AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/1, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 20 October 1989 and published on 2 April 1990. The following interests are represented on Committee ME/1: Aluminium Development Council Australian Compressed Air Institute Australian Institute for Non-destructive Testing Australian Institute of Energy Australian Institute of Petroleum Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association Australian Valve Manufacturers Association Boiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association of Australia Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Confederation of Australian Industry Department of Defence Department of Industrial Affairs, Qld Department of Labour, S.A. Department of Labour, Vic. Department of Labour and Industry, Tas. Department of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare, W.A. Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories Electricity Supply Association of Australia Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia Institution of Engineers Australia Insurance Council of Australia Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia National Association of Testing Authorities Australia Railways of Australia Committee Society of Mechanical Engineers of Australasia Sugar Research Institute Welding Technology Institute of Australia Work Health Authority, N.T. Workcover, N.S.W. Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest editi on, and any amendments thereto. Full detail s of all Australi an Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australi a Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australian Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publi cati ons, new editi ons and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. Suggesti ons for improvements to Australi an Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australi a, are welcomed. Noti fi cati on of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 88113. AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) First publi shed as AS CB1 Int.6—1969. Revised and redesignated AS 1210 Supplement 1—1979. Second editi on 1984. Thir d editi on 1990. Incorporating: Amdt 1—1995 Amdt 2—1997 PUBLISHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA) 1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140 ISBN 0 7262 6003 7 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 2 PREFACE This edition of this Supplement was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels to supersede Supplement No 1 (June 1984) to AS 1210, SAA Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Class 1H Pressure Vessels of Advanced Design and Construction. It forms part of the SAA Boiler Code (AS 1200) which is referred to in Statutory Regulations in Australia, and which covers requirements for land installations of shell boilers, water-tube boilers, unfired pressure vessels, pressure piping, welder certification, and related matters. The Supplement provides for additional classes of vessels which require more precise design procedures to ensure that the higher design stresses can be tolerated for the particular design and that fatigue will be avoided. Revisions and additions have been made throughout the Supplement. A major revision in this edition is the introduction of a new classification of welded vessel (Class 2H) which permits the use of the higher design strengths applicable to Class 1H vessels with reduced levels of non-destructive examination but with the restrictions on the range and the thickness of materials used and the fatigue criteria under which the Class 2H vessels may be used. The introduction of requirements for Class 2H vessels was delayed until a full review of the material requirements in AS 1210, SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code, for low temperature service had been carried out. An alternative method for assessing the need for a detailed fatigue analysis of the vessel and its components has been introduced. Other revisions in this edition include a change of the membrane stress intensity limits for the test condition, clarification of the design strengths to be used in the design of flanges, changes in the requirements for clad plate and for low temperature service and clarification of coverage of cast and forged vessels. The Supplement deals only with stationary vessels for a specific service where operation and maintenance control is fully exercised during the useful life of the vessel by the users in accordance with specified operating requirements for the vessel. This Supplement lists only those requirements which differ from or are additional to those for Class 1 vessels in AS 1210. Together with AS 1210 it will directly satisfy the needs of most vessels. For complicated vessels or for vessels that are subject to unusual loads or fatigue, a comprehensive stress/load analysis is required. This Supplement requires that all vessels be reviewed to ensure that unusual and excessive loads and fatigue cycling are maintained within safe limits. It prescribes detailed fatigue analysis where and when necessary. For vessels that are cleared from such a detailed investigation, the same design formulas as given in AS 1210 are used, except where otherwise specified. Where fatigue, vessel configuration or loading is such that detailed stress analysis is required, the degree of such analysis can be determined only by a competent designer. The designer will need to refer to recognized engineering texts and techniques. Some authoritative national standards such as ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII — Rules for construction of pressure vessels: Division 2 — Alternative rules, and BS 5500, Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels, provide tested shortcuts to many solutions encountered in advanced vessel design. These may be used, where appropriate by the designer as substitutes for fundamental stress analysis. Acknowledgement is gratefully made to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for permission to reproduce certain extracts from the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In addition, acknowledgement is made of the considerable assistance provided by British and other national Standards. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee ISO/TC 11 — Boilers and Pressure Vessels, has prepared a draft International Standard, ISO/DIS 2694, ISO draft recommendation for pressure Vessels, with the object of achieving agreement regarding uniformity of approach in national standards covering this subject. At this time, significant differences between the various national standards and ISO/DIS 2694 remain and these differences are still to be resolved. With the changes introduced by Amendment No. 2, this 1990 edition of AS 1210 Supplement 1 is suitable for use with the 1997 edition of AS 1210, Pressure vessels. 3 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 CONTENTS Page 5 FOREWORD SECTION S1. SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS S1.1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1.3 APPLICATION OF SUPPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1.6 CLASSES OF VESSEL CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . S1.7 APPLICATION OF VESSEL CLASSES AND TYPES . . S1.8 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1.12 DESIGNATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1.13 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ..... ..... ... .. . .. .. .. .. . ..... . .. ... ... ... .. . . .. ... SECTION S2. MATERIALS S2.1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S2.3 ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL AND COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS . . S2.4 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S2.6 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LOW TEMPERATURE SERVICE . S2.7 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE S2.8 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. ... . .. ... . .. ... .. . .... .. ... .. . ...... ...... ...... . . . . . . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 SECTION S3. DESIGN S3.1 GENERAL DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.2 DESIGN CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.3 DESIGN STRENGTHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.5 WELDED, RIVETED AND BRAZED JOINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.7 THIN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE AND COMBINED LOADINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.8 THICK-WALLED CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.9 CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.10 CONICAL ENDS AND REDUCERS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . S3.11 CONICAL ENDS AND REDUCERS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . S3.12 DISHED ENDS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.13 DISHED ENDS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.14 DISHED ENDS — BOLTED SPHERICAL TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.15 UNSTAYED FLAT ENDS AND COVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.16 STAYED FLAT ENDS AND SURFACES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.17 FLAT TUBEPLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.18 OPENINGS AND REINFORCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.19 CONNECTIONS AND BRANCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.21 BOLTED FLANGED CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.22 PIPES AND TUBES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.23 JACKETED CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.24 VESSEL SUPPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.25 ATTACHED STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.26 TRANSPORTABLE VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 SECTION S4. CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 9 15 15 17 17 17 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 4 Page SECTION S5. TESTING AND QUALIFICATIONS S5.10 HYDROSTATIC TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5.11 PNEUMATIC TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5.12 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . S5.13 LEAK TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5.19 NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION OF FORGINGS ... ... ... . .. ... .. .... .... .. ...... . ... .. ...... . . . . . .... ... . .... .... .... . . . . . 20 21 21 22 22 SECTION S6. WINSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SECTION S7. MARKING AND REPORTS S7.1 MARKING REQUIRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SECTION S8. PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND OTHER FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SECTION S9. PROVISIONS FOR DESPATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 APPENDICES SA BASIS OF DESIGN STRENGTH (f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SB POROSITY CHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SC PRACTICE TO AVOID FATIGUE CRACKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SD RECOMMENDED CORROSION PREVENTION PRACTICE . . . . . . . . . . SE INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER TO THE MANUFACTURER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SF INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER . . . . . . . SH DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LOADINGS AND COMPONENTS NOT COVERED BY SECTION 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SK LOW TEMPERATURE VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SR LIST OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . 25 27 27 34 ..... ..... 34 34 . ... . .. .. . ..... 35 42 42 Copyright STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Users of Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all Standards Australia publications and software. Except where the Copyright Act allows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by Standards Australia may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from Standards Australia. Permission may be conditional on an appropriate royalty payment. Requests for permission and information on commercial software royalties should be directed to the head office of Standards Australia. Standards Australia will permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively inhouse by purchasers of the Standard without payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Australia. Standards Australia will also permit the inclusion of its copyright material in computer software programs for no royalty payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs. Care should be taken to ensure that material used is from the current edition of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised. The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identified. The use of material in print form or in computer software programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. This policy may be varied by Standards Australia at any time. 5 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 FOREWORD The application of the several Standards that form the SAA Boiler Code may give rise to a need for consideration of unusual and other designs which do not comply in all respects with the requirements of the relevant Standard or which are not adequately covered in any Standard. Where it is desired to use materials or methods which do not comply with the requirements of, or are not adequately covered by the relevant Standard, designs incorporating such departures should be submitted to the relevant Inspecting Authority for approval. Where necessary, Standards Australia Committee ME/1, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels, may be asked to serve in an advisory capacity in the determination of the suitability of such designs. (See also Clause 1.4.) It is emphasized that this activity of the committee is limited to technical aspects of the Code and that the committee has no power or jurisdiction to adjudicate upon contractual matters or regulatory matters or the duties of any persons concerned with the subject of the submission. It is further emphasized that the committee will undertake consideration of only those matters which relate to interpretation of, or proposed changes to, the Standards for which it is responsible. In particular it will not consider or make recommendations indicating approval of proprietary equipment, materials, components, or methods. A method developed by the committee for communicating its findings is the use of Rulings. A Ruling is issued in reply to a specific enquiry from a specific organization and applies only to the set of circumstances referenced in the Ruling. Rulings may be used by the authorities as the basis for approval of the particular application or for approval of similar submissions from other organizations. Current Rulings are available under the reference AS 1200 Supplement 1. Where the committee judges the subject to be suitable, a Ruling may be incorporated in an amendment to the relevant Standard, whereupon the Ruling is withdrawn. If the timing is appropriate, the finding of the committee may be issued directly as an amendment. NOTES: 1. In the past some Rulings have been designated ‘Commit tee Opinions’, but this term is no longer used. 2. In the past, the commit tee has also issued ‘I nterpretations’ which were considered to be equivalent to an amendment. The practice has been disconti nued, and all Interpretations have now been withdrawn. