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Internet Truths: Start a Business Online

How To Start A Real Business On The
Internet and Make a Lot Of Money Doing It
There’s none.
Just read the rest of the book. It’s that IMPORTANT.
In this chapter, I am going to explain to you what the starting point of
success is if you want to make money online.
You will KNOW exactly where to start, and it’s not where you think you
need to start.
Wanna hear it?
Alright, let’s dive right in.
So what’s the starting point of making money and starting an internet
Yes, you.
Making money online starts with you; - not methods, not google, not
“secrets”, not gurus…
I've been in business for a long time, 17 years now I have marketed
online. And I've had a lot of ups and downs.
Because of that experience I've really come away with an incredibly
solid understanding of exactly what you need to succeed with an online
business, or any kind of business for that matter.
And if you follow this mindset and these instructions, then you
absolutely will succeed, no matter what you've tried before now that
didn’t succeed, no matter how many times you've failed before or how
discouraged you are currently.
This rule is almost absolute.
In all my years, with all the people I've talked to, all the interviews I've
watched, all the biography's I've read, I cannot think of one single
example of someone who's succeeded who has not done this.
Let's use an example to illustrate what I mean.
Take two people, who want to make money online.
Let’s call them…
John and Ben.
One day, John is browsing the internet. Out of the corner of his eye, he
sees a little ad, like this…
-----------------------------------------Highly Profitable internet business
that pays $1,000 monthly exposed.
Click Here!
-----------------------------------------John clicks, reads through the long page or watches the video selling this
“highly profitable internet business”, and ends up buying whatever
product is being sold.
He’s very excited, convinced he is soon going to get rich. So he starts
spending an hour a day in front of his computer, working on his
He sets up his first blog… he starts writing some articles to try and get
some traffic… he learns what an email autoresponder is.
Then he starts playing around with some affiliate marketing. At this
stage, John’s wife and friends think he’s bought into some ‘get rich
quick’ scheme, and don’t really think he’ll ever make money with it, but
they allow him.
Amid a few jokes from family and friends, John is determined that this
is going to work.
“I will show them!” he thinks.
So, he keeps plugging away.
But soon, John starts to get a little overwhelmed.
There’s just so much to learn and do… He’s got to figure out how to set
up a WordPress blog… how to do FTP… how to set up an email auto
responder… and then, he’s got to figure traffic – PPC, CPA, PPV, email
newsletter marketing, content creation, video production, joint ventures,
article marketing, SEO, reciprocal links, etc.
John spends hours glued to his computer trying to figure everything out,
while his family and friends are concerned he’s been scammed and his
new business will never work.
A few months in, John still hasn’t made any money, and now he’s
starting to think his family are right.
There’s just so much to do that John is beginning to feel out of place,
and wonders. “Maybe I should something else that is ‘easier’”.
So he decides he’s going to make YouTube videos about games, build
an email list and sell something to those people via email and do nothing
else for a year, until he masters it.
Then he wakes up at 8am, yawn, and decides to sleep in. There's no
hurry after all, he can start after lunch, he thinks.
He gets up at midday and crawl over to the computer, looks up some
affiliate offer for gaming.
Good, job done.
Next, he sign up for some email marketing software with a free plan that
allows affiliate offers. Then, he makes some half-hearted video about
gaming and uploads it.
He’s now SUPER excited, expecting to be well on your way making
$1,000/day automated money. The dream is almost his!
Next, he sticks up an opt-in page. A few days later, he's got like 5 optins for his email list. He broadcasts an offer to them anyway but no one
“Bah, screw this”, he says, and back he goes to Google to find another
juicy method.
The worst thing is that if John had known what was involved in the first
place, he would never have signed up. 6 months later, John is yet to
make a dime online and by now is angry, frustrated and feels like a
failure. He feels ashamed, he’s lost time and money and he is just about
ready to call it a day.
Then he hears about a way to make money online “without selling
anything”, and eager to give it one last shot, he jumps in.
And fails again, because he earns so very little despite all the promises.
John repeats this, on and off, for multiple methods, for years, nothing
significant happens in all that time, one day, he quits and soon becomes
your classic "making money online is a scam" person.
Maybe you're not as bad as John, but most people aren't that far off.
Now, below is Ben. Ben has the mindset of the guys you see who have
made millions of dollars online.
Ben chooses ONE niche – YOUTUBE (making finance videos) and
makes a plan. He researches everyone else doing finance videos. He
takes notes to see what's working and what people like.
Then he creates a few really good videos. Putting a lot of effort into
“Let's see what happens”, he says.
He’s not even bothering with monetization just yet. The first thing is to
get good at making the videos.
A couple of weeks later, Ben is just releasing videos, testing the waters.
“Ok, not much results as I hoped to see. What do I need to improve
here?” he thinks.
He starts looking at more competitors and making tweaks to their own
videos and getting better at editing.
Three to four weeks in, Ben is starting to get some decent views, some
people are commenting, things are moving in the right direction.
“Let's keep improving on that”, Ben says. “Let's work on getting more
subscribers, more feedback, more interaction. Let's test some ideas I
Ben can spend one whole month just getting good at creating the videos
and getting some views to them.
Next he looks into building a list. No selling yet.
“Let me just work on building a list and trying different schedules for
mailing useful stuff. Maybe I'll go out on the street and hand out flyers
for my YouTube channel and get people to check it out. Why not. I have
nothing to lose.”
He’s now three months in and he's got a decent little channel, a few
hundred people on his email list that are regularly opening his emails
and things are growing.
“Now let's look into monetizing,” Ben says.
And on and on.
What's the result?
Two to three years later, Ben is the guy with 100,000 YouTube
subscribers, his own finance info product or software, a big email list
and he’s making $50,000 per month with a vast experience in YouTube,
video creation, list building, email marketing, funnel building,
monetization, product creation, product launches, upsells, downsells and
Our old friend, John, the first guy, is still on Google searching for an
“easier” way to make money online, (if he hasn’t quit yet) or he’s on
Twitter and Nairaland moaning about how nothing works and how the
world is full of fake-gurus.
If you cannot take Ben’s approach to your internet marketing business,
you're not going to succeed.
The secret is…
Massive, relentless energy put into ONE single focus for a long
period of time.
That's it.
Almost NO ONE does this. Not even close.
People try something for two weeks, then give up and move onto the
next shiny thing.
Others try something for three months, then give up.
Two weeks or three months, is still not enough.
Most people think you can make money online by running some process
like it's a regular job - set up this, do this, do that, and boom you're
making money. It doesn't work like that.
However, you can make $100k/year, or =N=1 million/month in pretty
much ANYTHING - making videos, doing a podcast, creating
information products, ecommerce, affiliate marketing in any niche,
consulting, anything.
The way to succeed is to pick ONE thing, and focus hard on it for a full
year of your life.
Put all your energy into it and don't make your goal to make money,
make your goal to be the best at this thing. The money will follow.
That is what I did. That is what every person who is a real success at this
has done.
It's near impossible to fail if you do this.
One of the biggest reasons people fail to commit or focus on something
is because they don’t have a STRONG ENOUGH REASON WHY they
should stick to it.
I know I am sounding like a motivational speaker but stay with me here.
Think about it.
Everything you have started and finished was because your REASON
for sticking to it was FAR bigger and more compelling than any reason
that came up for giving up.
The moment you start something, face difficulties, and you say, “Fuck it,
I quit”, you have simply stopped fighting. The reason why you stayed on
was no longer valid to you, so why stay?
Why did you start and finish school?
Because you believed that if you graduated with good enough grades,
you would get a decent, high paying job that would set you up for life,
so no matter how many tests you were made to write, no matter how
hard the exams were, no matter how horribly behaved your lecturers
were, no matter how many times you were broke and had no money for
food and nothing to eat, no matter if you failed a course and had an extra
year, you bore it all, stuck to it and finished it.
It was because your REASON for staying was STRONGER than any
reason you thought of for leaving.
