) _________________ at least a foot. He (be) ___________________________
9) almost as tall as my father. My little sister (wear) ________________
10) a green dress. She (change) _________________ quite a bit, too, but
11) she (be, still) ________________ mischievous and inquisitive. She
12) (ask) ________________ me a thousand questions a minute, or so
Page 16 of 48
13) it seemed. My father (gain) _________,________ some weight, and
14) his hair (turn) ________________ a little bit grayer, but otherwise
15) he was just as I had remembered him. My mother (look) ____________
16) a little older, but not much. The wrinkles on her face (be) ___________
Use any appropriate tenses.
1) On June 20th, I will return home. I (be) ____________________
2) away from home for two years by that time. My family (meet)
3) _______________ me at the airport with kisses and tears. They
4) (miss) ________________ me as much as I have missed them. I
5) (be) ————————————————— very happy to see them again. When
6) I (get) __________________ a chance, I (take) __________
7) a long look at them. My little brother (be, no longer) ___________
8) so little. He (grow) _________________ at least a foot. He (be)
9) _________________ almost as tall as my father. My little sister
10) (wear, probably) ____________________________ a green dress.
11) She (change)________________ quite a bit, too, but she (be, still)
12) ____________________ mischievous and inquisitive. She (ask, probably)
13) ______________________ me a thousand questions a minute, or so
14) it will seem. My father (gain, probably) _____________________________ some
15) weight, and his hair (turn) _________________ a little grayer, but
16) otherwise he will be just as I remember him. My mother (look)
17) _________________ just the same. Perhaps she (look)
18) __________________________ a little older, but not much. The wrinkles on
19) her face (be)
________________________ smile wrinkles.
EXERCISE 3: .Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1) They _____________________________________ your lessons. (not like)
2) While we _____________________________ to the station it _________________to snow, (drive)
3) Watch this runner. He _______________________________ (win).
4) After the centre forward ______________________________ the first goal the fans __________________ mad (score)
5) I _____________________________ a shooting star ( never see)
6) We ______________________________ the results tomorrow. (know)
7) Diana _______________________________ Beethoven's moonlight sonata last night. (play)
8) She _____________________________ you are an old fool. (think)
Page 17 of 48
9) Bob __________________________ three letters since breakfast. (write)
10) Kate _______________________________________ in London (not live)
11) She _____________________________ me an answer when I asked her. (not give)
12) After Jane _________________________________ a fashion magazine she ____________ the piano, (read) (practise)
13) Our landlady ___________________________ us a cup of tea last night. (give)
14) Mr Brightwell ______________________________(phone) his secretary all day long .
15) I _________________________ any dressmaking since I left school, (not do)
Rewrite the following sentences so that the verbs will be in the active voice.
1. We are taught grammar by Ms Sullivan.
2. He was praised by the teacher.
3. The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen.
4. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
5. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work.
6. The building was damaged by the fire.
7. By whom were you taught French?
8. You will be given a ticket by the manager.
9. The streets were thronged with spectators.
10. We will be blamed by everyone.
11. The trees were blown down by the wind.
12. The thieves were caught by the police.
13. The letter was posted by Alice.
14. We were received by the hostess.
15. The snake was killed with a stick.
16. The minister was welcomed by the people.
17. He was found guilty of murder.
18. This house was built by John Mathews in 1991.
Change the active sentences below into passive sentences. Write “No change” if you think sentences
cannot be changed.
1. She writes a letter.
2. They go to school every day.
3. He doesn`t paint the wall.
4. Why are you crying?
5. Did the mechanic fix your car?
6. You should do your homework.
7. Don`t talk so loudly.
8. They are painting their house.
9. We have drunk milk tea.
10. Will you watch TV tonight?
11. I am not going to work today.
12. He has been teaching English for ten years.
13. When are you going to buy a car?
14. Who taught you the active and passive sentences?
15. She had cleaned the kitchen.
16. We will have eaten dinner by the time you get there.
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People speak English in the USA.
Would you rather learn English or French?
You must not come late to class.
She has to pass the test.
Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise
Directions For Question 1 to 20 – Given below are sentences in Direct/Indirect Speech along with four
options. You are required to read the Direct and Indirect Speech questions carefully and select the option that
expresses the same sentence in the reverse speech i.e. Indirect/Direct Speech:
Q.1. The designer said to her, ‘will you have the dress ready by tomorrow evening?’
The designer asked her if she would have the dress ready by next evening.
The designer asked her that she would have the dress ready by next evening.
The designer asked her that if she will like to have the dress by next evening.
The designer asked her that she will have the suit ready by next evening.
Q.2. They said, ‘Let us come in’.
They told that let them be allowed to come in.
They requested that they might be allowed to come in.
They said that if they are allowed to come in.
They requested me to let them come in.
Q.3. Reshma said to Priya, ‘Why are you sketching on the wall?’
Reshma asked Priya why was she sketching on the wall.
Reshma asked Priya why had she been sketching on the wall
Reshma asked Priya that why is she sketching on the wall.
Reshma asked Priya why she was sketching on the wall.
Q.4. ‘Jacob fell as he’d have wished’, the father said.
The father said that Jacob has fallen as he would have wished.
The father said that Jacob had fallen as he would have wished.
