® USER MANUAL COMPex 100/200/300 Series (03/00) Part No.: 262 349 U.S.A. Lambda Physik Inc. 3201 West Commercial Blvd. Lakeshore Business Center, Suite 110 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309, USA Tel.: Fax: eMail: (9 54) 4 86-15 00 (8 00) EXCIMER (9 54) 4 86-15 01 salesusa@lambdaphysik.com GERMANY Lambda Physik GmbH Hans-Böckler-Strasse 12 D – 37079 Göttingen, Germany Tel.: Fax: eMail: +49 / 551 / 69 38-0 +49 / 551 / 6 86 91 salesgermany@lambdaphysik.com JAPAN Lambda Physik Japan Co. Ltd. German Industry Center 1-18-2 Hakusan J-Yokohama 226-0006, Midori-ku Tel.: Fax: 04-59 39-78 48 04-59 39-78 49 Marubun Corp. Marubun Daiya Bldg. 8-1 Nihonbashi Odenmacho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103 Japan Tel.: Fax: 03-36 39-98 11 03-36 62-13 49 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 1.1 Purpose, Availability and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Numbering of Chapters, Pages and Instructions . . . . 2 1.4 Use of Signal Words and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4.1 Signal Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4.2 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.5 Overview of Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.6 Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.8 Conversion Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.8.1 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.8.2 Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 2.1 A0300COM.00 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS Excimer Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 The NovaTube® Innovation 2.1.2 Optional Accessories . . . 2.1.3 Denomination of Lasers According to ISO 11145 . . 2.1.4 System Diagrams . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2 Laser Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3 Laser Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4 Thyratron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.5 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5.1 Energy Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5.2 Energy Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.6 Lambda Safety Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Monitoring Critical Modules by Watchdogs 2.6.2 Selftest of the Data Ring . . . . . . . . . 2.6.3 Interlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.4 Housing Interlock Switch . . . . . . . . . 2.6.5 Door Interlock Switch and Laser Warning Light . . . . . . . . . LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . 28 28 28 29 29 . 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS - I TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 31 General Safety Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.1 Basic Operation and Designated Use of the COMPex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.2 Organizational Measures . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.1.3 Selection and Qualification of Personnel Basic Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.1.4 Safety Instructions Governing Specific Operational Phases . . . . . . . . 34 Specific Safety Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.2.1 Physical Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.2.2 Personnel Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.2.3 Constructive Safety Features . . . . . . . 50 Safety Compliance List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 LABELS 55 4.1 Labels on the Outside of the Laser (all countries except Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.2 Labels Inside the Laser (all countries except Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS - II SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 63 5.1 Laser Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.2 Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.3 Electrical Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.3.1 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.3.2 Serial Interface (RS232C) . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.3.3 Remote Socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.3.4 Trigger Signal Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5.4 Cooling Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.5 Gas Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.5.1 Gases Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.5.2 Optimum Gas Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.5.3 Pressure Regulators 5.5.4 Gas Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 USER MANUAL COMPex TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.6 Air Intake and Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.7 Beam Exit Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.8 Environmental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.9 5.8.1 Transport and Storage Conditions 5.8.2 Operational Environmental Conditions . . . 78 Vacuum Pump . . . . . 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.10 Halogen Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 6 6.1 81 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6.1.1 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6.1.2 Transport and Storage Conditions 6.1.3 Floor Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6.1.4 Transport Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 6.1.5 Transport / Lifting with Rigid Packaging . . . 86 6.1.6 Remove Rigid Packaging . . . . . . . . . . 87 6.1.7 Transport / Lifting without Rigid Packaging . 89 6.1.8 Remove Anti-Static Inner Cover . . . . . 83 . . . . . . 90 6.2 Transport Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 6.3 Install Remote Socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 6.4 Connect Water Lines (COMPex 110 and COMPex 205 only) . . . . . . . . 92 6.5 Electrical Line Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 6.6 A0300COM.00 INSTALLATION 6.7 6.5.1 Connect the Vacuum Pump . . . . . . . . . 94 6.5.2 Connect the Handheld Keypad . . . . . . . 95 6.5.3 Connect a Remote PC . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.5.4 Connect the Main Power Supply Line . . . . 98 Exhaust Lines Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.6.1 Install Exhaust Line of Laser Device Housing 99 6.6.2 Install Laser Tube Exhaust Line (Including the Vacuum Pump) . . . . . . . . 100 Install Gas Lines LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS - III TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 OPERATION 7.1 Overview of this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.2 Fundamental Laser Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.2.1 Switch on the Laser Device . . . . . . . . . 109 7.2.2 Start Laser Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7.2.3 Stop Laser Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7.2.4 Switch off the Laser Device . . . . . . . . . 112 7.2.5 Check the Beam Path . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 7.2.6 Adjust the Cooling Water Flow Rate (COMPex 110 and 205 only) . . . . . . . . 112 7.2.7 Check Parameter Setting . . . . . . . . . . 113 Gas Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 7.3.1 Select the Gas Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 7.3.2 Reset the Gas Menu to Factory Settings . . 115 7.3.3 Select the Gas Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Change Triggering 7.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 7.4.1 Change the Trigger Mode . . . . . . . . . . 117 7.4.2 Change the Repetition Rate . . . . . . . . 118 Running Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7.5.1 Select the Running Mode . . . . . . . . . . 120 7.5.2 Adjust the Energy Constant (EGY) Mode . . 121 7.5.3 Adjust the High Voltage Constant (HV) Mode 121 7.5.4 Choose Charge On Demand (COD) . . . . 122 Pulse Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 7.6.1 Select the Pulse Counter . . . . . . . . . . 124 7.6.2 Reset the User Counter . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Emergency Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 7.7.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS - IV 107 Manual Fill with Inert Gas . . . . . . . . . . 126 Additionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 7.8.1 Temperature Control (optional) . . . . . . . 128 7.8.2 Manual Halogen Injection (for service only!) . 129 USER MANUAL COMPex TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 MAINTENANCE 131 8.1 Overview of this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 8.2 Laser Logbook 8.3 Maintenance Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 8.4 Gas System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 8.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 8.4.1 Flush Gas Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 8.4.2 Purge Gas Lines 8.4.3 New Gas Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 8.4.4 Replacing Gas Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . 143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Laser Tube Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8.5.1 Purge Laser Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8.5.2 Re-Passivate Laser Tube . . . . . . . . . . 146 8.6 Tube Optics Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 8.7 Energy Monitor Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 8.8 Electrical Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 8.9 8.8.1 Check Thyratron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 8.8.2 Adjust Thyratron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Halogen Filter Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 8.9.1 Check the Halogen Filter Filling Ratio . . . . 169 8.9.2 Halogen Filter Exchange . . . . . . . . . . 170 8.9.3 Reset Halogen Filter Filling Ratio . . . . . . 173 8.10 Prepare Gas System for Transportation and Storage . 174 A0300COM.00 9 8.10.1 Transportation Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 8.10.2 Disconnecting Gas Lines . . . . . . . . . . 176 REMOTE SOFTWARE 179 9.1 Nomenclature within this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . 179 9.2 Remote Software Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 9.3 9.2.1 Choosing Remote Software . . . . . . . . . 180 9.2.2 Software Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Operation Commands (OPMODE) . . . . . . . . . . 181 9.3.1 OPMODE=CAPACITY RESET . . . . . . . 182 9.3.2 OPMODE=CONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 9.3.3 OPMODE=ENERGY CAL . . . . . . . . . . 184 9.3.4 OPMODE=FLUSH <xy> LINE LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . 184 TABLE OF CONTENTS - V TABLE OF CONTENTS 9.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS - VI 9.3.5 9.3.6 OPMODE=FLUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . 184 OPMODE=HI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 9.3.7 OPMODE=LL OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 9.3.8 OPMODE=MANUAL FILL INERT . . . . . . 186 9.3.9 OPMODE=NEW FILL . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 9.3.10 OPMODE=OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 9.3.11 OPMODE=ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 9.3.12 OPMODE=PASSIVATION FILL . . . . . . . 191 9.3.13 OPMODE=PGR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 9.3.14 OPMODE=PURGE <xy> LINE . . . . . . . 192 9.3.15 OPMODE=PURGE RESERVOIR . . . . . . 192 9.3.16 OPMODE=SAFETY FILL . . . . . . . . . . 193 9.3.17 OPMODE=SKIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 9.3.18 OPMODE=TRANSPORT FILL . . . . . . . 193 Parameter Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 9.4.1 BUFFER= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 9.4.2 CAP.SET= 9.4.3 COD= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 9.4.4 COUNTER= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 9.4.5 COUNTS= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 9.4.6 EGY= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 9.4.7 EGY RANGE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 9.4.8 EGY SET= 9.4.9 FILTER= 9.4.10 FILTER CONTAMINATION= . . . . . . . . 198 9.4.11 GASMODE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 9.4.12 HALOGEN= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 9.4.13 HV= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 9.4.14 INERT= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 9.4.15 MENU= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 9.4.16 MODE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 9.4.17 OPMODE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 9.4.18 RARE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 9.4.19 REPRATE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 9.4.20 ROOMTEMP= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 9.4.21 TEMP CONTROL= . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 9.4.22 TIMEOUT= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 9.4.23 TRIGGER= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 USER MANUAL COMPex TABLE OF CONTENTS A0300COM.00 9.5 9.6 Polling Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 9.5.1 ACCU? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 9.5.2 BUFFER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 9.5.3 CAP.LEFT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 9.5.4 COD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 9.5.5 COUNTER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.5.6 COUNTS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.5.7 EGY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.5.8 EGY SET? 9.5.9 EGY RANGE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.5.10 FILTER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.5.11 FILTER CONTAMINATION? . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.12 GASMODE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.13 HALOGEN? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.14 HV? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.15 INERT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.16 INTERLOCK? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.17 LEAKRATE? 9.5.18 MENU? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 9.5.19 MODE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.20 OPMODE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.21 POWER STABILIZATION ACHIEVED? . . . 207 9.5.22 PRESSURE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.23 PULSE DIFF? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.24 RARE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.25 RESERVOIR TEMP? . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.26 REPRATE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.27 ROOMTEMP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.28 TEMP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.29 TEMP CONTROL? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.30 TIMEOUT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.31 TOTALCOUNTER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.32 TRIGGER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9.5.33 TYPE OF LASER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 9.5.34 VERSION? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Priority of ON Code Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 TABLE OF CONTENTS - VII TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 211 10.1 Overview of this Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 10.2 Warnings and Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 10.2.1 Duty Cycle Exceeded (ON:03) . . . . . . . 214 10.2.2 Energy Cal. Error (OFF:7) . . . . . . . . . . 214 10.2.3 Error Temperature Measurement (OFF:12) . 214 10.2.4 Fatal Error, COM-Datalink (-) . . . . . . . . 214 10.2.5 Fatal Error, LWL-Datalink (OFF:5) . . . . . 215 10.2.6 Fatal Error, Watchdog (OFF:4) . . . . . . . 218 10.2.7 Fluorine Valve Not Opened (OFF:13; ON:13) 218 10.2.8 Halogen Pressure Too High (OFF:33) 10.2.9 HI in Prep (ON:34) . . . 218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 10.2.10 Inert Valve Closed (OFF:39) . . . . . . . . 219 10.2.11 Interlock XXX(OFF:1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 10.2.12 Leak!-Check Windows (FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30) . . . . . 219 10.2.13 Low Light (OFF:26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 10.2.14 Low Pressure (OFF:10; ON:10) . . . . . . . 220 10.2.15 New Gas Fill Needed (OFF:8; ON:8) . . . . 220 10.2.16 No Capacity Left (OFF:11) . . . . . . . . . 221 10.2.17 No Gas Flow (XX:3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 10.2.18 No Vacuum (OFF:9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 10.2.19 No Vacuum (ON:9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10.2.20 Not Available (OFF:35) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10.2.21 OFF:41 (OFF:41) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10.2.22 ON:40 (ON:40) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10.2.23 ON:41 (ON:41) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 10.2.24 Polling (OFF:6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 10.2.25 Preset Energy too High (OFF:2; ON:2) . . . 224 10.2.26 RAM Check Error (OFF:29) . . . . . . . . . 225 10.2.27 Timeout (OFF:31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 10.2.28 Warm-up 8min (OFF:21) . . . . . . . . . . 226 10.2.29 Warning! Repetition Rate for COD 50 Hz (ON:37) . . . . . . . . . . . 226 10.2.30 Wrong Pressure (OFF:27) TABLE OF CONTENTS - VIII . . . . . . . . . 227 USER MANUAL COMPex TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.3 Interlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 10.3.1 Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 10.3.2 Remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 10.3.3 Temp.Res. 10.3.4 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 10.4 Laser Pulses without Triggering (Self-Firing) . . . . . 233 10.5 No Trigger Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 10.6 Corrosion in Gas System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 10.7 Gas Leak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 10.7.1 Leak Test Gas Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 10.7.2 Leak Test Laser Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 10.8 Laser Device Does Not Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 10.9 Beam Energy Too Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 10.10Low Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 10.11Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 10.11.1 Fuses Inside COMPex 10.11.2 Fuses Outside COMPex 11 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . 249 . . . . . . . . . . 250 251 11.1 Gas Flow Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 11.2 Layout of the COMPex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 11.3 Maintenance Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 11.4 Wiring Diagrams 259 A0300COM.00 12 GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 TABLE OF CONTENTS - IX TABLE OF CONTENTS - X USER MANUAL COMPex 1 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL This chapter outlines: ¯ the purpose as well as the necessary availability and use of the instrucation manual ¯ the persons, for whom the manual is intended, ¯ how the manual is organized, ¯ the use of signal words and safety signs in the manual, ¯ the contents of each chapter. 1.1 Purpose, Availability and Use This instruction manual is intended to familiarize the user with the COMPex and its designated use. The instruction manual contains important information to installing and operate the COMPex safely, properly and most efficiently. Observing these instructions helps to avoid danger, reduce repair costs and downtimes and increase the reliability and lifetime of the COMPex. The instruction manual must always be available wherever the COMPex is in use. The instruction manual must be read and applied by any person in charge of carrying out work with and on the COMPex, e.g.: ¯ operation including setting up, troubleshooting in the course of work, removal of production waste, care and disposal of consumables, A0300COM.00 ¯ maintenance (servicing, inspection, repair) and/or ¯ transport The instruction manual is to be supplemented by the respective national rules and regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 1 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL 1.2 Intended Audience This manual is intended for: ¯ Operators, who have completed the COMPex Basic Operations course. An operator operates the machine. ¯ Process engineers, who have completed the COMPex Advanced Operations course. A process engineer writes jobs for production and other purposes, and looks for production quantity and quality. ¯ Any reader who wants to acquire general knowledge of the COMPex excimer laser. 1.3 Numbering of Chapters, Pages and Instructions The pages of this manual are numbered continuously. The page number appears in the lower outside corner of every page. The chapters are numbered continuously. The name of the chapter appears in the upper outside corner of every even page, the name of the main section appears in the upper outside corner of the corresponding odd page. Each chapter ends with an even page number. If this last (even) page has no header line, it is intentionally left blank. Each step within a procedure is sequentially numbered. 2 User Manual COMPex Use of Signal Words and Symbols 1.4 Use of Signal Words and Symbols Contained within this manual are sections in which particular hazards are defined or special attention is drawn to particular conditions. These are indicated with signal words according to ANSI Z-535.2-1991 and safety symbols (pictorial hazard alerts) according to ANSI Z535.3-1991. The signal words are defined in Section 1.4.1. The safety symbols are defined in Section 1.4.2. 1.4.1 Signal Words Four signal words are used in this manual: DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE. The signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION designate a degree or level of hazard: DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It is also used to alert against unsafe practices that may result in property damage. A0300COM.00 NOTE Used to define sections, where particular attention should be paid to ensure efficient operation or servicing of the laser. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 3 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL 1.4.2 Symbols The signal words DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION are always emphasized with a safety symbol. These safety symbols are used to indicate special hazards. They are used regardless the hazard level: This symbol is combined with the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION to indicate a hazardous situation caused by laser radiation. This symbol is combined with the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION to indicate a hazardous situation caused by electricity. This symbol is combined with the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION to indicate a hazardous situation caused by toxic substances. This symbol is combined with the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION to indicate a hazardous situation caused by flammable substances. This symbol is combined with the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION to indicate a hazardous situation caused by other circumstances. The symbol for the signal word “NOTE”: This symbol is combined with the signal word NOTE to indicate important information. 4 User Manual COMPex Overview of Chapters 1.5 Overview of Chapters • • Chapter 1 (this chapter). Chapter 2 provides the reader with a short overview of system elements and a description of different subsystems. It introduces fundamental functional concepts such as running modes, and familiarizes the reader with how the system is organized and functions. • Chapter 3 explains safety. The main physical hazards as well as personal and construction precautions are described. Read this chapter before performing any task on the system. • Chapter 4 provides an overview of hazard signs and identification labels. • Chapter 5 describes the specifications, installation requirements, conditions of transport and operation, and accessories delivered with the laser. • • Chapter 6 describes the installation of the COMPex. Chapter 7 contains instructions on how to start and operate the system. Chapter 8 describes fundamental maintenance routines, which can be performed by instructed operators. • Chapter 9 provides an overview of the remote part of the software. • Chapter 10 explains what action the operator can take when errors occur and how to trace errors. • Chapter 11 gives an overview of wiring diagrams and schematics. • Chapter 12 is a glossary. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 5 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL 1.6 Patents Lambda Physik GmbH is owner of the following patents: Germany: P 32 12 928.9 “Entladungsgepumpter Laser” US Patent # 4,534,034 “Discharge-pumped laser” Germany: P 33 35 690.4 “Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen von Hochleistungs-Hochspannungsimpulsen hoher Wiederholfrequenz” Germany: P 38 17145.7 “Elektrode für gepulste Gaslaser und ihre Verwendung” Germany: G 88 17 197.3 “Elektrode für gepulste Gaslaser” US Patent # 4,860,300 “Electrode for pulsed gas lasers” Germany: P 37 14 503.7 “Steuerschaltung für einen gepulsten Gaslaser und Verfahren zum Initialisieren der Steuerschaltung” US Patent #4,916,707 “Control circuit for a pulsed gas laser” Japan: 2 641 493 “Control circuit for a pulsed gas laser” US Patent # 4,905,243 “Method and apparatus for stabilizing the frequency of a laser beam” US Patent # 4,993,042 “Device for mounting a window on a gas discharge laser” US Patent # 4,980,894 “Ignitor for the preionization of a gas discharge laser” US Patent # 4,951,295 “Preionization means for a gas discharge laser” Germany: P 40 03 841.6-09 “Laserresonator” Germany: P 40 09 850.8-09 “Vorrichtung zum Reinigen von Lasergas” Germany: P 42 06 803.7-09 “Verfahren zum Nachfüllen von Halogengas in das Gasreservoir eines Excimerlasers” 6 User Manual COMPex Patents US Patent # 5,396,514 “Excimer laser comprising a gas reservoir and a collecting receptacle and a method of refilling the gas reservoir of the laser” Germany: G 92 08 936.4 “Laserresonator” Germany: P 42 33 634.1 “Elektroden für die Entladungseinheit eines Excimerlasers” US Patent # 5,347,532 “Laser having at least one anode and one cathode for preionization and/or discharge” Japan: Hei 5-262 989/93 “Laser having at least one anode and one cathode for preionization and/or discharge” US Patent # 4,977,573 “Excimer laser output control device” US Patent # 4,611,270 “Method and means of controlling the output of a pulsed laser” A0300COM.00 Germany: P 43 35 079.8-33 “Elektroden in einer Fluor enthaltenden Entladungseinheit eines gepulsten Gasentladungslasers” Germany: G 93 20 768.9 “Elektroden in einer Fluor enthaltenden Entladungseinheit eines gepulsten Gasentladungslasers” Germany: G 94 01 808.1 “Vorrichtung zum Regeln der Temperatur von Lasergas, insbesondere eines Excimerlasers” Germany: 295 20 820.1 “Laserröhre für halogenhaltige Gasentladungslaser” US Patent # 4,393,505 “Gas discharge laser having a buffer gas of neon” US Patent # 4,340,968 “Rare gas hydrogen-halide excimer laser with hydrogen additive” LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 7 USER GUIDE TO THE MANUAL 1.7 Trademarks LAMBDA PHYSIK is a registered trademark of Lambda Physik GmbH. ® 8 is a registered trademark of Lambda Physik GmbH. NovaTube® is a registered trademark of Lambda Physik GmbH. HaloSafe® is a registered trademark of Lambda Physik GmbH. Gyrolok® is a registered trademark of Hoke Inc., NJ, USA. User Manual COMPex Conversion Tables 1.8 Conversion Tables 1.8.1 Measurements This section lists the measurement units used in this manual and their equivalents according to the SI standard. 1.8.2 1 meter (m) = 39.37 inches (in) 1 meter (m) = 3.28 feet (ft) 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.3937 inch (in) 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.0328 feet (ft) 1 square meter (m²) = 1,549.9 square inch (in²) 1 square meter (m²) = 10.76 square feet (ft²) 1 cubic meter (m³) = 35.314 cubic feet (ft³) 1 liter (l) = 0.264 gallons (gal) 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.20 pounds (lbs) 1 bar = 100,000 Pascal (Pa) 100,000 Pascal (Pa) = 14.50 pounds force per square inch (lbf/in²) (psi) Temperatures The temperatures in this manual are primarily indicated in degrees celsius (°C). To convert °C to °F multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. To convert °F to °C, subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9. A0300COM.00 As a guide, we have converted some temperature values from °C to °F: -10 °C = 14 °F 0 °C = 32 °F 5 °C = 41 °F 16 °C = 61 °F 20 °C = 68 °F 38 °C = 100 °F 100 °C = 212 °F LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 9 10 User Manual COMPex 2 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS This chapter briefly describes the most important features, functions, and subassemblies of a Lambda Physik excimer laser. The information in this chapter does not enable you to operate or service the COMPex laser device. Never switch on or attempt to operate or service the COMPex before reading, understanding and fully familiarizing yourself with Chapter 3 (Safety) of this manual! 2.1 Excimer Laser Excimer lasers take their name from the exci ted state dimers from which lasing occurs. The most important excimers are rare gas halides, as Fluorine (F 2), Argon Flouride (ArF), Krypton Fluoride (KrF), Xenon Cloride (XeCl) and Xenon Fluoride (XeF). These produce intense UV light (U ltra V iolet) on distinct spectral lines between 157 nm and 351 nm. A0300COM.00 2.1.1 The NovaTube® Innovation All Lambda Physik excimer lasers use the NovaTube® technology. The NovaTube® has been conceived to virtually eliminate the effects of corrosion and contamination. To ensure strict adherence to thes design objectives, all laser tube components are assembled in a clean-room. Optimized electrode materials combined with an improved preionization scheme minimizes electrode erosion. The Lambda Physik gas flow system allows stable operation of the laser even at 1 kHz repetition rate. These major improvements in laser tube technology lead to an increased laser tube lifetime. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 11 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS 2.1.2 Optional Accessories Lambda Physik offers the halogen source Halo Safe ® as an option. This halogen source allows on-site production of the required halogen, thereby eliminating the need for compressed gas cylinders with hazardous hydrogen fluorine/chloride as well as safety gas cabinets. This drastically simplifies gas handling. In addition, the halogen provides purer halogen than tank halogen, thereby reducing contamination of the optics. 2.1.3 Denomination of Lasers According to ISO 11145 The ISO 11145 (”Optics and Optical Instruments - Lasers and Laser Related Equipment - Vocabulary and Symbols) includes a list of laser denominations. To prevent misunderstandings, this manual strictly differs between “laser” and “laser device” (see Figure 1). Thus “Start laser device” means, that the power is off and shall be turned on. To “start the laser” means to start lasing. The COMPex 150 is composed of two separate, but coupled lasers. They are called “amplifier” and “oscillator”. Laser Unit Laser Assembly Laser Device Laser Workpiece Mirrors, Lenses, ... Telescope, Focussing, ... Supply Units Power, Cooling, ... Measuring and Control Unit Handling Systems Robotics, Workpiece Positioning Figure 1: Laser components according to ISO 11145 12 User Manual COMPex Excimer Laser 2.1.4 System Diagrams This section gives you an overview of ¯ the system in general, ¯ the nomenclature, ¯ the location of the parts. Outer System Diagram 1 8 2 7 6 5 4 3 Figure 2: Front view of the COMPex (from beam exit) A0300COM.00 Key to Figure 2: 1 Right Side Panel (Service Panel) 2 Thyratron Access Panel (COMPex 100 only) 3 Lower Air Intake 4 Beam Shutter 5 Beam Exit Frame 6 Front Mirror Access Panel 7 Upper Air Intake 8 Front Panel LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 13 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 20 19 18 17 16 Figure 3: Rear view of the COMPex 14 User Manual COMPex Excimer Laser Key to Figure 3: Rear Panel 2 Key Switch 3 Control Supply Lamp 4 Fuses 5 Mains Switch 6 Power On Lamp 7 Mains Supply Line 8 Exhaust Fan Outlet 9 Remote Interlock Connector 10 RS232 Connector 11 Rear Mirror Access 12 Communication Interface Access Panel 13 LAN Feedthrough 14 Trigger BNC Connector 15 Vacuum Pump Power Supply 16 Buffer Gas Connector 17 Rare Gas Connector 18 Halogen Gas Connector 19 Inert Gas Connector 20 Vacuum Pump Connector 21 Water Connection Fittings A0300COM.00 1 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 15 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS Inner System Diagram 1 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 Figure 4: COMPex inside Key to Figure 4: 16 1 Thyratron Adjustment Panel 2 Power Module Shielding 3 Fuses 4 Basis Module 5 Control Box 6 Tube 7 Power Supply for Electrostatic Gas Purifier 8 Fan Motor 9 Pressure Sensor 10 Inner Beam Shielding 11 Beam Splitter Box 12 Energy Monitor User Manual COMPex Laser Control 2.2 Laser Control The COMPex uses a built-in laser control device, the Communication Interface (CI). Communication Interface E-Monitor Basic Module FOL Data Ring COMPex Power Supply Remote Control RS232 Remote Computer Figure 5: COMPex control with remote computer COMPex software Version 4.8 or higher is required. It consists of two integrated parts, the local and the remote software: ¯ The local software provides a compact and easy possibility to use the COMPex via the handheld keypad. ¯ The remote software is used to operate and control the laser from any given external computer system. For the information transfer between the external computer system and the local PC the RS232 interface is used. The remote software description is intended for programmers only. Communication Interface E-Monitor Basic Module FOL Data Ring A0300COM.00 COMPex Power Supply RS232 COUNTS GAS NEW FILL MENU RUN STOP TRIGGER EXT/INT MODE 7 8 9 HV RESET FLUSH LINE 4 5 6 EGY EGY CAL PURGE LINE 1 2 3 PURGE F4 F9 0 , CLEAR ENTER EXE F5 F10 REPRATE SEL SEL F1 F6 RESET F2 F7 F3 F8 Handheld Keypad RESERVOIR BREAK Figure 6: COMPex control with handheld keypad LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 17 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS Partial tasks are carried out independently by submodules specially designed for different purposes, e.g. energy monitoring. The information is optically coded by the CI and given to or receive by the data ring as a sequence of light pulses. Each of the submodules has an address assigned to it. The CI can actuate it. This system prevents any interference due to electromagnetic radiation, as there are no electrical connections between Handheld Keypad (or PC) and modules. This is a crucial advantage in excimer lasers with their high internal electromagnetic interference (EMI) level, generated by the fast high voltage discharge. Handheld Keypad The handheld keypad provides a comfortable use of the COMPex. It uses the local software part of the communication interface. The handheld keypad is shown in Figure 7 and explanations of the keys are the topic of Chapters 7 and 8. Figure 7: Handheld keypad with RS232 Connector 18 User Manual COMPex Laser Tube 2.3 Laser Tube The laser tube can be considered to be the motor of the laser. Figure 8 shows a section of the longitudinally symmetrical laser tube. A B F C D E Figure 8: Profile of the NovaTube The laser tube (C) is the gas reservoir for the laser gas. The materials chosen allow problem-free use of excimer gas mixtures. The material surfaces are ultimately covered with a layer of halogen metal complex and thus are chemically inert with respect to halogen. This process is called passivation. A re-passivation is always required ¯ if the surface passivation has been damaged as a result of A0300COM.00 air entering the laser tube, ¯ (applicable for multigas version only) if a change from a fluorine to a chloride gas mixture is necessary (or vice versa). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 19 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS A high voltage discharge between the electrodes (B) transfers the energy to the excimer gas mixture (e.g. fluorine, krypton) and to the buffer gas (neon). In order to obtain a controlled, spark-free discharge, the laser gas has to be preionized, i. e. a sufficiently high density of free charged molecules has to be created between the electrodes. This is done with preionization pins (A) which are arranged along the main electrodes. This results in a homogeneous preionization of the laser gas. The switching of preionization and main discharge in series ensures a perfect synchronization between preionisation and the main discharge. The duration of the high-voltage discharge lasts for only approx. 50 ns. After the discharge, thermal inhomogenities in the laser gas arise in the discharge area. The recovery times of these inhomogenities are on the order of 1/3 second. This means that a new discharge in the identical gas volume is not possible until 1/3 of a second has elapsed. The gas volume in the discharge area has to be completely exchanged between two laser pulses. A transverse circulation fan (D) positioned within the laser tube causes the gas volume between the main electrodes to be completely replaced between two successive laser pulses. The circulation fan is driven externally via magnetic coupling by a single phase motor. The energy efficiency of the excimer laser is on the order of 2%, i.e. the main part of the energy supplied has to be carried away in the form of heat. The gas, heated up by the discharge, reaches the heat exchangers (F) as a result of the flow in the laser tube and is cooled down again to the proper operating temperature (approx. 30 °C or 86 °F). Each discharge pulse of the laser results in a load on the preionization pins and main electrodes and causes a slightly erosion of material. To prevent that the created particles precipitate on the laser windows and thus diminish the beam intensity through scattering and absorption, the particles must be permanently removed from the laser gas. This is done by using an electrostatic filter (E) as an gas purifier, integrated in the gas circulation. Due to the pressure conditions generated by the circulation fan, the laser gas continuously flows through this electrostatic filter. 