The same applies to business.
You MUST have to have a strong enough reason for wanting to do
something to earn more income.
Because when you start, it’s going to be HARD, you’re going to
experience hiccups and challenges because you’re new to it. It’s going to
take some time before you start seeing results.
Starting a business is like birthing a new baby.
When a baby is born, they can’t sit, let alone walk, or run. They have to
grow, and learn how to do all of those things over time. They first learn
to sit, then crawl, then stand, then walk, and finally running.
But the baby is determined because it wants to live, it wants to be a full
functioning human, so despite all the pains and difficulties, it does it.
When I got started in business, my dream was to make money and
emancipate my family.
I had watched as a kid my father become a multi-millionaire 3 different
times and lose it all – the first time I really had no idea because it was
when Buhari took power in 1983 and ran the economy aground, I was
barely two years old.
The second time was during Babangida’s Structural Adjustment
Program (SAP) policy of 1986 that devastated local private enterprise.
But the last one, I was fully aware.
This time it was technology.
My Dad’s business involved importing and selling telecommunication
materials and accessories – cables, jumper wires, switches, etc.
He had basically one or two major customers at any one time – NITEL
and big companies that needed those things and could afford them.
The coming of GSM in 2000, put mobile phone which didn’t need all of
that into people’s hands, and this killed the business.
I experienced this first hand, especially with my Mum dying and my
Dad then leaving for abroad to find yet another fortune (and yes he did,
but that’s story for another day).
So my major reason was I wanted to make money for myself, and make
so much my entire family would be set up.
It was 2003 and it didn’t matter to me that I had no money. It didn’t
matter to me that there was no Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no
ATM machine so no cards when I started. Google was barely two years
old and all you could do there was search, nothing else.
The world’s most popular search engine at the time was Altavista.com,
followed by Lycos.com. The most popular website in the world was
Looking back, it seems that was colonial times.
It all didn’t matter to me anyway.
All I knew was I was going to make money, and I was going to use the
internet to do it.
I was determined to figure it out, to find my way.
17 years later, here I am, here we are.
I figured it out.
And it was hard. It was tough. I cried a lot. I lived in a rundown building
for months. I went hungry for days. I wanted to give up many times and
go find a job at Mr. Biggs to keep body and soul together.
But I survived. And I won.
Now I am not suggesting you will face the same problems. Actually, you
won’t, you are lucky. These days, you have tools and everything else
you’ll need, for cheap too and in many cases for free.
But I was a pioneer. Pioneers carry all the pain and do all the hardwork
of figuring things out for those coming behind them.
Read about the man called Nikola Tesla.
Everything idea he came up with, others used to get rich but himself. All
they did was improve on it, or do it a little bit differently.
It’s part of the reason today I have no interest in inventing anything.
Inventing is way too much hardwork and pain and loneliness and it
might still end up not catching on or working.
And by God we need pioneers in this world. They’re the people who
look at a rock and see a statue, they see things and say “what if we do it
this other way”, they’re the people who create new solutions that
advance the world.
Imagine if Tim Berners-Lee didn’t create the World Wide Web (WWW)
in 1989, a system that interconnected computers around the world
creating what we call the “internet” today, and then giving it away to
humanity for free.
Where would I be? Where would you be? Where would we all be?
I appreciate inventors and pioneers, they’re heroes; but I am just not
interested in being that.
Now my mantra is,
“No need inventing it, if you can control it. No need
inventing it, if you can copy it successfully.”
But whether you’re a pioneer or an emulator, you will face hurdles on
your journey. What will keep you going is the reason why you’re doing
What’s your reason for wanting to make money, for wanting success?
Is it…
Make sure it’s strong enough and big enough to withstand the days of
doubt, fear and sorrow.
The first thing you must know, is that most ‘internet marketing gurus’
are only giving you half of the story about what you need to do to make
money online.
Here’s an example:
If you go to websites like Google, Tribune.com, SunNewsOnline.com or
any of the other websites on the internet, you'll see what I call 'the dark
side' of internet marketing.
It’s a whole bunch of people talking about how easy it is to make money
online... how they've discovered some 'push button software' or an
“insider secret” that makes =N=250,000 a week, every week for the rest
of your life. And how you do not need to do work at all if you'll just pay
them =N=15,000 or =N=27,000.
And, if you read through their entire website, you may be tempted to buy
- hell, sometimes I even am, even though I should know better.
Maybe you’ve already so many of these ‘money making’ schemes
yourself too...
But here’s something you didn’t know:
Most of these guys don’t make money doing the things they teach.
They make money online by selling ‘how to make money online’ stuff.
That’s it.
Shocking yes?
Well, the reason they’re able to make so much money with it is because
you are aiding them.
You’re believing their lies. And praising them for it.
Now I am not saying every single one of them are scammers or telling
you half the truth, but a heavy majority of them are.
Which brings me to...
The BIG Reason Why 99% Of People Who
Try To Make Money Online Fail
You know the biggest mistake most people make when they want to
start an internet business or make money online?
I’ll tell you. Here’s what they do…
They go to Google.com and search for…
“How To Make Money Online”!
That’s the first BIG MISTAKE.
Why is this a big mistake?
Because, while Google provides you correct information when you
search for, for example, “How to Dance”, or “How to Tie a Tie”, for
some unexplainable reason however, when you search for “how to make
money online”, the results you get are
Pure Scams!
And because people trust the results they get from Google, they buy into
these scams and end up losing their hard-earned money!
For example, below is a screenshot of a search I did on Google today on
“how to make money online in Nigeria”
Even the top gurus around the world know the danger in searching for
this topic online.
Here’s what Seth Godin, author of 25 books, creator of Squidoo.com
and Yahoo.com's former Vice-President of Direct Marketing, said on his
blog about searching for “how to make money online” on Google.
(Seth Godin)
He says…
If you doubt this, do this search and what you’ll see is…
A List Of The Top 5 “Make Money Online” Scams Floating Around
In Nigeria Today
1. “Get Paid to Tweet” or “Get Paid to Facebook”
In this scam, you’re asked to post a particular link on your Facebook or
Twitter account and get paid a certain amount of money for every link
you post.
I know someone promoting this scam and for fun, I confronted him one
day and asked how much he was making.
He said it was $9 per week!
$9 is about =N=1,630!
How can one make less than =N=2,000 naira per week and claim they
are “making money online”!
You probably spend more than that on phone calls alone!
And err, not only that, they ‘forget’ to tell you being that you will never
get paid that money. EVER.
2. ‘Paid to Click’ or ‘Paid to Read’ news emails
With this scam, you’re promised you’ll get paid for reading news,
commenting on articles, daily logins to their the platform account, and
sharing assigned sponsored post or on every email you click on and read
for 60 seconds.
The only thing they ‘forget’ to tell you being that you will never get
3. Online MLM (or Online Network Marketing)
This was popularized by programs such an Empower Network.
However, it is merely a pyramid scheme.
It’s supposed to show you how to earn $10 daily into your PayPal, Skrill
or MoneyBookers account when you invite others into the program.
Plenty of these scams abound especially on Facebook and Google.
4. Online Surveys and Online Jobs
This is an outright scam. It doesn’t ever work in Nigeria, ever. Even
abroad, it’s widely known as a scam.
5. Fixed Odds
This scam has come on and off. It is back now and has been renamed
and is now called “social trading.”
Please beware of it.
All of the 5 so called ’internet businesses’ above are
Outright Scams!
The listed “make money online” methods above will waste your time.
You will struggle and struggle and most times will not make one kobo.
Even if you do (and this is very unlikely), the amount of money you
make will not be worth the time you put in.
Would you like to waste two to three hours of your life everyday and at
the end of the day be making something like $9 a week? That’s
=N=4000 (or =N=16,000 naira per month)? Money you might even
eventually never get?
I don’t know about you, but to spend 90 hours every month just to earn
=N=16,000 naira per month is a very foolish thing to do.
