Characteristics of Sound/Acoustic wave How Sound Travels -sound ONLY travels in straight line, moving back & forth, right & left -sound transported vibrate parallel to direction the sound wave moves -sound ONLY travels thru medium, NOT thru vacuum -sound waves attenuate /weaken as travel in body static CanNOT have a sw w/o parameters Medium -substance that wave propagate (transmit / spread) thru -substance or matrial that carrieswave Sound-Wave Type -sound is mechanical, longitudinal, pressure wave (All waves carry energy from 1 location to another, many types of waves ex:light, heat, sound, magnetic) Mechanical Sound is Mechanical wave b/c particles in medium move Longitudinal particles of medium move in direction parallel to direction of energy transport. -composed of compressions & rarefactions As energy transported from left to right, individual coils of medm will be displacd leftwards & rightwards Transvers waves move in perpendicular direction-900 angle -composed of crests & troughs As energy transported from left to right, individual coils of medium will be displaced upwards & downwards 1 complete Sound -sound cycle consists of 1 compression & 1 rarefaction Cycle -sound oscillates-moves to & fro, fluctuates thru medium by compressions & rarefactions particle velocity largest btwn compressed & rarefactions areas & 0 in center of rarefactns & comprssd areas Compressions/high -particles squeezed together, MAX density ↑ pressure & ↑ density pressure region Rarefactions -particles stretched apart ↓ pressure & ↓ density, minimum density in long wave Crest of wave Trough of wave Infrasound Audible Ultra point on medium that exhibits max amount of positive or upward displacement from rest position point on medium that exhibits maximum amount of negative or downward displacement from rest positn -infra < less 20Hz btwn 20Hz-20,000 Hz > 20,000 Hz Pulse Wave consonant single disturbance moving through a medium from one location to another location. repeating & periodic disturbance that moves through a medium from one location- source- to another is referred to as a wave. -transports energy, X matter - For wave to be transmitted through a medium, the individual particles of medium must be able to interact so can exert a push and/or pull on each other; this is mechanism by which disturbances are transmitted through a medium. Direct to Pressure Density Squeeze Inverse to Pressure Density Squeeze 1 In-Phased Waves Constructive Interfrnc wen wave peaks (max values) & troughs(minimum values) occur simultaneously at same location - result in formation of single pair of IN phase wave of ↑ greater amplitude -combination called constructive interference: resulting wave larger than either of its components Direct to Amplitude Frequencies consonant Out of Phase -wen peaks & troughs occur at different locations & X simultaneous Inverse to Amplitude -Destructive Interfrnc -result in formation of single pair of OUT phase wave w/ ↓ lesser amplitde than at least one of components Frequencies Interference -this combination is destructive interfnce -resultant wave smaller than one of its components - when 2 out of phase waves of equal amplutde, complete destructive interference may occur -OUT of phase angle: 0 = 900 > 1 sound beam can travel in medium -multiple beams may arrive at same location same time -these waves lose their own characteristics & combine to form a single wave -In phase & Out of phase undergo interference but combine differently -wen frequencies of waves differ, both constructive & destructive interference occur Sound waves interacts w/ each other. Waves may be in phase or out of phase. In-Phase Waves Out of Phase Waves 1. Waves stacked 1. Waves overlapped- opposite each other 1800 2. Matching peaks & troughs throughout 2. Have identical amplitudes- can completely cancel each other out 3. In-phase waves meet, undergo Constructive interference-1 big wave 3. Out of phase waves meet, undergo Destructive interference = ↓ wave 2 Determind by Acoustic Parameters / describes features of sw: Sound source/ Medium/ Propagation Properties -what does medium do to soundwave? US systm / Tissue Factors of Sound transmit/spread -effects of medium on sound wave Trnsdcr limits boundaries -Biological effects-sw effects on body 1. Period Only 2. Frequency Only 3. Pro. Speed *Speed ONLY changes wen sw transmit from 1 mdm to anothr Only 4. Wavelngth Both Both 5. Amplitude 3 factors Bigness *Rate which Amplitde ↓decrease as sound prpgts thru body Initial* Parameters of SW depends on charctrscs of BOTH-source & medm -All US system only knows 13 micro sec 6. Power *Rate which Power ↓decrease as sound propgts thru body Initial* depends on charctrstcs of BOTH- source & medm. -All US system only knows 13 micro sec 7. Intensity *Rate which Intensity changes as sound propgts thru body Initial* depends on charactrstcs of BOTH- source & medm. -All US system only knows 13 micro sec -CanNOT have parameters w/o a sound wave -if 3 variants-pressure, density, or distance acoustic variables have oscillations, then wave IS sound wave. BUT if something, other than pressure, density, or distance has rhythmic oscillations, then wave X sound wave Acoustic Variables 1. Pressure 2. Density 3. Distance / Vibration / Displacemnt Def -sw identified by oscillations in acoustic variables -Concentration of force within an area -Peak - peak amplitude- fluctuations Concentration of mass per unit volume Units Pascal kg/cm³ Adjustable by Sonographer? No No No* No YES-ctrl on US system allows sono to alter initial Amplitude of wave YES-ctrl on US system allows sono to alter initial Power of wave YES-ctrl on US system allows sono to alter initial Intensity of wave Relation Direct to-Compression: ↑ pressure/density -Rarefaction: ↓ pressure/density Direct to-Compression: ↑ pressure/density -Rarefaction: ↓ pressure/density -Measurement of particle motion -mm, cm, feet -distance of molecule travls in back & forth directn -any unit distance Difference btwn Wavelength, Frequncy, & Period Unit Relationship btwn Wvlgnth & Frquncy 1. Wavelength refers to length/distance of a single cycle – unit of distnce If wave remains in same medium, 2. Period refers to time that it takes to complete a single cycle units of time wvlngth & freqncy INVERSLY related 3. Frequency refers to # of cycles per second units of hertz 3 Period -Time takes for 1 complete cycle to occur -time from start of one cycle to start of next cycle T -cycle determind by: 1 compresson & 1 rarefacton -determind by sound source; created by machine - # cycles per sec - # of events occur in spcific time Frquency / -determined by sound