Uploaded by Wang Kan

GM Slide Prep Instructions: Formatting & Content Guide

Instructions for Preparing GM Slides (1/2)
1. The minimum font should be Arial, 18 points on all your slides.
2. All figure plots must have correct axis labels and units, and must also be readable
in terms of font sizes. Use the following script at the starting of your Matlab code, for
close all;
clear all;
3. All figures must be properly formatted. For example:
hold on;
plot(omega*1e-9/(2*pi), real(alpha_ee)*1e3, 'k--', 'Linewidth', 3);
hold on;
plot(omega*1e-9/(2*pi), imag(alpha_ee)*1e3, 'k', 'Linewidth', 3);
xlabel('Frequency (GHz)')
ylabel('Susceptibilities \chi_{ee}')
Instructions for Preparing GM Slides (2/2)
3. All results obtained using two different methods must be plotted on the same figure,
with the same scale. All the curves should be clearly labelled.
4. Presentations should include all mathematical expressions and formulas used in
computing the results. The expressions must be type-setted correctly, and all variables
must be defined and given on the same slide. As all of you are using powerpoint: Install
Latex and the IguanaTex plugin inside Powerpoint, to directly type latex equations
inside your slides [http://www.jonathanleroux.org/software/iguanatex/]
5. All figures must be prepared with sufficient resolution. The best format to prepare
scientific figures is the “EPS” format. You can get Adobe illustrator to prepare your
6. All presentations must include a updates on 1) brief recall of your project. 2) what
has been done in that week, and 3) what will be done the following week.
7. Add appropriate visual illustrations accompanying your results, rather than dry
curves to help explain your findings.
8. Every slide must have an appropriate title.
9. Plan in advance for your weekly meetings
10. Slides don’t need to be pretty, but informative.