20 User Manual COMPex Thyratron 2.4 Thyratron The laser uses a simple 3-inch hydrogen thyratron, a thermionic tube. It is used as an active switch to discharge the storage capacitors. The anode of the thyratron is connected to the charging voltage. The cathode is connected to ground. Between these two main electrodes is the control grid, which initiates the discharge (switching) of the thyratron. A0300COM.00 As is also the case with conventional thermionic tubes, the cathode structure has to be heated in order to ensure sufficient emission of starting electrons. If the electron emission after a longer operating period is no longer sufficient to initiate switching of the thyratron, this can be corrected during the thyratron lifetime by increasing the heating power of the cathode. Hydrogen is necessary to provide a fast current increase and a high current intensity. However, as hydrogen is lost continually due to diffusion and metal erosion, the concentration of hydrogen has to be continually renewed. For this purpose, there is a reservoir structure (palladium) in the tube in which a large quantity of hydrogen is stored. By heating the reservoir, hydrogen is released from the reservoir into the main thyratron. It should be noted that too much hydrogen reduce the hold-off voltage between the electrodes of the thyratron to such a level that unwanted switching of the thyratron will take place even without the trigger pulse. On the other hand, a partial hydrogen pressure in the thyratron that is too low, prevents the laser from pulsing, as there is no discharge in the thyratron due to the lack of charged particles. The values for the two heating voltages, UH for the cathode heating and UR for the hydrogen reservoir voltage, are sensitive for the function of the tube. The voltages are stabilized in a broad input voltage range in order to be independent of voltage fluctuations on the supply line. The values must be altered during the total life of the thyratron to ensure proper switching of the tube. This can be done simply by using the jumpers provided for this purpose. You will find a description of the thyratron adjustment in Section 8.8.1 of this manual. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 21 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS 2.5 Energy 2.5.1 Energy Measurement A built-in energy monitor measures the energy of individual laser pulses, converts them into a digital value and transmits the value via the Data Ring to the CI. As the energy monitor does not supply absolute measured values, it has to be calibrated by means of a calibrated energy meter or power meter. Apart from the additional energy and power detector, no further measures are necessary; the calibration is facilitated with the help of the CI (thus by handheld keypad or PC) with a special calibration menu. 2.5.2 Energy Management In the following section, the mutual dependence of energy, high voltage and gas actions (halogen injections, partial gas replacements), is described. E [mJ] The pulse energy of an excimer laser is considered as a function of the charging voltage. The resulting function is shown in Figure 9 x x x x x x x U [kV] Figure 9: Pulse energy as a function of charging voltage As excimer laser gases age, the pulse energy obtained from a given charging voltage will decrease. The laser can, therefore, run either in the Energy Constant Mode (EGY CONST) or in the High Voltage Constant Mode (HV CONST). 22 User Manual COMPex Energy If the Energy Constant Mode is selected, the controller adjusts the high voltage to achieve laser operation at a preset energy level (Figure 10). High Voltage Energy HV Energy Time Figure 10: Pulse energy as a function of charging voltage If the High Voltage Constant Mode is selected, pulse energy decreases with time because gases have a limited lifetime (Figure 11). Energy Energy HV High Voltage Time Figure 11: Energy drop in HV Constant Mode Most applications require the Energy Constant Mode, whereas the High Voltage Constant Mode is primarily used for diagnostic purposes (e.g. to measure the gas lifetime). If excimer lasers are operated continuously, the pulse energy as a function of time and particularly as a function of the number of laser pulses shows a clear drop. This drop is basically due to the following three reasons: A0300COM.00 1. The halogen concentration in the laser gas slowly decreases, because the highly reactive halogen enters into a variety of stable compounds, particularly when the laser is operated at higher repetition rates. 2. Impurities and reaction products accumulate in the laser gas. 3. The intense laser radiation in the resonator causes small particles generated by the electrode burn-off to condense on the optics with chemical reactants from the laser gas. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 23 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS In order to keep the desired pulse energy of the laser constant, the controller replenishes laser gas by halogen injections (HI) and partial gas replacements (PGR) if the PGR mode is selected. These gas actions take place if the high voltage adjustment reaches a preset replacement value (HVrepl). Halogen Injection (HI) Halogen concentration decreases slowly, even in well passivated systems. This leads to lower pulse energy. A portion of halogen is added to the gas fill to compensate for the loss of halogen partial pressure. This gas refreshment is carried out if high voltage reaches the value for replacement (HVrepl, Figure 12): Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time Gasrefreshment Figure 12: Charging current with Halogen Injections Partial Gas Replacement (PGR) Laser gas is released through the halogen filter and halogen, rare, and buffer gases are refilled accordingly, dependent upon the preset partial pressures. During the first 80 seconds after laser start, no gas replacements take place even if HVrepl is reached. This warm-up period prevents unnecessary gas replenishment actions. Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time HV decrease too low Figure 13: Charging current with Partial Gas Replacement 24 User Manual COMPex Energy HI/PGR Algorithms (see flow diagram Figure 14 ) If HV regulation reaches HVrepl after the warm-up period, a HI is performed. • If the HI is successful, i.e. the HV level decreases after the HI to less than HVrepl -0.6 kV, the next gas replenishment will be an HI. If the controller has already performed three successful HIs in series , the next gas action will be a PGR to adjust all partial gas pressure. • If an HI is not successful, i.e. the HV-level does not decrease to less than HVrepl -0.6 kV, a PGR will be performed when the HV level again reaches HV repl (Figure 13). • If a PGR is successful, i.e. the HV level decreases after the PGR to less than HVrepl -0.6 kV, the next gas replenishment action will be again an HI. • If a PGR is not successful, i.e. the HV level does not decrease after the PGR to less than HVrepl -0.6 kV, then the next gas replenishment action will be a PGR. • If 3 PGRs in series are not successful then the message “Preset energy too high” will come up when HVrepl is reached again if more than 64 pulses have been fired since the last PGR. When HVmax is reached then laser operation is stopped. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 25 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS HVrepl reached x-th* HI in series ? yes * "x" represents a number given with the gas menu no HI performed HV less than HVrepl-0.6kV? no PGR performed yes Laser operation continues yes Laser runs until HVrepl reached again HV less than HVrepl-0.6kV? no Laser runs until HVrepl reached again yes no 3rd PGR? Message "Preset Energy too high" displayed Laser runs until HVmax reached Laser stops; Message "Preset Energy too high" displayed Figure 14: Partial Gas Replacement in Energy Constant Mode 26 User Manual COMPex Energy No Gas Replacement (NGR) The operating mode is a constant energy mode without any gas replenishment. When high voltage reaches the level HVrepl the message ‘New Gas Fill Needed’ will come up. Laser operation will be continued until HVmax is reached. The laser then shuts off automatically (Figure 15). Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time "New gas fill needed" Figure 15: Charging Current with No Gas Replacement (NGR) Figure 16 shows the flow diagram of the Energy Constant Mode with No Gas Replacement. HVrepl reached Message "New Gas Fill Needed" displayed A0300COM.00 Laser runs until HVmax reached Laser stops; Message "New Gas Fill Needed" displayed Figure 16: No Gas Replacement in Energy Constant Mode LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 27 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS 2.6 Lambda Safety Systems 2.6.1 Monitoring Critical Modules by Watchdogs The COMPex, like all of Lambda Physik excimer lasers using serial data rings, has watchdogs to ensure functional check. Watchdogs are switches which alters its logic level as soon as the reset pulses stop. The watchdog is reset by the control at least three times a second. Should the pulses stop, as in the case of a breakdown, this is recognized by the watchdog belonging to the module. The module is then switched to a safe, inactive state. At COMPex, the basic module is equipped with a watchdog. 2.6.2 Selftest of the Data Ring After the system is booted, a self-test is automatically carried out in order to test the data ring and the modules for error-free interaction. The serial structure of the data ring requires that all modules work properly and that the controller receives a correct response to a transmitted signal. If this does not occur, the controller sends a message: “FATAL ERROR; DATA CONFLICT; address”. In this situation it is not possible for the controller to localize the error. To avoid provoking any unwanted results, the light on the data ring is switched off by the controller. In order to localize a potentially defective module, it is recommended to cold start the control processor again, as in this case light is transmitted continuously from the interface to the controller. This light can now simply be traced from module to module. During the selftest, the error-free function of the watchdogs is monitored and displayed on the screen. 28 User Manual COMPex Lambda Safety Systems 2.6.3 Interlocks ‘Interlock’ refers to an error message indicating a malfunction or critical interference in the functioning of the laser. The response of the laser to the interlock may vary; if the user needs to be protected, the laser is fully switched off. If the malfunction can only harm the laser, only the high voltage is switched off. The advantages of this method are that the entire system does not need to be started anew when there is a simple malfunction and communication with the processor is still possible. 2.6.4 Housing Interlock Switch All housing access panels (not mirror access panels) on the COMPex are secured against removal by interlock switches when the laser is running. The laser is de-energized the moment a housing access panel is removed. This is not true for the mirror access panels, removal of which allows the optics of the COMPex to be serviced. 2.6.5 Door Interlock Switch and Laser Warning Light A0300COM.00 The COMPex provides the option of implementing one or more external interlock contacts (see Figure 17). This enables the room, in which the laser is operated, to be secured. As indicated on the circuit diagram, the door switch has to be closed in order to allow the high voltage to be switched on. Remote interlock (e. g. door switch) 2 3 1 4 External laser radiation warning lamp Figure 17: Remote interlock and laser warning light LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 29 EXCIMER LASER FUNDAMENTALS If the laser is in the operating state, i.e. high voltage is on the storage capacitor, the COMPex supplies a voltage of 24 VAC. This signal can be loaded with up to 100 mA. Please note that the remote interlock only switches off the high voltage. After the door contact is closed again, the laser can be re-started. If you want to avoid simple starting of the laser after the door contact has been active, then the contact should be looped into the emergency switch circuit. 30 User Manual COMPex 3 SAFETY Never switch on or attempt to operate or service the COMPex laser device before reading, understanding and fully familiarizing yourself with the contents of this chapter. This chapter is divided into two sections: ¯ General Safety Aspects, which explains aspects relating to the safe operation of the laser device ¯ Special Safety Aspects, which outlines the risks specific to working procedures with and on this laser device. 3.1 General Safety Aspects 3.1.1 Basic Operation and Designated Use of the COMPex The COMPex has been built in accordance with state-of-the-art technical standards and recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, its use may constitute a risk to the life and limb of the user or of third parties or cause damage to other material property. WARNING Potential eye and skin burns! Only use the laser in accordance with its designated use. Safety interlocks are only to be defeated by authorized personnel. A0300COM.00 WARNING Electrical hazard! Safety interlocks are only to be defeated by authorized personnel. WARNING Toxic hazards! The gas system of an excimer laser contains a mixture of halogen gases (fluorine or hydrogen chlorid). Inhalation of or skin contact with halogen should be avoided. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 31 SAFETY The COMPex must only be used in technically perfect condition and in accordance with its designated use and the instructions set out in the instruction manual, and only by safety conscious persons who are fully aware of the risks involved in operating the COMPex laser device. Any functional disorders, especially those affecting the safety of the COMPex, should, therefore, be rectified immediately. The COMPex is primarily designed for use in low duty-cycle operation, mainly in scientific and medical, but also industrial applications. Using the COMPex for purposes other than those mentioned above is considered contrary to its designated use. The manufacturer/ supplier cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use. The responsibility associated with the risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user. Operating the COMPex within the limits of its designated use also involves observing the instructions set out in the instruction manual and complying with the inspection and maintenance directives. 3.1.2 Organizational Measures In accordance with the valid national regulations for prevention of accidents (in Germany: VBG 93, in the USA : ANSI Z 136.1) a responsible person should be designated the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) with the responsibility to effect the knowledgeable evaluation of laser hazards and to monitor and enforce their control. The instruction manual must always be on hand at the place of use of the COMPex. In addition to the operation instructions, observe and instruct the user in all other generally applicable legal and other mandatory regulations relevant to accident prevention and environmental protection. These compulsory regulations may also deal with the handling of hazardous substances as well as the issuing and/or wearing of personal protective equipment. 32 User Manual COMPex General Safety Aspects CAUTION Risk of serious injury through incorrect operation! Personnel entrusted with work on the COMPex laser device must have read the instruction manual and in particular the safety instructions before beginning work. Reading the instructions after work has begun is too late. This applies especially to persons working only occasionally on the COMPex, e. g. during set-up or maintenance. Use protective equipment as required by the circumstances or by law, e.g. protective eyeweare. Ensure that all safety-relevant labels are attached to the laser device in accordance with the Label Location Diagrams in section 4 on page 55 and local regulations. Make sure that these labels are always complete and perfectly legible. If any labels are missing, immediately inform Lambda Physik. In the event of safety relevant modifications or changes in the behavior of the COMPex during operation, stop the COMPex immediately and report the malfunction to a competent authority/person (e. g. Lambda Physik Service). Never make any modifications, additions or conversions which might affect safety without the supplier’s approval. This also applies to the installation and adjustment of safety devices and valves. Spare parts must comply with the technical requirements specified by the manufacturer. Spare parts from original equipment manufacturers can be relied upon to do so. Never modify the software of programmable control systems. Adhere to the intervals specified in the instruction manual for routine checks and inspections. A0300COM.00 For the execution of maintenance work, tools and workshop equipment adapted to the task at hand are absolutely indispensable. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 33 SAFETY 3.1.3 Selection and Qualification of Personnel - Basic Responsibilities Make sure that only authorized personnel work on or with the COMPex laser device. Statutory minimum age limits must be observed. Employ only trained or instructed staff and clearly state the individual responsibilities of the personnel for operation, set up, maintenance and repair. Do not allow persons not yet trained or instructed or those taking part in a general training course to work on or with the COMPex without being permanently supervised by an experienced person. WARNING Potential electrical hazard! Work on the electrical system and equipment of the COMPex laser device must be carried out only by a skilled electrician or by instructed persons under the supervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accordance with electrical engineering rules and regulations. WARNING Toxic hazards! Work on gas-fueled equipment must always be carried out by specially trained personnel only. 3.1.4 Safety Instructions Governing Specific Operational Phases Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the COMPex is used only when in a safe and reliable state. Operate the COMPex only if all protective and safety oriented devices, such as removable safety devices, emergency shut off equipment and exhausters, are in place and fully functional. In the event of malfunctions, stop the COMPex immediately and lock it. Have any defects rectified immediately. Before starting up the COMPex, ensure that nobody is at risk. Never switch off or remove suction and ventilation devices when the COMPex is in operation. 34 User Manual COMPex General Safety Aspects Observe the required adjusting, maintenance and inspection activities and intervals set out in the instruction manual, including information on the replacement of parts and equipment. These activities may be executed by skilled personnel only. Brief operating personnel before beginning special operations and maintenance work and appoint a person to supervise the activities. In any work concerning the operation, conversion or adjustment of the COMPex and its safety oriented devices or any work related to maintenance, inspection and repair, always observe the start up and shut down procedures set out in the instruction manual and the information on maintenance work. Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately secured. WARNING Potential electrical hazards! If the COMPex laser device is completely shut down for maintenance and repair work, it must be secured against inadvertent starting. Ensure that the electrical system is locked-out and tagged-out prior to servicing by locking the main switch and tagging appropriate warning signs. A0300COM.00 WARNING Potential eye and skin burns! If the COMPex laser device is completely shut down for maintenance and repair work, it must be secured against inadvertent starting. Ensure that the radiation system is locked-out and tagged-out prior to servicing by locking the main switch and tagging appropriate warning signs. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 35 SAFETY CAUTION Risk of gas leaks! Switching off the laser device automatically closes the solenoid valves in the laser device’s gas circuit. This interrupts the gas flow in the laser device, but does not evacuate the circuits in the laser device. Also, operating pressure remains in the external gas supply lines. Therefore, for additional safety when locking out the laser device, close the corresponding external gas shut-off valves. Always tighten any screwed connections that have been loosened during maintenance and repair. Any safety devices removed for set up, maintenance or repair purposes must be refitted and checked immediately upon completion of the maintenance and repair work. Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are disposed of safely and with minimum environmental impact. 36 User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects 3.2 Specific Safety Aspects Contents of Specific Safety Aspects are: ¯ the physical hazards related to the system (Section 3.2.1), ¯ the protection of operators or users of the system against these hazards (Section 3.2.2), ¯ the safety features incorporated in the design of the laser unit (Section 3.2.3). Lasers and laser systems are classified according to their relative hazards. These classifications are found in the American National Standards for the Safe Use of Lasers (ANSI Z 136.1-1986), FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, IEC-825 and in the European Standard EN 60825. Within this classification, the COMPex excimer laser device is a Class IV (high power) laser device when operated with open covers during servicing condition. It must therefore be regarded as a potential hazard to the human operator. The laser beam also effectuates a potential fire hazard. A Class IV laser system is not enclosed and therefore requires several safety precautions. Class IV is the most powerful (and potentially hazardous) category of lasers. Direct and scattered radiation from Class IV products are considered acute hazards to the eyes and skin. Precautions include eye and skin protection, remote interlocks and warning labels. A0300COM.00 NOTE The COMPex is a class IV laser device. However, when connected to an OEM device or with closed housing, it becomes a Class I laser device. A Class I laser device is defined as a laser system which is supplied with a special enclosure which does not allow access to hazardous levels of laser light during normal operation. This class of laser does not require special precautions for eye safety during normal operations as long as the protective enclosure is in place. WARNING Risk of serious injury! A Class I laser system becomes a Class IV when the enclosure is open. The laser itself is a class IV device. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 37 SAFETY 3.2.1 Physical Hazards Ultraviolet Light Laser radiation is emitted as a narrow beam of almost parallel rays, the intensity of which will remain high even at some distance from the laser. Although the radiation is non-ionizing, prolongued exposure can cause damage to living tissue as a result of the heat produced during radiation absorption. The radiation of an excimer laser lies outside the visible range. Possible wavelengths of the high intensity ultraviolet radiation are 157 nm, 193 nm, 248 nm, 308 nm or 351 nm. Operating the laser at 157 nm causes additional spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation in the range of 620 nm to 780 nm (visible red). WARNING The laser beam is very dangerous to the eyes and skin. The following radiations are hazardous: 1. direct radiation-light as it leaves the laser, 2. reflected radiation-light which has hit a surface and bounced off, 3. diffuse radiation-light, which has hit a surface, bounced off and scattered. In general, the maximum permissible radiation exposure for the skin is several times greater than for eye. Safety measures with regard to radiation hazard are therefore mainly based on dangers for the eye. A potential chemical hazard results from the interaction between the laser beam and an obstruction. The high irradiance could cause hazardous fumes and gases to be released. In addition, the heat generated is sufficient to ignite a number of materials. Not only is the direct laser beam hazardous. Also reflections of laser light constitute a potential hazard. This risk is considerably reduced if the laser beam is contained within a protective enclosure. Protective measures must be taken, therefore, when personnel are working in an open beam situation (use of beam shielding and beam dump). 38 User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects High Voltage / Electrical Energy WARNING Electrical hazards! High voltages exceeding the Safety Extra Low Voltage levels (SELV) of 42 VAC or 60 VDC introduce the potential hazard of electric shock and might cause serious injuries by passing electricity through the body. High voltages of up to 32 kV are generated in the COMPex laser device. As the equipment is provided with a protective housing, accidental contact with current-carrying conductors during normal operation is impossible. However, if an appropriate protective cover is removed, potentially lethal hazards exist in spite of the existence of the housing interlocks. With a protective cover removed, there is the risk of an electric shock whenever the mains supply is connected and the high voltage capacitors are charged. The capacitors in the laser device hold tens of joules at voltages of up to 32 kV. WARNING Risk of electrocution! Personnel should never open the laser device, before the main power supply cable has been disconnected and the high voltage capacitors are completely discharged. An electrical safety overview is given in Section 3.2.2. of this chapter, but reference should also be made to Section 3.2.3 for an overall description of the system safeguards. In addition to the above mentioned hazards, the HV switch used (thyratron) generates ionizing radiation. 0.2 µSievert/h at 10 cm distance A0300COM.00 Radiation Limit: LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 39 SAFETY Halogen Gas WARNING Toxic hazards! The gas supply system of an excimer laser contains a mixture of up to 5 % fluorine gas or 5 % hydrogen chlorid. Inhalation of, or skin contact with, halogen gases should be avoided. Halogen can cause severe chemical and thermal burns, and can cause death due to respiratory damage and pulmonary edema. Strictly observe local safety regulations concerning the emission of chemical vapors along with the recommendations made in this chapter and throughout this manual. Depending upon the wavelength in which the laser is to be operated, the halogen is either fluorine or hydrogen chloride. ¯ Fluorine is in the form of a premix gas, ratio 5 % F2 in premix, and diluted further with other gases in the laser. Fluorine is characterized by an extremely stinging smell in very low concentrations (0.1 ppm). ¯ Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is in the form of a premix gas, ratio 5 % HCL in premix. Both gases are still present in sufficient quantities in the gas supply to cause serious injury if not correctly handled and used. The attention of the user is drawn, therefore, to the following maximum permitted exposure limits for fluorine and hydrogen chlorine. The permitted periods of exposure time with respect to these limits will, however, depend upon local safety regulations: The MAK (maximum acceptable concentration level) values according to the German publication: ”Technische Regel des Ausschuß für Gefahrstoffe des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (TRGS 900)” and the PEL (permissible exposure limit) set by the American government agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are as follows: 40 F2 limit: 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3) HCl limit: 5.0 ppm (7.6 mg/m3). User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects The possibility of over-pressure of the gas mixture containing fluorine or hydrogen chlorine creates potential hazards with the risk of leakage from the laser tube and gas pipes. Under normal operating conditions the overpressure is less than 2.5 bar (3.5 bar abs.). In the event of a leak occurring, the release of halogen gas constitutes the greatest hazard. Further potential chemical hazards exist due to the formation of hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid if the halogen gas comes into contact with water. Hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid can also be formed in the halogen filters used in the system due to fluorine or chlorine coming into contact with the hygroscopic components of the filter. Ozone The formation of ozone due to the interaction of ultraviolet light (193 nm and 157 nm) with oxygen constitutes a potential hazard. The MAK (maximum acceptable concentration level) value according to the German publication ”Technische Regel (TRGS 900) des Ausschuß für Gefahrstoffe des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales” and the PEL (permissible exposure limit) set by the American government agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are as follows: 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3) A0300COM.00 O3 limit: LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 41 SAFETY 3.2.2 Personnel Safety Ultraviolet and Visible Red Radiation Safety An excimer laser emits high intensitiy pulsed ultraviolet radiation which constitutes a hazard to personnel during periods of operation and servicing. In addition, the F2 version of the COMPex emits visible red radiation in the range from 620 nm to 780 nm, which represents a particular danger. WARNING Risk of serious injury! A Class I laser system becomes a Class IV when the enclosure is open. The laser itself is a Class IV device. If alignment or maintenance work on Class IV laser equipment is necessary, everyone in the laser area must wear appropriate protective goggles or other appropriate protective eyewear. The mandatory protective goggles provide protection against direct, reflected and scattered radiation within the respective wavelength range. WARNING Risk of serious injury! Always wear goggles when there is a chance of exposure to radiation from the laser. Before putting on the protective goggles, check them for any obvious defects. As the filter in the goggles provides protection for only a narrow band of wavelengths, make sure you are wearing the appropriate goggles for the laser device in question. Check with your Laser Safety Officer or other safety personnel for guidance in selecting the appropriate goggles. Contact a manufacturer of protective eyewear for information about appropriate protective eyewear. Specifications needed to select appropriate eyewear are: wavelength, power, beam diameter, repetition rate and max. pulse duration. The ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard for safe use of lasers requires that protective goggles which block the appropriate laser wavelength should be worn while operating or servicing class IV lasers. The goggles should be clearly labeled with an optical density and the specified wavelength. 42 User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects To avoid confusion, these goggles should be kept separate from other safety glasses and personal protective equipment. Using the wrong type of goggles is dangerous. It can be worse to have improper eyewear and a false sense of security than to have no eyewear and take precautions based on the absence of protection. Even if you’re wearing protective goggles, never looked directly into the beam; intense laser radiation is capable of destroying the protective filter. Optical Safety Guidelines WARNING Potential eye burns! Only use the laser in accordance with its designated use. Safety interlocks are only to be defeated by authorized personnel. Always follow the guidelines listed below and take additional precautions if necessary to avoid injury caused by the laser beam: • When eyewear is necessary, make sure it has the proper optical density for the laser wavelength. • All other personnel in the vicinity of the laser should also be ordered to wear protective eyewear. Only qualified personnel should be permitted to operate the laser. • • Never intentionally look directly into any laser beam. Avoid indirect viewing of direct or reflected laser radiation. Specular reflections (from reflective surfaces) can be as dangerous as the direct laser beam. Do not view the beam through optical instruments unless the optics are designed to filter the laser wavelength. Precautions must be taken to ensure that there are no reflecting objects in the path of the laser beam. Only beam stops made of non-flammable materials are to be used. • Do not deviate from standard operating procedures when working with class IV laser equipment. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 43 SAFETY • Use lasers only in approved applications and locations. Take adequate precautions to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the area where a class IV laser is operating. Do not use lasers around untrained personnel who may injure themselves inadvertently. Assure that all personnel in the area observed proper safety precautions. • Do not assume the laser unit is aligned. Misaligned optics can cause unintended exposure. • • Report all incidents of exposure to your supervisor. • Warning signs indicating the laser enclosed area should be clearly displayed with an additional warning light outside the door. Local and national regulations governing the safe use of lasers should be adhered to all times. Skin Safety WARNING Potential skin burns! Direct and reflected laser radiation can burn exposed skin. Only use the laser in accordance with its designated use. Safety interlocks are only to be defeated by authorized personnel. 44 • Although the skin can withstand a considerably higher radiation intensity than the eyes, tissue may be burned to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the radiation time and the irradiation intensity. • Avoid contact between the skin and the beam, or specular reflections of the beam. Reflections of the beam may be as dangerous as the beam itself. Appropriate protective clothing should be worn to protect the skin whenever necessary. User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects Electrical Safety WARNING Electrical hazards! If the COMPex is completely shut down for maintenance and repair work, it must be secured against inadvertent starting. Ensure that the electrical system is locked-out and tagged-out prior to servicing by locking the main switch of the laser device and tagging appropriate warning signs. A0300COM.00 High voltages of up to 32 kV are generated within the laser equipment. Details of the system safeguards can be found in section 3.2.3 of this chapter, but as a general guide to safe working practices, the following precautions should be observed: • Local safety regulations must always be strictly complied with. • Switch off the COMPex laser device immediately if trouble occurs in the electrical system. • Work on the electrical system or equipment may only be carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such an electrician and in accordance with the applicable electrical engineering rules. • Fault finding and troubleshooting in high voltage circuits must only be performed by trained personnel. • Special attention should be paid to proper grounding of the laser. • Necessary work on live parts and elements must be carried out only in the presence of a second person who can cut off the power supply by actuating the emergency shut off or main power switch in case of danger. Secure the working area with a red and white safety chain and a warning sign. Use insulated tools only. • Whenever specified in applicable regulations, the power supply to the COMPex must be cut off to carry out inspection, maintenance and repair work. Before starting any work, check the de-energized parts for the presence of power and ground or short-circuit them in addition to insulating adjacent live parts and elements. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 45 SAFETY • • Use only original fuses with the specified current rating. The electrical equipment of the COMPex is to be inspected and checked at regular intervals. Defects such as loose connections or scorched cables must be repaired or replaced immediately. Gas Safety WARNING Toxic gas hazards! The gas system of an excimer laser contains a mixture of fluorine or hydrogen chloride gas. Inhalation of, or skin contact with, these halogens should be avoided. The properties of compressed gases, such as pressure and diffusiveness, make the handling of compressed gases hazardous. In addition, laser gas mixtures invariably contain components which are corrosive, toxic and oxidizing. Therefore, extreme care must be taken when handling these mixtures. As a general guide to safe working practices, the following precautions should be observed when working with gas equipment: 46 • Protective equipment for gas-handling such as gas-masks, must be available at the entrance to the area where the laser is located. Ensure that a protective mask with a protective gas filter, or a complete breathing apparatus set, is placed in a clearly displayed and accessible part of the operating area. • It is recommended that personnel work in pairs and within sight and sound of each other, although not necessarily in the same working area. Only trained and competent personnel should be permitted to handle premix gas cylinders and regulators. • Any equipment to be used for halogen servicing should be thoroughly cleaned, degreased and dried before use. • Any equipment that has contained halogen must be thoroughly purged with helium or argon and evacuated prior to opening or refilling. • Avoid repeated bending and excessive vibration of gas piping and equipment as this can result in flaking of the protective fluorine film and rupturing of the metal. Flaking of the protective film can also cause dust to foul the valves. User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects Due to the possibility of over-pressure of the gas mixture containing halogen, potential hazards exist due to the risk of leakage of the laser tube and gas pipes. The most vulnerable part is the window. Under normal operating conditions the pressure is 3.8 bar (abs.). The equipment must be used such that the laser exit port is not directed at personnel. In the event of a leak occuring, the release of halogen constitutes the greatest hazard. • The COMPex laser devices use an externally connected vacuum pump and halogen filter. Due to the possibility of gas leaks, potential hazards exist outside the laser device when evacuating the excimer laser gas mixture. A halogen sensor and an evacuating system are to be installed in the area of the vacuum pump to avoid hazardous halogen gas concentrations. • As the premix gas contains halogen, a needle valve or cut-off valve should be installed in the premix gas line. The additional valve is to be located near the gas cylinder to protect the gas line and pressure regulator against corrosion and provide additional gas protection. Do not solely rely on the main gas cylinder valve to provide adequate protection. • Gas cylinder valves should be closed except while filling the laser or when running the laser in the constant energy mode (EGY Const). • The pressure regulator, situated between the external gas cylinder and the laser, should be checked regularly. The maximum permitted value while cylinders are opened is 5 bar (abs) respectively 7 bar (abs.) to operate the halogen source’s pilot valve. • All areas containing pressurized halogen should be inspected for leaks periodically (weekly). In the event of a leak occurring, the release of halogen constitutes the greatest hazard. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 47 SAFETY • All leaks should be rectified immediately, but not while the system contains halogen. For Fluorine: Ammonia vapor expelled from a squeeze bottle containing ammonium hydroxide may be used to detect leaks at suspected points. Filter paper moistened with potassium iodide solution is a very sensitive means of detecting fluorine in concentrations as low as approximately 25 ppm. The potassium iodide paper should be held with the aid of 18 to 24 inch long tongs or forceps, and will darken and turn black when fluorine is present. Fluorine odor is sufficiently strong to be detectable in very low concentrations (at 0.14 ppm). Fluorine will also fume readily in air. WARNING Toxic gas hazards! Ensure that the laser is ventilated into an appropriate exhaust. Do not connect the exhaust of the laser to breathing air systems (e. g. air conditioning or ventilating systems). • Ozone can be generated by high power ultraviolet radiation (especially with F2 (157 nm) and ArF (193 nm)). This gas should be removed with an appropriate air exhaust. • Adequate ventilation is essential. There should be at least 10 air changes per hour when the laser device is installed in a confined space, e.g. housing of additional devices. • Always wear protective gloves when changing halogen filters as they are hygroscopic and contain oxidizing agents. Pressure Safety Gas pressures of up 3.8 bar (abs.) are permitted in the laser tube. In case of exceeding pressure, a built-in safety valve releases the overpressure via the halogen filter into the exhaust. The following precautions should be observed: • • 48 The laser should only be operated with the housing closed. In accordance with the local pressure vessel regulations (in Germany: “Druckbehälterverordnung”), Lambda Physik recommends that the laser tube be checked by a specialist every five years. User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects Fire Safety WARNING Fire hazards! Class IV lasers effectuate, by definition, fire hazards. The laser beam can cause flammable materials to ignite or explode. Always keep a fire extinguisher in the laser area in case a fire occurs. Because of the high output power from the class IV laser, a wide range of materials can be set on fire. Therefore, when the beam path is open, appropriate fire prevention measures should be taken: Combustible materials may be ignited by the laser beam or by electrical components inside the laser unit. Flammable items must be isolated from the laser beam and from the laser unit. • Paper (circuit diagrams, leaflets, or even posters on the wall), curtains that are not coated with fire retardant, wooden panels or similar materials can be easily set on fire by direct or reflected laser radiation. • Only beam stops made of non flammable materials (not asbestos!) should be used. • Many fluids and solvents (e.g. cleaning agents used for maintenance) are combustible. The intense beam of the laser or a spark from an internal switch can ignite vapors from these materials. Prevent the laser beam from contacting flammable materials used in the laser area. • Move containers of flammable materials as far from the laser unit as possible and shield them from the beam with opaque materials. Under no circumstances should these solutions and vapors be placed in the beam path or near the laser unit. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 49 SAFETY 3.2.3 Constructive Safety Features The laser is equipped with the following constructional safety features: Radiation Safety Features • • Appropriate Class IV label affixed to laser enclosure. All parts of the laser where laser radiation may possibly escape are marked with the appropriate adhesive danger signs (according to IEC 825). • The beam exit at the laser housing can be closed by a manually operated beam shutter. • COMPex series lasers are provided with a connector (“Remote”) on the rear panel of the laser housing, where electrical circuits for a warning light and an external interlock switch can be installed (the appropriate plug is included in the service box). The warning light signals that the laser is operating and therefore warns of the risk of laser radiation. Additionally, the generation of laser radiation can be recognized by the clicking noises: the higher the repetition rate, the faster the clicking. The interlock switch shuts down the laser externally, for instance if a door connected with the switch is opened. • The Basic Module is monitored by a watchdog. The COMPex immediately signals if this module has failed testing. • The service panel at the laser is equipped with an interlock which will shut off high voltage if the laser is opened during operation. Electrical Safety Features The following safety features protect the user from the potentially lethal hazards associated with high voltage power sources. • 50 All potentially lethal voltages are contained in fully protected and grounded enclosures. Additionally a chassis cover interlock disables the high voltage power supply when the cover is removed. User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects • Opening a service panel triggers an interlock switch that shuts off the high voltage and thus the laser radiation. • The Power Module shielding encloses the HV parts of the laser to protect the surrounding against ionizing radiation and electromagnetic interference (for limits, see Section on page 39). A proper closed laser housing completely shields the surroundings from the ionizing radiation. The emission of ionizing radiation has been checked by the German Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). No radiation beyond background radiation was detected with covers closed. A0300COM.00 Opening the Power Module shielding discharges the capacitors by a safety switch release. • High voltage warning labels are prominently displayed on all three high voltage modules: the High Voltage Power Supply, the Gas Processor Power Supply, and the High Voltage Circuitry. • For service the capacitors can be discharged through a shortcut plate to ground. • All AC power wiring is UL- or VDE-recognized and rated at 600 V. Black or brown is used for line phases, blue or white is used for neutral and green or yellow-green is used for ground (depending on the power supply version). • A yellow-green grounding conductor is included in every AC power. All power connectors have grounding pins that make first and break last. • All ground conductors are equipped with a ring lug and external tooth lockwasher. • Fuses are used to provide branch circuit protection against low level faults. • AC power and signal lines are never combined in the same connector. • Fast acting magnetic circuit breakers with at least 10 kA interrupting capacity, a lockable disconnect means and an emergency-off function are supplied with the main switch. • All external low voltage (24 V) lines conform to the VDE 0551 safety standard. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 51 SAFETY Gas Handling Safety Features The Lambda Physik Excimer Laser incorporates the following pressure and gas handling features. • The pressure chamber is designed according to the Druckbehälterverordnung (”Allgemeine Vorschrift, DruckbehV”; edited by the “Bundesministerium f. Arbeit & Soziales”; Germany). Every chamber is tested up to 4.5 bar (abs). • If tube pressure exceeds 4.3 bar, a safety valve opens and leads the gas via the halogen filter into the exhaust. • • • • • Gas valves are automatic and electrically operated. All utilities connections are found along one end of the laser. The main enclosure is fully interlocked. All gas fittings are 6 mm Gyrolok™. A powerful ventilation system causes the continuous underpressure in the laser tube during laser operation. This technique prevents toxic gas from escaping into the ambient air in case of a leak. The exhaust enclosure is designed to ensure ventilation of all components. The housing is vented to allow toxic and corrosive gases to be discharged safely in the event of an accidental leak. This vent should be connected to a fume hood or exhaust duct. • 52 The optional VUV-adapter makes it possible to continuously purge the beam path of the laser with nitrogen. The beam path has to be purged if the laser operates with ArF (wavelength: 193 nm) or F2 (wavelength: 157 nm). A fully nitrogen-purged beam path prevents ozone production. User Manual COMPex Specific Safety Aspects Fire Safety Features Fire safety features designed into the Lambda laser address the elimination of combustible or toxic out-gassing materials, and prevents flames from spreading or burning materials from dripping. The design incorporates the following specific fire safety features: • Except for electrical wire insulation, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is not used. • No ventilation holes in fire break enclosures are in excess of 5 mm (0.20 in) in diameter. Hole arrays are used as required. • Material meeting or exceeding UL 94-V0 is used. Mechanical Safety Features Mechanical safety design provides protection against any hazards which could cause physical injury or burns. Specific mechanical safety features are listed below. • • • • A0300COM.00 Exposed corners are radiused. Air fans have grill guards with less than 6.4 mm (0.25 in) access. No high temperature components are accessible to touch. The laser’s center of gravity is centrally located within the enclosure to minimize tipping hazard. General Safety Features • The laser can only be switched on with the key switch. This prevents inadvertent or unauthorized starting of the laser. It cannot be operated with the key in OFF position and the key cannot be removed in ON position. • • No polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) is used. No asbestos is used. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 53 SAFETY 3.3 Safety Compliance List The equipment has been tested and found to comply with the standards and recommendations about safety of laser products and safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use: ¯ IEC 60825-1(1994) + A11 (1996) (IEC 825-1: 1993) ¯ IEC 61010-1 (1990) + A1 (1992) + A2 (1995) ¯ EN 61010-1 (1993) + A2 (1995) ¯ CAN-CSA 22.2 No. 1010.010—30 ¯ UL 3101-1 54 User Manual COMPex 4 LABELS This Chapter contains the description of the labels and where they are found on the COMPex. Be sure that all warning labels are affixed to the system according to the plans given in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this chapter. A0300COM.00 WARNING Risk of injury! Misuse or improper handling of the laser device can cause serious or, in certain situations, even lethal injuries. Never put the COMPex into operation if the labeling is incomplete. Immediately replace missing labels or inform Lambda Physik of their absence. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 55 LABELS 4.1 Labels on the Outside of the Laser (all countries except Germany) 3 2 1 Figure 18: Labels on the front side of the COMPex The Labels on the Front of the COMPex are: 1. Beam exit safety sign AVOID EXPOSURE VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION IS EMITTED FROM THIS APERTRE 2. Sign warning of laser radiation while mirror access panel is removed. DANGER Visible And Invisible Laser Radiation When Open AVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TO DIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATION 56 User Manual COMPex Labels on the Outside of the Laser (all countries except Germany) 3. Warning label according to CDRH. Contains laser radiation warning and individual laser data: COMPex Model Power [W] Energy [J] Duration Wavelength [ns] [nm] COMPex 102 20 0.6 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 110 50 0.6 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 120 50 0.4 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 150T 50 1 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 201 20 1 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 205 50 1 10 - 50 157 - 800 COMPex 301 30 1.8 10 - 50 157 - 800 VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TO DIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATION Max. Average Power: W Output: J/pulse Duration to ns Wavelength nm to A0300COM.00 CLASS IV LASER PRODUCT LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 57 LABELS The Labels on the rear of the COMPex are: 11 4 5 6 10 7 9 8 Figure 19: Labels on the rear side of the COMPex 4. Label that prohibits to remove the RS232 cables (to Handheld Keypad or Remote Computer) while power is on. TURN OFF POWER BEFORE DISCONNECTING THE CABLE 5. Warning Sign, warning of laser radiation while mirror access panel is off. Identical to the label at the mirror output on the front of the COMPex (see page 56). 6. Instruction for operating the COMPex with Handheld or Remote Computer at distances of more than 2 m. This complies to IEC 825. ATTENTION IF CONTROLLER AND LASER ARE SEPARATED MORE THAN 2 METERS, ALSO THE CONTROLLER HAS TO BE EQUIPPED WITH APPROPRIATE WARNING LABELS AND EMISSION INDICATOR (SEE MANUAL) 58 User Manual COMPex Labels on the Outside of the Laser (all countries except Germany) 7. Halogen gas warning. TOXIC AND CORROSIVE GASES 8. (fluorine version only) Label directing that no gas mixture other than fluorine gas mixtures be used. Nur Fluor-Gasgemische verwenden! Only for Fluorine-Gas Mixtures! 9. Warning that gas connections must be sealed when opened. GASANSCHLÜSSE UND GASZULEITUNGEN SIND NACH DEM TRENNEN ODER BEI NICHTBENUTZUNG ZU VERSCHLIESSEN GASINLETS AND SUPPLY OUTLETS MUST BE BLANKED OFF AFTER DISCONNECTING OR IF NOT USED 10. Laser identification plate. For more information about the configuration of the electrical connection, please refer to Chapter 5. The indicated values are shown on the label. LASERTECHNIK Lambda Physik GmbH ß e 12 ö Hans-Böckler-Stra D-37079 Göttingen ö Germany Modell: Model Serien-Nr.: Serial-No. Hergestellt: in Göttingen ö Manufactured V± % Phasen: Phases A0300COM.00 Hz ~ kVA Leiter: Wires A 11. Label showing electrical frequency for the main supply, where XX is replaced by the frequency. Laser is switched for XX Hz LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 59 LABELS 4.2 Labels Inside the Laser (all countries except Germany) 1 2 3 8 4 7 6 5 Figure 20: Labels inside the COMPex Labels inside the COMPex are: max max UH UR min 50 Hz 60 Hz min 1. Labels at the thyratron adjustment panel. FUSE AUX BIAS HEAT RES GND 60 User Manual COMPex Labels Inside the Laser (all countries except Germany) 2. Label warning to access the high voltage circuit. LEBENSGEFAHR! Nur Personal, vollständig vertraut mit den Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für Arbeiten an Hochspannungsgeräten darf Arbeiten am Gerät ausführen. Vor jedem Service ist stets das Handbuch zu lesen. Alle Anweisungen zur dauerhaften Erdung, sowie Prüfung auf Abwesenheit der Hochspannung sind genau und jederzeit zu befolgen. Only Personnel fully conversant with safety measures for working with High Voltage equipment shall perform work at this equipment. Every time before service it is mandatory to read the Manual. All instructions for positive Grounding and Check for Absence of High Voltage have to be followed meticuously and at any time. DANGER TO LIFE! 3. Label showing electrical frequency and voltage needed for the main supply. Line Voltage 230V Line Voltage 110V Line Frequency 50Hz Line Frequency 60Hz E=_________ 4. Labeling of the power supply unit’s fuses. M03/ F6 M03/ F5 M03/ F4 M03/ F3 M03/ F2 M03/ F1 5. Fabrication Number of the laser device. A0300COM.00 Lambda Physik Göttingen FN . LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 61 LABELS 6. Identification label of the laser tube. SERIEN-NR.: SIEHE SCHLAGZAHL SERIAL-NO.: SEE ENGRAVED NUMBER BAUJAHR: MANUFACTION YEAR: MAX. BETRIEBSDRUCK: BAR MAX. OPERATION PRESSURE: MAX. BETRIEBSTEMPERATUR: °C MAX.OPERATION TEMPERATURE: MIN. BETRIEBSTEMPERATUR: °C MIN.OPERATION TEMPERATURE: LITER INHALT: LITRE VOLUME: GAS PROZESSOR: KV GAS PROCESSOR: ANODE: P: NO: ANODE: KATHODE: P: NO: CATHODE: ELEKTRODEN-ABSTAND: MM ELECTRODE GAP: 7. Sign warning of electrical shock. 8. Label naming the (upper) remote plug and describing the (lower) power supply plug. REMOTE 0 .05 A 230 V 10 A POW ER 62 User Manual COMPex 5 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES To continuously optimize the laser devices, all data in this chapter are subject to changes. A0300COM.00 Should information on seperate sheets (e.g. laser data sheets) attached to or provided together with this manual contradict the information in this chapter, the information on the separate data sheets has priority. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 63 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.1 Laser Specifications CDRH-class (laser classification) IV Power ≤ 30 W Pulseshape temp. ≥ 10 ns Pulse to Pulse stability ≤ ± 12 % for pulse moving average With the exception of F2, all data given are measured with an energy monitor and optimized gas mixtures. Specifications for COMPex 100 series F2 ArF KrF XeCl XeF Units 157 193 248 308 351 nm COMPex 102 (Multigas) 10 200 300 200 150 mJ COMPex 102 (F-Version) 10 200 350 —- 150 mJ COMPex 110 (Multigas) 10 200 300 200 150 mJ COMPex 110 (F-Version) 10 200 350 —- 150 mJ COMPex 102 20 20 20 20 20 Hz COMPex 110 50 100 100 100 100 Hz COMPex 102 (Multigas) 0.2 4 6 4 3 W COMPex 102 (F-Version) 0.2 4 7 —- 3 W COMPex 110 (Multigas) 0.4 12 25 20 12 W COMPex 110 (F-Version) 0.4 12 30 —- 12 W Pulse Duration (nominal) COMPex 100 series —- 25 30 20 25 ns, FWHM Beam Dimensions3) COMPex 100 series 24 x 5-10 24 x 5-10 24 x 5-10 24 x 5-10 24 x 5-10 mm² (V x H) Beam Divergence3) COMPex 100 series 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 mrad (V x H) COMPex Model Wavelength 1) Pulse Energy Max. Rep. Rate 2) Avg. Power 1) 2) 3) 64 measured at low repetition rate (5 Hz) measured at max. repetition rate typical value, FWHM User Manual COMPex Laser Specifications Specifications for COMPex 200 and 300 series F2 ArF KrF XeCl XeF Units 157 193 248 308 351 nm COMPex 201 (Multigas) 16 400 600 400 300 mJ COMPex 201 (F-Version) 16 400 650 —- 300 mJ COMPex 205 (Multigas) 16 400 600 400 300 mJ COMPex 205 (F-Version) 16 400 650 —- 300 mJ COMPex 301 (Multigas) 16 5504) 900 5504) 4004) mJ COMPex 301 (F-Version) 16 5504) 1000 —- 4004) mJ COMPex 201 10 10 10 10 10 Hz COMPex 205 40 50 50 50 50 Hz COMPex 301 10 10 10 10 10 Hz COMPex 201 (Multigas) 0.15 4 5 3.5 3 W COMPex 201 (F-Version) 0.15 4 6 —- 3 W COMPex 205 (Multigas) 0.7 15 25 20 15 W COMPex 205 (F-Version) 0.7 15 30 —- 15 W COMPex 301 (Multigas) 0.15 54) 9 54) 44) W COMPex 301 (F-Version) 0.15 54) 10 —- 44) W COMPex 200 series —- 20 25 25 20 ns, FWHM COMPex 301 —- 25 25 25 20 ns, FWHM COMPex 200 series 24 x 6-12 24 x 6-12 24 x 6-12 24 x 6-12 24 x 6-12 mm² (V x H) COMPex 300 series 30 x 8-15 30 x 8-15 30 x 8-15 30 x 8-15 30 x 8-15 mm² (V x H) COMPex 200/300 series 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 mrad (V x H) COMPex Model Wavelength Pulse Energy 1) Max. Rep. Rate Avg. Power 2) Pulse Duration (nominal) A0300COM.00 Beam Dimensions 3) Beam Divergence 3) 1) 2) measured at low repetition rate (5 Hz) measured at max. repetition rate 3) typical value, FWHM 4) since September 1997 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 65 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.2 Physical Dimensions COMPex 100: Laser (l × h × w) Weight ≈1300 × 795 × 385 mm 250 kg COMPex 200/300: Laser (l × h × w) Weight ≈1700 × 795 × 385 mm 325 kg Vacuum Pump: Pump (l × h × w) 230 × 450 × 240 Pump with mounted filter 530 mm Weight 23 kg All dimensions are shown in the layout diagrams given in Chapter 11 of this manual. 66 User Manual COMPex Electrical Requirements 5.3 Electrical Requirements This chapter provides the information about power supply and interface specifications. 5.3.1 Power Supply NOTE All rated voltages can vary by ± 10 %. COMPex Model Voltage [V] Frequency [Hz] Phases [-] Wires [-] Power Cons. [kVA] COMPex 102 230 50 / 60 1 3 1.5 6 COMPex 110 230 50 / 60 1 3 3 13 COMPex 120 230 50 / 60 1 3 3 13 380 - 400 50 3 5 9 13 COMPex 201 230 50 / 60 1 3 1.5 6 COMPex 205 230 50 / 60 1 3 3 13 COMPex 301 230 50 / 60 1 3 2 7 COMPex 150T COMPex Model A0300COM.00 230 V / 400 V version Current [A] 115 V / 208 V version Voltage [V] Frequency [Hz] Phases [-] Wires [-] Power Cons. [kVA] Current [A] COMPex 102 120 50 / 60 1 3 1.5 12 COMPex 110 120 50 / 60 1 3 3 25 COMPex 120 120 50 / 60 1 3 3 25 COMPex 150T 208 50 / 60 3 5 9 25 COMPex 201 120 50 / 60 1 3 1.5 12 COMPex 205 120 50 / 60 1 3 3 25 COMPex 301 120 50 / 60 1 3 2 14 See Chapter 11 of this manual for wiring diagrams. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 67 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.3.2 Serial Interface (RS232C) The laser can be controlled by an external PC system using the interfaces specified in these section. The connector is a 25 pole Sub D-type male connector. PIN Signal Specific Description 2 TXD O, RS232 Transmit Data 3 RXD I, RS232 Receive Data 7 GND Signal Ground Data format: data bits parity stop bit baud 5.3.3 8 no 1 9600 bps Remote Socket The Remote Socket enables to connect external safety features to the laser device. Pin 2 and 3 must be connected to run the laser, otherwise the interlock message “remote”7 appears. Pin 2 to 3 24 VAC Pin 1 to 4 24 VAC/100 mA Remote interlock (e. g. door switch) 2 3 1 4 External laser radiation warning lamp Figure 21: Remote socket 68 User Manual COMPex Electrical Requirements 5.3.4 Trigger Signal Ports There are two BNC trigger signal ports at the COMPex laser device: ¯ External Trigger In (Ext. Trig.), ¯ Sync. Out. External Trigger In This port allows external triggering of the laser. The specifications of the necessary input are: Voltage: +3.3 V to +5 V Impedance: ≥ 5 kΩ Duration: ≥ 15 µs triggered on positive slope Connector: BNC Galvanic isolation by optocoupler provided. Sync. Out Signal The Sync. Out Signal is sent by the Communications Interface. It informs devices other than the laser that a trigger signal (whether internal or external) has just been given. NOTE If COD is active, there is a time delay between Sync. Out Signal and firing of the laser. For more information about this delay, see 7.5.4. A0300COM.00 Specifications of the Sync. Out signal are: Voltage: + 3.3 to +5 V Impedance: ≥1 kΩ Duration: 15 µs triggered on positive slope Connector: BNC Galvanic isolation by optocoupler provided. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 69 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.4 Cooling Water The models COMPex 102, COMPex 201 and COMPex 301 are fully aircooled. Installation of the water cooling is only required for COMPex 110 and COMPex 205. These lasers are optionally equipped with built-in temperature stabilization to optimize the gas temperature of the laser tube by regulation of the water flow. CAUTION Laser heat exchange may corrode! Do not use deionized or distilled water. NOTE A) Particles in the cooling water can clog the cooling cycle. Thus, the use of a filter is strongly recommended. B) At a high duty cycle, more than 1000 liters of cooling water a day are needed. Due to cost and environmental factors, we recommend a cooling circuit and an additional water chiller. Specifications: Temperature Range (at water inlet) 70 5 to 20 °C (41 to 68 °F), for 100 % duty cycle Flow 1 to 5 l/min, depending on the temperature of the water. pH-value 6 to 9 Pressure < 4 bar abs (< 57 psi). Heat transfer to water ≤ 1.5 kW Connectors In /Out 10 mm Serto® The laser is connected to the water line by two ½ inch hoses (3 m length). User Manual COMPex Gas Requirements 5.5 Gas Requirements The active medium in an excimer laser is a mixture of a rare gas, a halogen and a buffer gas. The gases are mixed in the laser itself. The gas mixtures needed depend on the wavelengths desired for operation: Gas Mixture Wavelength F2 in He, Buffer (He) 157 nm Ar, F2 in He, Buffer (Ne) 193 nm Kr, F2 in He, Buffer (Ne) 248 nm Xe, HCl and H2 in He, Buffer (Ne) 308 nm Xe, F2 in He, Buffer (Ne) 351 nm Normally the COMPex is prepared to operate at one wavelength only. All gas valves on the laser device allow supply from separate gas cylinders. In addition premix gases or the optional halogen source can be used. The halogen source is then controlled by the laser. NOTE In addition to the laser gas mixture we strongly recommend a helium and a neon gas cylinder even if they are not needed for the gas mixture. This gas cylinders are necessary to purge the tube and the gas lines (helium) and to make the laser device transportable and storable (neon). A0300COM.00 A halogen filter is built into the laser and will fully absorb all of the halogen exhaust during gas filling processes. No toxic gases will leave the laser device. The halogen filter filling ratio is monitored by the laser software. The Filter should be exchanged after up to 30 gas fills or on a yearly basis, whichever comes first. At wavelengths less than 233 nm, nitrogen is required to purge the beam path and optics modules. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 71 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.5.1 Gases Required It is possible to operate the COMPex at different wavelengths if the COMPex is prepared for multigas-operation. Make sure that the appropriate gas cylinders are available. For low duty cycle applications that consistently use the same laser wavelength, a premix gas cylinder operation can be recommended. In this case one cylinder of premix gas and another one with inert gas (helium) for flushing is required. Fluorine (only required without the optional fluorine source) Type of gas Purity of Helium Purity of Fluorine Pressure Flow RCS*) 5% F2 / 95 % He mixture 99.995 % or higher for excimer lasers, HF-free 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 0.3 to 3 l/s 10 l, 28 bar (400 psi) Hydrogen chloride (only required without the optional chlorine source) Type of gas Purity of the mixture Pressure regulator Flow RCS*) 5 % HCl/ 1 % H2 in He 99.995 % or higher 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 0.3 to 3 l/s 10 l, 100 bar, 1400 psi Argon Purity Pressure regulator Flow RCS*) 99.995 % or higher 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 0.8 to 3 l/s 50 l, 200 bar, 2800 psi Krypton Purity Pressure regulator Flow RCS*) 72 99.99 % or higher 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 0.8 to 3 l/s 10 l, 100 bar, 1400 psi User Manual COMPex Gas Requirements Xenon Purity Pressure regulator Flow RCS*) 99.99 % or higher 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 0.8 to 3 l/s 2.5 l, 50 bar, 700 psi Neon Purity Pressure regulator Pressure regulator (for optional halogen source) Flow RCS*) 99.995 % or higher 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 6.5 to 7 bar abs. 0.8 to 3 l/s 200 l, 200 bar, 2800 psi Helium (flushing gas for the laser tube) Purity Pressure regulator Pressure regulator (for optional halogen source) Flow RCS*) 99.995 % 3.5 to 5 bar abs. 6.5 to 7 bar abs. 0.8 to 3 l/s 200 l, 200 bar, 2800 psi Nitrogen (purge gas for the beam path) Purity Pressure regulator Pressure regulator (for optional halogen source) Flow RCS*) 99.999 % or boil off 2 to 2.5 bar abs. 6.5 to 7 bar abs. 1 to 12 l/min) 50 l, 200 bar, 2800 psi A0300COM.00 *) RCS = Recommended Cylinder Size LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 73 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.5.2 Optimum Gas Mixtures The gas mixtures described in this section are state of the art at the given release date and may change due to new knowledge. The gases are listed in the order in which they are charged. CAUTION Tube may be soiled! Impurities from the gas cylinder walls can be washed out. Use gas cylinders with at least 5 bar (70 psi) remaining pressure. Optimum Gas Mixtures (Release 11/96) COMPex Model Gas Mixture (Wavelength) Partial Pressure [mbar] Gas Pressure [%] Gas Port ArF (193 nm) 100 F2/He 0.17/3.16 Halogen 160 Ar 5.33 Rare 2340 Ne 78.00 Buffer KrF (248 nm) COMPex 102 COMPex 110 XeCl(308 nm) XeF (351 nm) F2 (157 nm) 74 400 He 13.33 Inert 80 F2/He 0.12/2.30 Halogen 100 Kr 3.03 Rare 3120 Ne 94.55 Buffer 80 HCl/H2/He 0.13/0.02/2.35 Halogen 60 Xe 1.87 Rare 3060 Ne 95.63 Buffer 120 F2/He 0.18/3.46 Halogen 15 Xe 0.45 Rare 3165 Ne 95.91 Buffer 80 F2/He 0.15/2.81 Halogen 2620 He 97.04 Inert Total Pressure [mbar] 3000 3300 3200 3300 2700 User Manual COMPex Gas Requirements Optimum Gas Mixtures (Release 11/96) Laser Type Gas Mixture (Wavelength) ArF (193 nm) COMPex 201 COMPex 205 Gas Pressure [%] Connect to 100 F2/He 0.16/2.96 Halogen 200 Ar 6.25 Rare 2900 Ne 90.63 Buffer KrF (248 nm) (COMPex 201 only) 60 F2/He 0.10/1.71 Halogen 130 Kr 3.93 Rare 3120 Ne 94.26 Buffer KrF (248 nm) (COMPex 205 only) 60 F2/He 0.09/1.68 Halogen 130 Kr 3.82 Rare 3210 Ne 94.41 Buffer XeCl (308 nm) 60 HCl/H2/He 0.08/0.02/1.57 Halogen 100 Xe 2.78 Rare 3440 Ne 95.55 Buffer 130 F2/He 0.20/3.74 Halogen 15 Xe 0.45 Rare 2855 Ne 86.52 Buffer 300 He 9.09 Inert 90 F2/He 0.16/3.05 Halogen 2710 He 96.79 Inert 70 F2/He 0.10/1.90 Halogen 140 Ar 4.00 Rare 2690 Ne 76.86 Buffer 600 He 17.14 Inert 70 F2/He 0.10/1.79 Halogen 100 Kr 2.70 Rare XeF (351 nm) F2 (157 nm) ArF (193 nm) KrF (248 nm) COMPex 301 XeCl (308 nm) XeF (351 nm) A0300COM.00 Partial Pressure (mbar) F2 (157 nm) 2930 Ne 79.19 Buffer 600 He 16.22 Inert 60 HCl/H2/He 0.08/0.02/1.52 Halogen 70 Xe 1.89 Rare 3570 Ne 96.49 Buffer 120 F2/He 0.16/3.08 Halogen 15 Xe 0.40 Rare 2965 Ne 80.14 Buffer 600 He 16.22 Inert 90 F2/He 0.16/3.05 Halogen 2710 He 96.79 Inert LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 Total Pressure [mbar] 3200 3310 3400 3600 3300 2800 3500 3700 3700 3700 2800 75 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.5.3 Pressure Regulators Pressure regulators are delivered by gas manufacturers. As a minimum standard, Lambda Physik recommends pressure regulators which operate up to 5 bar (abs.). The joints for the gas lines must be provided with Gyrolok fittings for 6 mm-diameter-pipe. Stainless steel regulators are required for halogen gases. 5.5.4 Gas Cabinets Gas cylinders, especially those containing fluorine and hydrogen chloride gas mixtures pose a safety hazard because of the risk of leakage. In order to diminish this risk, safety gas cabinets are available. Please contact gas manufacturers for further information. CAUTION Laser tube may be poisoned by contaminated piping! Keep dust, humidity, oil or other pollutants off tubing. Operate the laser under clean conditions. Connections and Tubing: Gas Connections: Gas Lines: 6 mm Gyrolok 316 L stainless steel, inside electropolished, 6 mm outer diameter, degreased. The halogen supply line from an external gas cylinder is recommended to be a double wall tubing. See Chapter 11 of this manual for gas flow diagrams. 76 User Manual COMPex Air Intake and Exhaust 5.6 Air Intake and Exhaust The laser has one central air exhaust. Under normal operating conditions the exhaust air does not include any toxic gases or byproducts. Nevertheless, for certain failure scenarios the exhaust air may include halogen gas or ozone in small concentrations. Effective protection is only guaranteed if the hose leads to appropriate ventilation. WARNING Poisoning hazard! Lead laser and vacuum pump exhaust hose to an appropriate ventilation system. Do not connect the exhaust to breathing air systems (i. e. air conditioning or ventilating systems). Specifications: Air Flow approx. 200 m³/h (100 cfm) Diameter 150 mm Hose length 3 m max. If the distance to the ventilation is more than 5 m, an additional blower has to be installed. Heat transfer to exhaust A0300COM.00 5.7 <1 kW Beam Exit Position The beam exit is on the left side of the laser when looking at the service panel. The COMPex is equipped with high-adjustable feed, so the beam exit can be adjusted from 378 to 418 mm in vertical position. The beam exit is shown in the layout diagrams given in Chapter 11 of this manual. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 77 SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5.8 Environmental Conditions This section describes recommended environmental conditions for transport, storage and operation of the COMPex. 5.8.1 5.8.2 Transport and Storage Conditions Temperature Range -20 to +50 °C Max. Temperature Gradient 5 °C/h Ambient Air Pressure 650 to 1070 mbar Max. Pressure Gradient 75 mbar/h Humidity < 70 % RH Max. Allowed Acceleration During Transport 1G Operational Environmental Conditions Ambient Temperature 5 to 30 °C Max. Temp Gradient 5 °C/h Altitude 0 to 2000 m above sea level Max. Atmospheric Pressure Gradient 75 mbar/h Humidity 30 to 70% relative humidity (RH) Cleanliness class 10,000 CAUTION Risk of contaminating optical components! The ambient air is to be free of dust, oil, organic particles, corroding substances and photochemically decompositable or depositable compounds. Protect the beam path and the laser optics with a purgeable shield at critical environmental conditions. Please contact Lambda Physik for more information. 78 User Manual COMPex Vacuum Pump 5.9 Vacuum Pump Type: Becker VTC 6/2 The vacuum pump is connected to the laser with a 3 m-long supply cable and does not require an additional power supply. For more information see the attached vacuum pump manual. Halogen Filter Type Standard Supplier Lambda Physik GmbH Hans-Böckler-Strasse 12 D-37079 Göttingen, Germany Phone: +49/551/ 69 38-0 Fax: +49/551/68 691 Order-No.: 261 068 A0300COM.00 5.10 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 79 80 User Manual COMPex 6 INSTALLATION This chapter describes the installation of the laser device. It must be read: ¯ prior to initial installation, ¯ after transportation, ¯ prior to re-installation after storing the laser device. 6.1 Transport This chapter describes the equipment delivered and how it shall be unpacked and safely moved. WARNING Risk of injury or damage! Failure to observe the transportation requirements and restrictions in this chapter may result in injury to persons or damage to equipment. Persons responsible for transporting the system must ensure that all transport requirements are complied with. 6.1.1 Safety A0300COM.00 When moving the laser device and its components, always follow the standard safety precautions and practices for the transportation and handling of heavy equipment. WARNING Risk of crushing! The COMPex 100 series laser device together with its components, accessories and packaging weights 345 kg (760.6 lb), the COMPex 200/300 series laser device together with its packaging weights 395 kg (870.8 lb). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 81 INSTALLATION CAUTION Risk of damaging laser device! During transportation and installation, keep the laser device as horizontal as possible. The laser device can be tilted max. 5 ° around the beam axis and 20 ° longitudinally for a short period (see Figure 22). max ± 5° max ± 20° Figure 22: Permitted tilting gradients CAUTION Risk of damaging laser device feet! The COMPex laser device is to be transported carefully. Especially if attached to the base plate of the rigid transoprt packaging avoid sudden shocks and, if tilted, avoid vibrations. 82 User Manual COMPex Transport 6.1.2 Transport and Storage Conditions Ensure that the following conditions are maintained while transporting and storing the laser device: 6.1.3 Temperature range -20 to 50 °C (-4 to 122 °F) (remove cooling water before transport and for storing) Max. temperature gradient 5 °C/h Ambient air pressure 650 to 1070 mbar Max. pressure gradient 75 mbar/h Humidity less than 70 % RH Floor Loads CAUTION Risk of structural damage! All floors on the proposed transport route or at the proposed storage/installation location must be checked to ensure that they can withstand the weight of the laser device and fork lift truck or similar device (whatever used). It is the responsibility of the customer to provide Lambda Physik and/or the system manufacturer with ¯ Accurate information regarding floor loading capabilities. This information is necessary to determine the type of transportation to be used. ¯ Elevator loading capacities. A0300COM.00 When elevator transport is intended, the loading capability of the elevator must be verified. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 83 INSTALLATION Packaging Dimensions and Weight Laser Device with Rigid Transport Packaging Length 1820 mm (71.7 in) Height 1030 mm (40.6 in) Width 540 mm (21.3 in) Weight COMPex 100 series COMPex 200/300 series 345 kg (760,6 lb) 395 kg (870,8 lb) Accessories (separately packed for COMPex 200/300 series) Dimensions 660 mm x 520 mm x 430 mm (26.0 in x 20.5 in x 16.9 in) or 520 mm x 520 mm x 470 mm (20.5 in x 20.5 in x 18.5 in) Weight depending on configuration Laser Device without Rigid Transport Packaging (approx.) COMPex 100 series Length 1300 mm (51.2 in) Height 795 mm (31.3 in) Width 385 mm (15.2 in) Weight 250 kg (551.2 lb) COMPex 200/300 series Length 1700 mm (51.2 in) Height 795 mm (31.3 in) Width 385 mm (15.2 in) Weight 325 kg (716.5 lb) Vacuum Pump Length 230 mm (9.1 in) Height* 450 mm (17.7 in) Width 240 mm (9.4 in) Weight 23 kg (50.7 lb) * Height with halogen filter: 530 mm (20.9 in) 84 User Manual COMPex Transport 6.1.4 Transport Packaging This section describes the means of packaging the COMPex laser devices to ensure safe shipment and delivery in the required condition. NOTE Always retain the transport packaging to ensure optimum protection of the laser device during subsequent shipment. The transport packaging for the COMPex 100 series laser devices consists of a single transport container. This contains the laser device together with all accessories and components removed from the laser device for transport. The accessories and components of the COMPex 200/300 series laser devices are packed in a separate box (see Section on page 84). The transport packaging of the laser devices is in two-stages. These are: ¯ Rigid transport packaging ¯ Anti-static (polyethylene) inner cover. The rigid transport packaging (see Figure 23) fully encapsulates the laser devices and inner cover. It consists of a plywood base pallet (B) and plywood upper panels (A) at the sides, front, rear and top. A0300COM.00 A B Figure 23: Rigid transport packaging LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 85 INSTALLATION Placed on the base pallet are two shock absorbing buffers (see Figure 24). When the laser device feet are placed in the locating holes of the buffers (A), the laser device is secured in position with rigid packaging closed. A Figure 24: Shock absorbing buffers The lase device is to be stored in the rigid transport packaging. 