source 1. Main F/ -pitch of sound-sensation of frqncy 2. Resononant F -high pitch-high freqncy sw 3. Natural F / -low pitch-low freqncu sw -US: 2MHz - 15MHz 4. Center F µs 1. Period = __ 1____ -1 millionth of a sec Frequency -time unit-hour,day 2. Frqncy x Period (t µs) = 1 -.06-.05 µsec US -Hz, 1. Frquncy = Prop. speed-c Wavlngth - per second Propagtion Speed -mm/µs 𝐌⋅ 1. Speed =Frqncy x Wvlnth Direct to -Stiffness 𝐂 -m/s -Amplitude Hz meters -500 – 4,000 m/s 2. C= elastisity_ Depnding on tissue density Inverse to Density Speed/Rate wich soundwave trvels thru medium -meters per sec or any distance divided by time -dep. on 2 properties of medium: C 1.Stiffness, elastic, hardness of mdm & 2. Density- mass of medium - dtrmnd by medium, X adjustable -ALL sound, regardls of frqncy travel at same speed thru medm(5 Mhz & 10 MHz trvl same speed thru same mdm -sound travels fastest thru ↑stiff, ↓ density objects Speed -sound travls slowest -fastest in medm: Air/gasses Liquids Solids Stiffness/ Ability of object to resist compression Bulk Modulus -greatst effect on speed-stiff ↑, > speed than densty -elasticity & compressibility OPP of stiffness _1 _ Second 2. Frquncy = ___1____ Period (t µs) 3. Frqncy x Period (t µs)= 1 -weight of object -stiffness greater ↑, > effect on speed than density -bone is stiff but NOT dense Wavelength -Distance/Length of a single cycle -mm -distnce from crest to crest, trough to trough or -any unit of length Speed = Frqncy x Wvlnth (Hz) (meters) -Distance from beg - end of 1 cycle Wavelength Trvl Slowst to fastest in a Medum: Lung 500 m/s for Fat -Trndcr Soft tissue 1,540 m/s Liver -Soft tissue Blood Muscle Tendon Bone 3,500 m/s Acoustic Propagation Properties -Inverse to -Wavelngth -Reciprocal to Period -T Direct to Stiffness Inverse to Density Wvlngth mm= Prop. Speed mm/µs Direct to Prop.speed- C Frequency MHz Inverse to Frequncy 1540 m/s soft tissue Soft tissue: 1.54 µsec 1 Mhz trd Wavlngth (mm) = 1.54 mm/ µs Frequency (MHz) .77 µsec 2 Mhz trd .1 -.8 mm typcl value Direct to -Prop. speed C -Gain Amp Direct to Speed Inverse to - Elasticity - Compressibility -Density Inverse to -Speed -Stiffness Density btwn any 2 corresponding points on adjcnt waves -Reciprocal to Frquency Travels slowest to fastest: -Lung 500 m/s -Fat -Soft tissue 1,540 m/s -Liver -Blood -Muscle 4 -Tendon - Bone 3,500 m/s 4 Amplitude -Bigness of a wave -difference btwn: Max and Average or undisturbed value or A -diff btwn minimum & average value -determin initialy by sond source & thn Medum -Adjustable -Ampl ↓ decreased as propagates thru body,that’s why 1st dtrmnd by sound, then by medium as travls thru Any of acous. variable: -Pascal, -kg/cm³ -cm, inch Direct to Prop. Speed C - 1- 3 million pascals distance from rest to crest or from rest to trough. -Diff Amp -Ampl measure frm middle/undisturbed value to max/min value -Peak-Peak to peak: diff btwn max & min values of an acoustic variable Peak -Its twice the value of the amplitude Power Rate work performed -rate of Energy transmitted P -“bigness of wave how much work performd Intnsity Power of wave ÷ area which spread -Energy per unit area - Intensity of Beam, 2 factors: I 1. Space 2. Time -Intnsity changes as sound propogates thru bodydepends on both sound wave & medium mW/Watts 4 - 90mW Power ~ (amplitude) ² A 2x, P ↑ 4x,A 3x, P ↑9x ↓A halved,↓ P quarter mW/cm², W/cm² 1. Intnsity = Power (Watts) W/cm² Beam Area(cm²) US: 2. Intnsity = Power (Watts) .01 - 100 mW/cm² W/cm² Area (cm²) or 300 Direct to Intensity Amplitude2 NOT 1:1 Direct to Power Amplitude ² Inverse to Beam Area -2 factors Beam Intensity: 1. Space 2. Time 5 Parameters describe Pulsed Sound Pulsed Ultrasound Continuous US Detrmnd by Snd/Medm. Adjstbl? -produce small bursts/pulses of acoustic energy to create anatomical image - can NOT create images 1.Pulse Duration S x -Pulsed US is collection of cycles that travel together b/c 2.Pulse Rep. Period s -pulse MUST have a beg. & end -NO breaks in btwn pulses -although a pulse has indiv. cycles, the entire pulse moves tgthr as single unit -NO OFF time 3.Pulse Rep. Frequncy S & Img Depth -TRAIN has indiv. cars but travel as single entity 4.Duty Factor s 5.Spatial Pulse Length S & M x -2 components of Pulsed US: 1. Transit/ talking/ “ON” time 2. Receive/ listening/ “OFF” time -Pulse: group of cycles sent together 5 Pulse -Single transmit “ON” time Duration -Time it takes for 1 pulse to occur -2 determining factors: 1. how many cycles in pulse PD 2. T- period of each cycle -detrmined by sound, X adjustable - ↓ Short PD better quality -µsec -all units of time 1.PD = # cycles in pulse x Period µs (µs) Direct to- SPL, # cycles in pulse - Period 2. PD (µs) = _# cycles in a pulse Inverse to Frequency -Value .3 - 2.0 µs -Grayscale 2-3 cycls -Doppler 5-30 cycls Frequency (MHz) ↑longer PD ↑lots of cycles ↑ long periods ↓ frequency ↓shorter PD ↓Few cycles ↓Short period ↑high freqncy PR Frqncy -how many # pulses US system transmits in 1 sec -Hz, 1. PRF = PRP (sec) x PRF (Hz) = 1 -Reciprocal to PRP -determined by 1. sound & -pulses per second PRF 2. PRF= __ 1____ -Inverse to Imaging depth 2. depth of view PRP -US: 1–10 kHz / ↑ Deeper area↓ lower PRF -Adjustbl: sono by changing depth of view 1,000 -10,000 Hz 3. PRF (Hz) = 77,000 cm/s____ -Unrelated PRF to Freqncy -we r only interested in # of pulses, NOT # cycles pulses per second Imaging depth (cm) 1. PR Period -Time from start 1 pulse to start of nxt pulse -ms (millisec) Direct to Imaging Depth PRP ( µs ) = Imaging Depth ( cm ) x 13 µs/cm -determnd by 2: 1. sound source & PRP - all units of time Reciprcl to PRF 2. imaging depth 2. -Adjustbl: sono by changing depth of view Unrelated PRP to Period (time) US: 100 µs - 1 ms - 2 factors PRP which includes both: PRP(µs or ms)= _ 1____ milli Depth of View: 1. Transmit/talk/ON time aka Pulse Duration micro PRF (Hz or, 2. Receiving/listen/OFF time- sono change max distnce into body that US pulses per secnd) -PRP is 100 -1,000 times LONGER than PD system can image Duty -% of time sound produced/system on Factor/Cycle -CW : 1.0 or 100 %, MAX value b/c always trnsmt -PW always < 100% systm off longer than ON DF -PW .1 % Doppler: .5 % - 5 % - 0 % MIN value, trnsdcr silent -detrmnd by Sound -Adjustbl: sono by changing depth of view-as ↑incrs Img Depth, transmt time/PD stay constant while listng time prolongd. -Result: ↓ DF ↑ incrs w/ shallower imging Unitless 1. Inverse to -Depth of View DF(%)= Pulse Duratin (µs) x 100 -PRP PRP (µs or ms) - ↑Incr DF ↓shallower Img depth 2. DF (%)= PD (µs) x PRF x 100 -↑Inc Img Depth 2 Results ↑longer listn time ↓ DF x time alter Trnsmt/PD ↑inc shalower Imag 6 Spatial