Uploaded by David Freeman

K-8 Science Education Methods: Inquiry & Standards

EDUC 444/606: K-8 Science Education Methods
Review syllabus
Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
Introduction to the Tennessee
Academic Standards for Science
Begin Lesson Plan Work
About Me
● Born and raised in East TN
● Graduated from Morristown
West High in 1987
● Education: UTK, CNU, LMU,
and ETSU
● Teacher or administrator for
30 years
● Two cats, two dogs, two kids
● Hobbies:
○ Reading
○ Traveling
○ History
○ Photography
Course Texts and Supplements
Supplemental Texts:
Course Text:
Science Stories by Janice
Tennessee Academic
Standards for Science
National Science
Education Standards
Suggested References:
National Science Teachers
Tennessee Science Teachers
TN Science Standards
Framework for K-12
Science Education
Science, Evolution, and
Grading Scale
Late Work Policy
Late work is unacceptable in the professional
world of education and is strongly discouraged in
this course. Any assignment turned in after the
due date will be penalized 10 points per day late.
Attendance and participation are extremely
important and count as 100 points toward the final
grade. Each absence will result in a 25-point
deduction. Three times tardy or leave early equals
one absence. Two unexcused absences will result in
the final course grade being lowered by one letter.
Absences due to illness will be excused with a
doctor’s note; points will not be deducted.
Topics by Week
October 12, 2023
November 16, 2023
5th Grade Science Fair
Patriot Academy.
Course Calendar - Readings/Quizzes
Syllabus Change Policy
Based on the needs of the students and extenuating circumstances
and/or unforeseen events, the instructor reserves the right to alter
the syllabus and the activities required for evaluation to ensure
that course objectives are appropriately addressed. No extra credit
activities will be permitted for individual students unless those
activities are made available to all students.
Performance-based Assessment
● Performance-based assessment
throughout the course.
● Create two lesson plans:
○ 5E
○ Inquiry-based approaches.
● Implementation, data collection and
analysis, and reflection process.
● Templates
Scientific Inquiry Process
Engineering Design Process
Four Types of Scientific Inquiry
Types of Scientific Inquiry Descriptive
● Descriptive inquiry involves the
observation and description of
Types of Scientific Inquiry Comparative
● Comparative inquiry involves comparing
two or more things with a view to discovering
something about one or all of the things being
Types of Scientific Inquiry Experimental
● Experimental inquiry involves
conducting experiments to test
Types of Scientific Inquiry Exploratory
● Exploratory inquiry aims to explore new
ideas or phenomena.
Activity 1
1. Research the different types of inquiry.
2. Complete the chart.
Activity 2
● Identify a real-world problem and brainstorm
research questions related to it.
● Select an inquiry type to explore the problem
● Create a written proposal for an inquiry-based
lesson, considering practical applications and
societal impacts.
● Share your proposals with the class and receive
Introduction to the Standards Structure/Nomenclature
Introduction to the Standards - Disciplinary Core Ideas and
PS1: Matter and Its Interactions
Structure and Properties of Matter
Chemical Processes
Nuclear Processes
PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
Forces, Fields, and Motion
Types of Interactions
Stability and Instability in Physical Systems
PS3: Energy
Definitions of Energy
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Relationship Between Energy and Forces and Fields
Energy in Chemical Processes and Everyday Life
PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer
Wave Properties: Mechanical and Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic Radiation
Information Technologies and Instrumentation
Introduction to the Standards - Disciplinary Core Ideas and
LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Structure and Function
Growth and Development of Organisms
Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
Information Processing
LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
Social Interactions and Group Behavior
LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of
Inheritance of Traits
Variation of Traits
LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity
Evidence of Common Ancestry
Natural Selection
Biodiversity and Humans
Introduction to the Standards - Disciplinary Core Ideas and
ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
The Universe and Its Stars
Earth and the Solar System
The History of Planet Earth
ESS2: Earth’s Systems
Earth Materials and Systems
Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions
The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes
Weather and Climate
ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
Natural Resources
Natural Hazards
Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Introduction to the Standards - Disciplinary Core Ideas and
ETS1: Engineering Design
Defining and Delimiting and Engineering Problems
Developing Possible Solutions
Optimizing the Solution Design
ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
Interdependence of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math (STEM)
Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society
and the Natural World
ETS3: Applications of Science
Nature of Science Components
Theory Development and Revision
Science Practices: Utilization in Developing and Conducting
Original Scientific
Pattern observation and explanation
Introduction to the Standards - Crosscutting
• Cause and effect relationships that can be
explained through a mechanism
● Cover all areas of
● Interdependent
• Scale, proportion, and quantity that integrate
measurement and precision of language
• Systems and system models with defined
boundaries that can be investigated and
by the next three concepts
• Energy and matter conservation through
transformations that flow or cycle into, out of, or
within a system
• Structure and function of systems and their
• Stability and change of systems
Pattern observation and explanation
Cause and effect relationships that can be
explained through a mechanism
Scale, proportion, and quantity that integrate
measurement and precision of language
Systems and system models with defined
boundaries that can be investigated and
characterized by the next three concepts
Energy and matter conservation through
transformations that flow or cycle into, out of, or
within a system
Structure and function of systems and their parts
Stability and change of systems
Introduction to the
Standards - Science and
Engineering Practices
● a means to learn science by
doing science
● combining knowledge with skill
● should not be taught in isolation
or as a separate unit
● differentiated at each grade level
● integrated into all core ideas
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) to determine what is known, what has yet to be
satisfactorily explained, and what problems need to be solved.
Developing and using models to develop explanations for phenomena, to go beyond the observable and make predictions or
to test designs.
Planning and carrying out controlled investigations to collect data that is used to test existing theories and explanations,
revise and develop new theories and explanations, or assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of designs under
various conditions.
Analyzing and interpreting data with appropriate data presentation (graph, table, statistics, etc.), identifying sources of error
and the degree of certainty. Data analysis is used to derive meaning or evaluate solutions.
Using mathematics and computational thinking as tools to represent variables and their relationships in models, simulations,
and data analysis in order to make and test predictions.
Constructing explanations and designing solutions to explain phenomena or solve problems.
Engaging in argument from evidence to identify strengths and weaknesses in a line of reasoning, to identify best
explanations, to resolve problems, and to identify best solutions.
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information from scientific texts in order to derive meaning, evaluate validity,
and integrate information.
Introduction to the Standards Progressions
We will explore the progressions using a chart for
better comprehension.
Progressions in the standards help in understanding
students' scientific development.
Introduction to the Standards Science Literacy
Introduction to the Standards Resources
Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
● TN Science Standards Reference
● National Science Education Standards
● Framework for K-12 Science Education
Begin your lesson plan
❖ 5E lesson plan Using TEAM model or Project Coach as a guide
➢ September 7, 2023 Submit draft for feedback
➢ September 14, 2023 Submit final draft with assessments
➢ October 5, 2023 Implement lesson plan and collect data
➢ October 12, 2023 Submit data analysis
➢ October 26, 2023 Submit lesson reflection
Thank you for your time 😊