6.1.5 Transport / Lifting with Rigid Packaging WARNING Risk of crushing! The COMPex 100 series laser device together with its accessories and packaging weights 345 kg (760.6 lb), the COMPex 200/300 series laser devices together with its packaging weight 395 kg (870.8 lb). Prevent tipping or dropping during lifting and transportation. A suitable fork lift truck or similar device is required to lift the laser device. Ensure that the fork length and loading capacity is sufficient to safely lift the laser device in its packaging. NOTE For information regarding the size and weight of the laser device in its packaging, see Section on page 84. The laser device can be lifted longitudinally or from the side. Set the forks as far apart as possible to safely lift the laser device. 86 User Manual COMPex Transport 6.1.6 Remove Rigid Packaging Purpose Remove the top and side panels from the rigid transport packaging. NOTE At the end of this procedure the laser device remains attached to the base pallet and is protected by the inner cover. Tools and Materials • • • Suitable fork-lift truck Clip removal tool (provided) Screwdriver for removal of clip removal tool Preparation 1. Using the fork lift truck or appropriate device, move the laser device to the location where it is to be unpacked. 2. Set down the laser device in the unpacking location. Removing the Rigid Packaging NOTE The original packaging is needed to re-ship the laser device. Store the removed packaging in such a way that no parts are lost or damaged. A0300COM.00 3. Unscrew and remove the clip removal tool (see Figure 25, A) from the rigid transport packaging. Figure 25: Location of clip removal tool LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 87 INSTALLATION CAUTION Incorrect use of the clip removal tool can cause injury! The transport packaging clips are under tension. Do not use excess force to remove. While levering off, use the other hand to restrain movement. 4. Working from the top downwards, remove the clips from the rigid transport packaging. Push the clip removal tool into the recess on the clip, press against the clip to control movement and lever off (see Figure 26). Figure 26: Removing the clips 5. When the corresponding clips have been removed, remove the top, front, rear and side panels of the packaging. Storing the Transport Packaging 6. Stack the disassembled panels of the rigid transport packaging and accessory packaging onto the base pallet. NOTE When stacking, ensure that the outer cover does not become contaminated or damaged and that the inside surfaces of the panels cannot become contaminated. 88 User Manual COMPex Transport 6.1.7 Transport / Lifting without Rigid Packaging NOTE For information regarding the size of the laser device, see Section on page 84. WARNING Risk of crushing! Without accessories, the COMPex 100 series laser device weighs 250 kg (551.2 lb), the COMPex 200/300 series laser devices weight 325 kg (716.5 lb). Prevent tipping or dropping during lifting and transportation. CAUTION Risk of soiling or damaging laser optics! To avoid the formation of condensed water, ensure that the max. permissible temperature gradient (5 °C/h) is maintained while moving the laser device from the storage area. Ensure that all passageways, corridors and access points have sufficient clearances. Pay particular attention to the clearances required to turn the laser device. A suitable fork lift truck or similar device is required to lift the laser device. Ensure that the fork length and/or the loading capacity are sufficient to safely lift the laser device. When using a fork lift truck, always transport or lift the laser device together with the base pallet. When using a crane, position the lifting harness or belt as near to the laser device’s feet as possible. A0300COM.00 CAUTION Risk of damaging the laser device! Incorrect lifting can cause serious damage. Use lifting points as far apart as possible to safely lift the laser device. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 89 INSTALLATION 6.1.8 Remove Anti-Static Inner Cover Purpose Remove the anti-static inner cover from the laser device and unpack the accessories. Tools and Materials • Knife for cutting sealing tape Preparation 1. Move the laser device and accessories into the installation area. Removing the Inner Covers NOTE The original packaging is needed to re-ship the laser device. Store the removed packaging in such a way that no parts are lost or damaged. 2. Remove the tape that seals the anti-static inner cover onto the laser device. 3. Lift the anti-static inner cover off of the laser device. 4. Take the accessories out of the packaging. 5. Clean the accessories as required. 90 User Manual COMPex Transport Locks 6.2 Transport Locks The COMPex is delivered without any transport locks. 6.3 Install Remote Socket The remote socket is on the rear side of the laser device, marked with “REMOTE CONTROL”. It provides the connections for the door interlock switch and the laser warning light (according to the international standard IEC 825). Installing the Door Interlock Switch 1. Connect pins 2 and 3 (e.g. via a switch that opens when a door is opened, thus shutting down the laser and preventing accidential beam contact). Installing the Laser Warning Light (100 mA) 2. Connect pins 1 and 4 (e.g. with a laser radiation lamp that warns upon entering a room that the laser is on) NOTE The laser can only operate when pins 2 and 3 are connected (with a closed switch, a short-circuit plug, etc.). A0300COM.00 Installation may vary due to local requirements. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 91 INSTALLATION 6.4 Connect Water Lines (COMPex 110 and COMPex 205 only) Due to the increased power of the COMPex 110 and the COMPex 205, they cannot be air-cooled only and therefore require a water cooling supply, when they are continuously operated at repetition rates higher than 20 Hz. Water Supply Requirements Input temperature 5 °C to 20 °C, for 100% duty cycle Maximum pressure < 4 bar abs. Flow rate 1 l/min to 5 l/min depending on the water temperature Tools and Materials • • • 2 water hoses (delivered with the COMPex) 4 hose clamps (delivered with the COMPex) Hose cutter CAUTION Laser tubing may corrode! Do not use deionized or distilled water. NOTE Particles in the cooling water can clog the cooling cycle. We strongly recommend the use of a particle filter. 92 User Manual COMPex Connect Water Lines (COMPex 110 and COMPex 205 only) NOTE During intensive use of the laser device, more than 1000 liters of cooling water are consumed per day. For reasons of cost and environment protection we recommend the use of an external cooling circuit and an additional water chiller. There are three types of water line connectors (see Figure 27). The installation is therfore described in general. Figure 27: Fittings for water lines Installing the Water Lines 1. Mount the first water hose to the connector on laser device marked with “WATER IN”. 2. Connect the other end of the hose to the water source. 3. Mount the second water hose to the connector on laser device marked with “WATER OUT”. A0300COM.00 4. Connect the other end of the hose to the building drain. 5. Turn on the water supply and adjust within a range of 1 l/min to 5 l/min. 6. Check that there are no water leaks or blockages. For a full adjustment of the cooling water see Section 7.2.6 on page 112. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 93 INSTALLATION 6.5 Electrical Line Installation Electrical installation of the COMPex consists of the following steps: ¯ Connection of the vacuum pump to the laser device ¯ Connection of the handheld keypad to the laser device ¯ Connection of a remote computer to the laser device (if used) ¯ Connection of the laser device to the General Power Outlet WARNING Risk of electrical shock! Work on the electrical system and equipment of the COMPex must be carried out only by a skilled electrician or by instructed persons under the supervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accordance with electrical engineering rules and regulations. A General Power Outlet is required for the laser device (and with it the vacuum pump). Note the power consumption of these devices: COMPex 102, 201: 1.5 kVA max. COMPex 301: 2.0 kVA max. COMPex 110, 120, 205: 3.0 kVA max. COMPex 150T: 9.0 kVA max. NOTE The power supply line of the laser device is to be protected through an approved and correctly rated circuit interruption device, in accordance with valid national and local electrical standards. 6.5.1 Connect the Vacuum Pump Please consult the operating instructions for the vacuum pump attached to this manual. The vacuum pump must be connected to the socket on the rear side of the laser device marked with “POWER VACUUM PUMP”. 94 User Manual COMPex Electrical Line Installation 6.5.2 Connect the Handheld Keypad The handheld keypad is an easy and comfortable way to use the COMPex without an additional PC (a so-called Remote PC). CAUTION Risk of data loss when disconnecting the handheld keypad! The laser device must be switched off before disconnecting the handheld keypad from the laser device. Otherwise the menu parameters can be lost. Tools and Materials • • • Handheld keypad RS232 cable Appropriate screwdriver for the RS232 plugs. Connecting the Handheld Keypad 1. Switch off the laser device. A0300COM.00 2. Plug the RS232 cable into the RS232 port on the laser device (see Figure 28). Figure 28: Connecting the RS232 plug to the laser device 3. Fasten the screws of the plug. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 95 INSTALLATION 4. Plug in the other side of the RS232 cable into the handheld keypad (see Figure 29). Figure 29: Connecting the RS232 plug to the keypad 5. Fasten the screws of the plug. 96 User Manual COMPex Electrical Line Installation 6.5.3 Connect a Remote PC You may only connect a remote PC when the handheld keypad is disconnected from the laser device. The remote PC is used to run the COMPex with a program of your need that uses the COMPex remote software. Tools and Materials • • RS232C wire with 25 pole D-type connector of the following specifications (at laser side): PIN Signal Specific. Description 2 TXD O, RS232 Transmit Data 3 RXD I, RS232 Receive Data 7 GND - Signal Ground Appropriate screwdriver for the RS232 plugs. Connecting the Remote PC to the Laser Device 1. Connect the RS232 cable to the laser device RS232 port (see Figure 28). 2. Fasten the plug screws at the port. 3. Connect the RS232 cable to a serial port of the Remote PC. 4. Fasten the plugs screws at the port. A0300COM.00 The remote software is detected automatically by the communication interface within the laser device. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 97 INSTALLATION 6.5.4 Connect the Main Power Supply Line The COMPex must be connected with a General Power Outlet. WARNING Risk of Electrocution! The mains supply line must be installed by instructed persons only, under the supervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accordance with electrical engineering rules and regulations. Tools and Materials • • • Wire cutter and stripper If used, plug for your local mains socket The mains plug (30 A) is to be approved in accordance with valid national and local electrical standards! Appropriate screwdrivers for the plug used Connecting the Laser Device to the General Power Outlet CAUTION Laser device can be damaged! Ensure that laser device is designed for your local voltage and frequency. You may know this by the laser identification plate on the rear side of the laser device (lower left corner). 1. Switch the key switch to OFF. 2. Switch the main switch to OFF. 3. Blank the ends of the power supply wire (attached to the laser device). 4. Connect blanked ends to the plug or to the General Power Outlet (the colors of the cables depend on the power supply version) black or brown: phase, white or blue: neutral, green or yellow/green: ground. 5. If used, insert the prepared laser device’s plug into the mains socket. The COMPex now is supplied with current. 98 User Manual COMPex Exhaust Lines Installation 6.6 Exhaust Lines Installation The COMPex has two exhaust lines: ¯ the exhaust line of the laser device housing, ¯ the laser tube exhaust line (including the vacuum pump and halogen filter, which is also described in this section). WARNING: Toxic hazard! Ensure that a halogen sensor and an evacuating system are installed in the area of the vacuum pump to avoid hazardous halogen gas concentrations in case of gas leaks during laser tube evacuation. 6.6.1 Install Exhaust Line of Laser Device Housing To prevent poisoning hazards, all gas from the laser must be completely removed, even when the gas escapes as a result of an accident. Tools and Materials • • • • • 4 mm Allen key (from service case) Exhaust line assembly (delivered with the COMPex) Connections to your own ventilation output (minimum internal diameter 150 mm, flow min. 200 m3/ h) Additional blower (when exhaust line is longer than 5m) Additional exhaust pipe (when exhaust line exceeds 5m) Installing the Exhaust Line of the Laser Device Housing A0300COM.00 1. Remove the two 4 mm Allenhead screws at the exhaust fan outlet on the rear side of the laser device (Figure 30). 2. Connect the exhaust pipe to the exhaust fan outlet using the (just removed) two 4 mm Allenhead screws. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 99 INSTALLATION Figure 30: Loosen the exhaust fan outlet WARNING Toxic hazard! Lead laser and vacuum pump exhaust hose to an appropriate ventilation system. Do not connect the exhaust to breathing air systems (i.e. air conditioning or ventilating systems). 3. Connect the other end of the exhaust tube to a suitable ventilation output. 4. Check that the air input filters on the front of the laser are fitted properly and are not obstructed. 5. Switch on the laser main switch. 6. Check that the exhaust fan, mounted on the top rear of the laser device, is working and sucking air out of the machine. 7. Switch off the laser main switch. 8. Check that there are no leaks around the exhaust pipe clamp. Possible contamination within the laser device housing will now be directed into your exhaust duct system. 6.6.2 Install Laser Tube Exhaust Line (Including the Vacuum Pump) To remove gas from the laser tube, the tube has to be evacuated. This gas contains toxic halogens, which are filtered out of the exhaust gas by a halogen filter. Both, the vacuum pump and the halogen filter have to be assembled. 100 User Manual COMPex Exhaust Lines Installation Tools and Materials • • • • • • Vacuum pump (delivered with the COMPex) Vacuum hose (delivered with the COMPex) Gas exhaust hose ( ¾” flexible hose) 36 mm wrench (from service case) 19 mm wrench (from service case) 6 mm Allen key Installing the Laser Tube Exhaust Line Consult the vacuum pump manual (attached to this manual) for a basic description of the installation of the vacuum pump and basic function tests. NOTE While mounting the vacuum pump and halogen filter, five plugs are to be removed. Keep these plugs in the service case for future use. 1. Remove the plug from the vacuum pump (see Figure 31). A0300COM.00 Figure 31: Remove the plug from the vacuum pump 2. Remove the plastic plug from the halogen filter. 3. Set two of the halogen filter threaded rods into the anti-torsion fork with the arrow on filter pointing downwards (see Figure 32). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 101 INSTALLATION Figure 32: Insert the halogen filter 4. (If anti-torsion fork is not properly adjusted) Adjust anti-torsion fork with 6 mm Allen key at adjustment screw (see Figure 33). Figure 33: Adjust the anti-torsion fork 5. Tighten halogen filter at vacuum pump with 36 mm wrench. 6. Remove the center plug on top of the halogen filter. 7. Mount the vacuum hose at the halogen filter with the 19 mm wrench. 8. Remove the plastic plug from the laser device connection marked “VACUUM PUMP”. 9. Mount the (white) vacuum hose at the laser device connection with the 19 mm wrench. 10. Remove the plug from the vacuum pump outlet socket. 11. Mount the ¾” gas exhaust hose at the vacuum pump outlet socket. 102 User Manual COMPex Exhaust Lines Installation WARNING Poisoning hazard! Lead laser and vacuum pump exhaust hose to an appropriate ventilation system. Do not connect the exhaust to breathing air systems (i.e. air conditioning or ventilating systems). 12. Connect the gas exhaust hose to a suitable ventilation output. A0300COM.00 The exhaust line installation is now complete. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 103 INSTALLATION 6.7 Install Gas Lines The laser device’ s gas solenoid valves are installed in such a way to allow gas supply from separate gas cylinders. In addition, premix gas cylinders and/or the optional halogen source can be used. Thus, the gas line installation varies: Configuration Single gas Premix and helium Premix, helium and halogen source Gas Types Connection Halogen Halogen Helium Inert Neon Buffer as specified Rare Premix Buffer (standard) Helium Inert Premix Buffer Halogen source Halogen Helium Inert To obtain optimum laser performance, observe the following instructions for the gas line installation: • • • • Only use gases specified in Section 5.5. Only use materials specified in Section 5.5.4. This prevents impurities from entering the gas system. Store gas cylinders in a dry cabinet to avoid moisture. Never expose the halogen line to moisture while it contains halogen or traces of halogen because it will corrode immediately. • Avoid long and complicated line routings. This is a source of impurities entering the system. • Only use clean and oil-free leak-proof fittings throughout the gas line. Avoid complicated fittings. • • Carefully check for leaks. Never use gas lines that have been used for other gases. NOTE All unused connections must be blanked off with stainless steel plugs delivered with the laser device. 104 User Manual COMPex Install Gas Lines Gas Line Requirements Gas Connections: 6 mm Gyrolok Gas Lines Stainless steel 316L, electro polished. The fluorine supply line is recommended to be a double-wall tubing. Tools And Materials • Gas supply lines (stainless steel 6x4) with Gyrolok connectors • • • • Panel key (from service case) 9/16” wrench (from service case) 13 mm wrench (from service case) Tools for shaping and cutting stainless steel tubing NOTE Use only gas cylinders with sufficient pressure (see Section 5.5.2). Installing the Gas Supply Lines NOTE See Chapter 11 of this manual for a gas flow diagram. 1. Check that pressure regulators are connected to the gas cylinders. 2. Check that the gas supply lines are laid and connected to the pressure regulators (or a halogen source). CAUTION Gas connectors can be damaged! Cut stainless steel lines only with an appropriate tool. Do not use a saw. Do not use lubricants. A0300COM.00 3. Fit each line with a 6 mm Gyrolok fitting. 4. Check that all gas supply valves are closed. 5. Remove the blanking plug from the appropriate gas connector on the laser device. NOTE Keep the blanking plug in the service case for future use. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 105 INSTALLATION 6. Fit the gas line to the appropriate connector using the Gyrolok fittings. 7. Tighten the Gyrolok fittings using the 9/16” wrench and the 13 mm wrench. 8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until all supply lines are connected. Final Checks 9. Check that all connections are properly matched and sealed tightly. 10. Perform a leak test on all newly fitted lines according to Section 10.7.1 of this manual. 106 User Manual COMPex 7 OPERATION This chapter contains information on how to use the COMPex with the handheld keypad coupled with the local software part of the communication interface. All maintenance instructions are described separately in Chapter 8. NOTE The remote software is described in Chapter 9. 7.1 Overview of this Chapter The individual buttons are explained on the pages given in this overview. A0300COM.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COUNTS GAS MENU SEL NEW FILL SEL F1 F6 RESET F2 F7 8 9 RUN STOP TRIGGER EXT/INT MODE 7 8 9 HV RESET FLUSH LINE 4 5 6 EGY EGY CAL PURGE LINE F3 F8 1 2 3 PURGE F4 F9 0 , CLEAR F5 F10 13 12 16 REPRATE RESERVOIR ENTER 15 EXE BREAK 14 1. Start laser operation Stop laser operation p. 111 p. 111 2. Trigger Mode p. 117 3. Running Mode p. 119 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 10 11 107 OPERATION 4. Repetition Rate p. 118 5. Select Counter p. 124 6. Reset User Counter p. 125 7. Select Gas Menu p. 114 8. Help not described 9. Emergency Fill (Manual Fill with Inert Gas) p.126 10. Manual Halogen Injection p.129 11. Gas Mode p.116 12. Charge On Demand p.122 13. Temperature Control p.128 14. Reset Gas Menu p.115 15. Set Beam Energy p.121 16. Set HV Constant p.121 NOTE A) The function keys <F2> and <F9> are for service only and therefore protected with a password. B) To abort software related procedure without saving changes, press <BREAK>. 108 User Manual COMPex Fundamental Laser Operations 7.2 Fundamental Laser Operations Please note the difference between “laser device” and ”laser” (see Section 2.1.3 on page 12). 7.2.1 Switch on the Laser Device Starting the laser device means: ¯ starting the 24 V circuit, ¯ checking the data ring and laser modules with a self-test, ¯ warming up the thyratron. The last two steps are performed automatically. Tools and Materials • None Preparation WARNING Risk of serious injury Ensure that only authorized and instructed personnel operate the laser. 1. Ensure that the installation has been completed. 2. Ensure that a leak test has been performed. 3. Check the beam path (see Section 7.2.5 on page 112). 4. Close all gas cylinder valves. 5. Close all pressure regulators in the gas lines. 6. Open gas cylinder valves. A0300COM.00 7. Set pressure regulators to max. 4 bar (abs). 8. Observe the maintenance schedule. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 109 OPERATION Switching On the Laser Device 9. (COMPex 110 and 205 only) Switch on the cooling water (for adjustment, see Section 7.2.6 on page 112). A C B KEY SWITCH CONTROL SUPPLY 24V AC F1 F3 F5 F2 F4 F6 D MainS POWER ON LINE Figure 34: Power switches and lamps on the laser device 10. Turn the key-switch from “0” to ”I” (A, Figure 34). 11. Turn the main switch (C) from OFF to ON. 12. The control supply lamp and the power on lamp (B and D) are now illuminated. The laser device performs a self-test. In case “FATAL ERROR” is displayed in the second line during the self-test, see Section 10.2) After a succesfull self-test, the laser device warms up the thyratron for eight minutes, displaying the message “WARMUP xx min” (“xx” is the remaining time in minutes). NOTE During the warm-up period, the laser is off but can perform commands that do not require laser beam generation. The warm-up period can be used to perform maintenance actions: ¯ check parameter settings (see Section 7.2.7 on page 113) ¯ flush the lines (see Section 8.4.1 on page 134) or ¯ perform a new gas fill (see Section 8.4.3 on page 139). After warm-up, the laser is ready for laser operation (see Section 7.2.2). 110 User Manual COMPex Fundamental Laser Operations 7.2.2 Start Laser Operation Tools and Materials • Protective eyewear Starting Laser Operation NOTE Don’t start laser operation at the max. high voltage level. The max. HV value should be set only after a few minutes of laser operation (see Section 7.5.3 on page 121). 1. Open the beam shutter. 2. Press <RUN/STOP>. The laser now needs a few seconds to initialize the power supply before emitting laser light with the given repetition rate. You recognize it by the clicking noises: the higher the repetition rate, the quicker the clicking. 7.2.3 Stop Laser Operation Tools and Materials • Protective eyewear Stopping Laser Operation 1. Press <BREAK> twice. 2. Close the beam shutter. A0300COM.00 NOTE The button <RUN/STOP> can also be used, but it fails to stop the laser when operating within a command, that requires input. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 111 OPERATION 7.2.4 Switch off the Laser Device Tools and Materials • None Switching Off the Laser Device 1. Turn the main switch to OFF. 2. Turn the key switch to ‘0’. 7.2.5 Check the Beam Path WARNING Danger to health! Keep the beam path free of reflecting objects. Shield the laser beam. Do not wear any reflectives (like rings, watches, etc.) Read safety instructions carefully before running the laser. Ensure that nobody accidentally looks into or touches the laser beam or reflections. 7.2.6 Adjust the Cooling Water Flow Rate (COMPex 110 and 205 only) The cooling water adjustment depends on the current laser device configuration: Laser Device with Optional Temperature Control Tools and Materials • None Adjusting the Cooling Water Flow Rate 1. Open the cooling water valve. The temperature control adjusts the flow rate on its own. 112 User Manual COMPex Fundamental Laser Operations Laser Device without Temperature Control Tools and Materials • Thermometer, scaled from 0°C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) Adjusting the Cooling Water Flow Rate 1. Open the cooling water valve. 2. Switch on the laser device. 3. Start laser operation for about 1000 shots to warm up the laser tube. 4. Measure the water outlet temperature. It must be within 25°C to 30 °C (77 °F to 86 °F). This results in a laser tube temperature of 30 °C to 38 °C (86 °C to 100 °F). 5. If the water temperature is wrong, adjust the water flow. 6. Stop laser operation. 7. Switch off the laser device. 7.2.7 Check Parameter Setting The actual settings of the main parameters displayed by the COMPex are: 1 3 2 4 5 6 MODE: HV 10 Hz 28.0 kV > 0 mJ 3030 mbar KrF 1 - Running Mode (see Section 7.5), 2 - Repetition Rate (see Section 7.4.2), A0300COM.00 3 - Charging Voltage (see Section 2.5.2), 4 - (if Running Mode is HV Constant) actual value measured by the Energy Monitor (see Section 2.5.2); (otherwise) preset Energy Constant Value (see Section 7.5.2), 5 - Laser Tube Pressure, 6 - Excimer Gas (Gas Menu). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 113 OPERATION 7.3 Gas Menu Besides other data, the gas menus contain all partial gas pressures. Some lasers only have one gas menu. If your laser is designed to run with different gas mixtures you must select the required gas menu. The laser saves this selection even after being switched off. 7.3.1 Select the Gas Menu Select the gas menu to change the excimer gas. The gas menu displays the following parameters: ¯ menu number, ¯ gas mixture, ¯ partial pressures (step by step). Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Stand-by mode Selecting a Gas Menu 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press the MENU button <SEL>. In the second line of the handheld keypad a short-cut of the present menu is displayed. 3. Press the left or right cursor to select the number of the gas menu. 4. Press <ENTER> to confirm. 5. Press <ENTER> for next partial pressure. NOTE The factory settings of the partial pressures are optimized according to state-of-the-art. We strongly recommend that settings are only changed when the Lambda gas specifications are changed. Reset the gas menu to re-obtain the factory setting (see Section 7.3.2.) 114 User Manual COMPex Gas Menu 6. If needed, type new partial pressure value using numerical keys. The limit values of the partial pressures are ± 20% of the partial pressures of the factory settings. 7. Repeat steps 5. and 6. for the next gas component. 8. Press <ENTER> to confirm the gas menu. The laser will perform the next new gas fill with the new gas menu data. 7.3.2 Reset the Gas Menu to Factory Settings The COMPex allows to reset all gas menus to the factory settings. This resets: ¯ partial pressures, ¯ gas mode, ¯ repetition rate, ¯ energy filter. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser device switched on NOTE If the laser is in Off mode, this command is only available twice. Resetting the Gas Menus A0300COM.00 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press the MENU button <RESET>. 3. Press <EXE> to reset to default. The gas menu is now set to the factory settings. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 115 OPERATION 7.3.3 Select the Gas Mode This function allows to select the gas mode: ¯ Single gas mode all gas components are connected as several single gas cylinders, the partial gas pressures are mixed by the control of the laser. ¯ Premix gas mode all gas components are premixed in one gas cylinder. If the factory setting is PREMIX, it may be impossible to choose SINGLE GASES and vice versa. This depends on the Gas Menu only. NOTE A) Unless other arrangements have been made with Lambda Physik, a premix cylinder must be connected to the BUFFER gas inlet and a helium cylinder to the INERT gas inlet. All other connections must be blanked off with stainless steel plugs delivered with the laser device. B) When resetting the Gas Menu, the Gas Mode is reset to factory settings too. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Selecting the Gas Mode 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press function button <F8>. 3. Press cursor left or right to select Gas Mode. 4. Press <ENTER> to confirm. 116 User Manual COMPex Change Triggering 7.4 Change Triggering To “trigger” the laser means to cause it to emit a single laser pulse. There are two trigger modes: ¯ internal trigger: laser pulses are triggered by the laser’s own trigger generator, ¯ external trigger: laser pulses are triggered by an external trigger signal via the Ext. Trig. socket at the rear of the COMPex (for specifications of the signal see Section 5.3.4). 7.4.1 Change the Trigger Mode The trigger mode is to be changed to switch between internal and external triggering. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser device switched on Changing the Trigger Mode 1. Press <TRIGGER INT/EXT>. 2. Press cursor left or right to select trigger mode. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm. The current trigger mode is displayed. A0300COM.00 4. Press <ENTER> to quit. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 117 OPERATION 7.4.2 Change the Repetition Rate The repetition rate determines the number of laser pulses per second. The repetition rate is given in Hz (that is 1/s). The minimum repetition rate is 1 Hz. The maximum repetition rate depends on the laser type noted on your laser test sheet. Only integer numbers are accepted. NOTE Due to the power range limits of the power supply, some laser types do not support maximum repetition rate with HVmax. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser device switched on Entering the Repetition Rate 1. Press <REPRATE>. 2. Type in the new repetition rate using numerical buttons. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm. The new value is displayed in the first line of the display. NOTE An acoustic signal warns the user of out-of-range input. The last acceptable value is retained. 118 User Manual COMPex Running Modes 7.5 Running Modes Even in a well designed and passivated excimer laser the laser gas degrades due to slow impurity generation during laser operation. Most impurities are removed by the built-in electrostatic filter. Nevertheless, the gas quality is continuously degraded which affects the output data. To compensate this, the COMPex can be operated in three different running modes (see also Section 2.5.2): CAUTION Work application could be endangered! While a Partial Gas Replacement (EGY PGR) takes place, pulse energy may fluctuate more strongly than normal. Ensure that this does not endanger your application. 1. Energy Constant Mode with Partial Gas Replacement (EGY PGR) The laser keeps the output energy of the laser pulses constant by increasing the charging voltage HV. If the charging voltage exceeds the replacement value HVrepl and HIs were not successful, a partial gas replacement takes place (see also flow diagram, page 26). This value is predetermined by the gas menu (see Section 7.3). The EGY PGR shall be used, ¯ for precise beam energy with peak-to-peak fluctuations of beam energy allowed. 2. Energy Constant Mode, No Gas Replacement (EGY NGR) The laser keeps the energy of the laser pulses constant by increasing the charging voltage HV. A0300COM.00 There will be a warning but no gas replacement if charging voltage exceeds the threshold limit value voltage HVrepl. The EGY NGR mode shall be used, ¯ for precise beam energy with no peak-to-peak fluctuations allowed, ¯ if some gases are currently not connected to the laser device, ¯ when using premix gas supply. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 119 OPERATION 3. High Voltage Constant Mode (HV) The laser keeps the charging voltage constant and therefore the beam energy slowly decreases. The beam energy in HV Constant Mode with a new fill is up to 40% higher than in any EGY Mode. The HV Mode shall be used ¯ for maximum beam energy for a short time, ¯ if precise beam energy is not necessary, especially for service purposes. NOTE The replacement value HVrepl can be obtained by pressing the <HV> button while the laser is in Energy Constant Mode (see also Section 2.5.2). 7.5.1 Select the Running Mode The current running mode is displayed in the upper left corner of the handheld keypad. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser device switched on Selecting the Running Mode 1. Press <MODE>. 2. Press left or right cursor to select the required running mode. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm. The new mode is displayed in the upper left corner of the display. NOTE The message “PRESET ENERGY TOO HIGH” indicates that a new gas fill is needed (see Section 8.4.3). 120 User Manual COMPex Running Modes 7.5.2 Adjust the Energy Constant (EGY) Mode In the Energy Constant (EGY) Modes the laser keeps the beam energy constant. You must input the stabilization beam energy. The range of possible energy values is predetermined by the gas menu (see Section 7.3). Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser is running in Energy Constant mode Entering a Beam Energy Value 1. Press <EGY>. 2. Type new beam energy value (in mJ) using numerical buttons. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm the value. The new value is displayed in the first line of the handheld keypad display. NOTE An acoustic signal warns the user of out-of-range input. The last acceptable value is retained. 7.5.3 Adjust the High Voltage Constant (HV) Mode A0300COM.00 In HV Constant (HV) Mode the laser keeps the charging voltage HV constant (see also Section 2.5.2). The minimum and maximum high voltage values are specified in the Gas Menu (see Section 7.3). The constant charging voltage (HV Constant Value) must be within this range. NOTE If the current running mode is one of the Energy Constant Modes (EGY), pressing the button <HV> displays HVrepl, the replacement value for partial gas replacement (see also Section 2.5.2). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 121 OPERATION Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser running in HV mode Adjusting the HV Constant Value NOTE Due to the power range limits of the power supply, some lasers types do not support maximum repetition rate with HVmax. 1. Press <HV>. 2. Type the new HV Constant Value using the numerical buttons. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm the choice. The new HV Constant Value is displayed on the handheld keypads display. NOTE An acoustic signal warns the user of out-of-range input. The last acceptable value is retained. 7.5.4 Choose Charge On Demand (COD) NOTE This function is only available, if the “Charge On Demand” is built-in. This function toggles between normal charging and Charge On Demand (COD). COD overcomes the self-firing effect of the thyratron in order to limit the period of time that HV is applied to the thyratron. The trigger signal enables the power supply to charge the storage capacitors, so without a trigger signal, there is no HV (see also Chapter 12). The trade-off for this advantage is an additional jitter of about 2.5 µs (the typical jitter for the COMPex is only 2 ns). Since the COD can be activated or deactivated, the COMPex is adaptable to both, jitter sensitive applications and those which do not allow additional pulses. 122 User Manual COMPex Running Modes NOTE Due to the capacitor charging time of 20 ms, COD supports repetition rates only up to 50 Hz. Higher values are automatically replaced with 50 Hz and the error message “WARNING! REPRATE FOR COD > 50 HZ” is displayed. The COD should be used: ¯ to avoid, that laser stands by for some time, while capacitors are charged. This may cause the laser to self-fire. ¯ if the firing frequency is less than 50 Hz and jitter and delay are not critical. The COD command can also be used to know the COD time delay, as it is displayed during selection of the COD. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Toggeling between COD On or Off 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press function button <F10>. If current status is “ON”, the time delay is displayed in µsec. This is the time between trigger signal and laser pulse; in other words, the time the capacitors need to be charged before each laser pulse. 3. Press cursor left or right to select ON or OFF. 4. Press ENTER to confirm. A0300COM.00 The COD status is saved. If COD has been switched on, “COD” is displayed. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 123 OPERATION 7.6 Pulse Counter The COMPex has two different pulse counters: ¯ Total Counter; counts the total number of laser pulses emitted by the laser since its first use. ¯ User Counter; counts the number of laser pulses emitted since the last counter reset (see Section 7.6.2). 7.6.1 Select the Pulse Counter You may use this command: ¯ to check if scheduled actions are required, ¯ to determine the actual number of pulses. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser device switched on Selecting the Counter 1. Press the COUNT button <SEL>. 2. Press left or right cursor to select the counter. 3. Press <ENTER> to confirm. The selected counter and the current counter value are displayed in the second line of the communication interface display. 124 User Manual COMPex Pulse Counter 7.6.2 Reset the User Counter The user counter is one of the COMPex pulse counters. The total counter, however, cannot be reset. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Resetting the User Counter 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press the COUNT button <RESET>. 3. Press <EXE> to confirm. A0300COM.00 The user counter is now set to zero. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 125 OPERATION 7.7 Emergency Fill An emergency fill is required to fill up the tube to a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. This will protect the laser tube from intruding gases or humidity for some time, even in the case of a malfunction. The COMPex emergency fill is called “Manual Fill with Inert Gas”. 