BAHAN AJAR Disusun oleh Apsus Grumilah, S. Pd i KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Workbook Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI ini bisa disusun. Tantangan saat ini yang dihadapi oleh pendidikan semakin meningkat karena tuntutan terhadap kualitas sumber daya manusia yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran adalah intake siswa yang tidak merata, bahkan dalam satu kelas yang sama terdapat peserta didik dengan kecepatan belajar yang berbeda, sehingga proses pembelajaran menjadi tidak optimal. Selain itu, era 4.0 menuntut lulusan untuk memiliki keahlian disamping kemampuan akademik. Peserta didik harus dibekali dengan keahlian yang dapat bermanfaat ketika lulus nanti. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu bahan yang sistematis yang dapat membantu guru dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga akan mempermudah peserta didik dalam memahami materi sampai dengan mengaplikasikannya di dunia kerja kelak. Workbook ini disajikan dengan bahasa yang sederhana, diharapkan dapat membantu dan memudahkan peserta didik untuk mempelajarinya. Kami menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan buku ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, kami menerima berbagai kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun, demi sempurnanya kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Seruyan, Juli 2021 Penyusun Apsus Grumilah, M. Pd ii i ii DAFTAR ISI SAMPUL ....................................................................................................................... ...i KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................................... ..ii DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................................. .iii SILABUS ....................................................................................................................... .iv Chapter 1 Let’s Go to School ......................................................................................... ..1 Chapter 2 I Can Do It? ................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 3 Let Sing?........................................................................................................ 27 Chapter 4 Let’s Do Something? ..................................................................................... 35 Chapter 5 I love Our Culture? ........................................................................................ 48 Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 63 Referensi ........................................................................................................................ 72 ii SILABUS Sekolah Kelas Mata Pelajaran Semester Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar : SD Eka Tjipta Seruyan : VI (Enam) : Bahasa Inggris : 1 (Satu) : Mendengarkan 1. Memahami instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana baik secara tindakan maupun bahasa dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik. Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Teknik Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar 1.1 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam kegiatan di dalam dan luar kelas Contoh: Kaset/CD: Listen and and thick the correct answer. Siswa: (melingkari jawaban yang benar berdasarkan apa yang didengar) Siswa merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berterima Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berterima Unjuk kerja Responding Listen and thick the correct answer. 2 x 35 menit • Rekaman kaset/CD • Buku teks 1.2 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam berbagai permainan Contoh: Kaset/CD: Listen and fill in the crossword. Siswa: (mengisi crossword berdasarkan informasi yang didengar) Siswa merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berterima Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berterima Unjuk kerja Responding Listen and fill in the crossword. 2 x 35 menit • Rekaman kaset/CD • Buku teks iv 1 2 SILABUS Sekolah Kelas Mata Pelajaran Semester Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar 2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi abaaba, dan memberi petunjuk : SD Eka Tjipta Seruyan : VI (Enam) : Bahasa Inggris : 1 (Satu) : Berbicara 2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik. Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: What can we do on the beach? B: We can play with the sand and pebbles. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata. Indikator Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: • Memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu • Memberi abaaba • Memberi petunjuk Teknik Tes lisan Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Pertanyaan Contoh Instrumen Answer the questions orally! Alokasi Waktu 4 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Script percaka p-an • Buku teks • Alat peraga v 2 3 Kompetensi Dasar 2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/membe ri jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, dan memberi barang Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: What do you need? B: I need potatoes. A: What do you like to drink for breakfast? B: A glass of orange juice. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi 2. Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan 3. Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi 4. Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog 5. Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata Indikator Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: • Meminta bantuan • Memberi bantuan • Meminta barang • Memberi barang Teknik Tes lisan Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Pertanyaan Contoh Instrumen Answer the questions orally! Alokasi Waktu 4 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Script percakap an • Buku teks berisi percakap an • Alat peraga vi 3 4 Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: I like singing. B: Do you like singing? D: Do you think it is created amazingly? E: Yes, I think so Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi 2. Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan 3. Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi 4. Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog 5. Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata Indikator Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: • Mengingatkan • Menyatakan suka/tidak suka • Menanyakan jumlah • Menanyakan jumlah • Menanyakan keadaan • Memberi komentar • Memberi pendapat • Mengusulkan Teknik Tes lisan Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Performance Contoh Instrumen Act out the dialogues. Alokasi Waktu 4 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Script percakap an • Buku teks berisi percakap an • Alat peraga vii 4 5 Kompetensi Dasar 2.4 Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: could you please .... dan May I .... Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: Could you Close your book, Deni? . A: Maybe you should. . . Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi 2. Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan 3. Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi 4. Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog 5. Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata Indikator Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: • Could you please... • May I ... Teknik Tes lisan Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Performance Contoh Instrumen Act out the dialogues in front of the class! Alokasi Waktu 4 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Script percakap an • Buku teks berisi percakap an • Alat peraga viii 5 6 SILABUS Sekolah Kelas Mata Pelajaran Semester Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima : SD Eka Tjipta Seruyan : VI (Enam) : Bahasa Inggris : 1 (Satu) : Membaca 3. Memahami teks fungsional pendek dan deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi teks yang dipelajari Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Mendengarkan dan merespon halhal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kegiatan membaca nyaring: ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi 2. Mendengarkan contoh membaca nyaring yang dilakukan guru 3. Menirukan membaca nyaring dengan intonasi dan jeda sesuai model 4. Membaca nyaring sendiri dengan lafal, intonasi, dan jeda yang baik dan benar Indikator 1. Melafalkan kalimat dengan baik dan benar 2. Membaca kalimat dengan tekanan dan intonasi yang benar 3. Membaca nyaring dengan baik dan benar Teknik • Tes unjuk kerja • Observasi Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen • Uji petik membaca nyaring Contoh Instrumen Read the sentences aloud. Alokasi Waktu 2 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Buku teks • Alat peraga • Lembar observasi ix 6 7 3.2 Memahami teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik Teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana 1. Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana 2. Tanya jawab yang terkait dengan materi Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana Tes unjuk kerja Tes identifikasi informasi yang ada dalam teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana Read the text and answer the questions. 2 x 35 menit Buku teks SILABUS Sekolah Kelas Mata Pelajaran Semester Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar 4.1 Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara berterima : SD Eka Tjipta Seruyan : VI (Enam) : Bahasa Inggris : 1 (Satu) : Menulis 4. Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran Teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana Kegiatan Pembelajaran Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana Indikator Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana Teknik Tes tulis Penilaian Bentuk Contoh Instrumen Instrumen Menulis teks fungsional pendek Complete the dialogues based on the pictures. Alokasi Waktu 4 x 35 menit Sumber Belajar • Buku teks • Alat peraga x 7 Chapter I "Let's Go to School" From this chapter, I will know how to: Asking and responding of what people are doing. Asking and responding helps. 