The father said that Jocob had fallen as he had wished.
The father said that Jacob had been fallen as he would have been wished.
Q.5. Arya said to Tara, ‘David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow’.
Arya told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow.
Arys told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place the next day.
Arya told Tara that David would leave for his mother’s place the next day.
Arya informed Tara that David would be leaving for his mother’s place the next day.
Page 19 of 48
Q.6. The Professor said that nobody could solve the problem.
The Professor said, ‘Nobody can solve the problem’.
The Professor said, ’Nobody could solve the problem’
The Professor exclaimed, ‘Nobody could solve the problem’
The Professor exclaimed, ‘Nobody can solve the problem?’
Q.7. She said, ‘Why didn’t you send a friend request to me?’
She asked me why had I not sent a friend request to her
She enquired why I had not sent a friend request to her.
She enquired why I did not send a friend request to her.
She questioned why I had not sent a friend request to her.
Q.8. The judge commanded them to call the accused in the court.
The Judge said, ‘Call the accused in the court’.
The Judge ordered, ‘Call the accused in the court’
The Judge command, ‘Call the accused in the court’
The Judge said to them, ‘Call the accused in the court’.
Q.9. The instructor asked Ronny if he was ready for the race.
‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, the instructor asked.
‘Are you ready for the race Ronny?’, the instructor asked.
‘Ronny, ready for race?’ the instructor said.
‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, said the instructor.
Q.10. Manager said to Shekher, ‘Why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday?’
The manager enquired Shekhar why did not he attend the meeting the day before.
The manager asked Shekhar why he did not attend the meeting the previous day.
The manager asked Shekhar why he had not attended the meeting the day before.
The manager enquired Shekhar that why didn’t he attended the meeting yesterday.
Q.11. I asked my sister if she had returned the mobile phone to her friend.
I said to my sister, ‘have you returned the mobile phone to your friend?’
I said to my sister, ‘did you return the mobile phone to my friend?’
I said to my sister, ‘have you returned the mobile phone to my friend?’
I asked my sister, ‘have you return the mobile phone to your friend?’
Q.12. She requested the interviewer to repeat the question.
She asked the interviewer, ‘Please repeat the question’
She said to the interviewer, ‘Could you please repeat the question?’
She requested the interviewer, ‘Please repeat the question.’
Page 20 of 48
She asked the interviewer, ‘Could you please repeat the question?’
Q.13. ‘Be calm and listen to my speech’, She said.
She said that they should be calm and listen to her speech.
She urged that they should be calm and listen to her speech
She urged them to be calm and listen to her speech.
She asked them to be calm and listen to her speech.
Q.14. Oreo said, ‘Alright, yes, you were right and I was wrong.’
Oreo admitted that I had been right and he had been wrong.
Oreo admitted that I was right and he was wrong.
Oreo admitted that I have been right and he has been wrong.
Oreo said that yes you were right and I was wrong.
Q.15. ‘Stand at ease’, The soldier said to his men.
The soldier told his men that they should stand at ease.
The soldier said to his men that they should stand at ease.
The soldier urged his to men to stand at ease
The soldier commanded his men to stand at ease.
Q.16. The teacher told us that all the girls were playing in the garden.
The teacher said, ‘all the girls are playing in the garden.’
The teacher complained, ‘all the girls are playing in the garden.’
The teacher said, ‘all the girls were playing in the garden.’
The teacher said, ‘all the girls had been playing in the garden.’
Q.17. The guest said to them, ‘please give me a cup of coffee’
The guest said to them please give me a cup of coffee.
The guest requested them to give him a cup of coffee.
The guest asked them to give him a cup of coffee.
The guest requested them please give me a cup of coffee.
Q.18. ‘You shall go to see the royal palace in the moonlit night’, the guide said.
The guide told us that we should go to see the royal palace in the moonlit night.
The guide told us we shall go to see the royal palace on a moonlit night.
The guide suggested that we should go to see the royal palace in the moonlit night.
The guide suggested us to go to see the royal palace in the moonlit night.
Q.19. The traffic police asked the man not to park his vehicle there.
Page 21 of 48
The traffic police told the man, ‘not to park his vehicle there.’
The traffic police asked the man, ‘Do not park your vehicle there.’
The traffic police asked the man, ‘do not park your vehicle here’
The traffic police told the man, ‘Do not park your vehicle here.’
Q.20. ‘Where will you be tomorrow’, She said, ‘In case I have to call you?’
She enquired about his whereabouts the next day in case she would have to call him.
She asked where he would be the next day in case she had to call him.
She asked him where he will be the next day in case she had to call him.
She said to him where he would be tomorrow in case she would have to call him.
Articles (a an the)
Table of Articles
a / an
Quick Hints
Some Rules using Articles
a before consonants (a book)
an before vowels (an exam)
Singular count nouns:
Pronunciation is what matters.
an hour ('h' is silent and it's pronounced: an our)
Temporary illnesses: (I
have a headache, a cold, a fever, a backache)
"The" with superlative forms (He
is the smartest kid I have seen.)
Plural count nouns:
indefinite: use 'a'
definite: use "the"
My daughter wants to buy a dog this weekend.