7.7.1 Manual Fill with Inert Gas NOTE This is possible only if a gas cylinder is attached to the inert gas line. If not, make a transportation fill instead (see Section 8.10.1). The COMPex offers to manually inject inert gas into the tube. The injection lasts 10 second and is used to increase the tube pressure. The laser tube is to be filled manually with inert ¯ if a procedure has been interrupted, while tube pressure is less than 1050 mbar, ¯ if the laser tube leaks (or is suspected to leak) so that the tube pressure remains higher than atmospheric pressure. Tools and Materials • Gas cylinders with a minimum of 5 bar remaining pressure Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Preparation 1. Press two times <BREAK> to stop laser operation. The laser is now off. Next prepare the gas line: 2. Close inert gas pressure regulator. 3. Open valve on the inert gas cylinder. 4. Set inert gas pressure regulator to 4 bar. Now a manual fill of inert gas can be performed. 126 User Manual COMPex Emergency Fill Performing a Manual Fill with Inert Gas 5. Press <F6>. 6. Press cursor left or right to select MANUAL INERT. 7. Press <ENTER> to confirm. 8. Press <EXE> to execute the manual fill of inert gas. A0300COM.00 The laser head valve and the inert gas valve open for 10 seconds and afterwards close automatically. The new pressure is displayed. If a higher pressure is required, repeat step 8. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 127 OPERATION 7.8 Additionals 7.8.1 Temperature Control (optional) The temperature control can be activated to maintain a given tube temperature. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Activating the Temperature Control 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Ensure that the cooling water valve is open. 3. Press button <F5>. 4. Press cursor left or right to select ON or OFF. 5. Press <ENTER> to confirm. If the temperature control is on, it keeps the tube temperature constant by actuating the water valve. 128 User Manual COMPex Additionals 7.8.2 Manual Halogen Injection (for service only!) NOTE This is only available with a separate halogen gas cylinder. Injects halogen into the laser tube. The partial pressure injected depends on the value saved in the gas menu. This operation may be performed to inject halogen manually if the beam power decreases. CAUTION Laser tube can be damaged! Impurities will accumulate within the tube and may damage tube and tube elements. Never perform more than three manual halogen injections before next PGR is performed. Tools and Materials • Halogen gas cylinder with a minimum of 5 bar remaining pressure Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Performing a Halogen Injection 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Close halogen gas pressure regulator. 3. Open valve of halogen gas cylinder. 4. Set halogen gas pressure regulator to 4 bar. 5. Press button <F7>. 6. Press <ENTER> to confirm. A0300COM.00 7. Press <EXE> to inject halogen. The laser head valve and the halogen valve open for 2 seconds and then close automatically. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 129 130 User Manual COMPex 8 MAINTENANCE This chapter describes regular maintenance actions using the handheld keypad and the local software of the communications interface. Additionally, it contains a maintenance schedule. See Chapter 9 for the remote software codes. 8.1 Overview of this Chapter 2 3 COUNTS GAS MENU SEL NEW FILL SEL F1 F6 RESET F2 F7 4 RUN STOP TRIGGER EXT/INT MODE 7 8 9 HV RESET FLUSH LINE 4 5 6 EGY EGY CAL PURGE LINE F3 F8 1 2 3 PURGE RESERVOIR F4 F9 0 , CLEAR BREAK F5 F10 REPRATE ENTER EXE 8 A0300COM.00 5 1 7 6 1. New Gas Fill p. 139 2. Flush Gas Line p. 134 3. Purge Gas Line p. 137 4. Passivating Laser Tube p. 146 5. Transportation Fill Emergency Fill p. 174 p. 126 6. Halogen Filter Filling Ratio Halogen Filter Reset p. 169 p. 173 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 131 MAINTENANCE 7. Purging Laser Tube Clean and Replace Optics (”Windows Cleaning”) p. 145 p. 148 8. Calibrating Energy Monitor p. 159 Maintenance Actions without Handheld Keypad • • • • Exchanging Gas Cylinders p. 143 Checking Thyratron p. 165 Exchanging Halogen Filter p. 170 Disconnecting Gas Lines p. 176 NOTE To cancel software related maintenance actions, press <BREAK>. The routines “New Fill” and “Purge Laser Tube” cannot be canceled when the gas action is in progress. 8.2 Laser Logbook It is important to continuously keep track of the characteristic data for the laser operation. For this purpose you should prepare a laser logbook. This is an important aid in scheduling necessary maintenance and searching for problems. 132 User Manual COMPex Maintenance Schedule 8.3 Maintenance Schedule For proper and safe operation of the COMPex follow the maintenance schedule supplied here. Procedure Flushing Gas Lines (Section 8.4.1) New Gas Fill (Section 8.4.3) - Time Other Conditions - Time Req. [h] before a new gas fill - after a week of nonoperation - • if beam energy too low for your application 0.5 • • 5-101) 1-3 weeks2) Exchanging Gas Cylinders (Section 8.4.4) - - • if pressure < 5 bar 0.5 Cleaning Tube Optics (Section 8.6) 15 - 30 - • all 3-5 new gas fills 1.0 • after cleaning the optics the 5th time3) 1.0 • if optics are damaged 1.0 • whenever the tube optics have been maintained 0.2 - Exchanging Tube Optics (Section 8.6) A0300COM.00 Pulses [Million] - - Calibrating Energy Monitor (Section 8.7) - - Cleaning Beam Splitter (Section 8.7) - - • with every energy monitor calibration Exchanging Halogen Filter (Section 8.9.2) - 1 year • after 30 new gas fills 0.2 Transportation Fill (Section 8.10.1) - • • before a transport 0.2 - before storage 0.2 1) 2) 3) Typical values for Dynamic Gas Lifetime. XeCl tends to be greater than the other gases. Typical values for Static Gas Lifetime. XeCl tends to be greater than the other gases. with ArF every 3rd time. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 133 MAINTENANCE 8.4 Gas System Maintenance The gas quality is a crucial factor in excimer laser operations. Pay special attention to the maintenance of the gas system and gases. NOTE When flushing or purging the external gas supply lines, the buffer solenoid valve opens automatically after switching off the vacuum pump to refill the internal gas system with the gas connected to “Buffer”. 8.4.1 Flush Gas Lines Flushing a gas line consists of evacuating the line for two seconds. It is intended to fill the line with fresh gas afterwards. This command is used ¯ to evacuate a line (see Section ¯ to fill a gas line with pure gas (e.g. after a leak test or changing a gas cylinder, or before starting the laser after a week of standstill); the corresponding gas cylinder must be open (see Section NOTE To completely flush a line from the gas cylinder valve to the laser, set the pressure regulator to 5 bar. If pressure regulator setting is lower, gas residues could remain in the line between pressure regulator and gas cylinder valve. Evacuate a Gas Line Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • 134 Laser in Off mode User Manual COMPex Gas System Maintenance Evacuating the Line 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Close the pressure regulator of the gas line to be evacuated. 3. Close the corresponding gas cylinder valve. 4. Set the pressure regulator to 5 bar. The line is now open, but no gas will enter from the gas cylinder. 5. Press <FLUSH LINE> to execute the flushing procedure. A message including the currently selected gas line as well as other choices is displayed. 6. Press cursor left or right to select gas line to be evacuated. 7. Press <ENTER> to confirm. 8. Press <EXE> to execute the flushing. The message ”FLUSH x.L.” appears (where ”x” represents the first letter of the type of gas). The gas inlet is closed and the vacuum pump will run for two seconds. NOTE Depending on the length of the gas line, this procedure is to be repeated two or three times to evacuate the line completely. Refill a Gas Line with Fresh Gas Tools and Materials • Gas cylinders with a minimum of 5 bar remaining pressure. Preconditions • Laser in Off mode A0300COM.00 Evacuating the Line 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. The laser is now off. Next prepare the gas line: 2. Close pressure regulator of the gas line to be filled. 3. Close gas cylinder valve of the corresponding gas line. 4. Set pressure regulator to 5 bar. The line is now open, but no gas will enter from the gas cylinder. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 135 MAINTENANCE 5. Press <FLUSH LINE> to flush the gas line. A message including the currently selected gas line as well as other choices is displayed. 6. Press cursor left or right to choose desired gas line to evacuate. 7. Press <ENTER> to confirm the choice. 8. Press <EXE> to execute the flushing. The message ”FLUSH x.L.” appears (where ”x” represents the first letter of the type of gas). The gas inlet is closed and the vacuum pump will run for two seconds. NOTE Depending on the length of the gas line, this procedure is to be repeated two or three times to evacuate the line completely. Filling the Line with Fresh Gas 9. Close pressure regulator corresponding to the desired gas line. 10. Open the gas cylinder valve corresponding to the desired gas line. 11. Set pressure regulator to 5 bar (abs.). Gas from the gas cylinder fills the line. NOTE It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least once to refill the gas line completely. 136 User Manual COMPex Gas System Maintenance 8.4.2 Purge Gas Lines Purging a gas line means: The line is evacuated for five seconds and afterwards filled with the gas connected to the inert gas line. This is done using the PURGE LINE procedure. NOTE This function is only possible with an inert gas cylinder attached to the inert gas line. This command is used ¯ to protect lines against impurities when the laser device is not to be used for several days, ¯ to prevent emission of toxic gases before replacing a gas cylinder, ¯ to prevent a poisoning hazard when performing a leak test on the halogen line. NOTE To completely purge a line from gas cylinder valve to laser, set the pressure regulator to 5 bar. If pressure regulator setting is lower toxic gas residue can remain in the line between pressure regulator and gas cylinder valve. Tools and Materials • Gas cylinders with a minimum of 5 bar remaining pressure. Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Purging a Gas Line A0300COM.00 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. NOTE Ensure, that the gas cylinders connected to the gas lines are open. Otherwise the error message ”NO GAS FLOW” appears while purging the line. 2. Close gas cylinder valve of line to be purged. 3. Set pressure regulator in this line to 5 bar. 4. Close pressure regulator in the inert gas line. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 137 MAINTENANCE 5. Open gas cylinder valve in the inert gas line. 6. Set pressure regulator of inert line to 5 bar. 7. Press <PURGE LINE>. 8. Press <EXE> to start purging the gas line. A message including the currently selected gas line as well as other choices is displayed. 9. Press cursor left or right to select gas line to be evacuated. 10. Press <ENTER> to confirm the choice. 11. Press <EXE> to execute the purging. The vacuum pump runs for 5 seconds to evacuate the line and the message ”PURGE LINE, x.L.” is displayed (where ”x” represents the first letter of the type of gas). Then the inert gas valve opens for two seconds to allow inert gas flow into the line. NOTE Depending on the length of the gas line, this procedure is to be repeated two or three times to fill the line completely with inert gas. 138 User Manual COMPex Gas System Maintenance 8.4.3 New Gas Fill A new gas fill replaces gases of insufficient quality in the tube with fresh gases. This is done using the NEW FILL Procedure. The NEW FILL procedure differs, whether the laser device is equipped with a halogen source or not. Both cases are described below. The composition and pressure of the fresh gas mixture is specified by the gas menu. A new gas fill is recommended: ¯ if static gas lifetime is exceeded, ¯ if dynamic gas lifetime is exceeded, ¯ if the warning or error message ”PRESET ENERGY TOO HIGH” appears (remote: ON:2 and OFF:2) if the gas is not new, ¯ if the warning or error message ”NEW GAS FILL NEEDED” appears (remote: ON:8 and OFF:8), ¯ if the error message ”LOW LIGHT” appears (remote: OFF:26), ¯ if the energy monitor is to be calibrated, ¯ if laser optics have been cleaned or replaced, ¯ if the tube has been re-passivated, Gas lifetime and energy yield of the gases depend greatly on operational conditions. Thus you should protocol the frequency you need a new gas fill, so as to develop a maintenance schedule on your own. Record the total counter number and the date of each new gas fill into your laser logbook. Note that the following situations shorten the gas lifetime or reduce the energy yield of the gases: A0300COM.00 ¯ Laser tube has just been passivated. ¯ First fill has been made after several weeks without operation. ¯ Another wavelength has been selected. ¯ Laser tube optics are soiled, ¯ high energy values in Energy Constant Mode. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 139 MAINTENANCE CAUTION Laser tube can be damaged! If evacuation time exceeds 11.5 minutes, a gas leak is likely. The laser control software performs an automatic Safety Fill up to 1050 mbar with the gas connected to “Buffer”. Proceed according to the safety instructions. NOTE Only in case of danger press <BREAK> while the NEW FILL procedure is in progress, because the procedure will be terminated immediately. The fill is not completed, so tube pressure may be insufficient. If this has occurred, manually fill the tube to 1050 mbar with inert gas (see Section 7.7) or start a New Fill again. New Gas Fill without Halogen Source Tools and Materials • • Gas cylinders with a minimum of 10 bar remaining pressure. New halogen filter (in stock). Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Performing a New Gas Fill 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. The laser is now off. 2. If the laser has not been run for more than a month, purge the tube and the gas lines to remove impurities (to purge the laser tube, see Section 8.5.1; to purge the gas lines, see Section 8.4.2). 3. Close all pressure regulators. 4. Open all gas cylinder valves. 5. Set pressure regulators to 5 bar. 6. Press <NEW FILL>. 7. Press <EXE> to start the NEW FILL procedure. 140 User Manual COMPex Gas System Maintenance The halogen filter ratio is checked. If it exceeds 99%, the message ”RENEW HALOGEN FILTER” is displayed and the NEW FILL procedure is terminated. Replace the halogen filter (see Section 8.9.2). If the ratio is in range, the vacuum pump starts to evacuate the tube. The current pressure and the message ”NEW FILL, EVAC” are displayed. After reaching 30 mbar the vacuum pump stops. The laser then enters a two-minute stand-by phase for a laser tube gas leak check. The message ”NEW FILL, WAIT” is displayed. If everything is all right, the message changes to ”NEW FILL, FILL”. The halogen gas valve opens and the laser tube is filled to the preset value (from Gas Menu) with halogen. Then the halogen gas valve closes and procedure continues with the next gas, until the new gas fill is completed. New Gas Fill with Halogen Source Tools and Materials • • Gas cylinders with a minimum of 10 bar remaining pressure. New halogen filter (in stock). Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Performing a New Gas Fill A0300COM.00 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. The laser is now off. 2. If the laser has not been run for more than a month, purge the tube and the gas lines to ensure that gas lines are free from impurities (to purge the laser tube, see Section 8.5.1; to purge the lines, see Section 8.4.2). 3. Close all pressure regulators. 4. Open all gas cylinder valves and source valve. 5. Set pressure regulators to 5 bar. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 141 MAINTENANCE 6. Set pressure regulator on gas cylinder that controls the halogen source’s pilot valve to 6.5 bar. 7. Press <NEW FILL>. 8. Press <EXE> to start the NEW FILL procedure. The source’s remaining filling ratio is displayed in percent (e.g. CAP. LEFT = 85 %). If it is near 0%, replace halogen source until the next new gas fill. The halogen filter ratio is also checked. If it exceeds 99%, the message ”RENEW HALOGEN FILTER” is displayed and the NEW FILL procedure terminates. Replace the halogen filter (see Section 8.9.2). If the ratio is within range: 9. Press <ENTER> to continue. If a chlorine source is present, additional steps are required whether the current room temperature is above (HIGH) or below (LOW) 22 °C (72 °F). 10. (only with chlorine source) Press cursor left or right to choose “HIGH” or “LOW”. 11. (only with chlorine source) Press <ENTER> to confirm. 12. Press <EXE> to continue the NEW FILL procedure. The vacuum pump starts to evacuate the tube, the current pressure and the message ”NEW FILL, EVAC” are displayed. After reaching 30 mbar the vacuum pump stops. The laser then enters a two-minute stand-by phase for a laser tube gas leak check. The message ”NEW FILL, WAIT” is displayed. If everything is all right, the message changes to ”NEW FILL, FILL”. This may last a few minutes, depending on the ratio of the source. 142 User Manual COMPex Gas System Maintenance 8.4.4 Replacing Gas Cylinders The gas cylinders are to be replaced when ¯ remaining pressure is below 5 bar, ¯ the gas cylinders have expired (as specified by gas supplier). The replacement procedure for a halogen gas cylinder is slightly different from that for other gases. Tools and Materials • • • • • • 9/16” wrench 13 mm wrench Stainless steel cap to seal the halogen line SNOOP® or other suitable leak detector Ethanol Cleaning paper CAUTION Risk of laser tube contamination! Only use gas cylinders with a pressure of at leat 5 bar (abs.). • Gas cylinders as specified Replace Halogen Cylinder A0300COM.00 NOTE The following assumes that an inert gas cylinder is attached to the inert gas line used for purging. If this is not the case, seal the halogen line while the gas cylinder is disconnected. CAUTION Risk of corrosion! The halogen line must not be open for more than 2 minutes. Replacing the Halogen Cylinder 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation 2. Close the valve of the halogen gas cylinder. 3. Close the pressure regulator of the halogen gas cylinder. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 143 MAINTENANCE 4. Close the pressure regulator of the inert gas cylinder. 5. Set the pressure regulator of halogen gas cylinder to 5 bar. 6. Open valve of inert gas cylinder. 7. Set pressure regulator of inert gas cylinder to 5 bar. 8. Purge halogen line for at least four times (see Section 8.4.2). 9. Close valve of inert gas cylinder. 10. Close pressure regulators. The halogen line is now free of halogen, so no halogen may pollute your environment. 11. Unscrew connection fittings in gas line. 12. Seal halogen line with the cap to prevent corrosion. 13. Replace gas cylinders. 14. Remove the cap from halogen line. 15. Screw line fittings to pressure regulator. 16. Perform a leak test (see Section 10.7). 17. Flush the line and fill with pure gas at least 3 times (see Section 8.4.1). Replace Rare, Buffer or Inert Gas Cylinders As all other excimer gases are non-toxic, these gas lines shall not be purged. Replacing the Gas Cylinders 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Close valve on gas cylinder to be replaced. 3. Close the pressure regulator for the cylinder to be replaced. 4. Unscrew connection fittings in gas line. 5. Replace gas cylinder. 6. Screw line fittings to pressure regulator. 7. Perform a leak test (see Section 10.7). 8. Flush the line and fill with pure gas at least three times (see Section 8.4.1). The cylinder replacement is now complete. 144 User Manual COMPex Laser Tube Maintenance 8.5 Laser Tube Maintenance 8.5.1 Purge Laser Tube Purging the tube means that the laser tube gas is replaced with inert gas. The tube is evacuated and filled to 1050 mbar with the gas connected to the inert gas line. The required procedure is the purge reservoir procedure. NOTE A) This function only is possible with an inert gas cylinder attached to the inert gas line. B) The button <PURGE RESERVOIR> governs two different procedures; the purge reservoir procedure and the window exchange procedure (page 148). This section explains the first procedure. Purging the tube is recommended: ¯ when the laser has not been operated for more than a month, ¯ after repairing a leak at the laser tube, ¯ before and after replacing the laser tube. NOTE Do not press <BREAK> during the Purge Reservoir procedure as the procedure is terminated immediately. The fill is not complete and thus the tube pressure may be insufficient. If this has occurred, manually fill the tube with inert gas to 1050 mbar (see Section 7.7) or restart the Purge Reservoir procedure. Tools and Materials A0300COM.00 • Inert gas cylinders with a remaining pressure of at least 10 bar (abs.). Preconditions • Laser in Off mode LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 145 MAINTENANCE Purging the Tube with Inert Gas 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Close all gas cylinder valves. 3. Close all pressure regulators. 4. Open valve of inert gas cylinder. 5. Set inert pressure regulator to 5 bar. 6. Press <PURGE RESERVOIR>. 7. Press cursor left or right to select “PURGE RESERVOIR”. 8. Press <ENTER> to confirm the choice. 9. Press <EXE> to execute the reservoir purge. The message ”FLUSHING...” is displayed. The vacuum pump starts to evacuate the tube, the current pressure is displayed. After reaching 30 mbar, the vacuum pump stops and the tube is filled up with inert to 1050 mbar. Finalization 10. To run the laser, perform a new gas fill (see Section 8.4.3). 8.5.2 Re-Passivate Laser Tube NOTE This function is only available if separate halogen and helium gas cylinders are used. It cannot be carried out using a halogen source. Halogen gases are aggressive substances. To protect the tube and components, the tube consists of a material that develops a passivation layer in the presence of halogen. The laser tube is to be passivated: ¯ when tube passivation layer has been damaged by air in the tube. The passivation fill lasts one day. CAUTION Laser tube can be damaged! Do not use this procedure for re-passivation when changing the type of halogen gas (fluorine to chlorine or vice versa). Call authorized service. 146 User Manual COMPex Laser Tube Maintenance Tools and Materials • Halogen and helium gas cylinders with a minimum of 10 bar remaining pressure, • Protective eyeware. Preconditions • Laser in Off mode Passivating the Laser Tube 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Close valves of halogen and helium gas cylindes. 3. Close all pressure regulators. 4. Open valve on halogen gas cylinder. 5. Open valve on helium gas cylinder. 6. Set halogen pressure regulator to 4 bar. 7. Set helium pressure regulator to 4 bar. 8. Press <F3>. 9. Press <EXE> to confirm. The tube is evacuated to 30 mbar and filled with 200 mbar halogen gas and 900 mbar helium. 10. Let laser stand for at least 8 hours with the passivation fill (e.g. overnight). Finalization A0300COM.00 11. Perform a new gas fill (see 8.4.3). The halogen displaces oxygenic compounds on tube walls and built-in elements. The displaced compounds are removed in the evacuation before the new gas fill. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 147 MAINTENANCE 8.6 Tube Optics Maintenance The laser tube optics at COMPex are: ¯ rear mirror, ¯ output coupler. Soiled laser tube optics must be cleaned. Damaged laser tube optics must be replaced. Cleaning the tube optics is recommended ¯ if the maintenance interval is reached (see Section 8.3). ¯ when the pulse energy is too low (see Section 10.9), ¯ when the beam profile is bad. Replacing the tube optics is recommended: ¯ when the optics are damaged, ¯ when the optics cannot be cleaned (e.g. due to burned-in dust), ¯ if the maintenance interval is reached (see Section 8.3). Cleaning or replacing the tube optics lasts approx. one hour. Tools and Materials • • • • • • • • • • • 148 4 mm Allen key (from service case) 3 mm Allen key (from service case) 2.5 mm Allen key (from service case) Optics wrench (from service case) Lens cleaning tissues (from service case) Vienna Chalk (from service case) Rubber gloves Tap water Pure alcohol (96%) Sealing plate or premounted optics mounts External energy meter (for handling, see energy meter manual) User Manual COMPex Tube Optics Maintenance NOTE The output coupler and the rear mirror must be changed in two procedures to ensure that one of the optics is always adjusted. The replaced optics can then be aligned with the optics that are still adjusted. Otherwise, the tube optics adjustment can only be performed by specially trained personnel or authorized service. Cleaning and replacing the tube optics consists of following steps: ¯ Start flushing procedure, ¯ Unmount one tube optics, ¯ Clean and replace optics, ¯ Remount the tube optics, ¯ Let laser perform a leak test, ¯ Perform a New Fill (see Section 8.4.3), ¯ Re-adjust the tube optics, ¯ Calibrate the energy monitor (see Section 8.7). After adjusting the first optics, the next optics can be exchanged. Flushing the Laser Tube The flushing procedure is a software procedure that allows to replace the tube optics. 1. Close all gas cylinder valves except inert gas. 2. Close all pressure regulators. 3. Open inert gas cylinder, if closed yet. 4. Set pressure regulator of inert gas cylinder to 5 bar. 5. Press <PURGE RESERVOIR>. 6. Press cursor left or right to select “WIN.EXCHANGE”. A0300COM.00 7. Press <ENTER> to confirm the choice. 8. Press <EXE> to proceed. The vacuum pump starts to evacuate the laser tube. After reaching 30 mbar, the vacuum pump stops, inert gas valve opens and the tube is filled to 1200 mbar with inert. The inert gas valve then closes. After that, you are requested to change the tube optics. The message “REPLACE WINDOWS (enter)” appears. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 149 MAINTENANCE Unmounting One Tube Optics This step explains how to remove the optics mount. When dismounting the rear mirror, skip steps 9-11! CAUTION Laser tube can be damaged! Do not press <ENTER> when tube optics are removed. NOTE Always wear rubber gloves when handling the optics. 9. Dismount mirror access panels of the laser . 10. Dismount (magnetic) beam shielding (see Figure 35, A). 11. Loosen the single screw at energy monitor (B). B A Figure 35: Energy monitor without mirror access panel 150 User Manual COMPex Tube Optics Maintenance 12. Turn energy monitor to the side (see Figure 36). Figure 36: View of optics mount, energy monitor removed 13. Loosen the six 3 mm Allen screws on the optics mount and remove the optics mount. You will hear a short hissing sound due to overpressure in the tube. The laser tube is now open. The inert gas valve opens to compensate for pressure drop with inert gas so that no air will enter. If the laser tube has not been closed, this will happen about every two seconds. CAUTION Laser tube can be damaged! Do not press <ENTER> when tube optics are removed. A0300COM.00 14. Immediately mount the sealing plate (see Figure 37). Figure 37: Optic mount dismounted, sealing plate LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 151 MAINTENANCE To shorten the maintenance time, prepared optics mounts (see Figure 38) can be mounted instead of the sealing plate. Figure 38: Side and front view of the optics mount If you need more than a minute, a message will be displayed ”CLOSE RESERVOIR (enter)”. Cleaning and Exchanging the Optics The third step is disassembling the optics. Work on a smooth support pad at a clean place (for nomenclature, see Figure 39): G F E A B C D Figure 39: Disassembled optical mount. Key to Figure 39: A - counter window mount C - optics spacer E - window mount G - optics wrench 152 B - lens D - optics collar F - threaded insert User Manual COMPex Tube Optics Maintenance 15. Use the optics wrench to loosen the threaded inset (approx. 5 turns). 16. Loosen the three 2.5 mm Allen screws (do not lose the washers!). 17. Remove window mount from counter window mount. 18. Disassemble optics collar, lens, and optics spacer. The optics are now ready to be cleaned or to be removed. Cleaning the Optics CAUTION Risk of damaging coated optics! Use only ethanol to polish coated side of optics. Polish carefully with gentle pressure. Wear rubber gloves. You recognize the coating: ¯ either by a pencil marking at the side of the coating (as the marking becomes blurred over the course of time we recommended to renew the marking carefully with a pencil before or after cleaning the optics). ¯ or by a greenish patina on the lens surface, surrounded by a non-coated ring (if you recognized the coating this way, make a pencil marking at the side of your optics). Cleaning the coated side of coated optics is only necessary if it is contaminated (e.g. by fingerprints or dust). To clean the coated side of coated optics: 19. Put a few drops of ethanol onto the surface close to one edge. 20. Wipe a lens cleaning tissue over the surface to clean the lens with ethanol. A0300COM.00 To clean non-coated optics or the uncoated side of coated optics: 21. Position 3 layers of lens cleaning tissues on top of each other. 22. Mix 2 teaspoons of water with 1 teaspoon of vienna chalk on the tissues. 23. Rinse the dirty components of the optics under a stream of (lukewarm) water. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 153 MAINTENANCE 24. Place optics dirty-side-down on the vienna chalk slurry and polish with figure-eight movement and gentle pressure for about 3 minutes. Figure 40: Polish the optics 25. Polish the other side if necessary (and not coated!). 26. Rinse under water. 27. Dry optics with a fresh cleaning tissue. 28. Put a few drops of ethanol onto the surface. 29. Wipe a lens cleaning tissue over the surface to clean the lens with the ethanol. 30. Visually inspect the optics (in a well-lit place). The surface must be dry and clean. 154 User Manual COMPex Tube Optics Maintenance Reassemble and Remount the Optics Mount 31. Place optics spacer in optics collar (see Figure 36). A B C D E F G H I K Figure 41: Reassembling the optics mount Key to Figure 41: A - Counter Window Mount C - Coating Mark E - Optics Collar G - Window Mount I - Washer B - Lens D - Optics Spacer F - Unlosable Screws H - Threaded Insert K - 2.5 mm screw CAUTION Risk of damaging lens coating! When using a coated lens, ensure that the coated side only contacts the optics spacer, not the counter optics mount. The coated side is marked with a pencil marking. 32. Place the lens assembly (lens up) onto the support pad and place the counter window mount over lens assembly. 33. Remove the sealing plate. 34. Place lens in optics collar (watch coated side).Tighten the window mount evenly with three included 2.5 mm screws. A0300COM.00 35. Hand-tighten threaded inset with optics wrench. 36. Tighten optics mount uniformly with six included 3mm Allen screws at laser tube. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 155 MAINTENANCE Performing a Leak Test 37. Press <ENTER>. The laser executes a laser tube leak test with 3000 mbar of inert gas for 15 minutes. During this time the message ”LEAK TEST” is displayed. If a leak is detected, the message ”Leak!-Check Windows” appears. Repeat this procedure, beginning with step 13. (page 151). If tight: 38. Press <ENTER> to proceed. In this step, the laser tube is: - evacuated to 30 mbar, - filled to 500 mbar, - evacuated to 30 mbar, - filled to 500 mbar, - evacuated to 30 mbar again, - filled to 1080 mbar. The laser is now leak-tested. 39. Perform a New Fill procedure as described in Section 8.4.3. NOTE We recommend to run the laser afterwards for several minutes to warm the excimer laser gas mixture. 156 User Manual COMPex Tube Optics Maintenance Adjusting the Tube Optics NOTE Always adjust the replaced output coupler or rear mirror before exchanging the other optics using the external energy meter. This ensures that the replaced optics can be aligned with those which is still adjusted. WARNING Injury hazards to eyes and skin! Laser radiation can cause serious damage to your health. Carefully read safety instructions before running the laser. Never look into laser beam or reflections. Never contact laser beam. Wear safety glasses specifically intended for the laser’s wavelength. 40. Place the external energy meter within the beam path (for handling, see energy meter manual). 41. Set running mode to HV constant mode (see Section 7.5). 42. Enter repetition rate given in data sheet for the specified beam energy (see Section 7.4.2 and data sheet). 43. Enter maximum high voltage according to laser data sheet (see Section 7.5.3 and data sheet). 44. Start the laser (see Section 7.2). 45. Maximize beam energy by turning the horizontal optics adjustment screw clockwise or counterclockwise (see Figure 42, 1). 46. Repeat previous step with vertical optics adjustment screw (see Figure 42, 2). A0300COM.00 1 2 Figure 42: Horizontal and vertical optics adjustment LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 157 MAINTENANCE 47. If the laser beam energy is still insufficient (see the laser data sheet for requested energy output data), repeat steps 45. and 46. If the laser beam does not meet the data sheet values, see Chapter 10 (Troubleshooting) or call service. 48. Mount the energy monitor. Finalization 49. Calibrate the energy monitor as described in Section 8.7. 158 User Manual COMPex Energy Monitor Calibration 8.7 Energy Monitor Calibration The COMPex energy monitor is built into the beam path inside the laser. It controls: ¯ if the laser fires any laser pulses ¯ the energy of the laser pulses. The energy monitor must be calibrated: ¯ if it has been dismounted, ¯ whenever the tube optics have been maintained. The energy monitor calibration procedure deletes the value of your energy monitor reading and calculates a new calibration factor based on the reading from the external energy meter. Calibrating the energy monitor takes approximately 10 minutes (see also flow diagram in Figure 43 on page 160). Tools and Materials A0300COM.00 • • • • • • • • • • Pencil and paper Rubber gloves 4 mm Allen key (from service case) 3 mm Allen key (from service case) Vienna Chalk (from service case) Lens cleaning tissues (from service case) Ethanol Water Attenuators (from service case) External energy meter or power meter (for handling, see energy meter manual) NOTE In the following ”energy meter” also means “power meter”. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 159 MAINTENANCE Start Make a New Fill OPMODE=NEW FILL Switch to HV Constant Mode MODE=HV Make a few thousand shots OPMODE=ON OPMODE=OFF Choose HV Choose Reprate Insert or Remove Attenuators Start Energy Calibration Laser Adjusts Energy Monitor Reading OPMODE=OFF Stop Energy Calibration No Yes: OPMODE? returns ENERGY CAL CONT No : OPMODE? returns OFF:7 Energy Monitor Reading within Range of 99-200? HV=<xy> REPRATE=<xy> OPMODE=ENERGY CAL EGY? OPMODE? Yes Input ext. Energy Meter Reading EGY=<xyz> End Figure 43: Energy monitor calibration procedure 160 User Manual COMPex Energy Monitor Calibration Preparation 1. Perform a New Fill to ensure optimum calibration conditions (see Section 8.4.3). This takes about 20 minutes. NOTE Do not press <BREAK> during the new fill procedure, because the procedure is terminated immediately. The fill is not completed and the tube pressure may thus be insufficient. If this is the case start new fill again. Cleaning the Beam Splitter 2. Make sure that laser cannot be started while the beam splitter is being cleaned. 3. Dismount mirror access panel. 4. Dismount (magnetic) beam shielding (A, Figure 35, p. 150). 5. Put on rubber gloves. 6. Hold beam splitter by the beam splitter handle (D, Figure 44). A B C D A0300COM.00 Figure 44: View onto the beam splitter A - Attenuator C - Fixing Screw B - Beam Splitter D - Beam Splitter Handle 7. Remove single fixing screw (see Figure 44, C). 8. Remove beam splitter (B). 9. Clean beam splitter in the same manner as uncoated optics (described in Section 8.6, steps 21. to 29., page 153). 10. Re-mount beam splitter. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 161 MAINTENANCE Obtain External Energy Reading 11. Place and prepare the external energy meter according to your energy meter manual. NOTE For best results, calibrate the energy monitor at a repetition rate you normally work at, with maximum HV. We recommend a repetition rate of 10 Hz in the following only because most energy and power meters can be operated at this value. In case of doubt consult your energy or power meter manual. 12. Press <REPRATE>. 13. Enter 10. 14. Press <ENTER> to confirm input. 15. Press <HV>. 16. Enter maximum HV given on the laser data sheet. 17. Press <ENTER> to confirm input. DANGER Injury hazards to eyes and skin! Laser radiation can cause serious damage to your health. Carefully read safety instructions before running the laser. 18. Start laser operation. 19. Read external energy meter. 20. Make a note of the energy meter data. 21. Stop laser operation. Energy Monitor Calibration 22. Press <EGY CAL>. 23. Press <EXE> to confirm to start procedure. In the second display line ”Wait...” appears for a short time. The laser starts operation with the chosen reprate and HV. 24. Observe the displayed values. They must be within a range of 99 to 200. The laser now tries to adjust the energy monitor gain so that the (AD converter) reading is within the range of 99 to 200. If the reading is out of range, take note if it is too high or too low. 162 User Manual COMPex Energy Monitor Calibration If the adjustment failed [display reads ”ENERGY CAL ERROR”; remote: OFF=7], go to step 25. If successful [display reads ”READING=”; remote: ENERGY CAL CONT], continue with step 33. Correct the Energy Monitor Beam Input (if adjustment failed) 25. Press <BREAK> to stop the energy monitor calibration. 26. Remove mirror access panel. 27. Remove (magnetic) beam shielding. The attenuators are now accessible (see Figure 44 on page 161, A). CAUTION Risk of damaging attenuators and beam splitter! The attenuators are fixed with two clamps and might be difficult to remove. Use rubber gloves. Do not use any other tools. Be careful of the beam splitter. 28. Change the attenuators to correct the energy monitor beam input (see Figure 44 on page 161, A); if it is too difficult to remove the attenuators, remove the beam splitter as described in step 6. to 8. of this section (page 161). 29. Correct the energy meter beam input: If the displayed internal calculation value was less than 99: Remove an attenuator or replace with a coarser meshed attenuator. If the displayed internal calculation value was 200 or higher: Add an attenuator or replace with an closer meshed attenuator. A0300COM.00 30. Mount (magnetic) beam shielding. 