I will rather be carrying blocks at a construction site. It pays better,
thank you.
Let Me Tell You Something…
Internet marketers, especially the scammers, are masters in the art of
promising you the moon and giving you nothing. And by then, they
would have taken your money and you’ll never hear from them again.
So what you should be mindful of is this truth:
There is nothing like instant overnight wealth and riches online.
You can make money fast in internet marketing, if you know the
insider secrets and you’re guided by a true PRO and you have put
in the TIME to master the workings and moving parts, but no one
can do it overnight, not even the gurus.
The truth is, building an online business is very hard work, and it’s
rarely as easy as the ‘gurus’ say it is.
Now don’t get me wrong, of course there are shortcuts and easier ways
to make money online than being stuck to your computer for years at a
time – as you’ll soon see, but there'll be times when you find this really
The internet marketing industry is littered with failure left, right and
center, yet you’ll rarely hear the gurus talk about it. In fact, 99% of
people who get started online, fail.
Shocking I know, but industry figures show that the chances of success
are less than 3%. Can you imagine that? Anyone who tells you that
Internet Marketing is easy is in fact lying to you. It’s hard work.
Which is why before you start, I want you to pay attention to the 8 rules,
you MUST follow, if you want to be successful in internet marketing.
And that comes up in the next chapter.
When I look through Facebook groups, discussion forums, or through
the hundreds of questions I get every time on social media, what I see is
people asking for methods, for secrets, for the easy way out.
Now, unless you have the activation key to the vault of the Central
Bank, you will quickly realize there are no magic secrets for filling your
bank account with money anywhere, online or off it.
This is the serious dose of reality you need to get.
Whether you’re a student looking for a way to get extra money to
supplement your monthly stipend or you’re a man in yours 30's who
wants to start earning money online so you can support your family
better, this is a KEY thing to understand.
Making Money Online Is Not Easy
You have to know this right off the bat.
I know it may not sound palatable, but there’s no going around it.
So many people associate online money with easy money.
So many "make money online" blogs and broke gurus (forget their
posing), make it seem easy.
Because they want the novices to sign up or their affiliate offers.
That is so far from the truth. It's hard. Very hard.
But don’t worry. It gets better. Trust me.
As we go along in the other chapters, you will learn exactly what to do,
so you can make a TON of money doing business online.
But before we get to that.
I want to point out a number of things you must pay attention to make
the journey easier for you.
If you are serious about making money online follow these guidelines.
1. You Need Money to Make Money
It’s best if you have a source of income already.
This will enable you keep your head above water and also invest in your
online ventures.
So, if you have a job, KEEP IT. Don’t resign yet.
Seriously, you will have so much trouble if you don't have a little nest
egg to work with and have your bills covered. The majority of people
fail because they jump in at the wrong time.
You don’t have a job? You have $0 in your bank account? You have
bills coming up due very shortly? I
Here’s real advice - GO GET A REAL JOB.
Making money online isn't something you try to do when you don’t have
any money at all. You are setting up yourself for failure. Trust me, get a
job with a steady paycheck and devote your time away from work to
making money online.
If you can’t get a job, then you must find other ways to get money
coming in while you start your online business.
Who are those who will succeed? Who makes all the money?
They’re those who have money to spend and invest. They are the ones
who have money to invest in proper SEO. They are also spending crazy
money on Facebook ads and every other traffic source that produces
Understanding that you need money to make money is the first step.
2. You Can't Spread Yourself Too Thin
I see this all the time.
People are trying to build a blog one minute then the next day they are
asking about starting an affiliate website, and then a few days later, they
want to build Instagram accounts and become “influencers”.
Look, enthusiasm is great and wanting to venture into many different
areas is a nice goal, but it is not practical.
If you spread yourself too thin, you are going to fail.
When you start, especially in the beginning, you need to pick one thing
to focus on and spend all your time learning everything you can about it
- whether it's building a blog and monetizing it with affiliate offers and
AdSense, or creating and selling your own information product using
paid traffic sources.
Find one thing that you are interested in and stick to it. Don't bounce
around between several different things. You have to dedicate all of your
time and focus on one project at a time, especially in the beginning.
After you succeed with that one thing and GAIN GROUND, then you
can start looking at other things.
Look at the best internet marketers in the game, think of anyone you
know, they are experts in one area usually. That is how they become so
successful. They’re not all over the place trying to do everything. They
master one thing and continue to evolve with it.
3. You Can't Expect Instant Results
Of course everyone wants to make money online ASAP but that's not
how it works.
Thinking you will start today and start rolling in dough next week, or
even next month, is living in fool’s paradise.
It will not happen.
You need to learn, read and figure it out at your own pace.
If you spend some time to get to know some of the top internet
marketers, you will know that they failed more times than they
succeeded. Some didn't start to make money for several months, but they
knew if they kept learning and kept moving forward they would
eventually find success.
This also goes back to the first point I made about needing money to
make money. In the beginning, your regular job is in place to pay your
bills and support your family while you learn IM.
If you don't have that safety net, the stress will cause you to panic and
make bad choices.
But when you have that job and you know your bills are covered you
can learn and suck in information and implement at your own pace. With
your bills covered, you don't NEED instant results... allowing you to
figure it out at a pace that is comfortable and will allow you to actually
figure it out.
4. You Can't Give Up Easy
I bet if you took 5 minutes you could find a thread within the last week
where someone is complaining that a particular method doesn't work.
How many times have you heard:
"PPC sucks.. it doesn't work!"
"SEO is dead.. it doesn't work!"
"Affiliate marketing is dead.. it doesn't work!"
"Email marketing is dead.. it doesn't work!"
“Information marketing no longer works!”
Why do these people say that something doesn't work? Because they
don't give it enough time.
They expect instant results and quit before they figure it out.
If Internet Marketing was easy, everyone and their cousin would be
working from home or from some exotic location while hired help wait
on them hand and foot.
You should be thankful it isn't easy. You know why? Because it reduces
the competition.
Just like a professional athlete trains nonstop, if your goal is to make
money online, you need to read, study, implement and test… non-stop.
If you want it bad enough, you have to put your head down and DO
Go into this knowing that you are never going to quit.
You will eventually figure it out if you just promise yourself that you
will NEVER give up.
5. You Can't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket
Once you do pick something to pursue, you need to make sure you
diversify as much as possible because internet marketing is always
changing and shit happens.
Let's pretend you decide to write a book about personal finance, here are
several ways you can monetize it.
 Paid adverts on Facebook, Google and other traffic sources.
 Build a social media following and push it on Twitter, Instagram
and Facebook.
 Do joint-ventures with other people who have a huge social media
 Build an email list of people interested in personal finance and
give them daily good information.
 Create a blog and update it with information content on personal
finance, and use SEO to drive traffic to it and your offers which
will be placed there.
 Set up an affiliate program and have other people sell it for you for
a cut.
 Promote other people related offerings, via Clickbank offers or
CPA programs.
You need to find as many traffic sources as possible… that way you
won’t get blown pout when one dries up or just disappears.
This way if Facebook bans your add account, or a Google update kills
your traffic overnight you can just increase your other traffic sources,
just turn the dial and adjust.
If you put all your eggs in one basket and spent all of your time and
money on SEO you would be at $0 the minute that update killed your
6. You need to be Minimalistic When Starting Out (a.k.a. give up
some luxuries)
Don't be like the many fake internet marketers, especially the foreign
ones on YouTube who rent cars and make you think it’s theirs. Never be
worried about materialistic crap.
Don’t be one of the people that get their first taste of money and go out
and buy a super expensive watch or some other stupid material
possession are doomed for failure.
You have to stay grounded and remain focused.
If you lose your focus, you will fall on your face fast.
I'll use myself as an example: I could have any crazy car I wanted. I
even test drove one (I posted the video if you follow me on social media
and you remember). Not bragging. Just making a point. But I’d rather
spend that money on advertising to build my business.
