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Anthem Test: Character, Symbols, Themes & Essays

Anthem Test #1
Character Identification
A. Oldest, wisest member of the World council of Scholars
B. Strong, handsome, intelligent, tall young man
C. Street Sweeper, friend to the narrator, likes to draw
D. Very slow, mentally challenged Street Sweeper
E. Calls out for help at night, the doctors cannot “cure” him
6.____ Solidarity
F. Burnt at the stake for saying the Unspeakable Word
7.____ St. of the Pyre
G. The Golden One
Symbols - Below are two symbols and their meanings found in Anthem. Give 2 SPECIFIC examples of
how the author portrays them.
Light (truth and knowledge) -
The Uncharted Forest (rebirth) -
Euphemisms – Identify the euphemism for each of the descriptions below.
1. The time “when wagons moved without horses and lights burned without flame” - _____________________
2. The time in which the book takes place - ______________________________
3. Place where all babies born in the city go each year until the age of 5 - ______________________________
4. Place for the ten years of Learning - __________________________________
5. Where the Old Ones live - ____________________________________
6. Assigners of Life Mandates - _____________________________________
7. Says there are “no mysteries in the sky” and knows all things - ____________________________________
8. Site where all Transgressors are sent - ________________________________________
9. Place where no men enter, “disposes of its own victims” - ________________________________________
Passage Identification – a)Who said it? b)To whom was it said? c)Which theme does it refer to?
1. “Yet as we stand at night in the great hall, removing our garments for sleep, we look at our brothers and we
wonder. The heads of our brothers are bowed. They eyes of our brothers are dull and never do they look at one
another in the eyes. The shoulders of our brothers are hunched, and their muscles are drawn, as if their bodies
were shrinking and wished to shrink out of sight.”
2. “You are not one of our brothers, Equality 7-2521, for we do not wish you to be.”
3. “We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brother men are we allowed our lives. We exist
through, by and for our brothers who are the State. Amen.”
4. “Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me; the guiding star and the loadstone which point the way.
They point in but one direction. They point to me.”
5. “The word “We” is as lime poured over men, which sets and hardens to stone, and crushes all beneath it, and
that which is white and that which is black are lost equally in the grey of it.”
6. “…we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy! How
dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers? And if the Councils had
decreed that you should be a Street Sweeper, how dared you think that you could be of greater use to men than
in sweeping the streets?”
Short Answer
1. List two ways that Anthem parallels the movie “The Island”.
2. List two ways that Anthem parallels the book The Giver OR chapters 1-3 of “Genesis”.
3. What role does human contact, or the lack thereof play?
4. Why would the Golden One rather be “damned” with Equality then “blessed” with her brothers?
5. What is Equality’s greatest weapon against his stronger brothers? Why is this important to the story?
6. What declaration of emotion does Liberty make to Equality when they first arrive in the forest and why does
she have difficulty expressing herself?
7. Apathy means indifference. Someone who is apathetic does not care about what is happening around him or
her. Cite two examples of indifference in Equality’s society.
8. Describe the mating ritual in this society and Equality’s viewpoint of it.
Themes - Below are two of the four main themes of this novel. Explain its significance and give specific
examples of each.
1. The Dangers of a Collective Government -
2.The Importance of the Individual -
True/False. If the statement is false, make it true by crossing out and adding in key words.
1.____Sleeping halls are bare of all things save 100 beds.
2.____Equality looks forward to evening theatre time because the visiting leaders give interesting speeches.
3.____Liberty names Equality the Forbidden One.
4.____Equality is tortured and threatened for not telling where he has been.
5.____Equality vows to return to the cursed City in order to kill the men who lashed him.
Matching. Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.
1.____ Anthem
A. A song of praise
2.____ Transgression
B. A group of people joined together in a common cause
3.____ Reprimand
C. Deep respect
4.____ Fraternity
D. Sin or offense
5.____ Dissenter
E. One who rejects the established rules
6.____ Reverence
F. Scold, punish
Fill in the blank.
1. Equality escapes with great ease from the Palace of Corrective Detention because _____________________.
2. Equality plans to “bargain” his way back in to society with __________________________.
3. When Equality and Liberty first see the house on the mountain they think it is on _____________________.
4. The “greatest treasure” Equality discovers in his new home is _________________________.
5. Equality cuts the word _________________ into the stone portals of his fort.
6. At the house, Liberty is overly intrigued with the image of _______________________.
7. Equality smiles after he has been lashed because he did not betray the ____________________.
8. The author of this novel is ____________
9. The author is from the country of ___________________.
10. The Golden One is renamed ___________________ because ___________________________________.
11. Equality renames names himself ___________________ because _________________________________.
Multiple Choice – Circle the best answer.
1. Children in Anthem are:
A) welcomed by their parents
B) Never know their parents
C) Are raised individually
2. In the Underground tunnel, Equality:
A) prepares to escape his society
B) performs experiments and discovers great power
C) organizes friends to take over the city
3. Liberty renames Equality:
A) the Unconquered
B) the Forbidden
C) the One
4. The house Liberty and Equality find is strange to them because:
A) it is large enough to house 100’s of people
B) it is not made of stone
C) it is big enough for only a few people
5. Liberty takes the name Gaea because:
A) Equality insists that she do so.
B) she will become the mother to a new society of people.
C) she likes the sound of it.
6. People in Equality’s society refer to themselves in the first person plural (we) because:
A) they do not want to feel alone.
B) they only live to serve their brothers.
C) they are referring to more than one person.
ESSAY #1 On white lined paper, develop an essay that is at least 3 paragraphs long based on the open response
question below.. Be sure to include a title and a topic sentence that rephrases the questions. Also, remember a
paragraph has AT LEAST 5-8 well developed sentences.
Discuss the Biblical & Mythological overtones and references in Anthem. Explain how Equality and Liberty are
the NEW ADAM and NEW EVE. Be sure to compare the themes of temptation, quest for knowledge/truth,
banishment from utopia, and “rebirth” with the narratives from “Genesis” and Greek Mythology.
ESSAY #2 On white lined paper, develop an essay that is at least 3 paragraphs long based on the open response
question below.. Be sure to include a title and a topic sentence that rephrases the questions. Also, remember a
paragraph has AT LEAST 5-8 well developed sentences.
An anthem by definition is a usually rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a
particular subculture, movement, or point of view. In the novel, the author does not explain why she
named the novel this. Nor does she choose a song to represent Prometheus and Gaea. What song would
you choose to represent Equality’s old society? His new one? Explain your choices and support your
decision with examples from the text.
ESSAY #3 On white lined paper, develop an essay that is at least 3 paragraphs long based on the open response
question below.. Be sure to include a title and a topic sentence that rephrases the questions. Also, remember a
paragraph has AT LEAST 5-8 well developed sentences.
On page 54, Equality says, “So long a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone?” Read
Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” How is this poem a reflection of the choices Equality does or
does not make in the novel Anthem?
The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.