31. Mount mirror access panel. 32. Return to step 11. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 163 MAINTENANCE Input External Energy Measuring Data (if adjustment succeeds) NOTE A) When the adjustment succeeds, the display changes to ”READING=” (if not, return to step 8). B) Input values must be in mJ (1/1000 Joule). If you use an external power meter, obtain the Input value with the following equation: E ext = Pext 1000 f where Eext is the input value [in mJ], Pext is the reading from the external power meter [in W] and f is the repetition rate [in Hz]. 33. Enter the external energy measuring data in mJ. 34. Press <ENTER> to confirm input. The laser device sets the external energy measuring data equal to the internal calculation value. The energy monitor is now calibrated. To check this, measure a few laser pulses with the external energy meter and compare these values with those displayed by the energy monitor values. They should differ no more than 2% to 3%. 164 User Manual COMPex Electrical Maintenance 8.8 Electrical Maintenance The only electrical maintenance required on the COMPex is to check the thyratron. 8.8.1 Check Thyratron The thyratron is the main power switch of the COMPex. It is a 3” gas filled triode tube in grounded cathode operation mode. It needs 8 minutes warm up time after the laser device has been started, otherwise severe damage can result. Both voltages can be adjusted in 0.2 V intervals at the thyratron adjustment panel (Figure 45). It is situated in the middle upper part of the right side panel (as viewed from the beam exit). UH and UR must be monitored to compensate for cathode fatigue and thyratron gas loss. Additionally, the tube grid voltage UBIAS should be recorded. Checking the thyratron is recommended: 8 ¯ every 3*10 pulses, ¯ after an error (see Chapter “Troubleshooting”) Tools and Materials • • • 3 mm Allen key TRMS Voltmeter (TRMS=True Root Mean Square) Laser logbook Preconditions • Laser device switched on, laser in Off mode A0300COM.00 Preparation NOTE If your COMPex is not equipped with a thyratron access panel (see 2 in Figure 2 on page 13), remove the right side panel (as seen from beam exit) instead. 1. Remove thyratron access panel (see Figure 2, page 13). You see the thyratron adjustment (Figure 45). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 165 max max UH UR min 50Hz 60Hz min MAINTENANCE FUSE AUX BIAS HEAT RES GND Figure 45: Thyratron adjustment Measure UH: Check the heating voltage of the thyratron. On the test sheet the value UH is called ”UHEATER”. 2. Measure UH between the jacks GND and HEAT with TRMS Voltmeter. 3. Record the value measured in your laser logbook. Measure UR: Check the heating voltage of the hydrogen reservoir. On the test sheet the value UR is called URESERV. 4. Measure UR between the jacks GND and RES. 5. Record the new value in your laser logbook. Measure UBIAS: Note, that UBIAS is a direct current value. 6. Measure UBIAS between the jacks GND and BIAS. 7. Record the value measured in your laser logbook. 8. Measure UBIAS between GND and AUX. 9. Record the value measured in your laser logbook. NOTE The value for UBIAS must be within the range of -140 to -160 V. If not, a varistor is exhausted. Call authorized service. 166 User Manual COMPex Electrical Maintenance 8.8.2 Adjust Thyratron The thyratron adjustment differs if it is scheduled maintenance or if it is due to an error. If any stepping switch on the thyratron adjustment panel is already on the highest setting, the thyratron or its reservoir are exhausted. Call service. Adjusting for Scheduled Maintenance or due to Errors: Missing Pulses, No Trigger or Low Beam Energy 1. Move the stepping switch UH one or two steps higher (in the direction of the arrow, see Figure 45). 2. Move the stepping switch UR one or two steps higher (in the direction of the arrow, see Figure 45). 3. After adjustment wait 3-4 minutes to allow the thyratron to stabilize. If additional pulses should occur, decrease UR one step, otherwise proceed. 4. Measure UH between GND and HEAT again. 5. Measure UR between GND and RES again. 6. Record the new values in your laser logbook. Adjusting due to Errors: Additional Pulses, Error Message OVERLOAD 1. Move the stepping switch UR one or two steps lower (opposite the direction of the arrow, see Figure 45). 2. After adjustment, wait 3 to 4 minutes to allow the thyratron to stabilize. 3. Measure UR between GROUND and RES again. 4. Record the new value in your laser logbook. A0300COM.00 5. Start laser operation at lowest possible HV value for stable energy output. 6. Operate the laser for 5 minutes at max. repetition rate. 7. Increase the HV value in steps of 1 kV each 5 minutes until the max. HV value is reached and operate the laser at max. HV for 15 minutes. If no additional pulses occur, the thyratron is adjusted. Otherwise, proceed with step 1. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 167 MAINTENANCE Adjusting due to Error: Jitter too High This only affects at jitter-sensitive applications. 1. Move the stepping switch UR one or two steps higher (in the direction of the arrow, Figure 45). 2. After adjustment, wait 3-4 minutes to allow the thyratron to stabilize. If additional pulses should occur, decrease UR one step. 3. Measure UR between GND and RES again. 4. Record the new value in your laser logbook. Clean-up after Adjustment 1. Reinstall the cover of the thyratron adjustment. 168 User Manual COMPex Halogen Filter Maintenance 8.9 Halogen Filter Maintenance Lambda Physik excimer lasers utilize a halogen filter to remove molecular species of fluorine from laser gas mixtures expelled from the laser tube. Storage Filters must be stored in unopened packaging in accordance with all relevant regulations. According to the Accident Prevention Rule ”Protection from Hazardous Chemical Substances (VBG 1a, FR Germany)”, unopened filters can be stored for a period of up to 4 years. The filter’s lifetime is printed on the packaging. Filters should always be stored in a dry place in the original, unopened packaging, to protect from damage. A Filter with visible damage (e.g. dents) must be removed regardless of its shelf life. 8.9.1 Check the Halogen Filter Filling Ratio The COMPex allows to monitor the halogen filter filling ratio. The scale ranges from 0 (new filter) to 100 (filter exhausted, replace it). NOTE Remember to reset the filter filling ratio after filter replacement. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • Laser in Off mode A0300COM.00 Checking the filter filling ratio 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press <F4>. 3. Read filling ratio. 4. Press <BREAK> to leave the function. Please remember to order a new halogen filter in time. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 169 MAINTENANCE 8.9.2 Halogen Filter Exchange This section describes the replacement of the halogen filter. Deviation from this procedure is unsafe as the filter contains hazardous chemicals. The halogen filter is in the aluminum housing above the vacuum pump (see Figure 46). Figure 46: View of the halogen filter Tools and Materials • • • • • Set of Allen keys Plastic gloves Sealable plastic bag Safety glasses Pliers WARNING Toxic hazard! Filter contains fluorine and/or chloride components. Keep filter in a well ventilated place. Wear safety glasses and gloves. Preconditions • 170 Laser device switched off User Manual COMPex Halogen Filter Maintenance Removing the Halogen Filter CAUTION Toxic hazard! The vacuum line may contain halogen. To ensure that there is no halogen in the line, purge the inert line. 1. Perform the PURGE INERT LINE procedure (see section 8.4.2). 2. Remove the four wing nuts and washers on top of the halogen filter housing. From Laser Tube Top Cover O-Ring Ø 85 × 4 Spring Filter Cartridge A0300COM.00 Filter Housing To Vacuum pump Figure 47: Disassembling the halogen filter housing 3. Lift off the top cover of the filter housing. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 171 MAINTENANCE 4. Remove the spring. 5. Lift out the filter cartridge using pliers. Take care not to remove the bottom o-ring. 6. Check the condition of the upper and lower o-rings in the filter housing. Replace the o-rings if damaged. Filter Cartridge Disposal Reduce the toxic contamination of the filter so it can be disposed by following this procedure. WARNING Toxic hazards! Filter may still contain F2 that has not reacted. A storage period is necessary for safety reasons. Observe the storage periods described below. 7. Store the filter cartridge for 6 hours in a well-ventilated place. 8. Immerse the filter cartridge in 10 liters of water for 24 hours. 9. Place the filter cartridge inside the plastic bag removed from the new filter and seal the bag by means of the supplied twist-tie. 10. Dispose the filter cartridge in accordance with local regulations. 11. Dispose the water according to all relevant regulations. NOTE The water contains no hazardous substances. Local waste water regulations may require that the water be neutralized the water. For neutralization, use calcium hydroxide if pH<7 or acetic acid if pH>7. Replacing the New Filter 12. Place the new filter cartridge in the filter housing. Ensure that the arrow on the filter cartridge points to the vacuum pump. 13. Place the spring on top of the filter cartridge. 14. Re-install the top of the filter housing. 15. Fit the four wing nuts and hand tighten. The filter filling ratio must now be reset to zero (see below). 172 User Manual COMPex Halogen Filter Maintenance 8.9.3 Reset Halogen Filter Filling Ratio After replacing the halogen filter the halogen filter filling ratio must be reset. Tools and Materials • None Preconditions • • New halogen filter inserted Laser in Off mode Resetting the Filter Filling Ratio 1. Press <BREAK> twice to stop laser operation. 2. Press <F4>. 3. Press the numerical button ”0" to reset the filter. 4. Press <ENTER> to confirm. A0300COM.00 The filling ratio of the halogen filter is now set to zero. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 173 MAINTENANCE 8.10 Prepare Gas System for Transportation and Storage During longer periods of non-operation, gases can enter ¯ the laser tube and damage the passivation layer, ¯ the gas lines and cause corrosion. To prevent this, the laser device must be carefully prepared for transportation and storage periods. The laser tube must be filled with a Transportation Fill and the gas lines must be sealed. 8.10.1 Transportation Fill NOTE This function is only possible with a buffer gas cylinder attached to the buffer gas line. The operation evacuates and fills the tube to 1500 mbar with buffer gas, preparing it for storage or transportation. A transportation fill is recommended: ¯ if laser device is to be non-operational for a long period, ¯ if laser device is to be transported. NOTE Do not press <BREAK> during the TRANSPORTATION FILL procedure as this terminates the procedure immediately. The fill is not completed, so tube pressure may be insufficient. If this occurs, start Transportation Fill again. Tools and Materials • Buffer gas cylinders with at least 10 bar remaining pressure connected to the buffer gas line Preconditions • 174 Laser in Off mode User Manual COMPex Prepare Gas System for Transportation and Storage Performing a Transportation Fill 1. Close all pressure regulators 2. Close all gas cylinder valves. 3. Open buffer gas cylinder valve. 4. Set buffer pressure regulator to 5 bar. 5. Press <F6>. 6. Press cursor left or right to select “TRANSPORT”. 7. Press <ENTER> to confirm. 8. Press <EXE> to start the transportation fill. The tube is evacuated to 30 mbar and filled to 1500 mbar with buffer gas. A0300COM.00 NOTE The message ”SAFETY FILL” appears (remote command OPMODE? returns SAFETY FILL), if the evacuation failed. A leak is likely and a safety fill takes place (see also Section 8.4.3). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 175 MAINTENANCE 8.10.2 Disconnecting Gas Lines For de-installing, transporting and storing the laser device, the gas supply lines are to be disconnected. CAUTION Risk of gas lines corrosion! Prevent humidity and air from entering into the gas lines. To prevent corrosion of the halogen lines, no halogen may remain in the lines. Replace the halogen gas in the lines with inert gas before disconnecting the gas lines. This section describes measures to prevent corrosion. There are three different procedures: ¯ Disconnect a halogen line (see Section ¯ Disconnect a premix line (see Section If your laser runs with gas premix containing halogen and if this premix is lead through another line than the halogen supply line, treat it as it were a halogen line. ¯ Disconnect gas supply lines except halogen line (see Section Disconnect a Halogen Line Tools and Materials • • • • 9/16 inch wrench 13 mm wrench Gyrolok stainless steel cap to seal the halogen line Stainless steel plug included with the laser device to seal the halogen connection at the laser device. Disconnecting the Halogen Line 1. Close the main valve of the halogen gas cylinder. 2. Make sure that the pressure regulator of the halogen gas line is open. 3. Make sure that the pressure regulator of the inert gas line is closed. 4. Open the main valve of the inert gas cylinder. 176 User Manual COMPex Prepare Gas System for Transportation and Storage 5. Set the pressure regulator of the inert gas line to 5 bar. 6. Purge the halogen line at least four times (see Section 8.4.2). 7. Close main valve of the inert gas cylinder. 8. Close the pressure regulator of the inert gas line. 9. Disconnect the halogen line. 10. Immediately seal the halogen connector at the laser device with the plug. 11. Immediately seal the halogen line with the cap. The sealed halogen line may remain in this state for a longer period of time now. Disconnect a Premix Line To prevent corrosion of the halogen lines, no halogen may remain in the lines. The premix gas in the lines is to be removed with inert gas before disconnecting the gas lines. NOTE The premix gas is usually connected to BUFFER. For reasons of safety, identify the connection of the premix gas. If the premix gas is connected to another connector than BUFFER, the following instructions must be carried out for the other connector and the premix gas line. Tools and Materials A0300COM.00 • • • • 9/16 inch wrench 13 mm wrench Gyrolok stainless steel cap to seal the premix line Stainless steel plug included with the laser device to seal the premix connection at the laser device. Disconnecting the Premix Line 1. Close the main valve of the premix gas cylinder if it is open. 2. Make sure that the pressure regulator of the premix gas line is open. 3. Make sure that the pressure regulator of the inert gas line is closed. 4. Open the main valve of the inert gas cylinder. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 177 MAINTENANCE 5. Set the pressure regulator of the inert gas line to 5 bar. 6. Purge premix line at least four times (see Section 8.4.2). 7. Disconnect premix line. 8. Immediately seal the premix connector at the laser device with the plug. 9. Immediately seal the premix gas line with the cap. The sealed premix line may remain in this state for a longer period of time now. Disconnect Gas Supply Lines except Halogen Line All gas lines, except the halogen lines, are not as endangered by corrosion as the halogen line. Nevertheless, they must be protected against humidity and air too. Tools and Materials • • • • 9/16 inch wrench 13 mm wrench Gyrolok stainless steel cap to seal the line Stainless steel plugs included with the laser device to seal the connection at the laser device. Disconnecting the Gas Lines 1. Close the main valve of the respective gas cylinder. 2. Disconnect the gas supply line with an appropriate wrench. 3. Seal the gas connection at the laser device with the plug. 4. Seal the gas supply line with the cap. The sealed lines may remain in this state for a longer period of time now. 178 User Manual COMPex 9 REMOTE SOFTWARE This section is intended for programmers, who want to design a user shell to run the COMPex with an external computer. The necessary software is provided in the remote software of the communication interface. The Remote Software is divided into three types of commands: ¯ Operation Commands (OPMODEs): Commands to operate the COMPex, ¯ Parameter Commands: Commands to set parameter values, ¯ Polling Commands: Commands to request values and the state of the COMPex. Before reading this chapter, become familiar with the operations of the COMPex as described in Chapters 7 and 8. The software described is COMPex software version 4.85. You may know your software version with the polling command “VERSION?” (see page 209). 9.1 Nomenclature within this Chapter • Software states are emphasized with an eye-catcher ( ). ITALIC CAPITAL LETTERS give names of error states. Descriptions and solutions are the same as the error messages in the Local Software, as described in Chapter 10. Typewriter Letters show an example. A0300COM.00 In the explanations of OPMODES (pages 181 to 193), the first line gives the state message (received with OPMODE?). The following lines shortly describe the state. The “Corresponding Errors” are also described in this way. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 179 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.2 Remote Software Basics This section deals with the basics of the remote software: ¯ how to choose the remote software part of communication interface, ¯ the required software syntax. The interface required is described in Section 5.3.2. Any other hardware is not prescribed. 9.2.1 Choosing Remote Software All communication with the COMPex is transferred via an RS232 interface attached to the Communication Interface. The communication interface does not differentiate between a handheld keypad attached to the RS232 or an external PC. Thus, you do not have to choose between remote or local software. if the codes originate from an external PC, the communication interface automatically uses the remote software package. 9.2.2 Software Syntax All software codes must be transferred in ASCII code, closed with a carriage return. You may use any ASCII editor. It does not matter, if you use upper case or lower case characters. 180 User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) 9.3 Operation Commands (OPMODE) OPMODE is the abbreviation for “operating mode”. OPMODEs are all the commands executable by the COMPex. They are listed in this section in alphabetical order. OPMODE state The operator may inquire about the state of the COMPex at any given time. All possible state messages are given in this section with the corresponding OPMODE. Inquiries about the state may always be made using the polling command OPMODE? (see Section 9.5). Many of the OPMODEs execute multiple-step programs on the laser device; thus, they pass more than one state. A state followed by a colon and a number indicates an error or a warning. These errors and warnings are described under the corresponding state. Most OPMODEs have similar commands for the local software and will also display messages at the handheld keypad to show the state (or error). The error messages are listed in Section 10. OPMODE Syntax To execute a command, type OPMODE=<COM> followed by a carriage return (<COM> means the desired OPMODE). Example: A0300COM.00 OPMODE=NEW FILL LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 181 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.3.1 OPMODE=CAPACITY RESET Sets the halogen source capacity indicator to the value given with the Parameter Command “CAP.SET=”. Corresponding States • None Corresponding Errors • 9.3.2 None OPMODE=CONT The flushing procedure (see 9.3.5) stops twice to wait for user actions. The user continues the procedure with OPMODE=CONT. Corresponding States • None Corresponding Errors • 9.3.3 None OPMODE=ENERGY CAL Starts the Energy Monitor Calibration procedure (see Figure 48; the steps are listed in the boxes, outside in capital letters the necessary commands). Corresponding States • ENERGY CAL Energy Monitor Calibration procedure running. • ENERGY CAL CONT Waiting for entering the reading from external energy meter. The reading is entered using the Parameter Command “EGY=” or ”EGY SET=” (see 9.4.6 and 9.4.8 and step “Input ext. Energy Meter Reading”, Figure 48 on page 183). Corresponding Errors • 182 None User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) Start Perform a New Fill Switch to HV Constant Mode MODE=HV Make a few thousand shots OPMODE=ON OPMODE=OFF Choose HV Choose Repetition Rate Insert or Remove Attenuators Start Energy Calibration Laser Adjusts Energy Monitor Reading OPMODE=OFF Stop Energy Calibration No OPMODE=NEW FILL Energy Monitor Reading within Range of 99-200? Yes: OPMODE? returns ENERGY CAL CONT No : OPMODE? returns OFF:7 HV=<xy> REPRATE=<xy> OPMODE=ENERGY CAL EGY? OPMODE? Yes A0300COM.00 Input ext. Energy Meter Reading EGY=<xyz> End Figure 48: Flow diagram for energy monitor calibration LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 183 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.3.4 OPMODE=FLUSH <xy> LINE Evacuates <xy> line for two seconds; <xy> represents the name of the line; <xy> may be BUFFER, HALOGEN, INERT or RARE. Example: OPMODE=FLUSH HALOGEN LINE evacuates the halogen line. Corresponding States • FLUSH <xy> LINE Flushing line <xy> in progress, where <xy> represents the line. Corresponding Errors • 9.3.5 None OPMODE=FLUSHING Starts the Flushing Procedure to clean or replace tube optics (see Figure 49, page 185 ). Corresponding States • FLUSHING CONT Laser tube filled with inert gas. During this time the tube optics may be removed/replaced or cleaned. The Flushing Procedure pauses until sending “OPMODE=CONT” (see Section 8.6). • FLUSHING LEAKTEST Leak test is performed during the flushing procedure. • FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT During flushing no leaks were detected. The Flushing Procedure pauses until sending “OPMODE=CONT”. Corresponding Errors 184 • FLUSHING:3 NO GAS FLOW was detected in one of the gas lines. • FLUSHING LEAKTEST:3 NO GAS FLOW was detected during the leak test. • FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30 LEAKTEST...ERROR. Tube or optics are leaky. The flushing procedure pauses, until you enter “OPMODE=CONT”. User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) Note: If no gas leak is detected, the message "FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT" appears. Continue with "OPMODE=CONT". If a gas leak is detected, the message "FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30" appears. Continue with "OPMODE=CONT" to reduce the tube pressure to 1200 mbar inert gas. After that the reservoir pressure will be compensated automatically to atmospherical pressure. Continue with "OPMODE=CONT" to perform the leak test again. Use the time of the leak test to search for the leak with a leak tester. TRANSFER POLLING OPMODE=FLUSHING Evacuate reservoir and refill to 500 mbar with inert gas OPMODE? FLUSHING or FLUSHING:3 (no gas flow) Evacuate reservoir and refill to 500 mbar with inert gas OPMODE? FLUSHING or FLUSHING:3 (no gas flow) Evacuate reservoir and refill to 1200 mbar with inert gas OPMODE? FLUSHING or FLUSHING:3 (no gas flow) Compensate to atmosphere Delay: 20 sec Replace windows (Check windows) OPMODE? FLUSHING CONT OPMODE=CONT Reduce to 1200 mbar Fill to 3000 mbar with inert gas OPMODE? FLUSHING LEAKTEST or FLUSHING LEAKTEST:3 (no gas flow) Delay: 5 min OPMODE? FLUSHING LEAKTEST Leaktest: 10 min OPMODE? FLUSHING LEAKTEST OPMODE= CONT Yes OPMODE? FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT Gas leak? OPMODE? FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30 No OPMODE=CONT OPMODE? FLUSHING or FLUSHING:3 (no gas flow) A0300COM.00 Evacuate reservoir and refill to 500 mbar with inert gas Evacuate reservoir and refill to 1050 mbar with inert gas End OPMODE? FLUSHING or FLUSHING:3 (no gas flow) OPMODE? OFF or OFF:0 Figure 49: Flow diagram for flushing procedure LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 185 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.3.6 OPMODE=HI Performs a halogen injection. The partial pressure of halogen injected depends on the value entered in the Gas Menu. With halogen source, this command will be executed after 3 minutes. Corresponding States • None Corresponding Errors • 9.3.7 None OPMODE=LL OFF Disables the Low Light function. If the Low Light function is activated, laser operation will be interrupted if more than 30 % of all laser pulses are missing within a 10 sec. interval. Corresponding States • LL OFF Low Light function disabled Corresponding Error • 9.3.8 OFF:26 LOW LIGHT criteria was detected OPMODE=MANUAL FILL INERT Opens the inert valve for 10 seconds to perform a manual fill of inert gas into the tube. The command will only be accepted if “OPMODE=OFF:0" and gas reservoir pressure below 3800 mbar. Corresponding States • MANUAL FILL INERT Inert valve open. Corresponding Errors • 186 None User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) 9.3.9 OPMODE=NEW FILL Starts the new fill procedure. Corresponding States • NEW FILL The new fill procedure has been started. • NEW FILL,EVAC Evacuating the tube. • NEW FILL,WAIT (only with a fluorine source) Performing leak test in evacuated tube or during the new fill procedure while halogen source is heated. • NEW FILL, FILL Refilling tube with a new gas fill Corresponding Errors • 9.3.10 NEW FILL:3 NO GAS FLOW was detected in one of the gas lines. OPMODE=OFF Switches laser off. A0300COM.00 Corresponding States • OFF Laser is off, no messages or warnings. • OFF:0 Laser is off, no messages or warnings (only available with certain lasers). • OFF,WAIT While starting the laser: The laser is waiting for power supply standby and gas circulation fan powering up (duration: approx. 5 seconds). Corresponding Errors • OFF:1 Laser off, an INTERLOCK occurred. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 187 REMOTE SOFTWARE 188 • OFF:2 Laser off, PRESET ENERGY TOO HIGH. Charging HV exceeds HVmax. • OFF:4 Laser off, a WATCHDOG has been activated. • OFF:5 Laser off, FATAL ERROR, LWL-DATALINK failed (LWL Datalink means the Data Ring). • OFF:6 Laser off, POLLING; at least one laser module did not respond. • OFF:7 Laser off, ENERGY CAL. ERROR. Monitor calibration values can not be adjusted within a range of 99 to 200. • OFF:8 Laser off, NEW GAS FILL NEEDED. Charging HV exceeds HVmax. • OFF:9 Laser off, NO VACUUM. Tube may be leaky. A Safety Fill has been performed successfully. All activities have been interrupted. • OFF:10 (with a fluorine source only) Laser off, LOW PRESSURE. Because the sixth fluorine fill did not succeed, the fluorine source is detected to be empty. • OFF:11 (with a halogen source only) Laser off, NO CAPACITY LEFT. The halogen source is detected to be empty. • OFF:12 (with a halogen source only) Laser off, ERROR TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT. The halogen source temperature measurement failed. • OFF:13 (with a fluorine source only) Laser off, FLUORINE VALVE NOT OPEN. The fluorine source valve test failed or a malfunction during filling. • OFF:21 WARM-UP 8min. This is the warm-up phase of the laser devices, required by the thyratron. User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) OFF:26 Laser off, LOW LIGHT. Energy monitor does not detect light pulses after trigger pulses. Caused, if at least 30% of all pulses within 10 seconds are missing. • OFF:27 Laser off, WRONG PRESSURE. The tube pressure is out of range. Tube pressure must be within ± 20 % of default tube pressure as specified by the Gas Menu. • OFF:29 Laser off, memory check failed, Gas Menu data are lost. • OFF:31 Laser off, TIMEOUT. There was no data transfer via the RS232 within one second. • OFF:33 (halogen source only) Laser off, HALOGEN PRESSURE TOO HIGH. The preset partial pressure for halogen in the Gas Menu is too high for a halogen source (> 15mbar). • OFF:35 (halogen source only) Laser off, NOT AVAILABLE. A function not possible with a halogen source was chosen (e.g. the EGY PGR Mode). • OFF:39 Laser off, INERT VALVE CLOSED. The inert valve was closed after a manual fill of inert gas (see Section 7.7), because: a) valve has been open for 10 seconds or b) tube pressure exceeded 3800 mbar. • OFF:41 Laser off, entered energy value exceeds +5 % of the set value in the menu data. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 189 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.3.11 OPMODE=ON Starts the laser (with a starting delay of 4.1 sec, see 9.3.10, OFF,WAIT). The starting procedure is interruptable by sending “OPMODE=OFF” Corresponding States • ON Laser on, no warnings or messages. • ON:0 Laser on, no warnings or messages (only available with certain lasers). Corresponding Warnings 190 • ON:2 (EGY PGR Mode only) Laser on, PRESET ENERGY TO HIGH. Charging HV exceeds Charging Threshold Voltage HVmax. • ON:03 (some lasers only) Laser on, Duty Cycle exceeded (more than 12000 pulses in any 20 minutes). • ON:8 (EGY NGR Mode only) Laser on, NEW GAS FILL NEEDED. Charging HV exceeds Threshold Voltage HVrepl. • ON:9 (fluorine source only) Laser on, NO VACUUM. During a halogen injection, the evacuation of the source did not reach 30 mbar after 130 sec. • ON:10 (fluorine source only) Laser on, LOW PRESSURE. During a New Fill Procedure, the sixth attempt to fill did not succeed. Fluorine source empty. • ON:13 (fluorine source only) Laser on, FLUORINE VALVE NOT OPEN. The fluorine valve test failed. • ON:34 (halogen source only) Laser on, HI IN PREP. Halogen injection in preparation. User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) 9.3.12 • ON:36 (COD Module only) Laser on, COD. Charge On Demand is on. • ON:37 Laser on, WARNING! REPRATE FOR COD > 50 Hz. Charge On Demand is on, but you input a repetition rate greater than 50 Hz. Because the maximum possible repetition rate with COD is 50 Hz, the value has been set to 50 Hz. • ON:40 Laser on, input energy is too low. The laser is running with minimum possible HV, but output energy is still higher than setting. • ON:41 Laser on, entered energy value exceeds +5 % of the set value in the menu data. OPMODE=PASSIVATION FILL Starts a passivation fill. Corresponding States • PASSIVATION FILL Passivation fill is running. Corresponding Errors • 9.3.13 PASSIVATION FILL:3 NO GAS FLOW; While refilling, during the passivation fill, no gas flow was detected in halogen line. OPMODE=PGR A0300COM.00 Performs a partial gas replacement. Corresponding States • None Corresponding Errors • None LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 191 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.3.14 OPMODE=PURGE <xy> LINE Fills <xy> line with the gas connected to the inert gas line, where <xy> represents the name of the line; <xy> may be BUFFER, HALOGEN, INERT or RARE. Example: OPMODE=PURGE HALOGEN LINE fills the halogen line with inert gas. Corresponding States • PURGE <xy> LINE Filling of <xy> line is in progress, where <xy> represents the name of the line. Corresponding Errors • 9.3.15 None OPMODE=PURGE RESERVOIR Starts the purge reservoir procedure. Corresponding States • PURGE RESERVOIR Purge reservoir procedure is running. Corresponding Errors • 192 PURGE RESERVOIR:3 NO GAS FLOW; While refilling, during purge reservoir procedure, no gas flow was detected in one of the gas lines. User Manual COMPex Operation Commands (OPMODE) 9.3.16 OPMODE=SAFETY FILL This OPMODE can only be executed by the communication interface. It occurs due to an error during laser tube evacuation. Corresponding States • SAFETY FILL Evacuation time exceeded. Did not reach 30 mbar within 11.5 min. So a safety fill is being performed, i.e. the laser tube is filled with the gas connected to “Buffer” up to a pressure of 1050 mbar. Corresponding Errors • 9.3.17 SAFETY FILL:3 NO GAS FLOW; While performing a safety fill, no gas flow was detected in the inert gas line. OPMODE=SKIP Terminates the thyratron warm-up period. Corresponding States • None Corresponding Errors • 9.3.18 None OPMODE=TRANSPORT FILL Starts a transport fill. A0300COM.00 Corresponding States • TRANSPORT FILL A transport fill is running. Corresponding Errors • TRANSPORT FILL:3 NO GAS FLOW; While refilling, during the passivation fill, no gas flow was detected at the buffer line. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 193 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.4 Parameter Commands To execute a command, send <COM>=XXX followed by a carriage return (<COM> means a Parameter Command, XXX the parameter to be set). All parameter commands are written without spaces on either side of the equals sign. Numerical parameters must be integer values except for HV, for which one decimal place is accepted. Examples: COD=ON COUNTER=RESET FILTER=8 HV=25.6 9.4.1 BUFFER= Sets partial pressure of gas connected to buffer line. After verification of conformity with the prescribed parameter range, it will be entered into the selected Gas Menu. Available • in OFF operating modes. Parameter Range • 194 depends on the factory settings of the Gas Menu. User Manual COMPex Parameter Commands 9.4.2 CAP.SET= Sets the value for the halogen source capacity (in %). To assume the new capacity value, this command is to be followed by sending the command “OPMODE=CAPACITY RESET”. Available • in OFF operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.3 0 to 120 COD= (with Charge on Demand only) Switches the Charge on Demand (COD) on (“ON”) or off (“OFF”). See also Chapter 12 (Glossary). NOTE While running laser with COD on, use repetition rates not higher than 50 Hz. Higher repetition rates will cause missing pulses and thus are set to 50 Hz. Available • in OFF operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.4 ON, OFF COUNTER= A0300COM.00 Resets user counter to zero. Available • in OFF operating modes. Parameter Range • RESET LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 195 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.4.5 COUNTS= Sets value for a countdown. The laser now accepts only external trigger pulses and only as many as specified by the COUNTS value. Afterwards the laser stops and COUNTS is reset to zero. Available • in OFF operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.6 0 to 65535 EGY= Has three functions: ¯ In energy constant mode it sets the energy value at which the laser shall be stabilized (”preset energy”). Will be reset during the next start of the laser device. On some lasers this function is done by the parameter command “EGY SET”. ¯ Sending EGY=0 in the energy constant mode resets the energy value to the to the set value, defined by the parameter PRESET_EGY in the menu data. ¯ During energy calibration it is needed to input the external energy reading. Available • in ON and OFF operating modes only. Parameter Range • 196 depends on the factory settings of the Gas Menu. User Manual COMPex Parameter Commands 9.4.7 EGY RANGE= Sets the energy tolerance range in percent, relative to preset beam energy in EGY PGR- or EGY NGR-mode. Setting this parameter is necessary for the indication of “POWER STABILIZATION ACHIEVED”. Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 9.4.8 1 to 100 EGY SET= (only some lasers) Sets the beam energy (”preset energy”) for the EGY PGR- and EGY NGR-mode, otherwise it is ignored. Will be reset the next time the laser device is started. Available • in ON and OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 9.4.9 depends on the factory settings of the Gas Menu FILTER= A0300COM.00 Sets the number of pulses used by the program to calculate an average beam energy. If the input is out of parameter range, the last FILTER value is kept. If you input “0", the program automatically sets a filter value, dependent on the repetition rate. Available • in all operating modes Parameter Range • 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 197 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.4.10 FILTER CONTAMINATION= Resets the halogen filter capacity in percent (after the halogen filter have been replaced). Available • in all operating modes Parameter Range: • 9.4.11 RESET GASMODE= Switches between premix and single gas operation. Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 9.4.12 SINGLE GASES, PREMIX HALOGEN= Sets partial pressure of gas connected to halogen line. NOTE The partial pressure for halogen cylinders must be about 20 times higher than that for the halogen source because in gas cylinders there is 5% halogen dissolved in 95% inert gas. After verification of conformity with the prescribed parameter range, it will be entered into the selected Gas Menu. Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 198 depends on the factory settings for the Gas Menu User Manual COMPex Parameter Commands 9.4.13 HV= Sets the charging voltage for the HV constant mode. Ignored in other modes. Available • in all operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.14 depends on the factory settings for the gas menu. This command accepts values to one decimal place INERT= Sets partial pressure of gas connected to inert line. After verification of conformity with the prescribed parameter range, it will be entered into the selected gas menu. Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range depends on the factory settings for the gas menu A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 199 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.4.15 MENU= Selects the Gas Menu (by number). This determines: ¯ name of the gas, ¯ wavelength, ¯ default gas mode (see GASMODE), ¯ partial pressures of the gases, ¯ default tube pressure (see OFF 27), ¯ HVmin, HVmax, ¯ default beam energy constant value. MENU also resets the actual Gas Menu to factory settings. To do so, send: MENU=RESET Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 9.4.16 1 to 6 (depends on the number of the Gas Menu) and RESET MODE= Selects the running mode (HV, EGY PGR or EGY NGR). Available • in OFF operating modes, and in ON operating modes once all gas handling procedures have been completed. Parameter Range • 200 HV, EGY PGR, EGY NGR User Manual COMPex Parameter Commands 9.4.17 OPMODE= See previous section. 