So instead of buying that car, and I may well buy it in the future, I
simply stick to the Benz GL 450 and a Lexus 330 I currently drive.
The thing is, don't aim to impress anyone. It isn't going to make you any
more money.
What you SHOULD spend your money on is:
 Superfast computer or laptop
 Sleek smartphone
 Online tools and software
 Advertising
 Cameras (if you do videos)
These are the things that will help you improve your online business.
You need to also look at what you spend money on and look for ways to
cut spending.
If you eat out a few times every week (I was seriously guilty of this) cut
back and cook your meals at home and spend that money running more
ads, etc.
This allows you to use all the extra money you save to grow your
internet marketing career.
7. You Need to Save Money
This goes back to the previous point. When you start to make money and
you see it roll in DO NOT spend it all.
Put some away for a rainy day. If your goal is to be self-employed, then
you need to think about the big picture.
There are no health benefits, retirement funds and all those perks for
business owners etc.
You are 100% responsible for your future. When you do start making
money online, I strongly recommend you hire a proper accountant to do
your books and work with a financial adviser and planner who will help
you save and invest your money, so that when you are 75 years old, you
will be glad you put some money away instead of buying that sports car
or spending your money chasing girls.
And this does not mean you shouldn't have fun, you should have plenty
of fun, just don't live beyond your means.
Put more focus on saving money, not spending it.
8. You Need to Treat Internet Marketing Like a Real Business
This is where a lot of mistakes are made. People think they can work
when they want and be successful, because that’s the lifestyle that is
That’s not true.
Internet Marketing is a real business. And in this business, you have to
work HARD.
If you were employed at a regular job, what would happen if you just
showed up to a regular job when you wanted? You would be sacked,
What would happen if you just left after a couple hours of working? You
would be sacked, instantly.
So treat your business, like you would be sacked if you slacked.
And yes, even though some of the benefits of Internet Marketing is the
ability to work from anywhere in the world and not work as many hours.
You must determine how much you work and when you work and make
it sacrosanct.
Some deals will require more work. Heck, I know people with
successful online businesses that might work 2 hours a day, but they
worked plenty of 20 hour days when they first started!
Don't cut yourself short, be professional. Respond to emails quickly.
Address any issues right away. Just like a real business because internet
marketing is a real business!
In 2007, I made a discovery that changed my life!
I had been trying to make money online for 5 years by this time, and yes,
I had a couple of successes here and there, but nothing to sneeze at.
So on this day, I was reading an article inside the pages of Success
Digest™. It was written by one of the best marketers out of this country,
Fisayo Akinlolu, owner of HULK Innovations Limited, and someone I
am pleased now to call my friend.
The concept he talked about is…
Producers and Consumers
Producers are the people who make things, they create products and
services and then… THEY OFFER THEM FOR SALE.
Producers are the business people, shop owners, manufacturers,
company executives - all the people you go and spend your money with
when you buy something from them.
Consumers, on the other hand are people who would only be spending
their money with other people.
Most employees are consumers. All they ever produce is their weekly or
monthly salary. And they consume so much they spend it all.
Now here’s the kicker:
“99% of all internet marketers and people who want to make money
online are consumers”
Because they stay busy spending money - they keep buying up lots of ebooks, courses, seminars, software, tools, coaching, consulting, etc.
They think, “Oh, I need to get just that one other thing, and I can now
start producing,” but it never happens, because they buy yet another
thing, and another thing, and one more thing.
The people who serve you these things are PRODUCING, and you are
And consumption doesn’t always mean spending money too.
It can also mean reading one more article, watching another YouTube
video, listening to yet another podcast episode, so much so that you
spend all your time learning, instead of implementing.
If This Is You, And You Keep Doing What You’re Doing and
Don’t Make Any Changes, You’ll Continue To Stay Stuck
This is the reason 97% of people in internet marketing don’t make
money - they’re focusing on consumption.
The truth is that if you’ve been struggling to make it online… and you’re
not yet making the kind of money you’d like… it’s not actually your
fault, because you’ve been misled.
The sad thing is that if you keep going as you are, this industry will pull
you through its ‘system’ and you’ll come out of it frustrated, exhausted
and broke.
It doesn’t have to be this way, and as I’ll reveal later in this report, you
CAN make money WHEN you have the right systems and support in
When I discovered this for myself… after I had failed for 5 years (from
2003 – 2007), my life changed completely.
It led me from being a consumer to becoming a producer.
So to make money online, the secret, which really isn’t a secret because
its basic commonsense, is…
You must be a PRODUCER!
You must sell something!
The good news is there is a ton of things you can sell.
This is what every guru has discovered. And when they did, and
switched lanes, they began to make a ton of money.
To go from being a consumer to becoming a producer, you must stop
believing the lies gooroos tell you.
Lies like:
You can make money without selling anything!
You need NO experience necessary to make money!
Bitcoin will make you RICH!
...and a host of other nonsense talk.
It’s like somebody saying you can become a Lawyer without going to
University and Law School. If someone told you that, you would call
them a liar, right? So why should you believe anyone who says you can
make money online without selling anything?
But many people believe they can make money online without selling
Here’s why they believe this lie…
They Are Afraid Of Selling!
I’ll admit, we weren’t born to be business people. Heck, our parents told
us not to accept money from “strangers” so we grew up with that and we
now see mentally selling which of course, involves accepting money
from strangers, as painful, so we run from it.
In fact many newbies are TERRIFIED of selling online because the truth
of the matter is, it requires, serious skills which may take you years to
In 2008, I discovered that selling is a matter of knowing simple
arithmetic and learning the skills required, so I quickly adjusted.
Since then, I have made many millions, consult for top CEOs, business
people, pastors and hang out with celebrities!
Like I said earlier. It’s no secret. And it’s easy. Because… you only
need to know what to sell and how to sell it, and who to sell it to, to be
able to make money online.
Now for many people also, they do not even know what to sell. Even
when they know what to sell, they do not know who to sell it to or
worse, they do not know how to sell it!
This is why in the next chapter, I’m am going to show you a 7 step
system for selling anything online.
So how do you make money online? Or better still, how do you SELL
something online.
This is a question practically everybody I meet wants to know.
Now depending on where you are, you will meet three types of people
who will answer this question.
Group 1 will give you a three-step process and say:
- find something to sell
- create content promoting that product or offer.
- get traffic to those content.
Laid out like that it really looks simple, right? They say, you can even
do it with or without your own website.
Just 3 steps to make money online
It’s tempting, but here's my advice: don't listen to them.
It takes way more than that.
Way more.
Group 2 will do a lot better for you. They will say, here’s the formula to
- find something to sell.
- set up a website targeted for people who want to buy that product.
- entice visitors to submit email address for newsletter.
- set up a traffic campaign to get visitors to your website who want to
buy that product.
- use an email autoresponder to send series of newsletters promoting the
paid product.
Those 5 basic steps give you a powerful (yet still simple) formula to
make money online.
But is it enough?
Not by a long shot.
And why is that?
Because, even though at the basic level, it really is that simple, the
problem is that 'simple' does not necessarily mean 'easy'.
Where it gets more complicated is in making sure each of those steps are
done effectively.
Now MOST PEOPLE, especially the 'Get Rich Quick' seekers, do not
know how do each of those steps successfully, so they start, get stuck,
then jump off the bandwagon and start yelling, “SCAM!”.
Like I said earlier, 'simple' isn't the same thing as 'easy'.
So while the first and second groups create the 'Get Rich Quick' books
and programs and overhype how easy it is to get results, it's still a fact
that you will not succeed with it, no matter how long you try, how much
you spend or how hard you work. WITHOUT A PROVEN SYSTEM.
If you really want to learn how to make money online, here are three
thing you must pay attention to:
The most important things you have to:
#1: Ignore the hype.