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 6 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) SECTION S1. SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS S1.1 SCOPE. Clause 1.1 applies with the following additions: Supplement 1 (hereafter referred to as ‘the Supplement’ or ‘this Supplement’) specifies requirements for two additional classes of vessel identified as Class 1H and Class 2H with the latter further subdivided into classifications 2HA and 2HB, and for cast and forged vessels, which — (a) utilize advanced design and construction methods; (b) generally permit design strengths higher than those specified in AS 1210; and (c) comply with the requirements specified in AS 1210 for cast, forged or Class 1 welded vessels as appropriate, except as modified by this Supplement. This Supplement does not apply to transportable vessels nor does it apply to vessels of riveted or brazed construction. Only those requirements which supplement or differ from those specified in AS 1210 for cast, forged or Class 1 welded construction are specified in this Supplement. S1.3 APPLICATION OF SUPPLEMENT. Clause 1.3 applies except that the first paragraph shall be replaced by the following: The requirements of this Supplement are specifically intended for application to unfired pressure vessels having — (a) design pressures above the curves in Figures 1.3.1 and 1.3.2; and (b) operating temperature limits of various materials and components as stated in the appropriate Section of this Supplement. NOTE: The Supplement does not specify a limitation on pressures and is not all-inclusive for all types of construction. For very high pressures, some additions to or deviations from the requirements of this Supplement, to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority and purchaser, may be necessary. S1.6 CLASSES OF VESSEL CONSTRUCTION. Clause 1.6 applies with the following addition: This Supplement specifies the requirements for two additional classes of vessels, viz Class 1H and Class 2H, and the latter is subdivided into classifications 2HA and 2HB. The range of materials permitted for Class 2H construction (see Clause S2.1.1) is limited but the extent of non-destructive examination may be reduced from that required for Class 1H construction (see Clause S5.3.4.1) provided that criteria for design against fatigue failure, as appropriate for Class 2HA and Class 2HB respectively, are fulfilled (see Clause S3.1.5.4). S1.7 APPLICATION OF VESSEL CLASSES AND TYPES. Clause 1.7 applies with the following modification: S1.7.2.4 Mixed classes of construction. Clause does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: See Clause S3.1.5.4 for the permissible mixing of components of Class 1H, Class 2HA, and Class 2HB construction. S1.8 DEFINITIONS. Clause 1.8 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses. S1.8.10 Design strength. Clause 1.8.10 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Design strength (f) — the maximum allowable stress value for use in the equations for the calculation of pressure parts, and the basis for determining stress intensity limits (see Clause S3.3). S1.8.24 Parties concerned. Clause 1.8.24 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Parties concerned — the purchaser, the manufacturer, Inspecting Authority, and the designer (see Clause S3.1.2). S1.12 DESIGNATION. Clause 1.12 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: S1.12 DESIGNATION. Unfired pressure vessels constructed to this Supplement shall be designated by the number of the Standard to which it is a supplement, i.e. AS 1210, and the method or class of construction: For Class 1H welded construction . . AS 1210 — 1H For Class 2HA welded construction AS 1210 — 2HA For Class 2HB welded construction AS 1210 — 2HB For cast construction . . . . . . . . . . AS 1210 — CH For forged construction . . . . . . . . . AS 1210 — FH For mixed construction — an appropriate combination of symbols, e.g. . . . . . . . . . . AS 1210 — 1H/2HA S1.13 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. Clause 1.13 applies and this Supplement makes reference to the following documents: AS 1065 Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing of carbon and low alloy steel forgings 1200 SAA Boiler Code 1200 Supplement 1 — Rulings to the SAA Boiler Code COPYRIGHT 7 1210 1391 1548 1710 ISO R 783 SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code Methods for tensile testing of metals Steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels Non-destructive testing of carbon and low alloy steel plate — Test methods and quality classification Mechanical testing of steel at elevated temperatures — Determination of lower yield stress and proof stress and proving test 6892 Metallic materials — Tensile testing DIS 2694 Draft recommendations for pressure vessels AS 1210 Supp1—1990 ANSI/ASME BPV/VIII-2 ASTM A 578 BS 3688 5500 COPYRIGHT Boiler and pressure vessel code: Section VIII — Rules for construction of pressure vessels: Division 2 — Alternative rules Specification for straight-beam ultrasonic examination of plain and clad steel plates for special applications Methods for mechanical testing of metals at elevated temperatures Part 1: Tensile testing Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels AS 1210 Supp1—1990 8 SECTION S2. MATERIALS Section 2 of AS 1210 shall apply, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses. S2.1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. Clause 2.1 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S2.1.1 General. Clause 2.1.1 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Any material used in the construction of Class 1H vessels shall comply with the specification listed in Tables 3.3.1(A), 3.3.1(B) and 3.3.1(D) to 3.3.1(H), and shall have the design strengths allocated in Table S3.3.1 (i) or (ii). Any material used in construction of Class 2H vessels shall be a Group A or Group K steel (see Note) complying with a specification listed in Table 3.3.1(A) or Table 3.3.1(B), and shall have the design strength allocated in Table S3.3.1(i) or (ii). For Class 2H vessels, the nominal shell plate thickness shall not exceed 38 mm. NOTE: For steel groups, see Appendix P or Tables 3.3.1(A) and 3.3.1(B). S 2.3 AL T ERNAT IVE M ATE RIAL AND COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS.Clause 2.3applies with the following modification: S2.3.3 Use of structural or similar quality steels. Clause 2.3.3 does not apply and the following shall be substituted: Structural and similar quality steels shall be used only where requirements of Clause 2.3.4 are complied with. S2.4 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION. Clause 2.4 applies, with the following additions and modifications. S2.4.1 Unidentified material. The use of unidentified material is not permitted. Not permitted. S2.4.2 Material not fully identified. The use of material not fully identified is not permitted. S2.6 MATERIAL REQUIREMENT FOR LOW TEMPERATURE SERVICE. Clause 2.6 applies with the following additions: S2.6.2.6 Class 2H vessels. For Class 2H vessels, the required MDMT as determined from Table 2.6.3 shall be not less than 10°C below the MOT for vessel or vessel part. S2.6.3.2(e) Modification for liquefied gas. For Class 2H vessels which contain liquefied gas, the required MDMT at full design strength shall be not more than 10°C higher than the atmospheric boiling point of the contents. S2.7 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE. Clause 2.7 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S2.7.5 Steels. Clause 2.7.5 applies except that the first and second paragraphs shall be replaced by the following: Steels for use at temperatures of 100°C or above shall be supplied with elevated temperature properties verified or hot-tested, except as provided below: (a) Steels for which elevated temperature properties are specified in the relevant material specification but which have not been hot-tested or verified may be used. The design strength value shall be either as permitted by Table S3.3.1 or as determined by the factors in Table SA1.1 of Appendix SA. (b) Steels for which elevated temperature properties are not specified in the relevant material specification may be used. (See Table S3.3.1(ii) for the design strength for such steels listed in ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2 or BS 5500.) Where steel is to be used at a design temperature different from the standard test temperature in the particular material specification and is ordered hot-tested, the test shall be carried out at the nearest higher standard temperature given in the particular material specification. The material shall comply with the requirements of the material specification at the test temperature. S2.8 NON-DEST RUCT IVE TEST ING OF MATERIALS. Clause 2.8 applies with the following addition: All plates 100 mm and over in thickness shall be ultrasonically examined in accordance with AS 1710 or other approved method, and shall comply with the requirements for Class 2E quality level of AS 1710. For clad plate, where credit for the thickness of cladding on plate is permitted (see also Clause, the bond between the cladding and the baseplate shall be ultrasonically examined. All forgings 100 mm and over in thickness shall be ultrasonically examined in accordance with, and shall comply with the requirements of Clause S5.19. COPYRIGHT 9 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 SECTION S3. DESIGN Section 3 of AS 1210 shall apply, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S3.1 GENERAL DESIGN. Clause 3.1 applies with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S3.1.2 Design responsibility. Clause 3.1.2 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: The design shall be carried out by a designer suitably qualified and experienced in the design of pressure vessels, who shall be responsible for the design of the vessel in accordance with this Section; and the design conditions shall either be specified by the purchaser (see Appendix SE) or be specified by the designer and approved by the purchaser. A high level of qualification and experience would normally be required of a designer or design organization capable of adequately discharging the full requirements of this Supplement. The designer may be associated with either the purchaser or the manufacturer, but, if not so associated, the designer shall be deemed to be one of the parties in the matters that require agreement of the parties concerned. S3.1.3 Alternative design methods. Clause 3.1.3 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Where an alternative design method is adopted, the general principles, design limits, fabrication, testing, and inspecting requirements of this Supplement shall be complied with. In lieu of the requirements contained in this Supplement pertaining to the evaluation of design stress in a vessel or vessel component, it may be permitted to use a rigorous mathematical stress analysis, e.g. finite element method, or experimental stress analysis to evaluate the actual design stress. However, where complete requirements for the design of a vessel or vessel region are not provided in this Section (S3), a complete stress analysis (see Clause S5.12) shall be performed. Stress values obtained from such an analysis shall be used in conjunction with this Supplement to determine the minimum thickness of the vessel or vessel region. Other design methods may be used (see Foreword) except that the minimum thickness, where only the pressure loading is being considered, shall be not less than that required by Clauses S3.7 to S3.13. S3.1.4 Design against failure. Clause 3.1.4 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: The overall design of the vessel shall ensure against any mode of failure. The requirements of this Section (S3) are intended for use to determine the minimum thickness and other dimensions which provide safety against the risk of — (a) gross plastic deformation; (b) incremental collapse; (c) collapse through buckling; (d) fatigue cracking; and (e) creep rupture. The requirements assume that the material has adequate ductility at the service temperature and at the design stresses considered, particularly in the regions of stress concentration. Requirements to provide protection against brittle fracture and the requirements to ensure safe performance at low temperature are given in this Section (S3) and in AS 1210 (see Clause 2.6 and Appendix K). The requirements of this Section (S3) also provide limited guidance on design against corrosion and apply only if the materials and welds are not subjected to stress corrosion in the presence of the product which the vessel is to contain. S3.1.5 Design criteria. S3.1.5.1 General. The minimum thickness of vessel parts subject only to fluid pressure shall be calculated from the equations given in Clauses S3.7 to S3.13. Where parts of the vessel are subject to loads in addition to that of fluid pressure, an equivalent stress intensity based on the maximum shear stress theory shall be calculated. For loads giving rise to primary membrane stresses, the equivalent stress intensity shall not exceed the design strength at the design temperature (see Clause S3.3) except as allowed for in Table S3.1.5. Where in addition to the primary membrane stress there are other stresses present, the equivalent stress intensity at any location shall not exceed the stress intensity limits given in Appendix SH (see Figure SH1). Clauses S3.7 and S3.13 may not ensure against fatigue failure. Thus reference shall be made to Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7 to determine when the above Clauses are applicable or when recourse to further fatigue or other analysis is required. Irrespective of whether credit is taken or is not taken for cladding in the computations for the dimensions of components for integrally clad vessels designed for operation at other than ambient temperature, calculation of the primary membrane stresses in both the base material and the cladding shall be performed and shall take into account any differential coefficients of expansion. The calculated stresses shall not exceed the relevant design strengths given in Table S3.3.1. S3.1.5.2 Maximum shear stress theory. The maximum shear stress at a point is defined as one-half of the algebraic difference between the largest and the smallest of the three principal stresses. Thus if the principal stresses are σ 1, σ2, and σ3 and if σ1 > σ2 > σ 3 (algebraically) the maximum shear stress is 0.5(σ 1 - σ3 ). The maximum shear stress theory of failure states that yielding in a component occurs when the maximum shear stress reaches a value equal to the maximum shear stress at the yield stress in a tensile test. In such a tensile test — σ1 = fy; σ2 = 0; and σ3 = 0 where fy = yield stress and therefore the maximum shear stress is 0.5f y, and yielding occurs when — 0.5(σ1 - σ3) = 0.5f y COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 10 By analogy this equation can be written as — (σ1 – σ3) = f ′ and the right-hand side is then called the equivalent intensity of combined stress or simply ‘stress intensity’. Thus the ‘stress intensity’ is defined as twice the maximum shear stress and is equal to the largest algebraic difference between any two of the three principal stresses and is directly comparable to yield stress values found from tensile tests. S3.1.5.3 Application of maximum shear stress theory. Considering a thin cylindrical shell subject only to internal pressure loading, the following membrane stresses apply: σ1 = hoop stress = σ2 = axial stress = σ3 = radial stress = -P at inner surface = 0 at outer surface where An element of a thin D = inside diameter of cylinder cylindrical shell P = internal pressure f = design strength t = wall thickness of cylinder The mean radial stress for thin shells can therefore be taken as — (σrad) mean = σmean = = -0.5P From the above equations it then follows that the stress intensity is governed only by σ1 and σ3 and becomes — f ′ = σ1 – σ3 = – (−0.5P) = + 0.5P which must not exceed the design strength f Thus t = which is Equation 3.7.3(1) with joint efficiency equal to 1. If in addition to internal pressure the vessel part is subject to other loads, the absolute and the relative values of σ1 , σ2, and σ3 will vary and could lead to a wall thickness larger than that given by, say, Equation 3.7.3(1). Thus, if a slender cylinder is subject to bending, σ2 could become larger than σ1 and the calculated stress intensity would become equal to σ2 – σ3. S3.1.5.4 Designing against fatigue failure — General. During the operation of pressure vessels, important parts may be subjected to cyclic or repeated stresses. Such stresses may be caused by — (a) applications or fluctuations of pressure; (b) periodic temperature transients; (c) restrictions of expansion or contraction during normal temperature variations; (d) forced vibrations; or (e) variations in external loads. Fatigue cracking will occur during the operational life if the fatigue strength of the material used in any part of the pressure vessel is exceeded for the particular number of repeated stress cycles. To prevent fatigue cracking, the level of cyclic stress or the expected number of cycles or both shall be reduced accordingly. TABLE S3.1.5 MEMBRANE STRESS INTENSITY LIMITS FOR VARIOUS LOAD COMBINATIONS Condition Design Membrane stress intensity limit (kf) Load combination Calculated stress limit basis A The design pressure, the dead load of the vessel, the contents of the vessel, the imposed load of any mechanical equipment, and external attachment loads 1.0f (see Note 1) Based on the corroded thickness at design metal temperature B Condition A above plus wind forces 1.2f Based on the corroded thickness at design metal temperature C Condition A above plus earthquake forces NOTE: The condition of structural instability or buckling must be considered 1.2f Based on the corroded thickness at design metal temperature Operation A The actual operating loading conditions. This is the basis of fatigue life evaluation See Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7 Based on corroded thickness at operating pressure and operating metal temperature Test A The required test pressure, the dead load of the vessel, the contents of the vessel, the imposed load of any mechanical equipment, and external attachment loads See Clause S5.10.2.1 for hydrostatic test, and Clause S5.11.4 for pneumatic test Based on actual design values at test temperature NOTES: 1. f is the design strength at the design temperature as determined by Clause S3.3.1. 