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DG Installation Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Job Safety Analysis
JOB TITLE: DG Installation Activity
Solar PV / ELE 52
Mr. Sathya
Mr. Lokanathan
Mr. Ravi
PACKAGE: Generation PV plant
LOCATION: Solar PV Shigry
DISCIPLINE: Electrical
1. Issuance of approved Permit to Work
from Permit Issuer to Permit Receiver
Untrained personnel.
Incomplete information on
Permit to work.
2. Site Inspection
3. Positioning of trailer/crane/Boom
Truck and shifting of loaded trailer
Underground utility
adjacent structures
insufficient place for putting
cable drums.
Biological Hazard
Poor traffic management
Uneven ground surface /
Construction Manager to identify the permit requirement for all the
activities and ensure the PTW procedure for such identified works.
Permit Issuer and Receiver must be qualified, trained and competent with
third party certification.
Permit Issuer shall ensure that the site was visited to ensure that
workplace hazards and risks are adequately identified, and mitigating
measures shall be established.
Permit Issuer and Receiver shall ensure that all the information required
in the permit to work is reviewed, completed, and signed.
Permit to be closed and to be returned to the issuer after completion of
the work in full aspect and evacuation of the workforce completely.
All employees shall be trained to strictly follow the JSA, PTST and other
written rules and regulations.
Permit to work shall be issued related their activities.
All the workmen should wear proper PPE “Safety vest, gloves, …etc.
Ensure that excavation to be done as per approved cable layout plan.
Ensure no other underground utility before start of excavation.
Proper PPE to be used (safety shoes, safety glasses, safety helmet. etc.
Material delivery location shall be advised in advance to Driver.
If needed, a vehicle shall be arranged for route guidance.
Ground shall be levelled and well compacted.
4. Manual lifting & shifting of Rigging
tools and tackles
Man, Machinery Interface
Unauthorized operator/ Driver
operating the vehicle/machinery.
Unskilled operator/ Driver
operating the vehicle/machinery.
Non-Strapped Material Shifting
Back pain (Awkward heavy lift &
repetitive lifting and bending)
Pinch point & Muscle cramp
Poor Access and egress - Slip,
trip, and fall
Infection by rusty Steel
Supervisor shall assess and ensure good ground stability.
Spotter shall be deployed wherever Plant & Personnel interaction
 Banks man shall guide the Trailer / Truck.
 Traffic route within site shall be demarcated.
 Appropriate signage shall be posted at noticeable area.
 Counter weight swing area shall be an exclusion zone with red & white
 Load shadow area shall be controlled by trained spotter.
 L&T site driving / operating rules and regulations shall be strictly followed.
 Only L&T approved Operator and Driver shall carryout any job.
 L&T site driving / operating rules and regulations shall be strictly
 Only skilled and experienced operator & driver shall be deployed.
 All the materials shall be strapped properly prior to shifting. Driver &
Rigging supervisor shall ensure material been properly strapped.
 Load shall be assessed for stability prior to removal of straps / binder.
 Authorized person shall only release straps/binder/ropes etc. After the
instructions of supervisor.
 Manual Material Handling technique shall be discussed to work force
prior starting the job.
 Proper communication between carriers.
 When two or more personnel required to do job, approximately same
height personnel shall be involved
 Daily STARRT & Pre-STARRT before each shift.
 Proper usage of PPE (Safety hand gloves, safety boot, safety helmet &
safety goggle). Rigging tools shall be stacked properly.
 During shifting, all shoulder shall be in one side and shoulder pad shall be
 When two or more personnel required to do job, approximately same
height personnel shall be involved.
 All personnel shall communicate clearly one another for safe lifting and
 Hands are not placed on load, use push sticks / tag lines.
 Proper usage of PPE (Hand gloves, safety boot, coverall)
 In case of any piercing, L&T emergency team will be notified and wait for
5.Lifting & unloading of Diesel
Generator (up to 10 MT& up to 75% of
Crane failure
Rigging failure
Load shadow
Loads topple on person.
Unstable Ground.
Weather/Environment condition
First aid shall be given if necessary. Ensuring anti – tetanus vaccination of
workmen in case of any incident.