1 PART 1 What are you doing? Activity 1 Let’s Driving in My Car Driving, driving in my car Down the street in my car Driving, driving in my car Feeling like a star Bouncing down the street in my car Driving, driving in my car Turn the handle bar Speeding down the street in my car Bouncing on a bumpy road Stopping for a hopping toad Going to my favorite park Hurry before its get s dark In my car, in my car Driving, driving in my car Turn the handle bar Speeding down the street in my car Vroom…..vroom Hooting tooting on the horn Driving round from dusk till town Going near and going far I’m a superstar, woow! In my car…vroom….vroom In my car Driving, driving in my car 3x Driving Driving, driving in my car Going very far Driving, driving in my car Feeling like a star Bouncing down the street in my car Song retrieved at 2 Activity 2 Let’s listen and sing the songs (“What are you doing?” and “Over the Mountain”. Tick () the picture based on the words in the songs, then write the words in the box. No. Activity 1. Eating 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Song retrieved at 4 Activity 3 What are they doing? Circle the sentences based on the picture. 1. What is grandmother doing? a. b. Yes, he is. No, they are speaking French. c. Yes, they love caps. d. Yes, they are. 4. Why is Jack running? a. b. c. She is sleeping. She is knitting. She is playing with the cat. d. She always sleeps with her cat. 2. Is Bob studying Geography? a. b. Because there is a car. Because he is going to a party. c. No, he isn't. d. Yes, he is. 5. What are the teens doing? a. b. c. d. Of course. Yes, he is. No, he is. No, he isn't. 3. Are Peter and John talking on the phone? a. b. c. Yes, they are. They aren't playing. They are going to school. d. They are playing soccer. 5 6. Are the boys playing basketball? a. Yes, but he is happy. b. No, he is not. c. Yes, and he is crying. d. Yes, he is always shout. 9. What is Martha doing? a. b. c. d. Because they like it. Yes, they are. Yes, we are. In the morning. 7. What is Vinny doing? a. She is pants. b. She is c. She is d. She is wearing blue running. walking. dreaming. 10. What are the teens doing? a. b. c. d. He He He He is playing tennis. doesn't like fish. loves soccer! is riding his bike. 8. Is the boy sad? a. b. c. d. They are three. He is eating carrots. They are at school. They are cooking. Adapted from: ts/exercises/L1/whataretheydoing.h tml 6 Activity 4 Let’s look at the pictures. What are they doing? Then, write down sentences based on the picture. 1. He is reading a book. 2. She is playing badminton. 3. They are ………………………………… 4. She is ……………………………………. 5. I’m am …………………………………… 6. We are …………………………………. 7 7……………………………………………………… 8……………………………………………………… 9……………………………………………………… 10……………………………………………………… 11……………………………………………………… 12……………………………………………………… 8 Activity 5 Let’s watch the video, then write down the dialogues from the video. No MAN WOMEN 1 What are you doing? 2 What is she doing? 3 What is he doing? I’m dancing. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Video retrieved at Activity 6 What are your friends doing? Ask them, then write down what they are doing in the from below. Examples: What are you doing, Hanif? I’m playing letters. 9 Or Yes, I’m. Are you playing letters, Hanif? Or Are you playing No, I’m not. I’m puzzle, Hanif? playing letters. No. Name Activity 1 Nina Reading 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Activity 7 Let’s look at the picture. What are they doing? Write down what they are doing in the blank spaces of the paragraph. Mrs. Wati Erfan Taufik Ratna Afnan Hasan Atika Bagus Desi Andi Angga hes/Tema_9_1%BAESO/Quiz/activ_5/quiz3/quiz%203.htm It is Monday morning. Some of the students (1) are sitting in the school library. Ratna and Bagus (2) their homework. on their phones. Atika and Desi (4) a book. He ( 6) a game. They (8) (9) She (11) They (3) . Hasan (5) in it with a pencil. Andi and Angga (7) to their Discmans. Erfan and Taufik after Afnan. Mrs. Wati, the teacher (10) a lesson. at the students. 11 PART 2 Could you help me, please? Activity 1 Let’s Commands Be quiet . Take out your book. Open your book. Close your book. Stand up. Sit down. Wiggle all around and do it again. Pick up your pen. Put down your pen. Come here. Give me your book. Stand up. Sit down. Wiggle all around and do it again. Go baby, go! Stand up. Sit down. Give me your pen. C:\Users\My Windows\Downloads\Lesson-4-Karaoke--Classroom-Commands-Song---Learn-Englishthrough-Simple-Songs[].mp4 Source: 12 Activity 2 Let’s play quick quiz. How do you ask for help? 1 w 3 R I 2 4 T E 5 6 7 10 8 9 11 12 13 Across: Down: 3. _______ your hand. 1. Don’t forget to write your name. 4. _______ look at the board, 2. ________ your friend. please. 5. ________ the whitebord, please. 5. ________ the door, please. 7. Sit down, ________ 13 6. ________inside the class 8. A: Show me your answer. __________ 10. Keep _________, please. B : ___, I can't. 11. _______ your dictionary. 9. ________ page 2. 12. ________ the questions. 13. ________ to me. Activity 3 Let’s tick to the correct notices of command. 1. ✓ Don’t sleep in the class 2. Please, Cheat in exam! 3. Pick up your pen. 4. Don’t bring dictionary. 5. Throw your book. 6. Don’t sleep in the class. 14 Activity 4 Let’s ask for help to our friends. Close your book, Deni. 1. _____________ ______ Yes, maam. _________ _________ _ 2. 3. ___________ _______. ______________ 15 Activity 5 Match the sentences with the pictures correctly. 2. 1. 7. 6. 3. 8. 9. 5. 4. Sit down Open your book Come in Raise your hand Point to the blackboard Knock on the door Close your book Pick up your pen Stand up 16 Chapter 2 I CAN DO IT From this chapter, I will know how to: Asking my friends. Remind my friends. 