Uploaded by Muhammad Tarik

Quality Management section 2

Quality Management
Section 2
Question 1
Which of the following is true about ISO 14000 certification?
A.It is not a prerequisite for ISO 9000 certification.
B.It deals with environmental management.
C.It offers a good systematic approach to pollution prevention.
D.One of its core elements is life-cycle assessment.
E.All of the above are true.
Answer: E
Question 2
Which of the following is true about ISO 14000 certification?
A.It is a prerequisite for ISO 9000 certification.
B.It indicates a higher level of adherence to standards than ISO 9000.
C.It is only sought by companies exporting their goods.
D.It deals with environmental management.
E.It is of little interest to European companies.
Answer: D
Question 3
To become ISO 9000 certified, organizations must
A.document quality procedures
B.have an onsite assessment
C.have an ongoing series of audits of their products or service
D.all of the above
E.none of the above
Answer: D
Question 4
The ISO​ 9001:2008 standard:
A. emphasizes corporate leadership as a means of determining who receives the award.
B. is awarded by the U.S. government each year.
C. addresses quality system documentation.
D. has the greatest number of points awarded for business results.
Answer: C
Question 5
The international standard that is applied to determine a​ company's "environmental​
friendliness" is:
A. ISO​ 9001:2008.
B. ISO​ 14000:2004.
C. ISO​ 19000:2008.
D. ISO​ 26000:2010.
Answer: B
Question 6
When considering the plan−do−study−act cycle for problem​ solving, evaluating how
closely a​ project's results correspond to the initial goals set for the work is part of the​
________ step.
A. plan
B. act
C. do
D. study
Answer: D
Question 7
When considering the plan−do−study−act cycle for problem​ solving, instructing other
employees in the use of the new process occurs in the​ ________ step.
A. plan
B. do
C. Act
D. study
Answer: C
Question 8
When considering the plan−do−study−act cycle for problem​ solving,
quantitative goals are set for process improvement in the​ ________ step.
A. study
B. do
C. act
D. plan
Answer: D
Question 9
ISO 9000 focuses to enhance success with 8 quality management principles:
A. Customer focus
B. leadership
C. involvement of people
D. process approach
E. All of the above
Answer: E
Question 10
means involving employees in every step of the production process
A. Customer focus
B. leadership
C. involvement of people
D. process approach
E. mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Answer: C
Question 11
Which of the following is considered advantages of ISO 14000:
A. good systematic approach to pollution prevention through the minimization of
ecological impact of product and activities
B. Positive public image and reduced exposure to liability
C. compliance with regulatory requirements and opportunities for competitive advantage
D. reduction in need for multiple audits
E. All of the above
Answer: E
True or False
ISO​ 9001:2008 standards provide strict guidelines for how products are to be produced.
Answer: False
ISO 9000 has evolved from a set of quality assurance standards toward a quality
management system.
Answer: True
True or False
IOS 14000's primary focus is with environmental management standards
Answer: True
ISO 14000:2004 is a documentation standard that requires participating companies to keep
track of their raw-materials use.
Answer: True
True or False
ISO 9000 refers to a series of international standards for quality management
Answer: true
………… cycle is a circle to stress the continuous nature of the improvement
Answer: PDCA
…………. documentation standards that require participating companies to
keep track of their raw materials use and their generation, treatment, and
disposal of hazardous wastes
Answer: ISO 14000:2004