Chapter 5 - Which Doesn’t Belong? Circle the word that doesn’t belong in each line and explain why it doesn’t fit with the other words. 1. Misuse of narcotics Failure to give care 2. Tort Confidentiality 3. Offer 4. Hitting 5. Malpractice Verbal threat Living Will Consideration Implied consent Married 17-year-old Attempt to injure Written Oral Mentally disabled person Drunk Battery Negligence 9. Legal Civil Law Criminal Law Erase Depriving Bad practice 8. Assault 10. Strike through Acceptance Restraining Professional negligence 7. Unconscious person Advance Directive Discussion Talking harshly 6. Expressed consent Improper draping White out Invasion of Privacy Contract Highlight Reasons: 1. This is pertaining to the patient’s actions. The other 3 are torts & actions of the healthcare worker. 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________________________ 8. ______________________________________________________________ 9. ______________________________________________________________ 10. ______________________________________________________________