17 You can play the guitar, can’t you? Yes, I can. PART 1 He can play guitar, can’t he? Activity 1 Let’s Sing . . . "I Can Do It" by Richard Graham Can you do it? Yes, I can sing! Yes, I can do it! Can you do it? (Repeat Chorus) Yes, I can do it! Can you play the guitar? Can you play the drums? Yes, I can play the guitar Yes, I can play the drums. Can you play the trumpet? Can you play the bass? Yes, I can play the trumpet. Yes, I can play the bass. Can you play the violin? Can you play the piano? Yes, I can play the violin. Yes, I can play the piano. Can you can sing? Can you sing? Yes, I can sing! Source: 18 Activity 2 What do your friends can do? Match the picture and the sentences. He can play the guitar, can’t he? 1 a. 2 b. They can dance, can’t they? 3 c. She can’t sing, can she? 4 d. He can’t run, can he? 5 e. They can play chess, can’t they? “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 19 Activity 3 What do your friends can do? Complete the sentences bellow. 1 She can play tennis,______________________? (can she/ can’t she) 2 They can’t paint, _________________? (can they/ can’t they) 3 You can swim, _________________? (can you, can’t you) “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 20 4 They can play basketball, ____________________? (can they/ can’t they) 5 He can play football, ____________________? (can he/ can’t he) Activity 4 What do your friends can do? Ask them, then write down what they can do in the form below. A : You can sing, can’t you? C : You can’t play football, can you? B : Yes, I can. D : No, I can’t No 1 Name Mita No, I can’t Yes, I can No, I can’t Yes, I can 2 3 4 5 6 “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 21 Activity 5 Make a report based on the form above. 1. Mita can’t play football and sing. She can play tennis and swim. 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________ Activity 6 What do your friends can do? Make a dialog with your friend. 1. You can play chess, can’t you? Yes, I can. 2. ____________ ________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” _____________ _______ 22 3. ______________ ____________ __ 4. 5. ___________ ___________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ ______________ ___________ ______________ ___________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 23 PART 2 Don’t forget to . . . Activity 1 Read the note loudly and complete the sentences below. Hello Doni, You can play tennis well, can’t you? Why don’t you join the tennis club at your school? You have tennis extracuricular tommorow. Don’t forget to join the club and bring your racket. Your Dad 1. Doni ____________ play tennis. 2. Doni will join _______________ at his school. 3. Doni must bring _____________ 4. The note writer is _____________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 24 Activity 2 Help your friend to find their own thing. a . 1 RIO b . MIA 2 . 3 c LIA Activity 3 Remind your friend to bring their own thing based on the picture above. 1. ______________ ______________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 25 2. ______________ ______________ 3. ______________ ______________ MINI DICTIONARY No Words Sound 1 Tennis 'tenIs 2 Paint (peInt;) Mengecat 3 Join dZOIn Bergabung 4 Football 'fUtbO;l Sepakbola 5 Violin vaIJ'lIn Biola 6 Guitar gI'tA;(r) Gitar 7 Club klVb “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” Meaning Olahraga tenis Grup/ kelompok 26 CHAPTER 3 LET’S SING From this chapter, I will know how to: Asking and responding of what people like and dislike. Answer why I like and dislike. “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 27 Do you like singing? Do you like music? Yes, I do. Activity 1 Draw if you like, and 1. if you don’t like. 2. Singing 4. 3. Dancing 5. Playing guitar Playing violin 6. Listening to music “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” Playing drum 28 Activity 2 Match the pictures with the sentences. 1. a. They like dancing. 2. b. She dislikes playing violin. 3. c. He likes playing drum. 4. d. I like singing. 5. e. You like listening to music. “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 29 Activity 3 Help your friends to find what they like. a b c Dina likes dancing. Lina dislike playing drum. Doni likes singing. 1 2 3 4 d e f Iva likes Rapunzel movie. Dava likes listening to the music. Rani likes playing violin. 5 6 Activity 4 Practice with your friend. I like singing. Do you like singing, Indra? No, I don’t. I like playing drum. “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 30 Activity 5 What do your friends like? Ask them, then write down what they like in the form below. Q : Do you like singing? A : Yes, I do. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name Lia No, I don’t. Yes, I do Yes, I do No, I don’t Activity 6 Make a report based on the form above. 1. Lia likes singing and listening to the music. She doesn’t like playing drum and dancing. 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 31 Activity 7 Match the sentences correctly. 1. You like listening to music. a. Because I am a singer. 2. He likes playing drum. b. Because music is nice to hear. 3. I like singing. c. Because violin is cool. 4. They like dancing. d. Because I want to be a drummer. 