9.4.18 RARE= Sets partial pressure of gas connected to rare gas line. After verification of conformity with the prescribed parameter range, it will be entered into the selected Gas Menu. Available • in OFF operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.19 depends on the factory settings of the Gas Menu REPRATE= Sets the internal repetition rate, if TRIGGER=INT has been set. Else the value is remembered as repetition rate, when switched to TRIGGER=INT. Available • in ON and OFF operating modes only Parameter Range depends on the factory settings of the Gas Menu. High repetition rate may be declined for high HV values. A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 201 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.4.20 ROOMTEMP= (with HCl source only) Informs the HCl source whether the room temperature is above 22 °C (72 °F) (“HIGH”) or not (“LOW”), because the chemical reaction is temperature sensitive. Starting up the laser device resets ROOMTEMP to HIGH (default value). Available • in all operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.21 HIGH, LOW TEMP CONTROL= (with temperature control module only) Switches the temperature control module on (“ON”) or off (“OFF”). Available • in all operating modes Parameter Range • 9.4.22 ON, OFF TIMEOUT= Enables or disables the time-out control of the RS232. If TIMEOUT is on and there is no data transfer to or from RS232, laser is turned off and the Polling Command OPMODE? displays OFF:31. Available • in OFF operating modes only Parameter Range • 202 ON, OFF User Manual COMPex Parameter Commands 9.4.23 TRIGGER= Specifies the triggering source, internal (“INT”) or external (“EXT”). Available • in ON and OFF operating modes only Parameter Range INT, EXT A0300COM.00 • LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 203 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.5 Polling Commands To execute a Polling Command, type <COM> followed by a carriage return (<COM> means a Polling Command). The actual parameter setting is displayed. All polling commands are available in all operating modes. Examples OPMODE? CAP.LEFT? FILTER CONTAMINATION? 9.5.1 ACCU? (with halogen source only) Displays the current pressure in the accumulator of the halogen source. If there is no halogen source the answer is zero. If there is no accumulator (F2-I-Version) the answer is zero, too. 9.5.2 BUFFER? Displays the current partial pressure of the buffer gas in mbar. 9.5.3 CAP.LEFT? (with halogen source only) Displays the current remaining capacity. The response ranges from 1-120 (Fluorine source) or 1-100 (Chlorine source). This is equivalent to 0-100 percent. If there is no halogen source the answer is zero. 9.5.4 COD? (with Charge on Demand only) Displays the COD delay in microseconds. This value depends only on the laser type. 204 User Manual COMPex Polling Commands 9.5.5 COUNTER? Displays the number of pulses accumulated (depending on the software version, divided by 1000) since the user counter was last reset. 9.5.6 COUNTS? Displays the value input for the countdown counter (not the momentary counter). 9.5.7 EGY? The feedback differs depending on the actual operating mode: ¯ OFF operating mode: Displays the preset beam energy value in mJ. ¯ ON operating mode: Displays the measured beam energy value in mJ. If polled again before the next trigger pulse, it will display “0". ¯ ENERGY CAL operating mode: Displays the momentary monitor reading (no units). 9.5.8 EGY SET? Displays the preset beam energy in mJ. Only provided with certain lasers. 9.5.9 EGY RANGE? A0300COM.00 Displays the current setting of the energy tolerance range in percent. 9.5.10 FILTER? Displays the number of pulses used by the program to calculate a mean value of the beam energy. If “0" is displayed, the program has automatically set a value, dependent on the repetition rate. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 205 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.5.11 FILTER CONTAMINATION? Displays the capacity of the halogen filter in percent. 9.5.12 GASMODE? Displays the current gas mode (PREMIX or SINGLE GASES). 9.5.13 HALOGEN? Displays the current partial pressure of the halogen gas in mbar. 9.5.14 HV? Displays the value of the charging voltage HV. 9.5.15 INERT? Displays the current partial pressure of the inert gas in mbar. 9.5.16 INTERLOCK? Displays a listing of all activated interlocks (separated by commas). If no interlocks are activated, the response is “NONE”. After polling, the interlock messages are cleared. 9.5.17 LEAKRATE? (with fluorine source only) During new fill procedure; after the new gas has been filled, the laser stands by to check for gas loss. LEAKRATE? displays the loss of pressure in mbar per 2 minutes. 9.5.18 MENU? Displays the current Gas Menu number, wavelength and gas mixture. 206 User Manual COMPex Polling Commands 9.5.19 MODE? Displays the current running mode (“HV”, “EGY PGR” or “EGY NGR”). 9.5.20 OPMODE? Displays the actual OPMODE state (see section 9.3) 9.5.21 POWER STABILIZATION ACHIEVED? Displays, whether the preset power stabilization EGY RANGE was achieved (replies “YES”) or not (replies “NO”). 9.5.22 PRESSURE? Displays the laser tube pressure. 9.5.23 PULSE DIFF? Requests the difference between trigger pulses and pulses received by the energy monitor. If polled or if the laser starts, pulse difference is set to zero. Negative values mean there were fewer light pulses than trigger pulses (and vice versa). While the laser is ON, the value may differ from the actual value by ±1. 9.5.24 RARE? A0300COM.00 Displays the current partial pressure of the rare gas in mbar. 9.5.25 RESERVOIR TEMP? (only with optional temperature control) Displays the current laser tube temperature in °C. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 207 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.5.26 REPRATE? Displays the current repetition rate value. 9.5.27 ROOMTEMP? (only with HCl source) Displays the setting for the room temperature value of the source. If no HCl source is attached, the answer is HIGH. 9.5.28 TEMP? (only with fluorine source) Displays temperature of the heater of the integrated fluorine source. If no fluorine source is attached, the return is ‘0’. This can be polled in all operating modes; however, the current heater temperature is only displayed in NEW FILL Mode. 9.5.29 TEMP CONTROL? (only with temperature control module) Displays the state of the (tube) temperature control module (“ON” or “OFF”). If no temperature control module is build-in, the answer is “N/A”. 9.5.30 TIMEOUT? Displays, whether the CI is running in time-out control condition (“ON”) or not (“OFF”). 9.5.31 TOTALCOUNTER? Displays the number of pulses (divided by 1000) in the laser´s lifetime, as recorded by the non-resetable total pulse counter. 9.5.32 TRIGGER? Displays the current trigger setting (“INT” for internal trigger, “EXT” for external trigger). 208 User Manual COMPex Polling Commands 9.5.33 TYPE OF LASER? Displays the model of your laser. 9.5.34 VERSION? A0300COM.00 Displays the control software version executed by the communication interface. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 209 REMOTE SOFTWARE 9.6 Priority of ON Code Messages If the reply to the command OPMODE? is an ON code, it is possible that two or more ON-codes apply. In this case the COMPex replies with the ON code having the highest priority. The priority for each code is listed in the following table. A higher number corresponds to a higher priority. If two ON codes have the same priority, the COMPex displays the first ON code to occur. NOTE For all other codes there are no priorities. This means that the last code displayed is the most current and the previous code has been deleted. Priority Message Meaning 5 ON:03 Duty Cycle exceeded ON:9 NO VACUUM ON:10 LOW PRESSURE ON:13 FLUORINE VALVE NOT OPEN ON:2 PRESET ENERGY TOO HIGH ON:8 NEW GAS FILL NEEDED ON:40 PRESET ENERGY TOO LOW ON:34 HI in preparation ON:36 COD on ON:37 COD on at a repetition rate>50 Hz ON Laser on, no warning or message ON:0 Laser on, no warning or message 4 3 2 1 0 210 User Manual COMPex 10 TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter is intended to help you to solve possible problems with the COMPex. It presupposes that you have read this manual, especially the safety instructions. This chapter does not include tasks that can only be performed by Service as they can endanger the health and life of an untrained person. Never try to service the COMPex yourself! 10.1 Overview of this Chapter This chapter is structured according to the symptoms of possible problems with the COMPex. It contains the following sections: • • • • • p. 212 Interlocks p. 228 Laser Fires a Beam Shot without a Trigger Pulse (Self-Firing) p. 233 No Trigger Signal p. 233 Corrosion in Gas Lines and Gas Connections p. 234 Gas Leak p. 235 Laser Device Does Not Start p. 238 Beam Energy Too Low p. 239 Low Light p. 244 Fuses p. 249 A0300COM.00 • • • • • Warnings and Error Messages LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 211 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2 Warnings and Error Messages This section describes warning and error messages sent by the Communication Interface. They are different whether you use a handheld keypad (Local Software) or an external PC (Remote Software). To this section: • Within the section the messages are in alphabetical order with respect to the messages of the handheld keypad. The messages appropriate to the Remote Software are given in brackets. • To allow quick access for users of the Remote Software, all warning and error codes are given in the following table in alphabetical order. Remote Software Message Local Software Message Page No Gas Flow p. 221 FLUSHING LEAKTEST:3 212 FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30 Leak!-Check Windows p. 219 NEW FILL:3 No Gas Flow p. 221 OFF:1 Interlock XXX p. 219 OFF:2 Preset Energy too High p. 224 OFF:4 Fatal Error, Watchdog p. 218 OFF:5 Fatal Error, LWL-Datalink p. 215 OFF:6 Polling p. 224 OFF:7 Energy Cal. Error p. 214 OFF:8 New Gas Fill Needed p. 220 OFF:9 No Vacuum p. 222 OFF:10 Low Pressure p. 220 OFF:11 No Capacity Left p. 221 OFF:12 Error Temperature Measurement p. 214 OFF:13 Fluorine Valve not Opened p. 218 OFF:21 Warm-up 8min p. 226 OFF:26 Low Light p. 220 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages OFF:27 Wrong Pressure p. 227 OFF:29 RAM Check Error p. 225 OFF:31 Timeout p. 225 OFF:33 Halogen Pressure too High p. 218 OFF:35 Not Available p. 223 OFF:39 Inert Valve Closed p. 219 OFF:41 OFF:41 p. 223 ON:2 Preset Energy too High p. 224 ON:03 Duty Cycle Exceeded p. 214 ON:8 New Gas Fill Needed p. 220 ON:9 No Vacuum p. 223 ON:10 Low Pressure p. 220 ON:13 Fluorine Valve not Opened p. 218 ON:34 HI in Prep p. 218 ON:37 Warning! repetition rate for COD 50 Hz p. 226 ON:40 ON:40 p. 223 ON:41 ON:41 p. 224 No Gas Flow p. 221 No Gas Flow p. 221 SAFETY FILL:3 No Gas Flow p. 221 TRANSPORT FILL:3 No Gas Flow p. 221 PASSIVATION FILL:3 PURGE RESERVOIR:3 A0300COM.00 With Local Software there is an additional error message that deals with the handheld keypads communication (”Fatal Error, Com-Datalink”, page 215). There is of course no corresponding error with the Remote Software. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 213 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.1 Duty Cycle Exceeded (ON:03) Reason: The laser has exceeded its duty cycle (more than 12000 pulses in any 20 minutes).This warning message is only applicable to some lasers. Solution: 1. Run the laser with a lower repetition rate for a while. 10.2.2 Energy Cal. Error (OFF:7) Reason: During the Energy Calibration Procedure, the energy reading could not be adjusted within a range of 99-200. The energy calibration procedure is described comprehensively in Section 8.7. Solution: 1. Add or remove an attenuator as described in Section 8.7. 10.2.3 Error Temperature Measurement (OFF:12) This is an error message regarding the fluorine source. See fluorine source manual. 10.2.4 Fatal Error, COM-Datalink (-) (only with handheld keypad, thus there is no Remote Software code) Communication between the handheld keypad and the Communication Interface is out of order. Reason (1) Handheld Keypad and laser are not connected properly. Preparation for Solution: 1. Switch off laser device. 214 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages Solution: 2. Re-connect handheld keypad to laser. Reason (2) Communication link damaged. Solution: 1. Call service. 10.2.5 Fatal Error, LWL-Datalink (OFF:5) LWL is the german abbreviation for Lichtwellenleiter, a Fiber Optics Light Waveguide (FOL). Reason (1): FOL data ring connected improperly. Preparation for Solution: 1. Switch off laser device. 2. Remove right side panel. 3. Remove Communication Interface access panel. 4. Remove Communication Interface (FOLs remain connected). Solution: 5. Ensure that all FOLs are connected properly. All FOLs are equipped with a clip. The clip is marked with an abbreviation corresponding to the port to which it must be connected. Reason (2): FOL data ring interrupted or a module damaged. A0300COM.00 Preparation for Solutions: 1. Switch off laser device. 2. Remove right side panel. 3. Remove Communication Interface access panel. 4. Remove Communication Interface (FOLs remain connected). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 215 TROUBLESHOOTING Solutions: Switch off laser device and access FOLs. 5. Ensure that all FOLs are properly connected to their ports (Energy Monitor, Communication Interface, Basic Module). 6. Check that all FOLs have a min. bending radius of 50 mm. 7. Ensure that the Communication Interface is sending a (red) light pulse. After switching on the 24V power supply, the Communication Interface must send a light pulse for a few seconds. To do so, you need help of a second person. Act as follows: I. (1st person) Disconnect the Data Out FOL on the Communication Interface. II. (2nd person) Switch on the 24V power supply with the key switch. III. (1st person) Watch for a light signal in the Data Out socket of the Communication Interface for several seconds. If there is none the Communication Interface is damaged. Call service. IV. Switch off 24V power supply with the key switch. V. Re-connect the Data Out FOL to the Communication Interface. 8. Ensure that the FOL data ring is closed: To do so, you need help of a second person. Act as follows: I. (1st person) Disconnect the Data In FOL on the Communication Interface. II. (2nd person) Switch on the 24V power supply with the key switch. III. (1st person) Watch for a light signal in the Data In FOL for several seconds. If none appears, a module is damaged. Call service IV. Switch off 24V power supply with the key switch. V. 216 Re-connect the Data In FOL to the Communication Interface. User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages 9. Check for defective FOLs. To do so, you need help of a second person. Act as follows: I. (1st person) Disconnect Data In FOL from Energy Monitor. II. (2nd person) Switch on the 24V power supply with the key switch. III. (1st person) Watch for a light signal in the Data In FOL for several seconds. If one appears, FOL is in order. If not, remove the FOL. IV. (2nd person) Switch off 24V power supply with the key switch. V. (1st person) Disconnect Data In FOL from Basic Module. VI. (2nd person) Switch on the 24V power supply with the key switch. VII. (1st person) Watch,for a light signal in the Data In FOL for several seconds. If one appears, FOL is in order. If not, remove the FOL. VIII. (2nd person) Switch off 24V power supply with the key switch. If the COMPex has no built-in halogen source, leave out steps IX to XII. IX. (1st person) Disconnect Data In FOL of halogen source. X. (2nd person) Switch on the 24V power supply with the key switch. XI. (1st person) Watch for a light signal in the Data In FOL for several seconds. If one appears, FOL line is in order. If not, remove the FOL line. XII. (2nd person) Switch off 24V power supply with the key switch. A0300COM.00 10. If all FOLs are working, one of the modules is damaged. Call service. Reason (3): Software is not compatible with a newly-replaced module. Solution: 1. Call service. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 217 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.6 Fatal Error, Watchdog (OFF:4) Reason: Basic Module did not respond. Solution: 1. Switch off laser device, wait a minute and start again. If trouble remains, call service. 10.2.7 Fluorine Valve Not Opened (OFF:13; ON:13) This is a warning or error message regarding the fluorine source. See fluorine source manual. 10.2.8 Halogen Pressure Too High (OFF:33) This is an error message regarding the halogen source. See halogen source manual. 10.2.9 HI in Prep (ON:34) This is a warning message regarding the halogen source. Reason: The halogen source is just preparing a halogen injection. This may last a few minutes. Solution: 1. Wait a few minutes. 218 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages 10.2.10 Inert Valve Closed (OFF:39) Reason: A manual fill of inert gas has been ended. This message is both a warning and an error message. ¯ Warning: the inert valve was open for 10 seconds and is now closed. ¯ Error message: the tube pressure exceeded 3800 mbar during the fill. Therefore, the fill has been terminated. Solution: 1. Warning: Not necessary. 2. Error message: Reduce tube pressure. 10.2.11 Interlock XXX(OFF:1) Reason: Major malfunction (XXX” represents the name of an interlock). With a handheld keypad the name of the interlock is displayed. When the laser is controlled with Remote Software, the interlock can be identified using the command INTERLOCK?. Solution: 1. See section 10.3. 10.2.12 Leak!-Check Windows (FLUSHING LEAKTEST CONT:30) A0300COM.00 Reason: Leak test in the flushing procedure has failed. Solution: 1. Check windows for leaks. After solving the problem proceed by pressing <ENTER> (with Remote Software: send OPMODE=CONT). The flushing procedure repeats to evacuate the tube. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 219 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.13 Low Light (OFF:26) The Energy Monitor did not detect a beam pulse after a trigger pulse. Reason: At least 30% of all pulses within 10 seconds are missing. Solution: 1. see Section 10.10. 10.2.14 Low Pressure (OFF:10; ON:10) This is an error message regarding a halogen source. See halogen source manual. 10.2.15 New Gas Fill Needed (OFF:8; ON:8) This message only occurs n Energy Constant Mode. It may be either a warning or an error message. ¯ Warning: the charging voltage exceeded the Threshold Voltage HVrepl. ¯ Error message: the charging voltage exceeded the maximum possible voltage HVmax. Reason (1): Laser gas quality insufficient. Solution: 1. Perform a New Fill (see Section 8.4.3). Reason (2): EGY Constant value too low, thus HV lower than lasing threshold. Solution: 1. Raise EGY Constant value (see Section 7.5.2) If trouble remains, follow the flowchart “Beam Energy too Low” (see Section 10.9). 220 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages 10.2.16 No Capacity Left (OFF:11) This is an error message regarding the halogen source. See halogen source manual. 10.2.17 No Gas Flow (XX:3) There was no gas flow detected in one of the gas lines. With Remote Software XX” represents the name of the OPMODE at which the error occurred. Reason (1): Cylinder Valve not opened. Solution: 1. Open cylinder valve. Reason (2): Pressure regulator setting wrong Solution: 1. Set pressure regulator to 4bar. Reason (3): Gas cylinder pressure low Solution: A0300COM.00 1. Replace gas cylinder (see Section 8.4.4). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 221 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.18 No Vacuum (OFF:9) This error message is displayed after a successful safety fill. NOTE: With a handheld keypad, do not confuse the warning and the error message “No Vacuum”. The warning is a function of the optional halogen source while injecting or filling the laser tube with halogen. The error only occurs after an unsuccessful evacuation of the laser tube. 1. Symptom: Vacuum Pump did not run. Reason: Vacuum Pump defective. Preparation for Solution: 1. Switch off laser device. Solution: 2. Ensure that the vacuum pump power supply line is properly connected to the COMPex. 3. Check fuse of vacuum pump. Replace, if necessary. 4. Check power supply line of vacuum pump. 2. Symptom: Vacuum Pump continues to run. Reason (1): Laser tube leaky. Solution: 1. Test laser tube for a leak (see Section 10.7.2). In case of a leak, tighten if possible. Otherwise call service. 2. Perform a leak test in the gas line to the vacuum pump. If leaky, replace line. 3. Check halogen filter for leak. Tighten if possible, otherwise replace filter (see Section 8.9.2). If the problem remains, call service. 222 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages 10.2.19 No Vacuum (ON:9) This is a warning message regarding the halogen source. See halogen source manual. 10.2.20 Not Available (OFF:35) This is an error message regarding the halogen source. See halogen source manual. 10.2.21 OFF:41 (OFF:41) This error triggers the message OFF:41 in both the Local and Remote Software. Reason: In Energy Constant Mode, the entered energy value exceeds the set value in the menu data for more than +5 %. The laser is OFF. Solution: 1. If necessary, enter a valid value. 10.2.22 ON:40 (ON:40) This error triggers the message ON:40 in both the Local and Remote Software. Reason: A0300COM.00 In Energy Constant Mode, the HV is adjusted to the lowest possible value but the beam energy cannot be stabilized as low as requested. Solution: 1. Raise Energy Constant Value (see Section 7.5.2). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 223 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.23 ON:41 (ON:41) This error triggers the message ON:41 in both the Local and Remote Software. Reason: In Energy Constant Mode, the entered energy value exceeds the set value in the menu data for more than +5 %. The Laser is ON. Solution: 1. If necessary, enter a valid value. 10.2.24 Polling (OFF:6) Reason: At least one module in the laser device did not respond. Solution: 1. Switch off laser device and start laser again. If problem remains, call service. 10.2.25 Preset Energy too High (OFF:2; ON:2) This message can only occur if the Running Mode is an Energy Constant Mode. It may be either a warning or an error message. ¯ If a warning: the charging voltage exceeded the Threshold Voltage HVrepl. ¯ If an error: the maximum possible voltage HVmax. Reason (1): Laser gas quality insufficient. Solution: 1. Perform a New Fill (see Section 8.4.3). 224 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages Reason (2): EGY Constant value too low, thus HV lower than lasing threshold. Solution: 1. Raise EGY Constant value (see Section 7.5.2) If problem remains, follow the flowchart “Beam Energy too Low” (see Section 10.9). 10.2.26 RAM Check Error (OFF:29) This error message indicates incorrect menu data of the Control Interface’s Zero Power RAM. The menu data can be downloaded even in this failure szenario. Reason: RAM check failed. Communication Interface or connections damaged. Solution: 1. Call service. 10.2.27 Timeout (OFF:31) This error message appears if no data transfer occurred via the RS232 within one second. Reason (1): RS232 plug not properly connected. Solution: A0300COM.00 1. Check RS232 plug for proper connection. Reason (2): Control software failure. Solution: 1. Switch off laser device and start laser device again. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 225 TROUBLESHOOTING Reason (3): Communications Interface damaged. Solution: 1. Call service. 10.2.28 Warm-up 8min (OFF:21) Reason: Laser device was just started and is now warming up the thyratron. Solution: 1. Wait for eight minutes. 10.2.29 Warning! Repetition Rate for COD 50 Hz (ON:37) This warning can only occur with an active COD. Reason: Although COD only supports repetition rates up to 50 Hz, the preset repetition rate is more than 50 Hz; hence, the COMPex has set the repetition rate to 50 Hz. Solution: 1. Set repetition rate to less than 51 Hz. 226 User Manual COMPex Warnings and Error Messages 10.2.30 Wrong Pressure (OFF:27) Laser tube pressure out of range. The tube pressure must be within a range of ± 20% of the default tube pressure as specified in the Gas Menu. Reason (1): Pressure settings in the Gas Menu too high or too low. Solution: 1. Reduce or increase settings in the gas menu, so that the sum of all partial pressures does not exceed the default pressure by more than ± 20 %. Reason (2): Laser tube leaky. Solution: 1. Test laser tube for a leak. In case of a leak: tighten, if possible, otherwise call service. Reason (3): Pressure detector at the laser tube defective. Solution: A0300COM.00 1. Call service. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 227 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3 Interlocks Interlock refers to an error message indicating a malfunction or critical interference. The high voltage is switched off, but the laser system remains on. The advantages of this method are that the entire system does not need to be restarted when there is a simple malfunction and communication with the processor is still possible. More than one interlock can occur at a time. To receive information about the current interlocks: 1. Press the function button <F1>. 2. (if an interlock occurred) Press cursor left or right to select interlock. 3. Press <ENTER>. WARNING Risk of electric shock! Storage capacitors are charged with high voltage. Never open the laser housing while high voltage capacitors are charged. Measurements and work on the electrical system and its equipment must be carried out only by a skilled electrician. The following interlocks may occur: ¯ Overload (see page 229) ¯ Remote (see page 230) ¯ Temp.Res. (see page 231) ¯ Ventilation (see page 232) 228 User Manual COMPex Interlocks 10.3.1 Overload This interlock is an electronic interlock for the HV power supply. This interlock is activated if the high voltage charging circuit does not reach the preset high voltage level. Reason (1): Thyratron no longer adjusted. Solution: 1. Adjust thyratron settings (see Section 8.8.2). Reason (2): Malfunction in the HV circuit. Solution: A0300COM.00 1. Switch off the laser device and start again. If the problem remains, call service. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 229 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.2 Remote A remotely located interlock switch must be connected to the 4-pin remote socket (see Section 5.3.3). The interlock has to be connected between pins 2 and 3 of this socket and laser operation is only possible as long as pin 2 and 3 are jumpered. This Interlock also monitors the panels of the laser device. Reason (1): Pins 2 and 3 of the remote socket no longer make contact. This may be due to an open switch, a detector or other device connected to pins 2 and 3. Solution: 1. Close contact between pins 2 and 3 of the remote socket. Reason (2): One of the laser device panels is open. Solution: 1. Close all panels. 230 User Manual COMPex Interlocks 10.3.3 Temp.Res. This interlock is a thermal switch which is located on top of the laser tube. The switch opens if the laser tube temperature reaches 46 °C. Reason (1): (COMPex 110 and 205 only) There is too little or no cooling water or the cooling water is too warm. Solutions: 1. Ensure that water flow matches the specifications (see Section 5.4). 2. Ensure that the water inlet temperature is within range of specifications (see Section 5.4). 3. Check for a water leak. If trouble remains, call service. Reason (2): (all laser devices except COMPex 110 and 205) There is too little or no cooling air or the cooling air is too warm. Solutions: 1. Ensure that the housing ventilation entrances are not blocked. 2. Ensure that the fan at the rear housing ventilation exit is functional. 3. Ensure that the ambient temperature matches specifications (see Section 5.8). 4. Check the duct system for malfunction. A0300COM.00 If the problem remains, call service. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 231 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.4 Ventilation The motor which drives the gas circulation fan in the laser tube is protected by this interlock. Reason (1): Malfunction of the motor fan for the laser tube. Solutions: 1. Ensure that there is power to the fan motor, 2. Ensure that the fan motor is not damaged. If the problem remains, call service. Reason (2): Damaged fan or fan bearings. Solution: 1. Call service. 232 User Manual COMPex Laser Pulses without Triggering (Self-Firing) 10.4 Laser Pulses without Triggering (Self-Firing) Reason (1) (with COD only) COD not active. Solution: 1. Switch COD on (see Section 7.5.4) Reason (2): Thyratron settings wrong Solution: 1. Adjust Thyratron (see Section 8.8.1). Reason (3): Thyratron, varistors or Trigger Board defective. Solution: 1. Call service. 10.5 No Trigger Signal A0300COM.00 This malfunction causes the error message “LOW LIGHT” (see Section 10.10 on page 244 ). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 233 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.6 Corrosion in Gas System Symptom: ¯ insufficient gas lifetime, ¯ beam specifications not met, ¯ visible corrosion at gas lines and connections. Reason (1): Halogen line has not been purged before a standstill. Thus, halogen has come in contact with ambient humidity. Solution: 1. Replace corroded lines. Reason (2): Halogen line has been purged before a standstill, but halogen cylinder was not sealed properly. Solutions: 1. Check pressure regulator in halogen line. 2. Check valve on halogen gas cylinder. 3. Replace corroded lines and pressure regulators. 234 User Manual COMPex Gas Leak 10.7 Gas Leak This procedure is divided into two sub-procedures: • • Leak test gas lines (Section 10.7.1) Leak test laser tube (Section 10.7.2) NOTE Leak check all lines with inert gas prior to use with halogens or expensive rare gases. Tools and Materials • • • • 10.7.1 Liquid leak tester SNOOP® (from service case) Helium leak testing device Ethanol Cleaning paper Leak Test Gas Lines NOTE The following assumes that an inert gas cylinder is attached to the inert gas line to purge the gas lines. If this is not the case, flush the line and fill line from a gas cylinder that does not contain halogen (see Section 8.4.1). Preconditions • Laser in OFF mode. Leak Testing a Gas Line 1. Press <BREAK> to stop laser operation. A0300COM.00 2. Close valve on gas cylinder to the line that will be leak-tested. 3. Open valve for appropriate pressure regulator. 4. Open valve of inert gas cylinder. 5. Set pressure regulator for inert gas to 5 bar. 6. Purge the line to be leak-tested (see Section 8.4.2). LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 235 TROUBLESHOOTING 7. Close valve to the inert gas cylinder. The line is now filled with inert gas at a pressure of 5 bar. 8. Spray SNOOP on the fitting in the line. You can see small bubbles at a leaky fitting after a few seconds. 9. Tighten leaky fittings. 10. Check for leak again. 11. Call service if it is not possible to seal the fittings. 12. Clean the fittings carefully with cleaning paper. 13. Wash the fittings with ethanol and dry them with cleaning paper. Finalization 14. Refill the gas lines with fresh gas (see Section 8.4.1). 10.7.2 Leak Test Laser Tube Additional tools and Materials • Thermometer (best scale from 0 to 50 °C) Preconditions • • Gas lines within the laser device leak tested Tube at room temperature NOTE Keep the tube temperature constant, because a temperature drop of just 1 °C results in a pressure drop of 10 mbar. Thus you would detect leaks that do not exist. Leak Testing the Laser Tube 1. Stop laser. 2. Switch off cooling water. 3. Let laser stand for at least one hour to let the tube cool down. 4. Fix a thermometer at the tube to check that the temperature at the beginning of the leak test does not differ from that of the end. 236 User Manual COMPex Gas Leak 5. Perform a leak test while the pressure within the tube is sufficiently above atmospheric pressure (best 3000 mbar). 6. Fill tube manually to 3000 mbar with helium (see Section 7.7). 7. Wait for 10 minutes to let the gas cool down. 8. Check the pressure drop in the tube. The pressure drop may not exceed 2 mbar within one hour. Test for at least two hours, although longer (e.g. overnight) is better. CAUTION: Tube optics and connections can be soiled! Do not use liquid leak tester at the tube. Use a special Helium Leak Testing Device. If the pressure drop exceeds 2 mbar within an hour, a leak at the tube is likely. 9. Search for leaks with a helium leak testing device. 10. Seal the leak(s) if possible. CAUTION Tube may be damaged! Call Lambda Physik Service if you cannot seal the leak. Finalization 11. Perform a new fill (see Section 8.4.3). A0300COM.00 Only when all leaks are sealed, the laser can be restarted. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 237 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.8 Laser Device Does Not Start Symptom: After turning on the laser device with the mains and the key switches, nothing happens (no lights, no sound). Reason (1): Mains supply line not properly connected or defective. Solution: 1. Check mains supply line. WARNING Risk of Electrocution! The mains supply line must be exchanged by instructed persons only, under the supervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and in accordance with electrical engineering rules and regulations. Reason (2): Wrong mains supply. Solution: 1. Check that the laser device is set to the proper mains supply voltage and frequency. Reason (3): Fuse(s) defective. Solution: CAUTION Power supply can be damaged. A blown fuse suggests a malfunction in the power supply. Inform service. 1. Check fuses F1 to F6 and replace, if necessary (see Figure 50). For ratings of the fuses see Section 10.11. 238 User Manual COMPex Beam Energy Too Low KEY SWITCH CONTROL SUPPLY 24V AC F1 F3 F5 F2 F4 F6 MainS POWER ON LINE Figure 50: Fuses on the rear side of the COMPex Reason (4): No line voltage. Solution: 1. Check the main fuse of the connection box of the building. 