There is no way that anyone can guarantee that you can make XX
amount of money in XX amount of time. There are too many variables
that have to be taken into consideration. Everything from how good you
are at market research all the way through how good you are at
understanding training materials you buy and how adept you are at
following instructions.
#2: Ask yourself: "What are your actual expectations?"
Your expectations will determine how long you'll follow through with
any plan you decide to follow.
If you expect to make $10,000 in two weeks (because the sales page of
the course you bought promised that) and after 3 weeks you still haven't
made a sale then you'll probably give up and call it a SCAM.
Even if it is possible to make $10,000 in two weeks, it isn't likely to
happen unless you do everything exactly right.
Your expectation shouldn't be to make $10,000 in two weeks. Instead,
your goal should be to learn exactly how to do each step necessary for a
successful marketing campaign.
Which brings us to the third point...
#3: Find out how well you understand what you actually need to do
for each step
More important that all else is how well you understand what needs to
be done for each step.
So what are those steps?
Step 1: Examine the different Internet Business Models
Step 2: Select a business model (that plays into your strengths) and a
product/service within it to sell.
Step 3: Target ONE market that needs that product/service
Step 4: Set up a website presented for people who are in that market
Step 5: Set up a traffic campaign to draw those people towards you and
your website
Step 6: Build a LIST/DATABASE of people in that market who are
interested in your solution
Step 7: Sell to them and BANK money.
That's it.
Just those 7 things.
So, if you've been searching google, forums, blogs, ebooks, etc. for the
answer to "how to make money online?", or even worse looking for "how
to get rich quick?", then you're asking the wrong questions.
You've probably already found that answer over and over again, but
keep ignoring it because that 3 step or 5 step formula I outlined above
isn't complete enough for you to understand how to make it work.
Instead you should be asking questions about how to do each of those
"Which internet business model should I select?"
"How do I find a good product to sell?"
"How do I find the best niche market to sell to?"
"How do I set up a website that effectively promotes a product/service?"
"How do I create content that will lead a prospect to buy?"
"How do I entice visitors to submit their contact details?"
"How do I get visitors to my website that are looking to buy?"
Asking, "how do I make money online?" is the wrong question.
You just have to learn to ask the right questions. And finding answers to
all those more specific questions are how you'll learn to make money
Here’s what the most successful Internet marketers will often tell you
when you ask them what they sell on the Internet:
“I sell what people are buying.”
When you first hear an answer like this, you might be tempted to think
that it’s some kind of a joke or a non-answer.
But wait. Don’t jump to any conclusions.
Here’s why...
They’re giving you a perfectly honest, sincere and very useful answer.
Successful Internet marketers always start by analyzing what people are
buying online first and then start a business based on what they have
seen and observed.
Those who fail, are running around like headless chickens, trying to
conjure money from their computers, even though they fully know
they’re not magicians.
Truth is...
There’s More Than One Way To Skin A Cat
Over the last ten years I’ve been active in online marketing, I’ve had the
chance to see countless real Internet success stories upfront... from
Facebook and Twitter to Nigerian giants like NairaBet.com and
In the real world, people make money online one of three ways:
1. They sell real, physical products and/or services.
2. They sell advice and/or provide services to the mass market or to
existing businesses.
3. They sell information in all its forms – eBooks, videos, data, software,
LIVE seminars, coaching.
There’s another one where they promote content and sell advertising
space within that content, also known as blogging, but Blogging is so
full of pitfalls and that I do not even want to discuss it here.
Now let’s analyze these three different methods and see how they pan
out for the average person.
How To Pick The Internet Opportunity
That’s Right For YOU!
The most profitable thing you can do in the “make money online space”
is to evaluate these paths to success online and pick one of each one’s
many tracks that’s best for you.
The one that is best for you is the one which will…
Give You The Most Free Time And…
Make You The Most Money
Full stop.
Ignore the noise from the latest Internet ‘trick of the month’ and focus
on where YOU fit in best.
Let’s take a closer look at the three big opportunities for making online:
Opportunity #1 – Selling Services
When I talk about selling services, I do not mean creating BIG platforms
like Google.com which help you search for anything you want online,
or NairaBet.com, which helps football lovers place bets on their
favourite soccer teams, and of course you can do that if you have the
deep pockets of money needed to fund it.
I’m also not talking about mobile and web apps. Those also require a
huge financial outlay.
What I’m talking about is… providing simple services like graphic
design, research work, ghost-writing, finder’s services,
programming services e.t.c. for other business people.
Websites like Fiverr.com are helping people generate up to $1,000m –
$4,000 per month even more, selling their services.
You don’t need to have a lot of skill to provide services, just some basic
understanding of what to do, or knowing someone who can do it.
Now of course there are others but these three are the best opportunities
for you if. . .
 You are starting out with a small amount of money budget
(=N=1,000 to =N=15,000)
 If you are starting with little or no experience.
But I Want You To Know That...
Competition In Selling Services Is FIERCE!
It’s a dog-eat-dog industry. There’s no mercy.
People are continuously undercutting you on price as everybody is
fighting each other by reducing prices so they can get the job. You’ll
need to constantly come up with crazily low prices that limit how much
you make.
Everybody is selling the same thing most of the time. Supply exceeds
demand, and no buyer is willing to pay a high price because they have a
lot of choices, UNLESS YOU ARE VERY VERY GOOD at the
particular skill they want to pay for.
And your earning power is limited to how many hours you can work,
and how many jobs you get.
This makes it very hard to find jobs to do in exchange for money.
So here’s the breakdown of what you need if you want to do this.
Start-Up Costs: =N=0 – =N=15,000 naira
Skills Needed: offer creation, follow-up, product delivery, traffic
generation, customer support, writing skills, design, upselling, e.t.c.
Time Before Profit: 90 - 180 days (3 – 6 months).
My Recommendation: This business requires a certain amount of
it, yet the money you will make will be limited by:
 how many hours a day you can spare
 how many people you can work for in that time
 how many job offers you get in that time
 how many competitors you have offering the same thing as you
 how much less you’re willing to collect so that they buyer doesn’t
abandon you and buy from your lower priced competitor.
I know people who have started with this and who have never made a
penny out of it.
I also know people who have started in it and make millions every year.
You have to be patient, build your contacts, deliver steady superb jobs
every time, retain your clients and you are on song.
Now let’s talk about money-making opportunity #2.
Opportunity #2 – Selling Physical Products
You may not know it yet, but there’s a quiet army of regular folks
making good livings – and sometimes killings – selling physical
products online.
I know many people who sell real stuff: specialty goods, mobile phones,
tablets, automobile/car parts, clothing, jewelry, even health supplements.
And of course there’s online stores like Jumia.com and Konga.com.
And guess what, sometimes, scratch that, A LOT of times, people would
rather buy a physical product rather than an e-book.
What does it take to join the legions of people who profitably sell
physical products online?
Nothing more than the same skills it takes to run a store in the real
Are you consistent? Are you detail oriented? Are you good at customer
service? Are you organized?
Millions of people run stores in the real world, so clearly this is not a
skill set that is very rare. The key, of course, to this and any other
business you might consider going into is your personal flair which boils
down to how much you care about your customers and making sure they
get the best ‘stuff.’
You may have seen all the “mini-importation” and “e-commerce”
adverts all over the place. They’re all promoting this internet business
There’s a little problem though.
The truth is, all other things being equal, you need to invest some
amount of money to make it in this business.
You should have at least =N= 100,000 to get started PROPERLY.
Here’s why.
First you need to source the right kinds of goods, and they have to be
real, original goods too.
Most of the companies abroad where you’ll be getting these goods from
will require you buy a minimum quantity.
Then you need to deal with Customs hassles which will eat into your
Then you have to invest in marketing your products. This involves
spending money too and doing a lot of legwork.
Next thing you need is branding. Branding helps you build confidence in
For example people would rather buy a mobile phone from Slot online,
or from an ordinary person they didn’t know.