5. She dislikes playing violin. e. Because it makes me move. “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 32 Activity 8 Read loudly. Davi dislikes sing because his voice is not good. But, he can play drum very well. He has a group band. The name is ‘Bagus Band’ . The vocalis is Roki. He likes singing because her mother is a singer too. Nina is the pianist in the band. She likes the band because the band gives her friends. The guitaris is Alex. He dislikes rock music because it is too noisy. They always practice in the Alex’s house because he has music studio. They usually practice after school. Activity 9 Complete the sentences based on the paragraph above. Name : ____________ She likes ___________ 1 Name : ____________ He dislikes _________ 2 Because ___________ Because ___________ ______________ 3 ______________ Name : ___________ Name : ___________ He likes __________ Because __________ _________________ “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 4 He dislikes ________ Because __________ _________________ 33 MINI DICTIONARY No Words Sound Meaning 1 Drummer 'drVmJ(r) Pemain drum 2 Singer 'sINJ(r) Penyanyi 3 Violin vaIJ'lIn Biola 4 Move mu;v Bergerak 5 Pianist 'pIJnIst Pemain piano 6 Voice vOIs Suara 7 Practice 'pr&ktIs Berlatih 8 Noisy 'nOIzi Berisik “Interesting And Doable Student’ Workbook” 34 Chapter 4 Let's Do Something From this chapter, we will know how to: Say uses “will and going to”. Ask and give suggestion using “should and shouldn’t”. 35 PART 1 What are you going to do? Activity 1 Listen and Sing Let’s Let’s Go Play By: VTeam It’s raining outside I miss the sunshine When will I go out and play The clouds in the sky When will they dry When will I go out and play Red and yellow, green and blue Rainbow’ colors coming through Sun is shining bright again Let’s go play with all our friends Let’s go play under the sun (2x) Back to: Red and yellow…………………………………………………… 36 Activity 2 Read and Write Tick () the correct sentences of using “will” and “going to”. Circle the mistake. Number 1 and 3 are done for example. No. 1. I will go to Yogyakarta. Activity 2. I am going to buy a story book. 3. I will going to buy a big bag. 4. We will go to the zoo on Sunday. 5. We are going to see animal together. 6. We going to feed the monkeys. 7. She will go to Jakarta tomorrow. 8. She is going to picnic in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. 9. She is going will play roller coaster. 10. He will go to Australia next week. 11. He is going to study English. 12. He will going to be an English teacher. 13. They will go to Malioboro in the afternoon. 14. They are going to buy batik. 15. They going to ride a becak. 37 Activity 3 Read and Write Look at the sentences in activity 2. There are 5 incorrect sentences. Write the incorrect sentences, highlight the mistake. then correct it. Number 1 has done for example. Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences I will going to by a big bag. I will go to buy a big bag. Activity 4 Read and Write Look at the sentences below. Can you complete the sentences with “will” or “going to”? Number 1 and two are done for example. 1. He is going to read a book. 2. She will play basketball. 38 They _____ go to school. 3. 4.She _____ paint a picture. 5. He is _______ watch TV. 6. She is ______ sing a song. Activity 5 Read and Write Look at the sentences in activity 3. How to say the negative form? Number 1 has done for example. No. 1. 2. Activity I will not go to Yogyakarta. I am not going to buy a story book. 3. 4. 5. 39 Activity 6 Write and Speak Ask your friends’ plan. What are they going to do this week? Ask at least 5 of them, then write what they are going to do in the form below. Examples: I am going to buy a book in What are you going to Gramedia, and visit my do this week, Hasna? No. Name 1 Hasna grandma. Activity She will buy a book in Gramedia, and visit her grandma. 2 3 4 5 40 Activity 7 Write and Speak Tell about our plan. Tell 5 of your plan this week to your family. Then, get one of your family member to sign in the form below. Dear all…. I have some plans to do this week. First, I will plant a rose flower on Sunday. Second, I am going to play volleyball on Monday. Third, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………. Family member signature ……..…………………………………….. 41 PART 2 What should we do? I SHOULD Activity 1 Read and Write Look at the pictures. Label the activities you must do with “should”, and the activities you must not do with “should not”. Number 1 has done for example. 1) should STUDY 2) ___________SMOKING 3) ___________PRAY 4) ___________GO TO SCHOOL 5 )___________CHEATING 6 )___________TIDY THE BED 42 7 )___________LITTER 8 )___________FIGHT 9 )__________STEAL 10 )__________OBEY TO PARENTS Activity 2 Read and Write Look at the pictures on activity 1. What do you suggest them to do? Number 1 has done for example. No Sentences 1 We should study hard to be clever. 2 _________________to be healthy. 3 _________________to be loved by God. 4 _________________to be successful. 5 _________________to be trusted. 6 _________________to be neat. 7 _________________to be clean. 8 _________________to be peaceful. 9 _________________to be safe. 10 _________________to be loved by parents. 1. 