2. k is a load factor. COPYRIGHT 11 The alternative but technically equivalent methods for determining the need for a detailed fatigue analysis of Class 1H, Class 2HA, and Class 2HB vessels are given in Clauses S3.1.5.5 to S3.1.5.7 inclusive. In the first method, Clauses S3.1.5.5 and S3.1.5.6 specify requirements for integral parts of vessels and non-integral parts of vessels respectively, while the second method given in Clause S3.1.5.7 covers both integral and non-integral parts of the vessel. In designing against fatigue, the designer shall pay particular attention to the possibledeleterious effects of the design features listed below. Unless their fatigue behaviour is satisfactorily assessed, their use shall be avoided. Design features to be assessed or avoided include — (i) non-integral constructions, such as the use of pad type reinforcements or of fillet welded attachments, as opposed to integral construction; (ii) pipe threaded connections, particularly for pipe outside diameters in excess of 65 mm; (iii) stud bolted attachments; (iv) partial penetration welds; and (v) major thickness changes between adjacent members. Where corrosion is likely to be present in the area of fatigue, consideration should be given to the use of lower stress levels and to the extrapolation of the fatigue curves beyond 106 cycles if necessary. Procedures for determining compliance with the fatigue requirements of this Supplement for Class 1H, Class 2HA and Class 2HB vessels and vessel components shall be as specified in (A), (B) and (C) respectively of this Clause (S3.1.5.4). (A) For Class 1H vessels or vessel components — provided that the requirements of Clauses S3.1.5.5 and S3.1.5.6, or of Clause S3.1.5.7 are fulfilled, it may be assumed that the requirements of this Supplement are complied with. If those requirements are not complied with by any component, peak stresses occurring in that component shall be calculated and a fatigue analysis of that component shall be carried out. The method of fatigue analysis shall be in accordance with Appendix SC or other approved methods. In particular cases, other methods of analysis may be equally applicable, and the use of such methods together with safety factors equivalent to those used in Appendix SC shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this Supplement. AS 1210 Supp1—1990 NOTE: For Class 2HA vessels, it is permissible to upgrade a component or components to Class 1H requirements to satisfy local fatigue requirements. (C) For Class 2HB vessels and vessel components — all components both integral and non-integral shall comply with the requirements specified in Clause S3.1.5.6, or as specified for non-integral parts in Clause S3.1.5.7, for parts that do not require a detailed fatigue analysis. NOTE: For Class 2HB vessels, it is not permissible to upgrade a componentor componentsto Class 2HA or Class 1H requirements to satisfy local fatigue requirements. Rules to determine need for a detailed fatigue analysis of integral parts of Class 1H vessels. A detailed fatigue analysis need not be made, provided that all of Condition A below or all of Condition B below is satisfied; a detailed fatigue analysis shall be made for those parts which do not satisfy the conditions. The following requirements are applicable to all integral parts of the vessels, including integrally reinforced type nozzles. For vessels having pad type nozzles or non-integral attachments, the requirements of Clause S3.1.5.6 apply. (a) Condition A. Condition A is applicable to both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. For Condition A, a detailed fatigue analysis is not mandatory where the material has a specified minimum tensile strength not exceeding 560 MPa for parts other than bolts (see Paragraph SC3 of Appendix SC for bolts), and where the total of the expected number of cycles of types (i) plus (ii) plus (iii) plus (iv), defined below, does not exceed 1000: (i) The expected (design) number of full-range pressure cycles including start-up and shutdown. (ii) The expected number of operating pressure cycles in which the range of pressure variation exceeds 20 percent of the design pressure. The number of cycles in which the pressure variation does not exceed 20 percent of the design pressure shall be limited as follows except in unusual configurations with high stress concentration factors: (A) Ferrous materials — no limit. (B) Non-ferrous materials — 106 cycles. NOTE: Apart from nickel-copper alloy, Appendix SC is not directly applicable to non-ferrous metals and alloys. For such materials a fundamental approach may be used (see Foreword). (B) For Class 2HA vessels and vessel components — provided that the requirements for Class 1H vessels on the need for a detailed fatigue analysis, i.e. Clauses S3.1.5.5 and S3.1.5.6 or Clause S3.1.5.7, are fulfilled, the requirements of this Supplement are complied with for Class 2HA vessels. If the above requirements are not complied with by any component of the Class 2HA vessel, that component may be upgraded to comply in full with requirements for Class 1H vessel components, including the requirements for non-destructive examination, and a detailed fatigue analysis, in accordance with the requirements in (A) for Class 1H vessel components, shall be carried out. * † NOTE: Pressure cycles caused by fluctuations in atmospheric conditions need to be considered. (iii) The effective number of changes in metal temperature* between any two adjacent points† in the pressure vessel, including nozzles. The effective number of such changes is determined by multiplying the number of changes in metal temperature of a certain magnitude by the factor given below, and by adding the resulting numbers. The factors are as follows: Metal temperature differential °C Factor ≤25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 >25 ≤55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 >55 ≤85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 >85 ≤140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 >140 ≤195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 >195 ≤250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 >250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Thermal protecti on devices, such as thermal sleeves in nozzles, may be used to reduce temperature dif ferences or thermal shock. Adjacent points are defi ned as points which are spaced less than the distance 2 (Rt) fr om each other, where R and t are the mean radius and thickness, respecti vely, of the vessel, nozzle, flange, or other component in which the points are located. (Expression 2 (Rt) does not apply to flat plates.) COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 12 at the two points, and E is the modulus of elasticity at the mean value of the temperatures at the two points. (iv) The range of temperature difference between any two adjacent points* of the vessel does not change during normal operation† by more than the quantity Sa/(2Eα), where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant temperature difference fluctuations. A temperature difference fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if its total algebraic range exceeds the quantity S/(2Eα), where S is the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design curve for 106 cycles. (v) For components fabricated from materials of differing moduli of elasticity or coefficient of thermal expansion or both, the total algebraic rangeof temperature fluctuation experienced by the vessel during normal operation does not exceed the magnitude — Sa/[2(E1α1 - E2α2)] where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant temperature fluctuations, E1 and E2 are the moduli of elasticity, and α1 and α 2 are the values of the instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion at the mean temperature value involved for the two materials of construction. A temperature fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if its total excursion exceeds the quantity — S/[2(E1α1 - E2α2)] where S is the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for 106 cycles. If the two materials used have different applicable design fatigue curves, the lower value of Sa shall be used in applying the rules of this paragraph. Example: Consider a design subject to the following metal temperature differentials and number of cycles: ∆t,°C Cycles 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The effective number of changes in metal temperature is — 1000(0) + 250(1) + 5(12) = 310 The number used as (iii) in performing the comparison with 1000 is then 310. Temperature cycles caused by fluctuations in atmospheric conditions need not be considered. (iv) The number of temperature cycleswhichcauses the value of (α 1 - α2)∆T to exceed 0.000 34 for components involving welds between materials having different coefficients of expansionwhere α1 and α 2 are the mean coefficients of thermal expansion and ∆T is the operating temperature range. NOTE: This does not apply to cladding (see Clause Cladding should be the subject of a detailed analysis of thermal stresses. (b) Condition B. Condition B is applicable only to those materials which are referred to in Appendix SC, i.e. apart from nickel-copper alloy, it is not applicable to non-ferrous materials. For Condition B, detailed fatigue analysis is not mandatory where all the following conditions are satisfied: (i) The expected (design) number of full-range pressure cycles, including start-up and shutdown, does not exceed the number of cycles in the applicable fatigue curve of Appendix SC corresponding to an Sa value of 3 times the f value found in Table S3.3.1 for the material at the operating temperature. (ii) The expected (design) range of pressure cycles during normal operation* does not exceed 33 percent of the design pressure multiplied by Sa/f, where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable fatigue curve of Appendix SC for the specified number of significant pressure fluctuations and f is the design strength for the operating temperature. If the specified number of significant pressure fluctuations exceeds 10 6, the Sa value at N = 106 may be used. NOTE: Significant pressure fluctuations are those for which the range exceeds the quantity of 33 percent of the design pressure multiplied by S/f, where S = the value of S a for 106 cycles. (iii) The temperature difference between any two adjacent points† of the vessel during normal operation* and during start-up and shutdown operation does not exceed S a/(2Eα), where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the specified number of start-up and shutdown cycles, α is the value of the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion at the mean value of the temperature * † NOTE: This Clause does not apply to cladding (see Clause Cladding should be the subject of a detailed analysis of thermal stresses. (vi) The specified full range of mechanical loads, excluding pressure but including piping reactions, does not result in load stress intensities whose range exceeds the S a value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant load fluctuations. If the total specifiednumberof significantload fluctuations exceeds 106, the Sa value at N = 106 may be used. A load fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if the total excursion of load stress intensity exceeds the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for 106 cycles. S3.1.5.6 Rules to determine need for fatigue analysis of nozzles with separate reinforcement and of non-integral attachments of Class 1H vessels. A fatigue analysis of pad type nozzles and non-integral attachments need not be made provided that all of Condition AP below or all of Condition BP below is satisfied. Normal operati on is defined as any set of operating conditi ons other than start -up and shutdown, which are specifi ed for the vessel to perf orm it s intended function. Adjacent points are defi ned as points which are spaced less than the distance 2 (Rt) fr om each other, where R and t are the mean radius and thickness, respecti vely, of the vessel, nozzle, fl ange, or other component in which the points are located. (Expression 2 (Rt) does not apply to flat plates.) COPYRIGHT 13 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 number of changes is determined by multiplying the number of changes in metal temperature of a certain magnitude by the factor given below, and by adding the resulting numbers. The factors are as follows: In the application of Condition AP or Condition BP, all fillet welds and partial penetration welds are non-integral attachments except for the following: (i) Welds connecting non-pressure parts not subject to significant cyclic loads or temperature variations and not closer to a gross structural discontinuity than — Metal temperature differential, °C ≤25 .......... >25 ≤55 .......... >55 ≤85 .......... >85 ≤140 . . . . . . . . . . >140 ≤195 . . . . . . . . . . >195 ≤250 . . . . . . . . . . where D = i nt erna l di am et er at t he discontinuity of the shell where the attachment is welded. If a large nozzle is considered to be a discontinuity, the diameter of the nozzle is used if the attachment is welded to the nozzle wall, or the diameter of the vessel if the attachment is welded to the vessel. If a knuckle in a dished end is considered to be a discontinuity, the diameter of the dish at the knuckle, which will usually be the same as the vessel diameter, is used. ts = thickness of the shell where the attachment is welded on (ii) Welds for attachment of support skirts or other supports involving similar attachment orientation, where the effective throat dimension of the attachment weld is not less than the thickness of the attachment. (a) Condition AP. Condition AP is applicable to both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. For Condition AP, detailed fatigue analysis of pad type nozzles and non-integral attachments is not mandatory where the material has a specified minimum tensile strength not exceeding 560 MPa for parts other than bolts (see Paragraph SC3 of Appendix SC for bolts), and where the total of the expected number of cycles of types (i) plus (ii) plus (iii) plus (iv), defined below, does not exceed 400. (i) The expected (design) number of full-range pressure cycles including start-up and shutdown. (ii) The expected number of operating pressure cycles in which the range of pressure variation exceeds 15 percent of the design pressure. The number of cycles in which the pressure variation does not exceed 15 percent of the design pressure shall be limited as follows except in unusual configurations with very high stress concentration factors: (1) Ferrous materials — no limit. (2) Non-ferrous materials — 106 cycles. NOTE: Pressure cycles caused by fluctuations in atmospheric conditions need not be considered. (iii) The effective number of changes in metal temperature between any two adjacent points in the pressure vessel, including nozzles. In the calculation of the temperature difference between adjacent points, conductive heat transfer shall be considered only through welded or integral cross-sections with no allowance for conductive heat transfer across unwelded contact surfaces. The effective Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 1 . 2 . 4 . 8 . 12 NOTES: 1. If metal temperature differential exceeds 250°C, detailed analysis is required. 2. Temperature cycles caused by fluctuations in atmospheric conditions need not be considered. Example: Consider a design subject to metal temperature differentials for the following number of times: ∆t,°C Cycles 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The effective number of changes in metal temperature is — 1000(0) + 250(1) + 5(12) = 310 The number used as (C) in performing the comparison with 400 is then 310. (iv) The number of temperature cycles which causes the value of (α 1 - α 2)∆T to exceed 0.000 34 for components involving welds between materials having different coefficients of expansion, where α 1 and α 2 are the mean coefficients of thermal expansion and ∆T is the operating temperature range. NOTE: This does not apply to cladding (see Clause Cladding should be the subject of a detailed analysis of thermal stresses. (b) Condition BP. Condition BP is applicable only to those materials which are referred to in Appendix SC, i.e. apart from nickel-copper alloy, it is not applicable to non-ferrous materials. For Condition BP, detailed fatigue analysis of pad type nozzles and non-integral attachments is not required where all the requirements of Clause S3.1.5.5(b) are satisfied by the following adjusted values: (i) Use a value of 4 instead of 3 in Condition B(i). (ii) Use a value of 25 percent instead of 33 percent in Condition B(ii). (iii) Use a value of 2.7 instead of 2 in the denominator of Condition B(iii), (iv), and (v). S3.1.5.7 Alternative method for the determination of need for fatigue analysis of parts of vessel. This Clause (S3.1.5.7) provides an alternative to the method in Clauses S3.1.5.5 and S3.1.5.6 for determining the need for a detailed fatigue analysis of parts of a vessel. A detailed fatigue analysis of vessels or vessel components need not be made, provided that each part of the vessel complies with a relevant path in Figure S3.1.5.7. NOTE: This method is technically equivalent to the method given in Clauses S3.1.5.5 and S3.1.5.6 but reference should also be made to these Clauses for additional information. