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Hypertrophy Manual - Muscle Mass for Aesthetics and Performance Enhancement

A manual dedicated for mass and
This manual is designed for people wanting more
muscle mass for aesthetics or off-season
performance enhancement as a building block to
future training specificity.
My main goal was to be as big as I could be in the
start in 1992. As time progressed powerlifting found
its way into my heart and soul. But being lean,
muscular, and aesthetic will always hold a place in
many of our endeavors. This prompted me to
develop a hypertrophy manual and go in search of
better ways to achieve more muscle mass. This
manual will dive into what both pro bodybuilders
have been doing, and what researchers have been
experimenting with the last 30 years. The goal is to
find a happy medium between research and
After long talks with both Stan Efferding IFBB pro Mike Ohearn multiple Mr. Universe champion - and
Flex Wheeler one of the top bodybuilders to ever
exist, we have all concluded that form and
technical mastery of all Core lifts (squat, bench,
deadlift) and other movements should be the first
Stan Efferding IFBB pro and world record lifter
Training for hypertrophy can be a lifelong training
protocol for people concerned with aesthetics, but
is also a powerful tool in an off-season training
regimen for athletes, powerlifters, etc.
Furthermore, data and research suggest that this
type of training enhances soft tissue density and
lowers injuries. Therefore, almost every sport team
from high school to professional sports have a
strength coach, and or weight room. The training of
weights properly, allows ligaments, tendons, and
other soft tissue to resist more punishment in
Mike Ohearn, 50 years old, injury free and in impeccable shape with
similar training methodologies as in this manual
For me, it has always been a balance of being
strong and carry more functional muscle to achieve
all-time records in powerlifting. Only until
retirement from professional powerlifting, I started
put more focus on my aesthetics. As stated above
the focus of powerlifting was much more beneficial
since the core movements and basic accessories
had already been mastered.
What I think has been missing with many protocols
previously is conjoining bodybuilding mentality
with, posture, structure, and rotation of
movements to reduce mileage. Most programs I
have assessed, tend to have lack of focus in these
areas, which is a huge hindrance to future
progression. With this in mind, we will dive into
muscle anatomy, hypertrophy types, and a training
regimen designed in sections (waves) that has been
a hybrid of bodybuilding experience, injury
prevention, and years of trial and error.
Whatever you decide to use this training layout for,
just remember, that technique, muscular balance,
and body control need to have a solid foundation
before you have a specific goal. Hopefully, this
manual will help you discover some new ideas, and
help you achieve your goals smarter and safer.
Matt Wenning M.S. Sports biomechanics
Chapter 1
Muscle Tissue Hypertrophy
As we can see from the above graph, muscle tissue
and its surrounding neighbors are a complex
organism full of more than just contractile tissue.
Bone, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, fascia,
and other layers make it an interesting piece of
machinery. Strength and size are a complex mixture
of contractile mechanisms.
Although strength does play a crucial role in muscle
mass, there is a distinct difference in Muscle mass
and strength. Stretch Reflex, Tendon elastic energy,
timing and other factors separate muscle density
from the tension that muscle can create. Since this
book is about hypertrophy, we will keep most of our
discussion on this area.
We have different types of hypertrophy that need
to be optimized for maximal growth potential, but
first we need to understand that there are various
types of muscle fibers.
In general terms we have Slow and Fast twitch
muscle fibers. These different types of isoforms
allow different contraction types both in duration
and in force output. The faster the output can
equate to faster fatigue.
Type 1 or slow twitch fibers are typically referred
to as red fibers and tend to have slower
contractions, but have delayed fatigue, a high
oxidative capacity, and low glycogen capacity.
These fibers are great for longer activities and
prolonged contractile movements. (basic cardio)
Type 2 or fast twitch fibers (white fibers) have
multiple subclasses (type2 and type 2x) and are
intermediate to high power fibers. They tend to use
more glycogen for energy instead of oxidative
properties. Type 2 fibers tend to be the
intermediate fibers that are stronger than type 1
fibers but resistant to fatigue. It has been
theorized that bodybuilders may have more
percentage of these fibers. It has been assumed
that these fiber types adapt to hypertrophy the
best. Therefore, in this manual you will see
intermediate rep ranges used often (10-15reps).
Type 2x fibers
These fibers are fast contracting, tend to be large
diameter, and use primarily glycogen. These fibers
are used for rapid power production, and intense
effort. Some have theorized that bodybuilders may
have less of these fibers. This could be due to
training stimulus or genetics; I strongly suggest that
even if your goal is only bodybuilding, that heavier
and explosive movements are included in your
*More described in Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning Pages 9-10
This is a simplistic view of muscle tissue, and there
are many more factors involved including different
forms of the myosin chain, allowing adaptability to
load and stimulus. It appears that mechanical
stimulation of a certain type is what regulates fast,
slow and every other type of fiber type and
Training a certain way can change how the fiber
responds, but to what point we are uncertain. I do
believe that many bodybuilders at the professional
level must be born with the right fiber type and
adaptability, but the drive to put in the work and
effort. What we must realize is that all of us can
become better from our current size and or
strength. Focusing on individual progress is key for
long term results.
The goal, in my opinion for hypertrophy is to
increase cross sectional area in ALL fibers. If we
rely on only one type of training or fiber, we may
reduce our overall potential. There has been some
research that fiber may be able to adapt to training
stimuli over time (genetic dependant).
Converting fast fibers to resist fatigue like slow
fibers, creating the ultimate situation for maximal
muscle growth. (I.E. heavier loads, with longer
*More described in Supertraining by Mel Siff. Pages 55-69.
Muscle size is not just one singular change in the
muscle structure, we have many different
adaptations to the tissue for this to occur. Often
many people consider hypertrophy a singular
action, but in fact there are many different faucets
of this change.
Remember that just because a muscle is larger, will
not necessarily mean performance will increase. It
is a factor for sure, but neurological factors play a
crucial role in the use of new or better fiber
recruitment. In this manual I will provide some
recommendations on training layout for athletes,
powerlifters, and general populations.
Analogy for simplification
I like to describe things about engine components
for this to make sense. Each component of an
engine is essential to make more power. Let us
describe muscle this way to make a connection.
Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (GAS TANK)
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy (ENGINE)
Central Nervous System (Ignition System)
Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
This hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of
the non-contractile muscle cell fluid. This fluid is
called sarcoplasm. This fluid accounts for 25-30% of
the total muscle size. This zone accounts mostly for
the 10-15 rep range, but also accounts for time
(45sec to 1min).
*More described in Science and Practices of Strength Training by Vladimir Zatsiorsky.
Pages 63.
This form of hypertrophy is an expansion of the
cytoplasm inside the muscle. Now this type of
hypertrophy may have little to no performance gain
and or strength enhancement. This is mostly due to
the fact the contractile proteins are not enhanced.
I like to think of this part of the muscle the (GAS
What I like about this rep range and hypertrophy
type is the advancement of GPP (general physical
preparedness) and lactic acid tolerance (the burn).
Also, this time under tension range may help with
ligament, tendon, and bone density, which is
crucial for longevity and reduction of injury rates.
Athletes 30% of your yearly training protocol
This can be a massive additive to an off-season
athlete. This rep range has been shown to increase
not only hypertrophy, but enhance ligament,
tendon, bone density, capillary density, and
mitochondria proliferation. So, as you can see this
is a huge need for anyone but key for off season
training for athletes. Furthermore, there has been
some research in muscle mass enhancing maximal
strength blocks. So, having a hypertrophy block pre
maximal effort seasons will enhance each other.
* Schoenfeld, B. J., Ratamess, N. A., Peterson, M. D., Contreras, B., Sonmez, G. T., & Alvar, B.