Wouldn’t you? I know I would. Because with Slot, the phone has a
If something happened I could make a lot of noise, threaten to sue and
they would listen to me fast and correct the problem.
The unknown however could just disappear leaving me in a loss.
See? Think about it.
Of course I know there are many “gurus” who say they can show you
how to start selling physical products starting with just =N=10,000.
It’s tempting, but for the majority who will try it, it won’t work because
times and opportunities are different.
What worked 5 years ago, is very likely obsolete this year.
I started my business properly in 2008 with only =N=960 in my pocket.
I wouldn’t do it now.
And seriously, think about it. What can you import into Nigeria with
only =N=10,000?
They will tell you about mobile phone cases, bags, electronic gadgets,
etc. What they do not tell you is there are three problems with these
category of products.
1. They are mostly of very inferior quality, with no brand name and
no warranties or guaranties.
This means that even if you do bring them in and sell them they will get
spoilt very easily, your buyers will get pissed off because they know
they will not get a refund.
They will then not buy from you ever again, neither will they
recommend your products to anyone else.
And who loses in this scenario?
It’s YOU!
2. These kind of products always have very tiny profit margins.
How much profit can you make on a phone case? Very little, really.
How much can you make on a no-name phone? Very little also.
In the physical product business, you will incur costs in importation,
custom duty, transportation, marketing and advertising and product
Let me illustrate.
Let’s say you bring in a carton of mobile phones casings, maybe it’s
from China, or India, or Thailand or the USA. Doesn’t matter really.
Let’s say there’s a hundred per carton and you buy it for =N=100 each.
Meaning you have spent =N= 10,000 per carton.
Custom duty will cost you at least =N= 10,000.
Shipping can be free but will take weeks to arrive, costing you lost time.
Product delivery to your buyers can be as high as =N=1,000 each.
Then you can sell each phone case for =N=1,500 each.
Meaning you can make =N=150,000 right? That is if you are selling it
Now subtract the costs from the amount you sell it for.
Carton of phone casing: =N= 10,000
=N= 10,000
Custom Duty:
=N= 10,000
Product Delivery:
=N= 100,000
=N= 130,000
Total sales at =N=1,500 each is =N=150,000
=N= 150,000
=N= 130,000
=N= 20,000
All you could make each month is just =N=20,000!
I’m sure you didn’t get into this business to just make =N=20,000 naira
Of course not!
Does this mean that selling physical products is a losers’ game?
Not at all!
It can be VERY profitable if you know the exact steps and very secret
tactics needed to make the BIG BUCKS in the physical products imports
and reselling business.
However nobody would just hand that information over to you for free,
just like that. To lay your hands on that level of tactics, you’d need to
pay for it, many times huge money too.
Here’s an example of a product I used to sell.
It’s a Child Safety Video Cam and it was making over one million naira
per month in pure profit, when it was still actively selling.
So here’s the breakdown of what is needed to make money importing
and selling physical products.
Start-Up Costs: =N=50,000 or more
Skills Needed: Web Design, Offer Creation, a marketing plan, autoresponder integration, traffic generation, inventory, customer support,
upselling, e.t.c. (You’ll see a full list of needed skills further below)
Time Before Profit: Anything from 30 – 60 Days (1-2 months)
Opportunity #3 – Info Publishing
If you like to teach, enjoy writing and write well, and have or can get
access to a body of knowledge that other people are willing to pay good
money for, then you could be best served by getting into the information
marketing business.
Note, there are the three qualities you need to have for the info
publishing business to work for you…
Quality #1 – You like to teach
This doesn’t mean you have to have had formal, professional experience
as a teacher, but it does mean that you’re the kind of person who enjoys
taking the time to break difficult information down so people who are
new to the subject can learn it too.
Quality #2 – You enjoy writing and write well
The info publishing business is about generating words… lots and lots of
words – emails, adverts, articles, reports, books, home study course,
You don’t have to be Shakespeare and you don’t have to write
everything you need all at once, but to make the big bucks in info
marketing, you’ve got to be on a friendly basis with your word
Even though you can ‘hire’ out part of the writing part of an info product
business, you still need to know-how to quickly put together content as
at when needed, which many times is often.
Quality #3 – ‘You have or can get access to a body of knowledge that
people are willing to pay good money for’
The good news about being an information marketer is you don’t need to
be the ultimate expert about the information you sell. You can always
partner with another person who has the subject expertise.
The second part of this equation is you need ‘a body of knowledge that
other people are willing to pay good money for’.
There are all kinds of info categories where people are willing to spend
serious money...and those are the kind of markets you want to go after.
To make the serious big money as an information marketer, then you
must sell a lot more than just eBooks. You must sell home study courses,
LIVE seminars, coaching programs e.t.c too.
So here’s the breakdown:
Start-Up Costs: =N=50,000 - =N=100,000 (depending on what skills
you have)
Skills Needed: tech, marketing, traffic generation, inventory, customer
support, etc.
Time Before Profit: As little as 30 – 90 Days (yes, 1-3 months)
Opportunity #4 – Consulting/Coaching
With consulting, what you are selling is your time and advice.
Some call it coaching. It’s a whole lot like information marketing, the
difference is, you’re not selling a bunch of material for people to study,
rather you are selling them access to YOU and your knowledge in a
particular subject area.
And in some cases, you even go ahead and help them implement your
So for example, let’s say you are a business strategist, you can consult
for new and existing startups, creating business plans for them and you
do the research, write and deliver it.
You can sell them blocks of your time where they come in and ask you
questions, and you answer them, and tell them what to do differently,
then they go do it by themselves.
If you help women lose weight, you can teach them what to do, give
them meal plan, be their accountability partner, all for a fee.
With consulting/coaching, you’re selling customized solutions. And you
can start without a lot of money, infact in many cases, you can even start
with a zero budget.
When I moved into marketing consulting, that’s how I started, and today
command fees in the millions in this area.
Start-Up Costs: =N=20,000 - =N=50,000 (depending on what skills you
Skills Needed: very specialized knowledge and skill in a subject area.
Time Before Profit: As little as 30 Days (4 weeks)
Opportunity #5 – Affiliate Marketing!
Affiliate marketing is selling other people’s products and services for a
percentage of the sales.
So you get them a customer to buy their thing at “X” amount, and when
the sale is successful, they deliver it, and pay you a percentage of “X” as
your fees or as it’s called in the industry, your commission.
You are essentially driving eyeballs and traffic to their offers, saving
them the cost of advertising to those people themselves, and in return
they pay you for each success lead or sale generated as a result of your
marketing activities.
You can literally become an affiliate for a HOST of things – digital
products, physical products, offline services, personalized solutions,
software, etc.
There’s an affiliate program for anything you can think of.
And they way you sell them is either by approaching a company
Some affiliate networks you can join include:
 Clickbank.com
 Verve Direct
 Lemon Ads
 A4D
 Commission Junction (CJ)
Locally, you can join:
 Expertnaire.com
 JVMarketPlace.net
Depending on the affiliate network, you can get paid either based on:
- PER LEAD you bring in: This means you get paid when someone
signs up to be contacted.
And there are several types of information submitted that get paid
different sums. For example. Programs where respondent only submit
just an email pays a lot lesser than programs where they submit an
email, a phone number, and their home address and ZIP code.
- PER SALE you bring in: This means you get paid when someone has
bought and PAID for the product or service. This pays a whole lot more.
With affiliate marketing, you want to make sure you choose a company
whose product or service is selling very well, this means they already
have their offer and target market dialed in, so your marketing can work.
Start-Up Costs: =N= 30,000 - =N= 100,000 (if you’re starting with a
local affiliate network, and as much as $3,000 with a foreign one –
because there’s lot more competition there)
Skills Needed: marketing, traffic generation,
Time Before Profit: As little as 30 Days (4 weeks)
Opportunity #6 – Video Content Creation
This is a recently emerging business model that’s becoming really
It involves you creating video content, uploading it to YouTube on your
own channel there, and then monetizing the content by either:
Enabling Google AdSense which is the primary way this is
done so Google runs adverts on your videos and then pays you a
cut of what it collects from the advertisers.