All the materials shall be strapped properly prior to shifting. Driver &
Rigging supervisor shall ensure material been properly strapped.
Load shall be assessed for stability prior to removal of straps / binder.
Authorized person shall only release straps/binder/ropes etc. After the
instructions of supervisor.
Adequate pads shall be provided below the crane outriggers before lifting
heavy loads.
Ensure level compact ground.
Ensure the outriggers are fully extended and shall be never lowered while
the boom is in active position.
Out riggers shall be locked with outrigger pins.
Proper communication between operator, rigger, Signalman and
Pre lift checklist to be filled before lifting.
Ensure Pre-lift meeting to be completed prior to lift.
Crane Operator to take instructions only from appointed Rigging
Supervisor / Rigger.
All lifting gear shall be inspected and have valid third-party certificate.
Monthly Colour coding system to be followed.
All rigging gear shall be inspected prior to every lift by competent
Load shall be properly assessed before lifting.
Lifting plan shall be prepared as per load chart and load details.
Clear access way is to be in place when carrying to work areas.
Material shall be properly stacked to avoid topple not more than 1.2 mtr.
Load shall be properly tied with Tag Line / Guide Rope.
No hands on load while lifting/placing.
Access shall be restricted to other person / traffic during the lift.
Adequate barricading and lifting signage shall be provided.
Restrict the work and passing under the suspended load.
Ensure centre of gravity of the load and rigging shall be maintained as per
Regular wind and environment condition monitoring and stop the activity
if the weather condition and wind speed is exceeding the limit.
6.Manual handling of
Musculoskeletal disorder
Muscle Injury
Bone injury
Nerve Injuries
Spine injury
Hand injury
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ensure no slip/trip hazards are present in workspaces and walkways.
Individuals are not to lift more than 25kgs. If an object is too heavy, do
not lift it.
Seek assistance to lift awkward or cumbersome objects.
Whenever possible, use lifting aids, chain block, forklift, or hoists to lift
Ensure objects are clean & dry before moving to avoid drooping or
causing slip, trip or fall hazards.
Use suitable gloves when handling sharp or rough materials.
Wear appropriate PPE e.g., safety vest, glasses, gloves, hard hats, dust
masks as required.
Before lifting, ensure that you have a strong grip on the object.
Be careful of fingers when moving through tight areas or doorways and
when putting objects down.
Avoid over balancing, twisting, and stretching.
Manual handling task should be followed (TILE).
7.Stacking of material
Poor communication between
Crane operator and Rigger.
Failure to general lift check list
Unstable / unstrapped / nonbind load
Fall of material or person
Pinch points
Trip hazard
Inadequate support
Improper staking of materials
A separate session shall be arranged for crane operator, rigging supervisor
& rigger for their effective understanding of their communication.
Crane Operator to take instructions only from appointed Rigging
Supervisor / Rigger.
All the important parameters shall be taken into consideration (weight,
shape & size of load, nearby structure, crane load chart, tools & tackles
size, capacity, and positioning, etc.).
Load shall be properly tied/strapped/binder.
Supervisor shall check thoroughly for loads stability.
Authorized person shall only release straps/binder/ropes etc. After the
instructions of supervisor.
Always maintain social distancing, if not possible due to nature of job, use
face shield.
Material shall not be stacked beyond 1.2 m height.
Proper packing / runners shall be provided beneath the material.
Ensure fall protection and PPEs while working at height
All employees shall be instructed to handle the load safely.
Proper usage of PPE (Safety hand gloves, safety boot, safety helmet &
safety goggle).
Hand shall not contact loads.
Route shall be designated and barricaded.
Pathway shall be clear of trip hazards and obstacles.
Good housekeeping shall be maintained.
Only agreed and designated travel path shall be used.
8. Mechanical/Manual Excavation for
Cable Laying
Equipment failure,
Hit by equipment /Man Machine
Soil collapse
Fall by personnel in to trench, fall
of loose material, Fall of
Gas release due to underground
utilities damage.
Discovery of archaeological
Excavation permits to be taken if more than 300mm soil digging.