A. (2014). Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on
muscular adaptations in well-trained men. Journal of strength and conditioning
research, 28(10), 2909–2918. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000000480
General population 50% of your yearly training
Now for general population, I would recommend
that 50% of your training regimen in a yearly cycle
should be toward enhancing this type of
hypertrophy. For most people going to heavy too
often, such as powerlifters, can be very physically
and neurologically taxing. We still need strength,
but too much focus on maximal strength and power
can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Doing 12
weeks of hypertrophy then 12 weeks of strength
may be optimal.
Powerlifters 30-40% of your yearly training
Like athletes, the hypertrophy blocks can not only
help you create more potential for your strength
blocks, but also help with your GPP (general
physical preparedness).
Therefore, in all my off seasons of my amateur and
professional powerlifting career I utilized higher
rep ranges for accessory work, as well as Wenning
warmups (refer to my powerlifting manual). But
this also allowed my CNS to recover tremendously
for future strength blocks of specific training to win
Now here is a big secret, I used my core
lifts in their competitive form sparingly (squat,
bench, and deadlift using actual stances and
implements) to raise hypertrophy as a powerlifter.
Why? My thought process was to not degrade my
motor patterns and give myself a much-needed
break from competitive movements specifically.
You see in powerlifting movements, I wanted to
instill speed and power only in those movements.
Muscle size was utilized by other means. This
always reinforced in my head that the powerlifting
movements were for perfection of technique, and
power, not endurance or fatigue. Your needs may
be different but keep this suggestion in mind if you
are a powerlifter.
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
This type of hypertrophy is the density of the
myofibrils. This is the part of the cell that does the
contracting. This type of hypertrophy can increase
strength, and force production making it much
more useable in sports. The hypertrophy comes
from the actin and myosin contractile proteins
increase in number. This can increase both strength
and size. Consider this type of hypertrophy an
increase in (ENGINE) size.
*More described in Science and Practices of Strength Training by Vladimir Zatsiorsky.
Pages 63.
This type of hypertrophy is crucial for lifters and
for bodybuilders alike. As we have noted,
myofibrillar hypertrophy makes you stronger, but
another key point is that myofibrillar hypertrophy
may have a more permanent change on the body.
Furthermore, this type of density is crucial for top
level bodybuilders. The myofibril density is what
made guys like Ronnie Coleman, and Dorian Yates
nearly impossible to beat.
So, if you want density and mass that’s more
permanent, and functional, Myofibril hypertrophy is
the way to go long term. This training falls more in
the 6-8 rep range. Now if your trying to be a
competitive or athlete, this rep range and
hypertrophy type will be your bread and butter.
*More described in Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning pages 93-96
It is recommended that you have both styles of
training in your yearly layout and mesocycles to
optimize all muscle action/function.
Hyperplasia Does it exist?
We have talked above about hypertrophy, which is
the size change of the muscle cell. But there is
another factor which is hyperplasia. This is the
formation of new muscle cells. Further research
needs to be done on this area, but I believe under
strenuous training it is possible.
There has been studies on birds and other animals
with resistance and stretching of the muscle
resulting in hyperplasia (35% of the birds mass
attached to right wing) This resulted in 318%
muscle mass increase in 28 days resulting in fiber
number enhancement of 82%).
Antonio, J., & Gonyea, W. J. (1993). Progressive stretch overload of skeletal muscle results in
hypertrophy before hyperplasia. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 75(3), 1263–
1271. https://doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1993.75.3.1263
This may include stretching between sets as
prescribed by Flex wheeler. Flex Believed that
lengthening the muscle between sets increased
hypertrophy and prescribed this with his IFBB
bodybuilders that he trained as well. But the
question is, when do we do this stretching? Well
listed below and in the program, we will
experiment with both.
The length of the stretch we will experiment with
in this manual will be 30sec between sets in
conjunction with the rest periods ranging from
Fascial Stretching - Are you ignoring this proven result producer? (2018, March 13). Retrieved June 28,
2020, from https://www.parrilloperformance.com/fascial-stretching-ignoring-proven-result-producer/
Another way is to utilize the stretch principle is to
finish the last repetition of a given exercise then
hold a stretch for 30sec. This can be very fatiguing
and painful but seems to also be a great tool used
by many top bodybuilders.
2, B., 6, D., 2, F., 29, G., & 1, M. (2018, January 13). How Stretching Can Build Muscle & Develop
Strength. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from https://drjohnrusin.com/how-stretching-can-build-muscledevelop-strength/
It is important to emphasize that hyperplasia within
the cell, including sarcoplasmic hyperplasia (more
sarcoplasmic organelles), and myofibullarmitochondiral hyperplasia (increase in number of
myofibrils), undoubtedly exists.
What we are discussing is the extent to which
mechanical stimulation will influence it, and which
method of mechanical stimulation is optimal. To
affect the muscles in a way for this to occur at the
elite levels, I believe that heavier training (power
building) in certain cycles needs to be introduced
to the body. This means that more strength and
power-based protocols must be utilized to see full
potential in your mass gaining journey.
The man who rewrote the blueprint to build muscle. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2020, from https://
Hyperplasia training may be more related to
maximal and dynamic efforts, which are heavily
reliant on the CNS. The reasoning for this is due to
the time constraints of the movements and their
inherent energy systems, requiring a denser muscle
as opposed to larger. So powerlifting type training
with lower rep schemes and higher intensity may
be optimal for hyperplasia (refer to our power
building- powerlifting cycles).
As we can see in this graph above, we have different
hypertrophy rep ranges for different results, but also a key
component, the CNS. We will be attacking the blue and green
areas most in this hypertrophy block (red and blue areas will be
attacked in the power building block)
(Central Nervous System)
The CNS is quite possibly the most important tool to manage and train
The central nervous system plays a crucial role in,
activating, prohibiting, and regulating the muscle.
The CNS is the control center for the muscle tissue.
In my opinion, the CNS is the major reason we need
periodization, exercise rotation, and recovery
The CNS efficiency which is enhanced with the rep
range of myofibrillar hypertrophy (1-5reps) is also
crucial in not only recruiting more tissue but doing
it at the proper time and place. I like to think of
this as the
(SPARK PLUGS/Ignition system)
For athletics I would suggest using more isolateral
blocks for hypertrophy enhancement of limb
strength discrepancies. (upwards of 30% of the
total resistance volume in one year). This means
that much of the warmups, and accessories should
be isolateral or have a similar component. This
isolateral training enhances motor neuron output
allows both sides to benefit significantly.
Remember your only as strong as your weakest
side. This is called contralateral training effect.
Núñez, F. J., Santalla, A., Carrasquila, I., Asian, J. A., Reina, J. I., & Suarez-Arrones, L. J. (2018). The
effects of unilateral and bilateral eccentric overload training on hypertrophy, muscle power and COD
performance, and its determinants, in team sport players. Plos One, 13(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.
Contralateral Training Effect.
Although muscle mass is a crucial factor in power
output and strength, we must never forget that the
neurological system is in control of our muscular
potential and the key to much of our progress in
the weight room.
This is where athletes and some general fitness
populations may need to adjust their training
protocol. Hypertrophy phases should be a major
part of training but have isolateral training
emphasis present more often in my observation.
Chapter 2
Wenning Guidelines to Training for Mass
Below are some key rules that I have followed for
many years as well as my training sessions with
Mike, Stan, and other top bodybuilders.
A - Keep workouts at or under and hour
We must avoid the distress point - one way is to limit workout times
This is crucial for not only overtraining, but also
has some interesting effects on the blood stream.
There is a constant battle of testosterone to
cortisol happening as we train. Keeping cortisol at
bay and optimizing testosterone is key for growth.
This can be enhanced by training in an optimal
time frame.