Pulse Length Length of pulse from beg to end SPL Spatial Peak SP Spatial Average SA SP Intensity SA Intensity Beam Uniformity Ratio / Beam Unfrmty Coefft / SP Factor 1. -mm SPL (mm) = # cycles x Wavelength (mm) -All units of distance Direct to -Wavelength -Damping 2. -Axial Res/Pic Qualty SPL(mm)= # cycles x Propgn speed (C mm/µs) Inverse to Freqncy Frquncy (f Hz) -Max value where beam measure -Measured at center -Average of all intensities across sound beam where measured -Incl. gr8er intensity in center & weaker intensity at edges Measured at center of beam -Average Intensity across face of entire beam -Intensity is 0 wen trdcr waiting for pulse to come back b/c sound produced only during transmissn Ratio of center Intensity to average spatial intensity US: SP/SA factor > 1 BUR= Spatial Peak Spatial Average Temporal Peak TP -Max intensity within pulse as it passes -intensity measured at highest intensity / Peak of pulse - Highest of all temporal intensities Pulse Average -Average of all values within a single pulse -incl larger values at beginning and smaller at end PA -averaged only during: 1. PD 2. Beam Transmission Temporal Average -Intensity averaged over PRP- transmission & listen PW: TA= PA x DF TA, I, I (TA), I (ta) -depict when beam measured CW: TA = PA b/c X -incl time wen value is 0, during gaps transmit/receive -listening times relevant for 3 Intnsities: Formula I avg prp 1. TA averaged over PRP 2. PA Intensity averaged over PD 3. TP Intensity X averaged over time Hydrophone/Microprobe -device, needle, broad disk -both measure output Intensity, PRP, PD & Period trns path’s beam Damping measure output Intensity, PRP, PD & Period T trans path’s beam Other Parameters: Frequency, Wvlngth, SPL, PRF & DF Vibrations of crystal dampened by special backing material 7 Rules of Intensity 1. Intensities MAY report in various ways ex: SPTA or SPTP 2. Diff measurmnts important b/c of bioeffects-measured best w/ SPTA 3. SPTP has highest value 4. SATA lowest average 4. Beam Uniformity Coeff/Ratio (BUC/BUR) aka SP/SA factorUnitless w/ value greater BUR = Spatial Peak By using equation SP divided by SA it gives us info how beam is than 1 Spatial Average 5. Duty Factor describes the relationship of beam Intensities w/ time 6. CW U.S. NO diff. btwn Temporl or Pulse Averages b/c beam always ON - TA & PA same 7. PW U.S. IS diff btwn Temporal & Pulse Averages in wave Therefore, PA = TA & combine w/ spatial consdratins 8. wen PW & CW have same SPTP Intnsies, CW ↑ higher SPTA Intnsty 9. wen PW & CW have same SATP, CW has ↑ higher SATA Intnsty PW always less than CW b/c listening gap in PW ↓reduces Intnsty CW always operating, ↑ increasing Temporl Avrge 10. Temporal Considerations: TP, Tmax, PA, TA 11. Spatial Considerations: SP & SA Order of Intensities PW: 1. SPTP- highest value 2. SPPA 3. SPTA- most relevant in heating & bioeffects 4. SATA Intensity Spatial Intensty Temporal Intnsty 4 types: 1. Temporal Peak 2. Temporal Max 3. Tmprl Pulse Avrge 4. Tempral Average SPTA = SPPA & SATA = SAPA SPTA = SPPA & SATA = SAPA -CW always ↑TA -PW always ↓< CW CW: Beam always on, PA & TA SPTA=SPPA & SATA=SAPA Define 1. Watts over cm2 2. Power divided by area Refers to distance or space Refers to all time-transmit & receive Strongest W/cm2 , mW/cm2 I= P A Direct to Power Inverse to Area Combining Spatial & Temporal Forces 1.SPTP- strongest 2.SATP 3.SPPA 4.SAPA 5.SPTA -most concerned w/ bioeffects 6.SATA - weakest Weakest 8 Decibel Notation standard measurement tool to report relative changes for amplifction or attenution Decibels Change ↑ or ↓ Intensity - dB describes relationship btwn various measured sound levels Decibel nd -creates a ratio (ratio from initial number & the 2 number) + 3 dB Doubles Mult 2nd power G2 -based on logarithms Mult 4th power G4 + 6 dB Quadruple -Logs represent the number of 10s that r multiplied to create the original number + 10 dB Ten times Mult 10th power G10 -require 2 Intnsities: 1. initial stronger 2. change - 3 dB ½ Halved 50% ↓reduct Intnsity -also known as Amplification -Positive dB / - ↑ 1. increasing or - 6 dB ¼ 75% ↓ reduct Intnsity Amplification 2. strengthening -10 dB 1/10 90% ↓reduct Intnsity -Negative dB / also known as Attenuation as strong Attenuation - ↓ 1. decreasing or 2. weakening -sound waves ↓ weaken as propagate in a medium. -this ↓ decrease in Intensity, Power, & Amplitude is called Attnuation Attenuation -Weaking of Amp & Int as sound passes thru tissue dB Coeff. x Depth x Frequency Direct to 1. Distance/Path Length -dB quantify attenuation Attn in Soft tissue w/ trnsdcr msmnt 2. Frequency -dB Intensifies bfr & after attenuation occur 3. Reflection - Attenuation occurs w/ each cm sound wave travels 4. Scattering -Attenutation has 2 determining factors: 1. path length - distance sound beam travels 5. Absorption 2. frequency * Attntion greater in higher Frqncy b/c ↑ longer sound travels ↑frqncy X penetrate too much 1. ↑ greater the attenuation -affects Attnution: 2. ↓ weaker the beam/Attnuation Distance, frquency, reflction, scattering, & absorption -3 main contributors to attnuation: -↑higher the Frqncy, ↑quiker to Attnute* 1. Reflection- 2 forms 1a. specular reflection - ↓lower the Frqncy the ↓less Attnuation 1b. diffuse reflection/backscattering 2. Scattering 3. Absorption in other -use water-based gel b/c Attentn rate in liquids very ↓low -if probe on skin w/o gel, tiny pockets of air wud Attnuate Media the entire imge and can NOT c anything 9 is number of dB of Attnution that occur wen sound travels 1 cm -once AC established, stays constant for duration travl thru tissue -AC rate at which sound is attenuated ↓ per depth -X change w/ Depth -Attention Coeff. = one half of frequency in soft tissue Total TA (dB) =AC (dB/cm) x distance (cm) Attenuation Total amount of sound in dB that attenuated at given depth Half Intnsity Depth/ -another way to look at Attntion definition: -How far sound beam needs to travel bfr it was half as strong as it was HID -HID describes depth which sound lost half or -3dB of its Intensity -also described as depth of tissue that results in 3dB of Attnutation Half Valve -in 1st quarter to 1 cm, sound beam is already half as strong as it was Layer Thickness -HID has 2 dependent factors: 1. medium 2. frequncy Half Boundary Layer - HID thin for tissue HID thick for tissue 1. ↑Attenuates a lot 1. ↓ Attenuates a little Depth of Penetratin/ 2. ↑ Frequncies 2. ↓ Frequencies Penetration Depth Attenuation Coefficient dB/cm dB Attn Co. = Frquncy Mhz dB/cm 2 -US: .7dB soft tissue TA= Path length x Attn Co dB cm Direct to Frequncy Distnc-cm dB /cm 1. HID(cm) = 3 dB Attentn Co. (dB/cm) US: .25 -1 cm Value 2. Soft tissue HID = 6 cm Frequncy Inverse to Attentn Freqncy HID thin for tissue 1. ↑Attents a lot 2. ↑ Frequncies HID thick for tissue 1. ↓ Attents a little 2. ↓ Frequencies Attenuation 1. Reflection As sound strikes boundary, some energy can redirect/reflect back to trnsdcr -Reflction ↓ weakens part of sound wave that continues forward - b/c happens wen dimension of boundary is ↑ larger than wavelength, 2-3 wvlngth -in medium, reflectors referred to as specular/ non-specular 2 forms of reflction 1. specular reflection and 2. diffuse reflection/backscattering -Specular Rflc - wen sound reflected from large, smooth boundary and returns directly to trnsdcr at 900 -1 direction, in organized manner bck to trnsdcr -if wave slightly off axis, reflction does NOT return to trnsdcr, will NOT reflect at an angle -creates very strong signal, reflects back hyperechoic in images -NOT common -Diffuse Rflc / -wen sw reflects off irregular surface, travels + 1 directions in disorganized manner back to trnsdcr -Advntg: Interfaces at suboptimal angles to beam CAN still produce reflctions that’ll return to trnsdcr -Disadvntg: -Backscattered signals have lower strength compared to specular Backscatter -Creates weaker signals that shows greys on images Random redirection of sound in MANY directions Direct to Freqncy -sound scatters wen tissue interface is very small = to or less than the wvlngth ↑ higher the freqncy ,↑ more scatter extremely small reflectors -Rayleigh Direct to Frequncy4 scattering -occurs wen structure dimension much ↓ smaller than beam’s wavelength -redirects the sound wave equally in all directions, in organized manner -interaction of US and RBC result in Rayleigh scattering -strongest cause of Attenuation in soft tissue 3. Absorption Direct to Frequncy -occurs wen US energy is converted into another form of energy ex: heat ↑ higher the freqncy ,↑ more absorption -source of bioeffects -wen sound interacts w/ tissue in body, tissue absorbs the sound and converts into heat 10 -very dense objects absorb the energy -bone absorbs lots of energy-that’s why intense shadowing behind bony structures 2. Scattering -composed of black & white -higher level contrast -narrow dynamic range -multiple level of grays Gray scale ↑ high dynmic range =↓ Less contrast,↑ better resol -lower levels of contrast ↓low dynmic range= ↑More contrast, ↓worse resol -wider dynamic range Display Controls -Contrast & brightness are 2 adjustable controls on video monitor -Bistable- High contrast Scan Converters -Gray scale imag made possible w/ scan converts-specificly analog scan converts -SC first store (write) info & later display(read) it Analog Numbrs -real world numbers -infinite variations, continuous range of values ex. 134.29377 or 132.99023 Digital Numbrs -finite -discrete values ex: 123 or 124 Bistable Analog Scan Convertr -1st type of SC -made gray scale imaging possible -spatial reso. excellent-image quality Limitations 1. images fade 2. image flicker 3. instability 4. deteroration Advtgs Digital Scan Converter - digitizing: uses computer tech to convert images into numbers -images stored on comp as series of 1’s & 0’s - 2 parts: 1. pixel 2. bit 1. Uniformity 2. Stability 3. Durability 4. Speed 5. Accuracy 11 Digital Scan Converter -picture elemnt 1. Pixel -smallest building block of a digital pic -an entire pixel is a single shade of gray Number of pixels per inch Pixel -Higher pixel density-smaller pixels, so more pixels required Density -spatial reso.↑ improvs w/higher pixl densty & creates image w/ greater detail -Low pixel density-large pixels so less pixels required -spatial reso ↓degrades, causing less detailed image -smallest amount of computer memory Higher pixel density-smaller pixels, so more pixels required 2. Bit -a bit is bistable, having value of either 0 or 1 -spatial reso.↑ improves w/higher pixl densty & creates image -w/ ↑increasing bits assigned to pixel, the ↑ more shades of gray will appear w/ greater detail -images w/ ↑many shades of gray will have ↑better contrast reso. -Low pixel density-large pixels so less pixels required -spatial reso ↓degrades, causing less detailed image group of 8 bits which is 256 shades of grey w/ ↑increasing bits assigned to pixel, the ↑more shades of Byte - word consist of 16 bits or two bytes gray will appear -imags w/ ↑many shades of gray will have ↑better contrast reso. -binary # is a group of bitsa series of 0’s or 1’s Binary -digital or computer based numbers are binary Digit Flow Velocity Volume flow rate Units of volume divided by time Distance divided by time Liters/min Cm/s 12 13 14 Attenuation Weak of Amp & Int as sound pass thru tissue dB - dB quantify/measures Attenuation -↑Intnsifes bfr &after Atten happn -Conversion sound to heat -source of bioeffects -main cause to attenua in sft tsue Attenuation Coefficient Rate which sound attented per unit Depth -X change w/ Depth - 3 dB half - 6 dB quadruple - 10 dB 90 %/one tenth - Coeff. x Depth x Frequency Absorption Total Attenuation Totl amount sound-dB- attend given depth - 2 factors to Determine Total Att: 1- Rate & 2- Path Lngth-dstnc to rflctr - Direct to 1. distance sound beam travels 2.Trnsdcr frequency Intensities & ratio of 2 Powers -dB dscrbe rlnship btwn diff measurd sound levls Direct to Frequency -↑F trnsd X penetrate as well ↓Frequncy trnsd dB/cm - Att Co (dB/cm) = Frequency 2 dB -US: .7 dB soft tissue Totl Attn=Path Lngth x Att Co dB cm dB/cm Direct to Path Length (distance to reflector) Half Intnsity Depth/ HID Depth whch sound lost ½ / -3 dB of itsIntnsy Half Value Layer Thickns Attenuation Coefficient -Rate at which sound is attenuated ↓ per depth dB/cm AC = Frequency (Mhz) Direct to Frquency -Attention Coeff. = one half, 1/2 frqncy in soft tissue 2 Total Attenuation Total amount of sound, in dB, attenuted at given depth dB TA=Path lngth(cm) x Atten Co (dB/cm) Half Intensity Depth HID -Attenuation occurs w/ each cm sound wave travels cm Soft tissue: HID is = 6 Inverse to Frquncy Half Layer Thickness Attenu -term describ depth which sound lost half/3dB of Intnsity f Attn in Sft Tissu w/ Trsd Measurmt - .7 dB/cm/MHz (some say btwn .5 - 1.0 dB/cm/MHz HID = 6/f Reflection Interface Reflectors Specular Reflection Non-Specular Rflctr Sw hits a boundary & reflected back in certain direction Dividing line betwn 2 media In medium referred to- specular or non-specular Sound impinges upon large, smooth reflctr at 90⁰ angle Boundary Back scatter 1. Size < wavelngth of Incidnt beam eg:tissue parnchyma Scatter allows Imagng prnchyma ↑frq trdcr, ↑Int scatter that’s y size reducd 2. X angle dependent 3. Scatter