(Indefinite-Could be any dog)
The dog in the backyard is very cute.(Definite-The
one in the backyard)
He requested a puppy for his birthday.
He wanted the puppy he played with at the pet shop.
She ordered a hamburger without onions.
Did you drink the coke I just ordered?
Non-count nouns:
Use "the" or nothing.
Use "the" or Nothing, never 'a'.
Come and look at the children. (definite)
Children are always curious. (indefinite)
She loves flowers. (indefinite)
He has experience. (if indefinite or mentioned for the
first time)
He has the experience necessary for the job. (if
definite or mentioned before)
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The flowers in her garden are beautiful. (definite)
Do you like reading grammar rules?
Do you like reading the grammar rules on this page?
The medicine the doctor prescribed had unpleasant
side effects.
Writing in a second language is especially
Have you studied the history of South Africa?
History reminds us that events repeat themselves.
Definite Article THE Rules
Adjectives as Nouns
When referring to a group of people by use of an adjective rather than a noun, use "the".
the elderly
the rich
the homeless
the disabled
the sick
the young
the unemployed
the needy
the restless
Names of Countries
Some countries are preceded by "the", usually if the name is plural, contains an adjective, or includes "of".
The United States
The Soviet Union
The Republic of Congo
Cities and Streets use nothing
Highway 5
Fifth Avenue
San Francisco
Kennedy blvd.
Rivers, Oceans, Seas, Groups of Mountains & Islands use "the"
the Amazon
the Cascades
the Atlantic
the Hawaiian Islands
the Mediterranean
the Bahamas
Cardinal numbers(1,2,3) use nothing
World War 2
Page 7
Mission 1
Paragraph 5
Chapter 1
Channel 6
Ordinal numbers (1st,2nd,3rd) use "the"
The Second World War
the seventh page
the first mission
the fifth paragraph
the first chapter
the sixth channel
Titles of People
Page 23 of 48
When a title is given with a name, use nothing
President Mitchael
Queen Mary
Professor Scott
When a title is used without a name, use "the"
The president
the queen
the professor
When a school has "of" in its title, use "the"
The University of Arizona
The University of London
Chapter 2
When a school does not have "of" in its title, use nothing
Lincoln High School Arizona State University Liverpool John Moores University
Location versus Activity
When referring to an activity, use nothing
I am going to school now.(activity-study)
He is always on time for class. (activity-learn)
When referring to the location, use "the"
The meeting is at the school. (location-campus)
They are remodeling the movie theater. (location-building)
The new student had trouble finding the class. (location-classroom)
Unique Objects - Use THE
the earth
the human race
the moon
the sun
the world
the universe
Part of a larger group, Use THE
-One of the students
-None of the students
-Both of the students
-All of the students
Examples of Preposition Words
We have seen what is a preposition, Now we will see the examples of prepositions.
Preposition Examples
I will tell you a story about a lion.
The plane flies above the clouds.
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They walked across the field.
After lunch, I shall complete the remaining task.
I helped her going against the wishes of my loved ones.
All along the way, she did not speak a word.
The profit was shared among the shareholders.
Due to the snow, we turned around to return home.
The land is at war with its neighbor.
She had decided to quit before Christmas, but changed her plan.
The church is located behind the supermarket.
The temperatures have dipped below freezing point.
The water level is beneath the average level.
When we were in school, I used to sit beside her in class.
Besides maths, I am very fond of history.
The profit was shared between the three of them.
The play was beyond my expectations.
Everyone but her agreed with the arrangement.
A house by the sea, to retire, is my dream
Concerning He is always curious about anything concerning her.
Despite the snowfall, she decided to carry on with her journey.
Jimmy lives down the street.
She works during the day and studies at night.
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Except her no one has any objections to the plan.
I jog for 10 miles everyday.
She comes from Argentina.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Inside the tough exterior, lies a gentle soul.
As soon as she stepped into the room, there was pin drop silence.
She looks like her father.
Ten minus eight equals two.
They have bought a new home near the school.
A friend of mine recommended the beautician to me.
To regain her lost health, it is important, she stays off her fad diet programs.
There is an apple on the table.
He always climbs onto the table.
Her desk is located diagonally opposite my desk.
Out of
Out of sheer curiosity, I asked her the question.
Outside the house lies a beautiful garden.
The journey cost me way over my budget.
She walked past me, but refused to acknowledge my presence.
What was the per person cost incurred?
Eight plus six equals fourteen.
She was waiting for him since ten in the morning.
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I slept all through the day.
Throughout Throughout winter, she has been sick.
I am going to Atlanta, before I head back home.
Toward (s)
It started raining towards the evening.
The road is under repair.
Underneath She found her earring underneath the carpet.
I did not get the documents until 5 pm.
Once upon a time, there lived a king.
I walked up the stairs, to see the problem.
Up to
The decision is up to the both of them.
The last game was England versus France.
I will go via Sydney.
She walked in with her new boyfriend.
She caters to customers within a radius of 5 miles.
I never leave my house without an umbrella, due to the uncertain weather.
I hope these examples of prepositions help you to understand this important part of speech better.