B - Do not train full body
Many people will train full body and are confused
why the results start to stagnate after short periods
of time. My thought process is that you just cannot
give each body part enough volume for optimal
growth. As you will see in the manual. Training 2-3
body parts seems to work best. Remember that
you can only accomplish what you can recover
from. Going over that limit just creates excessive
damage and lack of recovery, leading into future
regression or possible injury. (examples can be
poorly programmed CrossFit regimens etc.)
C - Rest 72 hours between same muscle or motor
pattern training
The 3-day training split with 1 day off allows
optimal recovery for each muscle. By allowing this
time in between training, one can gain more
muscle without interruption from overtraining. I
passionately believe that a motor pattern cannot
be used any more than every 72 hours for any
length of time.
Monteiro, E. R., Vingren, J. L., Corrêa Neto, V. G., Neves, E. B., Steele, J., & Novaes, J. S. (2019).
Effects of Different Between Test Rest Intervals in Reproducibility of the 10-Repetition Maximum Load
Test: A Pilot Study with Recreationally Resistance Trained Men. International journal of exercise
science, 12(4), 932–940.
Many current training protocols are training with
more frequency but, most champions have followed
this similar thought pattern for multiple
generations, and with superior results.
Furthermore, most strength athletes that follow
this protocol seem to have longer careers.
D - Rotate movements Frequently
This is something that has always been in my
programs, but as you will see in this manual, the
exercises are sustained for about 3 weeks and not
changed. What does change is the intensity,
volume, tempos and execution of the movement. If
you have limited equipment this will become more
difficult so in this manual, we will give you
alternatives to try to alleviate this issue.
La Scala Teixeira, C. V., Evangelista, A. L., Pereira, P., Da Silva-Grigoletto, M. E., Bocalini, D. S., &
Behm, D. G. (2019). Complexity: A Novel Load Progression Strategy in Strength Training. Frontiers in
physiology, 10, 839. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2019.00839
Overtraining tends to come quicker when the same stimulus is used for
too long!
E - Sleep
Sleep is another one of those must haves, to
achieve desired results. At my biggest, 317lb I was
sleeping 11 hours a day. Now this may be overkill,
but it was needed for the type of training volume I
was presented with weekly. This level of dedication
and recovery allowed my body to break 3 world
records, and achieve 32in thighs, 21in arms, and
wear a size 60 suit.
Much of this success I attributed to my sleep and
recovery. There are a few key topics on sleep that
can help tremendously.
Chen, Y., Cui, Y., Chen, S., & Wu, Z. (2017). Relationship between sleep and muscle
strength among Chinese university students: a cross-sectional study. Journal of
musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, 17(4), 327–333.
Every hour before midnight is 2x as recuperative
than after. Go to bed early for optimal recovery
and sleep quality. Trying to fall asleep before
930pm may be optimal. So, starting to relax and lay
down may be needed before 9pm. I have practiced
this since I was a teenager, and it seemed to be a
huge help for performance and recovery.
Olds, T. S., Maher, C. A., & Matricciani, L. (2011). Sleep duration or bedtime?
Exploring the relationship between sleep habits and weight status and activity
patterns. Sleep, 34(10), 1299–1307. https://doi.org/10.5665/SLEEP.1266
Many are deficient in magnesium, which causes
lower sleep quality and relaxation. Increasing
magnesium in the evening, and before bed was
crucial for my body to dive into deeper recovery
sleep and allow my muscles to reduce tension.
Cao, Y., Zhen, S., Taylor, A. W., Appleton, S., Atlantis, E., & Shi, Z. (2018). Magnesium
Intake and Sleep Disorder Symptoms: Findings from the Jiangsu Nutrition Study of
Chinese Adults at Five-Year Follow-Up. Nutrients, 10(10), 1354. https://doi.org/
F - Eating
Since this manual is on hypertrophy we will keep
eating on this topic of mass. In a hypertrophy phase
we need a calorie surplus. But there is another side
to this equation. We also need the quality of the
calories to be excellent. This is important for many
reasons. Health, and low inflammation is crucial for
long term muscle mass. We must eat foods that
help our hormone system work in a positive fashion
while allowing absorption of the calories we are
eating to have maximal results.
I strongly suggest downloading Stan Efferdings
vertical diet plan, my diet manual, and do reading
on this area. It was a game changer for me in both
hypertrophy and health.
Some general guidelines that I have used in mass
gaining phases:
Eat every 3 hours
Make sure your getting 20-40g of protein every 3
hours. This may be dependent on your size goals,
but more information is in the Diet manual.
What I found with this rule is it forced me to eat
quality foods. You need eat that much protein
every meal, you cannot achieve that number on
bad food selections.
Carbs need to be higher, but the quality needs to
be present (rice) for hypertrophy. Carbs as far as
energy and absorbability are just not created
equal. Most gluten-based carbs are going to keep
you too full and eating more calories will become
difficult. Then you will start missing meals and
absorption goes down. Insulin can be our best
friend for mass, or our worst enemy (fat gain and
declining health) One of the key needs for the body
to make testosterone is Cholesterol and fats. This
makes my appetite stay on full gear. I am sure
there are other ways to snack in between meals but
I have found that the weight I gain by doing this is
Daly, R. M., Gianoudis, J., Prosser, M., Kidgell, D., Ellis, K. A., O'Connell, S., & Nowson,
C. A. (2015). The effects of a protein enriched diet with lean red meat combined with a
multi-modal exercise program on muscle and cognitive health and function in older
adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16, 339. https://doi.org/
Chapter 3
The Workout
In this hypertrophy manual I have adopted a lifting
protocol that utilizes a system of 3 days on and 1
day off for this 12-week block. This cycle attacks
the same muscle groups every 4 days (explained
Now unlike what I utilize for powerlifting, this
cycle sustains the same movements for a 3-week
block (wave). Gradually increasing intensity, time,
etc. So, In the 3-week system exercises stay
constant, while intensity and volume are in
constant change and or progression.
In this 12-week cycle there will be 4 waves or 3week blocks of training. These blocks will have
recovery day after each micro cycle. After each
wave we have programmed longer recovery periods
of 2 or more days to prepare for the new training
block. It is crucial to understand that the
programmed rest and recovery days were designed
around advanced to elite level lifters. For less
experienced lifters additional recovery days may
need to be utilized. I expect that the length of this
program can range from 12 to 14 weeks.
What I have found with most programs that lack
progression is…. the programming may be optimal,
but the recovery is not pre planned. Forcing these
rest days and deloads will ensure proper progress
and enhance future waves of training. You can
either plan the off days or the body will force them
with overtraining and possible injury.
This long-term layout, intended to enhance all
muscle groups, we have split the training day into
two different training times. The reason I find this
especially useful is that workouts stay under 1 hour.
Also, this seems to add more stimulation into each
muscle group on a weekly basis.
If time cannot permit this, it is ok at the beginning
a possibly the intermediate phases of training to
combine them. But as you become stronger and
your goals more enhanced, this will have to be
Rest periods
Villanueva, M. G., Villanueva, M. G., Lane, C. J., & Schroeder, E. T. (2012). Influence of rest interval
length on acute testosterone and cortisol responses to volume-load-equated total body hypertrophic
and strength protocols. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 26(10), 2755–2764. https://
Opinions vary on this topic, but I will give you what
has worked wonders for me
Wenning warmup (movement and weakness
specific warmup)
Take 12-14 minutes to complete with minimal to no
Now this is tricky, but I believe that GPP is the
hidden gem for most lifters, get in better shape
and strength and size come along with it
Core movements for hypertrophy (squats,
deadlift, bench press etc.)
20-25min for total completion rest periods range
from 2-3min for each set. Now for me, the core
movement is all about technical mastery and focus,
too much fatigue on main movements can lead to
form degradation, injury and or lack of progress. Be
recovered for the compound movements, by
implementing proper rest periods
Accessories (hamstring curls, back extensions,
triceps etc.)