sound in many different directions Back Scatter Some of the ↑ makes it back to transducer Inty backsctter way ↓than In specular rflctrs Acoustic SpeckleWen sound strikes # of scatters, scatter waves interactInterference pattrn construct & destruct, & send results back to trnsdcr Rayleigh Scatters -Extremely small reflectors ex: RBC Direct to Frequency -Scatter sound equally in all directions-omnidirectional Speckle Reduction Manufactur activatd algorithms to smooth out appearnce of speckle & create smoother appearing image 15 Scattering ONLY wen sw hits small,rough surfcs or heterogns cell tissu Disorganized & chaotic Scatterers Rough boundaries or cells which cause scattering Specular Reflectors Non- Specular Reflectors 1. Sound impinges upon large, smooth reflector at 90⁰ angle 2. Large Specular reflector-size of reflector > than wavelength Eg: diaphragm, capsules of organs, & wall of aorta Border larger than incident of wavelength 3. Angle dependent (Highly dependent) -Best 2D images come from striking images perpendicular to interface 4. if at oblique angle, x return to transducer 1. Sound impinges upon rough surface 2. Size < wavelength of incident of beam Eg: tissue parenchyma Border smaller than incident of wavelength 3. Not angle dependent; scatter sound in many different directions -Scatter permits imaging parenchyma Impednce Resistance to Propagation of sound thru a medium Z - 2 Factors: Density & Stiffness Rayls Impdnce Z Rayls = Density(Kg²/m³) x Prop speed (m/s) Direct to Density-P Prop Speed C - US: 1,630,000 Rayls avg for soft tissue Reflction Made w/ 2 factors: 1. Normal incdnce/orthogonal/perpndclr/R angle/90⁰ 2. Two media have different impedances Normal - X change Impedance = X change Reflection = All sound Incidence transmt thru tissu same direct trvld & rflctd back to source Oblique -Sound strikes interface at non-perpendicular angle Incidence -2 types Oblique angles: Acute <90⁰ & Obtuse > 90⁰ -Angle of Reflection=Angle of Incidence * Only if (C) Prop Speed Identical Direct to Prop Speed C Angle of Reflection = Angle of Incidence -Sound reflctd X return to trnsdcr & X pic on display Intensity -Intensity of sound reflected at interface 1. ITC= 1 – IRC Direct to: Impedance 2 Transmission 2 Factors: Reflection 2. ITC=Transmtted Intnsty (W/cm ) x 100 2 1. Intensity of transmitted sound Coefficient (%) Incident Intensity (W/cm ) * -↑Impdance mismatch, ↑Strong Reflction 2. Diffrnce in impedances btwn 2 medias 3. ITC % = -It x 100 -ITC(% of sound trnsmtd at interface)= 1- IRC (% rflctd @ I -% of sound transmtd at interface Interfce) i ITC -fraction of Ii transmttd in 2nd medium Intensity Reflection Coefficient IRC It Ir Ii Transmitted Intensity Intensity Reflected Incident Intensity 100 % Ii Transmission Dependent on 2: Angle 1. Incident Angle 2. Media Propagation Speeds- C 4. 100 % = ITC + IRC 1. IRC= Z 2 – Z 1 ² x 100 Z2 + Z 1 2. IRC = Reflected Intensity (mW/cm2) Incident Intensity (mW/cm2) 3. 100 % = IRC + ITC *How much sound was trnsmted at intrfce? -ITC (% of sound trnsmtd at interfce)=1 - IRC (% rflctd @ Interfce) -IRC + ITC must = 100 % Ii =Rflctd Intnsity + Transmitted Intnsty 100 % Ii =IRC % + ITC % -If prop speed thru 2nd medm >1st medm, then Transmissn Angle > Incidnt 16 Angle nd st -Vice Versa: C thru 2 medm < 1 medm, then Transmission Angle < Incident Angle Refraction Snell’s Law Ot Oi -Redirection of transmtd sound beam -change direction of sound wen crosses boundary - causes lateral position artifact -2 requiremnts: 1- Oblique incidence 2- diff. prop. speed on either side of boundary -ONLY wen prop speed x match p.s. of 2nd medum -so Angle of Transmssn < Angle of Incdnce -If prop speed of 2nd medium > 1st medium Angle of Transmssn > Angle of Incidence Angle of Transmssn at Interface based on: 1. Angle of Incidence 2. Prop. speed of the 2 media -ONLY when C 1 x match C of 2nd medm -Angle of Transmssn < Angle of Incidence -C of 2nd medium > 1st medium Angle of Transmssn > Angle of Incidence 1) Sine(Transmsn angle)=speed of mdm 2 Sine(Incident angle) =speed of mdm 1 2) sinOt = sinOi x C2 C1 Angle of Reflection Angle of Incidence Reflection vs. Refraction Reflection Refraction 1. Normal / Perpendicular Incidence 1. Oblique Incidence 2. Impedance Mismatch 2. Propagation Speed-C Mismatch 3. % or Intensity of Sound reflected & transmitted at an interface 3. Angle of transmitted sound Resonating Frquncy/ - > 1 piozo elements attached to wire transducer Center Operating Frequency RF in PW Depth / Range Ambiguity - Applying electricity to element causes it to resonate- expand & contract -Frequency & Rate at which material resonates depends on 2: 1. Thickness of piezoelectric element 2. prop. speed-c of element itself -Thickness of elemnt primary determinant of RF of transdcr -resonating elements produces a pressure wave -wave consist of alternatng waves of ↑ & ↓ pressure –compress & rarefacts -US- RF 2-15 MHz -unique US piozo. Elements: send & receive us but X at same time. Machine must time how long takes pulse reach rflctr to disply anatm on monitr Trnsdcr sends pulse bfr receiving last one, unable to recognize where echo originated & X display received echo correctly on monitor -Sono X change resonating freqny of piozo. Elemnt PW-Operating frequency = prop speed C Direct to Thickness of element of RF of trnsdcr Thicker element ↓ lower frequency Thinner element ↑higher frequency 17 2 methods send out scan lines to form real images using real time& sweeping us beam thru tissue repeatedly and rapidly Mechanical Scanning Via mechanical transdcs Electronical Scanning Electronical trnsdcrs- used tdy Mechanical Transducer -adv. was inexpensive -obsolete -broke easily -fixed frequency & focus, otherwise needed to change entire scan head - > 1 PZT connected to motor/fixed elemnt connected to motor - > 1 PZT steered elemnt to produce scan lines to make image - produced sector image pattern -pioz. elemnt & motor inside protective housing -oil used as coupling medium to prevent air btwn housing & focus beam -beam-change shape of elemnt or use of lens -performed w/ arrays Electronic Scanning -system can selectively excite elements as needed to shape & steer beam Multiple active elements: Elements in straight or curved lines & produce various shaped images. Arrays 1. Sequencing 2. Phasing -straight line of rectangular elements shape image Linear Sequenced/ 1. cerbrovasculr -elemnts arrangd in line, nxt to each other, but fired in small groups in sequence by voltage pulses Sequential/ Linear 2. peripheral arterial -voltage pulses to groups of elements in succession Array 3. peripheral venous -each elemnt is 1 wavelength