Phrasal Verbs
ask someone out
invite on a date
Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a
ask around
ask many people the same question
Page 27 of 48
I asked around but nobody has seen
my wallet.
add up to something
Your purchases add up to $205.32.
back something up
You'll have to back up your car so that I
can get out.
back someone up
My wife backed me up over my
decision to quit my job.
blow up
The racing car blew up after it crashed
into the fence.
blow something up
add air
We have to blow 50 balloons up for the
break down
stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
Our car broke down at the side of the
highway in the snowstorm.
break down
get upset
The woman broke down when the
police told her that her son had died.
break something down
divide into smaller parts
Our teacher broke the final project
down into three separate parts.
break in
force entry to a building
Somebody broke in last night and stole
our stereo.
break into something
enter forcibly
The firemen had to break into the
room to rescue the children.
break something in
wear something a few times so that
it doesn't look/feel new
I need to break these shoes in before
we run next week.
break in
The TV station broke in to report the
news of the president's death.
Page 28 of 48
break up
end a relationship
My boyfriend and I broke up before I
moved to America.
break up
start laughing (informal)
The kids just broke up as soon as the
clown started talking.
break out
The prisoners broke out of jail when
the guards weren't looking.
break out in something
develop a skin condition
I broke out in a rash after our camping
bring someone down
make unhappy
This sad music is bringing me down.
bring someone up
raise a child
My grandparents brought me up after
my parents died.
bring something up
start talking about a subject
My mother walks out of the room when
my father brings up sports.
bring something up
He drank so much that he brought his
dinner up in the toilet.
call around
phone many different places/people
We called around but we weren't able
to find the car part we needed.
call someone back
return a phone call
I called the company back but the
offices were closed for the weekend.
call something off
Jason called the wedding off because he
wasn't in love with his fiancé.
call on someone
ask for an answer or opinion
The professor called on me for
question 1.
call on someone
visit someone
We called on you last night but you
weren't home.
Page 29 of 48
call someone up
Give me your phone number and I will
call you up when we are in town.
calm down
relax after being angry
You are still mad. You need to calm
down before you drive the car.
not care for
not like (formal)
I don't care for his behaviour.
catch up
get to the same point as someone
You'll have to run faster than that if you
want to catch up with Marty.
check in
arrive and register at a hotel or
We will get the hotel keys when we
check in.
check out
leave a hotel
You have to check out of the hotel
before 11:00 AM.
check someone/something
look at carefully, investigate
The company checks out all new
check out
look at (informal)
Check out the crazy hair on that guy!
cheer up
become happier
She cheered up when she heard the
good news.
cheer someone up
make happier
I brought you some flowers to cheer
you up.
chip in
If everyone chips in we can get the
kitchen painted by noon.
clean something up
tidy, clean
Please clean up your bedroom before
you go outside.
come across something
find unexpectedly
Page 30 of 48
I came across these old photos when I
was tidying the closet.
come apart
The top and bottom come apart if you
pull hard enough.
come down with
become sick
My nephew came down with chicken
pox this weekend.
come forward
volunteer for a task or to give
The woman came forward with her
husband's finger prints.
come from somewhere
originate in
The art of origami comes from Asia.
count on
rely on
I am counting on you to make dinner
while I am out.
cross something out
draw a line through
Please cross out your old address and
write your new one.
cut back on something
consume less
My doctor wants me to cut back on
sweets and fatty foods.
cut something down
make something fall to the ground
We had to cut the old tree in our yard
down after the storm.
cut in
Your father cut in while I was dancing
with your uncle.
cut in
pull in too closely in front of another
The bus driver got angry when that car
cut in.
cut in
start operating (of an engine or
electrical device)
The air conditioner cuts in when the
temperature gets to 22°C.
cut something off
remove with something sharp
The doctors cut off his leg because it
was severely injured.
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cut something off
stop providing
The phone company cut off our phone
because we didn't pay the bill.
cut someone off
take out of a will
My grandparents cut my father off
when he remarried.
cut something out
remove part of something (usually
with scissors and paper)
I cut this ad out of the newspaper.
do someone/something
beat up, ransack (Br.E., informal)
He's lucky to be alive. His shop was
done over by a street gang.
do something over
do again (N.Amer.)
My teacher wants me to do my essay
over because she doesn't like my topic.
do away with something
It's time to do away with all of these
old tax records.
do something up
fasten, close
Do your coat up before you go outside.
It's snowing!
dress up
wear nice clothing
It's a fancy restaurant so we have to
dress up.
drop back
move back in a position/group
Andrea dropped back to third place
when she fell off her bike.
drop in/by/over
come without an appointment
I might drop in/by/over for tea
sometime this week.
drop someone/something
take someone/something
somewhere and leave them/it there
I have to drop my sister off at work
before I come over.
drop out
quit a class, school etc
I dropped out of Science because it was
too difficult.
eat out
eat at a restaurant
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I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's
eat out.
end up
eventually reach/do/decide
We ended up renting a movie instead of
going to the theatre.
fall apart
break into pieces
My new dress fell apart in the washing
fall down
fall to the ground
The picture that you hung up last night
fell down this morning.
fall out
separate from an interior
The money must have fallen out of my
fall out
(of hair, teeth) become loose and
His hair started to fall out when he was
only 35.
figure something out
understand, find the answer
I need to figure out how to fit the piano
and the bookshelf in this room.
fill something in
to write information in blanks (Br.E.)
