Fault Current Management Guidebook - Updated 1012419 Fault Current Management Guidebook - Updated 1012419 Technical Update, November 2006 EPRI Project Manager R. Adapa ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 ▪ PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 ▪ USA 800.313.3774 ▪ 650.855.2121 ▪ askepri@epri.com ▪ www.epri.com DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE ORGANIZATION(S) NAMED BELOW AS AN ACCOUNT OF WORK SPONSORED OR COSPONSORED BY THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). 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ORGANIZATION THAT PREPARED THIS DOCUMENT EPRI Solutions, Inc. This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report. ORDERING INFORMATION Requests for copies of this report should be directed to EPRI Orders and Conferences, 1355 Willow Way, Suite 278, Concord, CA 94520. Toll-free number: 800.313.3774, press 2, or internally x5379; voice: 925.609.9169; fax: 925.609.1310. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright © 2005 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. CITATIONS This document was prepared by EPRI Solutions, Inc. 942 Corridor Park Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37932 Principal Investigators H. Sharma N. Abi-Samra M. McGranaghan This document describes research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Fault Current Management Guidebook - Updated. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2006. 1012419. iii PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This document is an update of Fault Current Management Guidebook (EPRI report 1010680) on fault current effects and management in transmission and distribution systems. This guide is a snapshot of available references, information, and literature on the effects of high fault current on a number of power system components as well as available and emerging fault current limiters. Results & Findings Due to increased load demands and reduced incentives to build new transmission, energy companies are increasing power flows on existing transmission assets, which will increase fault current levels throughout the power system. Also, new generation sources to be added at the transmission and distribution network will increase power flows and, consequently, fault current levels. Under increased power flow conditions on existing assets, managing fault currents is crucial for avoiding damage to equipment as well as increasing system reliability. Despite the importance of proper fault current management, no comprehensive guide on this subject matter is available to the industry. This guidebook fills the gap by documenting state-of-the-art techniques for managing fault currents in transmission and distribution assets. Descriptions include conventional methods such as neutral grounding resistors, current-limiting reactors, increased transformer impedances, and splitting of bus-bars. Emerging fault-current-limiting technologies such as superconducting and power electronic devices will be included as well. Challenges & Objective(s) Application of cost-effective fault-current-limiting technologies requires close cooperation between equipment engineers and manufactures. In addition, cost/benefit analysis may not always be possible, given that a number of these devices are not in wide use today and are not typically available from many manufactures. Applications, Values & Use Understanding the mechanical forces that are developed in major equipment, such as transformers and other substation equipment, will help utilities minimize equipment failures due to mechanical forces at high fault current levels. Users will better understand the effect of high fault current on existing protection systems and metering systems, current interrupting devices, ground grids, and transmission lines. A highlevel economic analysis also is included so that energy companies can make informed decisions when choosing options for limiting fault currents. EPRI Perspective The Fault Current Management Guidebook lists methods to limit fault currents in increased power flow scenarios and, thus, avoid equipment failures and save millions of dollars. By implementing one or more of the options in the guidebook, companies can increase power flows without damaging equipment due to high fault currents. In addition, system outage costs could be reduced. As increased power flows are experienced in utility systems, management of fault currents has become an important issue. Changing load flows, new generation locations, and other changes v have presented transmission asset owners with new challenges. One potential solution, uprating circuit breakers, often is not cost justifiable or physically possible. This guidebook helps utilities manage this emerging issue by providing information on how fault currents are increasing and methods to limit them. Approach This Technical Update is part of Project Set 38D, Management of Fault Currents. Although the effect fault current has on the equipment discussed in this Update will not change, the project team may, in future versions, describe new and improved fault-limiting devices, make new case studies available, and discuss new price points. Also, the effect of fault currents on other equipment not covered in this edition may be added. Keywords Fault current Mechanical forces Short circuit Failure mechanisms Transformers Core Shell Fuse Breaker Current limiting Interrupting capability SF6 Conductor Tower Insulator Step potential Touch potential Protection systems Metering systems Current interrupting devices Ground grids Transmission lines Economic analysis vi ABSTRACT Due to increased load demands and reduced incentives to build new transmission, energy companies are increasing power flows on existing transmission assets, which will increase fault current levels throughout the power system. Also, new generation sources to be added at the transmission and distribution network will increase power flows and, consequently, fault current levels. Under increased power flow conditions on existing assets, managing fault currents is crucial for avoiding damage to equipment as well as for increasing system reliability. Despite the importance of proper fault current management, no comprehensive guide on this subject matter has been available to the industry. This guidebook fills the gap by studying impacts of increased fault current levels on key power system components, including substation bus structures, protective devices, groundings, transmission lines, and power transformers. State-of-the-art techniques for managing fault currents in transmission and distribution assets are documented and include neutral grounding resistors, current limiting reactors, increased transformer impedances, and splitting of bus-bars. Emerging fault-current-limiting technologies such as superconducting and power electronic devices have been included as well. This guidebook is not intended to be a complete document, but rather a snapshot in time based on the available references, information, and literature. It is a technology update—a work-inprogress—that will be updated periodically. Studies will need to be conducted to investigate effects of high fault currents wherever the current state of information is insufficient. Such studies may include field measurement at various energy company sites. To the extent possible, functional and economic comparisons of each available fault-managing method has been made and reported in this guide. vii CONTENTS SYMBOLS ................................................................................................................................ S-1 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1 Background ..........................................................................................................................1-1 Reasons for Increased Fault Currents .................................................................................1-1 Guidebook Structure ............................................................................................................1-1 2 MECHANICAL FORCES AND THERMAL EFFECTS IN SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT DUE TO HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ..................................................................................................2-1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................2-1 Effects of High Fault Current on Substation Conductors .....................................................2-1 Rigid Bus Bars- IEEE Standard .....................................................................................2-1 Rigid Bus Bars – IEC Standard......................................................................................2-5 Flexible Conductor Buses – Static Method ....................................................................2-7 Force Safety Devices ...................................................................................................2-14 Substation Cable and Conductor Systems ........................................................................2-15 Cable Thermal Limits ...................................................................................................2-15 Cable Mechanical Limits ..............................................................................................2-15 Distribution Line Conductor Motion ..............................................................................2-16 Effects of High Fault Currents on Substation Insulators, Supports and Structures............2-17 Rigid Bus Bars .............................................................................................................2-17 Flexible Conductor Buses – Static Method ..................................................................2-18 Flexible Conductor Buses – Dynamic Method .............................................................2-19 Effects of High Fault Currents on Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) ..................................2-20 Experimental Results .........................................................................................................2-22 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................2-24 Appendix 2.1 Maximum possible values for dynamic factors (IEC Standard 865-1) ........2-24 Appendix 2.2 Factors for Different Bus-bar Arrangement (IEC Standard 865-1)..............2-26 Appendix 2.3 Factor q for Rigid Conductor (IEC Standard 865-1).....................................2-27 Appendix 2.4 Mechanical Effects on a 110kV arrangement with Slack Conductors..........2-28 Appendix 2.5 Mechanical Effects on Strained Conductors ................................................2-29 Appendix 2.6 Mechanical Effects on a 10kV arrangement with Single Rigid Conductors .2-30 Appendix 2.7 Mechanical Effects on a 10kV arrangement with Multiple Rigid Conductors2-31 Appendix 2.8 Mechanical Effects on a High Voltage Arrangement with Rigid Conductors 2-32 References.........................................................................................................................2-33 3 EFFECTS OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON CURRENT INTERRUPTING DEVICES ........3-1 Air Circuit Breakers ..............................................................................................................3-1 Vacuum Circuit Breakers .....................................................................................................3-2 SF6 Circuit Breakers ............................................................................................................3-3 ix Loss of Interruption Medium.................................................................................................3-4 Interrupting Ratings of Switching Devices............................................................................3-6 Circuit Breakers..............................................................................................................3-6 Fuses .............................................................................................................................3-8 Next-generation Solid-state Breakers ..................................................................................3-9 Generation 1: 15KV Class Distribution Switchgear Development................................3-10 Generation 2: 35/138KV Class Distribution/Transmission Switchgear Development ..3-10 Identifying the Breakers with Excessive Fault Currents .....................................................3-11 Case Studies......................................................................................................................3-13 Diablo Canyon..............................................................................................................3-13 Dresden and Quad Cities.............................................................................................3-14 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................3-15 References.........................................................................................................................3-15 4 EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON PROTECTION AND METERING.....................4-1 Current Transformer Saturation ...........................................................................................4-1 Saturation of Low Ratio CTs ..........................................................................................4-3 Effect of High Fault Currents on Coordination .....................................................................4-7 Protective Relay Ratings and Settings.................................................................................4-9 Effects of Fault Currents on Protective Relays ..................................................................4-10 Examples .....................................................................................................................4-11 Methods for Upgrading Protection Systems.......................................................................4-11 Update Short Circuit Study...........................................................................................4-11 Update Protective Device Coordination Study .............................................................4-11 Modeling Techniques for Protection Studies......................................................................4-12 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................4-14 APPENDIX 4.1 CT Saturation Evaluation Spreadsheet....................................................4-15 APPENDIX 4.2 EMTP Model for CT Saturation Evaluation ..............................................4-16 References.........................................................................................................................4-20 5 EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON GROUNDING GRIDS ......................................5-1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................5-1 Summary of Ground Grid Design Procedures .....................................................................5-3 Site Survey.....................................................................................................................5-3 Conductor Sizing............................................................................................................5-3 Step and Touch Voltages...............................................................................................5-5 Ground Grid Layout........................................................................................................5-5 Ground Resistance Calculation......................................................................................5-5 Calculation of Maximum Grid Current ............................................................................5-6 Calculation of Ground Potential Rise (GPR) ..................................................................5-6 Mesh Voltage .................................................................................................................5-6 Step Voltage...................................................................................................................5-7 x Detailed Design..............................................................................................................5-7 Example Design from IEEE Standard 80 .......................................................................5-7 Effects of High Fault Currents in Ground Grids....................................................................5-8 Failure Mechanisms .......................................................................................................5-8 Reduction in Electrical Safety: Increased Step and Touch Potentials............................5-8 Damage or Failure of Grounding Equipment .................................................................5-9 Case Studies......................................................................................................................5-12 Survey of Substation Grounding System Assessment and Refurbishment Practices..5-12 Safety Assessments of Transit Supply Substations and 161/69-kV Substations.........5-13 Grounding Systems for Electric Traction......................................................................5-14 Ground Current Measurement During a Fault..............................................................5-14 Design of Ground Grid for a Transition Station System ...............................................5-15 Large Industrial Plants .................................................................................................5-15 Deep-Ground-Well Method ..........................................................................................5-15 Design Using Two-Layer Soil Model ............................................................................5-16 Gas Insulated Substation Grounding Grid ...................................................................5-17 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................5-17 References.........................................................................................................................5-17 6 EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON TRANSMISSION LINES..................................6-1 Effect of High Fault Current on Non-Ceramic Insulators......................................................6-1 Conductor Motion Due to Fault Currents .............................................................................6-3 Calculation of Fault Current Motion for Horizontally Spaced Conductors ......................6-4 Calculation of Fault Current Motion for Vertically Spaced Conductors ..........................6-6 Calculation of Mechanical Loading on Phase-to-Phase Spacers...................................6-8 Effect of Bundle Pinch on Conductors and Spacers ............................................................6-8 References.........................................................................................................................6-10 7 SHORT CIRCUIT FORCES IN TRANSFORMERS ................................................................7-1 Typical Values of Mechanical Forces in Transformers ........................................................7-1 Short Circuit Currents in a Transformer ...............................................................................7-2 Effect of the System Impedance on Short Circuit Currents............................................7-2 Short Circuit Tests of Power Transformers ....................................................................7-3 Through fault Currents in a Transformer..............................................................................7-3 Liquid-Immersed Transformers ......................................................................................7-3 Dry-Type Transformers ..................................................................................................7-5 Protection Considerations ..............................................................................................7-5 Mechanical Forces in Transformers.....................................................................................7-6 Critical Forces in Shell Form Transformers....................................................................7-8 Shell-Form Failure Mechanisms ....................................................................................7-8 Critical Forces in Core Form Transformers ..................................................................7-10 Failure Modes in Core Type Transformers...................................................................7-11 xi Impact of Fault Currents on Transformer Life ....................................................................7-14 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................7-16 References.........................................................................................................................7-16 8 FAULT CURRENT LIMITING METHODS ..............................................................................8-1 Conventional Methods .........................................................................................................8-1 Emerging Technologies .......................................................................................................8-7 FCL Definitions...............................................................................................................8-7 Requirements for Fault Current Limiters ..............................................................................8-8 Solid-State Current Limiter (SSCL) ......................................................................................8-8 "All Solid-State" Based Designs ...................................................................................8-10 Hybrid Designs.............................................................................................................8-12 EPRI SCR Based FCL .......................................................................................................8-13 Design Description .......................................................................................................8-13 Functional Description of the SSCL Operation ............................................................8-15 Progress Report ...........................................................................................................8-17 Superconducting Fault Current Limiters.............................................................................8-18 Superconducting Current Limiter (SCCL) Operation....................................................8-19 HTS Fault Current Limiter Developments ..........................................................................8-21 Shielded Core ..............................................................................................................8-21 Resistive Type..............................................................................................................8-22 Fault Current Controller (FCC) .....................................................................................8-22 CURL10 .......................................................................................................................8-24 ABB’s Resistive SCFCL ...............................................................................................8-25 SIEMENS Resistive SCFCL.........................................................................................8-26 CESI Project in Italy .....................................................................................................8-26 Super-ACE Project in Japan ........................................................................................8-27 Matrix Fault Current Limiter................................................................................................8-27 Concept........................................................................................................................8-27 Electrical Configuration of an MFCL ............................................................................8-28 Proof-of-Concept MFCL Design ...................................................................................8-29 Matrix ...........................................................................................................................8-30 Development of MFCL Elements .................................................................................8-33 Proof-of-Concept Test Results .....................................................................................8-35 Project Update – DOE Annual peer review, 2006 ........................................................8-40 Other Technologies............................................................................................................8-41 Controlled LC Resonance Circuits ...............................................................................8-41 Liquid Metal FCL ..........................................................................................................8-42 Series Compensator ....................................................................................................8-42 Reactor and Compensating capacitor based Approach...............................................8-43 Comparison of FCL technologies.......................................................................................8-44 Losses..........................................................................................................................8-44 xii Size ..............................................................................................................................8-45 Recovery ......................................................................................................................8-45 FCL characteristic in the network .................................................................................8-45 Case Studies......................................................................................................................8-46 Air-core CLR in Brazil...................................................................................................8-46 IEE Project in China .....................................................................................................8-46 SCE Distribution Circuit of future .................................................................................8-47 Korean Electric Power Grid..........................................................................................8-47 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................8-48 APPENDIX 8.1 EMTP Model for FCL Evaluation .............................................................8-49 Parameter Description of FCL Module.........................................................................8-49 FCL Module disabled ...................................................................................................8-50 Current Limiting reactor in Service...............................................................................8-51 Superconducting FCL in Service..................................................................................8-52 References.........................................................................................................................8-53 9 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FAULT CURRENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ..............................................................................................................................9-1 Benefits of Fault Current Limiting.........................................................................................9-1 Economic Analysis for Conventional Solutions ....................................................................9-2 Cost Data .......................................................................................................................9-5 FCL Applications ..................................................................................................................9-7 Generator Connection....................................................................................................9-8 Coupling of Networks .....................................................................................................9-9 Coupling of Busbars.......................................................................................................9-9 Transformer feeder ......................................................................................................9-10 Coupling of Local Generation.......................................................................................9-10 Economic Analysis of Individual Components ...................................................................9-11 Power transformers ......................................................................................................9-11 Circuit Breakers............................................................................................................9-12 Economic Analysis for FCLs ..............................................................................................9-12 Solid State FCLs ..........................................................................................................9-12 Superconducting FCLs.................................................................................................9-15 System Integration Issues..................................................................................................9-18 Protection Coordination................................................................................................9-19 Testing of FCLs............................................................................................................9-21 Summary and Recommendations......................................................................................9-22 References.........................................................................................................................9-22 GLOSSARY.............................................................................................................................. G-1 xiii SYMBOLS ce Energy charge cP Reference ($/kVA) ____________________________________ cost of SFCL Symbol Quantity CC Cost of capacitor in solidstate FCL application ($) a Center line distance between main conductor mid-points (m) CD Expansion factor CF Form factor am Effective distance between main conductors (m) CF Yearly cost due to faults ($) as Clearance between mid-point of adjacent sub-conductors (m) CFCL Total cost of operating solidstate FCL ($) * C FCL Normalized life cycle cost of SFCL CI Investment Cost ($) A Conductor cross-section area (sq. mm) A Total area of ground grid (sq. m) CI Cost of inductor in solid-state FCL application ($) Akcmil Conductor cross-section area (kcmil) CM Maintenance costs ($/year) As Sub-conductor cross-section area (sq. m) COM Operation and maintenance costs ($/year) bc Equivalent conductor sag at mid-span (m) Cp Purchase price of SFCL ($) CP0 Cost of no-load losses ($) Maximum horizontal displacement of flexible conductor (m) CPk Cost of load losses ($) CS Surface layer-derating factor B Magnetic Field (Tesla) CT BC Cost Benefit of using SFCL Cost of control circuit in solid-state FCL application ($) B*C Normalized Cost Benefit of using SFCL d Diameter of conductor (m) BS Strategic Benefit of using SFCL d0 Initial conductor spacing of a transmission line. Normalized Strategiceconomic benefit of using SFCL dS Diameter of a flexible conductor (m) dt Conductor spacing of a transmission line at time t. bh * BSE cd Demand charge S-1 the grid D Conductor center-to-center spacing of a rigid bus (cm) FG D Spacing between parallel conductors in ground grid (m) Total bus unit weight, including ice loading and connectors (N/m) Fm Decrement factor that takes into account the system impedance Force between rigid main conductors during a short circuit (N) Fm2 Maximum distance between any two points on the grid (m) Force between rigid main conductors during a line-line short circuit (N) Fm3 Force on the central rigid main conductor during a balanced 3-phase short circuit (N) Df Dm E Modulus of elasticity (kPa or N/m2) EGPR Ground potential rise voltage (v) Fpi Pinch force (N) FSC Fault current force (N/m) Em Mesh voltage (v) Fst ESTEP Step Voltage (v) Static tensile force in flexible main conductor (N) ETOUCH Touch Voltage (v) Ft Short circuit tensile force (N) f System Frequency (Hz) FT Total vector force on the bus (N/m) fb Natural frequency of the bus (Hz) Fv fc Capacitor loss factor kW/Mvar Short circuit current force between the sub-conductors in a bundle (N) g gravitational constant (m/s2) G International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) conductivity (%) in fe Cost of energy loss per kWh fu LC utilization factor fv Present value factor h Depth of the ground grid (m) fM Maintenance factor ha FA Maximum yield stress (kPa2) Ratio of active power of subnetwork at the time of the peak power of the whole network to the peak active power of the sub-network ha Height of conductor transformer (inches) Favg Average force on one conductor of a transmission line FDEV Actuation force for the Force Safety Device Ff Drop force (N) S-2 in hr Ratio of maximum power to rated power Kre Cost of removal of existing circuit breaker hs Depth of the surface material (m) KS H Magnetic (A/m) Constant based on number of spans and end types, Table 2-3 KS Spacing voltage KVC Capacitor variable cost per Mvar in solid-state FCL KVCB Circuit breaker variable cost per MVASC rating KVL Inductor variable cost per MVAr in solid-state FCL HC field strength Critical magnetic field for superconductivity factor for the step i Inflation rate IC Critical temperature superconductivity IG Maximum grid current (kA) ISC Symmetrical current (A) fault KVT Thyristor variable cost per MVAr in solid-state FCL j Parameter determining the bundle configuration KVTS Incremental cost of installing a new transmission system J Moment of inertia of the cross-section (cm4) l k Number of FCL Maximum center line distance between supports (m) K Pinning factor lc Kf Mounting structure flexibility factor Cord length of the main conductor of a flexible bus (m) li Kf Material-fusing constant Length of one insulator chain (m) KFC Fixed capacitor cost in solidstate FCL lS Distance between adjacent spacers (m) KFCB Fixed circuit breaker cost ∆L Change in bus bar length (m) KFL Fixed inductor cost in solidstate FCL LC Length of beam (inches) KFT Fixed thyristor cost in solidstate FCL LC Total length of conductor in the horizontal grid (m) Inner conductor factor Li Initial bus bar length (m) Kii Kin Installation cost of the new circuit breaker LM Effective buried length of ground grid (m) Km Geometrical factor LP Length of the perimeter of the grid (m) rms for S-3 two LR Individual ground rod length (m) PWS Present worth of using an SFCL LS Maximum allowable length of the bus (cm) PCE LS Effective length of buried conductor Present cost of energy losses (inductor, capacitor and thyristor) in solid-state FCL application Lt Inductance of transmission system r Ratio of electromechanical force on a conductor during short circuit to gravity LT Total length of buried conductor in ground grid (m) Rg Resistance of the grounding grid (ohms) Lx Maximum length of the grid in the x direction (m) Rp0.2 Stress corresponding to yield 2 point (N/m ) Ly Maximum length of the grid in the y direction (m) S Section modulus (m3) m Mass per unit length of main conductor (kg/m) S Spring constant of support (N/m) m load factor S Span Length m Average life of SFCL (years) SCB m’S Mass of (Kg/m) savings due to extension of life of circuit breaker by installation of FCL Sf Current split factor determined from the detailed substation short-circuit calculation Sr Rated power of SFCL (kVA) STP savings due to increase in transmitted power due to series capacitor in solid-state FCL installation the sub-conductor n Number of sub-conductors n Effective number of parallel conductors in a grid n Service life in years N Average life of conventional methods of limiting short circuit currents (years) N Number of turns transformer winding in t Thickness of conductor transformer (inches) N Stiffness norm of installation with flexible conductors (1/N) tc Fusing time of conductor (s) p Interest rate tf Fault duration (s) P0 No load losses ts Duration of the shock current (s) S-4 in T Period of conductor oscillation with no current flow (s) Ta Time constant (s) TC Critical temperature for a superconductor Tf Ti Maximum swing out angle (rad) m Γ Constant based on type of short circuit and conductor location (See Table 2-1): Stress factor for flexible main conductor Final conductor temperature (°C) Initial conductor temperature (°C) th Thermal expansion ela Elastic expansion st , pi Strain factor of the bundle conductor Ti Installation temperature (°C) Tk1 Duration of the first short circuit current flow (s) Tsc Period of conductor oscillation during short circuit (s) h Hoop compression transformer (psi) v1,v2, v3, v4, ve Factors for calculating Fpi b Bending stress in transformer (psi) w Applied Load y0 Initial conductor sag of a transmission line yavg Average conductor sag of a transmission line yt Conductor sag at time t of a transmission line α Coefficient of expansion (1/°C) δ Direction of the resultant force for a flexible conductor (rad) ρ Earth resistivity (Ω-m) ρs Resistivity of the surface material (Ω-m) k factor for calculating Fpi in case of non-clashing subconductors m s thermal Swing out angle at the end of the short circuit (rad) S-5 in Bending stress caused by forces between main rigid 2 conductors (N/m ) Bending stress caused by forces between subconductors (N/m2) electricity demand, utilities have been upgrading their systems for higher power transfer capability resulting in higher fault currents. 1 INTRODUCTION Meshed Networks- Present networks are getting more interconnected for the purpose of enhancement of reliability and flexibility in the power transmission. A more closely coupled system not only exhibits reduced source impedance values from parallel paths but also an increased number of sources possibly contributing to a fault. Background With the growth of the electricity demand, utilities have been upgrading their systems continuously for higher power transfer capability and, consequently, for higher fault current handling capability. A more closely coupled system not only exhibits reduced source impedance values from parallel paths but also an increased number of sources possibly contributing to a fault. Under increased power flow conditions on existing assets, managing fault currents is crucial in order to avoid malfunctioning and damage of equipment as well as to increase system reliability. New Generation – The addition of new conventional and distributed generation (thermal solar power and photovoltaic systems, wind generators, fuel cells, microturbines, combustion turbines etc.) to existing generation is constantly increasing. The addition of distributed generators results in increased fault currents throughout the distribution system. This guidebook is intended to be a comprehensive resource on the subject of managing high fault current levels. The adverse impacts of the increased current levels on individual equipments in the system are addressed in detail. The conventional as well as emerging solutions to the resultant problems are investigated and the recent developments in the field have been reported and updated. The theoretical explanations and mathematical equations in the text have been complemented by several applets that have been developed and can be provided with this guidebook for the benefit of the readers. Guidebook Structure This introductory chapter provides a broad overview of this guidebook on the subject of fault current management. The structure of the rest of the guidebook is as follows. Chapter 2 deals with the mechanical and thermal impacts of high fault current levels on substation bus-work and conductors. There are separate sections for rigid and flexible bus bar configurations. Both, IEEE and CIGRE methods for calculating the thermal and mechanical forces are explained in detail. The spreadsheets have been developed that model the mathematical equations that have been mentioned in this chapter. These spreadsheets may be used to evaluate the impact of high fault current on example systems. The results have been validated using the test systems and the same have been included in Appendix to the chapter for reference. The impact of the high Reasons for Increased Fault Currents There are several reasons for ever increasing fault current levels in transmission and distribution systems. Increased Power Transfer Capability – In order to meet the ever increasing 1-1 fault currents on substation insulators is also dealt with. The chapter also includes the results of an experimental study that investigated the mechanical impact of shortcircuit on outdoor HV substations. Chapter 5 deals with the impacts of fault currents on grounding grids. It addresses the adverse impacts of the flow of the excessive fault current into the grounding system in the substation. The various measures that may be used to strengthen the grounding grid are introduced. The procedure that is used to design the ground grid for expected fault current levels is also explained using an example IEEE system. The theoretical content in the chapter has been complemented by several case studies that deal with the grounding issues in increased fault current situations. There are growing instances in utility distribution and transmission systems wherein the fault current levels are exceeding the interrupting capability of existing substation circuit breakers. This increase in fault current level can cause significant challenges for utilities as it either requires the replacement of large number of substation breakers or the development of some means to limit the fault current. The impact of high fault current levels on circuit breakers is addressed in Chapter 3. The breakers are classified based on the interrupting medium used. The interrupting ratings of the switching devices based on their ANSI ratings have been included. In case it is not feasible to replace the breakers, the procedure that may be used to identify the problem topologies in a substation that could be avoided is presented. Finally, some case studies that deal with the replacement of breakers in response to increased fault current levels have been included. The impacts of high fault current levels on transmission lines are addressed in Chapter 6. The impact of the high fault current on the insulators is addressed. The chapter talks about conductor motion during high fault current that can be an issue for compact transmission lines. The mathematical equations have been provided for conductor motion for horizontally spaced as well as vertically spaced conductors. The mechanical forces experienced by the spacers during a fault are also investigated. The mechanical impacts of short-circuit forces inside the power transformers are evaluated in Chapter 7. Through fault capability curves are explained for different categories of liquid immersed and dry-type transformers. The expressions for the mechanical forces due to the short circuit currents for shell form and core form transformers are presented and various failure modes are discussed. Finally, the combined effects of thermal aging and mechanical forces on the transformer life are discussed. Chapter 4 addresses the impacts of high fault current on protection and metering. CT saturation at high fault current levels is the primary issue and the phenomenon is investigated in detail. The impacts of the resultant distortion of CT secondary current on individual and coordinated protection schemes have been evaluated. The spreadsheets have been developed that may be used to predict CT ratio errors arising out of AC and DC saturation that may occur during fault conditions based on CT characteristics and system parameters. Example cases have been developed on EMTP platform that can be used to study CT saturation in example systems in timedomain. The modeling techniques for the accurate simulation of CT saturation phenomenon have also been explained. Chapter 8 deals with the various methods that may be used for limiting fault currents to acceptable levels in transmission and distribution systems. The chapter includes description of conventional methods such as neutral grounding resistors, current limiting reactors, increased transformers impedances, 1-2 and splitting of grids and bus-bars. Furthermore, emerging fault current limiting technologies such as superconducting and power electronic devices have been included as well. For the sake of completeness other novel technologies have also been included. The status of the various research projects related to fault current limiters has been included in this chapter. Also, the case studies that describe potential and actual applications of fault limiting technologies have been included from all over the world. The technical and economic analysis of various fault current limiting applications is addressed in Chapter 9. The comparison is made of the cost of conventional solutions of fault limiting such as upgrading breakers, transformers and adding line reactors. Two simplified example distribution systems have been used for the purpose of economic analysis. Finally, the methodologies that could be used to estimate the costs and savings associated with solid-state and superconducting fault current limiters are explained. For the reader’s benefit, the list of symbols used and the glossary of key terms in the guidebook have also been provided. 1-3 Effects of High Fault Current on Substation Conductors 2 Rigid Bus Bars- IEEE Standard MECHANICAL FORCES AND THERMAL EFFECTS IN SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT DUE TO HIGH FAULT CURRENTS Short Circuit Mechanical Forces – Circular Cross Section The force imparted to the bus structure by fault current is dependent on conductor spacing, magnitude of fault current, type of short circuit, and degree of short-circuit asymmetry. The equation for the force between parallel, infinitely long conductors in a flat configuration due to an unsymmetrical short circuit current as per IEEE Standard 605 (IEEE 1998.) is: All substation equipment can suffer damage from mechanical forces caused by short circuits. Examples include bending of buswork, sudden expansion of transformer coils, and breaking of insulators and bushings. This chapter mainly reviews the literature for the effects of fault Introduction current on the substation bus work and conductors, leaving the effect on other substation equipment to latter chapters. FSC = K f ( CΓ D f 2 I SC ) 2 D Eq. 2-1 Where: C = 0.2 × 10-4 FSC = fault current force in N/m. ISC = symmetrical rms fault current in A. D = conductor center-to-center spacing in cm. Γ = constant based on type of short Mechanical forces and thermal effects produced by high fault currents can damage or destroy substation equipment. In addition, even faults with rather moderate magnitude may cause long-term effects such as accelerated aging of dielectric insulation due to repetitive mechanical stresses. Solving the problem of increased fault current means repeating portions of the original design process. Because substation design has become an automated procedure (Anders et al. 1992.) the uprating should be in the nature of a design review. circuit and conductor location (See Table 2-1). Df = decrement factor that takes into account the system impedance. T Df = 1+ a tf −2 t f ⎛ ⎜ Ta ⎜1 − e ⎜ ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ Eq. 2-2 Where: tf = fault duration in s. Ta = time constant X/2πfR in s. 2-1 FG = total bus unit weight, including ice loading and connectors in N/m. Kf = mounting structure flexibility factor. This is 1.0 unless mounting structures are higher than 3 m tall (Figure 2-1). = 1 if the bus conductors are KV vertical, otherwise 0. Table 2-1 Constant Γ KH = 1 if the bus conductors are horizontal, otherwise 0. For practical buses, the results will be conservative due to the end effects. The short circuit forces on a conductor are added to the other forces to produce a total force, which must be less than the minimum yield stress of the conductor material, Figure 2-1 (IEEE 1998. Section 11) The magnitude of the total force is: FT = ( FW + K H F SC ) + ( FG + K V F SC ) 2 Figure 2-1 Constant Kf (IEEE. 1998. Figure 4) Table 2-2 Allowable Stress for Common Conductor Materials (IEEE. 1998. Table 4) 2 Material Eq. 2-3 The angle of the force below the horizontal is: ⎛ FG + KV FSC ⎝ FW + K H FSC θ = tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Eq. 2-4 Where: FT = total vector force on the bus in N/m. FW = wind force in N/m. 2-2 Minimum Yield Stress kPa2 Al alloy 6063-T6 or 6101-T6 172,375 Al alloy 6061-T6 241,325 Al alloy 6061-T6 103,452 Cu No. 110 hard drawn 275,800 The maximum When increased forces allowable are anticipated due to length between increased short circuit spans is limited levels, supporting them by the with additional maximum of insulators can protect vertical substation bus bars deflection or the span length for fiber stress. The vertical deflection is primarily an aesthetic concern, which is not affected by short circuit forces. The maximum allowable length based upon fiber stress is calculated from the maximum allowable stress in Table 2-2: LS = 3.16 K S FA S FT Eq. 2-5 Where: LS = maximum length of the bus in cm. Figure 2-2 Dwight Curves for Proximity Factor KS = constant based on number of spans and end types (Table 2-3). Table 2-3 Conductor Span Constant Ks FA = maximum yield stress in kPa2. S 3 = section modulus in cm . 2-3 Number of Spans Fixed ends Pinned ends KS 1 0 2 8 1 2 0 12 1 1 1 8 2 N/A N/A 8 3 N/A N/A 10 4+ N/A N/A 28 Short Circuit Mechanical Forces – Rectangular Cross-Section E = modulus of elasticity (Table 2-4) in kPa. In the case of substations with rectangular cross-section bus bars, a proximity factor K is used (CDA. 2001.): J = moment of inertia of the cross4 section in cm . FSC = K 2 µ0 8 Γ (D f I SC ) 2π D m = mass per unit length in kg/m. If the resonant frequency calculation leads to the suspicion of a possible resonance problem, a dynamic (Bergeron et al. 1999) or static (Bergeron and Trahan. 1999) finite element analysis should be performed. Eq. 2-6 Where, K is taken from Figure 2-2. K is equal to 1.0 for a round conductor, and is almost 1.0 for a square conductor. Conductor shape is most significant for thin, strip conductors. In the case of hollow bus bars, internal weights or stiffeners may be added to dampen vibration modes. Dynamic Effects of Short Circuits Table 2-4 Modulus of Elasticity for Common Conductor Materials (IEEE. 1998. Table 2) When excited The stimulus of a short by a circuit will provide a displacement twice power frequency force, a rigid periodic force which may conductor will be amplified if the vibrate at its natural frequency of the natural bus bar is greater than frequency, or equal to the power subject to frequency. damping forces. (IEEE 1998. Section 7). If additional supports are being added to stiffen the bus due to increased fault currents, the dynamic effects should be checked as well. The bus bar natural frequency is: fb = π K2 2 20 L EJ m Material Modulus of Elasticity, kPa Al alloy 6061-T6 Al alloy 6063-T6 6.895 x 107 Al alloy 6101-T6 Cu 11.03x 107 Short Circuit Thermal Effects Heating of bus bars can cause annealing, thermal expansion or damage to attached equipment. The limit for thermal expansion adopted during the design of the substation is generally used. Annealing can occur at temperatures of 100 °C or more. Eq. 2-7 Where: The amount of current required to heat a conductor from the ambient to a given final temperature during the duration of a fault can be calculated (IEEE 1998. Section 5.2.): fb = natural frequency of the bus in Hz. K = pinning factor: - 1.00 if both ends are pinned. - 1.22 if one end is fixed and one end is pinned. - 1.51 if both ends are fixed. 