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 14 FIGUR E S3.1.5.7 FLOW CH AR T FOR NEE D FOR DETAILED FATIGUE AN ALYS IS TAB LE S3.1.5.7 POINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 VA LUES OF Sa/ N FOR PLOTTING IN DES IGN FATIGUE CUR VE S IN APP EN DIX SC Sa ef ef∆ P/P eE α∆T/1.5 eE α∆T/1.5 e ∆ T(E 1α1 − E2α2)/1.5 ∆ S (mechanical other than above) N = number of cycles Full range pressure cycles including start up and shutdown Pressure cycles duri ng normal operations whose range > S 6 P/ef Start up and shutdown cycles Temperature diff erence vari ation ∆ T whose range > 1.5S 6/ eEα Temperature cycle whose range > 1.5 S 6 / e ( E 1α1 − E 2α2) Mechanical stresses (other than above) whoses stress intensity range < S 5 COPYRIGHT 15 The notation and calculation parameters used in this Clause are as follows: E = modulus of elasticity at mean temperature of a part, in megapascals E1, E2 = modulus of elasticity of two different materials welded together, in megapascals e = factor from Figure S3.1.5.7 Fi = temperature factors as follows Metal temperature Factor (F i) differential (∆Ti) ≤25 ............. 0 >25 ≤55 ............. 1 >55 ≤85 ............. 2 >85 ≤140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 >140 ≤195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 >195 ≤250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 >250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 f = material design strength, in megapascals N = number of cycles N(—) = number of cycles for a given condition = expected (design) number of full range ND pressure cycles including start-up and shutdown NF = ΣN iFi Ni = number of changes in metal temperature difference between two points no more than 2 (Rt) apart for integral parts of vessels OR = number of changes in metal temperature difference between any two adjacent points in the pressure vessel, including nozzles for non-integral parts NT = number of temperature cycles which causes (α 1 - α2 )∆T to exceed 0.000 34 for parts of dissimilar metals welded together P = design pressure, in megapascals ∆P = pressure variation amplitude, in megapascals R = mean radius of the vessel, nozzle, flange or other component in which the points are located, in millimetres = specified minimum tensile strength of material Rm at room temperature, in megapascals S6 = Sa for 10 6 cycles, in megapascals Sa = stress amplitude from fatigue curve, in megapascals ∆S = stress amplitude from causes other than thermal stress and pressure, in megapascals T1 ,T2 = temperature of parts of adjacent dissimilar metals welded together, in degrees Celsius ∆T = temperature difference between two points no more than 2 (Rt) apart for integral parts of vessels, in degrees Celsius OR = temperature difference between any two adjacent points in the pressure vessel, including nozzles for non-integral parts (see Note), in degrees Celsius t = thickness of the vessel, nozzle, flange or other component in which the points are located, in millimetres AS 1210 Supp1—1990 α α1 , α2 = instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion at the mean temperature of two points less than 2 (Rt) apart, in reciprocal kelvins = coefficient of thermal expansion of two different materials welded together, in reciprocal kelvins NOTE: Conductive heat transfer is considered only through welded or integral cross-sections with no allowance for conductive heat transfer across unwelded contact surfaces. S3.2 DESIGN CONDITIONS. Clause 3.2 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S3.2.2.3 Temperature fluctuations from normal conditions. Clause does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Where temperature fluctuations from normal conditions occur, the vessel shall be designed in accordance with Clause S3.1.5.4. S3.2.3 Loadings. Clause 3.2.3 applies except that the last paragraph shall be deleted and the following substituted: (n) Forces due to fluctuating pressure or temperature. Formal analysis of the effect of loading (h) to (n) is required only where it is not possible to demonstrate the adequacy of the design, e.g. by comparison with the behaviour of comparable vessels. The conditions under which a fatigue analysis that takes into account loadings (h) to (n) is not required are set out in Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7. S3.3 DESIGN STRENGTHS. Clause 3.3 applies with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: NOTE: Within Clause 3.3 and where appropriate, substitute ‘design strength (f)’ for ‘design tensile strength’, and ‘Table S3.3.1’ for ‘Table 3.3.1’. S3.3.1 Design strength (f). Clause 3.3.1 applies, except for the revised heading and with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S3.3.1.1 General. Clause does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: The design strength (f) values for materials other than bolting material, used in the construction of vessels to the requirements of this Supplement are given in Table S3.3.1. These values are based on the material properties (see Appendix SA) and — (a) are the maximum values to be used in the equations presented by this Section for determining the minimum thickness (or other dimensions) of vessel parts; and (b) form the basis for the various stress intensity limits which are specified in Table S3.1.5 and Appendix SH for loadings or components not covered by Section 3. NOTE: Some design strength values listed in Table S3.3.1 may depart from values obtained by direct application of Appendix SA. To these values a ligament efficiency (see Clause 3.6) and casting quality factor shall be applied where appropriate. The casting quality factor shall be 0.70 except that a higher factor of 0.90 may be used where this factor is justified by the additional testing required by Clause 5.9. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 16 For some vessels operating under special conditions and as required by the design, it may be desirable to adopt a reduced design strength to — (a) limit deflection in close-fitting assemblies; (b) allow for corrosion fatigue or stress corrosion conditions; (c) allow for an exceptionally long life; or (d) provide for other design conditions not intended to be covered by the stress criteria (see Clause S3.1.5). TABLE S3.3.1 DESIGN STRENGTH (f) VALUES. Table 3.3.1 shall apply except as specified in (a), (b), and (c) below or as noted otherwise in this Supplement. (a) AS 1548 carbon-manganese steel plate — design strength values shall be as listed in Table S3.3.1(i). (b) Other materials to Standards Australia specifications — for other steels and non-ferrous materials to Standards Australia specifications, design strength values are under consideration, but the design strength may be determined on the basis of Appendix SA or may be taken equal to the values of Table 3.3.1. (c) Materials to BSI and ASTM specifications — design strength values shall be as specified in Table S3.3.1(ii). S3.3.1.3 Bolting. Where bolt tensioning procedures are established and detailed stress analysis of the bolted joint is made, the alternative higher stress values as given in ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2 may be used. In the absence of the above procedure and analysis, bolt strengths as listed in Table 3.21.5 shall be used. TABLE S3.3.1(i) DESIGN STRENGTH CARBON-MANGANESE STEEL PLATE TO AS 1548 Material type C-Mn Standard No AS 1548 Grade (see Note) 5-490N,T Thickness Group No A2 >16 >40 >80 7-430R, N, T A1 >16 >40 >80 7-460R, N, T A1 >16 >40 >80 7-490R, N, T A2 >16 >40 >80 5-490NH, TH A2 >16 >40 >80 7-430RH, NH, TH A1 >16 >40 >80 7-460RH, NH, TH A1 >16 >40 >80 7-490RH, NH, TH A2 >16 >40 >80 mm ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 ≤ 16 ≤ 40 ≤ 80 ≤ 150 50 209 209 209 209 183 183 180 167 196 196 183 177 209 207 200 187 209 209 209 209 183 183 180 167 196 196 183 177 209 207 200 187 100 194 194 194 194 169 167 165 151 175 173 166 156 187 184 180 172 200 200 200 200 174 172 168 156 180 178 170 160 192 190 186 177 150 179 179 179 179 154 151 148 135 154 151 148 135 165 162 160 156 191 191 191 191 164 161 157 144 164 161 157 144 176 173 171 167 Design strength (f), MPa Temperature, °C 200 250 300 325 350 168 150 138 134 130 168 150 138 134 130 168 150 138 134 130 168 150 138 134 130 139 124 110 108 105 138 124 110 108 105 135 124 110 108 105 130 124 110 108 105 139 124 110 108 105 138 124 110 108 105 135 124 110 108 105 130 124 110 108 105 150 132 120 117 114 148 132 120 117 114 146 132 120 117 114 142 132 120 117 114 179 160 147 143 139 179 160 147 143 139 179 160 147 143 139 179 160 147 143 139 148 132 117 114 112 147 132 117 114 112 144 132 117 114 112 139 132 117 114 112 148 132 117 114 112 147 132 117 114 112 144 132 117 114 112 139 132 117 114 112 160 141 128 125 121 157 141 128 125 121 156 141 128 125 121 152 141 128 125 121 375 126 126 126 126 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 111 111 111 111 133 133 133 133 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 118 118 118 118 400 122 122 122 122 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 108 108 108 108 127 127 127 127 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 115 115 115 115 NOTE: For a designation AS 1548 steel plate, the following criteria are to apply: (a) A designation Type 5 plate shall not be used where the plate is to be in the non-normalized condition in the completed vessel. (b) For A designation Type 7 plate which is to be in the non-normalized condition in the completed vessel, the design tensile strength values listed for the otherwise equivalent R designation Type 7 plate may be used, provided that the test certificate for each plate is endorsed by the plate manufacturer to show that the plate complies with both A and R designation requirements. (c) For A designation plate which is to be in the normalized conditions in the completed vessel, the design tensile strength values listed for the otherwise equivalent N designation plate may be used. TABLE S3.3.1(ii) DESIGN STRENGTH — MATERIALS TO BS AND ASTM SPECIFICATIONS Material specification BS specifications — Material types and grades permitted in BS 5500 for Category 1 vessels ASTM specifications — Material types and grades specified in ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2 Design strength (f) Values equal to the ‘Design Strength Values’ specified in BS 5500 Values equal to the ‘Design Stress Intensity Values’ specified in ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2 COPYRIGHT 17 S3.5 WELDED, RIVETED AND BRAZED JOINTS. Clause 3.5 applies, with the following additions and modifications. S3.5.1 Welded joints. Clause 3.5.1 applies with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S3.5.1.7 Welded joint efficiency. Clause applies except that for welded main longitudinal and circumferential joints of Class 2HA and Class 2HB vessels complying with the requirements of this Supplement, a joint efficiency of 1.0 may be used. Only joints having an efficiency of 1.0 shall be used for welded main joints. S3.5.1.8 Butt-welding between plates of unequal thickness. Clause does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: If two plates are to be welded by a butt joint and differ in thickness by more than 25 percent of the thinner plate, or by more than 3 mm, the thicker plate shall be reduced as shown in Figure In all such cases, the edge of the thicker plate shall be trimmed to a smooth taper extending for a distance of at least four times the offset between the abutting surfaces so that the adjoining edges will be approximately the same thickness. The length of the required taper may include the width of the weld. The maximum thickness through the weld shall be as given in Table 3.1 of AS 4037—1992. For attachment of ends to shells of differing thickness, see Clause 3.12.6. S3.5.2 Riveted joints. Not permitted. S3.5.3 Brazed joins. Not permitted. S3.7 THIN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSU RE AND COMBINED LOADINGS. Clause 3.7 applies, with the following addition: For components of simple vessels not subject to additional external or internal loads and for which detailed fatigue analysis is not required by Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7, the minimum thickness of cylindrical and spherical shells shall be calculated from the following equations: For cylindrical shells — t = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.7(1) For spherical shells — t = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.7(2) Vessels or vessel components designed to resist additional loads or requiring detailed fatigue analysis shall be the subject of a detailed stress investigation. S3.8 THICK-WALLED CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.8 applies, with the following additions: For components of simple vessels not subject to additional external or internal loads and for which detailed fatigue analysis is not required by Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7, the minimum thickness shall be calculated from equations given in Clause S3.7, except that where P > 0.4f the following equations may be used: AS 1210 Supp1—1990 For cylindrical shells — P = f loge . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.8(1) For spherical shells — . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.8(2) P = 2f loge loge is the natural logarithm, i.e. to the base e. Vessels or vessel components designed to resist additional loads or requiring detailed fatigue analysis shall be the subject of a detailed stress investigation. S3.9 CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.9 applies in its entirety, including design strengths. S3.10 CONICAL ENDS AND REDUCERS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.10 applies, with the following additions: For simple vessels not subject to additional external or internal loads and for which detailed fatigue analysis is not required by Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7, the minimum thickness of conical ends and reducers subject to internal pressure shall be determined in accordance with Clause 3.10, but with values for design strength from Table S3.3.1. Vessels or vessel components designed to resist additional loads or requiring detailed fatigue analysis shall be the subject of a detailed stress investigation. S3.11 CONICAL ENDS AND REDUCERS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.11 applies in its entirety, including design strengths. S3.12 DISHED ENDS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.12 applies with the following addition and modifications: For simple vessels or vessel components not subject to loads additional to the loads due to internal pressure, not requiring detailed fatigue analysis by Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7 and of shapes covered in Clause S3.12.5, the minimum calculated thickness of dished ends shall be determined from Clause S3.12.5 in lieu of the requirements in Clause 3.12.5. For other vessels or vessel components, dished ends shall be the subject of a detailed stress analysis. NOTE: The design method given in Clause S3.12.5 and the methods for the design of ends in other relevant Standards which form part of the SAA Boiler Code are currently under review with the objective of having a consistent basis for the design of ends. In the meantime, designers should be aware that there are differences between these Standards. S3.12.5 Thickness of ends. (a) Torispherical ends. The minimum calculated thickness of torispherical ends shall be determined by Equation S3.12.5(1) or Equation S3.12.5(2) as follows: COPYRIGHT (i) For ≥ 0.002 and ≤ 0.08 — t = R × 10G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3.12.5(1) (ii) For t= > 0.08 — [e(P/f) - 1] . . . . . . . . S3.12.5(2) AS 1210 Supp1—1990 18 where G = A + B log 10(P/f) + C[log10(P/f)] A = −0.5480 − 1.9771(r/D) + 12.5655( r/D) 2 B = 0.6630 − 2.2471(r/D) + 15.6830( r/D) 2 2 S3.15 UNSTAYED FLAT ENDS AND COVERS. Clause 3.15 applies, with the following addition: −5 C = 6.1891 × 10 − 0.9731(r/D) + 4.3469(r/D) 2 f = design strength at the design temperature (see Table S3.3.1), in megapascals e = base of natural log ≈ 2.7183 The inside crown radius shall be not greater than the outside diameter (D o ) of the end. The inside knuckle radius shall be not less than 6 percent of the outside diameter (D o) or 3 times the end thickness. ends. The minimum thickness of 2:1 ellipsoidal ( calculated = 4) ends shall be determined as follows: (i) For 0.002 ≤ t = D × 10 ≤ 0.08 — H . . . . . . . . . . S3.12.5(3) (ii) For = −0.35237 + 0.90748 log10 Ends designed to resist additional loads or requiring detailed fatigue analysis shall be the subject of a detailed stress investigation. S3.16 STAYED FLAT ENDS AND SURFACES. Clause 3.16 applies, with the following addition: Stayed flat ends are