Please fill in the form with your name,
address, and phone number.
fill something out
to write information in blanks
The form must be filled out in capital
fill something up
fill to the top
I always fill the water jug up when it is
find out
We don't know where he lives. How can
we find out?
find something out
We tried to keep the time of the party a
secret, but Samantha found it out.
get something
communicate, make understandable
I tried to get my point across/over to
the judge but she wouldn't listen.
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get along/on
like each other
I was surprised how well my new
girlfriend and my sister got along/on.
get around
have mobility
My grandfather can get around fine in
his new wheelchair.
get away
go on a vacation
We worked so hard this year that we
had to get away for a week.
get away with something
do without being noticed or
Jason always gets away with cheating
in his maths tests.
get back
We got back from our vacation last
get something back
receive something you had before
Liz finally got her Science notes back
from my room-mate.
get back at someone
retaliate, take revenge
My sister got back at me for stealing
her shoes. She stole my favourite hat.
get back into something
become interested in something
I finally got back into my novel and
finished it.
get on something
step onto a vehicle
We're going to freeze out here if you
don't let us get on the bus.
get over something
recover from an illness, loss,
I just got over the flu and now my sister
has it.
get over something
overcome a problem
The company will have to close if it can't
get over the new regulations.
get round to something
finally find time to do (N.Amer.: get
around to something)
I don't know when I am going to get
round to writing the thank you cards.
get together
meet (usually for social reasons)
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Let's get together for a BBQ this
get up
get out of bed
I got up early today to study for my
get up
You should get up and give the elderly
man your seat.
give someone away
reveal hidden information about
His wife gave him away to the police.
give someone away
take the bride to the altar
My father gave me away at my
give something away
ruin a secret
My little sister gave the surprise party
away by accident.
give something away
give something to someone for free
The library was giving away old books
on Friday.
give something back
return a borrowed item
I have to give these skates back to
Franz before his hockey game.
give in
reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
My boyfriend didn't want to go to the
ballet, but he finally gave in.
give something out
give to many people (usually at no
They were giving out free perfume
samples at the department store.
give something up
quit a habit
I am giving up smoking as of January
give up
stop trying
My maths homework was too difficult
so I gave up.
go after someone
follow someone
My brother tried to go after the thief in
his car.
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go after something
try to achieve something
I went after my dream and now I am a
published writer.
go against someone
compete, oppose
We are going against the best soccer
team in the city tonight.
go ahead
start, proceed
Please go ahead and eat before the food
gets cold.
go back
return to a place
I have to go back home and get my
go out
leave home to go on a social event
We're going out for dinner tonight.
go out with someone
Jesse has been going out with Luke
since they met last winter.
go over something
Please go over your answers before you
submit your test.
go over
visit someone nearby
I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I
think I'll go over for an hour or two.
go without something
suffer lack or deprivation
When I was young, we went without
winter boots.
grow apart
stop being friends over time
My best friend and I grew apart after
she changed schools.
grow back
My roses grew back this summer.
grow up
become an adult
When Jack grows up he wants to be a
grow out of something
get too big for
Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes
because she has grown out of her old
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grow into something
grow big enough to fit
This bike is too big for him now, but he
should grow into it by next year.
hand something down
give something used to someone else
I handed my old comic books down to
my little cousin.
hand something in
I have to hand in my essay by Friday.
hand something out
to distribute to a group of people
We will hand out the invitations at the
hand something over
give (usually unwillingly)
The police asked the man to hand over
his wallet and his weapons.
hang in
stay positive (N.Amer., informal)
Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job
very soon.
hang on
wait a short time (informal)
Hang on while I grab my coat and
hang out
spend time relaxing (informal)
Instead of going to the party we are just
going to hang out at my place.
hang up
end a phone call
He didn't say goodbye before he hung
hold someone/something
prevent from doing/going
I had to hold my dog back because
there was a cat in the park.
hold something back
hide an emotion
Jamie held back his tears at his
grandfather's funeral.
hold on
wait a short time
Please hold on while I transfer you to
the Sales Department.
hold onto
hold firmly using your hands or
Hold onto your hat because it's very
windy outside.
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A man in a black mask held the bank up
this morning.
keep on doing something
continue doing
Keep on stirring until the liquid comes
to a boil.
keep something from
not tell
We kept our relationship from our
parents for two years.
keep someone/something
stop from entering
Try to keep the wet dog out of the
living room.
keep something up
continue at the same rate
If you keep those results up you will get
into a great college.
let someone down
fail to support or help, disappoint
I need you to be on time. Don't let me
down this time.
let someone in
allow to enter
Can you let the cat in before you go to
look after
take care of
I have to look after my sick
look down on someone
think less of, consider inferior
Ever since we stole that chocolate bar
your dad has looked down on me.
look for
try to find
I'm looking for a red dress for the
look forward to
be excited about the future
I'm looking forward to the Christmas
look into something
We are going to look into the price of
snowboards today.
look out
be careful, vigilant, and take notice
Look out! That car's going to hit you!