I tend to use 1-2min for these to condense more
work into this workout period 2-3 exercises 2-3 sets
each movement. As you can see in the graph this
time parameter allows a little more workout
density, therefore more volume. Also, for
accessories we are selecting more isolated
movements where form is less crucial. This is due
to accessories being at the end of the training
Mini-Workout (6 Hours Post)
The second workout of the day, more adequately
called a mini-workout, is meant to be a 15-20min
lower intensity workout to increase our volume. To
accomplish the required amount of work we are
limited to 1-2-minute rest periods between sets in
this workout.
The bigger takeaway from what you were just told
is that rest periods are dependent on the volume
requirements with consideration to the hormonal
response, determined by the optimal 1-hour
workout time frame. As explained earlier, in
resistance training we need to do our best to stay
in an anabolic state.
Day 1
Quads – calves
This is going to include squats of some sort, isolated quadriceps and calve training.
Exercises will vary every 30 days,
(6 hour spacing minimum for morning and evening
Tempo is the name of the game for biceps, but change in reps and movements is key
as well
Day 2
Chest- shoulders
This will include incline pressing for upper pec development, and military presses
Day 3
Glutes, hamstrings, lats (posterior chain)
This will be a deadlift day, and includes a lat pulldown every set of the main lift and
accessories usually accumulating to 10 sets of lat work of some type
Day 4
Physical and neurological recovery, this day I try to do active recovery as well as
Epsom salt baths, naps, massage.
This 4 day allows full recovery therefore progression in the next 3-day wave of
training. The hardest factor to grasp is that you do not grow in the gym, you grow
when you are recovering.
On this day a nap, and restoration work is crucial. Epsom salt baths, higher levels of
magnesium glycinate, and hot cold contrast showers are essential for this recovery
WAVE 1 Bilateral training emphasis 3-week block
(rest period restriction) GPP
In this training wave we will focus on exercises that utilize both limbs
simultaneously for most warmups and accessories. The core lift will have
a primary focus of higher volume and lower compressive factors (belt
squats). Alternative exercises to accommodate individual equipment
restrictions can be found in the appendix of this manual. Rest periods will
only allow partial recovery between sets and exercises. Some exercises
will be super setted or conjoined so read carefully.
WAVE 2 Unilateral training emphasis 3-week
In this block we will utilize an exercise selection to separately train both
sides of the body in the warmups, accessories, and main lift as much as
possible. Although this will slightly increase our workout time, it will
result in a different effect on the tissue compared to wave 1.
WAVE 3 Isolation training emphasis 3-week
block (restoration) post set stretching
Hopefully during the second wave we noticed our bodies needed a break
from compound movements. As a result, we utilize this 3-week block to
attack muscles by isolation and dropping some of the compound
movement intensity. Tempos will be implemented to force higher time
under tension, while also reducing the tonnage. This will allow loading to
continue at an extreme level during wave 4. Another added component in
this wave will be post set stretching for 30 seconds on applicable
WAVE 4 Compound movement overload 3-week
block intra set stretching
At this point we must shock the body into more growth, this will include
stepping up volume and intensity for a 3-week burst in hopes of more
progression. Overtraining will occur but for hypertrophy standards I
believe overreaching for a 3-week wave in a 12-week cycle is crucial for
new growth.
Overtraining will occur but for hypertrophy standards I believe
overreaching for a 3-week wave in a 12-week cycle is crucial for new
Some exercise demonstrations and alternatives
can be found in the appendix, after the
Do not skip over these points listed in
brown, they will help you understand the
what – when – why of the movements!
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5) (Smooth but no Tempo)
Belt Squat 2x25
-normal stance
Leg Extensions 2x25
-normal tempo
Seated Calf Raises 2x25
-all calf raises 3-3 tempo unless otherwise stated
Although the RPE for this workout is seemingly low, supersets are
utilized to increase volume and intensity. Remember that the muscle
damage incurred through this programming is cumulative, do not
overdo it at the beginning. The intensity will increase throughout the
cycles and waves.
Main Lift (RPE 6-7)
Belt Squats 5x12 Progressive Each Set
-5 Second Eccentric
-The first set should be slightly heavier than the last set for warmups
-normal stance
Leg Extensions 4x12
Slow and Controlled each rep
-The weight on these should equate to 8 RPE
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 7-8) (cont’d on next page)
Donkey Calf Raises 3x12
Manual Dorsi Flexion 3x10
-refer to appendix for picture and explanation
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls 6x12-15
For all the second workouts select any exercises but change the tempo
every week. Rotate movements each time you do these exercises.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5) (Slightly Progressive Each Set)
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 2x25
-Incline on this should be lower than a typical 45-degree incline of a
normal bench
-Regular Grip
DB Lateral Raises 2x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7) (Slightly Progressive Each Set)
Barbell Incline Bench Press
-Smooth, but no tempo
6sets x 10reps
-This incline will be set at a normal 45-degree incline
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 7-8) (Slight Progressive Every
DB Arnold Press 3x12
-3-3 Tempo each rep
Single Arm Face Pulls 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5) (Slightly Progressive Each Set)
Good Morning Machine 2x25
-narrow stance
-See appendix for alternate exercises
Hamstring Curls 2x25
Seated Shrugs 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7) (Progress Weight Every Set)
Trap Bar RDL’s 5x12
Lat Pulldowns 5x10
-wide grip pull to chin
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 7-8) (Progress Weight Every
Hamstring Curls 4xFAIL
Barbell Shrugs 4xFAIL
Lat Pulldowns 5x10
-wide grip pull to chin
6 Hours Post
Planks 6x1min
Now each micro cycle will have a slight
increase in either reps on the warmup, RPE
on the warmup, or difficulty on the
accessories, Just remember that each
micro cycle is built upon the next so try to
end with the highest weight and intensity
at the end of each wave.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 1
Going forward you will notice slight alterations to the movements we
use, varying width, grip, foot position, tempo etc. This is to account for
the Law of Accommodation as best as possible while utilizing the same
muscle groups on each of their perspective training days.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 2
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6) (Increase final set weight by 10% from
last micro cycle)
Belt Squat 2x25
-Toes forward (straight footed)
Leg Extensions 2x25 (up weight slightly from last micro cycle)
-5-5 tempo
Seated Calf Raises 2x25 (pause at the bottom 1 second)
Main Lift (RPE of 7) (Increase final set weight by 10% from last micro
Belt Squats
5x10 Progressive Each Set
-5sec Eccentric
Leg Extensions 4x12
-Slow and Controlled each rep
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8)
Donkey Calf Raises 3x12
-10% heavier than last week
Manual Dorsi Flexion 3x10
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls 6x12-15 (fat handles)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6) (Increase final set weight by 10% from
last micro cycle)
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 2x25
-Hammer Grip
DB Lateral Raises 2x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 2x25 (increase band tension slightly) holding
Main Lift (RPE of 7) (Increase final set weight by 10% from last micro
Barbell Incline Bench Press 6x10
-This incline will be set at a normal 45-degree incline
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8) (Increase final set weight
by 10% from last micro cycle)
DB Arnold Press 3x12
-3-3 Tempo each rep
Single Arm Face Pulls 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL the tricep is the primary pressing muscle. This
can protect against future shoulder issues. Although this is a hypertrophy
manual, injury reduction and joint enhancement is still crucial.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Good Morning Machine 2x25
-wide stance
Hamstring Curls 2x25
-fast concentric, 3ct eccentric
Seated Shrugs 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last micro
Trap Bar RDL’s 5x12
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 (narrow grip pull to the chest)
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8) (Increase final weight by
10% from last micro cycle)
Hamstring Curls 4xFail 5-5 tempo
Barbell Shrugs 4xFail up slightly from last micro cycle
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 wide grip
-Regular Grip, pull to eyebrows
6 Hours Post
Planks 6x1min (raising legs, arms, and making movement to increase
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 2
You will notice that in this cycle the same exercises, and similar rep
schemes were used, but the intensity of the lift slowly becomes heavier.
