15 BELLMORE LIFE Mod scheduling scrapped from page 1 schedule lht'y had." Board Board members all comm£>nl£'d on thl' Pnthusiasm of the studPnls for lhP program. KennPth Ash worth said "wl' havE> to think of all tht' students and what will benefit them," Vincent Guercio said "the problems with the program have bl'en so great, it cannot continu£>. Some departments have just not permitted FMS and this has creat£>d problems w£> cannot overcome." MaryAnn Galardi said she would not vote in favor of the recommendation because "it would be going backward educationally. The student having difficulty with FMS should be ht'lped, but the program should not be eliminated." Pat Deeley said "true FMS did not exist in the school because some classes never had it at all, and it was impossible to schedule- around them." Paul Jackson said he agreed with Mrs. Galardi in spirit, but could not see "how we can have a FMS program when half the teachers don't participate:" Charles Reinhardt said the program was not working as originally set up. Board president Josephint' Groen said the board "had learned a painful lesson, that before you institute a new program, you need thl' total commitment of all the pt•olc who have to make it work." Only Mrs. Galardi voted against l'liminating the program. FOUND ART WORKSHOP students complete their sculptures in the first of a series of Art Workshops being offered by the North Bellmo re Arts Council at the North Bellmore lib rary. LANGUAGE ARTS program relating to student xpe riences is developed by Mrs. Bailin's lower a. rirn,.rv class at Shore Road School. Mrs. Bailin ~tnrJ(p,d wtth assistant principal Dr. Sol Zweibach. children present d ramatic sktts, write stories nd poems, to portray the week's reading Sub plan Also at last we.-k's mef'ting, Mr. Gorman recommt>nded that the Galhoun Sub Plan and the Mepham SLAM programs bt' continued for another year with monthly evaluations, and student attendance taken. In 1-'ebruary 1977 a recommendation will be madl' as to whPlht>r to continut> thE> program for the followin~ ,·ear. Mr. Jackson sa1d ht' had askl'd last month that thl' programs bt' made permanE-nt but with constant evaluation. ~1r. Gorman said he has reservations on the ~tepham program as far as t£>acheor participation. Mr. Guercio aske-d if this would ere-aiR a contractual problem and Mr. Gorman said the idea of makin~ thl' programs pe-rmanent would bE> examined. Mr. Jackson thrn withdre-w his motion and thE' board vol.<>d unanimouslv to <'On tmut• tht• t \\ o progran1s for IWX t \ t•ar as n•<·omnwndrd. lt · wa~ no!t•d that Robt'rl Dl'\"l'r, print'ipal of ME>mck Avenut• Junl()r High, ha... annouiH't•d h1s n•tirt•mt'nt. Ruth Extral'l. rhairprrson of homr t•conomics at Jt•rusah•m Awnut•, is also n•tirmg. Tht' board approwd tlw dati' of Jurw :.! for tlw annual budgl'l vou•, w1th tlw annual nwt'ting on tht• budgt•t tlw night bt'fon•, .Junt> 1, at Mt•pham lligh Sd10ol. SUN B~~~~D~ C~IN~! AIRS c ~~I) Replaced, Rebuilt Repaired ~ J_ "b ~ Save Now - Early Spri ng Prices FREE ESTIMATES Neat-clean-reasonable Call John The Carpenter 541-4306 McGUNNIGLE EST. 1944 PLUMBING and HEATING ~~Wrn rn3 ~©~ ~ lECCIJ~@~~ WATER SERVICES • NEW WORK · REPAIRS ALTERATIONS • REPLACEMENTS FREE ESTIMATES Ask For Jim McGunnigle or Bob Krohn Master Plumber Licensed & Bonded TA 6-3690 BELLMORE NOTICE To All Home Owners Regarding Your Sewer Hookup DUE TO EVER INCREASING MATERIAL AND LABOR COSTS, WE ARE FORCED TO RAISE OUR PRI CES 10% AS OF MARCH 22, 1976. PART of the Berkeley Protect at the altoffer Avenue School, Dr. Isaac Vidor of orth Bellmore shows 6th graders the various rts of a lamb's heart and thetr functions. : all estimates given at the lower prices will be honored if we receive the contracts no later than Fri., March 19, 1976 1 1 1 ACT NOW AND SAVE!! ------------------------~ _ drainz 9~!!!~ i or septtc syste m • (or your mo ney back) dtalhZ itQueltes hardened dete rgents and qrease dtainz unclogs ;he gro und around your system dtainz 1ets backed-uP water dra1n away naturally dtainz IS nL'n-actd non-caust1c dtainz can el1mmate the I Plumbtng & Heattng 1 1 I I I INC.: Spec1allsts tn Repau 203 Sunuse Highway, Bellmore SU 5-2396 I ro fr 111 R. N. StcJtio ll • Armand Bertucci I need tor costly pumpmg $11 .98 a gallon SE I IE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 78 1-5151 1 I 1 1 1 ---~---- --------------~ THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE EST. 1938 QUALITY PLUMBING CO. .J\.A 1881 NEWBR IDGE RD., BELLMORE TOWN of HEMPSTEAD .,,. LIC. No. 1590 TOWN of HEMPSTEAD LIC. No. 866 "THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS" -