Chance-find procedure to be established and followed.
All equipment must engage after inspection & fitness certificate by L&T
and daily physical inspection to be carried out with check list.
All required maintenance to be carried out as per schedule maintenance
at designated yard.
Man, movement should be restricted nearby grader by making exclusion
Unless the cut is made in sound rock, all excavations 5 feet (1.5 m) or
deeper must be protected against cave-ins by means of sloping or
suitable means regarding the soil classification on all the sides.
Musculoskeletal disorder
Muscle Injury
Bone injury
Nerve Injuries
Spine injury
Hand injury
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Soil Type
Slope Angle
90 degrees
Type A
53 degrees
Type B
45 degrees
Type C
34 degrees
Trained & certified flagman shall be assigned to ensure safe movements
of equipment’s.
Access to be provided in every 7m distance of the excavated pit.
Cautionary board shall be displayed with caution lights for night
Top slides of the trench must be cleared from rocks or any other
sharp/heavy materials.
Confirm location within excavation area by digging with excavator.
Competent person or concern supervisor inspect the area before
starting the work.
Responsible supervisor to be conduct toolbox to identifying the hazards
before starting the work with PTST card.
Keep non-essential personnel away from work activities.
Excavated material to be placed as per the stockpile guidelines of NEOM
at the designated areas in Shigry Solar PV site.
All excavation soil must be removed from the excavation area by regular
basics to designated waste area.
Mechanical excavation methods shall not be used within 0.5 meters of
any buried service (manual excavation only).
Ensure that the surrounding weight & vibration of machinery will not
affect the integrity of the excavation site.
If the excavation is more than 1.25m deep, it shall be considering a
confined space and a C.S PTW shall be raised. Atmospheric monitoring
shall also be required at depth greater than 1.25m.
Stockpile guidelines:
The number and size of stockpiles shall be kept to a minimum.
Topsoil shall be kept separate from excavation spoil.
Materials shall be stockpiled for as short a time as possible.
The boundaries of stockpiles shall be clearly marked with physical
markers, such as posts, to limit the potential unintended lateral spread
of stockpile storage areas.
9. Mechanically/ Manually Cable laying
inside trench
10 .General Environmental Risks while
using equipment for loading &
offloading activities
Jack failure,
Improper communication
Man Machine interface.
Soil collapse
Fall by personnel in to trench, fall
of loose material, Fall of
Musculoskeletal disorder
Muscle Injury
Bone injury
Nerve Injuries
Spine injury
Hand injury
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
During use and operations of
equipment and vehicles: Oil,
lubricants and fuel spill
Leaks/spills of fuels from storage,
handling, and disposal, refueling
and maintenance of site plant,
equipment, and vehicles.
Equipment/vehicles emissions
and fumes
Generation of noise and
vibration from machinery and
equipment during construction
Stabilization measures shall be applied to stockpiles to protect the
stockpile from rain and wind erosion.
 Stockpiles which are regularly worked, shall be dampened with water /
misting systems to suppress dust
 Place the drum as marked to lay the cable / roll the drum on the cable
jack. Ensure that cable drum is rotated in sucha way, so that cable come
out from top of the drum.
 Cable drums to be barricaded by caution board and barricading tape.
 Make sure that the jack is stable & placed on firmed ground. Don’t allow
anybodyto stand in front of the cable drum.
 Ensure ground rollers to remain any scratch/damage of cables.
 Proper manual Handling Techniques shall be maintained.
 Adequate interval during the work.
 Proper inspection and color coding of tools and Jacks prior to start the
 Adequate barricading and signage around the working area.
 Proper access and egress. Access shall be provided every 15mtr in
vertical length.
 Good housekeeping to be maintained.
 Spill kits and drip trays to be provided.
 Spill response drill to be conducted on regular basis.
 Designated impervious, bunded and covered areas is established
specifically for refueling, storage and maintenance activities.
 Task specific training sessions covering areas such as spill response,
hazardous waste/material handling, refueling equipment and incident
 Refueling is undertaken by staff trained in storage and handling of
 Refueling in the construction site is undertaken by automatic pumps.
