Uploaded by max denburg

Geese Art Project Description

Final Project
Geese! That is what this project is all about. In recent years geese have become a
reccurent image in my mind in one way or another. It all started in 2019 when a video game
called “Untitled Goose Game” came out which is about a mischievous goose that is a nuisance to
humans. That is when my love for geese began. A couple years after this game came out my
grandmother was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She battled with it for around two years when
she inevitably lost the battle. One day while she was still alive I went to visit her and I stumbled
upon a ceramic sculpture of a shiny white goose with his neck stretched out like he was honking
at full volume. It immediately caught my attention and I had to have it. After she passed away I
decided to take it to remind me of her every time I saw the sculpture or any goose. I dont believe
in coincidences, so when I saw that geese surround the campus year-round I was delighted. The
geese cross my path every day, and every day I see them they put a smile on my face.
My project has two parts, a mobile, and a watercolor. The mobile is comprised of four
hanging clay sculptures that depict the life stages of a goose. An egg, baby goose, adult goose,
and fish are what hang from the sticks that were collected from the creek near the campus. The
sculptures were made out of air dry clay and acrylic paint. The sticks are held together by rope
and stabilized with different types of knots. The watercolor depicts a hunter hunting a family of
geese peacefully roaming the pastures. It is in the perspective of the hunter which signifies the
cancer “hunting” my gradma. The depth of field is because you dont know how long you have
until you get killed.
This project serves as a metaphor for my grandmother's life. The mobile tells a story of
the different stages of life. While the watercolor serves as a harsh reminder that your life - no
matter how good it is - can be exterminated at any moment with no rhyme or reason.