PYTHAGORAS THEOREM PRESENTED BY : ABDAN GUL What is Pythagoras Theorem ? It is basically a theorem invented by Thales of Miletus and his student Anaximander. It is used upon a 90 degree triangle to find its hypotenuse. Why we use Pythagoras Theorem ? As I said it is used to find out the hypotenuse of a 90 degree triangle. For Example : To calculate the length of staircase required to reach a window, To find the length of the longest item can be kept in your room, To find the steepness of the hills or mountains, etc. How Pythagoras Theorem is solved ? I T I S H O W T O S O LV E P Y T H A G O R A S T H E O R E M : References : Believe or not Pythagoras Theorem has a very important role in our daily lives. As I have showed you in the previous slide. And the information I got is from internet (GOOGLE) and our Maths Book (D2). THANK YOU.