10.9 Beam Energy Too Low A0300COM.00 The pulse energy may be low for many different reasons. To clearly detect the source of the problem, follow the flowcharts shown on the following pages. LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 239 TROUBLESHOOTING Beam Output Energy Low Gas cylinders just changed? no Continued on next page yes Check for gas leak Leak? yes Tighten leak New Fill Problem solved? no yes Stop no Purge Lines 3 times Purge laser tube Flush lines and fill with fresh gas New Fill yes Stop Problem solved? no Check gas lines for internal corrosion Corroded gas lines? yes Replace gas lines Re-passivate laser tube New Fill no no Change gas cylinders again yes Problem solved? Stop Re-passivate laser tube New Fill Problem solved? yes Stop no Continued on next page Figure 51: Beam energy too low - part 1 240 User Manual COMPex Beam Energy Too Low Beam Output Energy Low (Continue 1) Measure beam energy with ext. energy meter yes Beam energy really too low? no Calibrate energy monitor Problem solved? yes Stop no Replace or re-connect FOL yes FOL broken or not properly connected? Check FOL from beam splitter box to energy monitor no Problem solved? no Energy monitor damaged Call Service yes Stop Has laser been at a standstill for a long time ? no Continued on next page Perform a leak test Purge lines 3 times Flush lines and fill with fresh gas New Fill Problem solved? yes Stop A0300COM.00 no Continued on next page Figure 52: Beam energy too low - part 2 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 241 TROUBLESHOOTING Beam Output Energy Low (Continue 2) yes * F2, ArF about 40 °C XeCl about 30 °C all others about 35 °C Laser tube temperature OK? * no (if available) adjust waterflow Make a few thousand shots Problem solved? yes Stop no Optics just changed or cleaned? no Continued on next page yes Has laser been open for more than 2 minutes? yes Re-passivate laser tube New fill no no Check Optics Right Optics? (labeled at side of optics) no Problem solved? yes Stop Replace Optics yes Correct mounting no Coated optics properly mounted? yes Adjust tube optics yes Problem solved? Stop no Continued on next page Figure 53: Beam energy too low - part 3 242 User Manual COMPex Beam Energy Too Low Beam Output Energy Low (Continue 3) Laser tube gases old? yes New Fill no Clean tube optics no yes Problem solved? Stop Clean beam splitter Adjust tube optics yes Problem solved? Stop no Check for gas leak no Leak? yes Tighten leak Problem solved? yes Stop no Thyratron adjustment OK? yes no A0300COM.00 Adjust Thyratron Stop yes Problem solved? no Call service Figure 54: Beam energy too low - part 4 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 243 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.10 Low Light The LOW LIGHT error may have several reasons. Use the following flowcharts to trace the reason of the problem. Low Light Are there any trigger pulses? no See flowchart "Low LightNo Trigger Pulses" yes See flowchart "Low LightMissing Pulses" yes Are light pulses missing? no Measure beam output energy with external energy meter Is beam output energy accurate? yes See flowchart "Low Light - Problem with Energy Monitor" no Is there any beam output energy? no yes See flowchart "Low Light - Beam Output Energy too low" no Major malfunction. Call service Raise EGY const. value Problem solved? yes EGY const. value has been below lasing threshold. Run with higher energies. Figure 55: Low Light 244 User Manual COMPex Low Light Low Light No Trigger Pulses Does the laser receive any external trigger signals? yes Is the laser set to "EXT. TRIGGER"? no Check external trigger device yes no Switch to "INT. TRIGGER" Measure UH and UR at thyratron adjustment panel Are there any voltages? no no Measure UBIAS at thyratron adjustment panel Problem solved? yes Stop Exchange thyratron fuse (M07/F1; at thyratron adjustment panel) yes Problem solved? Stop no Defective power supply. Call service Is UBIAS between -140 and -160 V? no Varistor or HV trigger damaged. Call service yes Raise UH and UR one or two steps A0300COM.00 Problem solved? yes Stop no Major malfunction. Call service Figure 56: Low Light - no trigger pulses LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 245 TROUBLESHOOTING Low Light Missing Pulses yes Is laser in HV Constant Mode? Is laser gas old? yes Make a new fill no no no no yes Problem solved? Stop Is laser running with ArF or F2? yes Measure laser tube temperature Is temperature less than 35 °C? yes yes (If available) Reduce water flow Stop Problem solved? no no Raise environmental temperature Make a few thousand shots Raise UH and UR one or two steps at thyratron adjustment panel yes Problem solved? no yes Problem solved? Stop Stop no Major malfunction. Call service Figure 57: Low Light - missing pulses 246 User Manual COMPex Low Light Low Light - Problem with Energy Monitor Calibrate energy monitor Problem solved? yes Stop no Check FOL from beam splitter box to energy monitor FOL broken or not properly connected? yes Replace or re-connect FOL no Energy monitor damaged Call Service no yes Problem solved? Stop A0300COM.00 Figure 58: Low Light - problem with energy monitor LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 247 TROUBLESHOOTING Low Light - Beam Output Energy too Low Clean tube optics Clean beam splitter Check optics Replace optics no Right optics? (labeled at side of optics) yes Coated optics properly mounted? no Correct mounting yes Adjust tube optics Problem solved? yes Stop no Major malfunction. Call service Figure 59: Low Light - beam energy too low 248 User Manual COMPex Fuses 10.11 Fuses 10.11.1 Fuses Inside COMPex The fuses inside COMPex are: ¯ at the rear side of the laser (seen from beam exit), M03/ F6 M03/ F5 M03/ F4 M03/ F3 M03/ F2 M03/ F1 Figure 60: Fuses at the inner rear side of COMPex max max UR 50Hz 60Hz UH ¯ at the thyratron adjustment panel. FUSE AUX BIAS A0300COM.00 Figure 61: Fuse at the thyratron adjustment panel Fuse Value 110 V Value 230 V Protection M03/F1 0.5 A slow blow 0.5 A slow blow Fan 1 + 2 M03/F2 - - not used M03/F3 8.0 A slow blow 8.0 A slow blow Vacuum Pump M03/F4 0.5 A slow blow 0.5 A slow blow Servo Driver M03/F5 2.5 A slow blow 2.5 A slow blow Gas Circulation M03/F6 0.063 A slow blow 0.063 A slow blow Power Supply of Gas Purifier Thyratron 2.5 A ultra slow blow 2.5 A ultra slow blow Thyratron Supply Module LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 249 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.11.2 Fuses Outside COMPex The fuses outside of COMPex are aside of the main switch, located at the rear outside. KEY SWITCH CONTROL SUPPLY 24V AC F1 F3 F5 F2 F4 F6 MainS POWER ON LINE Figure 62: Fuses at the rear outside of COMPex Fuse Value 110 V Value 230 V Protection F1 12.5 A slow blow 12.5 A slow blow secondary circuit isolating transformer F2 4.0 A slow blow 4.0 A slow blow secondary circuit 24 V AC transformer F3 1 A slow blow 0.5 A slow blow primary circuit 24 V AC transformer F4 1 A slow blow 0.5 A slow blow primary circuit 24 V AC transformer F5 25 A slow blow 16 A slow blow primary circuit main line F6 25 A slow blow 16 A slow blow primary circuit main line 250 User Manual COMPex 11 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS 11.1 Gas Flow Diagrams PS Laser Tube LH PS B H R I V 5 BAR PRV HF VP BUFFER HALOGEN RARE INERT GAS PORTS exhaust LH - LASERHEAD VALVE PRV - PRESSURE VALVE B - BUFFER VALVE PS - PRESSURE SENSOR H - HALOGEN VALVE HF - HALOGEN FILTER A0300COM.00 R - RARE VALVE I - INERT VALVE V - VACUUM VALVE VP - VACUUM PUMP Figure 63: Laser gas flow diagram without Halogen Source LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 251 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS PS Laser Tube LH PS 5 BAR V H HB PRV HF VP Accu B R I F2 GAS PORTS P I Reactor 6.5 BAR HaloSafe™ Fluorine LH - LASERHEAD VALVE PRV - PRESSURE VALVE B - BUFFER VALVE PS - PRESSURE SENSOR H - HALOGEN VALVE R - RARE VALVE I - INERT VALVE exhaust HF - HALOGEN FILTER HB - HALOGEN-BUFFER VALVE P - PILOT VALVE V - VACUUM VALVE VP - VACUUM PUMP Figure 64: Laser gas flow diagram with Fluorine Source 252 User Manual COMPex Gas Flow Diagrams PS Laser Tube LH PS 5 BAR V H R B PRV I HF VP Accu B R I HR2 GAS PORTS HB B Reactor HR1 Reservoir Halo Safe™ HCl exhaust LH - LASERHEAD VALVE PS - PRESSURE SENSOR HH - HALOGEN VALVE HF - HALOGEN FILTER R - RARE VALVE A0300COM.00 PRV - PRESSURE VALVE B - BUFFER VALVE I - INERT VALVE V - VACUUM VALVE VP - VACUUM PUMP HB - HALOGEN-BUFFER VALVE HR1 - HALOGEN-RESERVOIR VALVE HR2 - HALOGEN-REACTOR VALVE Figure 65: Laser gas flow diagram with HCl Source LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 253 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS 11.2 Layout of the COMPex Figure 66: Layout of COMPex 100 Series 254 User Manual COMPex A0300COM.00 Layout of the COMPex Figure 67: Layout of COMPex 200 and 300 Series LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 255 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS 11.3 Maintenance Areas Figure 68: Maintenance area of COMPex 100 Series 256 User Manual COMPex A0300COM.00 Maintenance Areas Figure 69: Maintenance area of COMPex 200 and 300 Series LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 257 WIRING DIAGRAMS / DIAGRAM SCHEMATICS 11.4 258 Wiring Diagrams User Manual COMPex 12 GLOSSARY This chapter explains laser vocabulary used throughout this manual. Basic Module Central module of the COMPex. The Basic Module controls gas handling, HV power supply and tube pressure. It is controlled by the Communication Interface. Beam Splitter Laser optics which divide a beam into two separate beams through reflection and transmittance. On the COMPex, a beam splitter deflects a part of the beam onto the Energy Monitor. Some beam splitters have an UV coating. This allows a minimum of beam energy loss with a maximum of reflection and transmission. Beam splitters may also act as a filter to allow transmittance of only a small range of wavelengths. Buffer Gas that provides optimum discharge abilities for the laser gas. Neon as a buffer is a patent of Lambda Physik (US Patent # 4,393,505). Charging Current Current that charges the storage capacitors in the laser. A0300COM.00 COD LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 Abbreviation for Charge on Demand, an optional function on the COMPex. With COD the trigger signal enables the power supply to charge the storage capacitors (and thus the discharge capacitors). This limits the period of time HV is applied to the thyratron. This means: – HV is only used if needed and – HV is not turned on without a trigger signal. COD has been introduced to enhance components lifetime even further and to prevent prefiring. Figure 70 shows a laser triggering without COD, Figure 71 with COD. GLOSSARY - 259 GLOSSARY 1/repetition rate Trigger In (from CI) HV enabled HV on capacitors 15µs Time for possible fail-triggering TCharge Figure 70: Laser triggering without COD 1/repetition rate Trigger In (from CI) HV enabled HV on capacitor 15µs TCharge=TDelay 20µs Figure 71: Laser triggering with COD Communication Interface The central control unit of the COMPex. Contains the local and remote software for the laser. Abbreviation CI. Data Ring GLOSSARY - 260 Module´s information link in the laser. All laser modules are connected in series and are constantly polled to watch their function. Realized as an FOL. User Manual COMPex GLOSSARY Discharge Capacitors See Peaking Capacitors. Peaking Capacitors The discharge of an excimer laser is fed from discharge capacitors (“peaking capacitors”). These discrete ceramic high-voltage capacitors are coupled directly with the discharge electrodes with minimum inductance. The peaking capacitors are charged by a current pulse supplied by the storage capacitors. Dynamic Gas Lifetime Lifetime of the gas in the laser tube with respect to operation. Specified as the number of pulses it takes for the beam energy to decrease from max. value (after new gas fill) to half output energy (50%). To test this the laser operates at maximum repetition rate with no interruption and max. high voltage. Neither Halogen Injections nor any other gas actions are performed. See also Static Gas Lifetime. EGY Abbreviation for Energy. EGY CONST Abbreviation for Energy Constant Mode. Energy Constant Mode (EGY CONST) Running Mode, that keeps the beam energy constant by continuously increasing the HV. If a given threshold HV is reached, the laser reacts with an HI or PGR or a warning, depending on the Energy Constant Mode chosen (see Figure 72). High Voltage Energy HV A0300COM.00 Energy Time Figure 72: EGY CONST mode without HI/PGR LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 GLOSSARY - 261 GLOSSARY Energy Monitor Tool to measure the energy of the laser beam via a detector. Fed by a beam splitter, that reflects 10% of the beam energy onto the detector. The Energy Monitor electronics convert the light intensity into an 8bit signal, that is evaluated by the Communication Interface. The Energy Monitor is triggered with an FOL line from the beam splitter box to the energy monitor electronics. If there is laser light within the beam splitter box, the FOL line leads a light pulse to the energy monitor electronics causing it to function. Thus it does not detect continuously but is triggered by the beam light itself. Excimer Gas Abbreviation for Excited State Dimer Gas. See Excited State Dimer Gas Excited State Dimer Gas A short-lived diatomic molecule, composed of an excited and a non-excited atom. In an Excimer laser it is created by a high voltage discharge. When decomposing, the excimer gas emits the laser radiation. Flushing Evacuating a gas line. Flushing Procedure Procedure to allow optics replacement and optics cleaning. FOL GLOSSARY - 262 Abbreviation for Fiber Optics Light Wave Guide. Information link, that transmits via light signals. Used in excimer lasers to keep the information links free of electrical interference. In some cases at COMPex software the german abbreviation “LWL” (for Lichtwellenleiter) is used. User Manual COMPex GLOSSARY FWHM Abbreviation for Full Width Half Maximum. The width of a graph measured at 50% of the peak transmission (see Figure 73). h ½h FWHM Figure 73: Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) Gas Menu A data file included with the Communication Interface. It contains information about actual and default partial pressures of the gases, allowed partial pressure ranges, default repetition rate and HV threshold settings. Halogen In excimer lasers either fluorine (F) or hydrogen chloride (HCl). Halogen Injection Injects a single flash of halogen gas into the laser tube. Afterward the beam energy must stabilize again. Hence, there are increased pulse-to-pulse energy fluctuations for a while. Supports to increase the gas lifetime to a great extent (see Figure 74). Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time A0300COM.00 Gasrefreshment Figure 74: EGY CONST mode with HI Halogen Source LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 The HaloSafe® of Lambda Physik. A safe way to provide halogen gas. Eliminates the need for handling toxic halogen gas outside the laser device. Halogen only is provided if needed. The halogen source is available as an option. GLOSSARY - 263 GLOSSARY Handheld Keypad A keypad specially designed to make laser operations more comfortable. It provides control over all necessary laser functions. HI Abbreviation for Halogen Injection. HV Abbreviation for High Voltage. HV Constant Mode (HV CONST) Running Mode that keeps the charging current constant. Thus, the beam energy slowly decreases during operation until the next New Fill (see Figure 75). Energy HV High Voltage Energy Time Figure 75: HV CONST Mode GLOSSARY - 264 HVrepl See Threshold Voltage . Inert Gas, that does not react with any other substances. Normally helium. Interlock A safety feature that occurs in case of a laser malfunction, switching the laser into a safe mode (normally off). LAN Abbreviation for Local Area Network. A network of intelligent modules forming a decentralized control system. The Data Ring of COMPex is a LAN. Laser Abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. According to ISO 11 145 “laser” means the lasing unit itself (see Laser Device and Section 2.1.3). Laser Device According to ISO 11 145 the “laser device” includes the laser and its supply unit (power supply, cooling supply, etc.). See also Laser and Section 2.1.3. User Manual COMPex GLOSSARY Lasing Threshold Lowest high voltage at which the laser is able to emit laser radiation. Local Software The software for the COMPex that enables operation with the handheld keypad. LWL German abbreviation “LWL” (for Lichtwellenleiter). This is equivalent to FOL (Fiber Optics Light Wave Guide). Mirrors Mirrors are the part of the laser optics, that forms the resonator. The rear mirror is a highly reflective mirror, the front mirror is translucent, thus acting as an output coupler. In most cases it has a dielectric coating depending on the operating wavelength of the laser. New Fill Evacuates the laser tube and refills it with fresh gases according to the settings in the Gas Menu. NGR Abbreviation for No Gas Replacement. No Gas Replacement (EGY NGR) No Gas Replacement is a Running Mode of COMPex, where the laser control keeps the beam energy constant. If the threshold voltage HVrepl is exceeded, the software reacts with a warning. If it exceeds HVmax, the laser is switched off and gives an error message (see Figure 76). Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time A0300COM.00 "New gas fill needed" Figure 76: EGY CONST mode with NGR LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 GLOSSARY - 265 GLOSSARY OPMODE Abbreviation for Operating Mode in the Remote Software. All executable commands are called OPMODE and are executed with this command. Passivation Process that makes the surface of the laser tube chemically inert to a halogen gas. During this process halogen gas reacts with the surface of the tube building up a layer of a halogen-metal complex. The layer is inert to one specific halogen but not to water, oxygen or other molecules. Thus it can be destroyed by humidity or other impurities that enter the tube. In this case the tube must be re-passivated. It requires a full passivation if the kind of halogen gas has been changed. A full passivation can only be performed by service personnel. Partial Gas Replacement (EGY PGR) Partial Gas Replacement is a running mode of the COMPex, where the laser control keeps the beam energy constant. If the threshold voltage HVrepl is exceeded and a fixed number of Halogen Injections were not successful, a part of the gas in the laser tube is removed and replaced with fresh gas (for a flow diagram see Figure 14, page 26). Afterward, the beam energy must stabilize again. Hence, there are increased pulse-to-pulse energy fluctuations for a while (see Figure 77). Energy repl Energy HV max HV min Time HV decrease too low Figure 77: EGY mode with PGR GLOSSARY - 266 User Manual COMPex GLOSSARY Partial Pressure In a gaseous mixture, the pressure exerted by a single component is its partial pressure. The sum of all partial pressure of the mixture equals the pressure of the mixture. PGR Abbreviation for Partial Gas Replacement. Premix Predetermined mixture of the laser gases or its components. Purging Cleaning gas lines or the laser tube with inert gas. Rare One of the components of the excimer gas. Depending on the gas mixture it can be argon, krypton or xenon. Remote Software The COMPex software of the Communication Interface that enables operation with an external (Remote) computer. The number of beam pulses per second. Units are Hz [1/s]. Reservoir The hydrogen reservoir of the thyratron. It provides the necessary hydrogen for thyratron operation. Resonator The optical resonator is formed using two mirrors. The mirrors are arranged on opposite sides of the laser medium (the gas), thus providing the necessary feedback for the laser oscillator. RS 232 C An industry standard for serial communications connections. Adopted by the Electrical Industries Association, this Recommended Standard (RS) defines the specific lines and signal characteristics used by serial communications controllers to standardize the transmission of serial data between devices. The letter C denotes the current version of the standard. A0300COM.00 Repetition Rate LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 GLOSSARY - 267 GLOSSARY Safety Fill A safety feature of the COMPex. A Safety Fill is performed if the laser tube could not be evacuated to 30 mbar (due to e.g. a Gas Leak or a defective vacuum pump). Fills the laser tube with inert gas, thus bringing it to a safe condition. See also Section 10.2.18. Static Gas Lifetime Lifetime of the gas in the laser tube while non-operation. Specified as the time it takes for the beam energy to decrease from maximum value (after a new gas fill) to half energy (50%). To test this, the laser operates at maximum repetition rate with no interruption and maximum possible high voltage, but only for one minute a day. Neither Halogen Injections nor any other gas actions are performed. The decline in output from one day to the next is measured. See also Dynamic Gas Lifetime. Threshold Voltage In Energy Constant Mode the charging voltage is steadily increased to keep the beam energy constant. The Threshold Voltage HVrepl is a limit value at which the COMPex reacts to this increase. The reaction may be a warning (in EGY NGR), an HI (in EGY PGR) or a PGR (also EGY PGR after a number of unsuccessful HIs). GLOSSARY - 268 Thyratron Fast, high voltage switch to discharge the storage capacitors as a reaction to a trigger signal. A hydrogen-filled ionization tube. For details see Section 2.4. Trigger A signal that causes the laser to fire a single beam pulse. Tube Optics Consist of resonator optics (mirrors) and windows. The COMPex only has resonator optics. User Manual COMPex GLOSSARY Abbreviation for Ultraviolet Light. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between 100 and 400 nm. A special part of the UV range is the VUV range (see VUV). VUV Abbreviation for Vacuum Ultraviolet Light. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between 100 and 200 nm. At these very short wavelengths, air becomes opaque; hence, experiments must be performed in a vacuum (or inert gas). Watchdog A switch that alters its logical level when the reset pulses stop. All watchdogs are reset at least three times a second. If the reset fails, a breakdown is assumed. The module concerned is switched to a safe, inactive state. The Basic Module is monitored by a watchdog. Windows Windows are parts of the laser optics that only reflect a minimum of light. The COMPex do not have windows. A0300COM.00 UV LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 GLOSSARY - 269 GLOSSARY - 270 User Manual COMPex LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Laser components according to ISO 11145 . . . . 12 Figure 2: Front view of the COMPex (from beam exit) . . . 13 Figure 3: Rear view of the COMPex . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 4: COMPex inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 5: COMPex control with remote computer . . . . . . 17 Figure 6: COMPex control with handheld keypad . . . . . . 17 Figure 7: Handheld keypad with RS232 Connector . . . . . 18 Figure 8: Profile of the NovaTube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 9: Pulse energy as a function of charging voltage . . 22 Figure 10: Pulse energy as a function of charging voltage . 23 Figure 11: Energy drop in HV Constant Mode . . . . . . . 23 Figure 12: Charging current with Halogen Injections . . . . 24 Figure 13: Charging current with Partial Gas Replacement . 24 Figure 14: Partial Gas Replacement in Energy Constant Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 15: Charging Current with No Gas Replacement (NGR) . . . . . . . . . . 27 Figure 16: No Gas Replacement in Energy Constant Mode . 27 Figure 17: Remote interlock and laser warning light . . . . 29 Figure 18: Labels on the front side of the COMPex . . . . . 56 Figure 19: Labels on the rear side of the COMPex . . . . . 58 Figure 20: Labels inside the COMPex . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Figure 21: Remote socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Figure 22: Permitted tilting gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 A0300COM.00 Figure 23: Rigid transport packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Figure 24: Shock absorbing buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Figure 25: Location of clip removal tool . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Figure 26: Removing the clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Figure 27: Fittings for water lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Figure 28: Connecting the RS232 plug to the laser device . 95 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 LIST OF FIGURES - 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 29: Connecting the RS232 plug to the keypad . . . 96 Figure 30: Loosen the exhaust fan outlet . . . . . . . . . 100 Figure 31: Remove the plug from the vacuum pump . . . 101 Figure 32: Insert the halogen filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 33: Adjust the anti-torsion fork . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 34: Power switches and lamps on the laser device 110 Figure 35: Energy monitor without mirror access panel . . 150 Figure 36: View of optics mount, energy monitor removed 151 Figure 37: Optic mount dismounted, sealing plate . . . . 151 Figure 38: Side and front view of the optics mount . . . . 152 Figure 39: Disassembled optical mount. . . . . . . . . . 152 Figure 40: Polish the optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Figure 41: Reassembling the optics mount . . . . . . . . 155 Figure 42: Horizontal and vertical optics adjustment . . . 157 Figure 43: Energy monitor calibration procedure . . . . . 160 Figure 44: View onto the beam splitter . . . . . . . . . . 161 Figure 45: Thyratron adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Figure 46: View of the halogen filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Figure 47: Disassembling the halogen filter housing . . . 171 Figure 48: Flow diagram for energy monitor calibration . . 183 Figure 49: Flow diagram for flushing procedure . . . . . . 185 Figure 50: Fuses on the rear side of the COMPex . . . . 239 Figure 51: Beam energy too low - part 1 . . . . . . . . . 240 Figure 52: Beam energy too low - part 2 . . . . . . . . . 241 Figure 53: Beam energy too low - part 3 . . . . . . . . . 242 Figure 54: Beam energy too low - part 4 . . . . . . . . . 243 Figure 55: Low Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Figure 56: Low Light - no trigger pulses . . . . . . . . . . 245 Figure 57: Low Light - missing pulses . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Figure 58: Low Light - problem with energy monitor . . . 247 Figure 59: Low Light - beam energy too low . . . . . . . 248 Figure 60: Fuses at the inner rear side of COMPex . . . . 249 LIST OF FIGURES - 2 User Manual COMPex List of Figures Figure 61: Fuse at the thyratron adjustment panel . . . . 249 Figure 62: Fuses at the rear outside of COMPex . . . . . 250 Figure 63: Laser gas flow diagram without Halogen Source 251 Figure 64: Laser gas flow diagram with Fluorine Source . 252 Figure 65: Laser gas flow diagram with HCl Source Figure 66: Layout of COMPex 100 Series . . . 253 . . . . . . . . 254 Figure 67: Layout of COMPex 200 and 300 Series . . . . 255 Figure 68: Maintenance area of COMPex 100 Series . . 256 Figure 69: Maintenance area of COMPex 200 and 300 Series . . . . . . . . 257 Figure 70: Laser triggering without COD . . . . . . . . . 260 Figure 71: Laser triggering with COD . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Figure 72: EGY CONST mode without HI/PGR . . . . . . 261 Figure 73: Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) . . . . . . . 263 Figure 74: EGY CONST mode with HI . . . . . . . . . . 263 Figure 75: HV CONST Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Figure 76: EGY CONST mode with NGR . . . . . . . . . 265 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 A0300COM.00 Figure 77: EGY mode with PGR LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 LIST OF FIGURES - 3 LIST OF FIGURES - 4 User Manual COMPex INDEX A ACCU? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Air intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 B Beam output position Beam splitter Cleaning . . . . . BUFFER= . . . . . . BUFFER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 A0300COM.00 C Calibrate energy monitor . . . . CAP.LEFT? . . . . . . . . . . . CAP.SET . . . . . . . . . . . . CDRH-Class . . . . . . . . . . . Change gas cylinders . . . . . . Charge on demand . . . . . . . Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charging voltage . . . . . . . . CI SEE Communication interface Clip removal tool . . . . . . . . COD= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communication interface . . . . COMPex Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion tables . . . . . . . . Cooling Water . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting flow rate . . . . . . Connectors . . . . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . . . Countdown . . . . . . . . . . . Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTER= . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTER? . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTS= . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTS? . . . . . . . . . . . . LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 161, 184, 198, 207 . . . . . . . . . . 206 . . . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . 110, 124, 197, 228 . . . . . . . . . . 206 . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . . . 198, 207 110, 126, 197, 207, 210 . . . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . 207 . . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . 207 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . 206 17, 22, 133, 181 INDEX- 1 INDEX D Data ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selftest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denomination of lasers . . . . . . . . . Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disconnecting gas supply lines . . . . . Gas supply lines except halogen line Halogen line . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premix line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door interlock switch . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic gas lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 22 28, 112 . . . 12 . 66, 84 . . 178 . . 180 . . 178 . . 179 . 29, 91 . . 141 E EGY Const SEE Energy constant mode EGY RANGE= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 EGY RANGE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 EGY SET= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 EGY SET? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 EGY-CONST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 EGY= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 EGY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Emergency fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 128, 188 Energy Low energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Preset energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 198, 199, 207 Set beam output energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Tolerance range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199, 207 Energy cal. error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Energy calibration . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 161, 184, 198, 207 Energy constant mode . . . . . . . . . 22, 23, 121, 202, 209 Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Set beam output energy . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 123, 198 Energy monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 141, 152 Calculation of average beam output energy . . . . 199, 207 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 161, 198, 207 Calibration Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162, 185 Environmental conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Evacuating gas line SEE Flush gas line INDEX- 2 User Manual COMPex INDEX Exchange gas cylinders Excimer laser . . . . . Exhaust . . . . . . . . External trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 145 . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . 77, 99 69, 119, 198, 205, 210 F1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILTER CONTAMINATION= FILTER CONTAMINATION? FILTER= . . . . . . . . . . . FILTER? . . . . . . . . . . . Flush gas line . . . . . . . . Flushing procedure . . . . . Fundamentals . . . . . . . . Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 . . . . . . . 125 . . . . . . . 149 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . 128, 129 . . . . . . . 131 . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . 208 . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . 207 133, 136, 137, 186 . . . . . . 151, 186 . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . 15, 240, 251 A0300COM.00 G Gas cabinets . . . Gas cylinders Exchange . . . Replace . . . . Gas flow diagram . Gas leak Leaktest a line . Leaktest the tube Gas lines . . . . . Evacuate . . . . Flush . . . . . . Purge . . . . . . Gas menu . . . . . Reset gas menu Gas mixture . . . . Gas mode . . . . . Gas purifier . . . . LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253, 255 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 . . . . . . . . . 76, 105, 134 . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 136 . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 136 . . . . . . . . 133, 139, 194 110, 115, 196, 200, 202, 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . . . . . . . . 118, 200, 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 INDEX- 3 INDEX Gases Gases required . . Mixtures . . . . . Optimum mixtures Premix . . . . . . Safety . . . . . . GASMODE= . . . . . GASMODE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 71 74 72 46 200 208 H Halogen filter . . . . . . . . . 24, 71, 79, 133, 143, 200, 208 Check filter capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Reset filter capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Halogen injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Halogen source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 143, 208 HALOGEN= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 HALOGEN? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Handheld keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 18, 22, 133 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 HI Halogen injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 High voltage Discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Replacement value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 27, 121 High voltage constant mode . . . . . . . 22, 23, 122, 202, 209 Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Set HV constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 123, 201 Housing interlock switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 HV Const SEE High voltage constant mode HV= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 HV? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 HVmax SEE High voltage, maximum HVREPL High Voltage, Replacement Value . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 INDEX- 4 User Manual COMPex INDEX I INERT= . . . . . . . . . . INERT? . . . . . . . . . . Installation Electrical lines . . . . . Exhaust lines . . . . . . Gas lines . . . . . . . . Handheld keypad . . . Remote PC . . . . . . . Vacuum pump . . . . . Water lines . . . . . . . Intended audience . . . . Interface . . . . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . Interlock . . . . . . . . . . Door interlock switch . . Housing interlock switch Overload . . . . . . . . Remote . . . . . . . . . Remote interlock . . . . Temp.res. . . . . . . . Ventilation . . . . . . . INTERLOCK? . . . . . . . Internal trigger . . . . . . . ISO 11145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94, 98 . . . . . . 99 . . . . . 104 . . . . . . 95 . . . . . . 97 . . . . . . 94 . . . . 92, 93 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 17 . . . . 68, 97 . . . 29, 230 . . . . 29, 91 . . . . . . 29 . . . . . 231 . . . 91, 232 . . . . 30, 68 . . . . . 233 . . . . . 234 . . . . . 208 119, 205, 210 . . . . . . 12 A0300COM.00 L Labels . . . . . . . . . . Laser CDRH-Class . . . . . Classification . . . . . Denomination of lasers Dimensions . . . . . . Nomenclature of parts Specifications . . . . Start . . . . . . . . . Stop . . . . . . . . . Storage . . . . . . . . Transport . . . . . . . Warning Light . . . . Laser device . . . . . . . Switch off . . . . . . . Switch on . . . . . . . Laser logbook . . . . . . LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . 66 . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . 64 109, 113, 192 . . . 109, 189 . . . . . . 78 . . . . . . 78 . . . . 29, 91 . . . . . . 12 . . . . . 114 . . . . . 111 . . . 134, 141 INDEX- 5 INDEX Laser tube Diagram . . . . Pressure . . . . Purge . . . . . . Temperature . . Laser warning light LEAKRATE? . . . Local software . . . Low light . . . . . . LWL datalink Data ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . 115, 209 134, 147, 194 . . . . . 209 . . . . . . 29 . . . . . 208 . . . 17, 133 . . . . . 246 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 M Maintenance area . . . . Maintenance schedule . Manual fill of inert gas . . Manual halogen injection Measurement units . . . MENU= . . . . . . . . . MENU? . . . . . . . . . MODE= . . . . . . . . . MODE? . . . . . . . . . Monitoring modules . . . Multigas version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 . . . . . 135 110, 128, 188 110, 131, 188 . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . 202 . . . . . 208 . . . . . 202 . . . . . 209 . . . . . . 28 . . . . 19, 72 N New gas fill . . . . . . . . . NGR SEE No gas replacement No gas replacement . . . . . Flow Diagram . . . . . . NovaTube® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 141, 189, 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 O OFF Errors . . . . . . . . States . . . . . . . ON Message priority . . States . . . . . . . Warnings . . . . . . Operating temperature OPMODE . . . . . . . INDEX- 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 192 192 . 20 183 User Manual COMPex INDEX OPMODE=CAPACITY RESET . OPMODE=CONT . . . . . . . . OPMODE=ENERGY CAL . . . . OPMODE=FLUSH xy LINE . . . OPMODE=FLUSHING . . . . . OPMODE=HI . . . . . . . . . . OPMODE=LL OFF . . . . . . . OPMODE=MANUAL FILL INERT OPMODE=NEW FILL . . . . . . OPMODE=OFF . . . . . . . . . OPMODE=ON . . . . . . . . . . OPMODE=PASSIVATION FILL . OPMODE=PGR . . . . . . . . . OPMODE=PURGE RESERVOIR OPMODE=PURGE xy LINE . . . OPMODE=SKIP . . . . . . . . . OPMODE=TRANSPORT FILL . OPMODE? . . . . . . . . . . . OPTex Designated use . . . . . . . Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exchange . . . . . . . . . . Identify coating . . . . . . . Reassemble . . . . . . . . . Unmount . . . . . . . . . . . Optional accessories . . . . . . Ozone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 184 184 186 186 188 188 188 189 189 192 193 193 194 194 195 195 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 134, 141, 150, 186 . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . 154 . . . . . . . . 154 . . . . . . . . 155 . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . 152 . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . 41, 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0300COM.00 P Packaging Dimensions and Weight . Removing inner cover . . Removing rigid packaging Parameter settings . . . . . Partial gas replacement . . . Algorithms . . . . . . . . Flow Diagram . . . . . . Partial pressures . . . . . . Passivate laser tube . . . . . Passivation . . . . . . . . . Patents . . . . . . . . . . . Power stabilization achieved LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 . . . . . 90 . . . . . 87 . . 115, 196 24, 121, 193 . . . . . 25 . . . . . 26 . . . . . 24 . . 133, 148 . . 19, 193 . . . . . . 6 . . 199, 209 INDEX- 7 INDEX Power supply . . . . . . Preionization . . . . . . Premix . . . . . . . . . . Preset energy . . . . . . Pressure regulators . . . PRESSURE? . . . . . . PULSE DIFF? . . . . . . Purge gas line . . . . . . Purge laser tube . . . . . Purge reservoir SEE Purge laser tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . . . . . . 20 71, 72, 118, 200, 208 . . . . . . . 23, 207 . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . 133, 139, 194 . . . . . . . 147, 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . 19, 141, 148, 193 . . . . 30, 68, 91, 232 . . . . . . 17, 97, 181 . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . 182 110, 115, 120, 203, 210 . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . 210 R RARE= . . . . . . . RARE? . . . . . . . Re-passivation . . . Remote interlock . . Remote software . . Basics . . . . . . Syntax . . . . . . Repetition rate . . . . REPRATE= . . . . . REPRATE? . . . . . Requirements Gas lines . . . . . Water supply . . . Reservoir Heating voltage . RESERVOIR TEMP? Rigid packaging Removal . . . . . ROOMTEMP= . . . . ROOMTEMP? . . . . RS232 interface . . . Specification . . . Running mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . . . . . . . 210 . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . 68, 97 109, 115, 121, 202, 209 Safety General safety aspects Physical hazards . . . Special safety aspects Safety fill . . . . . . . . . Safety systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S INDEX- 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . 38 . 37 195 . 28 User Manual COMPex INDEX Self-firing . . . . . . . Selftest . . . . . . . . SI standard . . . . . . Signal words . . . . . . Single gas . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . Start laser . . . . . . . Static gas lifetime . . . Stop laser . . . . . . . Storage . . . . . . . . Switch off laser device Switch on laser device Symbols . . . . . . . . Syncronized output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 . . . 28, 112 . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . 3 118, 200, 208 . . . . . . 64 109, 113, 192 . . . . . 141 . . . 109, 189 . . . . . . 78 . . . . . 114 . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 69 A0300COM.00 T TEMP CONTROL= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 TEMP CONTROL? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 TEMP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Temperature control . . . . . . . . . . 110, 114, 204, 209, 210 Temperatures (conversion from °C to °F) . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Thyratron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 167 Heating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TIMEOUT= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 TIMEOUT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Total counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 210 TOTAL COUNTER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Floor loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Lifting with packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Lifting without packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Transport locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Transport packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Transportation fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 195 Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 External . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 205, 210 Internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 205, 210 Trigger signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Trigger signal port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 LAMBDA PHYSIK LASERTECHNIK - 03/00 INDEX- 9 INDEX TRIGGER= . . . . TRIGGER? . . . . Troubleshooting . . TYPE OF LASER? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 210 213 211 U Ultraviolet Radiation Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 42 User counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 126, 197, 207 V Vacuum pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 100, 143, 144 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 W Warm-up period . . . Warnings . . . . . . Watchdogs . . . . . Water Adjusting flow rate Specifications . . Water lines . . . . Wavelength . . . . . Weight . . . . . . . . Windows cleaning . . Wiring diagram . . . INDEX- 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . 70 . 92, 93 71, 202 . . . 84 134, 150 . . 260 User Manual COMPex