2-4 ∆L = change in bus bar length in m. T f − 20 + (K G ) 1 I = C × 10 A log10 tf Ti − 20 + (K G ) 6 α = coefficient of thermal expansion in 1/°C. Eq. 2-8 If both ends of the bus bar are fixed, then a force results, which may damage attached equipment: Where: I = maximum allowable symmetrical fault current in A. rms ( FTE = 0.1AEα Ti − T f A = conductor cross-section area, sq. mm. A = cross-sectional area in cm2. Rigid Bus Bars – IEC Standard = fault duration in s. Calculation of Electromagnetic Force Tf = final conductor temperature in °C. During a three-phase short-circuit in a threephase system, the maximum force is experienced by the central conductor and may be computed as per the equation below. Ti = initial conductor temperature in °C. K = constant: 15150 for aluminum, 24500 for copper. Fm 3 = G = International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) conductivity in percent. Where: When the ends Where thermal expansion of a bus bar are is anticipated due to not fixed, increased fault currents, thermal expansion fittings can be expansion will added to long bus result from structures. heating. This may cause damage to attached equipment, such as switches, insulators, and other devices. The amount of expansion (IEEE 1998. Section 13) is: ( ∆L α T f − Ti = Li 1 + α Ti ) Eq. 2-10 Where: C = constant: 92.9 for aluminum conductors, 142 for copper conductors. tf ) µ0 3 2 l i p3 2π 2 am Eq. 2-11 ip3 = peak value of short-circuit current in the case of balanced 3-phase fault in A. l = maximum center-line distance between supports in m. am = effective distance between main conductors in m. The effective distance am may be computed as: - a m = a , for circular conductors Eq. 2-9 - am = Where: Li = initial bus bar length in m. a , for rectangular conductors k12 Where, k12 shall be taken from Figure 2-3. Ti = installation temperature in °C. 2-5 1 1 1 1 = + + ... + a s a12 a13 a1n conductors - k 1 k12 k13 = + + ... + 1n a s a12 a13 a1n conductors - Where, k12……k1n shall Figure 2-3. for circular for rectangular be taken from Calculation of Stresses For the rigid conductors the, axial forces may be disregarded. In that case, the bending stress equation for the main conductors is given below. Figure 2-3 Factor k12 for computing effective distance σ m = Vσ Vr β Similarly, the maximum force between short-circuited conductors during a line-line short circuit in a 3-phase system or in a 2line 1-phase system is given below. Fm 2 = µ0 2 l i p2 2π am S V ,Vr are the dynamic factors and may be obtained from Table in Appendix 2.1. Value for may be taken from Table in Appendix 2.2. The bending stress equation for the subconductors is given below. σs = VσsVrs Then, the maximum force between coplanar sub-conductors is given below. 2 ⎞ ls ⎟⎟ ⎠ as = Section modulus of the main conductor. Eq. 2-12 ip2 = peak value of short-circuit current in the case of line-line fault in A. ⎛ ip ⎜⎜ ⎝n Eq. 2-14 Where: Where: µ Fs = 0 2π Fm l 8S Fs l s 16 S s Eq. 2-15 where Eq. 2-13 Ss = Section modulus of the subconductors. Where: ip = ip2 or ip3 Permitted Conductor Stress ls = maximum center-line distance between adjacent connecting pieces in m The stress caused by short-circuit forces is permissible for a single conductor if the following condition is satisfied. as = effective distance between subconductors in m σ m < qR p 0.2 The effective distance as may be computed as: Where: 2-6 Eq. 2-16 Unwanted forces on support structures q = factor taken from Table in Appendix 2.3. Increased thermal conductors Rp0.2= Stress corresponding to yield point 2 in N/m . Eq. 2-17 σs <= R p 0.2 Eq. 2-18 the Possibility of damage due to increased drop force Pinch effect damage to conductors due to clashing, and to spacers due to compression, and to suspension insulators and supports due to impulse tension. Forces on Supports The dynamic force on the support of the rigid conductor is calculated as per the equation below. Fd = VF Vr αFm on Possibility of arcing due to decreased minimum clearance between conductors during swing In the case of a conductor comprising of sub-conductors, the following conditions should be met. σ m + σ s < qR p 0.2 stress Flexible conductor substation buses are discussed in detail in IEC Standard 865 (IEC 1993 and 1994) with further explanations in (CIGRE. 1996). The design standard is intended for horizontal buses up to 60 m long in a temperature range of –20 to +60 ºC and maximum sag of 8%. Automatic reclosing does not increase the effect of short circuits on flexible conductors. The simplified calculation procedure used in the standards has been verified by tests and detailed finite element method (FEM) simulations. (Stein, Miri and Meyer. 2000; Miri and Stein. 2003; Herrmann, Stein, and Keißling. 1989). Eq. 2-19 Where, the maximum value of VFVr may be taken from the table in Appendix 2.1. Also, value of is dependent on the type and number of supports and may be taken from the table in Appendix 2.2. Flexible Conductor Buses – Static Method Flexible conductor buses may be constructed as strain buses, suspended from insulator strings (Figure 2-4). This type of construction is usually used for substation main buses at high voltages (> 100 kV). The slack bus construction (Figure 2-5), with post insulators, is normally used for connections between equipment within a substation. When high current carrying capability is needed, conductors are often bundled (Figure 2-6), separated from 8 to 60 cm with spacers at regular intervals of 2 to 30 meters. (CIGRE 1996. p. 12) Conductor Motion During a Fault The electromagnetic force per unit length on flexible conductors for a phase-to-phase and three-phase fault is approximately given as: FSC = The effects of high fault currents on flexible conductor buses are: 2 µ 0 0.75I SC lc a l 2π Eq. 2-20 Where: ISC = short circuit current. Increased tension on the conductors lc = cord length of the main conductor. Increased tension on insulators 2-7 a = center line distance between main conductor mid-points. l l = maximum center line distance between supports. lc The forces will also The forces will cause the cause an conductors to separate (swing out), gravity will elastic then bring them together expansion of the (drop force), and they will oscillate with a conductor characteristic period. material, while the high currents will cause thermal expansion. If the bus is constructed from bundled conductors instead of single conductors, then the short circuit will force them together through the pinch effect, which produces tension on the conductor. bc Figure 2-5 Slack Bus From Post Insulators Spacers as ds bc li lc ls n sub-conductors li l Figure 2-6 Details of Flexible Conductor Bundle With Spacers IEC standard (IEC 1993. Section 2.3) defines the ratio of electromagnetic force from the short circuit to the weight of the conductor: r= Figure 2-4 Strain Bus From Suspension Insulators FSC n m ′s g Eq. 2-21 Where: n = number of sub-conductors. m’S = mass of the sub-conductors in kg/m. 2-8 g = gravitational constant in m/s2. ⎧ ⎡ ⎛ T ⎪δ ⎢1 − cos⎜⎜ 2π k 1 ⎪ ⎝ TSC δ k = ⎨ ⎢⎣ ⎪ ⎪2δ ⎩ Then the direction of the resultant force is: δ = arctan r Eq. 2-22 ⎞⎤ T ⎟⎟⎥ for 0 ≤ k 1 ≤ 0.5 TSC ⎠⎥⎦ T for k 1 > 0.5 TSC The static conductor sag, without current flow, is: Eq. 2-26 Where: n m ′s g l 2 bc = 8Fst Eq. 2-23 Tk1 = duration of the fault in s Using r, we calculate a quantity χ, Where: ⎧1 − r sin δ k for 0 ≤ δ k ≤ π 2 for δ k > π 2 ⎩1 − r Fst = static force on the conductors in N. χ=⎨ Eq. 2-27 and the maximum swing-out δm: for 0.766 ≤ χ ≤ 1 ⎧1.25 arccos χ ⎪ δ m = ⎨π 18 + arccos χ for - 0.985 ≤ χ ≤ 0.766 ⎪π for χ < -0.985 ⎩ Eq. 2-28 Once the angle of displacement is known, the objective is to determine the minimum conductor clearance during the fault. This will require calculating the conductor tensile force and the thermal and elastic expansion. Figure 2-7 Curves for Determining the Factor ψ From IEC Standard 865, Figure 7 If the conductor oscillates at small swing-out angles, again, with no current flow, the period of oscillation is: T = 2π 0.8 bc g Short-circuit tensile force on the conductors may be calculated as follows: 1. Calculate the stiffness norm N Eq. 2-24 N= And with a short circuit: 1 1 + Sl nE S AS Eq. 2-29 Where: TSC T = ⎡ δ2⎤ 4 1 + r 2 ⎢1 − ⎥ ⎣ 16 ⎦ Eq. 2-25 S = spring constant of both supports in N/m. ES = actual Young’s modulus in N/m2. The maximum angle which the conductor can swing out for a given short circuit current magnitude and fault duration can now be calculated. The swing-out angle at the end of the short-circuit is: AS = cross section of one sub-conductor in m2. Calculate the stress factor ζ 2-9 ζ = (ngm s′ l )2 between Midpoints of a Slack Bus Eq. 2-30 24 Fst3 N The thermal expansion of the conductors is given by: Calculate the load parameter ϕ 2 ⎡ I ′′ ⎤ ε th = cth ⎢ k 3 ⎥ T ⎣ nAS ⎦ ⎧ ⎛ 2 ⎞ for 0 ≤ δ ≤ π 2 ⎪3⎜ 1 + r − 1⎟ ϕ=⎨ ⎝ ⎠ ⎪⎩3(r sin δ + cos δ − 1) for δ > π 2 Eq. 2-35 Where: Eq. ⎧T ⎫ T = max ⎨ sc , Tk1 ⎬ ⎩ 4 ⎭ 2-31 Determine the factor ψ from Figure 2-7 (Figure 7 in IEC Standard 865), or calculate from a real solution of I k′′3 is the initial three-phase symmetrical rms short circuit current in A ⎧ϕ 2ψ 3 + ϕ (2 + ζ )ψ 2 + (1 + 2ζ )ψ − ζ (2 + ϕ ) = 0 ⎨ ⎩0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 ⎧0.27 × 10 −18 m 4 /( A 2 s) for Al, Al alloy and Al/Steel ⎪ ⎪conductors with a cross - section ratio of Al/St > 6 c th = ⎨ −18 for Al/St ≤ 6 ⎪0.17 × 10 − 18 ⎪0.088 × 10 for Cu ⎩ Eq. 2-32 Calculate the conductor bundling factor, KB ⎧1.0 KB = ⎨ ⎩1.1 for n = 1 for n ≥ 2 Eq. 2-37 The elastic expansion of the conductors is given by: Eq. 2-33 ε ela = N (Ft − Fst ) Then Ft = K B Fst (1 + ϕψ ) Eq. 2-36 Eq. 2-38 The thermal and elastic expansions are combined into an expansion factor CD: Eq. 2-34 2 3⎡ l ⎤ C D = 1 + ⎢ ⎥ (ε els + ε th ) 8 ⎣ bc ⎦ a Eq. 2-39 bh amin The actual shape of the conductor sag can vary from a catenary at low current to a triangle at high short circuit currents. A form factor CF is used: δm for r ≤ 0.8 ⎧1.05 ⎪ C F = ⎨0.97 + 0.1r for 0.8 ≤ r < 1.8 Eq. 2-40 ⎪1.15 for r ≥ 1.8 ⎩ The maximum horizontal displacement (Figure 2-8) for a slack bus (l c = l ) is: Figure 2-8 Horizontal Displacement and Distance 2-10 for δ m ≥ π 2 ⎧C F C D bc Eq. 2-41 bh = ⎨ ⎩C F C D bc sin δ m for δ m < π 2 lS = distance between two adjacent Eq. 2-42 spacers If there are no more than four subconductors, which clash according to the above definition, then the force Ft, described above, may be used. Otherwise, the force Fpi, as described below, should be calculated. For a strain bus (l c = l − 2li ) : ⎧C F C D bc sin δ bh = ⎨ ⎩C F C D bc sin δ m for δ m ≥ δ for δ m < δ Eq. 2-43 The closest approach of the conductors is: a min = a − 2bh In order to calculate Fpi the following quantities are required: Eq. 2-44 1. The maximum of the single phase to ground and the three-phase short circuit current Where: a = distance between the centers of the conductors while at rest in m I ′′ = max (I k′′1 , I k′′3 ) Once the conductors have reached their maximum height, they will fall, experiencing the drop force: F f = 1.2 Fst 1 + 8ζ Short-circuit current force Fv = (n − 1) δm for r > 0.6 and δ m ≥ 70 o π v1 = Pinch Forces on Bundled Conductors 2 ⎛ I ′′ ⎞ l s v 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ n ⎟ a v ⎝ ⎠ s 3 In bundled conductor configurations (Figure 1-5), short circuit forces cause the subconductors to come together rapidly. (a s − d s )m s′ f sin Eq. 2-48 π µ0 2π n 2 ⎛ I ′′ ⎞ n − 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ n ⎟ a s ⎝ ⎠ Eq. 2-49 Where, v2 and v3 are given by Figure 2-9 and Figure 2-10 (Figures 8 and 9 in IEC Standard 865). First strain factor for bundle contraction Sub-conductors are said to clash when: ⎧a s d s ≤ 2.0 and l s ≥ 50a s ⎪ or ⎨ ⎪a d ≤ 2.5 and l ≥ 70a s s ⎩ s s µ0 2π Factor v1 Eq. 2-45 This discussion applies to n sub-conductors arranged in a circular configuration, separated by a distance aS. Eq. 2-47 ε st = 1.5 Eq. 2-46 Fst l s2 N (a s − d s )2 ⎛π ⎞ sin 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝n⎠ Eq. 2-50 Second strain factor for bundle contraction Where: ε pi = 0.375 as = clearance between mid-point of adjacent sub-conductors Fv l s3 N ⎛π ⎞ sin 3 ⎜ ⎟ (a s − d s )3 ⎝ n ⎠ Clashing factor dS = diameter of a flexible conductor 2-11 Eq. 2-51 ε pi 1 + ε st Eq. 2-52 Overswing factor for non clashing sub conductors If j≥1 the sub-conductors clash. Go to step 7. ⎛ ls ⎞ µ ⎛ I ′′ ⎞ 1 ⎡9 ⎟⎟ ve = + ⎢ n (n − 1) 0 ⎜ ⎟ N v2 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎣8 2π ⎝ n ⎠ ⎝ as − d s ⎠ j= 2 4⎛ π Factor v4 as − d s ds 12 ⎤ ⎞ sin ⎜ ⎟ ⎧ ⎥ ⎫ arctan v 1 n ⎪ ⎪ 4 ⎝ ⎠ 1− ⎥ − ⎬ ⎨ η 4 ⎪⎩ v4 ⎪⎭ 4 ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ If j<1 the sub-conductors do not clash. Go to step 10. v4 = 4 Eq. 2-57 Eq. 2-53 Overswing factor for clashing of sub conductors ⎛ ls µ ⎛ I ′′ ⎞ 1 ⎡9 + n (n − 1) 0 ⎜ ⎟ N v 2 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎢⎣ 8 2π ⎝ n ⎠ ⎝ as − d s 2 ve = ⎤ ⎛π ⎞ sin 4 ⎜ ⎟ ⎧ ⎥ ⎫ ⎝ n ⎠ ⎪1 − arctan v 4 ⎪ − 1 ⎥ ⎨ ⎬ ξ 3 ⎪⎩ v4 ⎪⎭ 4 ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 4 12 Eq. 2-54 Figure 2-9 Curves for Determining the Factors v1 and v2 From IEC Standard 865, Figure 8 Where: ξ is the pinch force factor taken from Figure 2-11 (Figure 10 of IEC Standard 865). The tensile force is then ⎛ v ⎞ F pi = Fst ⎜⎜1 + e ξ ⎟⎟ ε st ⎠ ⎝ Eq. 2-55 Factor v4 v4 = η as − d s a s − η (a s − d s ) Eq. 2-56 Where: Figure 2-10 Curves for Determining the Factors v1 and v2 From IEC Standard 865, Figure 9 η = non-clashing sub conductor factor taken from Figure 2-12, Figure 2-13 and Figure 2-14 (Figure 11 of IEC Standard 865). 2-12 Figure 2-11 Curves for Determining the Factor ξ as a Function of j and ε From IEC Standard 865, Figure 10 Figure 2-13 Curves for Determining the Factor η From IEC Standard 865, Figure 11 Figure 2-14 Curves for Determining the Factor η From IEC Standard 865, Figure 11 Figure 2-12 Curves for Determining the Factor η From IEC Standard 865, Figure 11 The tensile force is then ⎞ ⎛ v F pi = Fst ⎜⎜1 + e η 2 ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ε st 2-13 Eq. 2-58 Spacer compression may be calculated with the Manuzio formula (Lilien et al. 2000.): ⎛a Pmax = 1.45 I ′′ Fst log⎜⎜ S ⎝ dS ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Eq. 2-59 Where: Pmax = Compression force on the spacer in N. Fst = Initial static tension on the conductor bundle in N. as = conductor spacing in mm. Figure 2-15 Operation of Force Safety Device (Miroshnik. 2003) ds = conductor diameter in mm. Tests by Lillien, et al., showed that the Manuzio formula underestimated the stress by 50%. Better results (within ±10%) were obtained using finite element analysis. When short circuit forces increase, force safety devices can mitigate pinch force effects. Force Safety Devices A Force Safety Device (FSD) (Miroshnik. 2003) is a deformable mechanical link which can be placed in series with a flexible substation bus to limit damage due to shortcircuit forces. It is similar to a fuse, in that it is non-recoverable, and must be replaced after a short circuit. The principle of operation (Figure 2-15) is that of a metallic cramp, having two weakened cross-sectional areas, which are calibrated for an actuation force of Pdev. The FSD is connected between the support structure and the suspension insulator, Figure 2-16. When the total force Ft exceeds Pdev, the FSD will be deformed, as shown in Figure 2-15, limiting the force. A graph of force limitation is plotted in Figure 2-17. Figure 2-16 Connection of FSD to Flexible Substation Bus Structure. (Miroshnik. 2003) Figure 2-17 Limitation of Bus Tension by FSD. (Miroshnik. 2003) 2-14 Substation Cable and Conductor Systems 2 T2 + Tk ⎛I⎞ ⎜ ⎟ t = 0.0297 log10 A T1 + Tk ⎝ ⎠ There are many types of cables and conductors used in substations. (IEEE. 1992.) These include: Eq. 2-60 Where, I = symmetrical short circuit current in A 1. High-voltage power cables, defined as > 1000 V. These may connect to other substations, to substation equipment, or to customer loads. A = conductor cross-section in circular mils T1 = initial conductor temperature in °C, the maximum continuous conductor temperature for the insulation system is used, typically 75 or 90 °C for low voltage cables. 2. Low-voltage power cables, defined as < 1000 V. These supply auxiliary power to substation equipment. 3. Control cables, including instrument transformer secondary cables T2 = final conductor temperature in °C, the short-circuit temperature limit of the insulation system is used, typically 250 °C for low voltage cables. 4. Instrumentation cables, primarily for SCADA systems. 5. Overhead secondary conductors. In distribution substations, these medium voltage open wire lines are the termination points of distribution feeders. Tk = heating temperature constant for the conductor material, 234 °C for Cu and 228 °C for Al. Similar limits are available for the sheaths of medium voltage cables. They should be used for ground fault currents. In the case of increased fault current levels, protective relay settings should be changed, as necessary, to protect the cables. If this is not possible, resizing of the cable may be necessary. Cable Thermal Limits Protective Cables are subject to relay thermal damage from operating times and prolonged exposure to short-circuit currents. circuit-breaker clearing times must be fast enough to prevent prolonged overheating. (IEEE. 1993c. Section 5.6.2.) Although the protection requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) (NFPA. 2005.) do not apply in most substations, they should be considered when evaluating cable protection systems. Cable Mechanical Limits When a short duration fault bends a cable, the mechanical effect is more significant than the thermal (Rüger. 1989.). Permanent deformation may occur to plastic insulated single-core cables. When cleats confine a cable, such that short circuit forces create outward bows with small bending radii, the cable may be damaged. Friction between the cleats and the cable may damage the outer sheath. Softening of the insulation by the simultaneous heating further increases the damage caused by bending of the In addition to the NEC requirements, it is recommended that cable protection adhere 2 to the I t limits of the cable damage curve for the insulation type, published by the cable manufacturers. 2-15 conductors. Proper support of cables can prevent this type of damage from occurring. Distribution Line Conductor Motion When overhead distribution lines A fault on the distribution line enter causes the overhead substations, the conductors to swing opportunity exists for the side-to-side closer to substation to be the substation. exposed to damage from distribution faults. (Ward. 2003.) A fault on the distribution line causes the overhead conductors to swing side-toside closer to the substation. As a result, the conductors may move close enough to arc (0.1 meters) or even touch. Thos causes a second fault, which may cause increased stress on the substation transformer and cause backup protective devices to operate. Figure 2-18 Critical Clearing Curve for Different Span Lengths (Ward 2003) The impact of the phase spacing and conductor temperature on the critical clearing times is shown in Figure 2-19 and Figure 2-20 respectively. It can be seen that increased phase-phase spacing and lower conductor temperature result in higher values for critical clearing time. Ward prepared a computer program that calculates critical clearing time curves for overhead distribution conductors, based upon conductor motion. The critical clearing curve has been developed for a typical 34.5 kV distribution line having a phase spacing of 1.1 m and utilizing 477 kcmil AAC conductors (Figure 2-18). These curves were obtained for a given span by applying different magnitudes of current for a duration that would cause conductors to swing into each other close enough to cause a breakdown in air. The area above the curve is problem area and needs to be avoided. It can be seen that longer spans are likely to be more problematic. Figure 2-19 Impact of Phase-Spacing on Critical Clearing Curve (Ward 2003) 2-16 suspension insulators (Burnham et al. 2002.), however, the same problems could occur in post type insulators. In terms of short circuit stresses, exceeding the mechanical loading limits could result in cracks or splits in the rod or in damaged seals. Water intrusion leads to brittle fracture, through the leaching of acids in combination with tensile stress. (de Tourreil et al. 2000.) Rigid Bus Bars Figure 2-20 Impact of Conductor Temperature on Critical Clearing Curve (Ward 2003) High fault current forces on rigid bus bars are transmitted to supporting insulators, which will be subject to forces that may exceed their design limits. The effects on the insulators could be cracks, fractures or breakage. These, in turn, will weaken the bus support structure resulting in greater damage should a second fault occur before the damage is repaired. The action of reclosers is of particular concern here. Possible solutions to the problem of damage caused by distribution conductor motion are: 1. Use faster recloser time curves. This is the preferred solution, if it is possible. 2. Installing fiberglass spacers at midspan, shortens the effective span. This is fairly inexpensive. The short-circuit force on a bus bar is transmitted to the insulator (IEEE. 1998. Section 12.) through the bus-support fitting (Figure 2-21 and Figure 2-22): 3. Adding intermediate poles to shorten spans. This is expensive. 4. Increase phase spacing. This requires replacing cross arms, and is expensive. FSB = LE FSC Eq. 2-61 Where: 5. Removing slack in the lines to reduce conductor motion. This is timeconsuming and expensive. The first two options, faster reclosing times and fiberglass spacers at mid-span are the best alternatives if increased levels of fault current result in added stress to the substation due to overhead distribution line faults. FSB = bus short circuit force transmitted to the bus support fitting in N. LE = effective length of the bus span in m. Similarly, the gravitational forces are: FGB = LE FG Eq. 2-62 Where: Effects of High Fault Currents on Substation Insulators, Supports and Structures FG B= gravitational force transmitted to the bus support fitting in N FG = weight of the bus in N Brittle fracture of nonceramic insulators (NCI) have mostly occurred in polymer The cantilever force on the insulator is then: 2-17 ( ) H i + H f FWB ⎤ ⎡F FIS = KV K1 ⎢ WI + ⎥ Hi ⎣ 2 ⎦ H H F + ⎡F i f GB ⎤ + K H K 3 ⎢ GII + ⎥ H 2 i ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ H i + H f FSB ⎤ + K2 ⎢ ⎥ Hi ⎣ ⎦ ( ( Bus Support Fitting FIS F +F GB SB FGI ) Insulator ) Hi/2 Hi/2 Bus Hf Eq. 2-63 Figure 2-21 Insulator Configuration for Vertical Bus Where: K1 = overload factor for wind forces, typically 2.5. Bus FWB+FSB Bus Support Fitting FIS K2 = overload factor for fault current forces this should be 2.5 also, unless certain resonance criteria are met. Hf Insulator K3 = overload factor for gravitational forces, typically 2.5. Hi/2 FWI = wind force on the insulator in N. FWI Hi = height of the insulator in cm. Hf = height of the bus centerline above the insulator in cm. Hi/2 If the cantilever force is exceeded as prospective fault currents increase, two possible solutions are to increase the number of insulators, decreasing LE, or replace the insulators with units having greater cantilever strength. If insulator spacing is changed, the mechanical resonant frequencies will have to be recalculated, and a dynamic study may need to be performed. Experimental results (Barrett et al. 2003) show that the IEEE method is conservative, and it is unlikely that increased fault currents will damage an IEEE designed insulator structure. Figure 2-22 Insulator Configuration for Horizontal Bus Flexible Conductor Buses – Static Method Post Insulators In accordance with (IEC. 1993.), the maximum value of Ft, Ff or Fpi shall not exceed the withstand value of insulators and their supports. Connectors shall be rated to withstand the maximum value of 1.5Ft, Ff or Fpi. 2-18 Chain Insulators Table 2-5 ). Only conductors were needed to be modeled for this exercise. It can be seen that results of dynamic approach are more accurate as they are closer to the test measurements. For this configuration, insulators, their supports and structures should all be able to withstand the maximum value of Ft, Ff or Fpi. Flexible Conductor Buses – Dynamic Method The method discussed in the previous section is based on the assumption that the static load can be used to represent the transient impact of the short circuit currents on bus structures. This means that results of the approach can be over-conservative and the same has been supported by field observations. In order to get a more accurate assessment of the structures response to the short circuit currents, a non linear finite element dynamic incremental analysis methodology has been presented in (Jesson et al. 2006). It involves modeling of both conductors and structures using finite element analysis software (ADINA version 8.2) The model was validated by comparing the measured results for CIGRE test cases (Case 10 and 11 in IEC Standard 865-1) against the static and dynamic methodology ( 2-19 Table 2-6. These are for external faults, where the GIS is tested in the same manner as circuit breakers. Table 2-5 Model Verification for Case 10 (Jesson et al 2006) Criteria CIGRE test Static Method Dynamic Method Peak swing force 23 14.3 26 Peak drop out force 34.7 41.5 32 Maximum swing out angle 66 48.2 60 The model was extended to include the supporting structures with foundations, the latter modeled as elastic blocks onto a rigid plane. This allowed for the dynamic simulation of overturning of the structures. Three different structural arrangements were investigated for different fault current magnitudes (31.5 kA and 60 kA) and durations (150 ms, 350 ms, 450 ms and 1 s). As per the dynamic analysis, all the three structures were found to be stable with adequate safety factor (above 1.5). The same structures were found to fail the overturning assessment using the static methodology. Effects of High Fault Currents on Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) Gas Insulated Substations are designed and tested in accordance to (IEEE. 1993a), and have short circuit ratings as listed in 2-20 Where: Table 2-6 GIS Short Circuit Ratings (IEEE C37.1221993) Short-time current carrying capability (kA, rms) for a specified time of 1 s or 3 s 20 50 25 63 31.5 80 40 100 t = time in ms d = thickness of the Aluminum in mm I = current in kA A rotating arc can puncture a GIS wall in two different ways (Boeck. 2003.). If there is an oblique arc, which rotates, the burst will be similar to that shown in Figure 2-23. If an insulating barrier stops the moving arc, the vertical arc will puncture a hole in a much shorter time. The internal design of GIS is intended to keep arcs moving, and to prevent them from sweeping over the same locations more than once. Table 2-7 GIS Phase to Ground Burn-Through Times (IEEE C37.122-1993) Phase to ground burn-through times Current (kA, rms) Time (s) < 40 0.2 ≥ 40 0.1 The The internal arcing fault internal withstand capability of GIS arcing is based upon the thickness fault of the metal walls and the withstand gas pressure, (IEEE. 1993a), capability and is thus not easy to of GIS is upgrade. based upon the thickness of the metal walls and the gas pressure, (IEEE. 1993a), and is thus not easy to upgrade. Figure 2-23 GIS Enclosure Punctured by a Rotating Arc (Boeck 2003) A statistical analysis (Trinh. 1992) shows that “An increase in the mean fault current from 20 to 30 kA raises the risk of burnthrough from 0.34 to 0.78, which illustrates the importance of designing the GIS in terms of the distribution of the local fault current.” This is expressed as a probability formula: The withstand times are listed in Table 2-7. IEC standards are similar in regard to both short circuit ratings and burn-through times. The time to puncture an aluminum plate is approximately (Boeck and Krüger. 1992.) t=C d2 I C = (60K500) kA ms mm − 2 R= Eq. 2-64 ∞ ∞ 0 0 ∫ p(ic )∫ P(tc ) p(tc )dtc dic Where: 2-21 Eq. 2-65 R = risk of burn-through of a GIS having an envelope thickness d associated with a fault at a certain location on the transmission system fed into the busbar, at the north portal the busbar was short-circuited. The lower edge of the crossarm was placed at a height of 8,22 m above ground for the 100-kV- and 11,22 m for the 400-kVarrangement. The centre-line phase distance was 2,0 m (100 kV), or 3,0 m respectively (400 kV). The static tensile force of the span was adjusted in such a way that the conductor sag in mid-span was 600 mm (100 kV) or 800 mm (400 kV). The double insulator strings used consisted of 2 x 7 (100 kV) or 2 x 24 (400 kV) cap and pin insulators. p(ic) = probability density of the local fault current ic P(tc) = probability that the burn-through time will not exceed tc P(tc) = probability density of the faultclearing times. When a GIS unit is inspected and maintained or replaced after a fault, very specific safety procedures should be followed (IEEE. 1993b). Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is nontoxic, but produces numerous toxic byproducts during arcing and burning. Experimental Results The experimental results about the mechanical impact of short-circuits on the outdoor HV substations have been presented (Pitz, V et al. 2004). The research project was funded by German Federal Ministry of Economy and Labour and the results were intended to be used by IEC standardization committees and CIGRE working groups. There were two set-ups called”100-kVarrangement” and “400-kV-arrangement” that differed in the height of cross-arms, distance between the conductors and static tensile forces. The experiments were carried out to see the impact of the magnitude and duration of short-circuit currents, spacers and bundling. Figure 2-24 Test set-up for studying the mechanical impacts of short-circuits (Pitz, V et al. 2004) The results showing variation of pinch force and swing out force as a function of bundling and the magnitude of short circuit current are shown in the plots in Figure 2-25 and Figure 2-26 respectively. A schematic drawing of the test set-up is shown in Figure 2-24: two lattice-type portal towers (mid and north) with adjustable crossarms supported a two-phase flexible busbar with a centre-line distance between towers of 40 m (conductor type: ACSR 537/53). At the mid portal the current was 2-22 corresponding calculation. The comparison is shown for the “100-kV-arrangement” in Figure 2-27 and for the “400-kVarrangement” in Figure 2-28 respectively. It is found that for 100-kV arrangement, most of the calculated values are on the safe side (above 0% line). For 400-kV tests, most of the calculated values are safe and the error of the values under the 0% line is tolerable. Figure 2-25 Pinch Force Results for 400-kv-arrangement (Pitz, V et al. 2004) Figure 2-27 Comparison of Tensile Force between Calculations and Test Results for 100-kvarrangement (Pitz, V et al. 2004) Figure 2-26 Swing-out Force Results for 400-kvarrangement (Pitz, V et al. 2004) The experimental results have been validated against the analytical calculations as per the method in IEC Standard 865. In a first step, the maximum of the tensile forces Fpi, Ft and Ff is determined which is decisive for the conductors, clamps, insulators and their anchoring: the maximum Fm for each measured case and the maximum Fc for its Figure 2-28 Comparison of Tensile Force between Calculations and Test Results for 400-kvarrangement (Pitz, V et al. 2004) 2-23 by adding expansion fittings to the long bus structures and considering deflection of a bus conductor, bus-conductor bends, insulators, or mounting structures for short buses. Summary and Recommendations Increased levels of fault current result in the increased thermal and mechanical stresses on the substation buswork and conductors. The impact can be evaluated using the equations that have been summarized in this chapter and have been coded into a spreadsheet application that has been developed and provided with this book. The results of the application have been validated for few example cases (IEC Standard 865-2) and have been provided in the Appendices to this chapter. In the case of flexible buses, a Force Safety Device (FSD) that is a deformable mechanical link can be placed in series with a substation bus to limit the damage due to short-circuit forces. The current standards that deal with the impact of the fault currents on station bus structures are based on assumption that static loading can be used to represent the transient impact of short circuit forces. It has been shown through simulations and field measurements that it results in overconservative results. Dynamic assessment methodology explained in the chapter is found to provide more accurate results and standards need to reflect the same. If the mechanical forces are found to be excessive for rigid bus bars, supporting them with additional insulators can protect them. In such cases, dynamic effects should be checked as well. In the case of hollow bus bars, internal weights or stiffeners may be added to dampen vibration modes. Similarly, the increased thermal expansion due to higher fault currents can be countered Appendix 2.1 Maximum possible values for dynamic factors (IEC Standard 865-1) 2-24 2-25 Appendix 2.2 Factors for Different Bus-bar Arrangement (IEC Standard 865-1) 2-26 Appendix 2.3 Factor q for Rigid Conductor (IEC Standard 865-1) 2-27 Appendix 2.4 Mechanical Effects on a 110kV arrangement with Slack Conductors Data -Three phase initial symmetrical short-circuit current (rms) = 19 kA - Duration of fault = 0.3 s - Maximum center line distance between supports = 11.5 m - Center-line distance between main conductor mid-points = 2.0 m - Spring constant of the supports = 100000 N/m - Conductor information • Number of subconductors = 1 • Sub-conductor cross-section = .000242 sq. m • Sub-conductor mass per unit length = 0.670 Kg/m • Young modulus = 5.5e10 N/sq. m - Static conductor tensile force at a conductor temperature of -20 deg = 400 N - Static conductor tensile force at a conductor temperature of +60 deg = 273 N Results - Maximum horizontal span displacement = 0.61 m - Minimum air clearance = 0.78 m - Design load for insulator and supports = 3035 N - Design load for connectors = 3985 N 2-28 Appendix 2.5 Mechanical Effects on Strained Conductors Data -Three phase initial symmetrical short-circuit current (rms) = 63 kA - Duration of fault = 0.5 s - Maximum center line distance between supports = 48 m - Cord length of the main conductor = 37.4 m - Center-line distance between main conductor mid-points = 5.0 m - Spring constant of the supports = 500000 N/m - Conductor information • Number of subconductors = 2 • Sub-conductor cross-section = .001090 sq. m • Sub-conductor mass per unit length = 3.25 Kg/m • Sub-conductor diameter = 0.043 m • Young modulus = 6e10 N/sq. m - Static conductor tensile force at a conductor temperature of -20 deg = 23100 N - Static conductor tensile force at a conductor temperature of +60 deg = 18900 N Results - Maximum horizontal span displacement = 1.33 m - Minimum air clearance = 2.34 m - Design load for insulator and supports = 79074 N - Design load for connectors = 79074 N 2-29 Appendix 2.6 Mechanical Effects on a 10kV arrangement with Single Rigid Conductors Data -Three phase initial symmetrical short-circuit current (rms) = 16 kA - Factor for calculation of peak short circuit current – 1.35 - Number of spans = > 3 - Maximum center line distance between supports = 1 m - Center-line distance between main conductor mid-points = 0.2 m - Conductor information • Rectangular • Number of subconductors = 1 • Dimensions = 0.06 m X 0.01 m • Sub-conductor mass per unit length = 1.62 Kg/m • Young modulus = 7.0e10 N/sq. m - Minimum stress corresponding to yield point = 1.2e8 N/m2 - Maximum stress corresponding to yield point = 1.8e8 N/m2 Results - Bus-bar will withstand the short circuit force 2 - Bending stress = 73 N/mm - Dynamic bending force for outer support = 631 N - Dynamic bending force for inner support = 1736 N 2-30 Appendix 2.7 Mechanical Effects on a 10kV arrangement with Multiple Rigid Conductors Data -Three phase initial symmetrical short-circuit current (rms) = 16 kA - Factor for calculation of peak short circuit current – 1.35 - Number of spans = > 3 - Maximum center line distance between supports = 1 m - Center-line distance between main conductor mid-points = 0.2 m - Conductor information • Rectangular • Number of subconductors = 3 • Distance between spacers = 0.5 m • Dimensions = 0.06 m X 0.01 m • Sub-conductor mass per unit length = 1.62 Kg/m • Young modulus = 7.0e10 N/sq. m - Minimum stress corresponding to yield point = 1.2e8 N/m2 - Maximum stress corresponding to yield point = 1.8e8 N/m2 Results - Bus-bar will withstand the short circuit force - Bending stress ( Total : 40.6 N/mm2, Sub-conductor: 16 N/mm2) - Dynamic bending force for outer support = 873 N - Dynamic bending force for inner support = 2400 N 2-31 Appendix 2.8 Mechanical Effects on a High Voltage Arrangement with Rigid Conductors Data -Three phase initial symmetrical short-circuit current (rms) = 50 kA - Factor for calculation of peak short circuit current – 1.81 - Number of spans = 2 - Maximum center line distance between supports = 18 m - Center-line distance between main conductor mid-points = 5 m - Conductor information • Rectangular Tubular • Number of subconductors = 1 • Outside diameter = 0.16 m • Wall thickness = 0.006 m • Sub-conductor mass per unit length = 7.84 Kg/m • Young modulus = 7.0e10 N/sq. m - Minimum stress corresponding to yield point = 1.6e8 N/m2 - Maximum stress corresponding to yield point = 2.4e8 N/m2 Results Without 3-Phase Reclosing - Bending stress = 156 N/mm 2 - Bus-bar will withstand the short circuit force - Dynamic bending force for outer support = 4722 N - Dynamic bending force for inner support = 15742 N With 3-Phase Reclosing - Bending stress = 280 N/mm2 - Bus-bar will not withstand the short circuit force - Dynamic bending force for outer support = 3830 N - Dynamic bending force for inner support = 12767 N 2-32 CIGRE. 1996. “The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open-air substations (rigid and flexible busbars),” CIGRE, Paris, CIGRE brochure no. 105, vol. 1 and 2, Apr. 1996. 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J., 2003.“Overhead Distribution Conductor Motion Due to ShortCircuit Forces.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1534-1538. 2-35 technology based on solid-state switching for the circuit breakers is introduced. 3 Air Circuit Breakers EFFECTS OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON CURRENT INTERRUPTING DEVICES Every year, the Doble Conference elicits responses from clients to a technical questionnaire on various subjects. The following results on medium-voltage circuit breaker (CB) failures from 1991–1994 confirm the above assertion: • 1991 - 133 replies, 54% return, 71 clients reported 165 CB failures • 1992 - 158 replies, 61% return, 71 clients reported 180 CB failures • 1993 - 125 replies, 48% return, 44 clients reported 117 CB failures • 1994 - 109 replies, 42% return, 54 clients reported 109 CB failures Of particular interest in the Doble findings is the diversity of the nature of the failures. These include but are not restricted to: For a variety of reasons, the available fault currents on the power systems exceed the interrupting rating of the existing circuit breakers. From the technical point of view, the most eminent reason for utilities to maintain or even reduce their fault current levels is to ensure proper functioning of circuit interrupting devices such as circuit breakers and fuses. However, safety plays a major role in the need to contain or reduce the fault current duties on these current interrupting devices. • • • • • This chapter will summarize some of the aspects of the current interrupting devices which are used for medium and high voltage. • • • The fault currents in the power system must be limited to the levels that can be safely interrupted. Present breaker technology imposes an upper bound on the fault current that can be interrupted. In cases that this capability is exceeded, alternate means such as avoiding the problem topologies and incorporating fault limiting technology may be utilized. This chapter introduces various circuit breaker technologies that uses mediums such as air, vacuum and SF6. The interrupting ratings of the switching devices are presented. Finally, an emerging • • • • 3-1 Arc chute melting Failure to clear faults Insulation breakdown Component deterioration Bushing insulation destruction due to moisture and electrical stress Arc chute carbon buildup and condensation Interrupter disintegration Fire destruction caused by failure to clear Jamming of the contact blade by arc chute delamination preventing closure of contacts Operating rod failure during an opening operation Support arm failure Motor drive and ratchet wheel failures • interrupters, the arc in vacuum circuit breakers is supported by ionized metal vapors that are generated by the contacts themselves. Thus, at contact zero, vapor condensation and the collapse of ionization is almost instantaneous. Operating coil and anti-pump relay failures Arc chute Circuit breakers that are moisture 25–40 years old can be contaminati to be on and considered approaching the end of reduced their expected design life. circuit breaker operating velocities should be a major concern. Research in 1992 on more than 500 air circuit breakers at major midwestern utilities showed that approximately 25% of all circuit breakers exhibited operating velocities below the manufacturers’ specification, despite the fact that all circuit breakers had been timed at acceptance and at approximately five-year intervals thereafter. The in-service dates of the circuit breakers ranged from the early 1950s to the mid-1980s (Genutis, 1992). Outwardly, the vacuum interrupter appears to be the ultimate in switching devices that are independent of the operating system, as its breaking capability is dependent only on the material and geometry of the contact structure and the quality of the vacuum. This is not strictly true, however, because care has to be taken to ensure the correct travel and force characteristics of the operating mechanism with respect to the interrupter. The high dielectric strength of the vacuum permits a small contact gap in the open position, typically 1/4 to 3/4 inch (0.64 to 1.9 cm). As a result of this fact and the low resistance of the metal vapor arc, the arc energy is very low. Following arc quenching, most of the metal vapor condenses back onto the contacts and, by doing so, results in contact restoration; thus, contact erosion is extremely low. Vacuum Circuit Breakers Although the earliest attempts to make circuit-interrupting devices using contacts in a vacuum date back to the 1920s, it was not until the 1960s that the technology reached the point at which reliable vacuum interrupters capable of acceptable short circuit breaking current ratings could be manufactured economically. At the moment of contact separation through which current is flowing, an arc discharge occurs. With currents approximating 10 kA, the arc burns diffusely on the whole contact surface between the contacts until the next current zero. Contact burn-off is low, as is the specific thermal load of the contact surface. For currents above 10 kA, the arc is severely pinched through the pressure of its own magnetic field. The concentrated burning arc, occasioned by the high current density, causes large amounts of contact material to vaporize very rapidly. The contact material, the shape of the contacts, and the manufacturing methods for the contacts play a significant role in the ultimate performance of a vacuum interrupter. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 provide an outline and the internal construction of a modernday vacuum interrupter. Under working conditions, when contact separation occurs, arcing plasma that consists of metallic ions develops. The formation of metallic vapors sustains the arc. In proximity to the natural power-frequency current zero, these vapors condense rapidly onto metal screens. Thus, a condition is created for ultra-fast recovery of the dielectric strength. At contact separation, where the arc is supported by ionized gas in other 3-2 tank, compressed, and pumped into a separate small reservoir. With the opening of the circuit breaker, the compressed gas was discharged through nozzles around the contacts by a valve, resulting in the extinguishing of the arc. In distribution systems, the first technique used in SF6 circuit breakers was that of a self generated principle, referred to as the “puffer” system. This was a step toward simplifying the design with fewer moving parts. Eliminating compressors, highpressure seals, and heating elements obtained a much higher degree of reliability. The design did not, however, overcome the requirement for relatively long strokes and high operating forces, resulting in the need for powerful operating mechanisms with large energy output requirements. A quantity of SF6 gas is compressed with the commencement of a circuit breaker opening action prior to the separation of the arcing contacts. When the contacts part, an arc is drawn, and upon reaching current zero, the flow of gas rapidly cools the remaining plasma and sweeps away the arc products, leading to an extremely rapid increase in the dielectric strength of the gap, realizing a successful clearance. Figure 3-1 Schematic of Vacuum Interrupter An evolving design process developed selfblast interrupters, which use the arc energy to heat the gas and increase its pressure, allowing the gas to expand. This means that the pressure is raised by thermal means rather than by mechanical energy. It is a method that makes possible a lower-energy operating mechanism than the puffer interrupter. The ensuing arc extinguishing process occurs in a similar manner to that of the puffer interrupters. Figure 3-2 Cut-Away View of Vacuum Interrupter SF6 Circuit Breakers Historically, the SF6 circuit breaker found its application in transmission systems, where it was shown to be a simpler alternative to the air blast circuit breakers that were used in the 1960s. The original circuit breakers were of the two-pressure type, where the contacts and arc control devices were immersed in a metal tank full of SF6, serving the dual purpose of an insulating and arcextinguishing medium. Essentially, the gas used for arc extinction was drawn out of the Figure 3-3 illustrates this thermal expansion method. From the figure, the travel of the gas can be observed. When heated by large arc currents, the gas rapidly expands and pressurizes the upper vessel chamber. Pressure differential between the upper and 3-3 interrupting current. Figure 3-5 represents a plot of arc quenching performance versus interrupting current. From the curves, the comparative performance for the different interrupting techniques as a function of the interrupting current can be readily observed. lower vessel chambers creates a flow of gas, facilitating the cooling of the arc and the evacuation of the heat discharged by the arc. Thus, the gas flow effectively extinguishes the arc. Figure 3-3 Thermal Expansion Method Figure 3-5 Arc Quenching Performance vs. Interrupting Current The rotary arc quenching method, shown in Figure 3-4, is based on the interrupting current developing a rotating magnetic flux, which extinguishes the arc. Because the arc is rotated at approximately the speed of sound and is always exposed to the SF6 gas, extinction is ensured. The purpose of rotating the arc is to bring the intense heat of the arc column into contact with as much of the gas as possible, thus raising its temperature and, consequently, its pressure. With the advent of the latest technologies now available in SF6, the closing energy has been reduced to levels comparable to vacuum. This translates to fewer parts in the circuit breaker mechanism. In fact, the difference is so minimal that one European manufacturer of both SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers actually utilize the same mechanism in each case. Loss of Interruption Medium It should Both sealed vacuum and SF6 be noted interrupters are susceptible that SF6 to the possible loss of their circuit interrupting medium. Most breakers users have shown a can be willingness to accept this monitored susceptibility. in service, while no practical monitoring for commercial purposes is currently available for vacuum circuit breakers. Figure 3-4 Rotary Arc Quenching Method Sophisticated methods akin to those used in a laboratory are available, but economics make their use prohibitive. By adopting the rotary arc and the thermal expansion method, a proportionate arcquenching force is generated that is equivalent to the magnitude of the 3-4 For load currents in an ungrounded system, the vacuum circuit breaker carried the current and interrupted it satisfactorily. In a 600 A grounded system, the phase in which the vacuum interrupter was at atmospheric pressure continued to arc for 15 seconds. All arcing was confined within the vacuum interrupter, although the envelope cracked. The SF6 interrupter at atmospheric pressure switched the load current in both grounded and ungrounded circuits. For 10 kA and at 25 kA the phase that had the vacuum interrupter at atmospheric pressure again continued to arc for 30 cycles until the backup circuit breaker interrupted the circuit. All arcing was confined inside the interrupter’s envelope. In these experiments, the envelope showed no evidence of rupture. In fact, the only evidence of thermal stress to the ceramic envelope was some cracking. The SF6 puffer interrupter interrupted the 10 kA current, but at 25 kA the SF6 did not interrupt the circuit and the continued burning of the arc caused the puffer to explode (Storms, 1992). For the SF6 circuit breaker, reliable pressure switches can be furnished within the circuit breaker’s poles, and these switches are wired into a two-stage alarm system to register any loss of the gas, facilitating action prior to a dangerous condition (Swindler, 1989). It should also be noted that, even with a total loss of SF6 gas, a 30kV withstand level is maintained, and load currents can still be safely interrupted on a one-time basis (Swindler, 1993). The mechanical connection into the gas bottle and the pressure switch itself are two more potential leak paths. The manufacturer’s history of gas bottle leakage should be a factor in choosing the claim of a higher reliability in gas integrity. SF6 gas is five SF6 gas is five times times heavier than heavier than air. air, the possibility of some air replacing the SF6, even after the pressure has equalized, cannot be ruled out. However, a large proportion of air is needed to significantly reduce the breakdown strength, and designers account for this remote possibility by designing the open gap contact system to withstand the service voltage at atmospheric pressure. This should be contrasted with a vacuum interrupter suffering a leak, where the voltage strength of the gap falls to a minimum level of a few hundred volts in the glow discharge region of 0.1–10 torr (13.3–133.2 pascals), recovering to around 30 kV/cm at atmospheric pressure. When the vacuum is leaking and the voltage drops, failure is possible (Blower, 1986). It should be noted that contemporary designs of both rotary arc and puffer SF6 circuit breakers employ an over-pressure diaphragm at the bottom of each interrupter. In the event that the interrupter fails to interrupt due to loss of gas, the diaphragm ruptures, directing the pressurized gas downward. The consequences of attempted interruption of fault currents by a vacuum interrupter (with loss of vacuum) and by an SF6 circuit breaker (with loss of SF6) have not been adequately addressed in the available technical literature. The following statement appears in a 1992 Doble Conference paper by a vacuum CB manufacturer: In early designs of SF6, problems were experienced with leaking seals. This is no longer the case with better contemporary varieties that use EP-type rubber O-rings. These O-rings have a longer life than the circuit breaker itself (see Figure 3-6). For all production runs, the leakage rate of gas is tested by highly sensitive detecting 3-5 equipment that can detect leakage rate values up to 10-9cc/sec. Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers in the US are rated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Circuit breakers are classified by location, indoor or outdoor, and by voltage rating. The ratings are summarized in Table 2-1. Indoor circuit breaker ratings are shown in Table 2-2. Outdoor distribution circuit breakers are summarized in Table 2-3. Outdoor high voltage circuit breakers are summarized in Table 2-4. The maximum interrupting ratings for these various types are as follows: • • Figure 3-6 Relation Between O-Ring Life and Temperature • 63 kA for indoor distribution, 15 kV class 40 kA for outdoor distribution, 38 kV class 80 kA for outdoor transmission, 145 kV class. Table 3-1 Summary of ANSI Breaker Ratings Showing Maximum for Each Class Interrupting Ratings of Switching Devices Exceeding the interrupting rating will result in continued arcing, fire, explosions and failure to interrupt the fault. Danger to any nearby personnel is likely. Damage to substation structure, switchgear, buses, and other equipment is also likely. Backup equipment must interrupt the fault. For a variety of reasons, users might discover that available fault currents on their power systems exceed the interrupting rating of their existing circuit breakers. The increasing sophistication of tools for determining short circuit (fault) currents, the addition of transformer capacity necessary to support plant life extensions, the addition of motor loads as back-electromotive force (EMF) fault contributors, and the reconfiguring of systems all contribute toward this situation. Safety considerations make the need to address the situation obvious. Table 3-2 Typical Indoor Distribution Circuit Breaker Ratings (ANSI. 2000a, Table 1) Rated Maximum Voltage, kV, rms 3-6 Rated Continuous Current, A, rms Rated ShortCircuit Current, Rated Closing and Latching kA, rms Current, kA, rms 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1200, 2000 40 104 1200, 2000, 3000 50 130 8.25 1200, 2000, 3000 40 104 15 1200, 2000 20 52 1200, 2000 25 65 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1200, 2000, 3000 40 104 1200, 2000, 3000 50 130 1200, 2000, 3000 63 164 1200 16 1200, 2000 4.76 27 38 Table 3-3 Typical Outdoor Circuit Breaker Ratings up to 72.5 kV (ANSI. 2000a, Table 2) Rated Maximum Voltage, kV, rms Rated Continuous Current, A, rms Rated ShortCircuit Current, kA, rms Rated Closing and Latching Current, kA, rms 15.5 600, 1200 12.5 33 1200, 2000 20 52 1200, 2000 25 65 1200, 2000, 3000 40 104 1200, 2000 12.5 33 1200, 2000 25 65 1200, 2000 16 42 42 1200, 2000 20 52 25 65 1200, 2000 25 65 1200 16 42 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1200, 2000 25 65 40 104 1200, 2000, 3000 31.5 82 1200, 2000, 3000 1200, 2000 20 52 1200, 2000, 3000 40 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1200, 2000, 3000 40 104 1200, 2000 20 52 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1200, 2000, 3000 40 104 25.8 38.0 48.3 104 72.5 3-7 The ability of a circuit breaker to successfully clear a fault is dependent on the magnitude of fault current. The breaker failure probability curve for a breaker which is fully operational (all elements function properly) is shown in Figure 3-7. It can be seen that breaker in such a state has a high probability of successful operation while interrupting currents below the threshold current (I0). Threshold current may represent the expected fault current level and should be significantly below the breaker rated current (IN). If the fault current is beyond maximum breaker capability (I1), there is no chance of successful operation. Thus, it can be seen that higher the fault current above threshold value, greater is the probability that it might fail to successfully interrupt the fault. Table 3-4 Typical Outdoor Circuit Breaker Ratings 123 kV and Above (ANSI. 2000a, Table 3) Rated Maximum Voltage, kV, rms Rated Continuous Current, A, rms Rated ShortCircuit Current, kA, rms Rated Closing and Latching Current, kA, rms 123 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1600, 2000, 3000 40 104 2000, 3000 63 164 1200, 2000 31.5 82 1600, 2000, 3000 40 104 2000, 3000 63 164 2000, 3000 80 208 1600, 2000 31.5 82 2000, 3000 40 104 2000, 3000 50 130 2000, 3000 63 164 1600, 2000, 3000 31.5 82 2000, 3000 40 104 2000, 3000 50 130 2000, 3000 63 164 2000, 3000 40 104 2000, 3000 50 130 2000, 3000 63 164 2000, 3000 40 104 3000, 4000 50 130 3000, 4000 63 164 2000, 3000 40 104 3000, 4000 50 130 3000, 4000 63 164 145 170 245 362 550 800 Figure 3-7 Breaker failure probability vs Current Magnitude (PSERC 2006) Fuses There are two major types of fuses: Currentlimiting and expulsion type (Figure 2-7). Fuse ratings are summarized in Table 2-5. While current-limiting fuses are enclosed in a sealed cylinder, and are usually contained in metal enclosed switchgear, limiting the danger even if their short-circuit rating is exceeded, expulsion fuse links are mounted in open tubes on utility poles. These present several hazards when subjected to excessive short circuit currents: 3-8 • Exceeding the interrupting rating will result in continued arcing, fire, explosions and failure to interrupt the fault. • Danger to public from falling arcing products if fuse is on a pole along a street. • Damage to disconnecting switch, poles, enclosures, and other equipment is likely. • Table 3-5 Preferred Ratings for Fuses (ANSI 2000b) Backup equipment must interrupt fault. CurrentCurrent-limiting fuses limiting generally have higher short fuses are circuit ratings than available expulsion fuses of the same which fit in size. cutouts, replacing expulsion fuse links. Upgrading of expulsion fuses to current-limiting fuses and in general replacing fuses with units having higher interrupting ratings is the preferred solution to increasing available fault current Rated Symmetrical Interrupting Current, kA, rms 2.54-2.8 31.5-63 5.08-5.5 31.5-50 8.3 4.0-50 15-17.2 4.0-80 23-27 4.0-50 38 5.0-40 48.3 3.15-31.5 72.5 2.5-25 121 1.25-16 145 1.25-12.5 169 2.5-12.5 Next-generation Solid-state Breakers There are growing instances in utility distribution and transmission systems wherein the fault current levels are exceeding the interrupting capability of existing substation circuit breakers. This increase in fault current level either requires the replacement of large number of substation breakers or the development of some means to limit the fault current. Also, many mechanical circuit breakers are operating much more than originally intended in applications such as capacitor switching. This continual use of mechanical breakers requires intensive maintenance to be performed or periodic replacement of the whole breaker. Environmental problems are also on the horizon with the use of both SF6 gas and oil within mechanical breakers, which may pose long term problems for many utilities. levels. (a) Rated Maximum Voltage, kV, rms (b) Figure 3-8 (a) Current Limiting Fuses (b) Pole Mounted Fuse Cutout (Cooper Power Systems) 3-9 In a recent study [EPRI 2004], EPRI conducted a comprehensive survey to assess utility needs and perceptivities with respect to power electronics based solid state switchgear that can limit fault currents. Some of the key findings that are relevant to the outcome of the economic assessment presented in this chapter include: • • • Generation 1: 15KV Class Distribution Switchgear Development (breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch) Detailed design analysis and functionality verification of family of "All Solid-State" and "Hybrid" Switchgear Topologies (Voltage Ratings: 15KV, 35KV, 138KV & Current Ratings: 600A, 1200A, 3000A) which can be used as a breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch (2006) Phase Survey results indicate that up to 20% of utilities expecting to replace 5 to 10% of their circuit breakers in the next 10 years would use a fault current limiting devices that are priced at 1 to 5 times a circuit breaker I: Phase II: Bench model development and testing of 15KV 600A distribution switchgear using hybrid technology which can be used as a breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch (2006-2007) Utilities having a greater expectation for circuit breaker replacement are even more likely to use a solid-state fault current limiter – the percentage increases to 30% of utilities when the range of circuit breaker replacement need expands to 5 to 30% Phase III: Field prototype development, deployment, and testing of 15KV 600A distribution switchgear using hybrid technology which can be used as a breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch (2008-2009) Cases where breakers with the required ratings are not available, or where excessive fault current levels carry more than only cost of a breaker upgrade alone, 50% of the utilities value a solid-state fault current limiter at 2-5 times the cost of a breaker Phase IV: Field testing and debugging of field prototype (2008-2009) Phase V: Finalization of design, packaging and preparation of product family specification and subsequent commercialization (2010) The report (EPRI 2005) describes the findings of the feasibility assessment research that has been done for developing a next generation of solid-state breakers. The hybrid switchgear design has been proposed that would meet the requirements of rapid fault clearing, instantaneous fault isolation, fast current limiting, soft switching capabilities and rapid load transfer. The proposed approach is based on innovative, multi-functional, modular, and hybrid design of power electronics based switchgear. Distribution and transmission switchgear development effort has been broken down into two distinct product families; namely: Generation 2: 35/138KV Class Distribution/Transmission Switchgear Development (breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch) Phase I: Bench model development and testing of 35KV 600A distribution switchgear using either "all solid-state" OR "hybrid" technology which can be used as a breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch (2011) 3-10 Phase II: Bench model development and Identifying the Breakers with Excessive Fault Currents Due to the addition It may be feasible of new generation to avoid some topologies that and changes in result in excessive network fault current duties configurations, the on breakers. fault current levels in the system may exceed the interruption capability of some circuit breakers. One way to deal with the problem is to replace the affected breakers (discussed in next section). In case replacement of breakers is not feasible, it is necessary to avoid the operating conditions that result in excessive fault current levels. testing of 138KV 600A distribution switchgear using either "all solid-state" OR "hybrid" technology which can be used as a breaker, a current limiter, DG isolation switch, capacitor switch, tie breaker, and transfer switch (2012) Phase III: Field prototype development, deployment, field testing and debugging (2013) Phase IV: Finalization of design, packaging and preparation of product family specification and subsequent commercialization (2014) Figure 3-9 shows the circuit configuration of the 15kV, 600A HV-IGBT based Universal Hybrid Switch that requires 4 solid-state switches in series, Sss1 – Sss4. Sm V1 vge1 Ts1 IGBT MOV Is Snubber TVS Iline The procedure to check for the possibility of the fault current exceeding the interruption capability of any breaker due to change in system configuration is explained using IEEE 14 bus system (Figure 3-10) in (PSERC 2006). The standard test system is modified by introducing a small generator (12% Z, 10MVA) at bus 5. It is found that it resulted in increase in short circuit currents at each bus with percent increase being the maximum at Bus 5 from 13.2 pu to 14.2 pu (7.56%). Consequently, the maximum fault current seen by breakers at bus 5 is found to exceed their interruption ratings (14.0 pu). Sss1 Ts4 IGBT MOV V4 vge4 Snubber TVS Sensor Conditioning, Control, & Gate Drives Sss4 Figure 3-9 Circuit Configuration of the 15kV, 600A HVIGBT Based Universal Hybrid Switch. 3-11 Ii5 = Fault current input into bus 5 from bus i Figure 3-10 IEEE 14-bus test system with additional generator at bus 5 (PSERC 2006) Bi = ith breaker The next step is to find out which breaker sees the maximum fault current for different substation topologies due to difference in fault current paths. The flowchart that has been used to identify the breaker seeing the maximum fault current for a given topology is shown in Figure 3-11. It involves computing fault current through each breaker for a particular fault location by making use of the conductance matrix for the given topology. It is important to consider all the possible fault locations in the topology. th Si = i bus section Figure 3-12 Example Substation Topology (PSERC 2006) Figure 3-11 Flowchart for finding the Breaker seeing the Maximum Fault Current (PSERC 2006) An example topology (Breaker B9 in “Open” state and fault in section S7) for substation at bus 5 assuming the breaker-and-a-half connection is shown in Figure 3-12 and the corresponding equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 3-13. In the figures, Figure 3-13 Equivalent Circuit for Topology in Figure 3-12 (PSERC 2006) For this topology, the breaker that sees the maximum fault current was identified using the procedure explained in Figure 3-11 . The same procedure was repeated for some other topologies and the results are shown in Table 3-6. The system will be safe if the Ig = Fault current contribution of generator Iload = Equivalent load current at bus 5 3-12 identified avoided. problem topologies can be Figure 3-14 Flowchart for Online Assessment of Fault Current (PSERC 2006) Table 3-6 Breakers seeing Maximum Fault Current (ANSI 2000b) (PSERC 2006) Case Studies Sub Topology Fault Location Breaker with the largest fault current Largest Fault Current (pu) Exceed Rating ? All closed S6 B8 7.7012 No B3 open S2 B2 12.1315 No B6 open S4 B5 13.2164 No B9 open S6 B8 14.1717 Yes B2,B3 open S7 B1 14.2 Yes These case studies describe the replacement of air-magnetic circuit breakers whose interrupting ratings have been exceeded with new SF6 or vacuum interrupters. Both of these cases are taken from nuclear power plants. Diablo Canyon At Diablo Canyon, (EPRI. 2003) the prime motivation for upgrading air-magnetic circuit breakers to SF6 was an increase in the fault level and the elimination of a potentially hazardous design issue rather than the desire to save maintenance and other costs. Beginning in March 1994, a dedicated user team set out to evaluate the various options available. The team had extensive experience in preparing the type of quality assurance (QA)/dedication requirements that were to be imposed on the selected vendor for this project. The project consisted of 110 units. In practical operation, online assessment of fault current will be required to inform the operator of a condition in which the fault current would exceed the interruption capability of any breakers. Flowchart of the software that can perform such a function is shown in Figure 3-14. Maintaining the existing switchgear to provide a 350-MVA circuit breaker within the same footprint as the 250-MVA design necessitated a compact circuit breaker design. At the time, only one circuit breaker met this criterion. Others did not represent completed, tested designs. The fact that this element was SF6 provided additional comfort because the user preferred monitoring the state of the interrupting medium and desired a surge-free performance. These criteria in conjunction with the QA requirements stipulated by Pacific Gas and Electric were the defining characteristics in selecting the vendor for this particular project. The Diablo project is a useful model for the nuclear industry for converting circuit breakers due to the combination of high seismic levels, the 3-13 qualification/dedication complexities, and the technical challenges that are clearly defined. maintenance cost savings over the circuit breaker’s installed life. Dresden and Quad Cities The significant lessons learned from this project fall into two distinct areas that are unique to the nuclear environment. The first area concerns how to administer an adequate nuclear QA program in the dedication and building of circuit breaker conversions without losing sight of the primary mission of building reliable conversions in a timely and efficient manner. Many of the issues associated with the manufacturing process arose because of the intrusive nature of implementing the QA program. Careful consideration of QA needs was balanced with the requirements of a production facility that is geared to the non-nuclear aspects of building conversions. There were several factors involved in the decision-making process at the Dresden and Quad Cities plants, (EPRI. 2003). These factors extended from the problems associated with obsolescence and lack of spare parts; the required addition of cubicles; the need to upgrade interruption levels; the objective of minimizing outage duration during modifications; and recognition of the state of the 20-year-old motors, transformers, and cables. Initially, wholesale removal and replacement of the switchgear, with the inclusion of additional cubicles, was considered. The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) was favored in order to maintain continuity of products and maintenance services. The preferred technology was air magnetic because of its established acceptable overvoltage response, but this medium was no longer available from the OEM. The second area concerns the interface of the new design with the existing cubicles and the flexibility to undertake essential changes to cubicle interlock interfaces while being cognizant of nuclear constraints on the design of the conversion. A further example of flexibility relates to a deviation in testing procedures. There is no economical method to field test the pressure switches contained within the poles of an SF6 circuit breaker. After numerous meetings and detailed design reviews of the product and its associated manufacturing methods, acceptance was sanctioned as the lesser of two evils—in other words, accepting the pressure switch factory reliability test results and the track record of the product in the field as opposed to the incorporation of a vacuum element, which cannot be monitored The costs for the subject proposal of full switchgear replacement were judged excessive given the extensive rigging effort, necessary extension in outage time, and the risk of damage to the old power and control cables (Shah, et al. 1988., Dinkel et all. 1986., Fish. 1994, and Heath et al. 1987.). This can be readily appreciated in recognition of the fact that the total number of existing cubicles was 100, and 12 additional units had to be accounted for. An alternative approach, based on the concept of a 250 MVA to 350 MVA conversion circuit breaker that would fit into the existing 26-inch-wide cubicle, seemed appealing as it became apparent that it was economically attractive and would eliminate the considerable risks pertaining to full replacement. At the time, IEEE Standard To the users, this project is a success. A replacement circuit breaker was effectively integrated into the existing plant power system, significantly increasing fault protection and ensuring a considerable 3-14 C37.59 was in draft form and could serve well as a guide for the planned scope of work. Voltage Expulsion and CurrentLimiting Type Power Class Fuses and Fuse Disconnecting Switches, New York, NY: IEEE. The final selection of vacuum or SF6 circuit breaker technology was made based on cost, after factoring in the associated costs for surge arresters, spare parts, training, and vendor services. It was originally assumed that the existing 250 MVA bus rating was insufficient to withstand the 350 MVA momentary ratings. Testing in a high power laboratory proved otherwise, and the approximately 20-year-old cubicle with its 20-year-old bus and bracing successfully withstood the momentary test stresses. This certification allowed the project to abandon the time-consuming and expensive changeout of the existing bus bracing. 3. Blower, R. W., 1986. Distribution Switchgear, William Collins and Co., Ltd., London 4. Dinkel, Darell G., Walter G. Watts, and James R. Langlois, 1986, “13.8 kV Switchgear Uprate,” presented at the Tappi Engineering Conference. 5. EPRI. 2003. Considerations for Conversion or Replacement of Medium-Voltage Air-Magnetic Circuit Breakers Using Vacuum or SF6 Technology: Revision to TR106761, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2003. 1007912. Summary and Recommendations 6. EPRI 2004. Fault Current Limiters Utility Needs and Perspectives (EPRI Report 1008696 & 1008694, 2004) The ability of a circuit breaker to successfully clear a fault is dependent on the magnitude of the fault current. There are limits on the maximum current that can be interrupted safely by circuit breakers. If feasible, the problem topologies that result in excessive fault duty on substation breakers should be avoided. Other steps such as fault mitigation techniques may be used to reduce the fault duty on the breakers. In case of prospective fault currents still being excessive, the circuit breakers will need to be replaced with one having higher ratings. 7. EPRI 2005. EPRI family of Multifunctional low cost Solid State Switchgear: Requirements Definition Phase, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:2005. 8. Fish, Michael W., 1994, “When You Have to Retrofit 15 kV Switchgear,” presented at the IEEE Pulp and Paper Technical Conference. 9. Genutis, Don A., 1992. “Problems with Medium Voltage Air Magnetic Circuit Breakers,” NETA World, Spring. References 10. Heath, W., T .S. Freeman, and F. R. Cochran, 1987, “Replacement of Air Magnetic Breakers with Vacuum Breakers in Medium Voltage Switchgear Assemblies,” presented at the Electrical Systems & Equipment Committee Meeting No. 58, Engineering and Operations Division, Electric Council of New England. 1. ANSI. 2000a. Standard C37.06-2000 AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis— Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities, New York, NY: IEEE. 2. ANSI. 2000b. Standard C37.46-2000 American National Standard for High 3-15 11. Shah, K. R., E. R. Detjen, and D. H. Epley, 1988, “Impact of Electric Utility and Customer Modifications on Existing Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers,” presented at the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 12. Storms, Alan D., 1992. “Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Retrofit Technology: The Current Control for Costly Outages,” presented at the Doble Conference 13. Swindler, David L., 1989. “Medium Voltage Application of SF6 and Vacuum Circuit Breakers,” presented at the Tappi Engineering Conference 14. Swindler, David L., 1993. “Applications of SF6 and Vacuum Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers,” presented at the IEEE PCIC Conference, Denver, CO 3-16 4 EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON PROTECTION AND METERING In this chapter, the effects of high fault currents on protection and metering equipment will be reviewed. The capabilities and limitations of existing short circuit protection devices will be included in the literature search. High fault currents are well known to cause saturation of iron core Current Transformers (CTs). This can adversely affect the performance of system protection devices. High fault currents can also exceed the range of operation of current operated protective devices and produce high voltages in the CT secondary circuits. Figure 4-1 Current Transformer Equivalent Circuit CTs are intended to deliver a secondary current that is directly proportional to the primary current with as little distortion as possible. In most cases, the secondary output current is usually reduced to less than 5 amperes. Although there are CTs with 1 ampere or 10-ampere secondaries, the most common rating in the United States is 5 amperes. CTs are rated for a certain turns-ratio of operation. For example, a CT with a turnsratio of 500:5 reduces 500 amperes on the primary to 5 amperes on the secondary. A properly designed CT circuit yields a secondary current of 5 amperes or less at rated primary current. Although the CT secondary and the relay are not intended for continuous operation at higher than 5 amperes, they are designed to withstand greater values of current for short periods. For example, short-circuit currents may be 20 or more times the normal current in a power system. Increase in the fault currents in power systems has an impact on the behavior of existing protection schemes. For example, protective relays may act differently to faults when the new distributed generation also starts contributing to the fault currents (PSERC 2005). In the response to higher fault currents, protection system needs to be regularly updated in terms of settings of relays, fuses and circuit breakers. Current Transformer Saturation During normal operation, the CT secondary winding induces a magnetic flux that opposes and nearly cancels the primary induced flux. As a result, the flux density is very low and the resulting voltage at the secondary terminals is also very low. Relays, meters, or other connected devices Current transformers (CTs) are connected in series with the circuit whose current is to be measured as shown in Figure 3-1, from (EPRI. 2004). 4-1 are constructed with only a few turns of relatively large wire—this low impedance effectively functions as a short circuit across the CT secondary. The secondary voltage of a CT remains at a low value as long as the secondary circuit remains closed. An open circuit on the secondary side of a CT that still has current flow on the primary side can result in a dangerously high secondary voltage. Opening the secondary removes the opposing secondary flux, thus allowing the primary flux to generate a very high voltage at the secondary terminals. Electrical arcing caused by an open-circuited CT can injure personnel and damage equipment. When the primary side is carrying any current, great care must be taken to ensure that the secondary circuit remains closed at all times. When saturated, most of the primary current maintains the core flux, and the shape of both the exciting and secondary currents departs from the normal sine wave. The secondary voltage and current then collapse to zero, where they remain, until the next primary current zero is reached. The process is repeated each half-cycle and results in a distorted secondary waveform. For this reason, a CT must be carefully sized so that it will perform properly for the maximum expected fault current. Low-ratio CTs (for example, 50:5 or 75:5) are particularly susceptible to saturation during fault conditions. The following problems may exist if a CT is allowed to saturate due to high fault currents: The ability of a CT to produce a secondary current proportional to its primary current is limited by the highest secondary voltage that it can produce without saturation. Beyond a certain level of excitation (actual values are readily available from the manufacturer), the CT is said to enter saturation. The phenomenon is shown for an example CT in Figure 4-2 (Kojovic 2002). It is shown that the ratio error increases as the operating point gets further deep into the non-linear region. • • • Figure 4-2 600/5 A, C 100 CT Saturation Characteristics 4-2 False tripping - Differential relays used for transformer protection may respond to a through fault condition. Numerical relays, however, pose far less burden (0.5 VA) on current transformers. Numerical relays are capable of detecting CT saturation and blocking the relay from tripping, minimizing the effect of false tripping. Delayed tripping - A distorted secondary reproduction of the primary current can delay relay time response. This delay in tripping may result in deenergizing a larger portion of the system due to loss of relay coordination caused by the CT saturation. Failure to trip - Failure to trip may occur if the CT secondary current is very low or extremely distorted. Backup relays must then respond to clear the fault. Digital relays, however, have the added advantage that they can detect these conditions and still deliver a trip because the relay is not dependent on the power that must be supplied by the CT to trip. This is usually slightly higher than the "knee-point voltage," which is defined in the standard as the point on the saturation curve where a tangent drawn to the curve has an angle of 45° to the horizontal axis for a nongapped core and 30° for a gapped core. See the illustration of knee-point concept (Figure 3-2). Saturation of Low Ratio CTs High levels of High levels of fault current, especially when DC offset fault is present, cause the current, secondary current of a CT especially when DC to be significantly distorted diminished in offset is and magnitude, even with a very present, cause the small burden. secondary current of a CT to be significantly distorted and diminished in magnitude, even with a very small burden. Secondary Voltage (V) 100 This is most significant with low-ratio CTs. CT saturation may cause overcurrent relays to misoperate or fail to operate, resulting in a failure of the protection system. The Saturation of a CT from performance of protective a high fault current can prevent a protective relaying systems in the relay from operating presence of properly. CT saturation has been discussed in, among others, IEEE standards (ANSI/IEEE. 1996), textbooks on relaying (Blackburn. 1998 and Elmore. 1994), and IEEE committee reports (Power Systems Relaying Committee. 1976. and Linders et. al. 1995.). 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Exciting Current (A) Figure 4-3 The "Knee-Point" of a CT Saturation Curve is the Point Where a Tangent to the Curve Forms a 45° Angle With the Horizontal Axis Section 4.5.2(a) of ANSI/IEEE Std. C37.110-1996 suggests that the effective CT ratio error will be significant if the calculated secondary voltage that the CT must support exceeds the saturation voltage, VX. That is, AC Saturation AC Saturation is a gradual process, where as the rms value of the current increases, the ratio accuracy of the CT decreases. AC Saturation begins to affect protective relay performance if the rms excitation voltage begins to exceed the "saturation voltage," where the rate of increase of the excitation current with respect to excitation voltage greatly increases. According to the definition given in the standard, the "saturation voltage," VX, is the point of intersection of lines extended from the straight portions of the saturation curve. V X < VS , where VS = I S × Z S = Eq. 4-1 IP × ZS N and IS is the primary current IP divided by the turns ratio, N, and ZS is the total secondary burden. After an example calculation of this type, where VS approaches 4-3 VX, one author states: “Although this is near the knee of the saturation curve, the small excitation current does not significantly decrease the fault current to the relays.” (Blackburn. 1998, p. 146) present, it is no longer possible to think in terms of conventional sinusoidal response. Practically, an accurate measurement of current is only important in the case of time overcurrent relays. With instantaneous relays, it is only important to know that the available current will be greater than the setting of the relay. It is not important to know by how much the available secondary current will exceed the instantaneous relay setting or whether the waveform of that current will be a respectable sinusoid. Another commonly used criterion is from section 5.10 of the standard: “A rule of thumb frequently used in relaying to minimize the CT saturation effects is to select a CT with a C voltage rating at least twice that required for the maximum steadystate symmetrical fault current.” It is furthermore stated in (Linders et. al. 1995.) that: “One basic rule-of-thumb has applied in the application of CT’s, namely: The knee point voltage of the CT as defined by the CT excitation curve should not be less than twice the voltage required to drive the maximum secondary symmetrical current through the combined burden of the relay, connecting wiring and CT.” While the “C” rating is often assumed to be approximately equal to the knee-point voltage, in fact, “the knee-point voltage may be 50% to 75% of the standard accuracy class voltage rating of the CT (e.g., C400).” (ANSI/IEEE. 1996, section 4.5.2). Therefore, the pertinent question is: Given the performance characteristics of the CT and the associated CT burden, will the CT be "reasonably linear" for all fault magnitudes for which the time overcurrent relay is expected to operate? Based on this perspective, the following conditions should be checked: For feeder relays having both time and instantaneous elements, will the calculated secondary voltage be less than the CT saturation voltage, VX, for the maximum fault at which the time overcurrent relay is expected to operate, namely, the current level at which the instantaneous element is calibrated to pick up? It is important to carefully consider the implications of AC saturation before applying these criteria. As stated above, the effect of AC saturation is to cause an error in the effective ratio of the CT such that the secondary current available to relays and other measuring devices will be less than what would be expected knowing the primary fault current and the nominal CT ratio. The fact that the calculated voltage exceeds the saturation voltage, VX, does not mean that the CT collapses entirely - just that the ratio error increases significantly. For main and tie relays with no instantaneous elements, will the calculated secondary voltage be less than the CT saturation voltage, VX, for the maximum fault at which the time overcurrent relay is expected to operate, namely, the expected (calculated) maximum current through the circuit breaker associated with the CT in question? DC Saturation There is more to saturation that an increase in the effective ratio error of the CT. The presence of significant saturation also causes the waveform of the secondary current to depart from the normal sinusoidal pattern. Hence, when significant saturation is The standard suggests two criteria regarding DC saturation. The first (section 4.5.2) is that the effective CT ratio error will be significant when the following condition is met: 4-4 ⎛ X R + RB ⎞ ⎟ I S × Z S ⎜⎜1 + × S R Z S ⎟⎠ ⎝ VX < 1 − per unit remanence will also dissipate with a few seconds of loading, if 60% of the saturation voltage is exceeded, but it can be a concern if the breaker subsequently recloses into a fault before flux dissipation can occur. Eq. 4-2 Remanent flux may either aid or oppose the magnetization imposed by DC transients. Practically, remanent flux is not a real concern in industrial applications where there is no automatic reclosing. where RS+RB is the resistive component of burden, X and R are the primary side system reactance and resistance up to the fault. DC saturation does not occur instantaneously, but rather builds up with time. A CT is often able to replicate the offset in primary current accurately for few cycles before the core begins to enter the area of saturation. Hence, the second criterion to be considered in evaluating DC saturation is the time to saturate (in fundamental frequency cycles): Alternatively, one author (Elmore. 1994. p. 80) suggests that if V X ≥ I S (R S + R B ) X R Eq. 4-3 DC saturation will not occur. These two equations may be simplified as representing either VS ⎛⎜1 + ⎝ X⎞ ⎟ R⎠ or V S X R , where Vs is the TS = − CT secondary voltage. These equations may be seen in some CT application calculations, and are valid as long as there is not significant inductance in the CT secondary circuit or significant remanence in the CT itself. Dropping the factor of 1 in equation (3) simply means that X/R is assumed to be high. ⎛ K −1 ⎞ X ⎟ ln⎜⎜1 − S ωR ⎝ X R ⎟⎠ Eq. 4-4 The saturation factor KS, is defined as: KS = VX I S (RS + R B ) Eq. 4-5 This formula does not include the effect of remanence, which will decrease the time-tosaturation. It has also been shown that greater the degree of DC offset, the sooner the core will reach the onset of saturation. For the same degree of offset, the magnitude of offset current is proportional to the magnitude of fundamental component. Therefore, the greater the fault current magnitude, the lesser is the time-tosaturation. Remanence is the tendency of the iron core of a CT to retain magnetic flux based on prior history. Remanence flux levels of up to 80% of saturation level have been observed (NFPA. 2005. par. 4.6.1). The worst case for remanence comes about when a DC continuity test is used to verify CT circuit continuity (ANSI/IEEE. 1996. par. 4.6) (Seveik and DoCarmo. 2000), but this remanent flux will dissipate if the CT is demagnetized following the test. The effect of DC saturation is to interfere with operation of instantaneous relays. Given the performance characteristics of the CT and the associated CT burden, will DC saturation occur quickly enough, and with sufficient severity, to interfere with the operation of these instantaneous relays? A more common issue comes about when the circuit breaker interrupts an offset fault current. Interruption of the DC component of this current leaves one or more CT's partially magnetized. This remanent flux 4-5 Based on this perspective, the following tests should be performed: susceptible to DC saturation. Because the formulas are based upon certain assumptions, there is an error of -0 +0.5 cycles in the time to saturation. The actual response of the relay to the saturated current waveform (Figure 3-3) is subject to many imponderables. An answer to the question of whether a particular instantaneous relay will respond within an acceptable time delay can only be answered by test. For feeder relays having both time and instantaneous elements, will the calculated secondary DC saturation voltage be less than the CT saturation voltage, VX, for the maximum fault at which the instantaneous relay is expected to operate, namely, the maximum available fault current and will the "time to saturate" be shorter than the time required for the measuring algorithm in the instantaneous relay to respond to the CT secondary current prior to the point at which significant DC saturation appears (typically, one-half cycle)? For main and tie relays with no instantaneous elements, DC saturation is not an issue Figure 4-4 Typical Waveforms of CT Primary and Secondary Current With DC Saturation (Power Systems Relaying Committee. 1976) If the effect of remanence flux is taken into account, all relay-CT combinations may have time-to-saturation of less than one cycle, effectively preventing relay operation. This situation is typical of most applications of overcurrent relays with current transformers in medium-voltage switchgear. It is a generally accepted compromise that non-operation of overcurrent relays may occur when the remanence flux is large. For this reason, back-up overcurrent protection, and bus differential protection, which are not susceptible to CT saturation, is utilized in power systems where DC saturation may be a problem, such as in generating stations. The standard (ANSI/IEEE. 1996, section 4.5.2) states: "These requirements generally result in impractically large CTs and hence compensating steps must be taken to minimize saturation effects on the relay protection plan. Some high speed instantaneous relays can operate before saturation has time to occur." The instantaneous relay may operate immediately if the time to saturation is long enough to allow it to operate. If the time to saturation is too short, the relay may operate several cycles later when the CT emerges from saturation. The maximum delay for instantaneous tripping is determined by the coordination time intervals (CTIs) defined for the protective system. Saturation reduces the magnitude of CT secondary from its ideal value. The impact of saturation on the response of digital overcurrent relay is demonstrated by ATP simulations in Figure 4-5 (Folkers, R, 1999). In this example, saturation initially reduces the relay magnitude response by one half, a reduction that may affect relay performance in different ways. For example, a high-set instantaneous 50 element could pick up for one cycle and then drop out for one to two cycles. A time-delayed overcurrent element could respond up to three cycles late. It is also shown that CT saturation will cause In the existing relaying system, the timeovercurrent relay functions serve to backup the instantaneous relay functions. It is the instantaneous functions that may be 4-6 distance relay to undereach due to reduced secondary current flowing through it. The name of the inverse-time curve is selfexplanatory. The higher the magnitude of the fault or the load current, the less time is required for the relay to operate. This provides quick removal of the faulted portion from the power system. Under normal load condition or for a lowmagnitude fault current, the relay allows enough time for other downstream devices to clear the fault. Because the microprocessor relay has to process the current mathematically to decide the time to trip, the relay can be equipped with different types of inverse curves. Figure 4-5 Overcurrent Relay Response to CT Saturated Current The user at the time of the study decides the curve to be used. The relay simply actuates that curve equation and processes accordingly. IEEE has created standard inverse curves. The manufacturer of the microprocessor relay must comply with these curves. Depending on the time to trip for higher current or for lower current, different curves are available. The saturation phenomenon in the CT applications can be evaluated using the equations that have been summarized in this chapter and have been coded into a spreadsheet application that has been developed and provided with this book. The application description is included as an appendix to the chapter. Similarly, the transient response of the CT during a fault condition may be evaluated using an EMTP test circuit that has also been developed. This application description may also be found as an appendix to the chapter. The following list includes a few of the many popular curves: • • • • • Effect of High Fault Currents on Coordination The coordination of protection devices is necessary to maintain selectivity, (that is, to remove the portion of the power system that is experiencing the fault). The inverse-time current curve provides coordination at the same time that it offers the speed and accuracy needed to clear the correct fault quickly. By the nature of the design, the inverse-time curves utilize the magnitude of the current to decide the tripping time, unlike the instantaneous relays with definite time. Moderately inverse Inverse Normally inverse Very inverse Extremely inverse Figure 3-4 depicts these curves with the equations set forth by IEEE. 4-7 The protective device coordination in a radial feeder or for any distribution feeder is very important. Bus Breaker 51 Relay Line Fuse 1 Time F1 Relay F2 Branches Fuse 1 T1 T2 F1 CTI F2 Current Figure 4-7 Coordination of a Distribution Feeder The impact of the increased fault current due to addition of distributed generation on protective relaying is shown in (PSERC 2005). The impact of adding DGs on the fault current levels in a 4-bus test system (Figure 4-8) is shown in Table 4-1. It can be seen that increased fault current is reflected throughout the system. Figure 4-6 IEEE Extremely Inverse Time Overcurrent Curve Example of mis-coordination of a feeder circuit when fault current increases, see Figure 3-5: • • • • Fuse 1 clears fault F1 before relay operates. Coordinating time interval (CTI) T1 is sufficient. Fault current increases beyond design value T2 < CTI Breaker opens at same time as Fuse 1, causing wider outage. Figure 4-8 A simple 4-bus system with new DGs at bus 3 and 4 (PSERC 2005) Table 4-1 Impact of DG on fault Currents (PSERC 2005) 4-8 Bus Fault current before installing DG (pu) Fault current after installing DG (pu) Change in Fault current (%) 1 1.39 2.36 96.8 2 1.37 3.23 135.7 3 1.39 4.17 200 4 1.31 3.53 169.5 condition is detected. Protective relays work in concert with sensing and control devices to accomplish this function. There are several reasons to use protective relaying: • • Protective Relay Ratings and Settings • Protective relays (EPRI.2004) have a reputation for providing reliable service for many years. Nonetheless, protective relays are delicate instruments that are susceptible to the degradation of components that may affect performance. Due to their design, numerical relays, Figure 3-6, have eliminated the degradation that can be expected from the mechanical components of electromechanical relays, Figure 3-7. Numerical relays also use minimal electronic components when compared to electronic relays. The failure of a protective relay to contain and isolate an electrical problem can have severe plant-wide repercussions. When an expected protective action does not occur, the end result of an electrical abnormality may be catastrophic equipment damage and prolonged downtime instead of localized minor damage. Because of the severe consequences of a failure, protective relays should be maintained in a high state of readiness. Critical applications should be carefully evaluated for redundant protection. • • • To provide alarms when measured process limits are exceeded, thereby allowing operators an opportunity to intervene with corrective actions To isolate faulted circuits or equipment from the remainder of the system so that the system can continue to function To limit damage to faulted equipment To minimize the possibility of fire or catastrophic damage to adjacent equipment To minimize hazards to personnel To provide post-fault information to help analyze the root cause Under normal power system operation, protective relays remain idle and serve no active function. However, when required to operate because of a faulted or undesirable condition, it is imperative that the relays function correctly. Another point of concern is the undesired operation of a protective relay during normal plant conditions or tolerable transients. Inadvertent relay operation can result in unnecessary system or plant downtime. A maintenance and surveillance program will help to ensure that the protective relays respond properly to normal and abnormal conditions. This frequency of testing can be extended to longer periods than electromechanical devices. The number of tests can also be reduced due to the design and construction of the relays. An effective maintenance program for protective relays accomplishes two primary goals. First, it provides a high degree of confidence that the electrical power protection system will respond to abnormal conditions as designed. Periodic Protective relaying is an integral part of any electrical power system. The fundamental objective of system protection is to quickly isolate a problem so that the unaffected portions of a system can continue to function. Protective relays are the decisionmaking device in the protection scheme. They monitor circuit conditions and initiate protective action when an undesired 4-9 assurance that protective relays are in an operable status is particularly important. Relay problems are generally detected by internal test routines and during operational checks via a human machine interface (HMI). Secondly, an effective maintenance program preserves the relay’s readiness and helps to counteract normal and abnormal inservice deterioration that can affect a relay’s electronic components over time. Even under normal conditions, electrical, thermal, and environmental stresses are continually at work, slowly degrading the relays. This deterioration is much slower in numerical relays than in electromechanical relays because numerical relays are not affected by mechanical deterioration. Routine maintenance checks help to identify any of the deterioration in the device. The life of numerical relays cannot be prolonged by recalibration, cleaning, and general maintenance because numerical relays are either functional or not. Failed devices must be removed, repaired, and/or replaced. Failed devices or device components such as printed circuit boards should be sent to the supplier for repair. Figure 4-10 Electromechanical Protective Relay (General Electric Company) Effects of Fault Currents on Protective Relays Operating voltages range from 110 VAC– 480 VAC and 24 VDC–250 VDC. Currents are provided in either 1A or 5A (AC) rating. The maximum design rated voltage is the highest rms alternating voltage or direct voltage. The maximum current is the highest rms alternating current or direct current. These maximum values are the limits at which the relay can operate continuously. The operating coils of older electromechanical and solid-state relays typically determined the relay's rating. Today, numerical relays are supplied with multiple range or universal power supplies and binary inputs/outputs that operate at specific voltages that are set by using internal links or jumpers in the relay. The current and voltage sources can also have multiple operating ratings. Relays can be provided with secondary current selections of 1 A or 5 A. Secondary voltages to the relay can be configured for a range of voltages and can typically be connected wye or delta by a setting parameter rather than a hardware configuration. Voltage inputs can be configured for phase-phase or phaseground. Figure 4-9 Numerical Protective Relay (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories) 4-10 Relay The absence of the current burden is transformers subject the relay greatly to the fault currents. Hence, reduced high fault currents are with the directly seen by such relays, use of and hence subjecting their numerical internal circuitry to a higher relays. risk from high fault currents. The power consumption of numerical relays can be expected in the 0.04–0.10 VA range. This means that in many applications, the relay burden is negligible. In older applications where the relay burden was much higher, intermediate current transformers may have been required. Numerical relays normally no longer require these intermediate transformers. Limits: 15 A continuous. 500 A @ 1 sec., linear to 100 A. 1250 A @ 1 cycle. • Methods for Upgrading Protection Systems Update Short Circuit Study In order to obtain complete coordination of the protective equipment applied, it may be necessary to obtain some or all of the following information on short-circuit currents for each node or bus: • Maximum and minimum momentary (first cycle) short-circuit current • Maximum and minimum interrupting duty short-circuit current • Maximum and minimum groundfault current The momentary currents are used to determine the maximum and minimum currents to which instantaneous and directacting trip devices respond. The maximum interrupting current is the value of the current at which the circuit protection coordination interval is established. The minimum interrupting current is needed to determine if the protection sensitivity of the circuit is adequate. Thermal Relays contain sensitive overload electrical components that capacities are also are designed to operate at higher. For specific values of voltage and current. example, the effective thermal overload can reach a rating of 500 A (1 sec) and a dynamic rating of 1250 A (half cycle). Examples Electromechanical Relay (GE Multilin. 1997) GE IAC53 1.5-12 A time overcurrent taps, instantaneous range10-80 A. Continuous current rating of the time overcurrent unit: 10-30.5A Short time current rating of the time overcurrent unit: I2t = 67,600. • For example, with 500:5 CT, 50 kA of fault current for 1 second is the limit. A short-circuit study and coordination study should be updated when the available short circuit of the source to a plant is increased. Update Protective Device Coordination Study For example, with a 500:5 CT, 26 kA of fault current for 1 second will reach the thermal limit of this relay. The objective of a coordination study is to determine the characteristics, ratings, and settings of overcurrent protective devices to ensure that the minimum unfaulted load is interrupted when the protective devices isolate a fault or an overload anywhere in Digital (Schweitzer. 