Selling your own published information to your channel’s
subscribers and viewers.
Promoting other people’s products/service as their affiliate and
getting paid a commission when your channel’s subscribers and
viewers buy
Sponsored placements inside your videos to by companies who
pay you to build your content to showcase their product or
service. (this opportunity will come by the most when your
channel really starts blowing up in popularity)
Breakaway successes who make money with this model include like
Mark Angel Comedy and Emmanuella, who make around $40,000 a
month, and others like, Kelechi Mgbemena, Eric Okafor and many
You need a lot of patience though as it takes some time to gather steam.
Start-Up Costs: =N=50,000 - =N=100,000
Skills Needed: marketing, traffic generation,
Time Before Profit: 6 – 12 months
Obviously the next thing you’re likely thinking is,
Which Of These Opportunities
Should You Go For?
Again, let’s look at the time duration, financial investment and time to
profit for each of these online money making methods.
Can start from zero
90 - 180 days (3-6
Ecommerce / Physical
At Least =N=50,000
30 - 90 days (1-3
Information Marketing =N= 50,000 =N=100,000
30 - 90 days (1-3
=N=20,000 - =N=50,000
30 days (1 month)
Affiliate Marketing
=N= 30,000 =N=100,000 (local)
30 days (1 month)
Video Content Creation =N= 50,000 =N=100,000
6 – 12 months
Now commonsense says, since all of the methods require you to learn
practically the same things or invest the same amount of money to
outsource (if you have it), then you should choose the online business
money-making model which will...
Earn You The Highest Amount Of Money
In The Shortest Possible Time!
Actually NO.
What you want to choose is the model that plays into your personality
and unique skills and strengths.
Because what I have found is, the second BIGGEST reason people fail is
they take on business models that are way out of their skills zone.
Now the problem with this is, it can take you months, maybe even
YEARS to master these skills if you do not have them.
For example, people choose to freelance, when they don’t have specific
specialized and technical skills, for example, writing, or design, required
for freelancing.
So they then struggle to learn and catch up. And many times, by the time
they do, they find out that the specific strategies or even skills within the
particular business model have changed and you need to learn some
more, and some more, and you end up in perpetual learning mode.
When you choose and work with a business model that is unique to your
skill set or you can very quickly learn, you succeed and reach your goals
Now you may be wondering, so how do I know what my personality and
the skills set that matches it?
16 Personalities
16personalities.net is an online service that does a psychographic
analysis of your mental makeup by asking you questions you provide
answers to, which then gives you ideas and suggestions to and it’s is
uncannily accurate.
There are 4 broad answers you’ll get when you go through the question
set in 16Personalities.net.
They are:
Each of these broad personalities is further broken into 4 distinct
personality types within each broad one described as:
I’ll share what they are and then explain the results and finally match
them to each of the business models above.
Now what you must do next is, take the test, then take the result you get,
and you can then see which of the business models above YOU should
be focusing on and choosing to do.
Now go to 16personalities.net and take the test
Then come back here and see the breakdown for each and which
business model matches the result you got.
1. INTJ-A / INTJ-T: Architect
Architects are imaginative and strategic thinkers with a plan for
everything, people with the Architect personality type are always
coming up with new and creative ideas to be heard.
They usually prefer to work alone or in small groups.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Consulting/Coaching
- Information Marketing
2. INTP-A / INTP-T: Logician
They are innovative investors with a plan for everything. They love
creating, patterns, and spotting discrepancies.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Information Publishing
3. ENTJ-A / ENTJ-T: Commander
Commanders are natural-born leaders. Bold, imaginative, and strong
willed, always finding a way or making one.
People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and
confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together
behind a common goal.
Business models to consider:
- Consulting/Coaching
4. Debater -ENTP-A / ENTP-T
These are smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual
If there’s anything Debaters love, it’s flexing their mental muscles, and
any environment that lets them devise new approaches, new ideas and
new projects, that allows them to push the limits of their creativity
Business models to consider:
- Information Publishing
- Affiliate Marketing
5. Advocate - INFJ-A / INFJ-T
They have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they
believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that
energy for personal gain.
Advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction, and
sensitivity not to create an advantage, but to create balance.
Business models to consider:
- Video Content Creation
- Consulting/Coaching
- Ecommerce
6. Mediator - INFP-A / INFP-T
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of
good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make
things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Information Publishing
7. Protagonist - ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T
They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in
person, and their Intuitive (N) trait helps people with the Protagonist
personality type to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw
emotion. Protagonists easily see people’s motivations and seemingly
disconnected events, and are able to bring these ideas together and
communicate them as a common goal
Business models to consider:
- Information Publishing
- Consulting/Coaching
8. Campaigner - ENFP-A / ENFP-T
This is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, are less
interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they
are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with
They are charming, independent, energetic and compassionate.
Business models to consider:
- Affiliate marketing
- Information Marketing
- Ecommerce
- Consulting/Coaching
9. Logistician - ISTJ-A / ISTJ-T
Logisticians hold back none of their time and energy completing each
relevant task with accuracy and patience.
Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless
dedication to duty make Logisticians a vital core to many families, as
well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Ecommerce
10. Defender -ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T
The Defender though sensitive, have excellent analytical abilities;
though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust
social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type,
they are often receptive to change and new ideas.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Ecommerce
11. Executive - ESTJ-A / ESTJ-T
Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their
understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring
families and communities together.
People with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear
advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Consulting/Coaching
12. Consul - ESFJ-A / ESFJ-T
Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone,
taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame.
They are well-organized, enjoying bringing order and structure to their
workplaces, and often work best in environments with clear, predictable
hierarchies and tasks. Monotony and routine work are not a challenge
for the Consul personality type, as they are happy to do what needs to be
Business models to consider:
- Consulting/Coaching
- Freelancing
13. Virtuoso: ISTP-A / ISTP-T
Virtuosos are born problem-solvers with an unwavering focus on
practical solutions.
They love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and
examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited
People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from
project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of
it, and learning from their environment as they go.
Business models to consider:
- Information Publishing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Ecommerce
14. Adventurer: ISFP-A / ISFP-T
Adventurers live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections
with people and ideas. These personalities take joy in reinterpreting
these connections, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves
and new perspectives.
Business models to consider:
- Video Content Creation
- Freelancing
15. Entrepreneur: ESTP-A / ESTP-T
People with the Entrepreneur personality type think on their feet and are
great at making quick decisions in the heat of the moment. At the same
time, they’re affable people who always seem to make friends and
connections wherever they go.
Business models to consider:
- Information Publishing
- Consulting/Coaching
16. Entertainer: ESFP-A / ESFP-T
Entertainers have a unique quality that makes them exceptional in some
careers, and miserable in others – they mirror the mood around them.
Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want
everyone else to feel that way, too.
Business models to consider:
- Freelancing
- Video Content Creation
How do you make =N=1 million each month online, or heck, $1 million
a year?
Let me show you how with a little illustration.
