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Sir Syed, Islam & Social Media: Summary

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had the biggest impact on the evolution of modern Muslim philosophy. He
gained notoriety after 1857 and is recognised by the general public as a notable individual who
backed Muslims in politics. The predicament of the Muslim community was similar to that
following the 9/11 attacks. Muslims had to defend themselves in court. The discourse of
representation replaced the discourse of dawat, which had ceased to exist. Speaking up for
oneself to broaden our own perspectives is referred to as representational discourse. The British
Empire sought to eliminate indigenous Indians' resistance. They wanted people to stop fighting
and lose the idea that they were becoming independent and free. The British had a strong
impact on Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, who wanted Muslims to adopt their principles.
Islamic modernization
In discussing Islamic modernism, Sir Faseeh Ahmed began by stating that rather than enticing
people to practice their religion, our fundamental strategy today is to "represent our religion."
Then he discussed how, in today's society, religion is viewed as a rational paradigm and is
frequently justified by religion. We do not use political thought when science is Islamized
because we consider it to be entirely acceptable. However, we effectively apply our political
reasoning when we try to rationalise religion. Muslims have been curious in how to interact
with the west ever since the west came to rule. They wanted to learn about the west but lacked
the knowledge to comprehend it. Sir Faseeh Ahmed also gave a few examples, such as the fact
that only "what is Islam? "-titled books were published in the 19th century. 'What is west?' is
not appropriate. It is necessary to challenge a practice that has been in place for more than
1400 years, but the west was never put to the test. From 19th century Islam had a big clash with
the West. This is because Islamic beliefs go against the basic day to day activities of the people
in west. Sir stressed on the fact that in hierarchy’s life worlds were protected, while modernity
ended hierarchy and created equality in a society. And for equal implementation of law, we will
have to equalize the subject. Sir also mentioned that if homogeneity is created in life, there
would problems created such as Pluralism. The concept of pluralism holds that different
religious and cultural traditions can live in harmony and contribute to a society's overall wellbeing without any one tradition stifling or dominating others. People in the modern society
revere pluralism. Muslims were dispersed from North Africa to the Philippines before
colonisation. All of these places have unique cultures; for instance, we can read the Quran more
readily than Malaysians can. Islam predominated during this time but did not conflict with any
other civilization; nevertheless, beginning in the 19th century, it did so with the west or
"modernism." There are now about 15 languages that are vanishing each year. Tractor
technology has led to the diversification or disappearance of farming cultures throughout the
Islam in the Age of Social Media
Sir Faseeh Ahmed discussed that Zakat is not supposed to be paid to Syed's according to a
traditional interpretation of Islam. It also suggests prioritising your connections with your
closest neighbours above those with your family members and, finally, with visitors. You must
equalize the subject through administrative steps to ensure equal application of legislation.
Social media got its origins in the television industry. When the televised content was generally
acknowledged, it had an effect on religious teachings and meanings. People anticipated an
immediate assessment of the television industry's growth by Islamic clerics since it could have
grave repercussions. Religious leaders began to disassociate themselves from these mediums
over time. Performers and celebrities were first introduced on television. Online relationships
become more significant to people than physical interactions because of social media's ability to
draw attention away from reality. Communication speed is more important to people than
communication quality. They choose to change on social media platforms rather than as a
society. Additionally, they only receive information from various social media platforms and are
unaware of what is happening in their immediate surroundings. Religious doctrines are not
resolved but rather expedited. Additionally, while everyone has access to social media, only a
small number of people have access to corporate media.