2003) SEL351 0.5-16 A time overcurrent range, instantaneous overcurrent range 0.25-100 A on 5A CT. 4-11 result in mis-operation of relays. The proper CT models need to be used in the electromagnetic transient type programs. In widely used transient programs (PSCAD, EMTP), CT models are available that have been developed using Jiles-Atherton theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis (Jiles and Atherton, 1986.) and representation of magnetization curves using a non-integer power series (Lucas, 1998). These models compute the secondary current from the CT winding in response to the primary current. The electromagnetic models of current transformers have been developed based on the non-linear power curve formulation (Lucas et. al. 1992). The hysteresis loop model is based upon a current injection that reflects the parallel combination of nonlinear inductance and a non-linear resistor (Figure 4-11). the system. At the same time, the devices and the settings selected should provide satisfactory protection against overloads on the equipment and should interrupt shortcircuit currents as rapidly as possible. The coordination study provides data useful for the selection of instrument transformer ratios, protective relay characteristics, and settings and fuse ratings. It also provides other information pertinent to the provision of optimum protection and selectivity in coordination of these devices. When plotting coordination curves, a certain time interval must be maintained between curves of the various protective devices in order to ensure correct sequential operation of the devices. This interval is called the coordination time interval. When coordinating inverse curves, the time interval is usually 0.3–0.4 sec. This interval is measured between relays in series at the instantaneous setting of the load side of the feeder relay or maximum short-circuit current, which can flow through both devices simultaneously. A basic understanding of time-current characteristics is essential in any study. Initial planning and power system data are also essential for any coordination study. Figure 4-11 Basis of hysteresis loop The magnetizing component in the figure is represented by the non-linear magnetization curve as The initial planning process should include the following activities: • • • • • Develop a one-line diagram Determine the load flow Collect data Conduct a short-circuit study Determine time current coordination curves for all the devices in the system H = ∑ K i B αi Eq. 4-6 Where Ki and i are positive in nature. Typically, 3 terms of power are found to give good approximation over a wide range. The core loss is represented by the nonlinear resistor in Figure 4-11 that includes eddy current loss and hysteresis loss. The transformer excitation current is then the summation of the magnetizing current and the core loss current. The additional injection is needed to model the asymmetry in the flux-current loop due to the presence Modeling Techniques for Protection Studies Protective coordination studies need to be done to ensure that CT saturation does not 4-12 of any remanence. Thus, these models accurately reflect the behavior of the instrument transformers during saturation conditions as well as the presence of remanence from previous magnetizations The authors have successfully demonstrated the accuracy of these models by validating them against the published practical tests. There is a close agreement between the hysteresis loop of a Silectron 53 steel in a CT obtained from manufacturer (Figure 4-12) and the one obtained using the model (Figure 4-13). Figure 4-13 Hysteresis Loop for Silectron 53 from model In this model, the magnetizing loops of the transformer core are self generated rather than being predetermined. The option of non-iterative based solution in the models enables them to be used with the real time relay test simulators. In offline simulations, iterations are possible resulting in more accurate solution. As mentioned earlier, CT models have also been developed in which the hysteresis loop of the core material is developed using JilesAtherton theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis. As per this theory, magnetization of the hysteresis model is composed of the reversible component that is related to the domain bending during the magnetization process and the irreversible component that corresponds to the domain wall displacement during the pinning effect. Figure 4-12 Manufacturer’s Hysteresis Loop for Silectron 53 M = M irr + M rev Eq. 4-7 The saturation characteristics are modeled using a modified Langevin function. The models based on this theory involve solving a set of first-order differential equations in which the desired parameters can be determined by the measurements of the hysteresis loop. The basics of the theory and the descriptions of the equations and the 4-13 parameters are included in (Jiles and Atherton, 1986). Authors in (Annakage, et al, 2000) mention that the models discussed so far are adequate for most situations other than the situations involving reclosing into a permanent fault after a long duration (> 1 s) when accurate modeling of renascence is required. Also, the authors have determined that the shape of the hystersis loop in the shoulder area is very critical in situations where burden is small (e.g. digital relays) in presence of residual flux. The Langevin function in Jiles-Atherton model was found to be unable to accurately replicate the shoulder area for such situations. The authors have introduced an improved anhysteretic function that has an additional flexibility to achieve a better shape for the simulated B-H loop. Summary and Recommendations Currents in the secondary windings of CTs are used for protection and metering applications. Excessive fault currents can cause CTs to enter saturation. Consequently, current in CT secondary is not a true reflection of actual system current flowing through CT primary. The resultant error can cause protection system to fail (mis-operate or failure to operate). Thus, protection system needs to be updated and coordinated based on the existing fault current levels and system conditions. The protection performance under high fault current conditions can be improved by using relays that put reduced burden on CT secondaries and/or provide compensation for expected CT saturation. 4-14 APPENDIX 4.1 CT Saturation Evaluation Spreadsheet This spreadsheet will allow a user to evaluate saturation phenomenon for a CT application. The sheet that deals with AC saturation phenomenon is shown in Figure 4-14. User needs to enter all the parameters in the fields shaded in “Green” and the sheet will compute if the CT ratio error due to AC saturation is going to be significant or not. Secondary resistance of CT ( Rs) Leakage Reactance (Xl) Burden resistance (Rb) Secondary to Primary turns-ratio (N2:N1) Primary fault Current (Ip) Saturation Voltage (Vx) Secondary Voltage (Vs) CT ratio error Significant 0.61 3.46 1.6 240 15000 250 257 Yes ohms ohms ohms A V V Figure 4-14 AC Saturation sheet Similarly, the sheet that deals with DC saturation phenomenon is shown in Figure 4-15. Again, user needs to enter the various parameters in fields shaded in “green” and the sheet will compute if the CT ratio error due to DC saturation is significant. It will also compute the time to saturation (in cycles) once the fault occurs. Secondary resistance of CT ( Rs) Leakage Reactance (Xl) Burden resistance (Rb) Burden Imepedance including leads and secondary devices (Zb) Secondary Impedance (Zs) Secondary to Primary turns-ratio (N2:N1) Primary fault Current (Ip) Primary system resistance up to fault (R) Primary system reactance up to fault (X) Remnance Secondary Voltage (Vs) Saturation Voltage (Vx) CT ratio error Significant Saturation factor (Ks) Time to saturation (Ts) 0.61 3.6 0.8 1.74 5.95 240 5600 0.5 10 0 796.8333 250 Yes 7.60 1.3 ohms ohms ohms ohms ohms A ohms ohms pu V V cycles Figure 4-15 DC Saturation sheet The screenshots that are shown here correspond to a 1200/5, C400 CT (ANSI/IEEE. 1996, section 4.4). 4-15 APPENDIX 4.2 EMTP Model for CT Saturation Evaluation A circuit has been developed on EMTP-RV platform to evaluate the CT saturation phenomenon in transmission systems (See Figure 4-16). EMTP is chosen as it is one of the most widely used programs for performing transient studies. The circuit represents a 2-bus transmission system (Folkers 1999). RL1 + b b SW1 R7 ?i + + 1E15|1E15|0 1e-6 Fault +.2 8 R_RELAYB + 8 R_LEADN R_LeadB +.2 R_LEADC +.2 1 + CT_B + 1 8 kv = 230 CT_C 2 2 CT_A + R_leadA +.2 + R_RELAYC R_RELAYA Figure 4-16 EMTP Evaluation Circuit The test system details are: • • • • • • • + AC c c + RL2 + 2 kv = 230 SRC2 a a AC + 1 SRC1 Positive-sequence line impedance, Z1L = 8.19 + j77.57 Zero-sequence line impedance, Z0L = 36.81 + j245.15 Positive- and zero-sequence source impedances, ZS = 0.1 ZL Peak source voltage, VP = 189500 V, VSend leads VReceive by 30° The line is split into two elements, one on each side of the fault location. CT secondaries are wye-connected and grounded through lead and relay impedances. CTs are modeled as saturable transformer components as shown in Figure 4-17 4-16 . RL1 ?i RL2 Tideal_unit + i + k 1e-6,0 + + 0.576,0 ?i + 100M Rmag 0.004166666666666667 Lnonl m j L nonlinear Data function Figure 4-17 Saturable Transformer Model for CT The CT model is developed as per the following steps: 1. Model the CT secondary on Winding 1 of the saturable transformer component. 2. On Winding 2, set resistor in RL2 equal to zero. Set inductor in RL2, which must have a value greater than zero, equal to 10E-6. 3. Set inductor in RL1 equal to zero, since a C-class CT secondary leakage reactance is very small. 4. Set resistor in RL1 equal to the CT secondary winding resistance. 5. Set magnetizing resistance, Rmag, to 100M-ohm as it very large. 6. Select seven to ten excitation-current versus voltage points from the CT excitation curve (1200/5 A CT curve in Figure 4-18), to include saturation in the model. Select a point at the lower end of the curve, several points at, and just above the knee of the curve, and a point at the upper end of the curve. 7. Convert these current versus voltage points to current versus flux points using the “L nonlinear Data Function”. 8. Enter the obtained current-flux points into the non-linear inductor (Lnonl) in the model. 4-17 Figure 4-18 CT Characteristics For normal conditions, the simulation of the test circuit yields the following plots for the currents in CT primaries and secondaries (Figure 4-19). Figure 4-19 CT Currents –Normal Conditions 4-18 It is seen from the plots that under normal conditions, the currents in secondaries get stepped down by a correct ratio and retain the exact sinusoidal shape of primary currents. The current plots for the fault condition are shown in Figure 4-20. It may be seen that currents in CT secondaries are distorted due to saturation and the time-to-saturation is about half a cycle. This circuit lets the user to evaluate the impact of parameters such as fault current levels and CT burden on the CT saturation. These impacts for the test circuit are summarized in Table 4-2 and Table 4-3. Figure 4-20 CT Currents –Fault Conditions Table 4-2 Impact of Primary Current Level on CT saturation Primary Current (kA) Time to saturation (cycles) 7.6 0.6 9.2 0.5 5.6 1.4 Table 4-3 Impact of Relay Burden on CT saturation Primary Current (kA) Time to saturation (cycles) 8 0.6 4 2.7 2 NA 4-19 10. Linders, J.R. et. al., 1995, “Relay Performance Considerations with Low-Ratio CT’s and High-Fault Currents,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, Vol. 31, No. 2, March/April 1995, pp. 392-404 References 1. ANSI/IEEE. 1996. C37.110-1996, IEEE Guide For The Application of Current Transformers Used for Protective Relaying Purposes 11. Lucas, J.R., "Representation of Magnetisation curves over a wide region using a non-integer Power Series", IJEEE, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1988, Manchester U.P. UK. pp. 335-340. 2. Annakkage, U.D. et. al. , 2000, “A Current Transformer model based on the Jiles- Atherton Theory of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 57-61 12. Lucas, J.R., McLaren, P.G., Keerthipala, W.W.L., and Jayasinghe, R.P., “Improved Simulation Models for Current and Voltage Transformers in Relay Studies,” IEEE Trans. Poer Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1992, pp. 152-159 3. Blackburn, J.L., 1998, Protective Relaying Principles and Applications, New York: Marcel Dekker 4. Elmore, W.A. (ed.), 1994, Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, New York: Marcel Dekker 13. NFPA 70-2005, National Electrical Code, Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association. 5. EPRI. 2004. Protective Relays: Numerical Protective Relays, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2004. 1009704. 14. Power Systems Relaying Committee, 1976, Transient Response of Current Transformers, IEEE Publication 76 CH 1130-4 PWR, New York: IEEE, 1976 6. Folkers, R., 1999, Determine Current Transformers Suitability using EMTP Models. SEL. 7. GE Multilin, 1997. Instructions Time Overcurrent Relays IAC53A IAC53B IAC54A IAC54B Form 800 and p, General Electric Co. Publication GEK-3054H 15. PSERC. 2005. “New Implications of Power System Fault Current Limits”. PSERC Publication 05-62, October 2005 16. Schweitzer. 2003. SEL-351-0, -1, -2, -3, -4 Directional Overcurrent Relay Reclosing Relay Fault Locator Instruction Manual, 20030908, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Pullman, WA 8. Jiles , D. C. and Atherton, D. L., “Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis”, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 61, pp. 48, 1986. 9. Kojovic, L. A., “Comparison of Different Current Modeling Techniques for Protection System Studies”, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Vol. 3, 2002, pp. 10841089 17. Seveik, D.R., DoCarmo, H.J., 2000 “Reliant Energy HL&P Investigation Into Protective Relaying CT Remanence”, Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, Texas 4-20 A&M University, College Station, Texas, April 11 – 13. 4-21 b. Provide low zero-sequence impedance for return of the unbalanced fraction of ac system currents 5 3. To ensure electrical safety, minimizing energy by: EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON GROUNDING GRIDS a. Rapidly identifying system faults, leading to reduce fault duration. b. Limiting touch or step voltages to levels that restrict body currents to safe values. Excessive Fault currents that enter a grounding system for a substation may translate into a reduction in electrical safety due to increased step and touch potentials. 4. To contribute to electromagnetic compatibility, eliminating some hazards and reducing the energy of others. All of these functions are provided by a single grounding system. Some elements of this system may have specific electrical purposes, but all elements are normally bonded or coupled together, forming one system to be designed or analyzed. This chapter reviews some of the basics of ground grid designs as they relate to high fault currents. Introduction The grounding or earthing system (EPRI, 2004a, sec. 5.2.2) is a total set of measures used to connect the electrically conductive components of a power system to earth. The grounding system is an essential part of both high and low voltage electrical power networks, and has at least four important roles: When fault currents that are in excess of design values enter a In order to prevent these grounding effects, regular system, the recalculation of ground following grid parameters should effects may be made, in addition to occur: normal ground grid maintenance, to ensure 1. Reduction that fault current levels in are not exceeded: electrical safety: 1. Ground resistance increased measurements. step and touch 2. Short circuit potentials calculations. 1. To protect against lightning by: a. Providing an electrically and mechanically robust path for current to flow to ground b. Limiting potential differences across electrical insulation on stricken towers c. Reducing the number of flashovers that occur. 2. Damage or failure of grounding equipment 2. For correct operation of the power system, minimizing energy by, a. Providing unambiguous identification of faults, so that the correct protection systems operate Recalculation of step and touch potentials. a. Thermal damage due to excessive short circuit currents 5-1 b. Mechanical damage due to excessive short circuit stresses and ground grid. (IEEE 2000, Sec. 17) c. Drying of the soil resulting in increased soil resistivity (IEEE 2000 Sec. 12.3) 9. Increasing thickness of upper layer of crushed stone. (IEEE 2000, Sec. 12.5) 10. Use of soil treatment to lower resistivity (IEEE 2000, Sec. 14.5) d. Insulation failure due to high-induced voltages (IEEE. 1996.) Table 5-1 Critical Parameters in Ground Grid Design 3. Possible effects of grounding grid degradation on the electrical power system a. Reduced lightning protection b. Misoperation protection of ground Symbol Name Equation Typical values units IG Maximum Grid Current IG = D f × I g 0.5-10 kA fault c. Increased zero-sequence impedance for unbalanced load currents. d. Reduced compatibility Df = Decrement factor Ig = Sym. grid current electromagnetic There are various measures that can be taken to reinforce a ground grid. These include (IEEE 2000, Sec. 16.6): tf Fault duration -- 0.251.0 s ts Shock duration ts = tf 0.251.0 s ρ Soil resistivity From measurement 10-10 4 Ω-m ρs Resistivity of surface layer From measurement Dry: 4000-1 9 x 10 Ω-m 1. Adding ground grid conductors, decreasing the spacing of conductors. Wet: 21-6 x 106 2. Increasing the area of the grid. 3. Adding parallel conductors around the perimeter of the ground grid. Table 5-2 Procedure for Ground Grid Design 4. Adding ground rods, with closer spacing at the perimeter. 5. Diverting fault currents to other paths. (Popovi . 2000) Step Description Result 1 Site survey, soil resistivity test Area, ρ 2 Conductor size, zero sequence current, faultclearing time. 3I0, tc, d 3 Step and touch potentials Estep, Etouch 4 Conductor loop design, conductor spacing, ground rod locations Various dimensions 5 Estimated resistance of grounding system in uniform soil RG 6 Recalculate ground current IG, tf 6. Limiting total fault current. 7. Barring access to hazardous areas. 8. Connecting overhead ground wires from transmission lines. a. Decreasing tower footing resistances. b.Reinforcing or replacing connectors between above-ground components 5-2 Step Description The critical parameters in the design of the ground grid are listed in Table 5-1. The ground grid procedure is listed in Table 5-2. Result and fault duration based on current splits, worst-case fault, and future expansion. 7 If GPR < tolerable touch voltage, go to final step IGRG<Etouch 8 If GPR > tolerable touch voltage, calculate mesh and step voltages Em, Es, If mesh voltage < tolerable touch voltage, go to next step. Otherwise go to step 11. Em<Etouch 10 If step voltage < tolerable touch voltage, go to final step. Otherwise go to step 11. Es<Etouch If mesh or step voltage > tolerable touch voltage, revision of design is required. IEEE 2000, Sec. 16.6 Equipment ground conductors, additional grid conductors, ground rods as needed. Final design review. IEEE 2000, Sec. 17 12 The shape and area of the substation are determined, and ground resistance measurements (ANSI/IEEE. 1983.) (IEEE. 1991a.) are taken to determine the ground resistivity. various K 9 11 Site Survey Conductor Sizing Most important in terms of over-current phenomena is the sizing of the ground grid conductors. The design procedure makes two assumptions: 1. Adiabatic heating of the conductor 2. Thermal capacity per unit volume remains constant (usually true for short fault durations) Summary of Ground Grid Design Procedures The conductor size can then be determined: Akcmil = ID f K f t c Design of a ground grid is part of the overall design of a substation. The ground rods will be driven and the ground grid constructed before the surface layer of gravel is poured and the above ground portions of the substation constructed. The design goals, as listed in IEEE Standard 80-2000 (IEEE, 2000, Sec. 16.1) are: Eq. 5-1 Where: tc = fusing time of the conductor in s. Akcmil = conductor cross sectional area in kcmil. I = rms symmetrical fault current in kA. 1. “To provide means to dissipate electric currents into the earth without exceeding any operating and equipment limits.” It is assumed that the symmetrical rms fault current I f ≈ 3I 0 from the ground fault calculations for the substation. 2. “To assure that a person in the vicinity of grounded facilities is not exposed to the danger of critical electrical shock.” A summary of the procedure is supplied in (Keil. 2003.) The theory is discussed in depth in (Meliopoulos. 1988. Ch. 5 and 8). Kf = material-fusing constant. Typical values are 7.00 for soft-drawn copper, 10.45 for 40% conductivity copper-clad steel wire and 15.95 for steel conductor. (IEEE. 2000. Table 2) 5-3 Df = Decrement Factor. Where fault durations are less than 1 s or the X/R ratio is greater than 5, the asymmetry of fault current waveforms produces additional heating, which must be taken into account: T Df = 1+ a tf −2 t f ⎛ ⎜ Ta ⎜1 − e ⎜ ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ Copper Conductors. Clearing Time 0.5 seconds Conductor #4/0 AWG 500 kcmil Symmetrical 42.7 101 X/R = 10 41.6 98 X/R = 20 40.6 96 X/R = 30 39.6 94 X/R = 40 38.8 92 Eq. 5-2 Where: tf = fault duration in s. Zsys If Ta = time constant X/2πfR in s. Vsys This is illustrated in Figure 5-1 for several X/R ratios. Ig RB Ib Decrement Factor ETouch 2 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 Rf Rf Vth= Touch voltage Zth= Rf/2 Ground Grid Figure 5-2 Touch Voltage 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fault Duration Cycles 10 20 30 40 Zsys Figure 5-1 Decrement Factor Versus Fault Duration for Four Different X/R Ratios (IEEE 2000. Table 10) If Vsys Ig RB Ib Ib EStep The A safety factor is usually conductors of a applied in the design to allow for future growth in fault ground grid have current magnitudes. been designed for a particular maximum fault current, X/R ratio and clearing time. Examples are shown in Table 5-3. Rf Rf 1 meter Vth= Step voltage Zth= 2Rf Ground Grid Figure 5-3 Step Voltage Table 5-3 Fusing Currents in Symmetrical kA for Annealed Soft-Drawn 100% Conductivity 5-4 ρs = ρ if there is no surface layer. Step and Touch Voltages Normally, ρs > ρ If a person standing on a surface whose potential has risen due to the flow of ground current touches a grounded object, they experience a touch voltage (Figure 5-2). A Thévenin equivalent circuit of the person exposed to the touch voltage is also shown. Whether the touch voltage is hazardous can be determined by comparison with the calculated safe level of touch voltage for that substation. Kw = 0.116 for “50” or 0.157 for “70”. ts = duration of the shock current, seconds. CS = surface layer-derating factor. CS = 1.0 if there is no surface layer, otherwise an approximate formula (within 5% of computer models) may be used: Similarly, if a person is standing on the surface, and the flow of ground current causes a dangerous voltage drop to occur between their feet, they are exposed to a step voltage (Figure 5-3). A Thévenin equivalent circuit of the person exposed to the step voltage is also shown. ⎛ ρ ⎞ ⎟⎟ 0.09⎜⎜1 − ρ s ⎠ ⎝ Cs = 1 − 2hs + 0.09 Where: The safe levels of step and touch potentials are defined based upon a person’s body weight and the length of exposure. The usual standards (IEEE. 2000. Section 8.3) used are for 50 and 70 kg (110 and 154 lb) body weights. The step and touch potentials are calculated using: E XW = (1000 + m ⋅ A ⋅ C s ⋅ ρ s ) Kw ts Eq. 5-4 hs = depth of the surface material (m). Cs will approach 1.0 as hs increases and as ρs → ρ. It will approach 0 as ρs → 0. Ground Grid Layout Using the shape and area previously determined, a grid is laid out, at a depth, h, with spacing D, and total length of buried conductor LT. If ground rods, unequal spacing, or shape other than square are used, other parameters will apply as well. Eq. 5-3 Where: X = either “step” or “touch”. Ground Resistance Calculation W = either “50” or “70”. The resistance of the grounding grid, Rg, can be estimated using Sverak’s equation (IEEE. 2000. Section 14.2): 1000Ω is the typical resistance of the human body. m = 0 for metal to metal touch voltage, 1 otherwise . ⎡ 1 Rg = ρ ⎢ + ⎢⎣ LT A = 6 for “step” or 1.5 for “touch” A derivation for these constants appears in (Meliopoulos. 1988. p. 131.). ⎛ ⎞⎤ 1 ⎜1 + ⎟⎥ 20 A ⎜⎝ 1 + h 20 A ⎟⎠⎥⎦ 1 Eq. 5-5 Where: ρs = resistivity of the surface material, Ω-m. ρ = earth resistivity in Ω-m. 5-5 LT = total length of buried conductors in m. 1 2π Km = A = total area of the grid in m2. + Calculation of Maximum Grid Current The maximum current that is used in ground potential rise calculations is not always the same as the maximum current used for conductor sizing. The maximum grid current is: I G = D f S f 3I 0 Ki = irregularity factor, defined as: K i = 0.644 + 0.148n The variables in Km and Ki are defined as follows: Eq. 5-6 D = spacing conductors, m. Sf = current split factor determined from the detailed substation short circuit calculations (IEEE. 2000. Section 15.) Calculation of Ground Potential Rise (GPR) Eq. 5-7 h = depth of the grid, m. d = diameter of the grid conductor, m. K ii = 1 (2n ) 2 n , if there are no ground rods or only a few ground rods, with none located on the corners or on the perimeter. Mesh Voltage Kh is the grid depth factor, defined as: The basis of the design procedure is to minimize the “mesh voltage,” (Em) which is the maximum touch voltage within the area of the ground grid, which is taken to mean at the center of the corner mesh, which is the usual point of maximum. LM parallel Kii=1, if there are ground rods along the perimeter or in the corners and along the perimeter and throughout the grid area. This will be compared with the touch potentials, Etouch50 and Etouch70. If it is larger, the mesh voltage will be calculated. ρ Km Ki I G between Kii = inner conductor factor, defined as: The ground potential rise is calculated as: Em = ⎤⎤ K ii ⎡ 8 ln ⎢ ⎥ K h ⎣ π (2n − 1) ⎥⎦ ⎦ Eq. 5-9 Where: EGPR = Rg I G ⎡ ⎡ D2 (D + 2h )2 − h ⎤ + ⎢ln ⎢ ⎥ 8D d 4d ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎢⎣ 16hd Kh = 1+ h 1m n = effective number conductors in a grid: Eq. 5-8 n = n a nb n c n d Eq. 5-10 of parallel Eq. 5-11 Where: Where: ρ = earth resistivity in Ω-m. na = Km = geometrical factor, defined as: 5-6 2 LC LP Eq. 5-12 ⎧1 for square grids ⎪ n b = ⎨ LP ⎪ ⎩ 4 A minimized, the step voltage is brought within limits as well. Eq. 5-13 Step Voltage The maximum step voltage is assumed to take place for a one-meter stride across the perimeter of the ground grid at its most extreme corner: ⎧1 for square and rectangular grids ⎪⎪ 0.7 A nb = ⎨ ⎡ L L ⎤ L x L y x y ⎪⎢ ⎥ ⎪⎩⎣ A ⎦ Es = Eq. 5-14 ⎧1 for square, rectangular and L - shaped grids ⎪ n d = ⎨ Dm ⎪ L2 L2 ⎩ x y Eq. 5-15 Eq. 5-17 LS Where: LS = effective conductor: length LS = 0.75LC + 0.85LR and of buried Eq. 5-18 LC = total length of conductor in the horizontal grid, m KS = spacing factor for step voltage: LP = length of the perimeter of the grid, m. KS = 1⎡1 If LM = effective buried length in m: modified. LM 1 ( )⎤ when 0.25 m < h < 2.5 m . Ly = maximum length of the grid in the y direction, m. ⎡ ⎛ Lr ⎜ ⎢ = LC + 1.55 + 1.22⎜ ⎢ 2 ⎜ L x + L2y ⎢⎣ ⎝ 1 + + 1 − 0.5 n −2 ⎥ π ⎢⎣ 2h D + h D ⎦ Eq. 5-19 Lx = maximum length of the grid in the x direction, m. the step voltage is higher than the design must be E Step50 and E Step 70 , ⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ ⎟⎥ LR ⎟⎥ ⎠⎦ Detailed Design After the safe design has been obtained, the detail can be added such as equipment ground conductors, additional grid conductors, ground rods as needed for surge arresters and other equipment. A final design review is performed. Eq. 5-16 Where: LR = individual ground rod length, m. If ρ K S Ki I G Example Design from IEEE Standard 80 Dm = the maximum distance between any two points on the grid, m. Step 1. the A = 70 m x 70 m mesh voltage is higher than E Touch 50 and ETouch 70 , the design must be modified. Once the mesh voltage is ρ=400 Ω-m 5-7 may be aggravated by high fault currents, such as: Step 2. 30% Copper-clad steel wire 2/0 AWG • Step 3. E Step 70 = 2687 V • ETouch 70 = 838 V Step 4. • D=7m • • LT = 1540 m h = 0.5 m • Step 5. Rg = 2.78 Ω Step 6. IG = 1908 A • Step 7. EGPR = 5304 V >> 838 V Step 8. Em = 1002 V > 838 V • Step 9. Ground rods added to periphery and steps 5-8 repeated: • Rg = 2.75 Ω • IG = 1908 A EGPR = 5247 V >> 838 V Em = 747 V < 838 V Drying of the soil, increasing the ground resistance Excessive voltage drops in the conductors and connectors due to high currents Fusing, melting and connector failures Arcing, burning and open circuits Altered current flow paths, further increasing voltage drops Corroded or otherwise damaged conductors and connectors (Lawson. 1988.) Thinning of the protective surface layer of crushed stone or gravel Weeds and shrubs growing in surface layer Mixing of the surface layer with soil and dust, decreasing its resistivity Failure of static wire, ground or neutral wire connections from transmission and distribution lines to substation. Reduction in Electrical Safety: Increased Step and Touch Potentials Step 10. Es = 549 V < 2687 V The mechanisms by which these and other factors can cause injury or death are the step and touch potentials. Step 11. Not necessary Step 12. Ready to proceed. ⎡ 1 Rg = ρ ⎢ + ⎢⎣ LT Effects of High Fault Currents in Ground Grids Failure Mechanisms ⎛ ⎞⎤ 1 ⎜1 + ⎟⎥ 20 A ⎜⎝ 1 + h 20 A ⎟⎠⎥⎦ 1 Eq. 5-20 There are There are many possible many causes for increased Ground possible Potential Rise in substations, causes for which may be aggravated by increased high fault currents. Ground Potential Rise (GPR) in substations, which EGPR = Rg I G Eq. 5-21 When exposed to high fault currents, ρ can increase due to drying, LT can decrease due to conductor damage, all increasing Rg. 5-8 fusing current of the conductors to which they are attached, and heating from fault currents for up to 90% of the fusing current for 10 seconds. Similarly, the mesh voltage Em = ρ K m Ki I G Eq. 5-22 LM The test specifications in IEEE Standard 837-2002 call for the construction of a control conductor, Figure 5-4, of length LCC1 and resistance RCC1. If the connector joins two different materials, a non-control conductor, LCC2, RCC2 should also be constructed. A test loop, containing up to four connector assemblies under test is assembled. Each connector assembly contains of two conductor samples of lengths LSample1 and LSample2. The overall resistance at a temperature 20 °C is RTotal. (If the resistance measurement is not at 20 °C, then the measurement must be corrected to 20 °C.) If the conductors are stranded, then equalizers must be used at each end where a connector is not in place. The purpose of the equalizers is to establish an equipotential plane across the ends of the conductor strands. All samples used in short circuit tests must have a resistance at 20 °C of no more than 110% of that of the control conductor: increases with IG, ρ and decreasing LM. The step voltage Es = ρ K S Ki I G Eq. 5-23 LS also increases with IG, ρ and decreasing LS. The constants K are geometrical and do not change with increasing fault current. Damage or Failure of Grounding Equipment Thermal Damage to Conductors Due to Excessive Short Circuit Currents An increase in fault current will decrease the fusing time of the grid conductors: ⎛ Akcmil tc = ⎜ ⎜ I ⋅ Df ⋅ K f ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 2 Eq. 5-24 Examples of fusing current calculation results are shown in Table 5-4. It is recommended that the ground grid conductor thermal limit be plotted as a point on a time current curve, Figure 5-5, and an 2 i t line be extended upward from it to represent the ground grid thermal damage curve. If this curve is exceeded, the conductors may be subject to fusing, melting or other forms of thermal and mechanical damage. RTotal LCC1 ≤ 1.10 RCC1 LSample1 + LSample 2 ( ) Eq. 5-25 If there are two types of conductor, then: RTotal ≤ 1.10 Eq. 5-26 RCC1 LSample1 RCC 2 LSample 2 + LCC1 LCC 2 The electromagnetic force test applies an asymmetrical waveform with the following specifications: Connector Damage Due to Excessive Short Circuit Stresses 1. Rms value equal to 1 second fusing current for the conductor. This affects primarily permanent connections. (IEEE 2002.) Grounding grid connections should withstand short circuit electromagnetic forces up to the 1.0 second Peak value for first half cycle 2.7 times rms value (fully offset) 5-9 duration fall under the two points defined by these tests, as listed in Table 5-5, there should be no failures of connectors due to excessive fault currents. It is recommended that the connector thermal damage limit be plotted as a point on a time current curve, Figure 5-5, and an i2t line be extended upward from it to represent the damage curve. A vertical line may represent the mechanical damage curve. Test circuit highly inductive, with X/R > 20. Test current duration minimum 0.2 seconds (12 cycles @ 60 Hz), maximum 1 second to avoid fusing. Results after the first test are not to exceed 110% of RCC1, and 150% after three tests. The fault current test applies a symmetrical fault current of 90% of the 10-second fusing current for 10 seconds, repeated three times. The evaluation of the test consists of disassembly and dissection of the connection and inspection for signs of melting or other damage. Drying of the Soil Resulting in Increased Soil Resistivity A current density of less than 200 A/m2 for 1 s is recommended. (IEEE 2000 Sec. 12.3) Heating of soil whose temperature is above the freezing point has negligible effect on its resistivity. Fusing currents for both tests are calculated using the cable ampacity equation (IEEE. 2002. Annex C): ⎛ T + Tm ⎞ ⎟ ln⎜⎜ 0 T0 + Ta ⎟⎠ ⎝ I=A β tc The effect of moisture content on soil resistivity is given in the IEEE Green Book (IEEE. 1991b. Table 11) for several soil types. Resistivity is quite constant above 22% moisture content, but increases dramatically below that. Figure 5-6 shows this effect for three different types of soil. Without performing three-dimensional electro-magnetic simulations, there is no easy way to calculate the drying of soil by the passage of electrical current, and the consequent increase in resistivity. Similar calculations have been performed for HVDC terminals (Villas and Portela. 2003a and 2003b). Eq. 5-27 Where: A = conductor area in mm2. T0 = conductor material temperature constant, 234 °C for annealed soft-drawn 100% conductivity Copper. Tm = fusing temperature, 1083 °C for annealed soft-drawn 100% conductivity Copper. RTotal LSample2 LSample1 Ta = initial conductor temperature in °C. Test Loop β = material factor, 19.8 for annealed soft-drawn 100% conductivity Copper. tc = time of current flow in seconds. Test Loop Values of the constants for other conductor constants may be found in IEEE Standard 837-2002 and other references. Results of example calculations are shown in Table 5-4. As long as the fault magnitude and Conductor Connection Conductor Equalizer Equalizer Equalizer Equalizer Control Conductor LCC1 (RCC1) Figure 5-4 Short Circuit Testing of Ground Grid 5-10 Connectors (IEEE 2002). The Test Loop Contains a One Through Four Connector Assemblies Table 5-5 Fault Current Tests for Connectors Table 5-4 Fusing Currents and Test Currents for Annealed Soft-Drawn 100% Conductivity Copper Conductors Conductor #4/0 AWG 500 kcmil Fusing Current, kA, rms, symmetrical, 1.0 seconds 21.4 50.4 Electromagnetic Force Test Current, kA, peak 0.2 seconds 57.6 136 Fusing Current, kA, rms, symmetrical, 10.0 seconds 9.5 22.4 Minimum Fault Test Current, kA, rms, symmetrical, 10.0 seconds 8.6 20.2 Test Force Thermal Fault current duration 0.2 s 10.0 s Fusing current duration 1.0 s 10.0 s Fault current X/R 20 N/A Fault current peak/ rms 2.7 2 Fault current rms/ Fusing current rms 1.0 0.9 Figure 5-5 Typical Time-Current Curves Showing Thermal and Mechanical Withstand for Ground Grid Conductors (Assuming 0.5 Second Fault Clearing Time) and Connectors 5-11 blown debris/dirt infill and vehicular traffic. Resistivity Ohm-m Effect of Moisture Content on Soil Resistivity 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 5. Corrosion, sometimes to the point of disappearance of ground grid conductors, especially steel or copperclad conductors. 0 5 10 15 20 25 6. Opening of underground connections between grid conductors. 30 Percent by Weight Sandy Loam Top Soil 7. Loose or open connections from equipment to the ground grid. Red Clay 8. Undocumented changed to ground grid design. Most respondents did evaluate their grounding grids only when there was a problem or when an expansion was planned. The methods used for ground grid evaluations were: Figure 5-6 Effect of Moisture Content on Soil Resistivity (IEEE 1991b) Case Studies Survey of Substation Grounding System Assessment and Refurbishment Practices 1. Current injection to verify continuity An IEEE Task Force (IEEE. 2005.) conducted a survey of North American utilities practices regarding assessment and refurbishment of substation grounding systems. The reasons for assessment and refurbishment of substation grounding systems are given as: 2. Visual inspection 3. Resistance test Most respondents either have engineering standards in place for evaluating results, or were developing standards. If the assessment showed problems, the utility would either upgrade or replace the grounding grid. 1. Original design based on inadequate or undocumented assumptions, obsolete design methods, earlier standards. High resistivity surfacing layers were used by 77% of respondents, while only 15% test the resistivity of this material at the time of installation, and almost none retest it during ground grid assessment or have a maintenance procedure for it. The required depth for the material is typically 3 to 6 inches (75 to 150 mm), with a typical wet resistivity of 3000 Ω-m. 2. Increased available fault current due to new generation or substation expansion. 3. Ground resistance can increase if the original design relied on distribution neutral connections, some of which were later removed, or replaced with jacketed conductors or enclosed in plastic conduit. Ground grid upgrades and associated testing were undertaken by 75% of respondents. This includes upgrading of surfacing material. The most common test instruments used were: 4. Deterioration of surface rock layer due to construction activities, wind- 5-12 1. EPRI Smart Ground Meter (EPRI. 2004b) (Meliopoulos et al. 1994.) touch voltages. The required depth for the material is typically 3 to 6 inches (75 to 150 mm), with a typical wet resistivity of 3000 Ω-m. 2. Biddle DET/2 3. Multi-Amp GTS-300 6. Samples of the rock used for surfacing should be tested regularly, and a visual inspection should be performed. Asphalt should be checked for cracks and holes should be patched. 4. NGI Unilap Geox A full 90% of utilities do not de-energize substations for ground grid testing. Most respondents do not take into account the impact of remote grids or current splits in their evaluation. Only 33% of respondents use any analysis or modeling to evaluate the substation grounding system assessment results. Software which is used includes: Safety Assessments of Transit Supply Substations and 161/69-kV Substations The safety assessment of substation designs for the Taipei Rail Transit Systems (TRTS) is presented, using one substation as an example (Lee. 2004.) These calculations are based on IEEE Standard 80 Touch and Step voltage criteria for a 50 kg person. Grounding grids are present in the following locations: 1. CDEGS 2. WINIGS 3. EPRI (EPRI. 1992a.) The following best practices were recommended as a result of this survey: 1. Bulk Supply Substations (BSS) a. Primary 161 kV 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of grounding grids should be done on a regular basis, typically every 5-10 years. b. Secondary 22.8 kV Traction Supply Substation (TSS) c. Primary 22.8 kV 2. A standard should be developed which covers both the design and maintenance of a grounding system. d. Secondary 589 V 3. Knowledge of the conductor material and the soil characteristics will help to determine how often a grounding system should be inspected. Conductivity tests and visual inspections should be performed if a problem occurs or is suspected. e. 750 V DC negative return The second example (Lee and Chang. 2005.) consists of a comparison between indoor and outdoor 161/69-kV substations of the Taiwan Power Company (TPC). The outdoor substation has a 166 x 137 m ground grid, rectangular shape, with a diagonal of 200 m. The indoor substation is smaller, 107 x 82 m, with a diagonal of 130 m, and some irregularities in its shape. 4. Test equipment should be easy to use and yet capable of accounting for complex factors such as system neutrals, remote ground grids and current splits. These examples emphasizes the importance of the current division factor Sf ,which is the percentage of ground fault current assumed to be flowing between the grounding grid 5. High resistivity surfacing layers should be used to control step and 5-13 and the surrounding earth. Several comparison tables and charts are provided to show the effects of varying depths of ground grid, h, spacing between grid conductors, D, and surface layer resistivity ρS and shock duration ts on mesh and step voltages. In general: Grounding Systems for Electric Traction. The safety assessment (Natarajan et al. 2001.) was performed for a 47.05-mile section of the Amtrak Northeast Corridor system west of New London Connecticut. This 27.5 kV single-phase system is supplied from a 115 kV three-phase utility transmission system. There are several grounding grids, at New London and at the paralleling stations. The New London grid is 130 x 40 ft., with 19 foot spacing. At the paralleling station, the area is 40 x 80 feet, with 10 foot spacing. Rails, train platforms and bridges are also grounded. There are also numerous buried pipes that must be accounted for. The soil at New London was two layers, with an upper 10-foot deep layer of 51 Ω-m, and a lower layer of 921 Ω-m. Soil resistivity measurements were different for each location in the system. • • • Step voltage decreases as h increases Step voltage decreases as d increases Mesh voltage increases as h increases • Mesh voltage increases as d increases • Permissible step and touch voltages decrease as ts increases • Permissible step and touch voltages increase as ρS increases The tolerable shock durations for a 50 kg person are: ⎤ ⎡ 0.116 (1.5C S ρ S + 1000)⎥ t smesh = ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ E mesh ⎡ 0.116 ⎤ (6.0C S ρ S + 1000)⎥ t sstep = ⎢ ⎣⎢ E step ⎦⎥ The Integrated Grounding System (IGS) software was used to study the system and produce plots of GPR and touch voltages. The results were all found to be well within the allowable limits calculated from IEEE Standard 80 for 50 kg persons. 2 2 Ground Current Measurement During a Fault Tolerable shock durations increase as ρS increases. Ground current distribution in a 150 kV 50 Hz system (Maarten et al. 2003.) was measured by injection of 60 Hz current from a 230 V generator. The transmission system consisted of two 150 kV substations, 21 km apart, 3.3 km of which was insulated underground cables, and the overhead transmission lines. The current was injected into one phase, while the other two phases were left open. At the other end of the line, the other two phase conductors were grounded. Using this measurement technique, the current distribution between cable sheaths and ground, and between skywires and ground can be found. The results were verified with EMTP calculations. The minimum buried conductor length is discussed as a criterion for assessing the safety of a grounding grid: Lm = ρK m K i I g tS 116 + 0.174C S ρ S This paper highlights the importance of maintenance of the high resistivity of the surface layer and the underground conductor length through integrity of the conductors and their connections. 5-14 petrochemical plant with a 230 kV - 13.8 kV substation having 400 MVA capacity and 50 kA available symmetrical rms fault current. In this case, the ground grid covers the entire plant, and not just the substation. This older article uses the 1976 edition of IEEE Standard 80. Several useful points are brought out: Design of Ground Grid for a Transition Station System This substation design example (Villas et al. 1990) was conducted in a large city with high short circuit currents where there was not sufficient ground area for either earth resistance measurements or for constructing an adequate grounding grid. In addition, the project was hampered by the presence of metallic objects such as water and gas pipes and building foundations in the vicinity. The substation is a transition station, that is, it is at the junction between incoming overhead transmission lines and outgoing underground cables. • • • There is strong inductive coupling between the cable sheaths, which are spaced closely together, while there is low inductive coupling between the transmission line shield wires. • Several hypotheses were examined regarding the use of ground wires and counterpoises. The conclusion was to use two 250 kcmil bare copper bondings connected to cable sheaths between substations. These cables are laid in ducts. The high ground fault current would then be partially dissipated by the ground grid in the neighboring substation. In addition two 266.8 kcmil ACSR ground-wires were added to the overhead circuits. GPR reduced from 24.9 kV to 4.3 kV with addition of these conductors. The ground grid design of the transition substation was: • • • • • The typical values of surface soil resistivity in the standards may not be accurate. Use of the entire ground fault current, instead of that portion entering the ground, will result in overdesign of the ground grid. The addition of ground wires to overhead lines can reduce the size of a ground grid. In an industrial plant, all areas within the plant fence should be investigated for mesh voltages. Deep-Ground-Well Method The grounding resistance of a substation can be decreased by the deep-ground-well method. (He et al. 2005.) When excessive ground fault currents occur, high GPR has had the following effects on substations in China: • • • • • Destruction of control cables. High voltage in control room. Threat to safety of operator. Control device malfunction Control device rejection of operator instructions. China has Fault current levels have many been increasing with the substations rapid expansion of the in urban power system. areas with low soil resistivity, in hilly areas. The following mitigation methods have been applied with varying degrees of success: Area 81.5 m x 52.5 m, Depth 0.6 m, Conductors: bare copper 126.7 mm2, Resistance 3.01 Ω Touch voltage 840 V. Large Industrial Plants Ground grid designs for large industrial plants (Zotos. 1988) also use IEEE Standard 80. This ground grid concerned a 5-15 • • Enlarging the grounding grid Adding a subsidiary external grounding grid Increasing the burial depth of the grounding grid Connecting with other metallic objects such as steel foundations of buildings. Adding long vertical grounding electrodes Replacing the soils around the grid with low resistivity soils. decreased to 0.5 Ω, where it has remained constant for several years. It has been found that usually only some of these methods are suitable for a particular location and that two or more are needed to produce the desired result. Resistance measurements are taken using the Wenner (four-probe) method, and analyzed to provide the following results: • • • • Comparison with vertical grounding electrodes shows an improvement of 1.57 to 3.27 times more resistance for vertical grounding electrodes. Design Using Two-Layer Soil Model Substation grounding grid design with the two-layer soil model can be performed using computer analysis methods. (Villas et al. 1988). A computer program originally designed for electric field calculations was used, rather than commercial software. ρ1 resistivity of upper layer 3400 Ω-m A proposed explosive grounding technique was found to be too expensive. (Meng, et al. 1999) ρ2 resistivity of lower layer 553 Ω-m The alternative of the deep grounding well was implemented in the reconstruction of the 110 kV Luohu Substation. This is a 90 m x 90 m grounding grid with 1.79 Ω resistance, which was enlarged in 1989 to 90 m x 120 m and the resistance decreased to 1.35 Ω. h boundary depth 3.5 m The example was for a remote substation in Brazil. The design data was: The grounding system was rebuilt again in 1999 with the deep-well method, where ten wells between 11 and 15 m were drilled around the periphery of the substation into a soil region saturated with groundwater. The diameter of the wells is 50 mm. The electrodes were constructed of 6 m segments of 40 mm inside diameter 5 mm thick galvanized steel tubes. The steel tubes have many water percolation holes drilled in them. Carbon powder was filled under pressure between the well hole and the outside of the steel tube to provide good conductivity. After the deep-well grounds were added, the grounding resistance Maximum ground fault current 6 kA Maximum fault current into grid 1.7 kA Maximum fault clearing time 0.5 s Surface layer resistivity 3000 Ω-m Depth of ground grid 0.6 m Conductor diameter Ground grid area 5-16 0.0126 m 400 m x 400 m Mesh dimensions 8mx8m Mesh voltage 902 V Total conductor length 15,840 m Gas Insulated Substation Grounding Grid Tolerable touch voltage 792 V The design of the ground grid for a 400 kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) in Greece in presented (Georgantzis et al. 1998.) The advantages of GIS substations are the extremely small area they occupy compared to conventional substations, their isolation from environmental conditions and their high reliability. The impact on ground grid designs lies in the small area and in the possibility of interference with control systems during fault conditions. Tolerable step voltage 2500 V Depth of ground grid 0.6 m Soil resistance measurements were taken using the Wenner (four-probe) method, and analyzed to provide the following results: ρ2 resistivity of lower layer 60 Ω-m Equivalent 68 Ω-m 13 m soil resistivity References 1. ANSI/IEEE. 1983. Standard 81. IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System. New York, NY: IEEE. The ground grid data is as follows: Maximum ground fault current 40 kA Maximum fault current into grid 5.4 kA Maximum fault clearing time 1.0 s Surface layer resistivity 2. EPRI. 1992a. Substation Grounding Programs. Report no. TR-100622. vol. 1-5. Palo Alto, CA 2000 Ω-m Surface layer thickness Conductor cross-section 2000 m Excessive fault currents that enter the grounding system in a substation have several adverse impacts including physical damage, reduced safety and mis-operation. The assessment and subsequent refurbishment of grounding systems in substations may be needed under excessive fault current conditions. resistivity of upper layer 160 Ω-m ρE Total conductor length Summary and Recommendations ρ1 boundary depth 8400 m2 From this data comes a calculated substation resistance of 0.36 Ω and a GPR of 2 kV. The mesh and step voltages are 422 and 478 volts, respectively, well within tolerable limits. The IEEE Standard 80 design was tested using a current injection test. It also met the requirements of the European Standard EN 50179 and the German DIN VDE Standard 0141. The 400 kV Lavrion substation is part of a 1200 MW power generation complex occupying 400,000 m2, of which the substation occupies 9000 m2. h Ground grid area 3. EPRI 1992b. Seasonal Variations of Grounding Parameters by Field Tests. Report. No. TR-100863. Palo Alto, CA 0.3 m 220 mm2 Mesh conductor cross-section Maximum shock current duration 150 mm 2 4. EPRI. 2004a. Guide for Transmission Line Grounding: A Roadmap for 0.5 s 5-17 Design, Testing and Remediation. Report no.1002021. Palo Alto, CA Connections Used in Substation Grounding. New York, NY: IEEE. 5. EPRI. 2004b. Smart Ground Multimeter: Enhancements, Validation, Testing and Training. Report no.1008683. Palo Alto, CA 13. IEEE. 2005. Task Force F0A of the IEEE/PES Substations West Coast Subcommittee. “Current North American Assessment and Refurbishment Practices of Substation Grounding Systems. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1886-1889. 6. Georgantzis, G.J., N.G. Gagaoudakis, and Th. Connor. 1998. “Design Practice for the Earthing System of the 400 kV Gas Insulated Switching Station at Lavrion.” 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP ’98, Athens, Greece, 14-16 Oct. 14. Keil, R.P. 2003. “Substation Grounding.” McDonald, J.D., editor, Electric Power Substations Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 7. He, J., G. Yu, J. Yuan, R. Zeng, B. Zhang, J. Zou, and Z. Guan. 2005. “Decreasing Grounding Resistance of Substation by Deep-Ground-Well Method.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 738-744. 15. Lawson, V.R. 1988. “Problems and Detection of Line Anchor and Substation Ground Grid Corrosion.” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 2532. 8. IEEE. 1991a. Standard 81.2. IEEE Guide for Measurement of Impedance and Safety Characteristics of Large, Extended or Interconnected Grounding Systems. New York, NY: IEEE. 16. Lee, C-H and C-N Chang. 2005. “Comparison of 161/69-kV Grounding Grid Design Between Indoor-Type and Outdoor-Type Substations.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 13851393. 9. IEEE. 1991b. Standard 142. IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. (IEEE Green Book) New York, NY: IEEE. 17. Lee, C-H. 2004. “Safety Assessment of Bulk and Traction Supply Substations in Taipei Rail Transit Systems.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 10781084. 10. IEEE. 1996. Standard 367. IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltage From a Power Fault. New York, NY: IEEE. 18. Meliopoulos, A. P. S., Power System Grounding and Transients, New York, NY: Marcel Dekker. 1988. 19. Meliopoulos, A.P.S., S. Patel and C.J. Cokkinides. 1994. “A New Method and Instrument for Touch and Step Voltage Measurements.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1850-1860. 11. IEEE. 2000. Standard 80. IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. New York, NY: IEEE. 12. IEEE. 2002. Standard 837. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Permanent 5-18 20. Meng, Q., J. He, F.P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma. 1999. “A New Method to Decrease Ground Resistances of Substation Grounding Systems in High Resistivity Regions.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 911-916. of a HVDC System.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 867-873. 27. Villas, J.E.T. and C. M. Portela. 2003b. “Soil Heating Around the Ground Electrode of an HVDC System by Interaction of Electrical, Thermal and Electroosmotic Phenomena.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 874-881. 21. Natarajan, R., A.F. Imece, J. Popoff, K. Agarwal, and P.S. Meliopoulos. 2001. “Analysis of Grounding Systems for Electric Traction.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 389-393. 28. Zotos, P.A. 1988. “Ground Grid Design in Large Industrial Plants.” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 521525. 22. Popovi , L.M. 2000. “Efficient Reduction of Fault Current Through the Grounding Grid of Substation Supplied by Cable Line.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 556-561. 23. van Waes, J., M. van Riet, F. Provoost, and S. Cobben. 2003. “Measurement of the Current Distribution Near a Substation During a Single Phase to Ground Fault.” CIRED Barcelona 12-15 May. Session 2. 24. Villas, J.E.T., J.A.A. Cassaagrande, D. Mukhedkar, , and V.S. da Costa, 1988. “The Ground Grid Design of the Barra do Peixe Substation Using a Two-Layer Soil Model.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1363-1641. 25. Villas, J.E.T., D. Mukhedkar, V.R. Fernandes, and A.C. Magalhaes. 1990. “Ground Grid Design of a Transition Station System – A Typical Example of Fault Transfer.” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 124-129. 26. Villas, J.E.T. and C. M. Portela. 2003a. “Calculation of Electric Field and Potential Distributions Into Soil and Air Media for a Ground Electrode 5-19 overhead lines and substation buses. The major differences will be explained and three major effects, namely, tension increase, clearance problem and spacer compression will be discussed. The CIGRE brochures will be referred to. Further simple formulation developed for the increase of tension due to short circuit forces developed by Lilien and Papailiou will be detailed and its validation on short circuit tests will be discussed. Also, the research on interphase spacers loads due to short circuit forces will be presented. 6 EFFECT OF HIGH FAULT CURRENTS ON TRANSMISSION LINES This chapter is intended to supplement the Increased Power Flow Guidebook (EPRI. 2002), providing information on the effects on transmission lines of the increased fault currents which often accompany increased power flows. Effect of High Fault Current on NonCeramic Insulators Three main types of NCI are used on overhead transmission lines: The standard reference works on Transmission Lines such as the EPRI “Red Book” (EPRI. 1975, 1982, 2004) and the Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Book (Westinghouse. 1950.) include very little data on short circuits, and none on the effects of short circuit currents on transmission lines themselves. The exception to this is the Compact Line Design Reference Book (EPRI. 1978). To compile data for this chapter, technical papers have been referred to, and IEC standards relating to flexible conductor substation buses (covered elsewhere in this report). Some information has been found in an EPRI report on non-ceramic insulators (NCI) (EPRI. 1998.). • Suspension insulators • Post Insulators • Phase-to-phase insulators Each of the above may be applied in numerous ways: • • EPRI is also sponsoring development of a new edition of the Transmission Line Reference Book: Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, commonly known as the “Orange Book,” which was originally published in 1979 (EPRI 2005). In this book, one of the chapters will cover transient motions, which include short circuit forces, bundle rolling, ice drop, gust response, and wind action on members. A section in this chapter will deal with the impact of short circuit forces on • 6-1 In general suspension insulators are intended primarily to carry tension loads. Suspension insulators can be applied in I- string, Vee-string and dead-end applications Post insulators are intended to be loaded in tension, bending or compression. The most common application is horizontal posts. These post insulators may be applied either alone or together with a suspension insulator in a braced post configuration. Post insulators are also applied in substations as bus support or in disconnect switch applications. Phase–to-phase insulators are intended to be loaded in tension, torsion, bending or compression. Phase to phase insulators couple two phases together in order to control conductor spacing during galloping. This document deals mainly with suspension insulators although many areas may be relevant to both post and phase-to-phase insulators. during a power arc the galvanization of the end fitting may be damaged, making the fitting susceptible to corrosion. The longterm effects of localized heating on the end fitting, FRP rod and weathershed system due to power arcs still require further research. Modern suspension and strain insulators generally consist of the following main elements: If a flashover occurred across the insulator because a transient event such as lightning, the rubber weather-shed system or FRP rod may or may not have sustained damage. If the weather-shed system or FRP rod has been damaged, that damage is usually obvious, and the insulator should be removed (see Figure 6-2). In some cases the flashover may have caused no obvious damage to the insulator apart from areas of degalvanization of the end fitting hardware. This may be especially true if the power arc terminated on the grading rings. Insulators whose external appearance indicates they have only sustained this type of damage are still of concern. Due to the nature of grading ring attachments and end fitting design, power fault currents usually flow through the end fitting, which is in direct contact with the FRP and rubber weather-shed system. Whether the increased end fitting temperatures associated with the power arc current result in long-term degradation of either the polymeric rubber material or the FRP rod is unknown. Hence, it is advisable to remove such insulators from service. • • Energized metallic end fitting Energized end grading ring (need depends on application) • Fiberglass reinforced plastic rod (FRP) • Polymeric weather shed system, consisting of weather sheds and sheath • Grounded end grading ring (need depends on application) • Grounded metallic end fitting Grading rings, also called corona rings, are not installed at all voltage levels or on all applications, and often only a single grading ring is installed at the energized end. The method of construction and materials used depends on the manufacturer and application. Concern has been raised over end fitting damage caused by fault currents flowing during a flashover. Although tests have Concern has been raised over end fitting damage caused by indicated that the fault currents flowing during a flashover. critical tensile strength of an NCI may be reduced to 80% of its specified mechanical load (SML) rating during a power arc test, the insulator’s tensile strength recovers to a level above its SML after the test. Since NCI are usually applied at less than 50% of their SML, this is not a significant concern. However, 6-2 Conductor Motion Due to Fault Currents While normal transmission line construction, with widely separated phases, does not appear to be significantly impacted by conductor motion due to fault currents, it is an important consideration for compact transmission lines. Two parallel conductors, each carrying current, will be subject to a force of attraction or repulsion, depending on current direction. The magnitude of the force on each conductor is: F= µ0 I 2 l 2π d 6-1 Where: I = current in each conductor. l = length of each conductor. d = distance between conductors. For short If the current flow in each circuit conductor is in the same currents, these forces direction, the force will may be cause attraction; and, sufficient to conversely, if the current is in opposite directions, the cause force will cause repulsion. significant conductor movement, particularly where conductors are closely spaced (such as in EHV conductor bundles or in adjacent phases of a compact line), because of the inverse relationship of conductor spacing and the resultant force. The actual movement of a conductor, considering inertia, is a function of both the magnitude of the current and the time it is applied, and is therefore dependent on circuit breaker interrupting time. Figure 6-1 Cross Section of a Typical Transmission Non Ceramic Insulator (EPRI 1998) Figure 6-2 Flashover Damage Sustained by an NCI (EPRI 1998) A phase-to-phase fault will cause current in the two affected phases to flow in opposite directions. The two conductors will then be 6-3 conductors can be shown to give results well within line design accuracy requirements. repelled and, on interruption of the fault current, will swing together. If the current is due to a Even though such currents fault on the on the compact line may be less than the maximum line section fault currents attainable under on the system, they may be consideration, sufficient to be the electrical determining in the consequences selection of phase-toof conductor phase spacing or in motion (even establishing the need for clashing) are insulating spacers. generally unimportant since that section will be tripped out anyway. However, if the fault is on an adjacent line section, the motion may be serious since it might cause interruption of the unfaulted section. “Through-fault” currents, or those supplied through a unfaulted line to a fault elsewhere on the system, can be an important design consideration for compact circuits. Calculation of Fault Current Motion for Horizontally Spaced Conductors Figure 6-3 illustrates the conductor configuration used as a basis for calculations. It is assumed that the forces to which each catenary span of the conductor is subjected will cause the span to swing in a plane, as shown in (a) in Figure 6-3. The plan projection of each catenary is then also a catenary. This assumption, supported by experimental results, simplifies the calculation technique. The most severe fault is phase-to-phase on adjacent phases, which impresses a cyclic separating electromagnetic force. Since all spans of a line contributing to a through-fault will behave similarly, the net pole-top force along the span, and therefore motion, will be zero. Consequently, each span can be assumed to be rigidly terminated. Effect of Conductor Shape The true shape of each conductor is a catenary, as shown in Figure 6-4. For a catenary, y = k cosh (x k ) − 1 . [ ] At x = S 2 , where S is the span length, (i.e. at the conductor support), let y = y 0 , where y0 is the conductor sag, to define k. Figure 6-3 Horizontal Conductor Motion During Through-Fault (EPRI 1978) ⎡ ⎛ S ⎞ ⎤ y 0 = k ⎢cosh⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎝ 2k ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ S2 = 8k The motion of conductors subjected to electromagnetic forces is similar to that of weighted, stretched strings, with the complication that the string is usually a compound conductor (ACSR). Relatively simple analyses of conductor motion of both vertically and horizontally spaced Eq. 6-2 (For detailed derivations see (EPRI. 1978.) or k= 6-4 S2 8 y0 Eq. 6-3 d0 = initial conductor spacing. yt = conductor sag at time t. then the average force on one conductor is: Favg = µ0 I 2l 2 2π d 0 + y0 Eq. 6-8 3 Figure 6-4 Conductor Geometry (EPRI 1978) The conductor mass is modeled as a pendulum, which swings at a distance 2 y 0 below 3 the support points. Conductor Equations of Motion From the previous equations, the conductors are represented in Figure 6-5, where: F = electromagnetic force of repulsion. Figure 6-5 Forces on Conductor (EPRI 1978) W = conductor weight. And yx = 2 S 8 y0 y avg = ⎡ ⎛ 8 y0 x ⎞ ⎤ ⎢cosh⎜ 2 ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎝ S ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ S 4 y0 ⎡ S2 ⎛ 4y ⎞ S ⎤ sinh⎜ 0 ⎟ − ⎥ ⎢ 8 y ⎝ S ⎠ 2⎦ ⎣ 0 Eq. 6-4 2 y0 3 Eq. 6-5 at Pt = actual conductor midspan, time t. position at Fc = normal component of conductor tension. Resolving tangentially, the accelerating conductor swing is: Ftan g = F cos θ − W sin θ Eq. 6-6 force Eq. 6-9 The conductor acceleration point Q is then: is an almost exact solution ⎛g⎞ Q tan g = Ftan g ⎜ ⎟ ⎝W ⎠ Since the force between two parallel conductors is given by (8.3-1), and d t = d 0 + 2 yt position Q = effective position of mass and forces. By substitution in the above equation, it can be shown that for transmission lines y avg = P0 = actual conductor midspan when at rest. Eq. 6-10 where g is the gravitational constant. Eq. 6-7 Using a step-by-step analysis, the conductor velocity Where: dt = conductor spacing at time t. 6-5 v tan g (t ) = v (t −δt ) + a (t ) − a (t −δt ) 2 Calculation of Fault Current Motion for Vertically Spaced Conductors Eq. 6-11 dt As a conductor span moves upward due to fault current forces, the tension is reduced and the acceleration is restrained by the increase in the effective conductor weight. Conversely, as a conductor moves downward due to these forces, the acceleration is inhibited by an increase in conductor tension. Because of these effects, it is important that the modulus of elasticity be considered in calculations. then θ (t ) = θ (t −δt ) + v tan g (t ) + v tan g (t −δt ) 2r dt Eq. 6-12 where 2 y0 3 r= and the true horizontal displacement of point P is then z t = y 0 sin θ Eq. 6-13 midspan Eq. 6-14 Effect of Conductor Stretch As the conductor deflects under load, the effective weight per unit length changes. Resolving perpendicular to the conductor in the conductor plane, using the terminology of Figure 6-5: Fc = W cos θ + F sin θ Figure 6-6 Typical Vertical Conductor Arrangement (EPRI 1978) Eq. 6-15 If θ = 0 (i.e. conductor in vertical rest position), Fc = W Figure 6-7 Vertical Displacement during Fault (EPRI 1978) Eq. 6-16 and WS 2 sag = y0 ≅ 8H Eq. 6-17 Where: H = conductor tension. If θ ≠ 0 , then: Fc S 2 8H W cos θ + F sin θ 2 S = 8H y0 = Eq. 6-18 Figure 6-8 Conductor Angle at Support (EPRI 1978) 6-6 Figure 6-6 illustrates a typical vertical conductor arrangement. As a simplifying approximation, it is assumed that the forces to which each conductor is subjected will cause an increase or reduction in sag, but that the conductor will retain a catenary shape. This assumption is supported by experimental results for low currents applied for long durations. The assumption is even more accurate for high fault current levels and short durations, where most of the kinetic energy is imparted to the conductor before the conductor can move appreciably. acceleration and the period of oscillation of each conductor need not be the same. Figure 6-8 illustrates the basis on which the angle of the conductor at the support is calculated. For the conductor catenary: y= ∂y Wx = sinh ∂x H ∂y WS 4D = sinh = sinh ∂x S 2H From the rest position, D0 = D1 = D2 , i.e. all sags are equal. For any other position, assuming both conductors are a catenary, the average separation distance can be expressed: Eq. 6-19 L2 − L1 = H1 − H 2 L aE Eq. 6-26 or Eq. 6-20 δH = δL L aE Eq. 6-27 Where the conductor length, L, can be approximated as: L=S+ Eq. 6-21 8D 2 3S Eq. 6-28 δL can be expressed as: and for the top conductor: Fnet = 2 H 1 sin θ1 − S (W − F ) Eq. 6-25 If an initial conductor length L1 and an initial conductor tension T1 are assumed, then for any subsequent motion resulting in L2 and T2: Note that the electromagnetic force has the effect of changing the effective conductor weight. The net accelerating force on each span of the bottom conductor is: Fnet = 2 H 2 sin θ 2 − S (W + F ) Eq. 6-24 Calculation of Tension Change With Motion so that the average electromagnetic force is: µ I 2l F= 0 2π d avg Eq. 6-23 At x = S 2 (i.e. at the conductor support), Calculation Procedure 2 (D2 − D1 ) 3 ⎡ ⎛ Wx ⎞ ⎤ ⎢cosh⎜ H ⎟ + 1⎥ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ i.e., The terminology used in analyzing the vertical case is the same as for the horizontal case. The configuration used as a basis for calculations is illustrated in Figure 6-7. d avg = D0 + H W Eq. 6-22 δL = Using Fnet = ma , conductor motion can be expressed as a function of time. The rates of 8D22 8D12 8 (δD − 2 D1 ) − = 3S 3S 3S Where: 6-7 Eq. 6-29 δD = D1 − D2 Eq. 6-30 D= The change in tension can be expressed in terms of the change of vertical displacement as follows: WS 2 8H Eq. 6-37 the maximum spacer force is 2 8aE δH = δD (δD − 2 D1 ) 3SL1 Fspacer = 16 H Eq. 6-31 this will be both tension case where maximum occurred. Calculation of Mechanical Loading on Phase-to-Phase Spacers The electromagnetic forces during a phaseto-phase fault will act to move the conductors apart, placing phase-to-phase spacers in tension. After the fault is cleared, the conductors will swing together, compressing the spacers. These forces can be analyzed using the diagram of Figure 6-9. Using the previously defined terminology, for any subspan swing angle, θ, Fc = F sin θ + W cos θ Eq. 6-32 Fspacer = 2 Fc cos θ = 2(F sin θ + W cos θ )sin θ Eq. 6-33 Effect of Bundle Pinch on Conductors and Spacers Transmission line spacers, Figure 2-6, are designed to withstand the compressive force on bundled conductors caused by short circuit forces. Spacer compression may be calculated with the Manuzio formula (Lilien et al. 2000.), originally for flexible bus substation design: Eq. 6-34 ⎛z ⎞ cos θ = 1 − ⎜ t ⎟ ⎝D⎠ 2 Eq. 6-35 In the simple case where Fout reduces to zero before maximum swing is reached (i.e. the fault clears): Fspacer = 2 SW zt ⎛z ⎞ 1− ⎜ t ⎟ D ⎝D⎠ the maximum spacer force in and compression for the usual the fault has cleared before conductor deflection has Figure 6-9 Derivation of Forces on Spacers (EPRI 1978) and z sin θ = t D 16 Hz t zt ⎛z ⎞ 1− ⎜ t ⎟ ≅ S S ⎝D⎠ ⎛a Pmax = 1.45 I ′′ Fst log⎜⎜ S ⎝ dS ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Eq. 6-39 Where: 2 Eq. 6-36 Pmax = Compression force on the spacer in N. Since Fst = Initial static tension on the conductor bundle in N. 6-8 as = ds = Conductor spacing in mm. 2 F pi Fc = 1 + (l nc (a s − d s ))2 Conductor diameter in mm. Eq. 6-41 and Tests by Lillien, et al., showed that the Manuzio formula underestimated the stress by 50%. Better results (within ±10%) were obtained using finite element analysis. These results were extended (Lilien and Papaliou. 2000) to transmission line design. The Manuzio approach neglects: Fc = µ0 2 I 2π l nc ∫ 0 cos(ϑ (x )) dx 2 y (x ) Eq. 6-42 where 1. The pinch effect, which results in an increase in tension of the subconductors during the short circuit. cos(ϑ ) = 1 Eq. 6-43 1 + (dy dx )2 2. The asymmetry of the fault current. and ϑ is the deviation from the horizontal (Figure 6-11). 3. The length of subspan between spacers, l S I is the time-average short circuit current (CIGRE. 1996) All of these causes result in higher compression forces on spacers during faults. Lilien and Papaliou stress that the Manuzio formula should no longer be used, especially as fault current levels are increasing in transmission systems. After an extensive series of tests and computer simulations, they recommend a new calculation method based on the IEC 865-1 approach (IEC. 1993.) The subconductor, Figure 6-11, is assumed to take a parabolic shape between the spacer and the point where the subconductors all touch: y (x ) = as − d s 2 ⎛ x ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎝ l nc 2 ⎞ ⎛ x ⎟⎟ − (a s − d s ) ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎠ ⎝ l nc Solution of these equations results in values for FC, the compression force on the spacer and the l nc length of subconductor before the pinch occurs. Finite element method simulations can also be used for this problem (Kruse and Pearce. 2000.) Spacers ds ⎞ as ⎟⎟ + ⎠ 2 as ls Eq. 6-40 n sub-conductors Where, l nc is the non-contact length, which must be calculated. Figure 6-10 Details of Transmission Line Conductor Bundle With Spacers Simultaneous numerical solution of the following two equations is required: 6-9 8. EPRI 2005. Updating the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: Wind-induced Conductor Motion (“The Orange Book”). Progress Report, Palo Alto, CA EPRI. 1010223 9. IEC. 1993. International Standard 865-1: 1993. Short-circuit currents— Calculation of effects. Part 1: Definitions and calculation methods. Genève: CEI. Figure 6-11 Parabolic Model of Subconductor Pinch Forces (Lilien and Papaliou 2000) 10. Kruse, G. C. and H. T. Pearce, 2000. “The Finite Element Simulation of Bundle Pinch of a Transmission Line Conductor Bundle,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2000, 216-221. References 1. CIGRE. 1996. “The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open-air substations (rigid and flexible bus-bars),” CIGRE, Paris, CIGRE brochure no. 105, vol. 1 and 2, Apr. 1996. 11. Landry, M., R. Beauchemin and A. Venne, 2000. “De-Icing EHV Overhead Transmission Lines using Electromagnetic Forces Generated by Moderate Short-Circuit Currents,” ESMO –2000 IEEE 9th International Conference on Transmission and Distribution Construction, Operation and Live-Line Maintenance. pp. 94100. 2. EPRI 1978. Transmission Line Reference Book: 115-138 kV Compact Line Design, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. EL-100-V3. 3. EPRI. 1975. Transmission Line Reference Book 345 kV and Above, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. EL-2500. 12. Lilien, J-L. and Papailiou, 2000. “Calculation of Spacer Compression for Bundle Lines Under ShortCircuit,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 839-845. 4. EPRI. 1982. Transmission Line Reference Book: 345 kV and Above-Second Edition, Revised, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. EL-2500-R1. 5. EPRI. 1998. Application Guide for Transmission Line Non-Ceramic Insulators. Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. TR111566. 13. Lilien, J-L., E. Hansenne, K. O. Papailiou, and J. Kempf, 2000. “Spacer Compression for a Triple Conductor Bundle,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 236-241. 6. EPRI. 2002. Increased Power Flow Guidebook -- Overhead Transmission Lines, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. 1001817. 14. Miroshnik, R., 2000. “The probabilistic model of the dynamic of the cables under short-circuit current,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 187/1-2, p. 201-211 (July 2000). 7. EPRI. 2004. EPRI AC Transmission Line Reference Book - 200 kV and Above, Third Edition, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. 1008742. 6-10 15. Westinghouse, 1950. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Fourth Edition, East Pittsburgh, PA: Westinghouse Electric Corporation. 6-11 are bent beyond their elastic limit but no electrical fault occurs. • The second occurs when insulation is damaged by the buckled conductors. This may lead to a turn-to-turn or a turn-to-ground contact resulting in the internal short-circuit. In this scenario, the current in the windings can be considerably greater than the winding current caused by a through fault current. The result will be serious damage with the burning of insulation and melting of conductors. Typically, a power transformer can withstand around three full short circuits in its terminals. 7 SHORT CIRCUIT FORCES IN TRANSFORMERS The effects of short-circuit currents in transmission and distribution networks for electric energy are great, both for the equipment and the networks. Mechanical forces are produced in transformer windings whenever a current is flowing in them. If excessive, such forces can distort transformer windings, or cause other physical damage. Typical Values of Mechanical Forces in Transformers Calculating short-circuit forces in a transformer using analytical methods is very difficult. This section will deal with the effects of short circuit forces on transformers, which can lead sometimes to the mechanical damage of the transformers, and sometimes fires which will render the transformers useless without a rebuild and rewind. With an Increased short circuit increase of the currents create concerns to transformers, especially connectiv ity of the when they are aged. different grids, and the increases in the short-circuit power in them, the short circuit currents seen by the transformers have increased. This creates a concern to transformers, especially when they are aged. These shortcircuit currents have to be withstand without impairing the transformer. For a two-winding transformer carrying normal load current, the current in the primary winding flows in a direction opposite to the direction of the current in the secondary winding, and the total ampereturns in the primary are equal to and opposite from the total ampere-turns in the secondary. Because there is mutual stray flux between the windings, the primary and secondary windings tend to repel each other. The repulsive forces are greatly magnified for the transformer under fault conditions, (greater than normal load currents by up to as much one or two orders of magnitude times). These forces may distort the winding conductors and lead to two kinds of failure. • Even though that normally the duration of fault current is short to cause thermal damage to a transformer, the corresponding d mechanical forces could be of damaging nature for large power transformers. The first is a purely mechanical event in which winding conductors The mechanical forces in a system are proportional to the square of the peak 7-1 current, hence, the peak let-through current may be important. For the typical case of through fault current of about 25 times normal rated current, and since the mechanical forces in the windings increase proportionally to the square of the current, the through fault mechanical forces can become more than 600 times the forces at rated current. Transformer Categories Category Single-phase (kVA) Three-phase (kVA) I 5 to 500 15 to 500 II 501 to 1667 501 to 5000 III 1668 to 10000 5001 to 30000 IV Above 10000 Above 30000 The design of a power transformer with respect to the short-circuit current withstand capability is centered on the control of the forces inside the transformer. A low impedance transformer, sometimes needed for voltage concerns, will have a higher through short circuit current compared to “normal” impedance transformer. The low impedance transformer will hence require a more stringent mechanical design than it normal counterpart. Short Circuit Currents in a Transformer For short Transformers, like series circuit reactors, have the quality calculations, to limit the short-circuit the currents to values equivalent predominantly determined circuit of a by the transformer's transformer is basically impedance the leakage impedance as determined by factory tests. Hence, it is relatively easy to calculate the short-circuit currents resulting from various types of short circuits or faults. One type of fault is usually more severe than the others in terms of generating damaging currents. This is called the limiting fault, because fault current can go no higher for any other fault. The limiting fault depends on the transformer connection and system impedances. Effect of the System Impedance on Short Circuit Currents Although the transformer's characteristics by itself are the parameters dominating the amplitudes of the short-circuit currents, some network parameters (such as stiffness of the system), system Xs/Rs ratio, and network conditions have to be taken into consideration as well. More important than the systems Xs/Rs ratio is the transformers Xtr/Rtr ratio. The overall time constant can be based on (Xs+Xtr)/(Rs+Rtr). As modern transformers are optimized for the no-load and load losses, the copper losses are very low and so, by design, is the resistance Rtr, this has the effect of also increasing the fault current. The Xtr/Rtr ratio can reach value of 40 or 50 or more, especially for large transformers. When the value of Rtr is relatively low the influence of Rs can not be neglected in the simple calculations The general short-circuit requirements for liquid-immersed distribution, power, and regulating transformers are specified in Section 7 of IEEE Std. C57.12.00-2000. Transformers may be categorized depending on their rating as shown in Table 7-1. For Category I and II transformers, symmetrical short circuit current shall be computed using transformer impedance only. For Category III and IV transformers, system impedance should also be considered along with transformer impedance in order to compute symmetric short circuit currents. Table 7-1 7-2 Short Circuit Tests of Power Transformers Through fault Currents in a Transformer During their life, power transformers have to face several short circuit conditions: many small short-circuit currents, and hopefully a smaller number of large ones. The transformers have to withstand these short circuits events without impairing the transformer. Through fault The mechanical effects of currents seen through fault currents are by the cumulative. The extent of transformer the damage is dependent on have thermal the fault frequency, fault and duration and most mechanical importantly magnitude of impacts. For fault currents. low fault currents, thermal effects are more predominant but high fault currents near the design capability of transformer have more significant mechanical impacts. Through fault capability of liquid-immersed and drytype transformers is presented in IEEE standards C57.109-1993 and C57.12.592001 respectively. Real tests The short-circuit withstand are a capability is defined as the prerequisite ability of the transformer to for withstand several full transformer asymmetrical short-circuit manufacture currents in each phase and rs to in each representative tap understand position without impairing withstand of the transformer suitability the for normal service transformer conditions. and to improve the calculation and simulation techniques, to verify construction details and to experience the difference between practice and theory. Liquid-Immersed Transformers ANSI C57.92-1962 provided the thermal load capability of such transformers but it did not account for the mechanical impacts. Table 7-2 Transformer short-time Thermal Load Capability Normally transformers are tested in the nominal tap position, in the highest tap position (maximum voltage) and in the lowest tap position (minimum voltage). In a well designed system, and proper transformer application, the probability of reaching the extreme tap positions in service are rather small and, if so, then the shortcircuit power in the network is small due to either a situation with very light loads (leading to extreme high network voltages) or a situation with a lag of apparent power (leading to extreme low network voltages). The Standards (IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993, IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993, Part I and II) dictate that the short-circuit withstand capability in the extreme tap positions is specified with a network voltage equal to the rated voltage of the tap under consideration and with a short-circuit power available in the network equal to the power specified for the nominal tap. Time Times Rated Current 2s 25 10 s 11.3 30 s 6.3 60 s 4.75 5 min 3.0 30 min 2.0 Through faults in power transformers result in impact forces that result in compression and wear of insulation and friction-induced displacement in the windings. These effects are cumulative and should be considered over the life of the transformer. Throughfault capability limit curves that takes into consideration both thermal and mechanical damages are shown here. For category I 7-3 transformer, I2t limit of 1250 is applicable for fault currents in the range of 25-40 times the transformer base current (See Figure 7-1). Through-fault capability limit curve for Category II and III transformers that experience infrequent faults (not exceeding 10 for Category II and 5 for Category III) is shown in Figure 7-2. This curve is limited to 2 seconds. For transformers that experience frequent faults, standard considers mechanical duty of fault currents higher than 70% of maximum fault current for category II transformers and those of higher than 50% for category III and IV transformers. I2t curve for these transformers is calculated based on the transformer impedance. For example, the curve for category II transformer having 7% impedance is shown in Figure 7-3. Figure 7-2 Through-fault Capability Limit Curve for Category II and III Transformers with Infrequent Faults (SEL 2005) Figure 7-1 Through-fault Capability Limit Curve for Category I Transformers (SEL 2005) Figure 7-3 Through-fault Protection Curve for Category II Transformers – Frequent Faults (SEL 2005) 7-4 Dry-Type Transformers Through-fault protection curve that takes into consideration both thermal and mechanical damages for Category I and Category II transformers is shown in Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5 respectively. No information has been provided for category III transformers as they are not commonly manufactured. Figure 7-5 Through-fault Protection Curve for Category II Transformers (IEEE Std C57.12.59-2001) Protection Considerations Based on the transformer type (Liquidimmersed or dry) and its category, the protection with proper time-overcurrent characteristic needs to be selected and coordinated with the through fault capability limit curve. An example of the TOC coordination with through fault capability limit curve of a Category IV transformer is shown in Figure 7-6 (SEL 2005). Figure 7-4 Through-fault Protection Curve for Category I Transformers (IEEE Std C57.12.59-2001) The logic that may be used for monitoring and cumulative recording of the through fault currents is shown in Figure 7-7 (SEL 2005) .The recorded values can be compared against threshold values to trigger an alarm that can be used for scheduling maintenance and testing to check for any potential mechanical damage. 7-5 Mechanical Forces in Transformers The sections to follow are mostly extracted from the Help file of the EPRI Transformer Expert Program, XVisor. [29] The short-circuit forces can be broken down into their 1. Radial components 2. Axial components Through fault forces, or short circuit forces, (both terms are used interchangeably throughout this document) result from faults external to a transformer. Faults in a power system can cause currents substantially greater than rated currents to flow through a unit. Such currents, which are asymmetric and can be large in magnitude, produce significant mechanical forces within a transformer. Transformer manufacturers must be aware of the forces, and their locations throughout a transformer. Provided with this information, the designer must provide the mechanical construction details to successfully withstand these forces during the course of long-term operation. Figure 7-6 TOC Coordination for a Category IV Transformer (SEL 2005) The mechanical forces within a unit are the product of the interaction of current flowing in the windings, its geometry, and the magnetic field in which they are located. In all situations, the forces produced can be calculated based on the work of Ampere and Biot Savart. Their experimental work, expressed in vector form, determined that the differential force (dF) on a differential current element (Idl) was equal to the cross product of the current and the magnetic flux density (B). Figure 7-7 Cumulative Through Fault Logic (SEL 2005) Eq. 7-1 7-6 Current does not flow in differential elements as indicated in the equation above, but in a complete current path or loop. Therefore, a more useful expression can be obtained by integrating this expression around a closed loop yielding the following. Eq. 7-3 The calculation of the force of interest requires knowledge of both the current flowing and the magnetic flux density. The current is readily determined from the short circuit conditions of the system, and its peak value is used to determine the maximum force. The magnetic flux density is typically more difficult to identify, but can in general be calculated from Maxwell's equation, Eq. 7-2 The force calculated will always be perpendicular to the plane formed by the current and magnetic field vectors. A mnemonic that is frequently used to represent the relationship between these vectors is the left hand rule. The fingers, represented in the order of the equation above, are used to point in the direction of their representative vector. The thumb points in the direction of the force; the forefinger points in the direction of the magnetic field (perpendicular to the thumb); and the middle finger points in the direction of the current (perpendicular to the thumb and forefinger pointing toward the inside of the hand). Eq. 7-4 and the relationship between magnetic flux density and magnetic field strength. Eq. 7-5 It is important to note that the magnetic flux density is also a function of current; therefore, calculations of force will always be proportional to the product of the current squared. Proportional to the current squared, mechanical forces increase rapidly. A doubling of the current increases the forces by a factor of four. Eq. 7-6 This relationship applies for all calculations needed to assess short circuit forces in transformers. The most difficult challenge is to calculate the magnetic field at all the points of interest. In a large percentage of cases, it can be approximated, but in others, finite element analysis will be necessary. Although this device is useful, and many times needed to understand conditions at a particular location in a unit, it is frequently easier to remember that axial flux will produce radial force, and radial flux will produce axial force. 7-7 If the movement is significant or persists, the winding will loosen, the core will provide inadequate support, and the unit will fail. Critical Forces in Shell Form Transformers Axial Forces In a shell form transformer the core is an integral part of the structure designed to resist short circuit forces. The predominant forces in a shell form transformer are axial resulting from the main radial flux. Geometrically the main radial flux is parallel to the pancake windings; therefore, the axial forces due to this flux are perpendicular to the pancake windings. Figure 7-8 Generated Forces in a Shell Form Transformer The axial forces will compress the windings and produce large forces on the core and end walls. The high and low voltage windings will repel each other, and the highest axial forces will be in the coils adjacent to the high-low voltage space. The forces will be strongest within the core window as the flux density is higher as to be expected. Investigation of shell form short circuit failure mechanisms that are generated by axial forces should consider the following: support of coil/pancake edges, beam bending of conductors between spacers, winding bending, core movement/end support collapse, hydraulic pumping and conductor tipping. Radial forces Radial forces are not a major concern in shell from transformers due to the minimal axial flux present (perpendicular to the pancake windings). Radial forces will have a tendency to compress a pancake winding into a tighter radius, and in infrequent cases vise a versa, splitting or pulling the winding apart. Investigation of radial forces should consider inward forces, which will typically be strongest at the corners of the pancake winding, and should also look for any unusual flux patterns which could generate radial outward forces for instance in tapped regions. During short circuit conditions, the core legs are in tension in the axial direction, and the core yoke is loaded as a beam in bending. Constructed of numerous steel laminations the core is an effective structural member, as long as it acts as a homogeneous member. To prevent movement and looseness, the laminations and associated core joints, have to be tightly assembled and clamped. Shell-Form Failure Mechanisms Although not all The failure mechanisms resulting from short circuit inclusive, forces are somewhat unique the for core-form and shell-form following i is a prioritized list of failure modes most frequently encountered in shell-form transformer designs. The prioritized list is Use of core joint overlap and clamping in the corners is essential. Inadequate clamping can lead to core joint opening, bending of the laminations, and in general movement of the core. 7-8 adequate insulation strength to ground. As a result, the bracing clamping and blocking design must adequately transfer forces across the windings to core and tank structure. in rank order of occurrence, i.e., inadequate support of coil ends is most likely to occur. Inadequate Support of Coil Ends In most shell form units, the diameters of the pancake winding assemblies differ across a winding. The first pancake winding in an HV winding Loose windings or is usually the conductors precipitate smallest, so failures in all types of that adequate transformers, due to their insulation can excessive movement be provided during fault conditions. from that winding to ground. Inherent in the design of a shell form unit is the difference in diameter of pancake coils because of the need to supply adequate insulation to ground. Moreover, in these units, it is critical that the tightness of the winding is maintained both inside and outside the core window. The winding structure within the window can be stiffer due to the presence of the large mass of core to support the windings, but requires attention to assembly detail within the core window to maintain clamping pressure. However, outside the core windows the assembly of pancake windings is supported by the tank structure alone. The tank structure, which is much less stiff than that of the core, requires additional design considerations to resist short circuit forces. A comparison of the support structures found the core assembly to be approximately 40 times stiffer than the tank assembly, however, it is also dependent on tank end structures to avoid movement [17]. During fault conditions, mechanical forces may be such that the coil ends of a larger diameter pancake coil are forced toward a smaller one. If the space beyond the outer diameter of the smaller disk is not constructed with adequate support strength, or the collars over the ends of the larger pancake winding are inadequate, the larger winding will bend over the smaller one. The bending will lead to the rupture of insulation, and an attendant dielectric failure. The outer turns of a loose winding can literally be pushed off the edge the winding package. Windings must be tight so that the short circuit forces are transmitted to the clamping structure, preventing extreme movement of the windings. When this is not accomplished, mechanical damage can lead to the collapse of a winding or to the bending or tipping of conductors. The resulting turn-to-turn or section-to-section failures will compromise the dielectric integrity of the unit with catastrophic results. A subset failure mechanism of loose windings in shell type transformers is hydraulic pumping as described herein. Loose Winding/Conductors The design of pancake The design of pancake windings for windings for a shell form a shell form transformer is subject to the voltage and capacity transformer is subject to ratings specified for a unit. the voltage and capacity ratings specified for a unit. Because of these design requirements, pancake coils of various sizes will be developed. For instance, the first HV coil will typically be the smallest to provide Winding Bending The design of pancake windings for a shell form transformer is subject to the voltage and capacity ratings specified for a unit. For instance, the first HV coil will typically be the smallest to provide adequate 7-9 insulation strength to ground. Tertiaries, or buried stabilizing windings frequently have reduced MVA requirements, but must still maintain adequate mechanical strength to resist short circuit forces. Windings must be developed to transfer the axial forces to the clamping or end structure without any intermediary bending of the windings. corner of the core can be in the order of millions of pounds. The remainder of the winding, above and below the core, will impact its force on the end frames, making the calculation of the stress they can withstand of high importance. Furthermore, the methodologies to insure tightness between the windings and the end frame, wedges, packing, etc., and quality control in their assembly should be examined. For example, if there were substantial differences between the radial build of the low voltage versus tertiary voltage sections of a unit, this could lead to the low voltage winding section actually bending over the outer diameter of the tertiary during a fault. As with any winding movement, if it is substantial enough it will lead to the rupture of insulation, leading to strand to strand, turn to turn, or winding to winding dielectric failures. Critical Forces in Core Form Transformers Radial Forces Radial forces result Radial forces in a core from the form transformers are the main axial predominant contributors leakage flux to through fault failures. parallel to the length of the concentric windings. Geometrically, radial forces are diametric to the circular windings and will compress the inner winding, and expand and stress the outer winding outward. As expected, the forces will be highest in the high-low space and this area of the winding requires close review. Core Movement End Support Collapse The core is well suited In a shell form transformer to this the core is an integral part application of the structure designed to because of resist short circuit forces. its large mass and stiffness. During short circuit conditions, the core legs are in tension in the axial direction, and the core yoke is loaded as a beam in bending. Investigation of core form short circuit failure mechanisms that are generated by radial forces should consider the following: inward radial buckling, helical winding spiral, and outward hoop stress. Specific attention to winding detail is required, since core form windings may be constructed in disk, layer, or helical formats. Each format has particular strength and weaknesses relative to radial forces and corresponding failure mechanisms. The core is constructed of numerous steel laminations is an effective structural member, as long as it acts as a homogeneous member. To prevent movement and looseness the laminations and associated core joints have to be tightly assembled and clamped. Use of core joint overlap and clamping in the corners is essential. Inadequate clamping can lead to core joint opening, bending of the laminations, and in general movement of the core. If the movement is significant or persists, the winding will loosen, the core will provide inadequate support, and the unit will fail. One must appreciate that the forces in the For example, in a winding built with four layers, the forces in each layer will be different. The axial flux and resulting force for each layer must be calculated separately, 7-10 structure support, and the physical displacement of primary and secondary windings during assembly. [2] [10] [11] [12] [14]. although the layer closest to the high low space will exhibit the highest forces. [2] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]. Failure Modes in Core Type Transformers In the following some of the failure modes for core type transformers are discussed. Although not all inclusive, the following is a prioritized list of failure modes most frequently encountered in core-form transformer designs. The prioritized list is in rank order of occurrence, i.e., inward radial buckling is most likely to occur. Inward Radial Buckling If the The net result of inward loading produces a radial force is to compress stress that the inner winding towards exceeds the the core. expected design capability of the winding, it will become unstable and deform. The winding typically deforms in one of two modes, described as either free or forced buckling. The buckling mode exhibited will depend on the stiffness of the winding support structure as compared to the stiffness of the winding. Moreover, it will be influenced by the stiffness of axial spacers that may be placed between the winding, and the insulating support cylinder. It is best to assume that a winding needs to be self supporting and should be evaluated on that basis. Buckling failures will be found in layer, disk, or helical winding coil configurations. Figure 7-9 Generated Forces in a Core Type Transformer Axial Forces Axial forces in a core Axial forces in a core form transformer are the result form of the radial flux present, transformer are the and tend to be stronger result of the towards the end of the radial flux winding. present, and tend to be stronger towards the end of the winding where the leakage flux is bending as it returns to the core. It can further be exasperated by vertical misalignment of the magnetic centers of the high and low voltage windings, or by unbalanced flux distribution due to tapped sections of a winding. The resulting axial forces during through faults are substantial and must be supported by the clamping and end structures. Axial forces further challenge design of this assembly, because of the unequal distribution of these forces between the high and low voltage windings. Forced Buckling If the stiffness of the winding support structure, Investigation of axial forces should consider winding beam bending, clamping and end 7-11 Forced buckling will be exhibited by the bending of the winding between supports without deformation of the support structure. typically consisting of a winding insulating cylinder and axial spacers, exceeds the buckling strength of the winding, forced buckling will result. Forced buckling will be exhibited by the bending of the winding between supports without deformation of the support structure. This is essentially another type of a beam bending failure. Figure 7-11 Example of Winding Free Buckling Critical Hoop Buckling Stress / Calculations Inward radial buckling is the result of the radial forces generated by the main axial leakage flux. Typical hoop compression ( h ) in psi can be calculated as follows: As indicated in the Figure 6-2, the length of the buckle LB is equal to the distance between the supports LS in forced buckling failures. Eq. 7-7 The hoop buckling stress is equal to a constant times the number of turns (N) in the winding; times the peak magnitude of the fault current (I) squared (including offset factor K); times the mean diameter of the winding (Dm). This is divided by the height of the winding (h); times the area of a strand (Ac); times the number of strands comprising the conductor (Ns) (all dimensions are in inches). For a small 5 MVA transformer with a layer winding, a stress of 5600 psi was calculated [2]. For a medium power transformer, 40 MVA, with relatively high impedance this stress was calculated to be 1740 psi with a helical winding; and for a 336 MVA autotransformer calculations result in a stress of 20103 psi for a disk winding with CTC bonded conductor. Figure 7-10 Example of Winding Forced Buckling Free Buckling Free Free buckling of the winding buckling, is manifested in a wavelike see bulge. Figure 6-3, is exhibited by the deformation of both the winding and its support structure, creating a wavelike bulge in the winding assembly. This mode of buckling is observed when the winding support structure does not reinforce the stiffness of the winding coil, which is most typically the case. As shown, the length of the buckle LB is not equal to the distance between the supports LS in free buckling failures, and LB is defined as the half wavelength of the buckle. One approach is based on the work of Thompso n, et. al.