Maintain this thought process through each wave even if its not stated.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 3
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Belt Squat 3x25 (increased 1 more set of warmups than last micro cycle)
-wide stance
Leg Extensions 3x25
-5ct eccentric
Seated Calf Raises 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8) (Increase final weight by 10% from last week)
Belt Squats
5x12 Progressive Each Set
5sec Eccentric
Leg Extensions 4x45 seconds
-normal tempo
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8)
Donkey Calf Raises 4x15
-increase final weight 10% from last week
Manual Dorsi Flexion 4x10
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls 6x12-15 (ez curl bar) 2-2 tempo
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 3x25
-elbows out
DB Lateral Raises 3x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 3x25
-fat grip V-Bar
-5ct concentric, normal eccentric
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8) (Increase final weight by 10% from last week)
Barbell Incline Bench Press 8x10
-1 Second Pause Each Set
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8) (Increase final weight by
10% from last week)
DB Arnold Press 3x12
-5-5 Tempo Each Rep
Single Arm Face Pulls 3x15 Each Side
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL 3-3 tempo
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Good Mornings Machine 3x25
-3ct concentric
Hamstring Curls 3x25
-normal tempo
Seated Shrugs 3x25 (hammer grip)
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8) (Increase final weight by 10% from last week)
Trap Bar RDL’s 6x10
4x10 Lat Pulldowns (last 2 sets only perform the RDL)
-Wide Grip, pull to top of head
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8) (Increase final weight by
10% from last micro cycle)
Hamstring Curls 3xFAIL 3-3 tempo
Barbell Shrugs 3xFAIL (up 10% from previous micro cycle)
Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (up 10% from previous micro cycle)
-Wide Grip, pull to top of head
-3ct eccentric
6 Hours Post
Planks 6x1min (raise a leg and alternate)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 3
Planning rest is key for optimal 72-hour
split, notice the 4th day puts each much
group exactly 72 hours apart
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 4
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Belt Squat 3x25
-wide stance, toes pointed out slightly
Leg Extensions 3x25
-5ct concentric
Seated Calf Raises 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8) (Increase final set weight by 10% from last micro
Belt Squats
5x12 Progressive Each Set
5 Second Lowering Each Rep
Leg Extensions 4x45 seconds
-Slow and Controlled each rep
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8-9)
Donkey Calf Raises 4x15
-Increase final set weight from last week by 10%
Manual Dorsi Flexion 4x10
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls 6x12-15 (pronated grip)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 4
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 3x25
-rotational (normal grip on top, hammer grip on bottom)
DB Lateral Raises 3x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 3x25
-fat grip straight bar
-explosive concentric, smooth eccentric
Main Lift (RPE of 8) (Increase final weight by 10% from last micro
Barbell Incline Bench Press
8x10-1 Second Pause Each Set
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8-9) (Increase final weight by
10% from last micro cycle)
DB Arnold Press 3x12
-5-5 Tempo Each Rep
Single Arm Face Pulls 3x15 Each Side
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL (3-3 tempo)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 4
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Good Morning Machine 3x25
Hamstring Curls 3x25
Seated Shrugs 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8) (Increase final weight by 10% from last micro
Trap Bar RDL’s 5x10
Accessories (Circuit, 2 Min Rest) (RPE of 8-9) (Increase final weight by
10% from last micro cycle)
Hamstring Curls 4xFAIL
Barbell Shrugs 4xFAIL (hold in fingertips)
Lat Pulldowns 5x10
-Normal Width, Fat Grip, Pull to Chin
6 Hours Post
Planks 6x1min (regular)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 4
It is important to take note of the small variations we
are making in movements. This is crucial to your thought
process for not only improved gains, but also a reduction
in mileage.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 5 (Deload)
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
micro cycle)
Leg Extensions 4x1min
Seated Calf Raises 4x1min
Narrow Belt Squat 4x1min Slightly Progressive each set
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Increase final weight by 10% from last micro
Donkey Calf Raises 4x15
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls
6x12-15 (palm up grip)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 5 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 4x25
DB Lateral Raises 4x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 4x25
-wide grip lat pull down bar
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (2min rest between sets)
DB Arnold Press 3x10 Progressive Heavy
Single Arm Face Pulls 3x12 each side Heavy
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 100 Reps as few sets as possible
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 5 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7) (Increase final weight by 10% from last
Good Morning Machine 4x25
Hamstring Curls 4x25
Seated Shrugs 4x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Trap Bar RDL’s 3x10
Slightly Progressive each set
3x10 Lat Pulldowns
-Slightly Narrow Grip, pull to nose
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit)(2 Min Rest ea Round)
Hamstring Curls 2xFAIL
Barbell Shrugs 2xFAIL
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 heavy (with v bar)
6 Hours Post
Planks 6x1min (side planks)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 5
There are multiple ways to deload, in this cycle
you will have noticed an increase in the warmup
volume while either decreasing the volume in the
main lift or completely removing it.
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 6 (Peak)
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 4-5)
Belt Squats 2x25
Leg Extensions 2x25
Seated Calf Raises 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Belt Squat
Working up to a 10RM within 5-7 Sets
Accessories (RPE of 9-10)
Donkey Calf Raises 4x10
6 Hours Post
Biceps Curls 6x12-15 (hammer grip)
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 6 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 4-5)
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 2x25
DB Lateral Raises 2x25
Banded Tricep Pushdowns 2x25
-narrow, fat grip, straight bar
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Barbell Incline Bench Press
Working up to a 10RM within 4-5 Sets
Accessories (RPE of 9-10) (2min rest between sets)
DB Arnold Press 3x10 Progressive Heavy
-Last Set Perform till Failure
Double Arm Face Pulls 3x10 Progressive
6 Hours Post
Diamond Pushups 6xFAIL
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 6 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 4-5)
Good Morning Machine 2x25
Hamstring Curls 2x25
Seated Shrugs 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Trap Bar RDL’s
Working up to a 10RM within 4-5 Sets
Accessories (RPE of 9-10) (Circuit)(2 Min Rest ea Round)
Barbell Shrugs 2xFAIL
Lat Pulldowns 4x10
-Slow Steady Tempo each rep
-Wide Grip, Pull to chest
Bilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4- 5
micro cycle 6
Recovery is key to progress. Before each new wave,
take at least 2 days of full recovery before starting
the next session of training. Some cycles may be
more taxing to you than others. If nutrition,
recovery, and stress levels are optimal, then 2 days
should be sufficient. If you have a stressful job or
other responsibilities, a longer rest period of 3 to
4 days may be needed.
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 1
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
Single Leg Split Squats 2x12 each side
Single Leg Extensions 2x20 each side
Single Sided Seated Calf Raises 2x20 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Back Squat 4x15
-4 Inch Raised Heel (example in pictures)
-Narrow Stance
Accessories (RPE of 7-8)
Single Sided Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12 (do each arm separate)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
Incline Hanging KB Press 2x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep, arm not doing any work is fully extended
Front Raises 2x25
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 2x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press 4x15
Accessories (RPE of 7-8)
Banded Unilateral Tricep Pushdowns 4x15 each side
Face pulls 4x20 with a moderate weight (rope)
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12 (thumbs up)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 2x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 2x25 each side
Seated Banded Hamstring Curls 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Pin Pulls 4x15
-15 Inch
-5 chains each side (or stand on mini band if you do not have chain)
Lat Pulldowns 4x10
Accessories (RPE of 7-8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 4x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 4x10
6 Hours Post
Obliques bends or side planks 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 1
To constantly target muscle groups in a new manner,
most exercises have become one sided. This will allow
the same muscles to be targeted on their respective
days, but with a new stimulus.
