* Guess the next skill * Then say what they are doing exactly :) Writing task one ( Academic) Report Writing ● Time ?? ● 20 mins (15mins +5min => proofreading) ● Number of the words ?? ● at least 150 words ● Different parts of the report ?? ● Different kinds of diagrams (6) ?? ● Difference between academic and general ?? 1- Is there a concluding sentence ? 2- which part of the structure is changeable ? Overview: 1- introduction 2- body paragraph one 3- body paragraph two 4- overview Different kinds of diagrams ● Pie chart ● Line graph ● Bar chart What are the differences ● Maps and similarities between ● Tables teaching these diagrams? ● Process (flow charts) General tips/rules ● Always formal (No contractions) ● Coherence and cohesion ● Grammar and accuracy ● Try not to use "I" and "we" alot ● Capitalisation ● Spelling ● ● Punctuation Usage of expressions/words ( v+adv , adj+n , change of form ) 3 main features for writing reports ● Describing trends => Phrases ● Summarising data => main features ● Comparing data => while (contrast ) as......as (comparison) Hints for teaching writing ● ● ● ● ● ● Have an introductory class Make sure your students understand the topic and its words completely Give them plenty of time to write / discuss their errors with them / give them feedback Encourage your students to plan their body paragraphs as the first step Give them exercises for paraphrasing Teach them how to analyze/study model answers Hints for teaching writing ● Teach them how all the sentences are connected to each other : 1- addition => also 2- cause/effect => consequently 3- comparison => similarly 4- contrast => although / but 5- sequencing => first of all 6- concluding phrase => to sum up Common mistakes ● Writing every detail ● No clear introduction or overview ● Informal language ● Copying words from the question ● Giving reasons / background information ● Writing personal idea ● Incorrect analysis ● Not enough comparisons Find the Mistakes How do you teach/analyze the model answer? ● Imagine that you taught your students: the structure, rules and tips. There is a model answer in the book ! How do you work on it in the class? * Choose one of them and explain the steps or possible method or strategy ! Process ● There are 2 types : 1- Natural ( cycles) => how cows produce milk 2- Man-made => how coffee is made ● General tips : Understand the process. Find the start and the end of the process. Count how many stages there are and understand what each stage does and the relationship it has with the stage before and after it. Describe what is happening generally in 2 sentences. This is your overview paragraph. Divide the process in two and write two separate paragraphs detailing each stage of the process. Process steps/structure ● ● 1- Introduction (introductory sentence ) => paraphrase the question : Question : The diagram below shows how electricity is produced in a nuclear power station. Paraphrased: The illustration below shows the process of how nuclear power plants make electricity. 2- Overview => 1- the total number of stages 2- the first and last stage 3- Body ( describe each of the main stages in more detail ) => 1- simple present passive 2- Sequencing words ( first of all, next ... ) Maps There are three main types of map question: Describe one map in the present day. Describe two maps- one in the present and one in the future. Describe two maps- one in the past and one in the present. Maps steps/structure ● ● ● 1- Introductory sentence => paraphrase the question and use synonyms 2- Overview => the most noticeable differences ( Residential areas ? Green space ? Major improvements/facilities ? More or less buildings ? 3- Body => specific changes * simple past passive/present perfect passive/future passive * prepositions ( on the right-hand corner ) * related words ( demolish/renovate ) Charts/Graphs ● ● There are two types: 1- static chart => data from one time period 2- dynamic chart => changes overtime Pay attention to : - high/low values - biggest increase/decrease - irregular values - fluctuations - unchanging data - notable exceptions - biggest similarities/differences Charts/Graphs steps/structure ● ● 1- Introductory sentence (paraphrase the question) 2- Overview or general comparison ** NO numbers or figures! Just summary of main features! ● 3- Main feature one + supporting details ● 4- Main feature two + supporting details Related words ! Prioritise ! Letters( topics of general interest) Purpose Tone * Use imagination to support the purpose * Write the right phrases based on the type of letter - I was delighted by.. = gratitude - Despite my request for ... = complaint * Design exercises for mainly opening sentences - I am writing to file a complaint with........ * Design exercises for making formal requests and suggestions