[19]. From his 7-12 The difficulty comes in determining what stress is acceptable for a given conductor, and is still subject to discussion from manufacturer to manufacturer. resists tipping since it is a ring of copper that resists being deformed. The applied force is opposed by the work done in increasing the strain energy in the copper. In addition, the copper is held in place by spacers, radial spacers in the case of a disk winding, which provide friction on the edges of the conductor as it is forced to tip. Empirical equations to evaluate the critical tipping stress have been developed to reasonably predict the critical load that can be supported [2], [23], but care must be exercised in calculating the maximum axial force that will be applied. test efforts and other published data W. J. McNutt developed the following critical hoop buckling stress curves to determine acceptable stresses, see Figure 7-12. Figure 7-12 Critical Hoop Buckling Stress (W. J. McNutt) There are two curves on the graph, one for annealed copper, and one for hard copper. In both cases a conductor is adequate if its thickness supports a hoop stress less than calculated stress, i.e., below each curve is a safe zone, and above each curve is a not safe zone. For example, if the calculated hoop stress was 6500 psi, the conductor hard copper and .15" thick, it would be adequate (in the safe zone) since it is less than the 8450 psi indicated. Figure 7-13 Example of Conductor Tipping As expected, the critical load is a function of the number of spacers, the spacer material, the dimensions of the conductor, and the strength of the conductor in the winding. Thicker and/or stiffer (i.e., higher yield strength) conductors or an increased number of spacers can all be used to control this failure mechanism. The strength of the conductor can also be increased by using bonded conductors, which has been recognized by the industry as a means to essentially eliminate tipping failures. However, if the forces are high enough, even with bonded conductors, a failure can still occur by rupturing the radial spacers. A review of the manufacturer's calculations, models, and testing of this failure mode will provide valuable information for determination of acceptable design forces. Conductor Tipping Conductor tipping, see Conductor tipping will most Figure 7- frequently appear in disk 13 results windings, as illustrated, but from large can also develop in other winding configurations. axial forces applied to the narrow edge of a conductor causing it to tip over. The conductor itself Beam Bending The solution 7-13 Beam bending, a classic mechanics problem, describes a load or force applied to a beam rigidly fixed at both ends. to this problem applies to any structure, i.e., a wood or steel beam in a building, or in this case to a copper conductor between two spacers or supports. high, the winding will compress towards the core and tighten to a smaller radius. Due to the spring like helical shape of the winding, it will actually twist itself into a smaller diameter. Conductor insulation can be torn, and the twisting can be severe enough to tear the leads or connections from the winding. This problem has been solved by numerous methods, producing the following result. Compressive forces in the area of 7000 psi are of concern, however, each manufacturer's design must be evaluated according to the design's margins. The bending stress b is equal to the load applied (w) times the length of the beam (L) squared, divided by twice the thickness (t) of the conductor, times the height (ha) of the conductor squared (all dimensions are in inches). Clamping Structure Axial Axial forces of varying forces will be magnitudes will be produced up and down the length of a highest in areas winding, due to the radial flux present. with inconsist ent distribution of amp turns, such as tap locations, or due to the displacement of the magnetic centers of the windings. When all the forces are resolved, a net axial force will be presented to the clamping structure. The clamping structure must be designed to support the maximum force produced, from the highest force producing combination of taps in the transformer. Once the short circuit force is identified, the clamping structure can typically be evaluated as a beam type structure. Single piece clamping structures, versus multi-segment clamps, provide the best performance. Calculations of beam bending stress become increasingly difficult when multi-strand conductors, CTC, or bonded conductors are used. The beam equation still applies, but it becomes a challenge to determine the maximum bending stress allowed for the composite conductor. A beam bending failure occurs when the applied load produces a bending stress, b, greater than the yield strength of the conductor considered. The conductor will permanently deform by bending, and may rupture both its own and adjoining insulation. With the integrity of the insulation structure compromised, a dielectric failure would be imminent. Bending stress can easily be reduced by increasing the number of spacer columns, i.e. reduce the unsupported length. In average impedance designs an unsupported spacing of 5 inches is typical, and in high impedance designs (lower fault currents) unsupported spacings can approach 8 inches. Typical failures of clamping structures result either from loss of clamping pressure on the winding; non-uniform clamping pressure on the winding (axial forces on inner and outer winding will be different), or structural failure of same. Forces can be of the order of multiples of a hundred thousand pounds. Helical Winding Spiral If the forces are sufficiently Helical windings, which are frequently applied as high current low voltage windings, are subject to inward radial forces during short circuit conditions. Impact of Fault Currents on Transformer Life 7-14 in Table 7-3 . It can be seen that out of the 6 samples, one failed between 35,600 and 50,400 cycles and another one failed between 50,400 and 64,400 cycles. The complete set of test results can be found in (McNutt and Patel. 1976). McNutt and Patel did an Impact forces created by high magnitude through experimental fault currents have an study to adverse impact on the demonstrate transformer life the impact of thermal aging and mechanical stresses on the transformer insulation. They used statistical analysis on experimental results to quantify the relationship between insulation wear life and thermal and mechanical parameters. Table 7-3 Life Test data – Disk Winding As per their hypothesis, cumulative thermal aging over the years reduces the mechanical strength of the insulation. Then, repeated mechanical stresses resulting from shortcircuit forces contribute to the mechanical weakening and eventual rupture of all or a portion of the weakened insulation. Finally, the reduced dielectric strength of the ruptured insulation allows a dielectric failure during a period of transient overvoltage. Number of Samples Cycles Passed Cycles Failed 6 10,200 - 1 35,600 50,400 1 50,400 64,400 4 64,400 - These experimental results have been used to come up with a mathematical model of the life relationship of the insulation with thermal aging and mechanical stresses. The mathematical expression that was used to represent the relationship is given by: Two types of winding geometries were modeled for the experimental study. The first was a layer winding employing machine transposed cables (MTC) with annealed copper conductor, film strand insulation, and paper turn insulation. The second was a disk winding using annealed rectangular copper conductor with paper insulation. Three degrees of aging was selected for the paper-turn insulation in the winding models to represent new, 2.4 years and 7.2 years of continuous service at 110º C. Tests were conducted in a short circuit laboratory by using force generation coil to generate the axial stresses representing the mechanical impact of fault currents. As per the failure criterion adopted, the complete destruction of the conductor insulation represented the failure. L = C1σ − C2 ε − C3 y Eq. 7-8 Where, L = Functional life in number of cycles of short circuit current. = Mechanical stress on conductor insulation during short circuit, in psi. y = per unit thermal age. C1, C2, C3= constants to be determined by curve fitting techniques. Weibull distribution was assumed for the purpose of statistical analysis of life test data. The method of maximum likelihood was then used for curve fitting to determine the values of the constants (See Table 7-4). Sample test data for the disk winding (6 samples) having thermal age of 7.2 years and subjected to stress of 2270 psi is shown The derived mathematical relationship was used to perform life prediction of 5MVA and 50MVA transformer (See ). Results 7-15 may not be very accurate due to the various assumptions involved and the difficulty of replicating the actual conditions in the experimental setup. But it can be deduced that from the point of view of insulation wear failure, larger transformers have lower life expectancy. Summary and Recommendations Impact forces created by high magnitude through fault currents have an adverse impact on the transformer life. The resultant short-circuit mechanical stresses can physically damage the conductors and insulators resulting in transformer failure. Therefore, current standards take into account both thermal and mechanical impact of fault currents while defining the through fault protection curves of power transformers. The life relationship is not accurate enough to predict the actual short-circuit life of a transformer, but it can be used to measure the relative effects. For example, if the short circuit current is reduced to 50% of maximum, the mechanical stress is reduced to 25% resulting in increase in wear life by a factor of 140. References Table 7-4 Constant values from Curve Fitting Winding Type Constant C1 Constant C2 Constant C3 Disk 8.5e18 3.57 3.99 Layer 1.3e24 5.47 4.58 1. K. Karsai, D. Kerenyi, and L. Kiss, Large Power Transformers, Elsevier: New York, 1987. 2. M. Waters, The Short-Circuit Strength of Power Transformers, Macdonald: London, 1966 3. R. L. Bean, N. Chackan Jr., H. R. Moore, and E. Wentz, Transformers for the Electric Power Industry, McGraw-Hill: New York, 1959. 4. L. F. Blume, A. Boyajian, G. Camilli, T. C. Lennox, S. Minneci, and V. M. Montsinger, Transformer Engineering A Treatise on the Theory, Operation, and Application of Transformers, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, 1951 5. J. D. Fyvie - "Design Review to Determine The Short Circuit Capability of Power Transformers," VA Tech Transformers for WG12.19 Task Force #3, CIGRE, Transformer Colloquium, Budapest, booklet 2, June1999. 6. H. Moore, "The Short-Circuit Problems of Power Transformers, Calculation of Forces and Stresses, Figure 7-14 Example Life Prediction (McNutt and Patel. 1976) 7-16 Consequences on Design and Construction, Full Scale and Model Testing…" Third Part, CIGRE Report no.12-00, 1980. 13. R. Boersma and J. Wildeboer, "The Short-Circuit Strength of the Inner Windings of Transformers Against Radial Forces," CIGRE, Report no. 147, 1962. 7. T. M. McCauley, "Through-Fault Capability Requirements for Unit Auxiliary Transformers," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS-96, no. 5, September/October 1977, pp.16391647. 14. "Calculation of Short-Circuit Forces in Transformers", Working Group 1204, CIGRE Study Committee No. 12, ELECTRA, no. 67, 1979, pp. 29-75. 15. M. Boutteau, J. Verdon, P. Hofer, B. Hochart, Y Tournier, and G. Roge, "Short-Circuit Behavior of Large Power Transformers, CIGRE, Report no. 12-07, 1972. 8. W. J. McNutt, C.J. McMillen, P. Q Nelson, J. E. Dind, "Transformer Short-Circuit Strength and Standards - A State-Of-The-Art Paper," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS-94, March/April 1975, pp.432-443. 16. G. Thompson, and R. A. Schwarzmeier, "Designing a shellform transformer for maximum shortcircuit strength," The Line, McgrawEdison Company, Issue 82/1, 1982. 9. A. Bossi, G. Caprio, A. Inesi, L. Giannuzzi, A. Babare, and G. Sigaudi, "The Short-Circuit Withstand of Large Power Transformers Contribution to Design Improvement and Test Criteria," CIGRE, Report no. 12-12, 1980. 17. R. L. Bean and E. C. Wentz, "Mechanical Forces in Interleaved Rectangular Pancake transformer Coils," AIEE Transactions, Pt. 3, vol. 73, 1954, pp. 962-971. 18. D. Girardot, and G. Robert, "Mechanical Failure Modes in Shell Type Transformers," CIGRE, Transformer Colloquium, Budapest, booklet 2, June 1999. 10. W.J. McNutt, W. M. Johnson, R. A. Nelson, and R. E. Ayers, "Power Transformers Short-Circuit Strength Requirements, Design, and Demonstration," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS-89, November/December 1970, pp.1955-1969. 19. H. A. Thompson, F. Tillery, and D. U. von Rosenberg, "The Dynamic response of Low Voltage, High Current, Disk Type Transformer Windings to Through Fault Loads," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS98, May/June 1979, pp1091-1098. 11. E.W. Tipton, "Mechanical Problems Involved in Short Circuits on CoreForm Power-Transformer Coils," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Semi-Annual Meeting, San Francisco California, June 9-13, 1957. 20. R. B. Steel, W. M. Johnson, J. J. Narbus, M. R. Patel, and R. A. Nelson, "Dynamic Measurements in Power Transformers Under Short Circuit Conditions," CIGRE, Report no. 12-01, 1972. 12. E. T. Norris, "Mechanical Strength of Power Transformers in Service," IEE Proceedings, vol. 104A, 1957, pp289300. 7-17 21. H. Kojima, H. Miyata, S. Shida, and K. Okuyama, "Buckling Strength Analysis of Large Power Transformer Windings Subjected to Electromagnetic Force Under Short Circuit," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS99, no. 3, May/June 1980, pp.12881297. 92, September/October 1973, pp. 1558-1576. 28. M. Kozlowski, W. Marciniak, W. Pewca, and W. Weretynski, "Selected Short-Circuit Strength Problems in Power Transformers," CIGRE, Report no. 12-05, 1980. EPRI, XVisor Transformer Expert System Software, Electric Power Research Institute. 22. R. M. Del Vecchio, B. Poulin, and R. Ahuja, "Radial Buckling Strength Calculation and Test Comparison for Core-Form Transformers," CIGRE, Transformer Colloquium, Budapest, booklet 2, June1999. SEL 2005. “Protecting Transformers from Common Adverse Conditions” 23. L. Torske, E. Stenkvist "Short Circuit Problems in Large Transformers, Appendix II," CIGRE, Report no. 142, 1962. 24. W. J. McNutt, M. R. Patel, "The Combined Effects of Thermal Aging and Short-Circuit Stresses on Transformer Life," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS-95, no. 4, July/August 1976, pp.1275-1283. 25. Y. Tournier, G. Ebersohl, A. Ciniero, S. Yakov, A. B. Madin and J. D. Whitaker, "A Study of the Dynamic Behavior of Transformer Windings Under Short Circuit Conditions," CIGRE Report no., 143 and 143a, 1962. 26. D. O. Swihart, and L. S. McCormick, "Short Circuit Vibration Analysis of a Shell Form Transformer," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS-99, no. 2, March/April 1980, pp.800-810. 27. M. R. Patel, "Dynamic Response of Power Transformer Under Axial Short-Circuit Forces, Parts I and II," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems," vol. PAS- 7-18 8 FAULT CURRENT LIMITING METHODS This chapter discusses the fault current methods. Both conventional and advanced technologies will be discussed. Technologies to be considered will include: • Conventional technologies, such as Current Limiting Reactors (CLR) and high resistance grounding. • Solid-state, such as the Solid State A fault condition may result in an electric Current Limiter (SSCL). power transmission system from events such • Superconducting, the as lightning striking a power such line, orasdowned Superconducting Current Limiter trees or utility poles shorting the power lines (SCCL). to ground. The fault creates a surge of current through the electric power system The can material is basically that cause shown serioushere damage to grid extracted from the equipment. Switchgear, such available as circuit manufacturer materials.within transmission breakers, are deployed substations to protect substation equipment. Figure 8-1 Overview of fault Current Limiting Measures Conventional Methods Some of the conventional solutions are listed below: An overview of fault current limiting measures is given in Figure 8-1 (Schmitt and CIGRE WG A3.16. 2006). The “Passive” measures make use of higher impedance under all the conditions whereas “Active” measures introduce higher impedance only under fault conditions. The measures may also be classified as “Topological” and “Apparatus” measures. Further, measures may also be classified into “Conventional” and “Emerging/Novel” depending on the technology used. The individual measures are explained in the subsequent sections. Conventional solutions to fault current over-duty problems are often costly. 1. Construction of new substations. Fault current over-duty coupled along with other factors may result in a utility selecting this solution, which will correct immediate problems, as well as providing for future growth. However, this is the most expensive of all the conventional solutions. 2. Introducing a higher voltage level. The choice of a particular voltage level for (new) transmission and distribution systems is governed primarily by the desired power 8-1 ratings. The objective is to keep rated current levels within the standard brackets of commercially available equipment, especially circuit breakers (e.g. IEEE C37). These brackets typically provide enough margin with respect to short circuit power at any given voltage level. Nevertheless, depending on the constraint of the applications (e.g. grid density, nearby generation) the short circuit power may exceed the ratings of the available equipment. This may require choosing a higher voltage level based on the short circuit capability of the equipment. All these considerations will play a role when designing new systems. divided into smaller portions which are then fed separately from the next higher voltage level. The splitting reduces the fault current level in each of the sub grids to the allowable level. 5. Multiple circuit breaker upgrades. When a fault duty problem occurs, usually more than one breaker will be affected. Upgrade of these breakers has the disadvantage of not reducing available fault currents and their associated hazards, as well as the often-prohibitive expense of replacement of all, or nearly all, of the switchgear within a substation. 6. Current limiting reactors (CLRs) and high impedance transformers. Fault current limiting reactors, Figure 8-2, limit fault current due to the voltage drop across their terminals, which increase during the fault. However, current limiting reactors also have a voltage drop under normal loading conditions and present a constant source of losses. They can interact with other system components and cause instability, as well as an increase in Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV). When conditions are right, air core CLRs can be an economical solution to high fault currents (Amon, et al. 2005). Also, the installation of a suitable capacitor across the reactor and from the sides of reactor to ground can solve the problem of severe TRV. In case of existing systems, increasing the voltage level is more likely a viable option for medium voltage levels where the increase in system voltage can be accommodated more easily within the same or similar geometrical constraints by simply installing more modern equipment. In high voltage systems, increasing the voltage level often is associated with major investments and thus not a preferred option in many cases. 3. Bus splitting. This entails separation of sources that could possibly feed a fault by the opening of normally closed bus ties, or the splitting of existing buses. This effectively reduces the number of sources that can feed a fault, but also reduces the number of sources that supply load current during normal or contingency operating conditions. This may require additional changes in the operational philosophy and control methodology. 4. Splitting into sub-grids. This term refers to a measure whereby a grid (with one common voltage level) is 8-2 (a) Figure 8-3 CLR as Bus Coupling (b) Figure 8-2 Air Core Current Limiting Reactor, (a) Under Testing, (b) in a Substation (Areva T&D) The three possible locations of CLR at the substation bus bar are shown in Figure 8-3, Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5. The configuration in Figure 8-3 that involves installation of CLR as coupling is effective in reducing the short-circuit capability of the system but is unable to control the individual contributions of the incoming feeders. Individual limiting from the feeding sources is achievable in configuration in Figure 8-4 by providing a CLR for each incoming feeder but it suffers from high losses and poor regulation. These disadvantages can be overcome by using configuration in Figure 8-5 where a CLR is installed in each outgoing feeder. Figure 8-4 CLRs in series with Incoming Feeders Figure 8-5 CLRs in series with Outgoing Feeders 8-3 two sources (A and B). All the breakers (A1 through D2) can handle the maximum fault current, for example in case of a fault at feeder C with both sources contributing. When a new source (N) shall be added, the total fault current may exceed the ratings of the existing breakers. If only those interrupting ratings are of concern while all the equipment can carry the increased fault current a sequential tripping scheme may be applied to avoid upgrading of breakers A1 through D2. In that case, the new breaker (N1 or N2) is tripped first while the tripping signals for the existing breakers are delayed until source N is disconnected. This measure may be considered a fault current limiting measure since it reduces the fault current duty of the interrupting device (circuit breaker) by changing the system topology during the fault. From that viewpoint it is a mix between a topological and an apparatus measure. However, sequential tripping does not reduce the overall fault level on the system. Furthermore, it poses an increased reliability risk and may overstress equipment over a longer period of time. 7. Impedance Grounding. When the high fault currents are ground fault currents, solidly grounded systems can be converted to impedance grounded systems, such as lowresistance grounding, inductance grounding, or high-resistance grounding. (Figure 8-6) Figure 8-6 Neutral Grounding Reactor (Trench Electric) 8. Sequential breaker tripping. Sequential tripping of circuit breakers is a special measure occasionally used in substations to manage high fault currents without replacing all circuit breakers. A sequential tripping scheme prevents circuit breakers from interrupting excessive fault currents. If a fault is detected, a breaker upstream to the source of fault current is tripped first. This reduces the fault current seen by the breaker within the zone of protection at the location of the fault. This breaker can then open safely. A disadvantage of the sequential tripping scheme is that it adds a delay of one breaker operation before final fault clearing. Also, opening the breaker upstream to the fault affects zones that were not originally impacted by the fault. Figure 8-7 illustrates the method. In a substation with two busses the two feeders (C and D) are connected to Figure 8-7 Illustrating the Sequential Tripping Scheme (EPRI 2005a) 9. Stand alone HV fuses. A stand-alone HV fuse is a device which carries the load current directly through the 8-4 explosive charge that opens a link, diverting the fault current to a parallel current limiting fuse, Figure 8-9. Triggering is by an electronic module, which senses the di/dt rise typical of a high level of fault current. IsLimiters are typically employed as bus tie limiters when the interrupting capability of the circuit breakers of a substation have been exceeded. A 38 kV version was developed in a 1996 EPRI project, (EPRI. 1996), (Das. 1997.). Figure 8-10 shows the active parts of the so-called “Is-limiter” from ABB Calor Emag (Germany) (a similar device is available from G&W Electric in the USA). The load current does not flow through the fuse but through a parallel path (9), which is opened by means of an explosive charge (10) when a fault is detected by the trigger unit. Therefore, thermodynamic requirements of the stand-alone fuse do no longer govern the design of the fuse element in the Is-limiter. Consequently, this allows for significantly higher rated currents. For example, the Is-limiter is available up to 4 kA rated current (at 17.5 kV) and up to 2.5 kA (at 40.5 kV). For higher load currents, two or more Is-limiters can be installed and operated in parallel provided equal current sharing is guaranteed by proper special arrangements. Interrupting ratings range from 140 kA (at 40.5 kV) to 210 kA (at 17.5 kV). The external trigger circuitry allows for a more flexible setting of the tripping characteristic. Tripping can be blocked or the tripping level can be changed if system conditions require a new setting. Because of their higher current ratings commutation fuse-based limiters are often used in substation bus ties and to protect generators, which are tied directly into the medium voltage network. active (melting) element. The design is somewhat more complex than any low voltage fuse in order to develop high enough arcing voltage for the high voltage application. Otherwise, the basic principle is the same. Resistive heating of the fuse element due to over currents of fault currents causes it to melt within a certain time interval. This pre-arcing time is a function of the fault current with a characteristic determined by the design (e.g. the voltage level). Therefore, the tripping characteristic of a specific HV fuse cannot be changed in the field. Some HV current limiting fuses are fitted with a so-called striker mechanism. This not only provides a visual indication that the fuse has operated, but can also be used to operate other switchgear. In this way, a fuse on a single-phase system can cut off all three phases if a fault occurs. Due to the fact that the load current is carried directly by the active (melting) element, the thermodynamic design requirements only allow for rated currents of typically less than several hundred amps. For currents in excess of that stand-alone HV fuses are not available. Interrupting ratings typically range up to 63 kA. Stand-alone HV fuses are widely used to protect feeders and apparatus such as transformers in medium voltage distribution systems and motors in industrial systems. 10. Pyrotechnic devices. Sometimes called “Is-Limiters,” these devices (Figure 8-8) are activated by a small 8-5 Commutation fuse-based limiters can also be installed in parallel to a current limiting reactor (bypass). In such an application the impedance of the reactor is inserted only during a fault (when the fuse-based limiter has triggered). This improves voltage regulation and stability during normal operation (reactor bypassed) while maintaining the supply after the fault has been cleared elsewhere in the system. Table 8-1 summarizes these solutions and their respective pros, cons and relative cost. This table primarily considers the initial capital installation cost in the cost comparison. In the cases of multiple circuit breaker upgrades, the cost of bus work reinforcement must also be considered, since the level of fault current is not being reduced. Limiter (G & W Electric) Table 8-1 Pros and Cons of Conventional Solutions Figure 8-8 Current Limiting Protector, EPRI (1996) Figure 8-9 Operation Sequence of Pyrotechnic Current Solution Advantages Disadvantages Relative Expense Relative Expense to SSCL/SCCL New Substation Solves all fault issues and accommodates future growth Expensive and lengthy to install Very high SSCL/SCCL less expensive Bus Splitting Separates source of fault current from over-duty breakers Also separates sources of load current from load centers and undermines system reliability High, if breakers to split bus are not already installed SSCL/SCCL less expensive Multiple Breaker Upgrades Most direct solution to problem with no adverse side affects Difficult to schedule outages, due to numerous breakers involved; Bus work reinforcement also needed High to medium, depending on number of breakers involved Expected to be competitive with most multiple breaker replacements Current Limiting Reactors Easy to install Voltage drop and power loss; potentially cause instability and the need to install compensating capacitors Medium to Low SSCL/SCCL cost higher Impedance Grounding Easy to install. Only limits ground fault current. Requires changes in protective relaying. Medium to Low SSCL/SCCL cost higher Sequential Breaker Tripping No major hardware installation involved Expands impact of fault to wider range of the system and undermines reliability Low SSCL/SCCL cost higher Pyrotechnic Devices Easy to install Element must be replaced after operation Low SSCL/SCCL cost higher Figure 8-10 Is-Limiter Construction (EPRI 2005a) 8-6 Emerging Technologies The Novel technologies are disadvantages of the in various stages of development but are conventional methods for expected to be gridlimiting the ready in near future fault current have been documented in the previous section. Utilities are seriously re-assessing fault current mitigation methods. They are considering emerging new technologies (solid-state, superconducting etc.) as vital alternatives to existing methods, provided these technologies prove to be the most cost effective means of fault current management. Recently, there has been a phenomenal increase in R&D activities towards the development of technically feasible and economically viable technologies to design a range of medium voltage and high voltage devices for fault current limiting applications in distribution and transmission. Figure 8-11 Equivalent Circuit and Current Waveforms during a Fault (CIGRE 2003) In the figure, i1 = Fault current in absence of any current limiting action which is interrupted by conventional breaker at time t3 FCL Definitions A fault current limiter can limit a fault current passing trough it within the first half cycle. The principle of FCL operation is shown in Figure 8-11. i2 = Fault current due to the limiting action of the FCL = Fault current due to the limiting i3 action of the FCL that also gets interrupted at time t2 Some definitions related to fault current limiting are: Ir = Peak value of rated current Imin = Minimum current that initiates FCL action 8-7 Imax = Maximum limited current Ip = Peak short circuit current Ifol = Peak value of follow current • High reliability • Low maintenance • No risk for personnel • Low impact on transformer tr = Recovery time (time between current interruption and return of FCL to its initial operation state) • Low weight and small size • No or only few auxiliaries η0 = Follow current ratio (Ifol/Ir) • Low total cost of ownership η1 = Peak current limiting ratio (Imax/Ip) η2 = Current limiting ratio (Ifol/Ip) ta = Action time (time required from fault initiation to maximum limited current) td = Fault duration time (time required from fault initiation to fault current interruption) The background on the novel FCL technologies and the status of the various projects is presented in the following sections. η2 = Dynamic current limiting ratio (Imax/Ir) ηi Solid-State Current Limiter (SSCL) =Initiating ratio (Imin/Ir) High power Although the power solid-state industry has been power interested in the concepts components of solid-state circuit have breakers and in limiting continued to of fault currents for improve in decades, it only now their appears that the time has performance arrived when the selling while their price can be low enough cost has to justify significant sales. continued to decline. The aim is to use these evolving trends, together with some focused thinking about optimum circuits and arrangements, to achieve a practical, useful and cost effective solution to some of the utility industry’s technical problems. The Solid-State Current Limiter (SSCL) offers a viable solution to the transmission and distribution system problems caused by high available fault current. By providing instantaneous (subcycle) current limiting, the SSCL alleviates the short circuit condition in both downstream and upstream devices by limiting fault currents coming from the sources of high short circuit capacity. The Requirements for Fault Current Limiters Some of the requirements on a FCL from the utilities perspective (Duggan.2006) and CIGRE WG (CIGRE 2003) can be summarized as follows: • Low impedance operation • Low losses • Adequate current limiting performance in terms of maximum limited current and action time being less than the time to first peak. • Automatic and quick recovery to initial operating state • Ability to withstand the magnetic and mechanical forces of repeated mitigation operations • Compatibility with existing planned protection schemes • No deterioration of current limiting performance during the design life during normal and 8-8 advantages of added functions that a conventional circuit breaker cannot offer help to justify the higher cost associated with a solid-state system. To interrupt the current, the SSCL must rapidly turn off its conducting components and insert an energy-absorbing resistor into the circuit to limit the fault current. In addition to limiting the fault current, the SSB (Solid State Breaker) can also be beneficial on closing by limiting the inrush current (soft start capability), even for capacitive loads, by gradually phasing in the switching device rather than making an abrupt transition from an open to a closed position. A solid-state current limiter can offer the following advantages • Normal operation where no limiting action takes place • Fault condition during which the FCL is active • Recovery period while the FCL resets and regains normal operating condition. I Normal operation II Fault condition Fault Inception current Fault Clearing W ithout FCL Îm ax Î fol Îp În III Recovery W ith FCL Îm in time ta tr td • • td Limited fault current Limited inrush current (soft start), even for capacitive loads • Repeated operations with high reliability and without wear-out • Reduced switching surges This extra performance By limiting the current, comes with one can achieve fault and better no extra isolation effort as an network protection, taking aspect of the care of most of the distribution system speed and situations that result in limiting voltage sags. Thus the qualities of SSCL can substantially the SSCL. improve the power quality High fault through fault current currents are limiting and inrush known to be current reduction. a factor in reducing transformer life, so it is expected that an advantage from the use of a current limiting breaker will be longer life with higher reliability for nearby transformers. rated system voltage (Un) (î n ):rated current (peak) îm in : minimum initiating current îm ax : maximum limited current î p : peak (prospective) short circuit current î fol : peak value of the follow current ta : action time: from t = 0 until î m ax td: fault duration time recovery time tr time between current interruption and return of the FCL to its (initial) low impedance state Figure 8-12 Generalized fault current trace with FCL activated (EPRI 2005) The switch turn-off operation without having to interrupt current immediately or to limit the fault current can be delayed until zero crossing. Figure 8-13 shows the schematic circuit diagram and the waveform associated with the switch operation. In this case, the silicon-controlled rectifier is used as the switch. If the immediate fault clearing is needed, then the switch needs to be gatecontrolled devices such as GTO or IGBT or "Super" GTO. The schematic circuit diagram and the waveform associated with the switch operation are shown in Figure 8-14. The use of GTO or IGBT may allow current limiting, but their conduction voltage drop is too high that it is not practical to use these gate-controlled devices alone in the 100% continuous conducting duty. Figure 8-12 depicts principal waveforms and indicates the three basic operating regions of a FCL: 8-9 "All Solid-State" Based Designs Thyrsitor-based Solid-state circuit breaker Sss Vs The most straightforward solid-state fault current limiter (SSFCL) is the solid-state fault current limiting circuit breaker. Figure 8-15 depicts the basic phase module of such a device built by SIEMENS using turn-off devices such as IGBTs or IGCTs (Kunde, et al). These devices are placed in the DC branch of a full-bridge diode rectifier circuit. Therefore, only one unipolar turn-off device is required for AC line current operation (iLINE). The second device shown in this figure is for increased voltage withstand capability and adequate reliability to meet the “N-1” failure mode criteria. In addition to the turn-off device there must exist an over voltage protection element such as a metal oxide varistor (MOV) in order to limit the voltage build-up caused by the AC line inductance during the hard turn-off by the IGBT. Typically, such a SSFCL-CB is designed to develop 2-3 times the rated system voltage during turn-off which forces the fault current very rapidly (within 1 ms) down to zero. One module may typically develop up to 6 kV and turn-off up to 5.6 kA. A medium voltage SSFCL-CB may consist of several modules connected in series. Similar systems have also been developed by other companies but no economically viable solution could be made available for the commercial market. Vs Sss tclear Fault occurs <8.3ms Figure 8-13 Solid-State Switch Operation without Having to Interrupt Immediately or Fault Current Limiting GTO-based Solid-state circuit breaker Sss Vs Vs i LINE Sss Fault occurs Snubber circuit Balancing resistors tclear <1ms Figure 8-14 Using GTO-Based Solid-State Circuit Breaker Allows Instant Fault Current Clearing. Turn-off devices Over-voltage protection (MOV) Figure 8-15 Principle of a solid-state fault current limiting circuit breaker based on turn-off devices 8-10 An alternative circuitry for a solid-state fault current limiter (circuit breaker) based on SCR thyristors with commutation circuitry rather than turn-off devices is currently under development for EPRI by Powell Electronics Inc (EPRI 2004b). The project status is presented later in the chapter. In contrast to the GTOs where the current can be interrupted at any point in the cycle, SCRs can interrupt currents when the current waveform goes to zero. Thyristor breakers, unlike GTO breakers, can be designed to maintain fault current to satisfy the required time-current characteristics for typical overcurrent protection coordination schemes. The SCR section will be able to conduct fault currents for a period of time (10 to 15 cycles), repeatedly. Westinghouse in association with EPRI developed a prototype (see Figure 8-16) of an "all solid-state" distribution breaker where a SCR-GTO combination is used. As the figure suggests, this design consists of two parallel connected circuit branches: a solid-state switch composed of GTOs (and their associated snubber and over-voltage protection metal oxide arresters (ZNOs)) and another solid state switch using SCRs (and their associated components). A unit was built for 13.8KV by series grounding of six GTO modules per phase each one rated for 3000A and 4.5KV. The advantage of the GTO switch is its capability to interrupt current with negligible delay. The advantage of SCR switch compared to GTO switch of the same wafer size is its ability to handle considerably higher currents. SCRs are also available commercially with higher nominal current rating (required for distribution voltages above the 15-kV class). One major drawback for "all-solid state" designs is that thyristor based design will have substantial losses during normal operation serving the load. In EPRI's SCR based fault current limiters the thyristors will have per phase conduction losses of about 14.4KW, and Three Phase Losses = 2V(drop)*6(in series)*1200A*3(phase) = 43.2KW, when carrying the rated current of 1200 amperes. Another problem with this circuit and the SCR-GTO combination circuit is the component counts and their associated reliability issues. Also, thyristors are a mature end technology. It will be difficult to drive the component cost down even with the wide spread potential market for distribution switchgears. Pairs of anti-parallel connected GTO devices are used in series in the GTO section of the SSB. The GTO switch is the main circuit breaker and it is conducts load current in the steady state. The GTO switch is used to clear source-side faults. It is rated for the maximum normal line current, but not rated for fault currents. It is normally closed and conducts current until the magnitude of the current reaches a pre-set level at which point it opens rapidly interrupting the current flow. To achieve the required SSB voltage for application to the utility 13.8-kV primary distribution voltage, six GTO modules are required in series for each phase. The SCR switch is normally open and has no continuous current rating. Its function is to conduct fault current to facilitate operation of conventional protective devices on the load side of the SSB. For this purpose it is rated for short duration fault surge currents. Its operation is coordinated with the GTO breaker. 8-11 driven along metallic rails of high resistivity in order to produce a voltage drop across the switch large enough to commutate the fault current into a parallel resistor. The device, rated 7.2 kV/400 A has been tested successfully in the field for over 2 years in Japan. No information is available on any further developments of this technique, especially not with respect to higher voltage applications. A hybrid solid-state switch that can also perform current limiter function was proposed (Steurer, et al) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and patented by ABB Switzerland. Figure 8-17 shows the hybrid switch that utilizes an ultra fast mechanical switch Sm1 for the normal conducting path, an IGCT-based solid-state switch for a short conducting period to prevent arcing, and a positive-temperaturecoefficient (PTC) resistor for current limiting. A 10kV/ 1kA prototype was tested successfully in ABB Switzerland. The main problem with this circuit is the need for a very high-voltage high-current PTC, which requires a substantially stacking effort with the commercially available low-power PTC products. Furthermore, the use of three mechanical switches indicates the problem of economical design issue. In fact, if the mechanical switch Sm1 is fast enough, and the PTC is available, the solid-state switch Sss and its associated mechanical switch Sm2 can be eliminated. Figure 8-16 Solid-State Breaker Proposed by Westinghouse Hybrid Designs The operating characteristic of solid-state switchgear is primarily dictated by the capabilities of the semiconductor devices used. Voltage and current ratings of the breaker define the number of power semiconductors required and, consequently, the cost and the operating losses of the breaker. Since a closed mechanical contact still exhibits the least amount of conduction losses amongst all “switching” elements it is most desirable to utilize mechanical contacts in fault current limiters for carrying the continuous operating current. However, mechanical contact systems alone will not develop enough arcing voltage drop to limit fault currents in medium or high voltage systems. A wide range of materials, mostly ceramics, exhibit a highly non-linear positive temperature coefficient (PTC) of the resistivity above room temperature. A sharp increase in resistance can be used for fault current limitation. In fact, PTC resistors are commonly used for fault current limitation in (low power) electronic circuits. To extend this functionality into the medium voltage range for possible applications in power systems was the goal of a project (Strumpler, et al) by ABB. The project One possible solution to achieve sufficiently high arcing voltage at least for a medium voltage (distribution) class FCL is the method of a “driven arc” described in a recent reference (Fukagawa, et al). Similar to the technique used in low voltage current limiting circuit breakers the switching arc is magnetically driven into a special chamber where it is divided into a large number of sub-arcs. Subsequently, these sub-arcs are 8-12 concluded with the successful testing of a 12 kV class stack of PTC elements (at very low rated current of only 10 A, however) Sm1 Design Description Design Specifications The initial SSCL design specifications were established in December 2001 after a number of EPRI meetings with input from electric utilities. The key requirements of the SSCL were: ultrafast switch mechanical switch Sm2 Sss GTO MOV PTC Sm3 • Meet Peak Voltage Withstand Capability – twice the phase to neutral voltage plus a 10% allowance for voltage regulation. • Minimum fault current to limit & withstand 63 kA. • Be able to perform circuit breaker functions, but not meet all the ANSI requirements for a circuit breaker. • Provide current pulses with up to 10 kA instantaneous peaks following a limiting action –let– through current for downstream coordination. • Limit inrush current for a reclosing operation and soft start up. An example is the inrush current of an energizing transformer. • Reclose after a fault. • Close into a capacitor. • Keep size to a minimum. Utilities requested to keep the first model SSCL, rated 1200 A, 3-phase 15 kV to the standard 15 kV metalclad switchgear dimensions: approximately 36” wide X 96” High X 102” Long. • Meet all ANSI dielectric-testing requirements for circuit breakers. The original specification called for limiting only 40 kA fault currents, but in December 2001 the input from a major utility related that they were already purchasing equipment rated 63 kA due to a continuously raising fault level on their system. This is a good example of the growing need for the SSCL. load switch Figure 8-17 A Hybrid Solid-State Switch Using Mechanical Switch for Regular Conducting and PTC for current limiting EPRI SCR Based FCL The progress to date on the development of a Solid State Current Limiter (SSCL) sponsored by EPRI and being developed at Powell’s Watsonville, CA facility is being summarized here. The goal is to create a three-phase, 15 kV, medium voltage device rated at 1200A that will limit system fault currents and the damage that could incur on downstream devices. This is a continuation of the development program for Solid State Current Limiters at voltages from 15 to 138 kV. The unique design of the Solid State Current Limiter (SSCL) would enable it to limit the current based on its rate of rise as opposed to its amplitude. This feature would provide an instantaneous (sub-cycle) current limit so that the system never has to sustain the full impact of a fault current. The SSCL would interrupt the current by rapidly turning off its conducting components and inserts an energy absorbing resistor into the circuit to limit the fault current and eventually stop the current flow. 8-13 Power Semiconductor Selection There were basically four different power semiconductors that were evaluated – GTO, IGBT, IGCT and the thyristor. A number of circuit topologies were examined to provide the optimum cost/performance ratio. The key factors were availability, proven reliability, application demands and cost. The thyristor was selected since it met all these parameters. The Power Circuit The power circuit design was one that was conceived and tested at 480 volts in the late 1980’s. The testing was done at a major Canadian utility test laboratory. It performed as predicted. Since that time, patents have been issued in the U.S. and the top eleven industrial nations. The power circuit diagram is as shown in Figure 8-18. Figure 8-19 Gate Drive Board In normal operation mode, the current flows through TH1 and TH2 or TH3 and TH4 depending on the direction of the current’s flow. Initially as current flows, the capacitors charge, and the “Y” terminal holds a positive charge while the “X” terminal holds a negative one. When a fault current is detected, a “Turn On” pulse is sent to fire the commutating SCRs (TH5, TH6, TH7, TH8). The discharge current through TH 5 & 6, C1, and L1 build up, in order to exceed the load current, IL, on the main SCRs. The current on the main SCRs, IL, is eventually reduced to zero, and the excess of the commutating impulse current, IC, flows through TH2. When TH2 turns ON, the voltage across TH1 appears as an inverse voltage, and it turns OFF. After reaching its peak, the commutating current, IC, starts to decay, and the capacitor charges with the opposite polarity (“X” positive with respect to “Y”). The commutating current then switches into the diode and resistor where it Figure 8-18 Single Section’s Power Components The four main thyristors, or Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs), are controlled by four corresponding gate driver boards (Figure 8-19). Each gate driver is fiber optically connected to each other and uses firing pulses to turn each main SCR on. A current transformer monitors the bus’ current and sends the status of each SCR back to the main phase controller. This controller sends signals to the gate driver boards to fire on the SCRs, depending on the current output. 