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Flight Crew Incapacitation Procedure

Flight Crew Incapacitation Procedure
If a flight crewmember becomes incapacitated
The remaining flight crewmember will as soon as practicable call for help from cabin
The simplest and most effective way to summon help is via the PA system:
The nearest cabin crewmember, must immediately proceed to the cockpit.
The cabin crew member must carry out the following actions:
TIGHTEN AND MANUALLY LOCK flight crew shooulder harness.
Note: Ensure that the incapacitated flight crew member does not interfere with the controls of the AC.
PUSH flight crew seat FULLY AFT.
RECLINE flight crew seat back.
If the incapacitated flight crewmember is unconscious or has difficulty breathing
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS from the pilot flying.
It takes two people to move an unconscious body from a flight crew seat, in order to prevent damage or
interference to the cockpit controls.
If it is not possible to move the incapacitated flight crewmember
A Cabin Crew Member to REMAIN in the cockpit.
One cabin crewmember shall remain in the cockpit to take care of, and observe the
incapacitated flight crewmember.
REQUEST Medical Assistance.
Make a PA announcement to request assistance from any medically qualified passenger
REQUEST Assistance From A Company Qualified Pilot
Request the assistance of a type qualified company pilot onboard to replace the incapacitated
flight crewmember.