So one day I was reading a book (can’t remember which now), and the
author had this list he drew up showing how to make a million in any
currency you like:
Here’s it is:
Sell 1 million units/copies of a product/service for $1 (or any currency)
Sell 500,000 units/copies of a product/service for $2 (or any currency)
Sell 250,000 units/copies of a product/service for $4 (or any currency)
Sell 200,000 units/copies of a product/service for $5 (or any currency)
Sell 100,000 units/copies of a product/service for $10 (or any currency)
Sell 50,000 units/copies of a product/service for $20 (or any currency)
Sell 25,000 units/copies of a product/service for $40 (or any currency)
Sell 20,000 units/copies of a product/service for $50 (or any currency)
Sell 10,000 units/copies of a product/service for $100 (or any currency)
Sell 5,000 units/copies of a product/service for $200 (or any currency)
Sell 2,500 units/copies of a product/service for $400 (or any currency)
Sell 2,000 units/copies of a product/service for $500 (or any currency)
Sell 1,000 units/copies of a product/service for $1,000 (or any currency)
Sell 500 units/copies of a product/service for $2,000 (or any currency)
Sell 250 units/copies of a product/service for $4,000 (or any currency)
Sell 200 units/copies of a product/service for $5,000 (or any currency)
Sell 100 units/copies of a product/service for $10,000 (or any currency)
Sell 50 units/copies of a product/service for $20,000 (or any currency)
Sell 25 units/copies of a product/service for $40,000 (or any currency)
Sell 20 units/copies of a product/service for $50,000 (or any currency)
Sell 10 units/copies of a product/service for $100,000 (or any currency)
Sell 5 units/copies of a product/service for $200,000 (or any currency)
Sell 4 units/copies of a product/service for $250,000 (or any currency)
Sell 2 units/copies of a product/service for $500,000 (or any currency)
Sell 1 unit/copy of a product/service for $1,000,000 (or any currency)
You may think this list is just rambling but it contains inside it, the real
reasons many people make money in business.
Let me point them out:
#1 – Many people sell products that can only make them very little
money, because that product/service cannot be sold for more.
For example, do you think your neighbourhood wandering shoe cobbler
is going to make a million doing that?
It will never happen. Doesn’t matter how hard he (or she) works or how
big they dream.
#2 – Many people choose a business model that requires them to sell at
scale to make significant money, but they do not have the advertising
knowledge or finance to do so.
This means they choose a business model that requires them to SELL A
LOT OF UNITS to make significant money.
There’s nothing wrong with this, though as long as your business model
fits in to you selling a lot of units, without necessarily increasing your
This is why I absolutely LOVE Information Publishing, especially
selling digital products.
I could put a price to this book and sell it to as many of the 7 billion on
earth as are willing to buy it.
It will cost me almost zero to deliver it because it is digital.
In the same light, you can as well sell one billion units of an ecommerce
or physical product, but you cannot sell more than 24 hours of your time
everyday as a freelancer or consultant/coach.
This is because you cannot create more time every day. You cannot even
work 24 hours straight every day since you have to sleep, bathe, talk,
eat, move around, and do many other things that will take time.
Those business models put a cap on how much you can make
PERSONALLY fulfilling the service.
The only way you can increase income with them is to hire other people
to take on more work and fulfill on your behalf OR you get so good at
what you do that you can CHARGE A TON of money.
For example, majority of freelance graphic designers on Fiverr charge
$5 for every job they do, but there’s a guy there that charges $10,000 for
each job, and [people pay him.
He designed the APPLE company logo. This positions him as an expert
That is also what consulting firms like PricewaterhouseCooppers
(PWC) and Bain & Company do.
#3 – Many people think it’s harder to sell expensive products, so they
seek safety by selling cheap ones and get stuck.
But in reality that’s wrong thinking.
Most of the time, it takes actually the same amount of time (and many
times money) to sell a $1 million as it takes to sell a $20 one.
Sure the path to the sale is different, but time and effort is mostly the
If you want to make a million of any currency every month, you have
two choices:
1. Sell products/services that can be sold to as many people as
2. Sell products/services you can charge A LOT of money for
This means that the business model you choose is not just one that
plays to your strengths and skills, but it must be one whose structure
allows you to make A LOT OF MONEY by selling to many people
and charging LOW or selling to a few and charging HIGH.
I know of only a couple of internet business models that make this
In the next chapter, I am going to be showing you one of these, my
favorite of them all, and how you can choose it (if it aligns you’re your
personality test result from the previous chapter, to get started very very
Let’s do that next.
How Jonathan Melody Made =N=30 Million In 2019
The picture you see above is of me (on the right) and Jonathan Melody.
I met my protégé, Jonathan Melody, in 2016.
At the time, he was a freelancer on Fiverr, selling graphic design gigs for
$5 a job and making around $100 each month.
When we met I told him, “If you do what I teach you, I promise you, you
will make A LOT of money online.”
It’s been 3 years plus some months since then. In 2019 alone, Jonathan
made =N=30 million naira publishing and selling information.
This does not include the money he makes in ecommerce and a couple
of consulting gigs too.
He’s a true 1. INTJ-A / INTJ-T: Architect personality.
A few weeks ago, Jonathan told me he was hosting an online training
where he would show other people how to copy his success selling
information online and he wanted me to tell my followers about it.
Of course I said yes.
I trained him, so I trust him. I believe he his training is going to be of
real value to you, if you watch it.
Inside Jonathan breaks down step by step, how he sold his published
products online, what works, what doesn’t work and how you too can
copy him.
You can click the link below to watch it:
At the end of the training, Jonathan invites you to buy a course called…
Information Business Machines.
Information Business Machines is an advanced training you can pay for
and join if you enjoy the FREE training.
But watch the FREE training first!
You may get enough out of it to not need the paid course eventually.
But if you think, “You know what? I love the FREE training, but I want
to learn more, so I am going to buy the course”, and you do go ahead
and buy the course, here’s what will happen.
First, you will receive a PERSONAL INVITE to my OFFICE, where
TOGETHER with Jonathan and for 3 Days, on the 28 th, 29th and 30th of
April (COVID-19 and Lockdowns permitting), we will take you through
a practical STEP-BY-STEP LIVE DEMONSTRATION walkthrough of
the course - every single STEP of it.
I will show you the shortcuts only reserved for people with insider
Nobody else who buys this course is getting this. This is specially
created for you.
And that's not all.
Second, I will give you 3 different information products I believe will
SELL a whole lot if you get started on it.
We have done the research, we have tested it, and we know it will sell,
I won't tell you the titles or the topics right away, they're only for people
who come and meet with me for those 3 days.
You will get them already researched, already written, and already
And everything is customizable. All you will need to do is just add your
name, and voila! You're in business. In less than 30 minutes.
But wait, there's more!
Third, you will get my star-studded marketing team to work with you
and help you build out your entire marketing plan and process, for the
product we just gave you.
This is so you don't waste time trying to figure it out all by yourself.
I want you to imagine…
Imagine you could form your own football club what will play in the
UEFA Champions League.
And you can choose anybody currently in any club to be in your team.
Having my marketing department work on your business is like you
choosing Ronaldo, Messi, De Bruyne, Mbappe, Harland, Van Dijk, ter
Stegen, all of them, to be in your team.
Imagine how many games the team will win, how many trophies they
will lift.
That's what you're getting.
We will help you brainstorm profitable topics, write your adverts,
possibly, even write you a high converting salesletter too. Basically, we
will set up your marketing funnel based on those products we share with
you above. And if you choose something outside those, we will still do
the same.
All of these 3 additional bonuses is in ADDITION to everything
Jonathan is giving you.
Now, normally It would cost you at the very least =N=360,000 for one
full day consultation with me and at least =N=1.5 million for me to have
my marketing team work on your project, but you get 3 FULL days, and
you get us to work for you for ABSOLUTELY FREE.
As you can imagine, it's a lot of work, and as much as I'd love to help as
many people as I can, I also don't want to die from excessive work as I
have a wife I love, and a daughter to raise, so I want to only take on
what I can handle.
This means my bonuses are reserved for 17 people ONLY.
If you are among the first 17 people who buy Jonathan’s Information
Business Machines course between now and Sunday, April 5th, 2020.
Please NOTE that I can only reserve those 3-Days to work with you and
train you personally as I need to get busy with client work all through
the remained of the following month.
All you need to do to get in on this is, buy Jonathan's Information
Business Machines course, as early as you can. Remember only 17
It doesn't get any better guys. If you are interested in this, jump in quick.
The link is below. Click on it, WATCH THE FREE TRAINING, and if
you want to learn more, get the course and we will be in touch with you.