8-14 dissipates energy. Within a half-cycle the current crosses 0 and the commutating SCRs turn off. controls (SCADA). The fault detector generates a tripping signal to activate current limiting action. Section controllers provide firing pulse distribution both for main and commutating thyristors, supervise cooling and pre-charge systems, monitor temperature and provide auxiliary power distribution. The se general functions are illustrated in Figure 8-20. The re-closing process begins by slowly phasing back the main SCRs to allow a short, limited pulse of current through the system. High firing angles are sent to the SCRs to allow a minimal amount of current to flow through the circuit. The limiter determines the line impedance from the current flow and if it is zero, or virtually zero, the fault current still exists and the main SCRs remain off to prevent the current from flowing. If there is impedance on the line, the limiter calculates the current and if the fault clears, the firing angle is slowly decreased to let more current through until eventually the four main SCRs are conducting in normal operation mode. Figure 8-20 SSCL general Control Scheme Functional Description of the SSCL Operation Controls Normal Operation The control system provides both control and supervisory functions for the SSCL. It generates firing signals for all semiconductor devices, determines when the fault occurs, provides temperature monitoring, implements protective relaying, interfaces with external controls (system control and data acquisition or SCADA). In other words, it forms the brain and nervous system of the SSCL. The major components of the control system are: current sensor, voltage sensor, main or central controller, fault detector, digital input and output (IO) interface and section controllers. The current sensor provides proper current signal both for normal operations and for fault conditions operations. In order to provide fast current limiting, it should have a fast response and not be effected by asymmetrical currents. Voltage sensors are required for providing firing signals and determining system conditions. The main controller processes voltage and current signals, generates firing signal for the main thyristors, implements over current relaying functions and interfaces with external Under normal operating condition only the main thyristors are fired. Thus the SSCL acts as a giant voltage regulator; the firing angle of the thyristors controls its output. However, that type of voltage/current regulation mode has an inherent disadvantage of having high harmonic content. So it is used only during soft start, controlled let through current after fault interruption and, possibly, during shutdown. The main controller monitors the load current and thyristor temperature and sends out a fan speed command to the section controllers to provide adequate cooling. The main controller also performs overcurrent protection (50/51 functions) and shuts the SSCL if an overcurrent condition is present. Soft Start Upon receiving a start command, the main controller issues a firing signal with varying delay angle α. It starts with α close to 180 degrees. Therefore, even for a short circuit condition, the current will be small initially. 8-15 into the current limiting mode. The firing pulses are removed from the main thyristors and commutating thyristors are fired. Then the firing angle is gradually decreased while current is monitored. By knowing the relationship between the firing angle and the current, the controller determines the impedance and if it is below a safe value, the controller aborts the starting procedure and blocks flow. Otherwise, the controller advances the firing angle to 0 degrees, which corresponds to continuous conduction (“closed switch”) and switches to the normal operating mode. The current switches into commutation thyristors and, at first it flows through the capacitor. The capacitor begins to charge up from the fault current and after its voltage changes polarity and becomes significant, the current gradually switches into the resistor. Current eventually drops down to zero shortly after the voltage crosses zero. At this point commutation thyristors turn off. Running Mode While the current is below a safe level, the system continues to run in the normal mode. During this time the controller monitors load current and adjusts cooling fan speed accordingly. If the current exceeds a safe level, the controller will shut itself down (implementing overcurrent protection). The controller also monitors each section checking the temperatures, fan speed, commutating capacitors voltage and condition of the commutating thyristors among other parameters. If an abnormal condition is found, an alarm is produced. If a serious malfunction is found (normally this would be a second contingency) the unit will shut down. Next stage is conducting let-through or coordination current using delayed firing of the main thyristors. Again, we start with a delayed firing pulse, determine fault impedance and then reduce firing to provide the required let-through current for a specified number of cycles to give downstream protective relays time to detect and isolate the fault. During the next stage we recharge the commutating capacitors (it can take from 10 to 30 sec) and we are ready to re-close the unit. Harmonic Distortion Any sold state equipment can produce harmonics distortion. In the case of the SSCL there are two separate modes of operation: normal ON mode and current limiting let through current mode. Stop Command Upon getting a stop command, the main controller will shut down. It can be either a soft stop (the firing angle is gradually increased) or a hard stop, when the firing pulses are removed from main thyristors. Soft stop is advantageous when operating capacitor banks since it allows the discharge of capacitors and thus eliminates the customary discharge time before re-applying voltage. Normal ON Mode In a normal ON mode the main thyristors are conducting all the time. The voltage drop across them has two components: threshold voltage whose polarity is determined by the current direction and resistive voltage drop. The latter does not produce any harmonics (it is a linear component). To estimate the effect of threshold voltage we can assume that typical threshold voltage is 1.5 V, we have six thyristors in series per phase and Current Limiting (Fault Operation) Upon detecting a fault condition by the fault detector (either a current or a combination of current and di/dt too high,) the system enters 8-16 selected for this function. This was verified with a test circuit made expressly for this project. A design for the medium voltage device indicated that it could be fitted in a standard cubicle for metalclad switchgear. This is an important achievement for both size and for meeting challenging cost goals. In 2003 a single-phase prototype was constructed and subjected to voltage tests, which were successful. In 2004 some modifications were made to the design to avoid a materials problem, to reduce partial discharge levels and to improve the mechanical strength of the assembly. the line to neutral voltage is 8 kV (13.8 kV line to line voltage). The Nth harmonic due to thyristor threshold voltage is AN = 6 Vth Eq. 8-1 2 N The biggest value is the third harmonic; its value is 2.1 VAC, so harmonic distortion in the normal operating mode is below 0.1% and for practical purposes we can neglect it. Let Through Current and Soft Start During let through current and soft start phases, the thyristors conduct during only part of each half cycle and therefore harmonic content is much higher. The harmonic contents of the current depends on conduction angle β, which in turn is determined by the ratio of required let through current to the maximum available short circuit current. I RMS 2 = I SC π 2 + cos 2 β 3 β − sin 2 β 2 4 Eq. 8-2 Figure 8-21 Single-phase Prototype of the Solid-State Current Limiter (SSCL) Where: β changes from 0 to 90 degrees, The mechanical design of the single-phase prototype of the SSCL was modified in several ways as a response to tests and to further thinking about support. One of the reasons for modification was the corona level, which was read. Some of the extra activity was traced to the corners of the heat sinks for the power thyristors. Some small modifications reduced the partial discharge, but it was found that the cooling fans were the biggest source. These have been replaced with slightly different models. IRMS = required let through current, ISC = available short circuit current. Though the harmonic content in this mode can be substantial, we need to keep in mind that duration of both soft start and let through current modes of operation is just few cycles, so no serious harm (additional losses and heating, harmonics torque in the motors, etc.) can be done. Progress Report Because of the heavy weight of the SSCL and the fact that the three phases are to be stacked vertically, it was decided to improve the strength by using the stacks of power thyristors and heat sinks as support columns to carry weight. By the end of 2004, a Single-Phase Prototype A breadboard of the standard module, Figure 8-21, has succeeded in interrupting 63 kA RMS Symmetric using components 8-17 were very enlightening on one phase of the limiter, and now the next step in the development of the SSCL is to thoroughly test the performance of the three-phase unit. Test plans are already in place to conduct a three-phase BIL and partial discharge test within the metal enclosure. These design tests will help verify that the power electronics, fans, and other devices inside the limiter will not adversely affect the dielectrics of the three phase device. The temperatures of the SCRs and various energized components will be measured during the upcoming continuous current tests which will be performed on the threephase prototype in early 2006. Additionally, the three-phase continuous current tests will provide more information on the air flow and temperatures within the device and determine if the enclosure design or ventilation equipment will have to be altered. Furthermore, additional capacitor discharge current limiting tests are being designed and planned to prepare the limiter for high power lab testing at KEMA. Extensive high power tests at KEMA are planned this year in order to verify the current limiting performance in the presence of an actual fault as opposed to a capacitor simulated fault. In October 2006, EPRI has reported that the prototype has successfully passed all the scheduled tests. Sothern California Edison (SCE) with California Energy commission (CEC) funding is planning a field demonstration of this refurbished unit in 2007. single-phase prototype was constructed, modified and successfully tested. Three-Phase Prototype In 2005, a three-phase prototype (Figure 8-22) was designed, assembled and some initial tests were performed to check the operation of power electronics (EPRI 2005b). Design tests including BIL and partial discharge have been successfully implemented to assess the dielectric stability of the structure. The power electronics within the device have proved to conduct up to 1200 amps of continuous current, while the control system has successfully fired all 12 SCRs. Superconducting Fault Current Limiters A Fault Current Limiter (FCL) can be applied (EPRI. 2004a) to reduce the available fault current to a lower, safer level where the Figure 8-22 Three-phase Prototype of the Solid-State Current Limiter (SSCL) The plan this year was to validate the functionality of the Solid State Current Limiter’s through additional tests in order to simulate real world industrial and utility applications. The tests performed in 2005 8-18 FCLs employing High Temperature Superconductors can provide the necessary current limiting impedance during a fault condition, but have essentially zero impedance during normal grid operation. existing switchgear can still protect the grid. FCLs employing High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) provide the necessary current limiting impedance during a fault condition, but have essentially zero impedance during normal grid operation. Therefore, HTS FCLs have no negative impact on overall system performance, in contrast to other conventional current limiting devices, such as a current limiting reactor (CLR) that produces large voltage drops, circulating currents in transformers and substantial energy loss. Superconducting Current Limiter (SCCL) Operation A superconducting state is a state where an electrical conductor exhibits no electrical resistance if the current flow through the material is below a certain threshold (the “critical current level IC”), when operating below certain temperature and external magnetic field (the so called “critical temperature TC” and “critical field HC” range). Figure 8-23 shows a measured I-V curve of a typical superconductor. Figure 8-23 IV Curve of a Superconductor As The quenching of a illustrated and in the superconductor subsequent recovery to a figure, the superconducting state supercond corresponds to a “variable uctor shows no resistance” effect is ideal for current limiting electrical applications. resistance when the current is below the critical current level. If the current exceeds this critical level however, the superconductor will undergo a transition from its superconducting state to a resistive state. This transition is termed “quenching”. As long as the heat generated (I2R loss) during the resistive stage does not damage the superconductor, the superconductor can be brought back to its superconducting state if sufficient cooling is 8-19 provided to dissipate the heat quickly to lower the temperature of the superconductor to within its critical temperature range. In addition, superconductor quenching can occur if one or any combination of the following three factors exceeds their corresponding “critical level:” • • • Operating current level External magnetic field Operating temperature The surface high-temperature plots shown in A superconducting (HTS) Figure 8-25 material operates near give a more the liquid nitrogen complete picture of the temperature (77K), as compared to a lowinterdependen cy among temperature these three superconducting (LTS) factors for a material that operates near liquid helium typical temperature (4K). superconducti ng material. As long as those three factors are within the “critical surface,” the superconductor is in its superconducting state. If any of the three parameters goes above that surface, the superconductor transitions to a resistive state. A superconductor, once quenched, can be brought back to its superconducting state by changing the operating environment to within the boundary of its critical current, temperature and magnetic field range, provided that no thermal or mechanical damage was done during the quenching of the superconductor. Manipulating properties of an HTS material is much easier because of its higher and broader operating temperature range, and because HTS has much higher tolerance to thermal instability. Figure 8-24 Using Superconductors as a Fault Current Limiter Figure 8-24 shows a potential fault current limiter incorporating the “variable resistance” feature of superconductors. Such a device can be designed so that under normal operating conditions, the peak of the AC current level of the power transmission and/or distribution network is always below the critical current level of the superconductors, therefore no I2R loss will result during the process and no or very little voltage drop across the device (if the device is designed as non- or near non-inductive). This device is then essentially “invisible” to the grid. When the fault occurs however, the fault current level exceeds the critical current level of the superconductors, creating a quenching condition. The superconductors are forced to transition to their resistive states, thereby introducing the necessary current limiting impedance Z0 into the grid to limit the fault current. In the case shown in Figure 8-24, the parallel-connected inductor provides most of the impedance, since the HTS element is in a high resistive state and most of the fault current passes through the parallel inductor. 8-20 Even though there are no industry standards regarding HTS FCLs, they can be put into three major categories based on the characteristics of the fault current limiting impedance the device can provide to the electric power grid during fault, namely resistive, inductive and resistive/inductive hybrid type of HTS FCL. wires, while others utilize mainly bulk HTS materials or films. The yttriumbarium-copper oxide (YBCO) film on sapphire wafer design is an example of a resistive type FCL. The twincoil shielded-core FCL concept is in a resistive and inductive hybrid nature. Figure 8-25 Critical Surface of a Superconductor As described earlier, manipulating current change can create quenching and subsequent recovery of superconductors. By the same token, mechanisms altering the operating temperature and/or magnetic field level can be put in place either as a catalyst or an assistant to achieving fast quenching and recovery of a superconducting device to accomplish a “variable impedance” effect. All these principles can be utilized to design a comprehensive superconducting fault current limiting device. Shielded Core The very first SCFCL ever installed in the field in 1996 was manufactured by ABB (Chen, et al. 1997.). It was of the “shielded core” type, where the superconducting element is not physically connected into the power circuit but coupled into it by means of a series transformer. The principle is depicted in Figure 8-26. In particular, the secondary side of the coupling transformer is a single turn of SC material. Its advantage is two fold: 1) No current leads are required into the cryogenic environment which substantially reduces the refrigeration requirements, and 2) with the additionally free parameter of the turns ratio between the line side winding and the SC side single-turn the SC material is better utilized as a highcurrent device which reduces the hot-spot problem. Although the ABB device worked very well during a one-year endurance test in a Swiss power plant the concept was finally abandoned since it requires approximately four times the size and weight compared to the pure “resistive” type SCFCL (Paul, et al. 2000.). There are still a few small, mostly university based academic projects active that utilize the “shielded core” type, but the prospect of this type of SC limiter to be economically competitive is HTS Fault Current Limiter Developments Ever since the discovery of hightemperature superconductivity in the mid1980s, HTS fault current limiting devices for power transmission and distribution systems have been a major research and development area of interest throughout the world, especially in Europe and Japan. Prototypes based on various HTS FCL designs have been attempted. The participants of those prototype projects have usually included HTS conductor vendors, academic institutions, government agencies, and major switchgear and power equipment manufacturers. (Leung. 2000, Leung et al. 2000, and Teklesadik et al 1999) Among different HTS FCL designs, some use HTS 8-21 still extremely small1. When a fault occurs and the current rises above the critical current RSC increases rapidly and the fault current commutates nearly completely into the parallel impedance. During that transition the voltage across the device may be somewhat higher than the voltage after the quench depending on the loop inductance of the parallel circuit. very low. Therefore, this type will not be discussed further in this report. Figure 8-26 Principle of the “Shielded Core” Type SCFCL (EPRI 2005) Resistive Type The most compact SCFCL design up to date can be achieved by the so-called “resistive” type design. It employs the superconducting material as the main (load) current carrying conductor under normal operation. In AC applications, the superconductor is therefore subject to AC losses which, together with the losses in the current leads, are the major loss components in normal operation (plus the no load heat losses through the cryostat). When the fault occurs, the superconductor quenches which increases its resistance by several orders of magnitudes. This highly non-linear increase in resistance requires an impedance element to be provided in parallel to the superconductor in order to avoid its thermal destruction. This element also avoids excessive over voltages from the power network (line inductance) since the superconductor alone would, like an ideal switch, effectively “turn-off” the fault current within the first half cycle. Figure 8-27 Resistive Type SCFCL Principle With Shunt Element Completely in the Cold Environment It shall be noted that the impedance characteristic of the resistive type SCFCL after a quench is essentially governed by the shunt element. Therefore, it is possible that a “resistive” type SCFCL may introduce significant inductance into the power system during a fault if the shunt element is highly inductive. Various “resistive” type SCFCL projects and some of their specifics are discussed below. Fault Current Controller (FCC) Semiconductor devices with only one p-n junction diodes exhibit the smallest on-state voltage drop of all semiconductor switches (amongst devices of the same semiconductor base material such as silicon, of course). The principle of a resistive type SCFCL is depicted in Figure 8-27. The superconductor is represented by R in parallel with the resistive and/or inductive shunt element RP/LP. During normal operation the line current flows entirely through the superconductor, i.e. iSC = iLINE, while RSC is 1 Typical values for the voltage per unit length in the superconducting stage (≤ 1 µVcm-1) versus the fully quenched state (0.1…15 Vcm-1) together with an estimate of the voltage drop across the SCFCL required for limiting the current (0.2…1 times the line voltage) yields a very small value of (4x108…10-5) pu for RSC during normal operation (in the superconducting stage) SC 8-22 the inductor several modified versions of the circuit have been, and are currently, investigated which utilize thyristor phase angle control for maintaining the DC bias current. A 15 kV class single-phase experimental setup utilizing this method and using a non-superconducting inductor was also successfully tested at Los Alamos National Laboratory (Boenig et al. 2002.). However, a diode cannot be turned off in forward direction. This limitation can be overcome when the diode is biased with a constant (DC) current flow in forward direction in the circuit depicted in Figure 8-28 and described in (Boenig and Paice. 1983.). The DC voltage source VB keeps all four diodes biased in forward direction by I0/2. Therefore, the AC line current (iLINE) can pass through the parallel diode path formed by D1-D3 and D4-D2 for both AC half cycles. However, if the instantaneous value of iLINE exceeds I0 then D3 and D4 will block during the positive half cycle and D1 and D2 during the negative half cycle. Therefore, the AC current has to flow through D1-L-D2 during the positive half cycle and through D3-L-D4 during the negative half cycle, which effectively inserts the impedance of the inductor L in to the AC, circuit. In order to minimize losses in the inductor L, it is desirable to make it a superconducting coil. In addition, the fact that the inductor only exhibits DC current (plus some small AC ripple, probably) makes superconductivity the ideal choice for the coil technology since no AC losses occur like in any of the resistive type SCFCLs. Figure 8-28 Principle of the Diode-Bridge FCL With DC Biased Coil and External DC Voltage Source SuperPower participated in a U.S. Department of Energy Superconductivity Partnerships with Industry (SPI) program led by General Atomics in building and testing a 15kV 30MVA HTS fault current controller (FCC). This device is based on a thyristor-bridge concept that combines power electronics and HTS coils to achieve a “variable impedance” effect, Figure 8-29 and Figure 8-30. This design is an example of an inductive FCL. The disadvantage of the circuit shown in Figure 8-28 is that the power electronic devices cannot interrupt the AC fault current, thus requiring a circuit breaker in series. This limitation can be overcome by using thyristors instead of diodes in the circuit. Since the fault current can be adjusted by means of thyristor phase angle control, such an arrangement is called a fault current controller (FCC). A 15-kV/1.2 kA class three phase device utilizing HTS superconducting DC bias coils was built and tested successfully at Los Alamos National Laboratory (only at single phase operation after repair of dielectric failures that occurred during initial three phase tests). While this device still used a DC power supply to provide the bias current through In Japan, TOSHIBA has successfully tested a 66 kV class superconducting DC coil. Although no FCL or FCC project is directly associated with the coil development it is clearly aimed for a power electronic based FCL system (Yazawa, et al. 2004.). 8-23 melt cast process (MCP) for BSCCO-2212, these are manufactured by cutting superconducting tubes to bifilar coils. At the operation temperature of 65K a current density of 4000A/cm2 was achieved. In order to protect the superconductor during fault current limitation, the component was equipped with an electrical shunt contacted on its entire length. Single-phase tests were first completed with nine of these components in series, corresponding to a protected load of 1.2MVA. These initial tests include different types of short circuits as specified by the utilities within the project, and included lightning surge loads up to 75kV. In May 2004, it was announced that a successful implementation of the 10kV, 10MVA SFCL into the energy grid for RWE Energy was completed in Netphen near Siegen, Germany. Figure 8-29 Schematic Showing Keys Components of FCC and Location in Typical Network. V is the Voltage Source, L is the Source Inductance, Br is the Breaker, and BPS is the Bias Power Supply. From Waynert, et al. (2003) The field test was stopped after one year of Reliable operation and successful test (but no short circuit during that time) in March 2005. Up to date the CURL10 device has been the most powerful SCFCL ever tested in the field. Figure 8-31 depicts the device and the cold mass. Figure 8-30 An Example of the Response of the FCC to a Fault Applied at 0.18 s When the Phase Delay Angle is Set for 120 Degrees. For Times Less Than 0.18 s, the FCC Was Responding to a 1 MW Load (175 A Peak Current). From Waynert, et al. (2003) CURL10 The German government recently funded a resistive superconducting fault current limiter project known as CURL 10. This FCL is based on bulk material and aims at the development of a three-phase prototype for the medium voltage level (10kV, 10MVA). (Bock et al. 2004) The key element of the project is the development of suitable robust superconducting components. On the basis of the well-known Figure 8-31 CURL10 Device (a), With Cold Mass Removed From the Cryostat (b) Amongst the partners involved were (Bock et al. 2005): 8-24 • order to avoid hot spots during the current limitation phase. The loop inductance between the HTS element and the shunt is negligible and does not cause any measurable transient over voltage during the fast transition of the current from the HTS material to the shunt. However, the metallic shunt material limits the maximum electric field strength during the quench to approximately 0.6 V/cm. ACCEL as the project coordinator was responsible for cryostat, cooling and system integration. • Nexans SuperConductors developed and manufactured the superconducting components used in the test device (ATZ Adelwitz developed components based on an alternative material option YBCO). • The two largest German utilities, RWE and E.ON defined a set of specifications, organized the laboratory tests at FGH Mannheim, and RWE installed the demonstrator in the grid. • Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe supported the component development by testing and characterizing material and single components and contributed to the important electrical insulation. • In addition there was ATZ (YBCO development), EUS (power system simulation) and ACCESS (FEM simulation) as project partners. This project was funded by BMBF, the German ministry of education and research. As shown in Figure 8-32 the superconducting elements employed in the CURL10 device exhibit the following distinct features: • • Figure 8-32 CURL10 HTS Elements (EPRI 2005) Despite the very successful tests of the CURL10 device the developers conclude that “the challenge remains to develop a limiting system for the transmission level (100 kV) where alternative technologies are completely missing and an economically viable application is very likely. Although technically probably feasible, a system based on the presently developed components (bifilar coil) will not be viable from the economic point of view (3000 components for a 110 kV/350 MVA system and high voltage issues).” (Bock et al. 2005). But, very promising novel concepts based on magnetic switching of superconducting properties are in the development stage. The current flows in a bifilar coil structure, which is machined from the raw BSCCO 2212 tubes. This guarantees long conductor length for voltage build-up within a highly compact geometry. It also ensures a low-inductive design of the device required to minimize the voltage drop during normal operation. Along the entire length of the superconducting material it is bonded directly to a sheet-like shunt resistor made of a Cu/Ni-alloy in ABB’s Resistive SCFCL For over 10 years ABB Switzerland has pursued R&D on superconducting FCL 8-25 devices based on their own BSCCO 2212 material development. After the successful test of a shielded iron core type SCFCL in 1996 (see project description above) the R&D focused on the development of a resistive type FCL. Finally, in 2001 ABB tested its 6.4 MVA single-phase resistive SCFCL device at 8 kV in the ABB Power lab in Baden, Switzerland (Chen et al. 2002). Instead of tubes (as in the CURL10 device) this design used BSCCO 2212 HTS elements cast into plates and machined into a meander form. Stainless steel is used as the shunt material bonded to the HTS material for hot-spot prevention. Figure 8-33 depicts one of many single BSCCO 2212 meander plates (a), which compose a complete SCFCL module (b). Since 2001 no major development on SCFCL has been reported by ABB. for FCL applications. Apparently, the high cost for the YBCO thin film HTS elements make this technology economically unattractive. Figure 8-34 Siemens 1.25 MVA SCFCL CESI Project in Italy In 2003, an Italian R&D project named LIMSTAT and sponsored by CESI was started. It involved design, manufacturing and testing of superconducting FCL prototypes (See Figure 8-35). It is a resistive based design and the HTS elements are composed of BSCCO-23 and MgB2. They plan to develop a 400kVA 1-phase and 1MVA 3-phase prototypes. Short circuit testing has been carried out at CESI facility. Prospective symmetrical and asymmetrical fault currents 40 times larger than the nominal current value has been applied for 40-160 ms on single phase devices. As a result prospective short circuit current of 15 kA peak has been reduced to 800-2200 A in testing. Figure 8-33 ABB’s BSCCO 2212 Meander Plates (a) Are Stacked to Compact Modules (b) (EPRI 2005) SIEMENS Resistive SCFCL A 3-phase superconducting fault current limiter with 1.25 MVA protected power at a rated voltage of 7.2 kV and a rated current of 0.1 kA was built and tested by Siemens in 2003. Figure 8-34 depicts the device and its HTS components (Neumueller. 2004.). This device is based on YBCO thin film technology (Kraemer, et al. 2003.). Although this technology has proven to be very effective for FCL applications, Siemens has discontinued this project and does no longer pursue YBCO thin film technology 8-26 Figure 8-35 CESI SCFCL prototype Super-ACE Project in Japan One of the items included in the Superconductive AC Equipment (Super-ACE) project in Japan was development of a 66 kV/1 kA class high-Tc superconducting (HTS) fault current limiter (FCL) magnet (Figure 8-36). The design of the magnet and test results may be found in Yazawa et al, 2005. The magnet mainly consists of a vacuum vessel, a nitrogen bath, a pair of current leads, cryocoolers, and six sets of coils wound with Bi2223 tape. The rated current of the magnet is 750 A. The insulation voltage of the magnet is of the 66 kV class. In the final year of the project, all six sets of the coils are set connected in the cryostat and evaluation tests have been implemented. In the cooling test, sub-cooled nitrogen of 65 K was obtained, with homogenous temperature distribution in the cryogen. The rated current of 750 A was successfully obtained for both direct and alternating current tests. In addition, the magnet passed the simultaneous current and voltage application test. Finally, the dielectric test results showed that the magnet satisfied the insulation for 66 kV apparatus in the Japanese Electrotechnical Committee Standard (JEC) standard. Figure 8-36 66kV/750 A Magnet Matrix Fault Current Limiter Concept To address the market need for an economic transmission-level HTS FCL, the Matrix Fault Current Limiter (MFCL) was developed by SuperPower, in conjunction with Nexans. By using Melt-Cast Processed (MCP) BSCCO-2212 HTS elements, the MFCL provides a solution, which is more economical than many conventional solutions to breaker over-duty problems. Numerous utilities have expressed the need for a device that can economically address breaker over-duty problems in an overstressed transmission network. The MFCL employs “Matrix” technology that offers modular features to scale up to transmission voltage levels of 138kV. The MFCL consists of individual modules that contain High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) elements and an inductor connected in parallel that carries the current during the fault. The HTS elements consist of bulk BSCCO-2212 material, and are fabricated using Nexans’ Melt-Cast Process (MCP). A number of these modules are arranged in an M x N array to form the current limiting 8-27 matrix. The milestone driven program includes the fabrication of three prototypes, a proof-of-concept design, the Alpha prototype, and the Beta prototype, each with progressively higher ratings to scale up to the transmission voltage level. The Beta prototype will be designed to meet a specific utility (AEP) application and will be installed on a 138kV transmission grid for demonstration in 2007. Figure 8-37 Most Basic Configuration of MFCL Electrical Configuration of an MFCL As shown in Figure 8-37, the most basic form of an MFCL device includes a trigger matrix arranged between node A and node B in series with a current limiting matrix arranged between node B and node C. The primary function of a trigger matrix is, during a fault situation, to create a magnetic field that is sufficient enough to “trigger” the quenching of superconducting components in the current-limiting matrix. The primary role of the current-limiting matrix is to provide the majority of the overall required current-limiting impedance during the fault. Figure 8-38 Block Diagram of MFCL Matrices Figure 7-24 shows a schematic diagram of a current-limiting matrix that includes “m” number of current-limiting modules electrically connected in series between nodes B and C of an MFCL. Each module further includes “n” number of currentlimiting matrix elements (F-11 through F1n, ., F-m1 through F-mn) electrically connected in parallel. The current-limiting matrix is therefore an m x n matrix. Each current-limiting matrix element includes a parallel electrical arrangement of a superconductor R and an inductor L. For example, current-limiting matrix element F11 of module 1 includes a superconductor R arranged in parallel with an inductor L . As another example, current-limiting matrix element F-mn of module m includes a superconductor Rmn arranged in parallel with an inductor Lmn. A most important feature of the MFCL design is the passive way magnetic field is generated to “trigger” the quenching of the superconducting elements Figure 8-38 illustrates a high-level block diagram of the MFCL comprising of a “1 x N” (column x row) trigger matrix and an “M x N” current-limiting matrix. The trigger matrix includes “n” number of trigger matrix elements (T-1 through T-n) while the current limiting matrix contains “m” number of current-limiting modules. Each currentlimiting module consists of “n” number of current-limiting elements (F-11 through F1n... F-m1 through F-mn). Each trigger matrix element is to trigger “m” number of current-limiting elements that have the same row number. For example, trigger element T-1 is to “trigger” current-limiting elements F-11 through F-m1 in modules 1 through m. 11 11 8-28 in the current-limiting matrix. This feature is embedded in the physical relationships of the elements relative to one another, of superconductors and inductors within the trigger and current-limiting matrices. The superconducting components in an MFCL device are in the form of noninductive tubes. The inductors are fabricated from non-superconducting electrically conductive materials, in this case copper, and are formed solenoid coils. The MFCL matrix assembly is housed in a cryostat that contains liquid nitrogen. The superconductors in the MFCL device are maintained at the superconducting state by being cooled to below their critical temperature, with cooling provided within the cryostat supported by external cryocoolers. • • • Proof-of-Concept MFCL Design Figure 8-39 Schematic of MFCL Current Limiting Matrix Design Requirements Several other observations can be made regarding the features and design concerns of an MFCL device: • operation. This makes fast recovery of an MFCL device to its superconducting state more attainable. It also protects the superconductor elements from thermal damage. The simultaneous triggering of all superconducting components in the current-limiting matrix ensures that the voltage is evenly distributed across each superconducting component. Overcurrent allowance1 The number of rows in an MFCL is determined by the peak value of the normal operating current level (plus whatever level of overcurrent is to be considered). More rows can be added to increase the redundancy of the design so that if one or a few superconducting components fail, it will not cause a failure of the whole device, making an MFCL device highly reliable. In addition, the current limiting impedance required for a specific network primarily determines the number of columns in the current limiting matrix, making an MFCL design highly scalable. The overall impedance of the trigger matrix of an MFCL device during a fault also contributes to the currentlimiting impedance of the whole device. As discussed, the MFCL development program is divided into the demonstration of a series of hardware prototypes. The first demonstration, the proof-of-concept preprototype, is focused on demonstrating the current limiting performance of the matrix concept. Table 8-2 summarizes the electrical design requirements for the pre-prototype. The following design requirements were The parallel-connected inductors in the current limiting matrices act as shunts. The partial divergence of the surged current to the inductors serves to reduce the thermal energy the superconductors absorb during the current limiting phase of the MFCL 8-29 selected for demonstration: the proof-of-concept outer vacuum vessel. Heat is removed from the bath with two cryocoolers. The external connection is made to the matrix through a set of lead assemblies. The lead assembly penetrates the vacuum vessel and traverses a vacuum region and then penetrates the pressure vessel to connect to the matrix in the Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) bath. The singlephase cryostat is approximately 60 inches in diameter and 109 inches high. There is an additional 9 inches of height contributed by the bushings. The overall assembly weighs about 3 tons when filled with liquid. The cryostat is large enough to be refitted later with higher rated bushings up to 52kV, to support future tests as needed. The preprototype is presently fitted with 15kV bushings, which are small relative to the overall size of the device. Other than the lead assembly design, it is expected that the basic approach shown here will be followed in the subsequent Alpha and Beta designs. Table 8-2 Pre-Prototype MFCL Specifications Property Magnitude Line-to-line voltage 15 kV Load Current 800 Arms Prospective Fault Current (Symmetrical) 10 kA Prospective Fault Current (Asymmetrical) 25 kA Phase-to-ground voltage 8.66 kV Overcurrent allowance1 20 % Limited Fault Current (Symmetrical) 8 kA Fault duration 3 cycles For a nominal operating current of 800A rms, the corresponding peak current is 800 * •2 = 1130A peak. The critical current level of the HTS is specified to allow for 20% over-current or 1.2 * 1130 = 1350A peak 1 An overview of the selected When a fault occurs, the design is MFCL is expected to the provided here demonstrate capability to provide with current limiting before additional detail to the first peak of the fault follow on the asymmetrical current. respective subsystems in the sections below. Figure 8-40 shows the main internal components of the pre-prototype device. The matrix of HTS elements and parallelconnected inductors are contained in the matrix assembly immersed in the liquid nitrogen bath in the cryostat. The cryostat consists of an inner pressure vessel and Figure 8-40 Pre-Prototype MFCL for Proof of Concept Demonstration Matrix Design Considerations In order to meet the system requirements for the MFCL pre-prototype, the MFCL matrix design must address several major issues: • 8-30 HTS element design characterization, including: and which amounts to about 1130A. The critical current level of the HTS tubes was specified as greater than 1350A to allow for 20% of over-current that may occur in the grid. During a fault, the current exceeds the tube’s critical current level and the tube transitions to its resistive state, creating a voltage drop across the element and achieving a certain level of current limiting performance. Therefore, to accurately characterize the voltage development across the HTS tube under various transport-currents is of most importance to an HTS FCL design. Such a relationship is usually expressed in terms of electric field vs. current density of the HTS component, which is dependent on the critical temperature of the HTS material, the operating temperature, and the self- and external- magnetic field. Figure 8-41 shows such a relationship measured by Nexans, for a MCP BSCCO-2212 rod with a 5mm diameter. – Voltage development of HTS element under fault current and magnetic field – Mechanical strength of HTS element Electrical design of the HTS current • limiting matrix • Thermal design of the matrix assembly, including: – Minimization of heat generation from the components of the matrix Mechanical design of the matrix • assembly, including: – Electromagnetic force due to fringe magnetic field and coupling within the multicomponent assembly – Thermal-mechanical stresses due to application of materials having different thermal characteristics The following section of this report will give brief descriptions of the design considerations given to these issues. HTS Element Design and Characterization HTS elements in tube configuration fabricated from bulk BSCCO-2212 material were selected for the MFCL pre-prototype design. Nexans SuperConductors, GmbH manufactured these tubes in Germany, using a Melt-Cast Process (MCP). A description of the process and the elements are given in a later section. Consideration must be given to the voltage development across the HTS element under fault current and magnetic field. An HTS tube acts as a “variable resistance” in an FCL application, as described above. During normal operation, when the current in the tube is below its critical current level, it is fully superconducting, without any voltage drop across the element. For a normal operating current of 800A rms for the pre-prototype, the corresponding peak current is 800A*•2 Figure 8-41 Magnetic Field Impact on U(l) Characteristics of the Elements The individual HTS tube elements were tested extensively and their current limiting performance characterized in detail under various and repeated fault conditions by Nexans. The elements exhibit excellent characteristics in areas such as fast transition from superconducting state to resistive state, substantial voltage development during initial fault current rise, and consistent voltage development during the course of 8-31 current limiting well beyond the 3 cycle period specified. Figure 8-42 shows one example of the test results for one typical element sample. In addition, extensive testing was conducted using a small mockup assembly incorporating multiple HTS element and shunt modules to obtain the voltage development characteristics under various fault current level and magnetic field, details of which are described below under CAPS tests. where Tc is the critical temperature of BSCCO 2212 in K. With a = 39.23668, b = 0.856427 and c = 0.004673. E is in mV/cm, J in A/cm2, and T in K. Figure 8-43 shows the results of this work plotted against the actual test data. Further work was carried out to obtain a much more accurate analytical description of the test data, the plot of which is shown in Figure 8-44. Figure 8-42 Quench Tests on Elements To assist the design of the MFCL matrix assembly, an accurate analytical model of the behavior of the HTS tube is also of critical importance. One important aspect of such an analytical model is to simulate the HTS element voltage development at different current levels. This relationship, as pointed out earlier, is usually expressed in terms of the electric field E (the voltage across the HTS element divided by the total length) vs. current density J (total current divided by the cross section of the HTS element). Some work in this area has been done. The following is an example of the analytical formula in published literature by Cha: ( E( J ,T ) = a + b ⋅ T + c ⋅ T 2 )⋅ 10 2 (T −89 ) Figure 8-43 BSCCO-2212 E-J Curve of Published Results vs. Measured Data During the The mechanical strength of normal HTS elements is also a operation, the current consideration in the design. limiting phase and subsequent re-cooling period after the fault, the HTS element will be subjected to substantial stress. This comes mainly from two sources. One is the thermalmechanical stress associated with the HTS element being heated up during the fault and being cooled down afterwards. This creates a cycle of thermal expansion and contraction causing stress to the element. Another source of stress comes from the electromagnetic force due to electric current ⎛T ⎞ 1+ 40 ln ⎜ c ⎟ ⎝T ⎠ ⋅J Eq. 8-3 8-32 matrix assembly is the trigger circuit, which is represented by the block. All of the other components shown in the diagram are part of the external test circuit. The matrix is physically connected to the external test circuit via the lead assembly described earlier. The matrix assembly contains all 36 current limiting modules and the trigger circuit. The selection of component values for this final design of this matrix for the pre-prototype incorporates the current limiting behavior of individual HTS element and considerations from the multi-module mock-up matrix test results. in the HTS element interacting with the surrounding magnetic field. To address these stress issues, mechanical stabilization techniques were developed. A specially designed connection mechanism and soldering techniques were also developed to enable reliable interconnects between the HTS tube, its mechanical stabilizer and the copper connector. The main challenge in developing such an interconnection is to ensure good electrical contacts among all components, reduced stress on the HTS element, and also to achieve very low contact resistance to reduce the burden to the overall cryogenic subsystem of the pre-prototype. Figure 8-45 Simplified Electrical Schematic for PrePrototype Matrix Development of MFCL Elements Description of Elements for the Proof-ofConcept Prototype Nexans started designing and manufacturing the tubes in August 2003. It was decided to select tubes with an OD of 26 mm as the basic element. The requirements were thin walls, long HTS length, low ohmic contact resistance, high Jc, excellent Jc - uniformity. Moreover, the tubes would need stabilization in order to withstand the strong short circuit requirements with respect to Lorentz forces. Figure 8-44 Simulation of E-J Curve vs. Test Data Electrical Design The current limiting matrix provides the bulk of the current limiting impedance required to achieve the performance specification listed in Table 8-2. The matrix for the proof-of-concept pre-prototype contains 36 current limiting modules connected in series as shown in the schematic in Figure 8-45. Each module consists of an HTS element with a shuntconnected inductor. Also included in the A machining process for the inner and outer surface of the tubes could be developed within a very short timeframe. This process of thinning the ceramic down to a wall thickness of 1.5mm is very sensitive from the mechanical point of view. First, shorter 8-33 tubes with a length of 10 cm were developed. After designing and manufacturing the suitable copper contacts, a first approach for stabilization was made. About thirty elements were fabricated for the first series of tests at Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS). As a consequence of these tests the stabilization had to be redesigned. Nexans developed new stabilization based on a completely new concept during November 2003. More then thirty samples were produced for the second round of tests at CAPS in December 2003. The tests were 100% successful and confirmed in an impressive way the validity of the new approach for stabilization. In the beginning of 2004 this design was scaled up to tubes of 21cm length, which were needed for the proof-of-concept prototype. Figure 8-46 Elements for the Proof-of-Concept PrePrototype The typical contact resistance is 0.3 µΩ per contact at this development step. The material inhomogeneity (differences in the critical current Ic) within one sample and the scatter between different samples was, in any case, less than 10%. The actual design of the elements, which meet the requirements for the proof-ofconcept prototype, is shown in Figure 8-46. The design is easy to adapt for other rated currents and voltages since it is simple to manufacture and simple to adapt the specific application requirements. The normalconducting coil around the HTS tube generates the parallel magnetic field, which drives the superconductor in a uniform way into the normal-conducting state during a short circuit event. This normal conducting trigger coil is part of the MFCL matrix element. The high mechanical forces during the short circuit and different thermal expansion of the BSCCO ceramic, the stabilization and the copper contacts during cooling are a challenge for the element design. The design meets all requirements, at least in single element tests, as verified during numerous short circuit tests on small and longer samples. Resistivity was measured at up to 470K on a 10mm rod, providing information about the material resistivity up to higher temperatures. The material must withstand high temperatures during the limiting event. Figure 8-47 shows that the resistivity of BSCCO-2212 is linear up to 470K. As shown in Figure 8-46 the critical current density of the MCP-BSCCO-2212 material increases by a factor of approximately three between 77K and 66K. The critical current, and also the rated current, can be adapted by changing the cross-section of the tube. Considering a safety factor of 20%, the critical current for one element must be around 1400A for a rated current of 800A rms. The same design could be used up to 2400A rms just by reducing the operation temperature. 