wide -↑ high resolution imaging -NOT need beam steering to produce rectangle image -however, beam steering CAN be electronically steered for Doppler or Vector -electronically focused -similar to linear except: Convex Sequenced/ 1. Abdominal pulses travel out in diff. directions from diff. points across curved surface 2. Deeper structure scanning Curved/ Curvilinear/ -curved line of elements Curved Sequential Array -fired in groups -uses phased focusing -parallelogram shaped display Vector Array -phasing could be applied to each elemnt group in linear array to: 1. Steer pulses in various directions 2. Initiate pulses at various starting points across the way -Vector trnsdcrs ARE sector trnsdcrs in which scan lines X have common point of origin 18 Phased Array Phasing Beam Steering -Small footprint - referred to face of trnsdcr -permits steering & focusing us beam -shape of face of trnsdcr X resemble shape of image. -2 shapes- either trnsdcr makes sector pie shape image or vector flat top trapezoid image -Sector: - all scan lines originate from common point of origin - electronic steering needed for every scan line -phasing is changing the timing of shocking of elements to shape & steer beam -phased focusing for trnsdcr provides song. ability to control depth of focal zone in scan plane -order in which elements shocked determines beam steering & focusing -Order in which elements shocked 2 determining factors: 1. Beam steering 2. Focusing -by adjusting timing of excitation of indiv. PZT crystals, wavefront of US energy can be directed -Fundamental feature of 2D -Phasing applied to arrays to steer beam by sending out several pulses from each group w/ diff phasing Variable Aperture -NOT all elements of Phased array used to generate all pulses -Smaller groups used for Short, Focal lengths -Larger groups used for FOCI- located at ↑ depths -to maintain same beam width at focus, for ↑ focal lengths, ↑ aperture must too Electronic Focusing -Phased array can also focus beam -Greater curvature places focus closer to trnsdcr -Lesser curvature moves focus deeper Used for: 1. Neonatal 2. Cardiac 3. Transcranial 4. Abdominal 5. some Endocavity trnsdcrs Direct to: -Beam steering -Focusing Direct to Focal length Direct to - > curvature -focus closer to trnsdcr - < “ - focus moves deeper Dynamic Aperture -w/ Array trnsdcr, as focus continues to change during echo receptin, aperture ↑ to maintain constant focal width Virtual Beam Focusing -uses 3 types of beams to Yield images that r in focus throughout: Inverse to1. weak or ↓section thickness ↑elevatnl, laterl & axial reso. 2. non-focused 3. computed reception “beams” -↑enhancs reception focus so echo of image precisely locatd retrospectvly(on reflectn) VBF Direct to: Array trnsdcr-Focus continus change during echo reception - ↑ aperture to maintain constant focal width Direct to enhancmnt reception focus 19 Near/ Fresnel Zone/ Near Field Near Zone Length NZL Far/ Fraunhofer/ Zone Far Field Focusing -Region of trnsdcr face to focal point -“ extending from trnsdcr to minimum beam width - ↓ beam width ↑ distance from trnsdcr -Determined by 2: 1. Size & of elements or groups of elemnts 2. Operating frequency -Effect on NZL: 1. actual diameter of elemnt 2. frequency of trnsdcr -Focusing ONLY in Near Zone -after length of focal point reached, beam begins to diverge & spread -Region distal to focal point -“ beyond a distance of 1 NZL -↑ beam width ↑ distance from trsndcr -Spreading of beam & Far Zone Detrimental to lateral reso.-Divergnce Beam Width -↑ Resoltn -NEAR Zone ONLY -Sound may be focused by: 1. curved trnsdcr elements 2. using a lens 3. phased arrays -Limits 3: 1. wavelength, 2. aperture, (size of source) 3. focal length -↓ in NEAR Zone & FOCAL Zone WIDENs in Far Zone Focal Length -Dstnce from trnsdcr to center of focal region Inverse to ↓ beam width ↑ distance from trnsdcr Direct to -Frequency -Aperture(↑ size of elemnt) Direct to -beam width - distance from trsndcr Direct to Reso. -NEAR Zone ONLY Inverse to 1. wavelength 2. Aperture (size of source) 3. Focal length ↓ - NEAR Zone - FOCAL Zone WIDENs Far Zone 20 Spatial Resolution -ability of a system to distinguish btwn closely spaced objects -“Spatial”- space -Spatial reso. -relates to quality of detail of the image -divid. in 4: 1. Axial 2. Lateral 3. Elevational 4. Contrast relates to Instrument 5. Temporal 1. Axial -Longtdnl/Axial/Radial/Range/Depth Resolution -minimum distance 2 reflectors -parallel to beam LARRD -appear on screen as 2 dots -minimum reflectr separation required along direction sound travls to produce separate echoes -SPL determines system’s axial reso. -Shorter pulse length better axial resol. for system -system ↓ length of pulse by 2: 1. ↓ # cycles per pulse or 2. ↓ wavelength - ↓ # of cycles per pulse by ↑ damping material -↓ wavelength by ↑ frequency -↑ frequency does 2: 1. shortens pulse & 2. Improvs axial resol.- that’s why ↑higher Frqncy trnsdcr have better axial resol. than ↓ low frqncy trnsdcrs --Axial reso.= one half (1/2) SPL - Smaller numerical value, the better AXIAL reso (.2 mm better than .4mm axial reso) -if provided SPL, need to ÷ by 2 to get axial reso. -most trnsdcrs have Better axial reso. than lateral reso 1. Axial Reso. (mm) = SPL (mm) 2 2. Axial Reso (mm) = # Cycles x Wavelength 2 3. Axial Reso (mm) = # Cycles x Prop speed (C) 2f 4. Soft tissue Axial Reso (mm) = 0.77 x # Cycles in Pulse Frequency (MHz) Direct to 1. SPL 2. wavlngth 3. # cycles 4. # cycls in pulse 5. Prop. speed -C 6. Soft tissue .77 Inverse to 1. Frequency 21 Spatial Resolution 2. Lateral Resolution -Lateral/Angular/Trvs/Azinuthal -Minimum reflctr separation direction LATA -direction Perpendicular to beam direction -produces 2 separate echoes -best when numerical value smaller (.2mm better than .4 mm) -Latrl reso. = 1. beam width & 2. reflectors that perpendicular to it -Diameter of Beam determind by 2: (both) 1. Frequency 2. Aperture (diameter of elemnt itself) -Beam takes shape of Hourglass -as beam leaves trnsdcr & travels into patint, diameter of beam varies w/ distance -Beam begins to narrow immediately wen leaving trnsdcr -Focal point- narrowest point -Focal zone placed at or below area of interest to obtain best LATA -Best LATA- at Focal zone -Poor ” -occurs wen reflectr appears wider than should be -Detrimental to LATA: (b/c Narrow beam width desired to improve LATA) 1. Divergence- spreading of beam & 2. Far Zone Near Focal Zone -as beam propagates, diameter changes so LATA varies w/ depth -Effect on NFZ & on amount of divergence in far field: 1. Both- Aperture-actual diameter of elemnt & 2. Frequency of trnsdcr -if