frequently subject to internal force and deflection and therefore require a detailed analysis for assessment of the working stresses. For proven simple vessels that are not subject to large temperature differentials, stayed ends may be designed in accordance with Clause 3.16 with values for design strength from Table S3.3.1. S3.17 FLAT TUBEPLATES. Clause 3.17 applies, with the following exceptions: The design of flat tubeplates shall be in accordance with Clause 3.17, except that the design strength from Table S3.3.1 may be used in conjunction with AS 3857. When adopting the TEMA method, the design strength from Table 3.3.1 shall be used. Where H The thickness of unstayed flat ends shall be determined in accordance with Clause 3.15, but with values for design strength from Table S3.3.1. Where the ends are attached by welding, the welds shall be of the full penetration type. S3.15.5 Internally fitted doors. Clause 3.15.5 applies, except that design strength from Table S3.3.1 may be used. For other notation, see Clause 3.12.1. (b) Ellipsoidal Vessels or vessel components designed to resist additional loads or requiring detailed fatigue analysis shall be the subject of a detailed stress investigation. − S3.18 OPENINGS AND REINFORCEMENT. Clause 3.18 excluding Clause 3.18.6 applies with the following addition and modification. > 0.08 — Design strengths from Table S3.3.1 may be used. by Equation S3.12.5(2) (c) Hemispherical ends. The minimum calculated thickness for hemispherical ends shall comply with Clause S3.7 or S3.8 as appropriate. Departures from the above ‘reinforcement’ requirements are permitted if supported by theoretical or experimental investigation or where sufficient practical experience has demonstrated the adequacy of an alternative design. S3.13 DISHED ENDS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE. Clause 3.13 applies in its entirety, including design strengths. S3.18.6 Unreinforced openings. Clause 3.18.6 does not apply and the following shall be substituted: S3.14 DISHED ENDS — BOLTED SPHERICAL TYPE. Clause 3.14 applies, with the following addition: For simple vessels not subject to additional external or internal loads and for which detailed fatigue analysis is not required by Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7, the minimum thickness of dished ends of the bolted spherical type shall be determined in accordance with Clause 3.4, but with values for design strength from Table S3.3.1. Circular openings are not required to have reinforcement other than that inherent in the construction where all of the following conditions apply as applicable: (a) A single opening shall have a diameter d (see Clause 3.18.2) not exceeding 0.2 (Rm T1), or if there are two or more openings within any circle of diameter 2.5 (R mT1 ) then the sum of the diameters of such unreinforced openings shall not exceed 0.25 (R mT1 ), where R m is the mean radius of the shell or end at the location of the openings. COPYRIGHT 19 (b) No two unreinforced openings shall have their centres closer to each other, measured on the inside of the vessel wall, than 1.5 times the sum of their diameters. (c) No unreinforced opening shall have its centre closer than 2.5 (RmT1) to the edge of a locally stressed area in the shell or end; locally stressed area means any area in the shell or end where the primary local membrane stress exceeds 1.1f, but excluding those areas where such primary local membrane stress is due to an unreinforced opening. S3.19 CONNECTIONS AND BRANCHES. Clause 3.19 applies with the following addition: Design strengths from Table S3.3.1 may be used. Welded branches shall be attached by full penetration welds unless it can be shown by theory, experiment or records of past experience, that alternative types of connections are satisfactory. S3.21 BOLTED FLANGED CONNECTIONS. Clause 3.21 applies with the following addition: Design strengths for flange bolting shall comply with Clause S3.3.1.3. For components of bolted flanged connections other than bolting and gaskets, design strengths as listed in Table 3.3.1 shall be used unless a detailed stress analysis of the bolted joint is made and this analysis verifies the acceptability of higher design strengths. S3.22 PIPES AND TUBES. Clause 3.22 applies, with the following addition: Where appropriate to the type of vessel covered by this Supplement, Clause 3.22 applies. Where minimum AS 1210 Supp1—1990 thicknesses are determined by calculation, design strengths from Table S3.3.1 may be used. S3.23 JACKETED CONSTRUCTION. Clause 3.23 applies, with the following addition: NOTE: Jacketed vessels can give rise to high local stresses due to restrained movements of various vessel components, i.e. at jacket closures. In areas of high local stress concentration a detailed stress analysis shall be required except that in simple cases and where the temperature differential is low or where there is good evidence of satisfactory past experience, Clause 3.23 and design strengths given in Table S3.3.1 may be used. S3.24 VESSEL SUPPORTS. Clause 3.24 applies, with the following additions and modifications: Design strengths from Table S3.3.1 may be used. NOTE: Clause 3.24 should adequately cover support design for most vessels; however, in exceptional cases, e.g. very large, heavy vessels, or operations with large temperature differentials, the designer may be required to carry out a detailed stress analysis. S 3.25 AT TACHE D S T RUCTURE S AND EQUIPMENT. Clause 3.25 applies, with the following addition: The designer shall assess the severity of any loads imposed by an attachment. If such loads are significant, a detailed stress analysis shall be carried out to calculate actual stresses. S3.26 TRANSPORTABLE VESSELS. Clause 3.26 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Not permitted. SECTION S4. CONSTRUCTION Section 4 of AS 1210 shall apply. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 20 SECTION S5. TESTING AND QUALIFICATIONS Section 5 of AS 1210 shall apply, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S5.10 HYDROSTATIC TESTS. Clause 5.10 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S5.10.2.1 Single-wall vessels designed for internal pressure. Clause does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: For single-wall vessels designed for internal pressure, the hydrostatic test pressure Ph shall be at least that determined by the following equation: Ph = 1.25 where Ph P fh = = = hydrostatic test pressure, in megapascals design pressure of vessel, in megapascals design strength at test temperature (from Table S3.3.1), in megapascals = design strength at design temperature (from Table S3.3.1), in megapascals f . . . . . . . . . . . S5.10.2 The expression with the brackets of Equation S5.10.2 shall be termed the ‘equivalent design pressure’, i.e. the design pressure of the weakest part of the vessel in the ‘new and cold’ condition. Where necessary, the ‘equivalent design pressure’ shall take into account differences in design conditions which may be specified for different sections of the compartment of the vessel under test. This test pressure shall include any static head acting during the test on the part under consideration. All loadings including static head which may exist during the test and which differ from those specified for the design conditions shall be given special consideration. The test pressure should be as close as practicable to the pressure determi ned i n accordance wi th Equation S5.10.2. If higher pressures are used, either intentionally or accidentally, the vessel may become visibly and permanently distorted beyond the dimensional limits specified in this Supplement, it may leak at mechanical joints, or cracking may occur. In such cases, the vessel is liable to rejection by the Inspector. The test pressure shall be such that the general membrane stress in any part of the vessel during test will not exceed 90 percent of the specified minimum yield or proof stress of the material at the test temperature. COPYRIGHT 21 S5.11 PNEUMATIC TESTS. Clause 5.11 applies, with the following additions and modifications to particular Clauses: S5.11.3 Test pressure. Clause 5.11.4 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: Unless otherwise approved, the test pressure shall be 1.15 times the equivalent design pressure or pressure differential, as required by Clause S5.10.2.1, Clause, or Clause S5.11.4 Application of pressure. AS 4037 applies except where modified by the following: The pressure shall be gradually increased to not more than 50 percent of the required test pressure. Thereafter, the test pressure shall be increased slowly and steadily, pausing at increments of approximately 10 percent or less of the final test pressure until the required test pressure is reached. The pressure shall then be reduced to a value equal to the equivalent design pressure and held at this pressure for sufficient time to permit visual inspection of the vessel. S 5.11.5 Comb in ed h yd rostati c/ p neu mati c test AS 4037 applies except where modified by the following: The liquid level is set so that the maximum stress including the stress produced by the pneumatic pressure at any point in the vessel (usually near the bottom or at the support attachments) does not exceed 90 percent of the specified minimum yield or proof stress of the material at the test temperature. S5.12 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS. Clause 5.12 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: S5.12.1 Application. The critical stresses in parts for which theoretical stress analysis is inadequate or for which design rules are not available shall be substantiated by experimental stress analysis. The extent of experimental stress analysis performed shall be sufficient to determine the critical stresses for which design values are not available. Where possible, combined analytical and experimental methods shall be used to distinguish between primary, secondary and local stresses. Where experimental stress analysis is used, the general principles, design rules, construction, testing and inspection requirements of this Supplement shall be complied with. S5.12.2 Types of test. Permissible types of test for the determination of critical stresses are strain measurement test and photoelastic tests. Fatigue tests may be used to evaluate the adequacy of a part for cyclic loading. (See Paragraph SC4, Appendix SC.) S5.12.3 General requirements. S5.12.3.1 Hydrostatic testing. The general requirements for hydrostatic tests in Clause S5.10, which are relevant shall apply. S5.12.3.2 Prior pressure. The vessel or vessel part for which the design or calculation pressure is to be established shall not have been previously subjected to a pressure greater than the equivalent design pressure. (See Clause S5.10.2.1.) AS 1210 Supp1—1990 S5.12.3.3 Safety. Serious consideration shall be given to the safety of all personnel prior to the conducting of any tests. Particular attention should be paid to the elimination of any air pocket in the vessel. S5.12.3.4 Witnessing of tests. Testing shall be witnessed by an Inspector approved by the Inspecting Authority. Test results shall be recorded. S5.12.3.5 Duplicate vessels or vessel parts. Where the critical stresses of a vessel or vessel part have been substantiated by experimental stress analysis, duplicate parts of the same materials, design and construction need not be re-tested under Clause S5.12 but shall be given a hydrostatic test in accordance with Clause S5.10 or a pneumatic test in accordance with Clause S5.11. The dimensions, including minimum thickness, of the vessel or vessel part tested shall not vary significantly from those actually used. S5.12.3.6 Retests. A retest shall be allowed on a duplicate vessel or vessel part if errors or irregularities are obvious in the test results. S5.12.4 Strain gauge tests. S5.12.4.1 Strain gauges. Principal strains shall be measured by means of a device (or combination of devices) having an accuracy of ±7 percent and a sensitivity of better than 5 percent. The range of the device should be approximately three times the yield strain of the material under test. S5.12.4.2 Mounting of strain gauges. Strain gauges shall be mounted on the unpressurized vessel before the test, and after any pressure cycling. The strain gauges shall be attached in a manner which will assure accurate measurement of strain. The positioning of strain gauges shall enable strains to be measured in the direction of the maximum stress in the most highly stressed areas. This may require the use of a number of strain gauges which should be located on both the inside and outside surfaces. Application of a brittle coating may be required, by the Inspecting Authority, to verify that the strain gauges are located in the high stress areas. The vessel may be cycled several times to 50 percent of the equivalent design pressure in order to relieve initial residual stresses. S5.12.4.3 Application of pressure. The hydrostatic pressure in the vessel or vessel part shall be steadily increased until approximately 50 percent of the equivalent design pressure is reached. Thereafter, the test pressure shall be steadily increased, pausing at increments of approximately 10 percent or less of the equivalent design pressure, until the pressure required by the test procedure is reached. Any observations or measurement shall be made while the pressure is maintained at a constant value. S5.12.4.4 Strain and pressure readings. After each increment of pressure has been applied, readings of strain and pressure shall be taken and recorded. After any pressure increment where there is an indication of an increase of strain proportionately greater than the previous increments, the pressure shall be released to zero to permit determination of any permanent strain. Whenever the pressure is released, any permanent strain at each gauge shall be determined. After such readings COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 22 have been taken, the pressure shall be reapplied as often as necessary, as specified in Clause S5.12.4.3. S5.12.4.5 Plotting of strain. Two curves of strain vs test pressure shall be plotted for each gauge as the test progresses, one showing total strain under pressure, and the other showing total strain as the pressure is removed. S5.12.4.6 Maximum test pressure. The test may be discontinued when either — (a) the test pressure reaches the value which will justify the desired design (or calculation) pressure; or (b) the measured strain becomes equivalent to 1.25 times the expected permissible design strain in the vessel component under investigation (the permissible design strain is deduced from the appropriate stress category permitted in the vessel component under investigation). S5.12.4.7 Determination of actual yield (or proof) stress. The value reported for the yield or proof stress shall be the arithmetic mean of four separate tests carried out on four separate test specimens cut from the vessel following the completion of the pressure test. The specimens shall be cut from a location where the stress during the test has not exceeded the yield stress, and shall be representative of the material where maximum stress occurs. Where excess stock from the same piece of wrought material is available and has been given the same heat treatment as the pressure part, the test specimens may be cut from this excess stock. Specimens shall not be removed by thermal-cutting or any other method involving sufficient heat to affect the properties of the specimen. S5.12.4.8 Interpretation of results. In the evaluation of stresses from strain gauge data, the calculations shall be performed under the assumption that the material is elastic. The elastic constants used in the evaluation of experimental data shall be those applicable to the material at the test temperature. S5.12.4.9 Use of models for strain measurement. Strain gauge data may be obtained from the actual vessel or from a vessel model. The material of the model need not be the same as the material of the vessel, but the material of the model shall have an elastic modulus which is either known or has been measured at the test conditions. The requirements of dimensional similitude shall be met as closely as possible. S5.12.5 Photoelastic tests. Either two-dimensional or three-dimensional techniques may be used provided that the model represents the structural effects of the loading. S5.13 LEAK TEST. Clause 5.13 applies, with the following modifications: S5.13.4 Preliminary leak test. Clause S5.13.4 applies except where modified by the following: A preliminary leak test may be applied to any vessel without observing the requirements applying to high pressure pneumatic testing (see Clause S5.11), provided that the test pressure does not exceed 10 percent of the design pressure or 35 kPa, whichever is the lesser. S5.19 NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION OF FORGINGS. S5.19.1 Type and extent. All forgings, as required by Clause S2.8, shall be subject to ultrasonic examination in accordance with this Clause (5.19). S5.19.2 Ultrasonic examination procedure. The procedure for ultrasonic examination shall be as follows: (a) The preparation of forgings and the method and procedure for ultrasonic examination shall comply with AS 1065.1, or other approved Standards as appropriate. (b) The level of sensitivity used shall be such that the examination is capable of detecting the artificial defects in a reference block or specimen of a type suitable for the particular application. The reference specimen shall have the same nominal thickness, composition, and steel grouping as the forging to be examined in order to have substantially the same structure. (c) All conditions such as surface finish, ultrasonic frequency, instrument settings, type of transducer, and couplant used during calibration shall be duplicated during the actual examination. (d) In so far as practicable, all forgings shall be examined by the normal beam method from two directions approximately at right angles. Rings, flanges, and other straight hollow forgings shall be examined by the angle beam method from one circumferential surface and from one face or surface normal to the axis. Disc forgings shall be examined from one flat side and from the circumferential surface. Forgings requiring angle beam examination shall be examined in the circumferential direction, unless wall thickness or geometric configuration of the forgings make angle beam examination impracticable. The entire volume of material shall be examined ultrasonically at some stage of manufacture, preferably after final heat treatment. If contours of the forging preclude complete ultrasonic examination after final heat treatment, the maximum permissible volume shall be examined prior to final heat treatment. S5.19.3 Ultrasonic acceptance standards. Forgings for use as critical vessel components, e.g. ends, shall not have any of the following discontinuities: (a) For normal beam method. COPYRIGHT (i) One or more discontinuities which produce indications accompanied by a complete loss of back reflection not associated with or attributable to the geometric configuration. (ii) One or more indications with amplitudes exceeding adjacent back reflections. 