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 2
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Single Leg Split Squats 2x12 each side (add chain or more resistance
Single Leg Extensions 2x20 each side
Single Sided Calf Raises 2x20 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 7.5)
Back Squat 4x15 (maintain a high bar position if you want more quad)
-4 Inch Raised Heel
-Narrow Stance
Accessories (RPE of 8)
Isolateral Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
Leg extensions 3-3 tempo 3x15
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12 (fat gripz)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Incline Hanging KB Press 3x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep, arm not doing work is fully extended
Front Raises 3x25 (pinkys ups)
-All the way up
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 3x25 each side (grenade handle)
Main Lift (RPE of 7.5)
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press 4x15 (hold weights at 45-degree angle)
Accessories (RPE of 8)
Banded Unilateral Tricep Pushdowns 4x15 each side
Unilateral pec flies 3x12
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12 (knuckles up)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 3x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 3x25 each side
Banded Hamstring Curls 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Pin Pulls 4x15 Progressive each set (set pin at 15in above ground)
-15 Inch
-5 chains each side (if you are weaker then use 3 chain or stand on a mini
band if you do not have chains)
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 5x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 5x10 -3-3 Tempo each rep
6 Hours Post
Obliques 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 2
On Rest days for the rest of the cycle I
utilized one of these three methods to
enhance recovery. I noticed at this wave I
was accumulating more fatigue.
Massage 60min
20min stretching followed by 30min nap
Hot cold contrast showers
1min in hot 1min in cold for 5 cycles
Recovery becomes more difficult as
strength increases and demand on the
body is elevated
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 3
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6)
Single Leg Split Squats 3x12 each side
-Add Weight Vest, Chain Around Neck, or check appendix
Single Leg Extensions 3x20 each side
Single Sided Seated Calf Raises 3x20 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Back Squat 4x15
-4 Inch Raised Heel
-Narrow Stance (this should be almost a max 15-RM)
Accessories (RPE of 8)
Single Sided Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12 (cable machine)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6)
Incline Hanging KB Press 3x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep
Front Raises 3x25
-All the way up
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 3x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press 4x15
-Last Set Perform till failure
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Reverse Grip Unilateral Tricep Pushdowns 4xFAIL each side
Unilateral Pec Flys 4xFAIL
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 3x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 3x25 each side
Banded Hamstring Curls 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8.5)
Pin Pulls 4x15 Building up each set
-15 Inch
-5 chains each side (or standing on band)
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 3x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 4x10
6 Hours Post
Obliques 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 3
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 4
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Single Leg Split Squats 3x12 each side
-Weighted (Weight Vest/Chain(s) Around Neck or something similar
Single Leg Extensions 3x25 each side
Single Sided Seated Calf Raises 3x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Back Squat 4x12 (keep this on the easier side of 8 rpe the big lift is
coming up soon)
4 Inch Raised Heel
Narrow Stance
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Single Sided Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 4
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Incline Hanging KB Press 3x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep
Front Raises 3x25
-All the way up
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 3x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press
4x12 Building up each set
3-3 Tempo each rep
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Grenade Handle Chin Extensions 4x15 each side
Bilateral Pec Flys 4xFAIL
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 4
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 3x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 3x25 each side
Banded Hamstring Curls 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Good Morning Machine 4x10 (see alternatives for other selections)
Lat Pulldowns 4x10 Super Set
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 3x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
6 Hours Post
Obliques 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 4
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1
micro cycle 5 (Deload)
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Single Leg Split Squats 4x12 each side
-Weighted (Weight Vest/Chain(s) Around Neck etc.…()
Single Leg Extensions 4x25 each side
Single Sided Seated Calf Raises 4x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Back Squat 4x10 (make this 10-RM fee fairly easy next week goes very
-4 Inch Raised Heel
-Narrow Stance
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Single Sided Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 5 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Incline Hanging KB Press 4x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep
Front Raises 4x25
-All the way up
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 4x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press 4x12 (keep some in the tank)
-3-3 Tempo each rep
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Grenade Handle Chin Extensions 4x15 each side
Bilateral Pec Flys 4xFAIL
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 5 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 4x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 4x25 each side
Banded Hamstring Curls 4x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Good Morning Machine 4x12 (keep this one with some in the tank)
Lat Pulldowns 4x10 Super Set
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 3x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
6 Hours Post
Obliques 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 5 (Deload)
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 6 (Peak)
On peak phases try to take all main lifts and accessories as hard
as you can, even warmups will be more brutal if you look at RPE
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Single Leg Split Squats 3x12 each side
-Weighted (Weight Vest/Chain(s) Around Neck, Hold Plate, etc
Single Leg Extensions 3x25 each side
Single Sided Seated Calf Raises 3x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 9.5) near failure
Back Squat 4x10
(go all out in this one but try to make all 10)
-4 Inch Raised Heel
-Narrow Stance
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Single Sided Donkey Calf Raises 3x15 each side
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 6 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Incline Hanging KB Press 3x25 each side
-Alternating arms each rep
Front Raises 3x25
-All the way up
Cross Body Tricep Extensions 3x25 each side
Main Lift (RPE of 9.5) near failure
Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press (go all out but try to make 10)
4x10 Building up each set
3-3 Tempo each rep
Accessories (RPE of 9-10)
Grenade Handle Chin Extensions 4x15 each side
Bilateral Pec Flys 4xFAIL
6 Hours Post
Lateral Raises 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 6 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Single Leg Reverse Hypers 3x25 each side
Reverse Incline Shrugs 3x25 each side
Banded Hamstring Curls 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 9.5) near failure
Good Morning Machine 4x10 (push this as heavy as you can while making
Lat Pulldowns 4x10
Accessories (RPE of 9-10) Circuit
Alternating Toe Touch Crunches 3x15 each side
Lat Pull Downs 3x10 (heavy)
6 Hours Post
Obliques 6x10-12
Unilateral Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 6
Same holds true for wave 2 as in wave 1, do not
attack the next wave until you feel you are
recovered. For most people 2 days off will be
sufficient, but some may need longer.
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 1
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
Lateral Lunge 2x25 each side
Leg Extensions 3-3 tempo 2x25
Seated Banded Calf Raise 3-1-3 tempo 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Safety Bar Front Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance, 2in Elevated Heel
(notice stretching is becoming
a part of the actual workout)
-Post Set Stretch Quads 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 7-8)
Standing Safety Bar Calf Raises 3-1-3 tempo 3x15
-Post Set Stretch Calves 30sec
6 Hours Post
Biceps 8x10-12
-Post Set Stretch Biceps 30sec
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)(All 3-3 Tempo)
Decline DB Bench 2x25
Behind Neck Triceps Extension 2x25 ea side
Upright Rows 2x25 each side
-mustache bar
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Seated Military Press 4x15
-last set burnout
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x15
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
Accessories (RPE of 7-8)
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x15
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
Banded V-Bar Pushdowns 3x12 3-3 tempo
-Tricep Stretch 30seconds post set
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 8x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
45˚ Back Extension 2x25
Behind the Back-Barbell Shrugs 2x25
Banded Hamstring Curls (top of rack) 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Safety Bar Good morning 4x15
-Stretch Hamstring 30sec post set
Reverse Incline DB Row 4x15
-Last set BOTH exercise hold weight at bottom position for 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 7-8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Kneeling Band Crunch 3x20
Lat Pulldown (slow) 3x10
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x20 ea side
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 1
Notice that we have chosen to include post and
intra set stretching following the isolateral
training block. This has been done by many
champions of bodybuilding, but also has some
interesting veterinarian data on hyperplasia.