trnsdcr and freqncy X change, but ↑larger aperture utilized ↑Longer NZL w/ ↓ less divergence in far field -same relat. for Identical aperture size but diff frequency For given aperture, ↓ lower Frqncy , ↓ shorter NZL w/ ↑ divergnce in far field ↑ Frqncy, ↑Longer NZL w/ ↓ less divergence in far field Natural Focal Zone -unfocused trnsdcr have NFZ -unfocused single elemnt characteristics of trnsdcr Unfocused trnsdcr -at face of trnsdcr, beam of diameter = elemnt of diamtr -distnce of one Near zone length, beam diameter = 0ne ½ diameter of elemt -at distance of 2 Near zone lengths, beam diamter = elemnt diametr Direct to beam Width Reflectors Focal Zone Inverse to Divergence Far zone Direct to Aperture Frequncy 22 Spatial Resolution 3. Elevational Resolution -Slice & Section Thickness Plane/ Elevational Plane means 3rd dimension of beam -Section thickness/elevational reso. considered 3rd elemnt of detail reso. -2 Contributions to section thickness artifact: 1. Thinner the section, ↓less neg effect on son image 2. ↓ reduced w/ acoustic lens -sono. image is 2D representation of 3D objects -image on US monitor: -Flat, but US beam has thickness -Compressed version of any object w/in US beam -Thinnest plane must be optimizd for most diagn. -Thinnest plane achieved by focusing-Focusing is Fixed Mechanical trnsdcr -X change regardless of depth -Focused w/ lens in slice thickness plane Electronic trnsdcr -Trsndcr w/ latest tech -Electronically focused -Elevational plane referred to as 1.5D trnsdcr -Automatically change slice thickness wen focal zone changed by operator 4. Temporal/Time -represents time by frame rate -Hz Resolution -TF = time to make a frame -Frames per 1. # of images (frames) per sec sec Influenced by: 2. 4 things Influenced by: 1a. depth of image 2b. width of image 3c. # of focal zones 4d. use of Color Doppler - 2 factors Focal Zone created by: 1. phasing & Focal Zone 2. 1 FZ per line created by -if > 1 FZ desired, xtra pulse per scan line - For each focal zone required, 4 things Tempral Reso/Frame Rate affected by: 1. Depth/PRF 2. # of scan lines per frame Temporal Reso/ Frame Rate affectd 3. line density 4. # of focal zones by: - 3 things Pulse required for: 1- each focus on 2- each scan line 3- in each frame Pulse required for: -2 effcts Longer takes frame to be displayed, the 1. ↓ Lower frame rate 2. Worse resolution -↑ Depth, pulse travl longer in body Takes longer to send out new pulse 1. Tf x Fr = 1 Direct to PRF 2. Inverse to Density Maxim 77,000 Frame = Pentratn X Lines per frame X # focus Rate 3. VPS × TR 23 US Image Quality Depends on: 1. FOV-field of view Parameters 2. N- # of scan lines per page 3. LD-line density-spacing btwn lines - ↑ LD, Worse the Temp. reso. 4. Penetrating depth 5. Frame rate image -preserving Frame rate involves tradeoffs: -Changing a/t w/ above parameters will affect Frame Rate Unless s/t else changed to counter effect -ex: if ↓ depth, ↑ Frqncy -ex: if ↑ depth, to preserve Frqncy, either ↑ or ↓: 1. line density 2. field of view Trnsdcr Care & Maintence -place in proper holder -X dangle over machine -hanging trnsdcr puts undue stress on cord & may damage wires inside -Dropout-wen cord/probe damaged, may appear on screen as dropout-vertical gray line Bioeffects -heat created as US travels: I= P ↑ perfusion to tissue bed &the Faster heat the heat will dissipate, A ↓ potential damage from Temp. Intensity -Power: initial amount of power in beam divided by area of beam -Intensity: amount of power in beam divided by area of beam -ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable -use lowest power for shortest amount of time -Thermal -Production of heat -Cavitation -Creation of bubbles -Mechanical Index (MI) -likelihood of mechanical bioeffects occurring -Thermal Index (TI) -likelihood of injury due to heat -used to assess thermal bioeffects: 1. Spatial Peak & 2. Temp. avergr Intensity SATA Invasive Trnsdcr -enter body via bv, esophagus, vagina, rectum Direct to -Freqncy -allows ↑ higher Freqncy -Resolution - ↑Improves resolution 24 Grating Lobes -addtnl ↓ weaker beams resulting from multi elemnt array trnsdcr -Apodization-can ↓ by driving elemnts in group non-uniformly -Subdicing of each elemnt into group of small crystals weakens grating lobes -Duplicate structures lateral to true ones -Normally X produce displayed echoes Artifacts -4 occurs in sono. as apparent structurs either that: 1. Not real 2. Missing 3. Misplaced 4. Incorrect Brightness, Shape, or Size Assumptions -Sound travels in straight line of -Echoes originate only from objects located on beam axis US System -Amplitude of returning echoes related directly to Reflecting/Scattering properties of distant objects -Distance to Reflecting/Scattering objects is proportional to round trip travel time Slice Thickness -is 3rd dimension -Beam width perpendicular to scan plane -Resolve by using Tissue harmonic imaging -Speckle -Granular appearance of image -Result of interference of echoes from distribution of scatters in tissue -Echoes can combine constructively or destructvly Reverberation -Equally spaced reflections of ↓ diminishing amplitude w/ ↑ imaging depth -Multiple reflections occur b/c > 2 strong reflectors are encountered in sound path - form of reverberation common around pleura & diaphragm Mirror Image -Duplication of structure on opposite side of strong reflector -Duplication of vessel or Doppler shift on opposite side of strong reflector -Mirror vessel will demonstrate color/spectral flow Speed Error -Occurs wen speed of sound in soft tissue faster/slower than assumed 1.54 mm/µs -Slower speeds place echoes deeper -Faster speeds place echoes closer to trnsdcr 25 Shadowing Enhancement Aliasing Nyquist Limit Flash Artifact -Weakening of echoes 1. distal to strongly attenuting or rflcting structure 2. from edges of refracting structre Strengthing of echoes distal to weakly attenuating structure -↑ brightness behind ↓weakly attenuating structure -under sampling of Doppler shift in Pulsed Doppler system -appearance of Doppler info: spectrol/color on wrong side of baseline -Equal to one half PRF -minimum # samples required to avoid aliasing -sudden burst of color Doppler -caused by motion of tissue/trnsdcr -demonstrates extension of color beyond region of blood flow NL= PRF 2 Range -all echoes X received bfr next pulse emitted Ambiguity -places structure much closer to surface than shud be -pulse emitted bfr all echoes from previous pulse received -Result will be multiple sample volumes Range -Distance from trnsdcr to echo generating structure -US: Range 2-20 MHz, 50 MHz Opthaml, Derma, & Intramuscular -Position properly: 1. Direction echo came from 2. Distnce to rflctr/scatterer where echo prodced -Distance = ½ prop. speed(C) X pulse round trip (T) 1.