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look out for
be especially vigilant for
Don't forget to look out for snakes on
the hiking trail.
look something over
check, examine
Can you look over my essay for spelling
look something up
search and find information in a
reference book or database
We can look her phone number up on
the Internet.
look up to someone
have a lot of respect for
My little sister has always looked up to
make something up
invent, lie about something
Josie made up a story about why we
were late.
make up
forgive each other
We were angry last night, but we made
up at breakfast.
make someone up
apply cosmetics to
My sisters made me up for my
graduation party.
mix something up
confuse two or more things
I mixed up the twins' names again!
pass away
His uncle passed away last night after a
long illness.
pass out
It was so hot in the church that an
elderly lady passed out.
pass something out
give the same thing to many people
The professor passed the textbooks out
before class.
pass something up
decline (usually something good)
I passed up the job because I am afraid
of change.
pay someone back
return owed money
Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you
back on Friday.
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pay for something
be punished for doing something
That bully will pay for being mean to
my little brother.
pick something out
I picked out three sweaters for you to
try on.
point someone/something
indicate with your finger
I'll point my boyfriend out when he
runs by.
put something down
put what you are holding on a
surface or floor
You can put the groceries down on the
kitchen counter.
put someone down
insult, make someone feel stupid
The students put the substitute teacher
down because his pants were too short.
put something off
We are putting off our trip until
January because of the hurricane.
put something out
The neighbours put the fire out before
the firemen arrived.
put something together
I have to put the crib together before
the baby arrives.
put up with
I don't think I can put up with three
small children in the car.
put something on
put clothing/accessories on your
Don't forget to put on your new
earrings for the party.
run into
meet unexpectedly
I ran into an old school-friend at the
run over
drive a vehicle over a person or
I accidentally ran over your bicycle in
the driveway.
run over/through
rehearse, review
Let's run over/through these lines one
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more time before the show.
run away
leave unexpectedly, escape
The child ran away from home and has
been missing for three days.
run out
have none left
We ran out of shampoo so I had to
wash my hair with soap.
send something back
return (usually by mail)
My letter got sent back to me because I
used the wrong stamp.
set something up
arrange, organize
Our boss set a meeting up with the
president of the company.
set someone up
trick, trap
The police set up the car thief by using
a hidden camera.
shop around
compare prices
I want to shop around a little before I
decide on these boots.
show off
act extra special for people watching
(usually boastfully)
He always shows off on his skateboard
sleep over
stay somewhere for the night
You should sleep over tonight if the
weather is too bad to drive home.
sort something out
organize, resolve a problem
We need to sort the bills out before the
first of the month.
stick to something
continue doing something, limit
yourself to one particular thing
You will lose weight if you stick to the
switch something off
stop the energy flow, turn off
The light's too bright. Could you switch
it off.
switch something on
start the energy flow, turn on
We heard the news as soon as we
switched on the car radio.
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take after someone
resemble a family member
I take after my mother. We are both
take something apart
purposely break into pieces
He took the car brakes apart and found
the problem.
take something back
return an item
I have to take our new TV back because
it doesn't work.
take off
start to fly
My plane takes off in five minutes.
take something off
remove something (usually clothing)
Take off your socks and shoes and
come in the lake!
take something out
remove from a place or thing
Can you take the garbage out to the
street for me?
take someone out
pay for someone to go somewhere
with you
My grandparents took us out for dinner
and a movie.
tear something up
rip into pieces
I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and
gave them back to him.
think back
remember (often + to, sometimes +
When I think back on my youth, I wish
I had studied harder.
think something over
I'll have to think this job offer over
before I make my final decision.
throw something away
dispose of
We threw our old furniture away when
we won the lottery.
turn something down
decrease the volume or strength
(heat, light etc)
Please turn the TV down while the
guests are here.
turn something down
I turned the job down because I don't
want to move.
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turn something off
stop the energy flow, switch off
Your mother wants you to turn the TV
off and come for dinner.
turn something on
start the energy, switch on
It's too dark in here. Let's turn some
lights on.
turn something up
increase the volume or strength
(heat, light etc)
Can you turn the music up? This is my
favourite song.
turn up
appear suddenly
Our cat turned up after we put posters
up all over the neighbourhood.
try something on
sample clothing
I'm going to try these jeans on, but I
don't think they will fit.
try something out
I am going to try this new brand of
detergent out.
use something up
finish the supply
The kids used all of the toothpaste up
so we need to buy some more.
wake up
stop sleeping
We have to wake up early for work on
someone/something up
increase the temperature
You can warm your feet up in front of
the fireplace.
warm up
prepare body for exercise
I always warm up by doing sit-ups
before I go for a run.
wear off
fade away
Most of my make-up wore off before I
got to the party.
work out
I work out at the gym three times a
work out
be successful
Our plan worked out fine.
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work something out
make a calculation
We have to work out the total cost
before we buy the house.
Parts of an Essay
Every essay has three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introductory paragraph explains the
general topic and introduces a thesis statement, which explains the angle or position you will be taking in the essay. The
body is the “meat” of the essay. It should contain all the points you want to make and flow naturally from one point to the
next. The concluding paragraph concisely sums up what you have said. When writing an essay, you should outline and
write the body of the essay first, then the thesis, and finally the introduction and conclusion.