23 (iii) One or more discontinuities which produce travelling indications accompanied by reduced back reflections. (A travelling indication is defined as an indication which displays sweep movement of the oscilloscope screen at relatively constant amplitude as the transducer is moved.) (b) For angle beam method. (i) One or more discontinuities which produce indications exceeding in amplitude the indication from the calibration notch. (ii) Indications having an amplitude exceeding 50 percent of the calibration notch amplitude. (iii) Clusters of indications located in a small area of the forging with amplitude less than 50 percent of the calibration notch amplitude. AS 1210 Supp1—1990 (A cluster of indications is defined as three or more indications exceeding 10 percent of the standard calibration notch amplitude and located in any volume approximating a 50-millimetre or smaller cube.) Forgings for use as non-critical vessel components, e.g. baffles, supports, should comply with the requirements of this Clause. NOTE: Where a discontinuity is at the limiting conditions specified in Clause S5.19.3, acceptance of that forging is subject to agreement between the parties concerned. S5.19.4 Interpretation of ultrasonic indication. Additional non-destructive examination procedures or trepanning may be employed to resolve questions of interpretation of ultrasonic indications. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 24 SECTION S6. INSPECTION Section 6 of AS 1210 shall apply. SECTION S7. MARKING AND REPORTS Section 7 of AS 1210 shall apply with the following modification: S7.1 MARKING REQUIRED. Clause 7.1 shall apply with the exception that item (g) shall be replaced by the following: (g) The designation number (see Clause S1.12). SECTION S8. PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND OTHER FITTINGS Section 8 of AS 1210 shall apply. SECTION S9. PROVISIONS FOR DESPATCH Section 9 of AS 1210 shall apply. COPYRIGHT 25 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 APPENDIX A BASIS OF DESIGN STRENGTH (f) (This Appendix forms an integral part of this Supplement.) Appendix A of AS 1210 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: SA1 MATERIALS TO SAA SPECIFICATIONS. SA1.1 Introduction. The design strengths given in Table S3.3.1 (for other than bolting) are based on criteria given in Table SA1.1 using mechanical properties of the material as indicated. These values do not include any allowance for casting quality factor or other factors applicable as this is provided in the appropriate Clauses of this Supplement. In some instances the design strength values listed in Table S3.3.1 vary from the values derived from the above criteria. This occurs where satisfactory evidence of safe use of the higher values has been established. SA1.2 Materials. The basis given herein is limited to materials having adequate qualities for plastic deformation at stress concentration points in connection with the service temperature and the design strengths considered. This requirement should be met by all the steels listed in Table S3.3.1. SA2 MATERIALS TO BRITISH SPECIFICATIONS. The basis for the ‘design strength values’ listed in BS 5500 is given in Appendix K of that Standard. SA3 MATERIALS TO AMERICAN SPECIFICATIONS. The basis for the ‘design stress intensity values’ listed in ANSI/ASME BPV-VIII-2 is given in Appendix 1 of that Standard. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 26 TABLE SA1.1 FACTORS USED FOR DETERMINING DESIGN STRENGTH VALUES FOR MATERIALS TO SAA SPECIFICATIONS EXCLUDING BOLTING MATERIAL (Design strength is obtained by dividing specified value by the given factor) Material type and design temperature Material verification Specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature (see Note 1) Specified minimum yield (or proof) stress at room temperature (see Notes 1 and 2) Specified minimum yied (or proof) stress at design temperature (see Notes 2 and 3) Verified or hot tested 2.35 1.5 — Not verified nor hot tested 2.35 1.5 — CARBON, CARBONMANGANESE AND LOW ALLOY STEELS (a) Design temperature ≤50°C (b) Design temperature >50°C and <150°C See Note 4 — — — (c) Design temperature ≥150°C Verified or hot tested 2.35 — 1.5 Not verified nor hot tested 2.35 — 1.6 Verified or hot tested 2.5 1.5 — Not verified nor hot tested 2.5 1.5 — HIGH ALLOY STEELS (a) Design temperature ≤50°C (b) Design temperature >50°C and <150°C See Note 4 — — — (c) Design temperature ≥150°C Verified or hot tested 2.5 — 1.35 Not verified nor hot tested 2.5 — 1.45 Verified or hot tested 3 1.5 — Not verified nor hot tested 3 1.5 — NON-FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS (a) Design temperature ≤50°C (b) Design temperature >50°C and <100°C See Note 4 — — — (c) Design temperature ≥100°C Verified or hot tested 3 1.5 1.5 Not verified nor hot tested 3 — 1.7 NOTES: 1. Tested in accordance with AS 1391 or ISO 6892. 2. Proof stress determined at— 0.2 percent offset value for ferritic steels. 1 percent offset value for austenitic steels. 3. Tested in accordance with BS 3688:Part 1 or ISO/R 783. 4. Strength values are based on linear interpolation between values obtained from (a) and (c). COPYRIGHT 27 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 APPENDIX SB Appendix B of AS 1210 shall apply. APPENDIX SC PRACTICE TO AVOID FATIGUE CRACKING (This Appendix forms an integral part of this Supplement.) Appendix C of AS 1210 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: SC1 ANALYSIS FOR CYCLIC OPERATION. SC1.1 General. Unless the specified operation of the vessel meets all of the conditions of Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7, a detailed analysis for cyclic operation is required. This Appendix gives rules for determining the suitability of a vessel or vessel component for specified operating conditions involving cyclic application of loads or thermal conditions. SC1.2 Allowable amplitude of alternating stresses. The conditions and procedures of Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7 and Paragraph SC2 are based on a comparison of peak stresses with strain-cycling fatigue data. The strain-cycling fatigue data are represented by the design fatigue strength curves of Figures SC1.2.1 and SC1.2.2. These curves show the allowable amplitude (Sa) of the following stress component (50 percent of the alternating stress range) plotted against the number of cycles. This stress amplitude is calculated on the assumption of elastic behaviour, and hence, has the dimensions of stress but it does not represent a real stress when the elastic range is exceeded. The fatigue curves are obtained from uniaxial strain strain-cycling data in which the imposed strains have been multiplied by the elastic modulus and a design margin has been provided, so as to make the calculated stress intensity and amplitude and the allowable stress amplitude directly comparable. The curves have been adjusted where necessary to include the maximum effects of mean stress, which is the condition where the stress fluctuates about a mean value other than zero. As a consequence of this procedure, it is essential that the requirements of this Supplement be complied with at all times, with transient stresses included, and that the calculated value of the alternating stress intensity be proportional to the actual strain amplitude. To evaluate the effect of alternating stresses at varying amplitudes, a linear damage relation is assumed in Paragraph SC2.2.5. SC1.3 Loadings to be considered. The loadings to be considered shall include those loads that are due to testing of the vessel where such testing is in addition to that required by this Supplement. SC2 DESIGN FOR CYCLIC LOADINGS. SC2.1 Adequacy of design for cyclic loading. The ability of the vessel to withstand the specified cyclic operation without fatigue failure shall be determined in accordance with this Paragraph (SC2). The determination shall be made on the basis of the stresses at a point of the vessel and the allowable stress cycles shall be adequate for the specified operation at every point. Only the stresses due to the specified cycle of operation need be considered; stresses produced by any load or thermal condition which does not vary during the cycle need not be considered, since they are mean stresses and the maximum possible effect of mean stress is included in the fatigue design curves. SC2.2 Design procedure. SC2.2.1 Where principal stress direction does not change. For any case in which the directions of the principal stresses at the point being considered do not change during the cycle, the alternating stress intensity shall be determined by the following steps: (a) Principle stresses. Consider the values of the three principal stresses at the point versus time for the complete stress cycle, taking into account both the gross and local structural discontinuities and the thermal effects which vary during the cycle. These are designated as σ1 , σ2 and σ3 for later identification. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 28 NOTES: 1. Rm = specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature. 2. Interpolate for Rm for 550 MPa to 790 MPa. FIGURE SC1.2.1 DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES FOR CARBON, LOW ALLOY, SERIES 4XX HIGH ALLOY STEELS AND HIGH TENSILE STEELS FOR TEMPERATURES ≤375°C FIGURE SC1.2.2 DESIGN FATIGUE CURVE FOR SERIES 3XX HIGH ALLOY STEELS, NICKEL-CHROMIUM IRON ALLOY, NICKEL-IRON-CHROMIUM ALLOY, AND NICKEL-COPPER ALLOY FOR TEMPERATURES ≤425°C COPYRIGHT 29 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 (b) Stress differences. Determine the stress differences S12 = σ 1 - σ2 , S23 = σ2 - σ3, S31 = σ3 - σ1 versus time for the complete cycle. In what follows, the symbol S ij is used to represent any one of these three stress differences. (c) Alternating stress intensity. Determine the extremes of the range through which each stress difference, Sij fluctuates and find the absolute magnitude of this range for each Sij. Call this magnitude Srij and let Saltij = 0.5Srij. The alternating stress intensity Salt is the largest of the values of Saltij. SC2.2.2 Where principal stress direction changes. For any case in which the directions of the principal stresses at the point being considered changes during the stress cycle, it is necessary to use the following more general procedure: (a) Consider the values of the six stress components σ t, σl, σr, τlt, τ lr, τ rt, versus time for the complete stress cycle, taking into account both the gross and local structural discontinuities and the thermal effects which vary during the cycle. (b) Choose a point in time when the conditions are one of the extremes for the cycle (either maximum or minimum, algebraically) and identify the stress components at this time by the subscript i. In most cases it will be possible to choose at least one time during the cycle when the conditions are known to be extreme. In some cases it may be necessary to try different points in time to find the one which results in the largest value of alternating stress intensity. (c) Subtract each of the six stress components σ ti, σli, etc from the corresponding stress components σt, σl, etc at each point in time during the cycle and call the resulting components σ t’, σl’, etc. (d) At each point in time during the cycle, calculate the principal stresses σ 1’, σ2’, σ3 ’ derived from the six stress components, σt’, σl’, etc. Note that the directions of the principal stresses may change during the cycle but each principal stress retains its identity as it rotates. (e) Determine the stress differences S12′ = σ1′ – σ2′, S23′ = σ2′ – σ3 ′, S31′ = σ3 ′ – σ1′ versus time for the complete cycle and find the largest absolute magnitude of any stress difference at any time. The alternating stress intensity S alt is 50 percent of this magnitude. SC2.2.3 Design fatigue curves. The applicable fatigue design curves for some of the materials permitted by this Supplement are contained in Figures SC1.2.1 and SC1.2.2. SC2.2.4 Use of design fatigue curves. The alternating stress intensity S alt as determined by Paragraph SC2.2.1 and Paragraph SC2.2.2 shall be multiplied by the ratio of the modulus of elasticity given on the design fatigue curve to the value used in the analysis. The applicable design stress shall be entered at this value on the ordinate axis and the corresponding number of cycles found on the axis of abscissa. If the operational cycle being considered is the only one which produces significant fluctuating stresses, this is the allowable number of cycles. When there are two or more types of stress cycle which produce significant stresses, their cumulative effect shall be evaluated in accordance with Paragraph SC2.2.5. SC2.2.5 Cumulative damage. Cumulative damage shall be evaluated in accordance with the following: (a) Designate the specified number of times each type of stress cycle of types, 1, 2, 3, etc, will be repeated during the life of the vessel as n1 , n2, n3, etc, respectively. In the determination of n 1, n2, n3, etc, consideration shall be given to the superposition of cycles of various origins which produce a total stress-difference range greater than the stress-difference ranges of the individual cycles. (b) For each type of stress cycle, determine the alternating stress intensity S alt in accordance with the procedures of Paragraph SC2.2.1 or Paragraph SC2.2.2. Define these quantities S alt1, Salt2, Salt3, etc. (c) For each value, Salt1, Salt2, Salt3, etc, use the applicable design fatigue curve to determine the maximum of repetitions N 1, N2, N3, etc, respectively which would be allowable if this type of cycle were the only one acting. (d) For each type of stress cycle, calculate the usage factors, U 1, U2 , U3, etc from — U1 = , U2 = , etc. (e) Calculate the cumulate usage factor U, from U = U 1 + U 2 + U 3 + .. etc. (f) The cumulative usage factor U shall not exceed 1.0. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 30 SC2.2.6 Local structural discontinuities. The effects of local structural discontinuities shall be evaluated by the use of theoretical stress concentration factors for all conditions, except that experimentally determined fatigue strength reduction factors may be used when determined in accordance with Paragraph SC5. SC2.2.7 Fillet welds. Fillet welds shall not be used in vessels for joints of categories A, B, C, and D (see Figure except as permitted for joints of category C for slip-on flanges and for joints of category D as permitted in Clause S3.19. Fillet welds may be used for attachments to pressure vessels using one-half of the stress limit given in Paragraph SH2.4.3 (a) to (d), Appendix SH for primary and secondary stresses. Evaluation for cyclic loading shall be made in accordance with Appendix SC using a fatigue strength reduction factor of 4 and shall include consideration of temperature differences between the vessel and the attachment and expansion or contraction of the vessel caused by internal or external pressure. SC3 FATIGUE ANALYSIS OF BOLTS. SC3.1 Need for fatigue analysis. Unless the vessel on which they are installed satisfies all the conditions of Paragraph SC1.2 and thus requires no fatigue analysis, the suitability of bolts for cyclic operation shall be determined in accordance with this Paragraph (SC3). SC3.2 Methods of fatigue analysis. Bolts made of materials which have specified minimum tensile strengths of less than 686 MPa shall be evaluated for cyclic operation in accordance with Paragraph SC2 using the applicable design fatigue curves of Figure SC1.2.1 or Figure SC1.2.2 and an appropriate stress concentration factor. High strength alloy steel bolts and studs may be evaluated for cyclic operation in accordance with Paragraph SC2 using the design fatigue curve of Figure SC3.2 provided that the following requirements are complied with: (a) The material is within the following limits: Chromium 0.8 percent to 1.15 percent Nickel 1.65 percent to 2.00 percent Molybdenum 0.20 percent to 0.65 percent Specified yield strength 539 MPa to 981 MPa Specified tensile strength 686 MPa to 1128 MPa FIGURE SC3.2 DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES FOR HIGH STRENGTH STEEL BOLTING FOR TEMPERATURES ≤375°C COPYRIGHT 31 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 (b) The maximum value of the service stress at the periphery of the bolt cross-section (resulting from direct tension plus bending and neglecting stress concentrations) shall not exceed 2.7f if the higher of the two fatigue design curves shown in Figure SC3.2 is used or shall not exceed 3f if the lower of the two curves is used. In both cases the actual direct tension stress (averaged across the bolt cross-section) produced by the combination of preload, pressure, and differential thermal expansion, but neglecting stress concentrations, shall not exceed 2f. (c) Threads shall be of ‘V’ type, having a minimum thread root radius not less than 0.075 mm. (d) Fillet radii at the end of the shank shall be such that the ratio of fillet radius to shank diameter is not less than 0.060. Unless it can be shown by analysis or test that a lower value is appropriate, the fatigue strength reduction factor used in the fatigue evaluation of threaded members shall be not less than 4.0. S3.3 Cumulative damage. The bolts shall be acceptable for the specified cyclic application of loads and thermal stresses provided that the cumulative usage factor U as determined in accordance with Paragraph SC2.2.5 does not exceed 1.0. SC4 FATIGUE TEST FOR CYCLIC OPERATION. SC4.1 Basic assumption. The general procedure in fatigue evaluation is based on the use of strain controlled fatigue data. The resulting fatigue design curve is a composite curve. In the low cycle range the stress amplitude is primarily a function of the true fracture strain multiplied by the elastic modulus. In the high cycle range the stress amplitude is, as a matter of convenience, made equal to the endurance limit. This method should result in families of curves rather than the curves in Figures SC1.2.1 and SC1.2.2 which are based on a large number of tests carried out on steels having diverse material properties. However, owing to the very wide scatter of test points it was found that only a lower limit curve could be justified. The method, therefore, discriminates against a number of steels, particularly against those in the high strength range. To permit a better evaluation of the fatigue strength of such materials, or where it is desired to use higher peak stresses than can be justified by the methods of the previous rules, the adequacy of a part to withstand cyclic loading may be demonstrated by means of a fatigue test. However, the fatigue test shall not be used as justification for exceeding the allowable values of primary or primary-plus-secondary stresses. SC4.2 Testing of component. The test component or that portion to be tested shall be constructed of material having the same composition as the vessel component and shall be subjected to the same mechanical working and heat treatment so as to produce mechanical properties equivalent to those of the material in the prototype component. Geometrical similarity must be maintained, at least in those portions whose ability to withstand cyclic loading is being investigated and in those adjacent areas which affect the stresses in the portion under test. The test component or portion thereof shall withstand the number of cycles as specified below without failure. Failure is defined herein as a propagation of a crack through the entire thickness, such as would produce a measurable leak in a pressure-retaining member. The minimum number of cycles (hereinafter referred to as ‘test cycles’) which the component must withstand, and the magnitude of the loading (hereinafter referred to as ‘the test loading’) to be applied to the component during the test, shall be determined by multiplying the design service cycles by a specified factor K n′, and the design service loads by Ks′. Values of these factors shall be determined from a composite fatigue curve constructed in accordance with Paragraph SC4.3. SC4.3 Construction of test fatigue curve. The fatigue test curve is drawn from the applicable original fatigue curve. It is less conservative than the original curve in order to compensate for the higher allowable stresses. (a) Construct the test fatigue curve by multiplying the values of S a of the original curve by the factor K s and draw a new fatigue curve Sas through these points, as shown in Figure SC4.3. Next, construct a second fatigue curve by multiplying the values of N in the original curve by Kn and draw a second fatigue curve San through these points, as shown in Figure SC4.3. The test fatigue curve S a′ is constructed using the higher segments of S as and San, as shown in Figure SC4.3. (See Paragraph SC4.3 (c) for notation.) COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 32 (b) Assume the service condition for the prototype vessel to be S a and N, defined by point A on the original curve. Project point A vertically and horizontally to points D and C on the test curves Sa′. The segment of Sa′ between the two points C and D embraces all allowable combinations of K s′ and Kn′. The values for a point B determines the following corresponding values of K s′ and Kn′: Ks ′ = Kn′ = Test loading Pt = K s′ × design service loading Test cycles N n = K n′ × design service cycles The designer therefore has available a choice of test cycling conditions ranging from — Point D, where Ks′ = ordinate A; Kn′ = 1, signifying a maximum increase of load amplitude and no change in number of cycles, to — Point C, where Ks′ = 1; Kn′ = abscissa D/abscissa A, signifying an increase of number of cycles and no change of load amplitude, when compared with the fatigue design requirements of the prototype vessel. (c) The values of K s and K n are the multiples of factors which account for the effects of size, surface finish, cyclic rate, temperature, and the number of replicate tests performed. They shall be determined as follows: Ksl × K sf × K ss but shall never be allowed to be less than 1.25 Ks = K = Ks4.3 but shall never be allowed to be less than 2.6 Ksl = factor for the effect of size on fatigue life = 1.5 – 0.5 (LM/LP), where LM/LP is the ratio of linear model size to prototype size FIGURE SC4.3 CONSTRUCTION OF TEST FATIGUE CURVE COPYRIGHT 33 Ksf = Kss = = AS 1210 Supp1—1990 factor for the effect of surface finish = 1.75 - 0.175 (SFM/SFP) where (SFM/SFP) is the ratio of the model surface finish to the prototype surface finish expressed in arithmetic average factor for the statistical variation in test results 1.220 - 0.44 × number of replicate tests No value of Ksl, K sf or Kss less than 1.0 may be used in the calculation of K s. (d) Additional K-factors can be found in technical literature, covering other conditions. The designer will also be faced with conditions for which data are not available, in which case the K-factors must be developed from tests in accordance with Paragraph SC5. SC5 DETERMINATION OF FATIGUE STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTORS. The following criteria are applicable in the determination of fatigue strength reduction factors: (a) A reduction in fatigue strength of a component may be due to the presence of a notch, a ‘notch’ for the purpose of this Supplement being an actual notch or an abrupt change in cross-section, or a transition section of differing curvatures, or attachments for supports, or penetrations into shells, e.g. drill holes and welded nozzles with varying diameters and corner radii. (b) The fatigue strength reduction factor shall be determined by tests on ‘notched’ and ‘unnotched’ specimens and calculated as the ratio of the ‘unnotched’ stress to the ‘notched’ stress for failure or other equivalent methods. (c) The test part shall be fabricated from the same material and shall be subjected to the same heat treatment as the component. (d) The stress level in the specimen shall not exceed the limit given in Paragraph SH2.4.3(d), Appendix SH, and shall be such that failure does not occur in less than 1000 cycles. (e) The configuration, surface finish, and stress state of the specimen shall closely simulate those expected in the components. In particular, the stress gradient shall not be more abrupt than expected in the component. (f) The cyclic rate shall be such that appreciable heating of the specimen does not occur, nor shall it exceed 100 Hz. SC6 CYCLIC THERMAL STRESSES. The following requirements are applicable to cyclic thermal stress conditions: (a) Pressure vessels which operate at elevated or subzero temperature should be heated or cooled slowly, and should be efficiently lagged to minimize temperature gradients in the shells. Rapid changes of shell temperature should be avoided during service. (b) The vessels should be able to expand and contract without undue restraint. (c) Provided that the conditions in (a) and (b) above and those of Paragraph SC3 are observed, estimates of thermal stresses due to temperature changes need not be specially considered. (d) The use of pad-type reinforcement or partial penetration joints is not suitable for cases where there are significant temperature gradients, especially where these are of a fluctuating nature. SC7 FORCED VIBRATIONS. Pulsations of pressure, wind-excited vibrations or vibrations transmitted from plant, e.g. rotating or reciprocating machinery, may cause vibrations of piping or local resonance of the shell of a pressure vessel. In most cases these cannot be anticipated at the design stage. It is therefore advisable to make an examination of plant following initial start-up. If such vibration occurs and is considered to be excessive, the source of the vibration should be isolated, by stiffening, additional support or damping which should be introduced at a location local to the vibration. SC8 CORROSION FATIGUE. Corrosion conditions are detrimental to the endurance of carbon steels, carbon-manganese steels, and ferritic alloy steels. Fatigue cracks may occur under such conditions at low levels of fluctuation of applied stress. Since the tensile strength of a steel has little or no effect upon the fatigue strength under corrosive conditions, the use of high strength steels in severe corrosion fatigue service will offer no advantage unless the surface is effectively protected from the corrosive medium. Where corrosion fatigue is expected, it is desirable to minimize the range of cyclic stresses and carry out inspection at sufficiently frequent intervals to establish the pattern of behaviour. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 34 APPENDIX SD RECOMMENDED CORROSION PREVENTION PRACTICE Appendix D of AS 1210 applies. APPENDIX SE INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER TO THE MANUFACTURER Appendix E of AS 1210 applies, with the following addition: It is the purchaser’s responsibility to specify or cause to be specified (see Clause S3.1.2) the following: (a) Information in sufficient detail that the need for a fatigue analysis can be determined and that any required analysis can be carried out. (b) Whether or not a corrosion (and erosion) allowance is required, and if so the amount. (c) Whether or not the vessel will contain lethal material (see Clause 1.7.1). APPENDIX SF INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER Appendix F of AS 1210 applies. COPYRIGHT 35 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 APPENDIX SH DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LOADINGS AND COMPONENTS NOT COVERED BY SECTION 3 (This Appendix forms an integral part of this Supplement.) Appendix H of AS 1210 does not apply to this Supplement and the following shall be substituted: SH1 GENERAL. This Appendix specifies design criteria for stress systems resulting from the application of loads or the use of components of types not covered explicitly by Section S3. The intention is to ensure that the design basis for these components and loadings shall be consistent with that underlying the specific requirements given in Section S3. Formal analysis in accordance with this Appendix is required only in the case of significant additional loadings, or for components significantly different from those dealt with in Section S3. Relevant experience of similar designs may be considered in deciding whether an analysis is required. SH2 NON-CREEP CONDITIONS. SH2.1 Design criteria. For design temperatures at which the nominal design strength is governed by one of the two short-term mechanical properties R e(T) and R m, the following design criteria shall be applied: (a) Gross plastic deformation. There should be the same theoretical margin against gross plastic deformation for all design details as that provided against gross plastic deformation in major membrane areas. For this purpose, the required margin against gross plastic deformation may be assumed to be R e(T)/f for materials covered in Table S3.3.1. For other materials the value of the nearest equivalent material in Table S3.3.1 should be assumed. (b) Incremental collapse. The stress systems imposed shall shakedown to elastic action within the first few operating cycles. The operating loads to be considered include pressure and simultaneous loadings of types listed in Clause S3.2.3 including thermal stresses. (c) Buckling. For components or loadings associated with substantial compressive stresses, buckling shall not occur under a combined load less than twice the design combined load, at design temperature*. The design is to include pressure and simultaneous loadings of types given in Clause S3.2.3. The design shall also take into consideration all permissible fabrication imperfections. (d) Fatigue. The need, or otherwise, for a fatigue analysis shall be determined in accordance with Clauses S3.1.5.4 to S3.1.5.7. SH2.2 Design acceptability. The results of experimental or theoretical investigations shall be employed to demonstrate the conformity of a design with the criteria of Paragraph SH2.1. Local stresses in the vicinity of attachments, supports, etc, may be deemed acceptable if they comply with the requirements of Paragraph SH2.3. In the establishing of compliance with Paragraph SH2.1(a), investigations should take account of plastic behaviour. If the theory of plastic limit analysis is employed, the limit load may be taken as the load that produces gross plastic deformation, although this may be a conservative estimate. Where it is impracticable to perform a plastic analysis, an elastic analysis may be employed as detailed in Paragraph SH3.4; alternatively, strain measurements may be made on the actual vessel during pressure and load tests. In the establishing of compliance with Paragraph SH2.1(b), a shake-down analysis should preferably be performed; alternatively, an elastic analysis may be employed as detailed in Paragraph SH2.3. SH2.3 Specific criteria for local stresses in vicinity of attachments, supports, etc. Elastically calculated stresses due to local loads at attachments, supports, etc, may be deemed acceptable provided that — (a) they occur in areas at a distance not less than 2.5 (Rt) from shell discontinuities and have a dimension in the circumferential direction not greater than one-third of the shell circumference; * Care is to be taken under test conditi ons to avoid buckling. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 36 (b) the direct stress intensity under relevant conditions of local loading does not exceed f or 1.2f as permitted in Table S3.1.5; and (c) the stress intensity due to the sum of direct and bending stresses does not exceed 2f. For nozzles and openings such stresses may be deemed acceptable provided that — (i) a nozzle or opening is not less than 2.5 (Rt) from other shell discontinuities; (ii) the nozzle or opening is reinforced in accordance with Clause 3.19; and (iii) the maximum surface stress calculated for the gross structural discontinuity does not exceed 2.25f. Where significant compressive stresses are present, the possibility of buckling should be investigated and the design modified if necessary (see Paragraph SH2.1(c)). In cases where external load is highly localized, an acceptable procedure should be to limit the algebraic sum of all stresses acting at the point to 0.9 of the specified minimum yield stress of the material. Where only shear stress is present, it should not exceed 0.5f. The maximum permissible bearing stresses should not exceed 1.5f. SH2.4 Specific criteria for general application. SH2.4.1 General. Paragraphs SH2.4.2 to SH2.4.5 provide the criteria for acceptability of design on the basis of elastic stress analysis. The analysis should take account of gross structural discontinuities, e.g. nozzles, changes in shell curvature, but not of local stress concentrations due to changes in profile such as fillet welds. The rules require the calculated stresses to be grouped in five stress categories (see Paragraph SH2.4.3) and appropriate stress intensities f m, fL, fb, fg , and fp to be determined from the principal stresses f 1, f2, and f3 in each category, in accordance with the maximum shear theory of failure. Appropriate stress limits are given for the stress intensity so calculated. SH2.4.2 Terms relating to stress analysis. Terms used in this Appendix relating to stress analysis are defined as follows: (a) Stress intensity — twice the maximum shear stress. In other words, the stress intensity is the difference between the algebraically largest principal stress and the algebraically smallest principal stress at a given point. Tension stresses are considered positive and compression stresses are considered negative. (b) Gross structural discontinuity — a source of stress or strain intensification which affects a relatively large portion of a vessel and which has a significant effect on the overall stress or strain pattern or has a significant effect on the vessel as a whole. Examples of gross structural discontinuities are head-to-shell and flange-to-shell junctions, nozzles and junctions between shells of different diameters or thicknesses. (c) Local structural discontinuity — source of stress or strain intensification which affects a relatively small volume of material but which does not have a significant effect on the overall stress or strain pattern or on the structure as a whole. Examples of local structural discontinuities are small fillet radii, small attachments and partial penetration welds. (d) Normal stress — the component of stress normal to the plane of reference. (This is also referred to as ‘direct stress’.) Usually the distribution of normal stress is not uniform through the thickness of a part, so this stress is considered to be made up in turn of two components, one of which is uniformly distributed and equal to the average value of stress across the thickness of the section under consideration and the other of which varies with the location across the thickness. (e) Shear stress — the components of stress tangent to the plane of reference. (f) Membrane stress — the component of normal stress which is uniformly distributed and equal to the average value of stress across the thickness of the section under consideration. (g) Primary stress — a stress produced by mechanical loadings only and which is so distributed in the structure that no redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. It is a normal stress or a shear stress developed by the imposed loading which is necessary to satisfy the simple laws of equilibrium of external and internal forces and moments. Primary stresses that considerably exceed the yield stress will result in failure, or at least in gross distortion. A thermal stress is not classified as a primary stress. Primary stress is divided into ‘general’ and ‘local’ categories. The local primary stress is defined in (h) below. COPYRIGHT 37 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Examples of general primary stresses are — (i) the stress in a circular, cylindrical or spherical shell due to internal pressure or to distributed live loads; and (ii) bending stress in the central portion of a flat head due to pressure. (h) Local primary stress — cases arise in which a membrane stress produced by pressure or other mechanical loading and associated with a primary or a discontinuity effect or both, produces excessive distortion in the transfer of load to other portions of the structure. Conservatism requires that such a stress be classified as a local primary membrane stress even though it has some characteristics of a secondary stress. A stressed region may be considered as local if the distance over which the stress intensity exceeds 1.1f does not extend in the meridional direction more than 0.5 (Rt) and if it is not closer in the meridional direction than 2.5 (Rt) to another region where the limits of general primary membrane stress are exceeded. (R is the distance measured along the perpendicular to the surface from the axis of revolution of the vessel to the midsurface of the vessel; t is the wall thickness at the location where the general primary membrane stress limit is exceeded.) An example of a primary local stress is the membrane stress in a shell produced by external load and moment at permanent support or at a nozzle connection. (i) Secondary stress — a normal stress or a shear stress developed by the constraint of adjacent parts or by self-constraint of a structure. The basic characteristic of a secondary stress is that it is self-limiting. Local yielding and minor distortions can satisfy the conditions which cause the stress to occur, and failure from one application of the stress is not to be expected. An example of secondary stress is bending stress at a gross structural discontinuity. (j) Peak stress — the basic characteristic of a peak stress is that it does not cause any noticeable distortion and is objectionable only as a possible source of a fatigue crack or a brittle fracture. A stress which is not highly localized falls into this category if it is of a type which cannot cause noticeable distortion. Examples of peak stress are — (i) the thermal stress in the austenitic steel cladding of a carbon steel vessel; (ii) the surface stresses in the wall of a vessel or pipe produced by thermal shock; and (iii) the stress at a local structural discontinuity. SH2.4.3 Stress categories and stress limits. A calculated stress depending upon the type of loading or the distribution of such stress will fall within one of the five basic stress categories defined below. For each category, a stress intensity value is derived for a specific condition of design. This stress intensity, to satisfy the analysis, should fall within the limit specified in each category. The limits are summarized in Figure SH2.4.3. (a) General primary membrane stress category — the stresses falling within this category are those defined as general primary stresses in Paragraph SH2.4.2(g) and are produced by pressure and mechanical loads, but exclude all secondary and peak stresses. The value of the membrane stress intensity is obtained by averaging these stresses across the thickness of the section under consideration. The limiting value of this stress intensity (f m) is kf, using values of k as permitted in Table S3.1.5. (b) Local primary membrane stress category — the stresses falling within this category are those defined in Paragraph SH2.4.2(h) and are produced by pressure and mechanical loads, but exclude all thermal and peak stresses. The stress intensity (f L) is the average value of these stresses across the thickness of the section under consideration and is limited to 1.5kf. (c) General or local primary membrane plus primary bending stress category — the stresses falling within this category are those defined in Paragraph SH2.4.2(g), but the stress intensity value [(f b), (fm + fb), or (fL + fb)] is the highest value of those stresses acting across the section under consideration excluding secondary and peak stresses. fb is the primary bending stress intensity, which means the component of primary stress proportional to the distance from the centroid of the solid section. The stress intensity [(fb), (fm + fb ), or (fL + f b)] is limited to 1.5kf. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 38 (d) Primary plus secondary stress category — the stresses falling within this category are those defined in Paragraph SH2.4.2(g) plus those of Paragraph SH2.4.2(j) produced by pressure, mechanical loads and general thermal effects. The effects of gross structural discontinuities but not of local structural discontinuities (stress concentrations) should be included. The stress intensity value [(f m + fb + f g) or (fL + fb + fg)] is the highest value of these stresses acting across the section under consideration and is to be limited to 3.0kf (see also Note 1 of Figure SH2.4.3). (e) Peak stress category — the stresses falling within this category are a combination of all primary, secondary and peak stresses produced by specified operating pressures and mechanical loads and by general and local thermal effects, including the effects of gross and local structural discontinuities. The stress intensity is the highest value of these stresses acting at any point across the thickness of the section under consideration. The allowable value of this stress intensity is dependent on the range of the stress difference from which it is derived and on the number of times it is to be applied. The stress intensity is to be compared with the allowable value obtained by the methods of analysis for cyclic operation when fatigue analysis is required according to Appendix SC. Figure SH2.4.3 and Table SH2.4.3 have been included to guide the designer in establishing stress categories for some typical cases and stress intensity limits for combinations of stress categories. There will be instances when reference to definitions of stresses will be necessary to classify a specific stress condition to a stress category. Item (f) below explains the reason for separating them into two categories ‘general’ and ‘secondary’. (f) Thermal stress — a self-balancing stress produced by a non-uniform distribution of temperature or by differing thermal coefficients of expansion. Thermal stress is developed in a solid body whenever a volume of material is prevented from assuming the size and shape that it normally should under a change in temperature. For the purpose of establishing allowable stresses, two types of thermal stress are recognized, depending on the volume or area in which distortion takes place, as follows: (i) General thermal stress is associated with distortion of the structure in which it occurs. If a stress of this type, neglecting stress concentrations, exceeds twice the yield strength of the material, the elastic analysis may be invalid and successive thermal cycles may produce incremental distortion. Therefore, this type is classified as secondary stress in Table SH2.4.3 and Figure SH2.4.3. Examples of general thermal stress are — (A) stress produced by an axial thermal gradient in a cylindrical shell; and (B) stress produced by the temperature difference between a nozzle and the shell to which it is attached. (ii) Local thermal stress which is associated with almost complete suppression of the differential expansion and thus produces no significant distortion. Such stresses shall be considered only from the fatigue standpoint and are therefore classified as peak stresses in Table SH2.4.3 and Figure SH2.4.3. Examples of local thermal stress are — (A) the stress in a small hot spot in a vessel wall; (B) stress from a radial temperature gradient in a cylindrical shell; and (C) the thermal stress in a cladding material which has a coefficient of expansion different from that of the base metal. SH2.4.4 Value of Poisson ratio. The value of Poisson ratio shall be determined as follows: (a) In the evaluation of stresses for comparison with any stress limits other than those allowable under fatigue conditions, stresses shall be calculated on an elastic basis using the elastic value of Poisson ratio. (b) In the evaluation of stresses for comparison with the allowable stress limits associated with fatigue conditions, the elastic equations shall be used, except that the numerical value substituted for Poisson ratio should be determined from the following equation: ν = 0.5 - 0.2 ≥ 0.3 COPYRIGHT 39 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 where fy = yield strength of the material at the mean value of the temperature of the cycle Sa = value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve (Appendix SC, Figures SC1.2.1 and SC1.2.2) for the specific number of cycles of the condition being considered SH2.4.5 Triaxial stresses. The algebraic sum of the three principal stresses (σ 1 + σ2 + σ3 ) in any category shall not exceed 3.75f. SH3 CREEP CONDITIONS. Comprehensive design criteria for components in the creep range are not yet available. In the meantime, the requirements of Section 3 may be used. COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 40 TABLE SH2.4.3 CLASSIFICATION OF STRESSES FOR SOME TYPICAL CASES Vessel component Cylindrical or spherical shell Any shell or end Dished end or conical end Flat end Perforated end or shell Nozzle Location Shell plate remote from discontinuities Origin of stress Type of stress Classification Internal pressure General membrane gradient through plate thickness fm Axial thermal gradient Membrane Bending fg fg Junction with head or flange Internal pressure Membrane Bending fL fg Any section across entire vessel External load or moment, or internal pressure General membrane averaged across full section. Stress component perpendicular to cross-section fm External load or moment Bending across full section. Stress component perpendicular to cross-section fm Near nozzle or other opening External load or moment, or internal pressure Local membrane Bending Peak (fillet or corner) fL fg fp Any location Temperature difference between shell and head Membrane Bending fg fg Crown Internal pressure Membrane Bending fm fb Knuckle or junction to shell Internal pressure Membrane Bending fL* fg Centre region Internal pressure Membrane Bending fm fb Junction to shell Internal pressure Membrane Bending fL fg Typical ligament in a uniform pattern Pressure Membrane averaged through cross-section Bending (averaged through width of ligament, but gradient through plate) Peak fm fb fp Isolated or typical ligament Pressure Membrane Bending Peak fg fp fp Cross-section perpendicular to nozzle axis Internal pressure or external load or moment General membrane (averaged across full section). Stress component perpendicular to section fm External load or moment Bending across nozzle section fm Internal pressure General membrane Local membrane Bending Peak fm fL fg fp Differential expansion Membrane Bending Peak fg fg fp Nozzle wall Cladding Any Differential expansion Membrane Bending fp fp Any Any Thermal gradient through plate thickness Bending fp† Any Any Stress concentration (notch effect) fp * Consideration should also be given to the possibility of buckling and excessive deformation in vessels with large diameter/thickness ratio. † Consider possibility of thermal stress ratchet. COPYRIGHT 41 AS 1210 Supp1—1990 NOTES: 1. This limitation applies to the range of stress intensity. Where the secondary stress is due to a temperature excursion at the point at which the stresses are being analysed, the value of f is to be taken as the average of the f-values for the highest and the lowest temperature of the metal during the transient. Where part or all of the secondary stress is due to mechanical load, the value of f is to be taken as the f-value for the highest temperature of the metal during the transient. 2. The stresses in category fg are those parts of the total stress which are produced by thermal gradients, structural discontinuities, etc, and do not include primary stresses which may also exist at the same point. It should be noted however, that a detailed stress analysis frequently gives the combination of primary and secondary stresses directly and, when appropriated, this calculated value represents the total of fm (or fL) + fb + fg and not fg alone. Similarly, if the stress in category fp is produced by a stress concentration, the quantity p is the additional stress produced by the notch, over and above nominal stress. For example, if a plate has a nominal stress intensity f1 and has a notch with a stress concentration factor K, then fm = f1, fb = 0, fp = fm(K – 1) and the peak stress intensity equals fm + fm (K – 1) = Kfm. 3. S a is obtained from the fatigue curves (Appendix SC, Figures SC1.2.1 and SC1.2.2). The allowable stress intensity for the dull range of fluctuation is 2Sa . 4. The symbols fm, fL, fb, fg and fp do not represent single quantities, but rather six quantities representing the six stress components, σt, σ l, σ r, τ t, τ lr and τrt. 5. The factor k is obtained from Table S3.1.5. FIGURE SH2.4.3 STRESS CATEGORIES AND LIMITS OF STRESS INTENSITY COPYRIGHT AS 1210 Supp1—1990 42 APPENDIX SK LOW TEMPERATURE VESSELS Appendix K of AS 1210 applies. APPENDIX SR LIST OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Appendix R of AS 1210 applies. COPYRIGHT