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 2
(Quads – calves – biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Lateral Lunge 2x25 each side
Leg Extensions 3-3 tempo 2x25
Seated Banded Calf Raise 3-3 tempo 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Safety Bar Front Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance, 2in Elevated Heel
-Post Set Stretch Quads 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 8)
Standing Safety Bar Calf Raises 3-3-3 tempo 3x15
-Post Set Stretch Calves 30sec
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12
-Post Set Stretch Biceps 30sec
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)(All 3-3 Tempo)
Decline DB Bench 2x25
Behind Neck Triceps Extension 2x25 ea side
Upright Rows 2x25 each side
-mustache bar
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Seated Military Press 4x15
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit, 2 Min Rest)
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x15
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
Banded V-Bar Pushdowns 3x12 3-3 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
45˚ Back Extension 2x25 w/ 25lb
Behind the Back-Barbell Shrugs 2x25 up slightly heavier than previous
micro cycle
Banded Hamstring Curls (top of rack) 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7) (Circuit)
45˚ Back Extension 4x15
-progressive (end with more weight than the last micro cycle)
-Last Set 30sec Pause on Bottom after 15th rep
Lat Pulldowns 4x10
-Last Set hold weight at top position and stretch back
Accessories (RPE of 8)
2x12 Banded Kb Shrugs
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 2
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 3
(Quads – Calves – Biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Lateral Lunge 3x25 each side
Leg Extensions 3-3 tempo 3x25
Seated Banded Calf Raise 3-3 tempo 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Safety Bar Front Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance, 2in Elevated Heel
-Post Set Stretch Quads 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Standing Safety Bar Calf Raises 3-3 tempo 3x12
-Post Set Stretch Calves 30sec
6 Hours Post
Biceps 8x10-12
-Post Set Stretch Biceps 30sec
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7) (All 3-3 Tempo)
Upright Rows w/ Mustache Bar 3x25 each side
Decline DB Bench 3x25
Behind Head Triceps Extension w/ Rope 3x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Seated Military Press 4x15
-last set burnout
Accessories (RPE of 6-7)
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x15
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 8x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
45˚ Back Extension 3x25
Behind the Back-Barbell Shrugs 3x25
Banded Hamstring Curls (top of rack) 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Safety Bar Good morning 4x15
-Stretch Hamstring 30sec post set
Lat Pulldown 4x15
-Last set each exercise hold weight at bottom position for 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Reverse Incline DB Row 4x15
-pull to stomach
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x20 ea side
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 3
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 4 (Deload)
(Quads – calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Lateral Lunge 4x25 each side
Leg Extensions 3-3 tempo 4x25
Seated Banded Calf Raise 3-3 tempo 4x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Safety Bar Front Squat 4x3 then 1x1
-Normal Stance, 2in Elevated Heel
-Post Set Stretch Quads 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Seated Calf Raise 3x20
-Post Set Stretch Calves 30sec
3x20 Alternate Kneeling Banded Crunch/Wenning Plank
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x10-12
-Post Set Stretch Biceps 30sec
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 4 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7) (All 3-3 Tempo)
Decline DB Bench 4x25
Behind Neck Triceps Extension 4x25 ea side
Upright Rows 4x25 each side
-mustache bar
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Seated Military Press 2x10 then 1x15
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x12, 1ct pause on top
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
Banded V-Bar Pushdowns 3x10 3-3 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 4 (Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
45˚ Back Extension 4x25, progressive in weight
Behind the Back-Barbell Shrugs 4x25
Banded Hamstring Curls (top of rack) 4x25
-alternate pointing toes side to side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7) (Circuit)
45˚ Back Extension 3x12
Good Morning Machine Stretch 30sec w/ 45lbs
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Lat Pull Downs 4x10
-Use Straps
-30second hold in top position at end
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 5(Deload)
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 1 micro cycle 5 (Peak)
(Quads – Calves – Biceps)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Lateral Lunge 2x25 each side
Leg Extensions 3-3 tempo 2x25
Seated Banded Calf Raise 3-3 tempo 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 9.5 RPE)
Safety Bar Front Squat 4x10 (work up to as heavy as you can without
-Normal Stance, 2in Elevated Heel
-Post Set Stretch Quads 30sec
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Standing Safety Bar Calf Raises 3-3 tempo 3x10
-Post Set Stretch Calves 30sec
6 Hours Post
Biceps 8x10-12
-Post Set Stretch Biceps 30sec
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 2 micro cycle 5 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6) (All 3-3 Tempo)
Upright Rows w/ Mustache Bar 2x25 each side
Decline DB Bench 2x25
Behind Head Triceps Extension w/ Rope 2x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 9.5)
Seated Military Press 4x15 (work up as heavy as you can without missing)
-last set til failure (achieve at least 15 reps)
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Seated Incline Cable Flies 3x10, 1xfail
-Chest Stretch 30seconds
Banded V-Bar Pushdowns 3x10, 1xfail
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 8x20
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 3
micro cycle 5 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
45˚ Back Extension 3x25
Behind the Back-Barbell Shrugs 3x25
Banded Hamstring Curls (top of rack) 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 9)
Safety Bar Good morning 4x5
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Lat Pulldown s/ Straps 4x10
-Last set each exercise hold weight at top position for 30sec
Reverse Hyper Shrugs 4x10 ea side
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x20 ea side
Isolation Training Emphasis
Day 4
micro cycle 5 (Peak)
The group took a 3-day rest period after finishing
this wave. This was a huge advantage going into
wave 4 which was the most brutal and taxing.
In Wave 4 we will tax the muscle in the most
intense of the waves. This is to induce every bit of
hypertrophy possible in this cycle.
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 1
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5)
Belt Squat 2x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 2x25
Wenning Plank 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Hatfield Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance
-4th set 30sec on bottom after 15th rep
Accessories (RPE of 7-8) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x12
Seated Calf Raises 3sets of 21s
-7 reps bottom to parallel, 7 parallel to top, 7 full range of motion
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Bamboo Bar Flat Bench 2x25
Incline DB Extensions 2x25
Underhand Alternating Front Raises 2x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Flat Bench w/ 80lb of Chain 4x15
-5sec eccentric
-Wide grip
Accessories (RPE of 7-8) (Circuit)
Press Togethers 35lbs 2xfail 2-2 tempo
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 3xfail 3-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3
micro cycle 1
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 5-6)
Fat Grip DB Shrugs 2x25
Single Leg Hamstring Curl 2x25
Banded Good Morning 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Deficit Sumo RDL 4x15
-3” Deficit
-Last set 1ct pause on bottom every rep
Accessories (RPE of 7-8) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Fat Grip Cable Shrug 2xFail
Single Leg Tempo Hamstring Curls 2xfail 5-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Forearms 6x15 ea side
Compound Movement Overload
Day 4
micro cycle 1
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 2
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6)
Belt Squat 2x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 2x25
Wenning Plank 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Hatfield Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance
-3rd set 30sec on bottom after 15th rep
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x12
Seated Calf Raises 3sets of 21s
-7 reps bottom to parallel, 7 parallel to top, 7 full range of motion
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6) (All 3-3 Tempo)
Bamboo Bar Flat Bench 2x25
Incline DB Extensions 2x25
Underhand Alternating Front Raises 2x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Flat Bench w/ 80lb of Chain 4x15
-5sec eccentric