Step #1: Brainstorming
Begin thinking about your essay topic well before your essay is due. Consider your topic generally. Decide what you could
say about it and what points you have to make on the subject. Write down all your ideas, even the ones that don’t seem so
great. Once you have all your thinking on paper, you can begin to focus on the best ideas.
Step #2: Outlining the Body
The next step is to outline the body of your paper. Look at the collection of ideas you’ve brainstormed. Are there a few
ideas that naturally seem to flow together? Are there related concepts? Those should be the core ideas in your essay. For
each of those main ideas, jot down a few things you will say to support or discuss it. Once you have a list of points and subpoints to use in your essay, you can begin organizing them into an outline. Though you can be as formal about it as you
like, the general format for an outline is:
Concept #1
supporting idea
supporting idea
supporting idea
Step #3: Choosing a Thesis
Every paper must have a thesis, which is a statement in the first paragraph that sums up your point. The rest of the essay
will be devoted to developing and explaining that thesis. Even though the thesis of your essay comes first, it’s much easier
to write after you have outlined the body of the essay. Trying to sum up your whole outline in a sentence or two will result
in a good thesis. Write your thesis at the top of your outline and refer to it often while writing so you don’t veer off topic.
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Step #4: Writing Your First Draft
Now the hard work—determining all the ideas you’ll put in your essay—is done. All you need to do is form the ideas into
sentences. Write the body paragraphs of your essay first, using your outline as a guide. Once you’ve finished, summarize
your essay in a concluding paragraph at the end and write an introductory paragraph that introduces your topic and thesis
statement. While writing your first draft, don’t worry too much about spelling, punctuation, grammar, or sentence
structure. Just try to get your ideas all down and worry about proofreading later.
Step #5: Revision and Editing
After your first draft is finished, take a break and get some distance from your essay. When you come back to it with fresh
eyes, you’ll be better equipped to revision and edit. While editing the first draft, just think about getting the paper to
communicate your ideas clearly. Don’t worry about details like spelling and grammar until the final draft. Printing out the
essay and reading it aloud might help. Asking someone else to read the draft and give you feedback is also valuable. This
drafting and revising process can be repeated as necessary until you are satisfied with the finished product.
Any writing exercise, no matter how small, should begin with brainstorming and outlining. Then, even if it seems strange
to be writing your essay “out of order,” create the body of the essay first and the introduction and conclusion last. The
drafting and revising process is the last step to good essay writing.
Freedom of Press
The press is a modern concept and the modern man can be said to be molded by the press just as once he was said to have
been may by his barber and tailor. It means today man's opinions, may be even his philosophy can be shaped by the
papers and magazines he reads. One will no be fair from truth if one were to say one can know a man by the paper he
reads. Thus we see the press has become so powerful that it has come to be called the fourth estate.
The democratic system rests upon the assumption that the citizen has access to a wide range of news and views. Only than
can be form independent opinion on may important things like the foreign policy of his Government. Ultimately only this
can ensure that his vote is based on fair judgment rather than determined by the coercion implicit in being forced to read
and hear only the official view point. For instance a good paper may weigh the comparative merits of candidate for an
election and thus help the voter.
The paper is so powerful that governments are afraid of paper. Naturally therefore government, given the chance would
like to control the paper. They bring forth gagging orders such that the press cannot publish certain things. The press is
not allowed to know certain news and thus pressman are prohibited from being present. The news in the paper may be
highly censored so that various political parties in a country run their own papers. In England, for instance, there is the
labor press as well as liberal press. In communistic countries, the party controls the press, so that no other wind expect
that of the party be allowed to blow. The idea behind is quite obvious. Each party wants to propagate and broadcast its
views through its paper.
The control of the press by the government through it may be desirable in times of emergency, is not so in normality's. the
control will kill the liberal growth of ideas and people will cases to grow. Just as the free air is desirable to keep the people
healthy, today a free press is much important. A free ad fearless press can expose individuals and groups when they err.
They may even chastise erring officials and out at the shall owners of certain government action. They may suggest a line
of action and put forth proposals in schemes and projects of national importance. In short the free press can act as
accelerator sometimes as also a brake sometimes.
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Impact of Electronic Media on our Society
Science and technology has advanced in each and every faculty of life. It has made life comfortable and easy. Modern ways
and means and changing life patters of our society have made the individuals of the society lazy and sluggish. Scientific
advancement has assisted in ascending the electronic media. In this modern age, electronic media is developing with the
fast pace. Its perpetual enhancement seems to be boundless.
Electronic media includes all means of communication, the network of which is scattered though out the world. It is
supposed to play a big role in spreading the social values, culture and civilization. It has played a functional role in
modifying the cultural and moral values of society. Electronic media has wiped out distances between remote countries.
It's a chained system in the form of a complete network.
Dish receiving system and modernization of Internet computer programming have brought a revolutionary change in the
moral ethics. A moral and culture change in a society some times proves itself to be an insincere change fraught with social
evils. Electronic media of this modern century has specifically tried to decline the moral values of Muslim civilization and
it look as if they have succeeded in this vulgar effort. Their culture vulgarity is doubtlessly obvious.
Modern film industry and descending culture values of European countries have played a fundamental role in declining
the cultural, social, moral and spiritual values of Muslim countries by propagating the culture of their own society. Means
of communication is supposed to be responsible for such hollow changing moral and social values.
