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1. Addition
 In addition,
 Moreover,
 Besides,
Altruism or selflessness means caring about
others. In addition, It refers to the person’s
sacrifice for others.
Altruism or selflessness means caring about
 As well
others. It refers to the person’s scarifice for
 too
others as well .
Moreover - Besides - Besides this - Also - Furthermore – In addition – as
well – too ….
2. Example / Clarification
Altruism or selflessness means caring about
 For example
 For instance
others . For example , a poor person, who helps
 To illustrate
needy people, shows the value of altruism
For example – For instance – To illustrate - In others words – Namely -
3. Concession and Contrast
 However
 Nevertheless
 Despite this
+ noun
+ pronoun ( My/ his/her / … )
+ gerund
+ ( the fact that + subject + verb )
4. Cause and Effect :
 As a result,
 Consequently
 Because of this,
 Because
 Since
 For
He spent all his time on Facebook . As a result,he
failed the Bac exam .
- The weather was bad. Consequently, the
plane was delayed
--The plane was delayed, because the weather
was bad .
--The plane was delayed, since the weather was
bad .
T he plane was delayed because of the bad
weather .
 Because of …
 Due to …
As a result – Because of this - Consenquently - Because – Since – For ..
Due to – because of - …
Skydiving is so dangerous and expensive.
However, I want to try it .
Although Skydiving is so dangerous and
expensive, I want to try it .
 I want to Skydiving although it’s
dangerous and expensive
-Despite the risks of Skydiving, I want to try it.
 Despite
-Many people still smoke in spite of knowing
 Inspite of
smoking is bad for their health.
Although - Even though - though – However – Nevertheless – Despite –
Inspite of - Yet - Still - Whereas - While .
Important rules :
Although + subject + verb …..
 Although
 Even though
 Even if
 Despite
 In spite of
5. Purpose :
 In order to
 So as to
 To
 So that
 In order that
The student is doing his best in order to pass the Bac
exams with high grades.
--The student is doing his best so as to pass the Bac
exams with high grades.
The student is doing his best, so that he passes the
Bac exams with high grades.
In order to – so as to – to – in order that – so that – so as not to ….
Summary: in conclusion - to conclude- in summary- to sum up- in briefin short- on the whole- on balance- all in all …….
Example: I like enjoy playing football. I like to go swimming and cycling. To sum up,
I am fond of sports .
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