(mm) (mm/µs) (µs) Range (mm) (mm/µs) (µs) Depth = 1.54 X go-return time Equation 2 -Distance(d) = distance from sound source to reflector- 1 way 2 .(µs) (cm) -Prop. speed(c) = prop speed of sound in soft tissue PRP = Image Depth X 13 µs/cm -Pulse round trip(t) =total trip time from sound source to rflctr & back -takes 13 s for sound to travel to depth of 1 cm & return 3.PRF = 77,000 cm/s -Sft tissue: Round trip time is 13 µs/cm-13 microsec for each cm of depth=.77 t (Hz) Imaging Depth (cm) ↑ F ↑ Reso. ↓ max image depth 26 Resonating Frequency/ Center Operating Frequency RF in PW Depth/Range Ambiguity - > 1 piozo elements attached to wire transducer -Sono X change resonating frequency of piozo. Elemnt - Applying electricity to element causes it to resonateexpand & contract -Frequency & Rate at which material resonates depends on 2: 1. Thickness of piezoelectric element 2. prop. speed-c of element itself -Thickness of elemnt primary determinant of RF of transdcr -resonating elements produces a pressure wave -wave consists of alternating waves of ↑ & ↓ pressure – compressions & rarefactions -US- RF 2-15 MHz -unique US piozo. Elements: send & receive us but X at same time. Machine must time how long takes pulse reach reflector to display anatom on monitor Transducer sends pulse bfr receiving last one, unable to recognize where echo originated & X display received echo correctly on monitor PW -Operating frequency = prop speed C Direct to Thickness of element of RF of transdcr Thicker element ↓ lower frequency Thinner element ↑higher frequency Operating Freqency of Operating F = prop. speed C of elem., Trnsducer for PW ÷ by Thickness of elemnt, mult. by 2 PZT Matching layer Used to step ↓ Impednce from element to patient skin Hydrophone/ Microprobe Damping Fo = C in PZT (mm/ µs) (MHz) 2 x PZT Thickness(mm) PZT = ½ wavelength Matching Layer = ¼ wavelength Direct to Thickness of PZT Prop speed- C of PZT -device, needle, broad disk measure output Intensity, PRP, PD & Period T trns path’s beam -both measure output Intensity, PRP, PD & Period T trns path’s beam Other Parameters: Frequency, Wavlngth, SPL, PRF & DF Vibrations of crystal dampened by special backing material Transducer Huygens Principal -Surface of transdcr made up of many tiny point sources of sound -each tiny point on trnsdcr produces a wavelet -all wavelets undergo constructive or destructive interference -end result is propogating sw whose direction of travel is Perpendicular to wavefront-line tangential to all wavelets Waves r result of interference of many wavelets produced at face of transdcr Compound Wave Resonating Frequency Changed by Sonographer x 27 Transdcr & electrcty -US trnsdcr converts electric energy into us energy & vice versa -electrical connection to us machine via wire -modern scan heads > 100 indivdl trandcr elements;each supplied w/ electrical energy via wire -wire also transmits received echo amplitude info to machine for processing -Flexible sheath connector- at this point-wire connects to trsnd -Imp of Flex. Sheath connector: allows flexibility of cord & prevent damage to wire where conncts to transdcr Diagnostic US - use electricity to generate image -US machine produces 10 - 500 V to driveTransducer pioze. elements Assembly -if crack in trsnsdcr housing, risk for electric shock for sono./patient Transducer Part Purpose Formula -trnsdcr insulated-protect images from outside electrical interference/shock Backing Material Shortens pulse length by ↓ # cycles in pulse Crystal Material that produces diagnostic US - PZT Composed of piezoelectric material- most common lead zirconate titanate PZT = ½ wavelength - Transmission Converts electrical energy→ acoustic energy - Reception Converts acoustic energy →electrical energy Matching Layer Used to step ↓ Impedance from element to patient skin Matching Layer = ¼ wavelength Wire Used to transfer electrical signals to & from transdcr ↑ Impedance ↑ stronger Reflection Matching Layer -located btwn pioz. elemnt & patient skin -referred to as single layer, but has 5 layers - step ↓ Impedance from element to patient skin -impednce from pioz. very different than human skin -if X matching layer: 80% reflected back 20% trnsmttd to patient Coupling Medium/ - Additional layer by sonographer - 2 specially gel formatted for: 1. remove air btwn trsndcr & patient Gel 2. Impdnce value to enhance trnsdcr sound Backing Material/ -back of trnsdcr behind elemnt -↑ Damping ↓ shorter pulse Backing/ Damping -aim is get best axial resolution to get optimal diagn. Image ↑ wider bandwidth -Fx: provide damping-piozlmnt shortens length of pulse by ↓ # of cycles in pulse -Inverse to pulse length -made of epoxyresin loaded w/ tungsten -Direct to bandwidth Backing Material for PW Advantages Side Effects-X disadvnt.- 2-3 cycles good to improve image quality 1. Short pulses best for PW, so a/t that will ↓ pulse length SPL 1. ↓ sensitivity (ability to detect echoes) 2. Improves axial resolution 2. produces wide range frequencies 3. ↓ # of cycles in a pulse to 2-3 cycles per pulse. 3. bandwidth in beam (result of wide range frequencies) ↑ bandwidth 4. less pure, ↓ quality factor Summary of Effects of Damping on PW ↑ Damping = ↓ SPL = ↑ Bandwidth = ↓ Q Factor = Better Axial Resolution 28 Quality/Q Factor -Quantitate purity of beam -q in Q factor is quality but NOT referring to resolution Referring to purity of beam -operating frequency of trnsdcr ÷ by bandwidth - “How near to actual operating frequency is bandwidth” PW -low Q factors b/c need damping to make pulse short CW -high Q factors -narrow bandwidth-result of x backing material Quality factor = operating main frequency Bandwidth -Direct to Frequency -Inverse to Bandwidth Bandwidth relationships btwn pulse duration, length and BW ↑ pulse length bandwidth bcms narrower = ↓ resolution To Improve resolution, use SPL Real Time/ Automatic -Modern US, instant viewing internal structures Scanning -real-time, transdcr sends out scan lines across defined planes -images produces wen us beam swept across that plane Frame -All scan lines form image called frame in rapid sequential format wen placed nxt to each other -Complete scan of us beam is frame Sound Beam -Width of pulse travels away from trasndcr -Transdcr produces sound beam w/ a width that varies according to trnsdcr face -Width in scan plane NOT same as width perpendicular to scan plane -Width perpendicular to scan plane determines extent of section thickness artifact -Intensity NOT uniform thru beam 29