43 Read and Write Activiy 3 Look at the jumble words below. Can you arrange it? Number 1 has done for example. No 1 2 3 4 5 2. Sentences We/ study hard/should/to be clever. Answer: We should study hard to be clever. I/ lie/ shouldn’t/ to be loved by God. Answer:_______________________________ He/ see a doctor/ should/to cure his cough. Answer:_______________________________ They/ make a noise/shouldn’t/in Masjid. Answer:_______________________________ We/pay/should/the money we borrow from people. Answer:_______________________________ Speak and Write Activity 4 You have several problems. Ask suggestion from 3 of your friends. Write the expression to ask and the given suggestion. Do as example. I have no book to do the homework. What should I do? That is a good idea. Example: 3. I think you should borrow in the library. You are welcome. Thank you. 44 Your problems are: 1. You have no money to buy a book. 2. You forget about your promise to your friend. 3. You forget to do the homework. No Friend’ Name Asking suggestion Giving Suggestion 1 2 3 Write Activity 5 Do you ever make mistake? Write down the mistakes you must not do it again. Write it into a simple paragraph. Do as the example. Example 4. My name is Annisa. I have ever made mistakes. It happened when I get a bad mark. I got 6 in my Math test. I was afraid to my parents. I don’t want them to know. I change it to 9. I won’t do it again. I should study hard and pray. Forgive me. My name is _____. I have ever made mistakes. It happened …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 45 Language Focus WillandBeGoingTO Will + Verb 1 Affirmative Negative I will work You will work He will work She will work It will work We will work You will work They will work I will not work You will not work He will not work She will not work It will not work You will not work We will not work They will not work Interrogative Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will I work? you work? he work? she work? it work? we work? you work? they work? Be Going To + Verb 1 Affirmative Negative I am going to work You are going to work He is going to work She is going to work It is going to work We are going to work You are going to work They are going to work I am not going to work You are not going to work He is not going to work She is not going to work It is not going to work You are not going to work We are not going to work They are not going to work Interrogative Am I going to work? Are you going to work? Is he going to work? Is she going to work? Is it going to work? Are we going to work? Are you going to work? Are they going to work? 46 AskingandGivingSuggestion I think you should see a doctor. I have a headache. What should I do? Other Expression to ask and give opinion No Asking suggestion Giving suggestion 1 What do you think I should do? I think you should ……… 2 What do you suggest? Maybe you should ……… 3 What would you do in this If I were you, I would tell …… situation Mini Dictionary Words Apologize Circle Cure Forgive Headache Highlight Jumble Litter Mistake Noise Peaceful Promise Trusted Sound J'pQlJdZaIz 's3;kl kjUJ(r) fJ'gIv 'hedeIk 'haIlaIt 'dZVmbl 'lItJ(r) mI'steIk nOIz 'pi;sfl 'prQmIs trVsted Meaning meminta maaf melingkari menyembuhkan memaafkan sakit kepala menandai acak membuang sampah sembarangan kesalahan ramai damai janji dipercaya 47 Chapter 5 I Love Our Culture From this chapter, we will be able to ask and give opinions using adverbs. 48 What do you think? Activity 1 Read and Play Dou you like to play game and watch a video? Watch and listen to the video. Then play the game. Number 1 has done for example. 49 Activity 2 Read Tick () the pictures of Indonesian culture. Number 1 has done for example. 1) PENDET DANCE 2 ) BOROBUDUR 3 )GAMELAN 4 ) BATIK 5 ) SCOTTISH DANCE 6) DIENG PLATEOU 7 ) BRING HARJO TRADITIONAL 8 ) SAMAN DANCE MARKET 9 ) PRAMBANAN TEMPLE 10 ) CHINESE DANCE 50 Activity 3 Read and Write Look at the pictures on activity 2. Can you give opinion about the pictures? Use adverb to give opinion. Number 1 has done for example. No Opinion 1 They dance the Saman Dance (beautiful). beautifully 2 The Borobudur Temple stands (strong). …………………….. 3 The Dieng Plateou is created (amazing). …………………….. 4 The Batik is painted (neat). …………………….. 5 She plays the Gamelan (smooth). …………………….. Activity 4 Read and Play Dou you like to play game? Let’s play adverb game. One adverb has done for example. How to play the Adverb Game? Here we go. 1. Connect the computer to internet. 2. Visit this link : s/scrollingbackground/. It will appear as below. Wait until it loaded. 51 3. When the game is ready, turn the cursor to the arrow. 52 4. Grab 8 of the flying adverbs. 5. Write the adverbs in the box. Yes….we found it. slowly 53 Activity 5 Read and Write The jumble words below are to give opinion. Can you arrange it? Number 1 has done for example. No Jumble words Sentences 1 He/quickly/ runs 2 They/ diligently/ do the homework. 3 We/ slowly/ must walk. 4 She/beautifully/can sing. 5 He/ calmly/always talks. 6 The teacher/patiently/teaches students. 7 My father/fairly/loves us. 8 My friends/gracefully/always smiles. 9 The cat/ greedily/eats the fish. 10 He runs quickly. His mother/neatly/can write. Activity 6 Read and Write Have you found the adverbs in activity 4? Now, use the adverbs you found in activity 4 to ask and give opinion. Use the verbs provided. Number 1 has done for example. No Verbs Adverbs 1 Drive slowly Asking Opinion Do you think your Yes, I think so. He can drive slowly. father No, I don’t think so. He cannot drive slowly? 2 Sing 3 Sit 4 Walk 5 Stand Giving Opinion can drive slowly. 