A drip tray is being used underneath the refueling point.
 Use equipment and vehicles with lesser emissions.
All equipment and vehicles to be well maintained as per the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Equipment and vehicles to be shut down when not in use.
Where applicable, exhaust emissions will be monitored in line with the
frequency of the Vehicle Inspection i.e. once a year.
Minimize the operation of noisy equipment by using low noise rated
equipment and vehicles.
Ensure that silencers of equipment and vehicles are in good working
Equipment shall be regularly checked, serviced and maintained according
to manufacturer's recommendations.
Noise levels to be monitored
Noise abatement equipment such as silencers, mufflers and engine covers to be
utilized on construction equipment during operation.
Questions to Consider:
Describing the Hazard Scenarios
What can go wrong?
What are the consequences?
How could it arise?
What are the other contributing factors?
How likely is it that the hazard will occur?
Major Hazards (examples)
Hazard Controls
 Chemical (Toxic)
 Chemical (Flammable
 Eliminate/minimize or remove the
 Chemical (Corrosive)
 Chemical (Reaction)
 Enclosure of the hazard
 Explosion
 Isolation of the hazards (guards,
 Electrical (Shock/ Short
shields etc.)
 Removal or redirection of the hazard
Where is it happening (environment)?
Who or what it is happening to (exposure)?
What precipitates the hazard (trigger)?
What would the outcome be should it happen (consequence)?
Any other contributing factors (time of day, weather,)
JSA Category Descriptions
Sequence of Job Steps: Break the job down into steps. Each of the steps of a job should accomplish some
major task. The task will consist of a set of movements. Look at the first set of movements used to perform
a task, and then determine the next logical set of movements. For example the job might be to move a box
from a conveyor in the receiving area to a shelf in the storage area. How does that break down into job
steps? Picking up thebox from the conveyor and putting it on a hand-truck is one logical set of movements,
so it is one job step. Everything related to that one logical set of movements is part of that job step. Be sure
to list all the steps in a job. Some steps might not be done each time but, that task is a part of the job as a
whole and should be listed and analyzed.
Electrical (Fire)
Electrical (Static/ESD)
Electrical (Loss of Power)
Ergonomics (Strain)
Ergonomics (Human Error)
Excavation (Collapse)
Fall (Slip, Trip)
Lifting (Load Collapse)
Lifting (Crane Rollover)
Lifting Gear Failure
Mechanical/ Vibration
Mechanical Failure
Mechanical (General)
Struck against
Temperature (Heat/Cold)
Work at Height
 Written operating procedures, work
permits and safe work practices
 Exposure time limitations
 Monitoring the use of highly
hazardous materials
 Alarms signs and warnings
 Buddy system
 Advance training
Potential Hazards: Identify the hazards associated with each step. Examine each step to findand identify
hazardous actions, conditions and possibilities that could lead to an accident.
It's also important to look at the entire environment and discover every conceivable hazard that might
exist. Be sure to list health hazards as well even though the harmful effect may not be immediate. It's
important to distinguish between a hazard, an accident, and an injury. Each of these terms has a specific
meaning: HAZARD-A potential danger. Oil on the floor is a hazard. ACCIDENT-An unintended happening
that may result in injury, loss, or damage. Slipping on the oil is an accident. INJURY-The result of an
accident. A sprained wristfrom the fall would be an injury. Some people find it easier to identify possible
accidents and illnesses and work back from them to the hazards. If you do that, you can list the accident
and illness types in parentheses following the hazard. But be sure you focus on the
hazard for developing recommended actions and safe work procedures.
Personal Protective Equipment
Recommended Action or Procedure: Using ·the first two columns as a guide. Decide what actions are
necessary to eliminate or minimize the hazards that could lead to an accident, injury, or occupational
illness. Among the actions that can be taken are: 1) engineering the hazard out; 2) providing personal
protective equipment; 3) job instruction training; 4) goodhousekeeping; and 5) good ergonomics. List
recommended safe operating procedures on the form, and also list required or recommended personal
protective equipment for each step of the job. Be specific.
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use