There are also some positive impacts of the electronic media. It's widely spread programmes have ascended the
generosity, talent and vast knowledge of people in regard too universal exploration. It has widened human mind and
boundaries of imagination. It has also opened man's eyes a litter wider to the wonders and vastness of the universe
around us. Electronic media has also proved it self to be the phenomenon of revelation of the present age, exhibiting in its
modern form.
The Twentieth Century is An Age of Greed
To be greedy is two own more than what one can legitimately claim. This is very well illustrated by the parable of the
greedy dog, which wanted to have the bone seen in the reflection. It lost the bone thereby. This is greed. All people are
greedy; it is not only the poor who are greedy but also those very rich.
To avoid being greedy, the child must be educated. The parents and hence the home have got a great responsibility in this
respect. Children must not be helped to own more than what they need, whether it is in food or clothes. Greed and hence
jealousy go together. Hence to avoid being jealous one should over come greed.
Let us see if twentieth century is an age of greed. The First Great War was the result of Kaiser's ambitions to build a
German empire. He was itching for it and the murder of the prince at Sarajevo was only a pretext to start a war. Then came
Hitler, from the beginning he wanted to do where Kaiser failed. Slowly and steadily he build an army and the rape of
Czechoslovakia followed. After the second war many small things happened which viewed properly is nothing but greed.
Only the offending parties gave them different names as once they looked upon African countries as white man's burden.
Greed in modern politics shows different goals. Look at the Afghan War in which Russia has deliberately invaded that
country and has a political un-settlement there. Looking at the individuals also we can say they are in no way worse than
those who lived in previous centuries. But one thing we can say that in this century which is becoming more and more
materialistic moral forces is on the wane. Now that there is a vast scope for material possession, to that extent man is
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growing greedy. Temptation and greed are the two sides of a coin. To over come the moral education is essential. Develop
the will of the child so that he grows he may not be greedy. So it can be conclude that this century is not an age of greed.
Five Things I Love the Most
This world is full of many wonderful and lovely things. Man is trying to utilize the maximum resources of his intellect for
finding out various types of inventions and discoveries and thus endeavouring to make the things lovelier and worth
enjoying. The process of beautifying the worldly things is a continuous process.
Firstly, I have great love of Nature. I am fed from this artificial and momentary pleasure which we derive from the city life.
I am thinking to settle in some village where i will be able to enjoy Nature. I wish to make friendship with nature because
nature can be true friend and real guide of man, who never deceives a person who loves her. Wordsword, the great love of
Nature, has also acknowledged this fact in his poems. I am very much anxious to go and enjoy steep hills; greenery of the
open valleys, cool breeze and other natural objects.
Secondly, I am very much interested to adopt teaching as my profession in future. I am deeply pained to find illiteracy in
my country. For the successful functioning of Democracy, it is essential that we reduce illiteracy to the minimum extent
possible. I have a great love for this profession. I want every young man and woman must get education. There is a dire
need for spreading the education to every hook and corner of the country
Thirdly, I have a keen desire to read novels. Novels are my favourite pastime. Novels widen the doors of knowledge. They
give us an insight into the zig-zag ways of this world. Sometimes we are able to resolve many difficult problems with the
help of Novel reading. We are able to chalk out many schemes which can be very useful in our day-today life.
Fourthly, I love my country. I can foreign anything just for the honour of my country. If somebody were to ask me to go to
a foreign land and serve there, and get a handsome salary. I will be the first blunt young to refuse this offer. It is because I
am very much fond of the ways of life, the food, the sunshine, home, friends, parents and other relations. I will not be doing
justice to my Motherland.
The last but not the least, I love my sweet home. It is rightly uttered "East or West home is the best." I live in a small house
which does not contain all the modern facilities, but still it is not less than a paradise. I have been to my friend's houses I
find ultra modern decorations. The houses contain dining rooms, sitting rooms, bedrooms etc. Further, very rich and
lavish food is served. In spite of all this, I don't like this type of artificial life. That's why I have selected the above
mentioned five things which are dearest to me and are the essence of my life and living.
Man to Lead Woman to Follow
This is a very ticklish question. Eyebrows will look down upon the very question. The question aims at equality between
man and woman. It cannot be blind equality. Nature has endowed man with certain capabilities and capacities, which are
not found in woman. Man also cannot claim some capacities peculiar to woman. Thus we speak of manly strength and
feminine grace.
Now late in the twentieth century to say that man sound lead may should absurd. But in what he should lead lies the
answer. Then there won't be any controversy. Man by his nature is given to hard work involving physical strength and
also to be great extent, physical endurance. Woman, as a rule are denied his physical strength. So, man has been a fighter
all along and these fighting qualities have always been in demand. So many came to be a leader. Exploring, pioneering,
climbing, fighting and such of these require many courage, bravery and hardihood. Then society needed them badly. Man
became the leader.
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Woman as a rule, are the best homemakers. Their sense of duty, humility and patience make them really the authority in
the house. Their feminine touch has a lot to go in bringing up children. If a country needs good youngsters, it is to the
mothers it has to look to. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Man and woman are thus complimentary and
supplementary to each other and it will be useless to decide who leads whom.
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