54 Activity 7 Speak and Write There are pictures. Can you ask 2 of your friends’ opinion about each picture? There is a verb and adverb as clue for each picture. Number 1 has done for example. Example: Dieng Plateou, Wonosobo Adverb: created amazingly Hi Rina, have you ever Hi Andi. Yes, I have. visited Dieng? Do you think it is created amazingly? Yes, I think so. It is created amazingly. 55 or Dieng Plateou, Wonosobo Hi Rina, have you ever visited Dieng? Hi Andi. No, I have not. Rina, do you think it is No, I don’t think so. It is created amazingly? not created amazingly. 56 1.Batik Adverb: painted neatly Hi Rina, have you ever bought Batik? 2. Prambanan Temple Adverb: stands strongly 57 3. Pendet Dance Adverb: performed beautifully Hi Rina, have you ever seen Pendet Dance? 58 Activity 8 Write Have you ever visited Prangtritis beach? What do you think about it. Look at the picture, then choose the adverbs to give your opinion. Look at the example to do it. I went to Dieng Plateou last Example: Adverb: amazingly, carefully. Dieng Plateou Wonosobo week. It is very beautiful. It is located in Wonosobo. I think it is created amazingly by God. I went there with my family. We went there by car. The way was up and down. My father drove it carefully. We were very happy. It is your turn now. Adverb: happily, slowly, beautifully. I went to Parangtriris Beach Parangtritis Beach last week. ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………….. 59 Language Focus Adverb Bank 60 Asking and Giving Opinion Common Expression to ask and give opinion Asking for opinions Do you think……….. Giving opinions ? I think so. I don’t think so. Example: Do you think it is Yes, I think so. It is created amazingly? created amazingly. or Rina, do you think it is No, I don’t think so. It is created amazingly? not created amazingly. Other Expression to ask and give opinion Asking for opinions Giving opinions What do you think of …………. I think…….. What is your opinion of……….. In my opinion …… What is your attitude toward ……. My attitude toward that … 61 Mini Dictionary Words Adverb Amazing Arrange Arrow Calm Crowd Culture Feather Grab Grace Greed Mailman Opinion Patient Popsicle Visit Sound '&dv3;b J'meIzIN J'reIndZ '&rJU kA;m kraUd 'kVltSJ(r) 'feDJ(r) gr&b greIs gri;d 'meIlm&n J'pInjJn 'peISnt 'pQpsIkl 'vIzIt Meaning kata keterangan menakjubkan menyusun Panah tenang Ramai Budaya Bulu mengambil ramah serakah Pak pos/petugas kantor pos pendapat Sabar Es krim mengunjungi 62 CHAPTER 1 Activity 4 Part 1 1. He is reading a book. Activity 2 2. She is playing badminton. 1. Eating 3. They are going to school. 2. Drinking 4. She is painting a picture. 3. Eating 5. I’m watching TV. 4. Sleeping 6. We are talking. 5. Singing 7. He is playing baseball. 6. Cooking 8. She is singing a song. 7. Dancing 9. They are blowing bubbles. 8. Fishing 10. She is climbing a tree. 9. Cycling 11. He is drawing a picture. 10. Dreaming 12. They are telling a joke. 11. Driving 12. Shipping 13. Riding horse Activity 3 Activity 5 No 1 2 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 3 4 5 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 6 7 8 MAN What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What is she doing? WOMEN I’m dancing. I’m sleeping. I’m running. She is dancing. What is she doing? She is sleeping. What is he doing? He is riding a horse. What is he doing? He is lying. What is he doing? He is walking. 63 Activity 7 Activity 4 It is Monday morning. Some of the 1. Can’t she students (1) are sitting in the school 2. Can they library. Ratna and Bagus (2) are doing 3. Can’t you their homework. They (3) are listening 4. Can’t they on their phones. Atika and Desi (4) are 5. Can’t he playing. Hasan (5) is reading a book. He ( 6) is writing in it with a pencil. Andi Part Two and Angga (7) are playing a game. They Activity 1 (8) are listening to their Discmans. Erfan 1. C and Taufik (9) are running after Afnan. 2. B Mrs. Wati, the teacher (10) is explaining 3. A a lesson. She (11) is looking at the students. CHAPTER 3 Activity 2 Part 2 1. E Activity 5 2. C 1. Close your book 3. D 2. Knock the door 4. A 3. Point the board 5. B 4. Open your book Activity 3 5. Put up your hand 1. B 6. Stand up 2. E 7. Come in 3. D 8. Pick up your pencil 4. A 9. Sit down 5. C 6. F CHAPTER 2 Activity 7 Part One 1. B Activity 2 2. D 1. C 3. A 2. A 4. E 3. E 5. C 4. B 5. D 64 Activity 9 3. Name : Roki 1. Name : Nina He likes singing because her mother is a singer too. 4. Name : Alex She likes the band because the band gives her friends. 2. Name : Davi He dislikes rock music because it is too noisy. He dislikes sing because his voice is not good. CHAPTER 4 Activity 2 No. 1. Activity I will go to Yogyakarta. 2. I am going to buy a story book. 3. I will going to buy a big bag. 4. We will go to the zoo on Sunday. 5. We are going to see animal together. 6. We going to feed the monkeys. 7. She will go to Jakarta tomorrow. 8. She is going to picnic in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. 9. She is going will play roller coaster. 10. He will go to Australia next week. 11. He is going to study English. 12. He will going to be an English teacher. 13. They will go to Malioboro in the afternoon. 14. They are going to buy batik. 15. They going to ride a becak. 