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit)
Press Togethers 35lbs 2xfail 2-2 tempo
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 3xfail 3-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3
micro cycle 2
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6)
Fat Grip DB Shrugs 2x25
Single Leg Hamstring Curl 2x25
Banded Good Morning 2x25
-orange band
Main Lift (RPE of 7)
Deficit Sumo RDL 4x15
-3” Deficit
-Last set 1ct pause on bottom every rep
Accessories (RPE of 8) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Fat Grip Cable Shrug 2xFail
Single Leg Tempo Hamstring Curls 2xfail 5-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Forearms 6x15 ea side
Compound Movement Overload
Day 4
micro cycle 2
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 3
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Belt Squat 3x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 3x25
Wenning Plank 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Hatfield Squat 4x15
-Normal Stance
-4th set 30sec on bottom after 15th rep
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x15
Seated Calf Raises 3sets of 21s
6 Hours Post
Biceps 8x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)(All 3-3 Tempo)
Bamboo Bar Flat Bench 3x25
Incline DB Extensions 3x25
Underhand Alternating Front Raises 3x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Flat Bench w/ 80lb of Chain 5x15
-3 sec eccentric
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Press Togethers 45lbs 3xfail 2-1-2 tempo
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 3xfail 3-1-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 8x20
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3
micro cycle 3
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Fat Grip DB Shrugs 3x25
Single Leg Hamstring Curl 3x25
Banded Good Morning 3x25
-orange and red band
Main Lift (RPE of 7-8)
Deficit Sumo RDL 5x15
-3” Deficit
-Increase weight 10%
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Fat Grip Cable Shrug 3xFail
Single Leg Tempo Hamstring Curls 3xfail 5-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Forearms 8x15 ea side
Compound Movement Overload
Day 4
micro cycle 3
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 4
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Belt Squat 3x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 3x25
Wenning Plank 3x25
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Hatfield Squat 5x15
-Normal Stance
-Set 4 is buildup set (3ish reps)
-Set 5 15+reps, RPE 9
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x12-15
Seated Calf Raises 3sets of 21s
-7 reps bottom to parallel, 7 parallel to top, 7 full range of motion
-increase weight
6 Hours Post
Biceps 8x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 4
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Bamboo Bar Flat Bench 3x25
Incline DB Fold-ins 3x25
Underhand Alternating Front Raises 3x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 8)
Flat Bench w/ 80lb of Chain 5x15
-3sec eccentric
-Set 4 and 5 no tempo
-Set 5 is a burnout set
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Press Togethers 55lbs 2xfail 2-1-2 tempo
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 3xfail 3-1-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x20
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3-4 micro cycle 4
Compound Movement Overload
Day 5
micro cycle 4
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 5 (Deload)
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Belt Squat 4x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 4x25
Wenning Plank 4x25
-increase band tension
Main Lift (RPE less than 6)
Hatfield Squat 4x12 (safety bar on back- holding a bar attached to the
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x12-15
-2-2 tempo
Seated Calf Raises 3sets of 21s
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 5(Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Bamboo Bar Flat Bench 4x25
Incline DB Extensions 4x25
Underhand Front Raises 4x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 6-7)
Flat Bench w/ 80lb of Chain 4x12
-last set is a burnout
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Press Togethers 65lbs 3xfail 2-2 tempo
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 190lbs 3xfail 3-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3
micro cycle 5(Deload)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 7)
Fat Grip DB Shrugs 4x25
Hamstring Curl 4x25
Banded Good Morning 4x25
-orange and two red bands
Main Lift (RPE of 5-6)
Deficit Sumo RDL 4x12
-3” Deficit
Accessories (RPE of 8-9) (Circuit,2 min rest)
Fat Grip Cable Shrug 2xFail
Single Leg Tempo Hamstring Curls 2xfail
-5-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Forearms 6x15 ea side
Compound Movement Overload
Day 4
micro cycle 5(Deload)
Compound Movement Overload
Day 1 micro cycle 6 (Peak)
(Quads – Calves – Abs)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Belt Squat 1x25 each side
Seated Single Leg Calf Raise 1x25
Wenning Plank 1x25
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Hatfield Squat 6-8sets x6
Notice the rep range has dropped down into more of a power range, this
is crucial for maximal myofibril density
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)(Optional)
Due to the intensity of the main lift the accessory work for this workout
is not required.
Ab Crunch Machine 2x12-15
-2-2 tempo
Seated Calf Raises 2sets of 21s
6 Hours Post
Biceps 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 2 micro cycle 6 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
DB Bench 2x25
Lat Pulldown 2x25
Tricep Pushdowns w/ rope 2x25 ea side
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Flat Bench 6set x 6reps (try your best to hit 6 reps with NOTHING left in
the tank)
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Tricep Pushdowns w/ Rope 3xfail
-Explosive concentric
-5ct eccentric
6 Hours Post
Rear Delts 6x15
Compound Movement Overload
Day 3
micro cycle 5 (Peak)
Warm Up (Circuit) (RPE of 6-7)
Fat Grip DB Shrugs 2x25
Single Leg Hamstring Curl 2x25
Banded Good Morning 2x25
Main Lift (RPE of 10)
Deficit Sumo RDL 5-6sets x 6reps
-3” Deficit
(this will be very demanding so try not to yank on the bar off the floor on
this deficit, this exercise can be very dangerous)
Accessories (RPE of 8-9)
Fat Grip Cable Shrug 2xFail
Single Leg Tempo Hamstring Curls 2xfail
-5-1 tempo
6 Hours Post
Forearms 6x15 ea side
THE END!!!!!!!!!
This training cycle was very taxing on all the
athletes involved, but the muscle gain for the
more advanced lifter was between 6-10lb of
lean mass in 12 weeks, while the beginner was
around 3-5lb of lean mass on average.
This was a substantial change in both mass and
body composition for all parties involved.
Matt Wenning 40 years old
Lean mass 231lb Start
End 240lb lean mass
Matt Harvey 33 years old
Lean mass 180lb Start
End 186lb lean mass
Ted Cox 28 years old
Lean mass 165lb Start
End 171lb lean mass
(measured by bio signature by the same person)
Confusing Exercises
Manual Dorsi Flexion
Partner presses down on the top of feet with about 3-7lbs of pressure, control the descent of
your foot. Once on the bottom position the motion is reversed with partner apply pressure in
the opposite direction. There should be constant pressure applied to the foot through the
entirety of the movement.
Donkey Calf Raise
Arnold Press
Banded Good Morning
Single Leg Split Squats
Raised Heel
Single Leg Reverse Hyper
Banded Single Leg Reverse Hyper
Reverse Incline Shrug
Alternating Toe Touch Crunch
Lateral Lunge
Straight shank and opposite leg fully extended
Behind The Head Tricep Extension
Grenade cross body Chin Extension
Wenning Plank
Slight crunch from the top position, as if you are trying to tuck your ribcage into your hips
Alternating Chaotic KB(Plates) Press
Hatfield Squat
Hands on bar are meant to help balance, not support your
weight. Avoid pulling on bar, or leaning forward as you stand up
21’s Calf Raises
21 total repetitions: 7 bottom to middle, 7 middle to top, 7
bottom to top
Press Togethers
Hamstring Stretch
Quad Stretch
Chest Stretch
Lat Pulldown Stretch
It Is important to let your lats be pulled up by the machine or cable, partially contract
them and hold tension. It should feel uncomfortable.
Alternate Exercises
Some of the exercises shown in the
manual may take custom or specialized
equipment. We have done our best to
provide alternatives for people with
limited machines and modalities.
Here is a list of some exercises that can
be used in place of the specialized
ones, keep in mind that optimal
equipment may be needed for future
progress, lifting at a gym with the right
apparatuses is crucial.
Wave 1
Primary Exercise
Banded Good
Belt Squat
Wave 2
Donkey Calf
Chatoic KB Press
Single Leg
Reverse Hyper
Wave 3
Split Squat (With
Good Morning
45deg Back Ext
Stiff Leg DB Toe Touch
Leg Press
Goblet Squat
Dip Belt w/ Weight
instead of Belt Squat
Any Calf Machine
Safety Bar/Barbell Calf
Suspend normal plate
weights with band
Single Leg Banded Reverse
Alternating Single Leg DB
Toe Touch
Bulgarian Split Squat
45deg Back Ext
Banded Good Morning
Seated Barbell Good
Good Morning
Machine Stretch
Roman Chair with weight
45deg Back Ext with
For equipment needs and other manuals look on
our website
For further questions join Wenning strength Patreon
Make sure to follow our Youtube page