65 Activity 3 Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences I will going to by a big bag. I will go to buy a big bag. We going to feed the monkeys. We are going to feed the monkeys. She is going will play roller coaster. She is going to play roller coaster. He will going to be an English He is going to be an English teacher. teacher. They going to ride a becak. They are going to ride a becak. Activity 4 1. is going to read 2. will play 3. will go 4. will paint 5. is going to watch 6. is going to sing Activity 5 No. 1. Activity I will not go to Yogyakarta. 2. I am not going to buy a story book. 3. She is not going to play roller coaster. 4. He is not going to be an English teacher. 5. They are not going to ride a becak. Activity 7 Possible answer Dear all…. I have some plans to do this week. First, I will plant rose flower on Sunday. Second, I am going to play volley ball on Monday. Third, I will cook mother and father’ favorite food on Sunday. Fourth, I am going to make a list of my dreams, and the last, I will give surprise for my brother and sister. Family member signature ……..…………………………………….. 66 Part 2 Activity 1 1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. should 4. should 5. shouldn’t 6. should 7. shouldn’t 8. shouldn’t 9. shouldn’t 10. should Activity 2 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sentences We should study hard to be clever. We shouldn’t smoke to be healthy. We should pray to be loved by God. We should go to school to be successful. We shouldn’t cheat to be trusted. We should tidy the bed to be neat. We shouldn’t litter to be clean. We should fight to be peaceful. We should steal to be safe. We should obey to parents to be loved by parents. Activity 3 1. We should study hard to be clever. 2. I shouldn’t lie to be loved by God. 3. He should see a doctor to cure his cough. 4. They shouldn’t make a noise in Masjid. 5. We should pay the money we borrow from people. Activity 4 No Friend’ Asking suggestion Giving Suggestion name 1 A I have no money to buy a I think you should borrow in book. What should I do? the library. That is a good idea. Thank You are welcome. you. 2 B I forgot the promise to visit I think you should apologize to my friend. What should I do? your friend. That is a good idea. Thank You are welcome. you. 67 3 C I forgot to do my homework. I think you should have a note What should I do? book. That is a good idea. Thank You are welcome. you. CHAPTER 5 Activity 1 1. Quickly 2. Carefully 3. Hotly 4. - 6. - 7. - 8. Slowly 9. Loudly 10. softly 5. Softly Activity 2 1) PENDET DANCE 3 )GAMELAN 5 ) SCOTTISH DANCE 2 ) BOROBUDUR 4 ) BATIK 6) DIENG PLATEOU 7 ) BRING HARJO TRADITIONAL MARKET 8 ) SAMAN DANCE 9 ) PRAMBANAN TEMPLE 10 ) CHINESE DANCE Activity 3 No Opinion 1 They dance the Saman Dance (beautiful). beautifully 2 The Borobudur Temple stands (strong). strongly 3 The Dieng Plateou is created (amazing). amazingly 4 The Batik is painted (neat). neatly 5 She plays the Gamelan (smooth). smootly 68 Activity 4 1. slowly 5. montly 2. calmly 6. rudely 3. gently 7. shyly 4. quitely 8. badly Activity 5 1. He runs quickly. 2. They do the homework diligently. 3. We must walk slowly. 4. She can sing beautifully. 5. He always talks calmly. 6. The teacher teaches students patiently. 7. My father loves us fairly. 8. My friends always smiles gracefully. 9. The cat eats the fish greedily. 10. His mother write neatly. Activity 6 No Verbs Adverbs 1 Drive slowly Asking Opinion Do you think Giving Opinion your Yes, I think so. He can father can drive slowly? drive slowly. No, I don’t think so. He cannot drive slowly. 2 Sing shyly Do you think your sister Yes, always sing shyly? I think so. She always sing shyly. No, I don’t think so. She not always sing shyly. 3 Sit quietly Do you think your mother Yes, I think so. My mother like to sit quietly? likes to sit quietly. My mother doesn’t like to sit quietly. 69 4 Walk rudely Do you think it is polite No, I don’t think so. It is to walk rudely? 5 Stand calmly impolite to walk rudely. Do you think you can Yes, I think so. I can stand calmly? stand calmly. No, I don’t think so. I cann’t stand calmly. Activity 7 1. Batik • A: Hi Rina, have you ever bought Batik? B: Hi Andi. Yes, I have. A: Do you think it is painted neatly? B: Yes, I think so. It is painted neatly. • A: Hi Rina, have you ever bought Batik? B: Hi Andi. No, I have not. A: Do you think it is painted neatly? B: No, I don’t think so. It is painted neatly. 2. Prambanan Temple • A: Hi Inaz, have you ever Prambanan Temple? B: Hi Faza. Yes, I have. A: Do you think it is stands strongly? B: Yes, I think so. It is stands strongly. • A: Hi Inaz, have you ever Prambanan Temple? B: Hi Faza. No, I have not. A: Do you think it is stands strongly? B: No, I don’t think so. It is stands strongly. 3. Pendet Dance • A: Hi Bagus, have you ever seen Pendet Dance? B: Hi Erfan. Yes, I have. A: Do you think it is performed beautifully? B: Yes, I think so. It is performed beautifully. • A: Hi Bagus, have you ever seen Pendet Dance? B: Hi Erfan. No, I have not. A: Do you think it is performed beautifully? B: No, I don’t think so. It is performed beautifully 70 Activity 8 Parangtriris beach I went to Parangtritis Beach last week. It is very beautiful. It is located in Wonosobo. I think it is created beautifully by God. I went there with my family. We went there happily by car. The way was up and down. My father drove it slowly. We were very happy. 71 REFERENCES Sulaiman, S.B dkk . 2010 . Basic English Primary 6 . Yudistira: Jakarta lingbackground/. 72 73