8-34 • Figure 8-47 Resistivity vs. Temperature for a 10mm Rod • Magnetic Field Impact on the MCP-2212 Material Electromagnetic between coils HTS material characterization interference properties The major advantage of BSCCO-2212 compared to all other HTS materials is that its critical current can be much more effectively influenced by external magnetic fields. This property is essential for the magnetic field triggered MFCL concept. The magnetic field impact is shown previously in Figure 8-41. The right blue curve is the U-I curve under self-field conditions. The additional curves are measured on an MFCL tube under a parallel constant DC field. The magnetic impact is huge at low E-fields. The magnetic field impact under perpendicular field is almost the same. Test Circuit and Plan Overview Proof-of-Concept Test Results Figure 8-48 shows the schematics of the test circuit used for testing the pre-prototype MFCL. Testing of the pre-prototype MFCL was conducted at KEMA PowerTest, which is the largest short circuit test facility in the United States. The lab is located near Philadelphia in Chalfont, PA. KEMA employs two generators with ratings of 1000MVA and 2250MVA that are designed to provide short circuit test current up to 63kA. The KEMA test facility was originally designed to test 138kV circuit breakers and is well suited to test requirements needed for the MFCL development. Test Objectives The focus of the MFCL proof-of-concept testing was the verification of the current limiting performance of the device. This was verified in a hardware test environment that is representative of the actual power system conditions. The data collected from the test was used to evaluate the performance and to improve the simulation accuracy and capability of the MFCL analytical models. The following performance factors were evaluated: • • • • • • Figure 8-45 shows the circuit of the current limiting matrix in the MFCL device, which electrically is similar to what was tested at CAPS, but in this case has 36 current limiting modules connected in series. The test system consists of the short circuit power source capable of providing a prospective symmetrical rms current of 10kA (asymmetrical peak fault current around 25kA), at voltages up to 8660Vrms. The supply has the capability to vary both voltage and system source impedance to control the voltage and short circuit current of the MFCL assembly. Figure 8-49 shows the expected current limiting at the first peak, based on the system X/R ratio of 30 for the test system at KEMA. This plot shows the ratio of the limited current to the prospective test current. The MFCL was tested up to approximately 25kA prospective peak symmetrical fault current. Figure 8-49 shows that first peak current limiting performance ranges from approximately 85 Current limiting performance Current sharing between HTS elements and trigger and shunt coils Dynamic voltage and current limiting resistance development, R = f(B, T, J) Speed of superconducting-to-normal transition under fault current condition Current transfer speed Effects of trigger magnetic field 8-35 to 70 percent for 25kA prospective peak current, depending on the input voltage. The current limiting test procedure was divided into three current level regions, based on the prospective peak fault current ranges of 15kA, 20kA and 25kA. These prospective peak fault current values were set by adjusting the system impedance for a test system voltages ranging from 480Vrms to 8660Vrms line to neutral voltages. The lower voltages, from 480V to 2400V, were used when testing in an open bath environment. All tests at 4160Vrms and 8660Vrms were conducted in the MFCL cryostat. Figure 8-50 MFCL Cryostat in KEMA Test Cell The test circuit in Figure 8-48 offers flexibility in the application of the fault and the ability to provide load current before and after the faults. The typical switching sequence is as follows: 1. Start short circuit fault simulation with Backup CB, Aux CB #1, #2, and #3 closed at time T0 2. Main Closing Switch (MS) closes the system supply voltage at pre-defined switching angle of the voltage signal, at time T1 ± 0.5 ms 3. All CBs stay closed for the duration of the short circuit fault in multiples of 1/2 cycles Figure 8-48 KEMA Power Test Circuit and Switching Sequence 4. Auxiliary Vacuum CB (Aux CB #3 ) opens (clears) the short circuit fault after a pre-set clearing time controlled by a pre-trigger control signal at multiples of 1/2 cycle and at current zero crossing, at time T2 5. After pre-defined load current duration (Post-Fault Recovery time), all CBs open at time T3, (sequence depends on KEMA's preferred setting) Figure 8-49 Expected First Peak Current Limiting as a Function of Current and Input Voltage 8-36 prospective fault levels of 17kA to 25kA asymmetrical first peak, and again at 8660VAC input voltage. Table 8-3 summarizes the typical level of current limiting achieved during these tests, which is in line with the expected performance of the device. The cryostat system operated as planned during the 74K sub-cooled tests, and achieved a stable steady state subcooled cryogenic operating environment and fast recovery to normal cryogenic operating environment after fault. Figure 8-51 to Figure 8-56 show all the recorded waveforms. 6. If pre-fault load current is required, the switching sequence uses MS (closing switch) to close before Aux CB #2, and Aux CB #2 with a timing tolerance of ± 2.0ms will be used to simulate the short circuit fault by closing at T1 ± 2.0110ms. The test program is broken into two main test phases, testing in an open LN2 bath and testing in the MFCL cryostat. Testing the HTS matrix assembly in an open LN2 bath provides ease of access to change parts and reconfigure test circuits and results in faster speed in testing. The conditions for these tests are: Table 8-3 Results at 4160Vrms and 8660Vrms at 74K and 1Atm Pressure • Constant temperature at 77 K and at 0.1MPa (atmospheric pressure) • Easy ability to make voltage and current measurement - record waveforms • Test under variable fault current levels (15kA to 20kA) • Test at low system voltages up to 2.4kV The test conditions in the cryostat are: • • • • System Voltage[kV rms] Number of cycles 1st Peak Prospective Current [kA] 1st Peak Limited Current [kA] 1st Peak Voltage across assembly [kV] 1st Peak Ratio of Limited to Prospective Current [%] 3rd Peak Ratio of Limited to Prospective Current [%] 5th Peak Ratio of Limited to Prospective Current [%] 4.16 3.0 17.2 16.4 1.47 95.35 76.62 64.79 4.16 3.0 20.2 18.2 5.15 90.10 58.89 53.01 4.16 3.0 25.6 20.2 6.16 78.91 50.88 46.15 8.66 3.0 17.6 17.0 4.23 96.59 77.78 70.67 8.66 3.0 20.2 18.6 6.16 92.08 72.83 64.71 8.66 3.0 25.6 21.4 7.61 83.71 64.32 55.91 Variable temperature between 74K and 77K Variable pressure 0.1MPa and 0.3MPa System voltage at 4160V and 8660V Variable prospective peak fault current levels (15kA to 25kA) Test Results in Cryostat at 74K Figure 8-51 Current Limiting at 4160Vrms, 17.2kA Prospective Fault @ 74K Figure 8-50 shows the fully assembled and integrated cryostat system ready for test. There were two sets of tests with the fully integrated MFCL cryostat system, one at 77K and one at subcooled temperatures of 74K. System tests were conducted at 4160VAC and 8660VAC input voltage for both temperatures. First, during the 74K tests, three faults were applied at 4160VAC input with three cycle durations and 8-37 Figure 8-52 Current Limiting at 4160Vrms, 20.2kA Prospective Fault @ 74K Figure 8-55 Current Limiting at 8660Vrms, 20.2kA Prospective Fault @74K Figure 8-56 Current Limiting at 8660Vrms, 25.6kA Prospective Fault @74K Figure 8-53 Current Limiting at 4160Vrms, 25.6kA Prospective Fault @ 74K Figure 8-57 Cryostat System Performance Figure 8-54 Current Limiting at 8660Vrms, 17.6kA Prospective Fault @74K Figure 8-57 shows the temperature profile of the LN2 during the time period over which the 74K short circuit test program was conducted. The measurement was made in three regions, at the top, center and bottom of the region in the lower portion of the pressure vessel. The faults that were applied over this time frame are noted along the time line. There were notable temperature changes at the higher energy 8660Vrms, 8-38 20kA and 25kA tests. In all cases, the bath temperature stabilized within 15 to 20 minutes, indicating the stable operation of the cryostat. accuracy and capability Verify operation at sub-cooled conditions From this profile, it can be inferred that there are strong thermal convection effects in the bath to stabilize the temperature. Objective Achieved Comment/Status Verify current limiting performance Yes Very good current limiting achieved in all tests Verify current sharing between HTS elements and trigger and shunt coils Yes Measurements taken on select elements in low voltage open bath tests Dynamic voltage and current limiting resistance development, R = f(B, T,J) Yes Measurements taken on select elements in low voltage open bath tests Speed of superconductingto-normal transition under fault current condition Yes Measurements taken on select elements in low voltage open bath tests Effects of trigger magnetic field Partial Ongoing, additional testing forthcoming Electromagnetic interference between coils Partial Ongoing, additional testing forthcoming HTS material properties characterization Partial Additional R&D needed to understand some of the element failures during the tests Obtain test data to improve simulation Yes Able to improve analytical model so calculated Yes Very good cryostat performance Test Summary Table 8-4 summarizes the accomplishments made during these tests, during which the MFCL proof-of-concept was successfully demonstrated. As the table shows, the majority of the key objectives of the test program were met. Further work, particularly in the area of the HTS material development, is scheduled to further understand why some of the HTS elements failed during the tests. Table 8-4 Summary of Key Test Objectives Test result matches actual result Recovery Performance The proof-of-concept tests have shown that the MFCL provides rapid current limiting during the fault. During the fault, the HTS material heats up, and must cool back down to return to a superconducting state before the device is invisible to the system again. The use of the parallel inductor in the MFCL concept helps to minimize the amount of current that the HTS material must carry during the fault. However, even though the parallel inductor predominantly carries the fault current, the current in the HTS results in heating of the material. The time to return to a superconducting state is typically termed the “recovery” period. The cooldown period is proportional to the amount of time that the material was heating up during the fault, both in terms of the duration and the magnitude of fault current. The length of the recovery period will also be a function of the conditions under which the recovery must take place. In other applications, the MFCL device will not be carrying any current during the recovery, which will result in the fastest recovery period. In some applications, the MFCL will have to carry nominal load current during 8-39 the recovery, which will provide some constant level of background heat generation in the device that will lengthen the recovery period. In this case, the HTS elements are not bypassing the parallel inductors, so the MFCL will present some impedance to the system during this recovery. This may result in system performance concerns due to the impact of the MFCL impedance present during the recovery period. The concern about the reliability of HTS elements has been addressed by the development of 2nd generation hightemperature superconducting wires (2G HTS conductors) by Superpower. The evaluation results of the use of 2G HTS wires for the FCL applications are presented in (Xie et al. 2006). The test set-ups that were used for performing a series of low power and high power tests are shown in Figure 8-58 and Figure 8-59. As part of the future work, formal studies will be performed to determine acceptable recovery periods for the potential applications of the MFCL. Preliminary discussions with utilities have indicated that the presence of the MFCL impedance during the recovery may not be an issue of concern, since the device will typically be employed in strong systems, where the short circuit current level is high. The primary case study is when the MFCL is connected in series with a generator to limit its contribution to the fault current. This case will be studied to determine if the presence of the MFCL impedance after the fault may cause instability in the operation of the generator. In addition to determining the application recovery requirements, additional development will be performed on minimizing the recovery period. Figure 8-58 Lab-scale Test setup (Xie et al. 2006) Project Update – DOE Annual peer review, 2006 The latest status of the MFCL project has been presented in (DOE Annual peer review, 2006). Since middle of 2005, the program had been placed on Reduced Effort Status due to the following reasons. • Concerns about the reliability of the melt cast BSCCO-2212 elements • Need for a partner with high voltage expertise • Escalating program cost Figure 8-59 Assembly of elements for high voltage test (Xie et al. 2006) It was concluded from the results of these tests that 2G-HTS conductors provide superior current limiting performance, faster response and faster recovery times in comparison to MCP-BSSCO elements that 8-40 were used in pre-alpha prototype. Table 8-5 provides the quantitative comparison of the performance. Controlled LC Resonance Circuits In all of power electronic based FCL systems described so far semiconductor switches had to be turned off in order to initiate the fault current limiting sequence. This requires that the switches carry the continuous load current which causes continuous operating losses. Alternatively, in LC resonance link circuits the power electronic switches may be off during normal operation and only turned on in order to limit the fault current. In the FCL series resonance link circuit shown in Figure 8-60 the limiting inductor LL and the compensating capacitor CC are forming a series resonance circuit at the power frequency (e.g. 60 Hz). Therefore, the total impedance of LL and CC is negligible during normal operation. If a fault occurs, the thyristor switch bypasses the capacitor and therefore detunes the resonance circuit which leaves the impedance of LL to limit the fault current. Table 8-5 High-power current limiting performance Parameter 2G HTS Conductor MCPBSCCO Prospective Current (KA) 90 80 Limited Current (KA) 32 40 Current through element (kA) 3 25 Response time (ms) <1 4-5 Element quality range Narrow Broad The need for the partner with high voltage expertise was fulfilled by SEI joining the program. They would contribute their HV expertise in the design, development and manufacturing of bushing and cryostat electrical distribution system. The program has got further technical boost by the addition of BOC in the team. BOC would lead the design and development of cryogenic system including instrumentation and overall system monitoring. Several systems based on this principle have been built with rated voltages up to 145 kV and rated currents up to 1.3 kA for demonstration purposes (CIGRE 2003). However, using the series resonance link solely for the purpose of fault current limitation is not economically attractive, especially because of the large size and weight of the passive components. The program is poised to restart at full pace but the estimated cost of the project has been revised from $12.2 M to $23.6 M. Also, the completion date of the project has been moved to July, 2009. The detailed schedule of the program may be found in (DOE Annual peer review, 2006). Other Technologies In addition to the conventional and emerging technologies (Solid-state based, Superconductor based) discussed so far in this chapter, there have been additional efforts in the fault limiter applications. Figure 8-60 Principle of the FCL Series Resonance 8-41 Liquid Metal FCL In the past, liquid metal (LM) fault current limiter concepts have made use of the socalled pinch-effect to break the circuit. The pinch-effect is caused by high current densities in a current constriction formed by the liquid metal (typically a non-toxic liquid metal alloy of Gallium, Indium, and Tin with a melting temperature around 10 degrees Celsius). The high magnetic field in the constriction causes it to constrict further and eventually rapture and evaporate. The subsequent arc is finally used to build up voltage and limit the current. Figure 8-61 Principle of the Liquid Metal FCL a)normal operation, b) limiting Series Compensator A method to control a power convertorbased series compensator (SC) has been proposed that would allow it to be used as a FCL (Choi, et al. 2005). This additional functionality of the fault current limiting for downstream faults in SC is obtained through the magnitude and phase control of its injection voltage. Thus, SC can be modified to serve the dual purpose of voltage restoration for upstream faults and current limiting for downstream faults. A schematic diagram of such a dual-function SC is shown in Figure 8-62. Most recently, ABB Corporate Research Center in Switzerland developed a new type of FCL with liquid metal capillaries that do not utilize the pinch effect and do not develop an arc. When a fault occurs, the liquid metal is magnetically driven into the capillary which consists of walls made of high resistive material as shown in Figure 8-61. After the fault is cleared (typically by a up- or downstream circuit breaker) the liquid metal returns quickly back between the high conductive contacts, thus resets the FCL automatically. The ABB researchers demonstrated successful voltage build up of almost 100 V per capillary at currents of up to 2.7 kA (Schoft et al, 2005). A large number of series and parallel-connected capillary could potentially be used to build FCL devices for medium and high voltage applications. However, currently, not enough information is publicly available to assess the potential of this technology for HV applications appropriately. RR Figure 8-62 Structure of Dual-Function SC (Choi, et al. 2005) Power circuit in the figure is required for the normal voltage restoring functionality of the 8-42 SC. The desired mitigation function is achieved through the voltage injection by the Power Convertor-based System (PCS) shown in the figure. Operation Mode Selector in the Control Circuit makes the selection for one of the following modes of operation: voltage restoration, fault current limiting and stand-by mode. The decision is based on the measurements of the line current and PCC voltage. Under normal conditions, SC is in stand-by mode. In the case of a downstream fault, PCC voltage is decreased and the line current is increased. This causes SC to depart from stand-by mode to fault current limiting mode. On the other hand, upstream fault results in the reduction of both the PCC voltage and the line current resulting in SC to enter the voltage restoration mode. The FCL functionality of the SC has been demonstrated by simulating the test system described in Figure 8-63 and Table 8-6 using MATLAB. A single-phase fault was simulated in the downstream and the PCC voltage and line current have been plotted in the absence (Figure 8-64) and presence (Figure 8-65) of FCL functionality in the SC. Distribution supply voltage 11 kV Injection transformer turns-ratio 1:1 DC link voltage 15.5 kV Filter capacitor 48 uF Filter inductor 0.2 mH Figure 8-65 PCC voltage and line current- With FCL function Table 8-6 System Parameters in Simulation Model Values 30 ohms Figure 8-64 PCC voltage and line current- Without FCL function Figure 8-63 SC connected Distribution System (Choi, et al. 2005) Parameter Equivalent source reactance This technology has been demonstrated only by simulations so far and the author is unaware of any practical developments. Reactor and Compensating capacitor based 8-43 Approach Another FCL approach consists of a transformer-type reactor in parallel with a compensating capacitor (Zhang, et al. 2005). This approach is much simpler and economical in comparison to the superconducting and solid-state based FCLs. The simplified diagram of such a device is shown in Figure 8-66. Figure 8-66 FCL based on Reactor and Compensation capacitor (Zhang, et al. 2005) Figure 8-67 Line Current Waveforms - a) Without FCL and b) With FCL (Zhang, et al. 2005) The desired regulation of the inductive reactance of the reactor for the purpose of fault current limiting is achieved by a discharge gap (DG) connected to its secondary windings. Under normal conditions, DG does not breakdown causing the secondary circuit of the reactor to be open-circuited. Under such conditions, the inductive reactance of the reactor is given by the magnetizing reactance which is much higher than the capacitive reactance. As a result, reactor has almost no effect on the current flow. During a fault, DG breakdowns and the secondary of the reactor is short-circuited. The resultant impedance of the FCL serves to limit the fault current. The current limiting effect has been demonstrated by transient analysis using EMTP (Figure 8-67). This technology too has been demonstrated only by simulations so far and the author is unaware of any practical developments. For the benefit of readers, a test circuit has been modeled on EMTP platform that can be used to demonstrate the response of various fault current limiting technologies like series reactor and superconducting FCL. This application description has been provided as an appendix to the chapter Comparison of FCL technologies The comparison of several of the emerging FCL technologies that have been covered in this chapter has been handled in EPRI 2005a. The findings of the survey are presented here. Losses 8-44 for such a duty with the penalties being potentially increased size (HTS material) and cooling power. YBCO thin film SCFLs were found to have less losses in comparison to BSCCO 2212 bulk material based SCFLs. Solid-state systems currently show higher losses in comparison to SCFCLs. With expected advances in solid-state materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) losses will decrease somewhat. Solid-state systems can be built easily with immediate recovery capability. Some additional cooling may be required for the semiconductor devices to allow for another fault limitation duty very shortly after the first fault has been limited. If resistors or MOV’s are used to absorb the bulk of the limitation energy those devices must be appropriately overrated in order to cope with multiple, subsequent fault events, a measure solid-state systems that use a superconducting DC bias coil may not require. Losses of FCLs based on mechanical contact systems, of course, show negligible losses. Finally, losses of FCL systems based on DC biased (superconducting) coils will be similar to those of other solid-state systems. Size Although, information given about size of prototype and/or test equipment is difficult to use for comparisons it appears that superconducting devices based on BSCCO 2212 bulk material yield a similar size per MVA as solid-state devices. YBCO thin film SCFCLs seem to be somewhat more compact. However, FCLs based on mechanical contact systems clearly are smaller in size. This is due to the negligible losses in mechanical contact systems which require substantially less cooling than solidstate breakers. FCL characteristic in the network Any of the novel technologies present only a negligible, (dominantly resistive) impedance in series to the line during normal operation. In case of a FCL actuation, SCFCLs will result in undistorted fault currents (follow current) except for the first half cycle where the current will be somewhat distorted from the sine waveform. After limitation the SCFCL appears as a linear impedance in the network (the quench itself is highly non linear). Whether this impedance is predominantly resistive or inductive depends primarily on the shunt impedance characteristic and therefore is a free design parameter. Since FCL systems based on DC biased (superconducting) coils will also utilize power electronic devices their size is likely to be similar if not larger than any of the other devices. Solid-state FCLs however can only rely upon phase angle control for the follow current which will cause substantial current distortion. This may have an impact on the protection relay coordination. Recovery A fundamental problem with superconducting FCLs is the recovery back to the low impedance state after a fault in order to continue service immediately after the fault has been cleared. While immediate recovery has not been demonstrated in any of the major demonstration projects so far it is, in principle, possible to design an SCFCL All the traditional means of reducing fault current levels essentially introduce an additional reactance into the system permanently. Exceptions are fuse-based devices which, if not shunted by a current limiting reactor, appear as an open circuit 8-45 after trigger (no follow current) and sequential tripping which does not affect the system impedance at all. Inductance (µH) Case Studies Air-core CLR in Brazil The successful experience of using current limiting reactors for limiting fault currents in Brazil is documented in Amon et al, 2005. FURNAS Experience The traditional practice in Brazilian utilities including FURNAS is the usage of CLR at tertiary windings of autotransformers that supply the auxiliary services at the transmission substations. The basic characteristics of 15 kV CLRs installed at FURNAS substations are shown in Table 8-7. In December of 1998, a CLR was installed at 362kV level by FURNAS. The characteristic of the CLR are shown in Table 8-8. Rated current (A) 2100 2600 Maximum voltage drop (kV, RMS) 18.9 52 Rated power (MVAr) 40 135 Rated short circuit current (kA, RMS) 25 10 Impulse insulation level (kV, peak) 1300 1550 Switching insulation level (kV, peak) 850 1180 Quality factor 300 400 Type of insulation external external ELETRONORTE’s Experience Eletronorte is a North Brazilian utility which has been using a CLR at HV substation in Tucurui power plant since July of 2004. The CLR is installed as coupling device between two switching substations as shown in Figure 8-68. The characteristics of the CLR are shown in Table 8-8. Table 8-7 Characteristics of 15 kV CLRs installed at FURNAS Substation Figure 8-68 Electronorte CLR Configuration Table 8-8 Characteristics of Funrnas and Electronorte CLR Furnas CLR Electronort e CLR Rated voltage (kV) 345 550/sqrt(3) Rated frequency (Hz) 60 60 Per phase 24000 53050 IEE Project in China In December of 2005, China’s Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE) announced that it has successfully demonstrated a superconducting fault current limiter application for the first time in a power grid in China. The device was fabricated in collaboration with the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry and Hunan Electric 8-46 Power Company utilizing High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) wire manufactured by American Superconductor Corporation. The device was installed in an electric substation near Changsha, the capital city of Hunan province. It has a voltage rating of 10.5 kilovolts and its normal operating current is 400 Amperes. Since it was put into operation in August 2005, it has instantaneously reduced three-phase, short circuit currents in the range of 3,500 Amperes down to 635 Amperes. Table 8-9 Number of Buses with Excessive Fault Currents Year 2005 2010 2017 Number of buses 8 29 29 The current practice is to upgrade the circuit breakers but KEPCO is investigating the following measures to limit the fault currents. • Bus-bar split • Current limiting reactor • SCFCL The equivalent circuit of the 345kV grid around the metropolitan area is shown in Figure 8-69. In the figure, substation A is the location where the fault current limiting measures have been investigated. Simulations were performed using TSAT and VSAT by Powertech. Four kinds of faults were simulated (two on bus B3 and two in remote areas from B3). SCE Distribution Circuit of future SCE has an advanced protection project which has following objectives. • Improve the detection and isolation of circuit faults on the distribution system to minimize customer interruptions in both frequency and duration. • Design and test new protection methods with and without a fault current limiter. • In addition, new fault sensing and prediction techniques will be studied and tested on the SCE Distribution Circuit of the future The outside parties in the project include DOE, ORNL, EPRI, Intelligrid, CEC and KEMA consulting. The test circuit is a 12 kV Avanti circuit located in San Bernadino, California. The circuit would have about 23 kA fault duty and serve nearly 2000 customers. They plan to use EPRI solid state or superconducting FCL. Figure 8-69 Equivalent Circuit of KEPCO’s 345 kV grid Korean Electric Power Grid Fault current limiting measures in KEPCO’s 345 kV grid are presented in (Lee et al. 2006). The fault current levels have been increasing steadily and the number of substations where the fault current levels are expected to exceed the installed interrupting rating of 40 kA is shown in Table 8-9. The transient stability evaluation index ( ) was computed for these faults using the following expression: 8-47 η= Adec − Ainc Adec practices. Despite its poor performance in comparison to SFCL, CLR is being considered as a preferred solution due to the commercial unavailability of SFCL at 345 kV level. Where, Adec =Decreasing kinetic energy Ainc =Increasing kinetic energy Summary and Recommendations The system is considered stable if the value of is found to be greater than zero. The summary of the findings are shown in Table 8-10. At several locations in power system, employing some kind of fault current limiting measures is necessary to avoid costly system upgrades. There are additional benefits to system if fault current levels can be reduced. The conventional methods that are currently in practice are effective to an extent but have their limitations and drawbacks. Table 8-10 Transient Stability Evaluation Index (unit :%) Fault Type FCL CLR Bus-split Remote Fault I 52.02 -4.86 -4.78 Remote Fault II -98.37 -80.11 -80 B3 bus Fault I 60.92 61.01 58.67 B3 bus Fault II -98.51 -86.03 -85.61 The fault current limiters that are based on novel technologies such as solid-state and superconducting materials are highly effective and efficient in theory. But, these FCLs are still in various stages of development and not grid-ready yet. Once ready for use, the next-generation FCLs are expected to find widespread applications in the transmission and distribution systems all over the world. Critical fault clearance time was also computed for these faults and the results are summarized in Table 8-11. The value of less than 0.1 s for critical clearance time means that the system is unstable. Table 8-11 Critical fault Clearance Time (unit :sec) Fault Type FCL CLR Bus-split Remote Fault I 0.422 0.043 0.043 Remote Fault II 0.042 0.008 0.008 B3 bus Fault I 0.350 0.336 0.203 B3 bus Fault II 0.051 0.051 0.034 It is evident that FCL is the best option as far as the transient stability and critical fault clearance time is concerned. It was also found that FCL provides greater power transfer limit as compared to other practices. Use of CLR (29 ohms) is found to be medium favorable solution among the three 8-48 APPENDIX 8.1 EMTP Model for FCL Evaluation A test circuit explained in Appendix 4.2 has been modified to demonstrate the concept of fault current limiters in transmission systems (See Figure 8-70). EMTP is chosen as it is one of the most widely used programs for performing transient studies. The circuit represents a 2-bus transmission system and the system details are already explained in Appendix 4.2. The FCL module is an addition to the circuit. Double-clicking on the FCL module causes a scriptbox (Figure 8-71) to appear on the screen that may be used to select the various parameters. Selection = 1 : No FCL Selection = 2 : CLR in Service Selection = 3 : Superconducting FCL Line a a b b kv = 230 c c FCL Breaker Selection =3 + + RL2 + AC kv = 230 2 Fault 1 + +.2 8 R_RELAYB + R_LEADN R_LeadB +.2 R_LEADC .2 + 1 1 + CT_B CT_C 2 2 CT_A + R_leadA +.2 + 8 + R_RELAYA SRC2 RL1 R7 + 1e-6 AC + SW2 + -1| .183| 0 SW1 ?i + .1|1E15|0 SRC1 8 R_RELAYC Figure 8-70 FCL Evaluation Circuit Parameter Description of FCL Module • Select : User has three options for this parameter and are explained below. o Select = 1 ; FCL action is disabled o Select = 2; Current Limiting Reactor (CLR) is used for fault limiting action o Select = 3; Superconducting based FCL is enabled • KV_DROP: Maximum voltage drop in the CLR • MVAR: MVAr rating of the CLR • Rsc: Parallel resistance in a superconducting FCL 8-49 Figure 8-71 Script Box for FCL module FCL Module disabled For this selection, the simulation of the test circuit yields the following plots for the currents in CT primaries and secondaries (Figure 8-72). It is seen from the plots that without FCL the maximum value of the first peak after the fault is nearly 12 kA and currents in CT secondaries are distorted due to saturation. 8-50 Figure 8-72 CT Currents –Without FCL Current Limiting reactor in Service Figure 8-73 CT Currents –With CLR 8-51 CT currents corresponding to the use of current limiting reactor (50 MVAR) are shown in Figure 8-73. It is found that the first peak after fault gets reduced from 12.5 kA to about 9.7 kA. That corresponds to more than 20% drop in the maximum fault current peak. But, it is apparent from CT secondary current waveforms that current limiting reactor in this case was unable to prevent the saturation in the CTs. Superconducting FCL in Service CT currents corresponding to the use of superconducting based FCL (50 ohms parallel resistance) are shown in Figure 8-74. It is seen that the first peak after fault gets reduced to about 4kA in this case. Also, the reduction in fault current is sufficient to prevent the saturation in CTs as evident from the sinusoidal waveforms in CT secondary currents. It may be noted that very simplified model has been used for Superconducting FCL as the intent is to just demonstrate the principle of its operation. Figure 8-74 CT Currents –With Superconducting FCL 8-52 Processed BSCCO-2212 Superconductor under Self-Field," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 2028-2031. References 1. Amon F. J., P. C. Fernandez, E. H. Rose, A. D´Ajuz, A. Castanheira, 2005. “Brazilian Successful Experience in the Usage of Current Limiting Reactors for Short-Circuit Limitation,” Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST’05) in Montreal, Canada on June 19-23. 7. 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Boenig, et al, 2003, “Restoration and Testing of an HTS Fault Current Controller” IEEE Transactions on Applied 8-55 Increased power flow – This goal of utilities is also achievable by reduction in system impedance that can be made possible by the use of FCLs. 9 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FAULT CURRENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Stability— Use of fault current limiters allows higher short-circuit capacity during normal conditions. It results in higher steady as well as transient stability. System becomes stronger and experiences lesser perturbations. Reduced strain— Use of fault current limiters results in lower short-circuit capacity during fault conditions. It results in reduced thermal and mechanical strain on the system. Benefits of Fault Current Limiting The following are some of the benefits of fault current limiters in transmission and distribution systems: Failures—Cable thermal failures are less likely, and violent equipment failures are less likely. New Capacity - Fault current limiters could be applied to new capacity additions and/or “surgically” at strategic locations, such as substation bus ties, to effectively mitigate the fault current from multiple generation sources. This would provide a flexible tool that could be used to accommodate new capacity from generation or transmission, distributed or aggregate generation energy storage. Use of fault current limiters in coupling new generation (conventional and distributed) provides additional flexibility in choosing their location. Conductor burndowns—At the fault, the heat from the fault current arc burns the conductor enough to break it, dropping it to the ground. Faster clearing and lower magnitudes reduces the chance of burndowns. Damage of inline equipment—The most common problem has been with inline hot-line clamps. If the connection is not good, high-current fault arcs across the contacts can burn the connection apart. Faster clearing and lower magnitudes reduces the chances of such damage. Reduced losses – The desire of utilities to reduce the system losses could be fulfilled if the system impedance could be reduced without increasing the short circuit currents (Sjöström and Politano. 2001). This is possible by use of FCL devices in strategic locations in the system such as generation and transformer feeders. Evolving faults—Ground faults are more likely to become two- or three-phase faults with longer, higher-magnitude faults; current-limiting will reduce this probability. Underbuilt—Faults on underbuilt distribution are less likely to cause faults on the transmission circuit above due to rising arc gases with fault-current limiting. Reduced Rating – In case of newly planned networks, use of FCL can allow the selection of lower ratings for the equipment resulting in potential savings. Equipment ratings—Some substations have fault current levels near the maximum ratings of existing switchgear; additional 9-1 short-circuit current requires reconfigurations or new technology. Fault-current limiting can solve this. of multi-shot re-closure on generator buses, particularly as distributed generators are deployed at various voltage levels and locations across utility grids. Shocks—Step and touch potentials are less severe during faults. Conductor movement—Conductors move less during faults (this provides more safety for workers in the vicinity of the line and makes conductor slapping faults less likely). Current limiting reduces the energy at the location of the fault. This provides safety to workers and the public. Arc damage to life and property occurs in several ways: Pressure wave—The fault arc pressure wave damages equipment and personnel. Voltage sags—Current limiting reduces the depth of the voltage sag to customers on adjacent circuits. Heat—The fault arc heat burns personnel and can start fires. Coordination—Fuse coordination is easier. Fuse saving is more likely to work with lower fault currents. Pressure buildup in equipment—An arc in oil causes pressure buildup that can rupture equipment. Superconducting Cables - A fault current limiter added in series with a superconducting cable can improve the cable's performance and enable design of smaller cable sizes, as well as eliminate loss of superconducting cable operation during cryogenic recovery time following an external fault. The insulation system of a superconducting cable is likely to have limited strength because of the need for minimal mechanical cross section bracing spanning the vacuum segment. It may not be capable of handling the magnetic forces occurring in the worst case of a high current fault, particularly in transmission applications, which will draw fault currents from higher impedance parallel paths. It is believed that fault current limiter will be an essential, enabling adjunct to the regular use of superconducting cables. All of these effects are related to the arc energy and all are greatly reduced with current limiting. Economic Analysis for Conventional Solutions Figure 9-1 illustrates in a nutshell several of the practical solution options for the case in which added fault current contributions cause excessive duty on fault interrupting equipment. Not all of these solutions would have to be implemented for any particular case. This figure illustrates the various options and rounded-off estimates of the associated costs. The source data for these costs is derived from Table 9-3 and Table 9-4. Inrush Current - The Solid State Current Limiter has a unique capability to limit inrush current, even for capacitive loads, by gradually phasing in the switching device. This may be of particular benefit in mitigating stress on generator shafts, while preserving the reliability benefits 9-2 Replace Transformer $500K+ Add Line Reactors to Limit Fault Current $80K - 100K per feeder must be able to achieve the necessary BIL, which is sometimes a challenge. An alternative would be to install the line reactors after the breakers, taking the risk that a rare fault in the bus or a reactor will not yield maximum available fault current. This could reduce the cost of line reactors in some cases. Replace Breaker (If Possible) $50K each Replace Cutouts $200 each Reducing the fault current contribution from the utility source will protect both feeder circuit breakers and any fuses close to the substation. An alternative is to replace both with devices that can handle the increased fault current. This assumes that there are higher-rated breakers available. A typical breaker change-out cost is estimated to average approximately $50K with a range of $25K - $80K, depending on the style of breaker and rating. For reliability, buses are often switched to alternate sources during outages and for maintenance purposes. Therefore, all breakers on any bus to which new generation might be connected would have to be upgraded. The substation will typically have at least two three-phase breakers per bus with an average of perhaps four in the USA. In high load density areas, particularly those served by LV networks, there might be dozens of breakers that would have to be changed. Add Voltage Regulator to Compensate for Weaker Source $70K Figure 9-1 Some Options for Solutions to Excessive Fault Currents The solutions depicted either reduce the fault current contribution from the utility source or deal with the consequences of other solutions. The key element controlling the utility fault current contribution is the utility distribution substation transformer. Therefore, one obvious solution would be to replace the existing one with one of higher impedance. This might be practical for an aging substation that is due for replacement after 40-50 years of service. However, the cost is quite high to consider changing a younger transformer simply to allow more short circuit current margin for infeed. The replacement costs would typically total at least $500K and can easily exceed $1M per transformer in some cases. Fuses are relatively inexpensive at approximately $200 per site. If currentlimiting fuses are chosen, the cost could be higher. The number of fuses that have to be changed will vary considerably from one utility to another. The area of risk is typically 0.5 – 1.0 mile from the substation. Some utilities will have many fuses in this zone while others may typically have none. One concern of distribution engineers is that line operating personnel will have to exercise more caution when replacing blown fuses. If they are accustomed to carrying only one kind of fuse in the truck, there is a risk that they will replace a failed fuse with the wrong kind, creating a safety hazard While this seems like a high cost, other options are also expensive. Line reactors may be installed ahead of the utility breakers to limit the current seen by the breaker during faults. While this is a simple concept, there are many ancillary considerations. There frequently is insufficient space for these reactors in the substation as built. Therefore, there must be some rearranging of the buswork and, perhaps, moving of the existing breakers. The reactor installation 9-3 should the fuse explode during the re-fusing operation when the fault is still present. Table 9-1 and Table 9-2 show total costs of various options for modifying two relatively simple distribution system design: There can be consequences to measures to reduce the fault current contribution from the utility source. A significant one is that by making the source weaker, it becomes difficult to maintain adequate voltage at the ends of the feeder. This will require the addition of line voltage regulators, which could add as much as $70K in cost per installation. This cost is somewhat dependent on local utility practice and the circuit characteristics. The lower range on the cost for a regulator installation is approximately $25K for a smaller regulator. However, if the feeder is designed to be picked up from the other end in an emergency, a large regulator is required. 1. A single-transformer, substation, 2. A two-transformer, substation. 4-feeder 6 feeder For options that weaken the source, it is assumed that half the feeders will require the installation of voltage regulator banks to maintain adequate voltage at the ends of the feeders. These two examples use the lower range of cost estimates for substation transformer replacement, but that option is still the most expensive. In each of these cases, the option of changing out the circuit breakers at $50K each is the least costly. Of course, this assumes that it is possible to obtain the increased fault interrupting ratings. The margin between this option and the line reactor option is such that even if the cost of breaker change out is twice this estimated cost, this option will still be the least costly. Cost estimates typically ranged from $25K to $80K. One special type of breaker was $200K to replace. Thus, there can be quite a variation depending on the type of breaker employed. When ageing stations are upgraded, the cost of creating more margin for increased fault current contribution may be absorbed in the renovation cost with little incremental impact, if any. For example, newer breakers may have higher interrupting ratings. There is another issue that may preclude simply upgrading the feeder breakers in the substation. If the feeders have any customers with primary-side switchgear (e.g., those taking service at primary voltage), the interrupting ratings of their breakers and the 9-4 fault duty must also be considered. Some utilities with numerous large three-phase customers have indicated that they have made commitments that their fault current levels would never exceed a certain amount. Whether that exceeds breaker ratings or not, new generation can take the fault current magnitudes over those promised limits. Then the only remaining alternatives are those that reduce the contribution from the utility source. Table 9-1 Costs of Fault Current Limiting Options for Single-Transformer, 4-Feeder Substation Option When a greater margin cannot be economically obtained, the main recourse is to restrict the new generation to types that do not contribute significantly to fault currents on the primary feeder. Item No. Cost, ea, Total ($000) ($000) Replace Substation Transformer Transformer 1 $500 Voltage Reg. 2 $70 Total $500 $140 $640 Install Line Reactors Reactor Sets Voltage Reg. Total 4 2 $100 $70 $400 $140 $540 Replace Circuit Breakers Feeder Breakers Total 4 $50 $200 $200 Table 9-2 Costs of Fault Current Limiting Options for Two-Transformer, 6-Feeder Substation Option Item No. Cost, ea, Total ($000) ($000) Replace Substation Transformer Transformer 2 Voltage Reg. 3 Total $500 $70 $1,000 $210 $1,210 Install Line Reactors Reactor Sets Voltage Reg. Total 6 3 $100 $70 $600 $210 $810 Replace Circuit Breakers Feeder Breakers Total 6 $50 $300 $300 Cost Data Table 9-3 lists a range of cost estimates taken from a Distributed Generation (DG) cost survey of participating utility members (EPRI. 2005), which focus on mitigating the 9-5 effects of increased fault current duty. In addition, average unit cost data gleaned from public documents supplied for general rate cases in California and Connecticut are included for some items as a reference to confirm the cost values. The rate case unit cost data may tend to be loaded more heavily than job cost estimates depending on accounting procedures. Also, there is considerable variation in the types of equipment used in different locales. However, there was substantial overlap in the data, giving credibility to the cost estimates. Item Table 9-3 Cost Estimates Provided by Utilities for Common Changes Required to Support Higher Penetrations of DG Min. Cost Estimate Max. Cost Estimate Unit Cost Range from Rate Cases Replace Substation Transformer $500K $1M $800K $1.6M Line reactors, each feeder $80K per feeder $100K per feeder Line recloser replacement $40K $60K Relay change (Engineering) $1500 $5000 Relay change (Technician) Add PTs in Substation for $30K $70K Add PTs at line recloser location to implement for directional overcurrent or reclose block. $18K $70K Replace simple overcurrent relay with directional overcurrent $8100 $10K Add direct transfer trip between substation and DG site $40K $55K $100K $200K Item Min. Cost Estimate Max. Cost Estimate Change voltage regulator control for handling reverse power from DG $5000 (mat’l only) $21.5K (incl. 90 m-hr labor) Install recloser at large DG site as interconnection breaker $5000 $13.5K Max. Cost Estimate Unit Cost Range from Rate Cases directional overcurrent relaying or reclose block The cost for an Is-Limiter replacement is estimated at $2000-3000 per phase, after each operation. In addition, switches to prevent single phasing, and their additional downtime must be added into the cost. (Das. 1997.) Item Min. Cost Estimate Change LTC/VR $18K 9-6 $25K $2500 $5000 Unit Cost Range from Rate Cases $30K $70K Item Min. Cost Estimate Max. Cost Estimate Item Unit Cost Range from Rate Cases control setting Hire outside consultants to analyze DG interconnection $2500 Replace substation breaker Change fused cutouts Add new fused cutouts on laterals where none exist $300 (mat’l only) Change fuses downline from recloser Assigning technician to supervise installation $20K $50K $200 ea $300 $2400 (incl. 19.5 m-hr labor) $2400 $3200 Unit Cost Range from Rate Cases $6000 $5000 $7850 Table 9-4 Typical Labor Rates Used to Compute Costs Job Classification Hourly Rate Engineer $50 - $60 Technician $40 $25K FCL Applications $25K $70K $125K Capacitor bank replacement $12K $20K $20K $80K Replace a line voltage regulator with 3-250kVA regulators Replace cutouts with 3phase recloser or sectionalizer Max. Cost Estimate Set or replace pole $25K $80K (one type: $200K ) Add a line voltage regulator Replace cutouts with 3phase switch Min. Cost Estimate When power delivery networks are upgraded or new generation is added, fault levels can increase beyond the capabilities of the existing equipment, with circuit breakers in an “overduty condition”. Utilities are faced with extended outages and expense to upgrade all the affected breakers. An alternative approach is to use a FCL to reduce the available fault current to a lower, safer level so the existing switchgear can still protect the grid. FCL operation is very fast, preventing damage before the first peak of the fault current, Figure 9-2. $70.5K (incl. 180 m-hr labor) $11.5K $13.6K (incl. 62 m-hr labor) $21K $25K 9-7 Figure 9-2 Operation of FCL Can Reduce Fault Current Within First Half Cycle Fault current limiters can provide technical and economic benefits at several locations in a power system (Noe and Oswald. 1999). Potential FCL locations are summarized in Figure 9-3. 1. Generator Connection 2. Station auxillaries Figure 9-3 Example FCL Locations in Power System 3. Network coupling 4. Busbar coupling Generator Connection 5. Busbar coupling Addition of a new power station serves to increase the short circuit capacity of the network which would put increased stress on the system during fault conditions. Use of FCL on the feeder connecting the station to the network would serve to limit the short circuit capacity during fault conditions. Economic benefits arise out of the option that the renewal of the older substations can be postponed till they reach their technical lifetime. 6. Shunting current limiting reactors 7. Transformer feeder 8. Busbar connection 9. Combination with superconducting devices other 10. Coupling local generating unit 11. Closing ring circuits An example of adding a new generation to the system is shown in Figure 9-4. This situation could require utility to upgrade multiple breakers in the generating station due to increased short circuit capacity. The required upgrade could be avoided by the use of a SFCL to couple the new generator. A real case investigated in 1996 in Hannover (Germany) showed that introduction of SCFCL in generator feeders would result in a major delay of investment 9-8 (approx. 30 million ) for upgrading old substations (EPRI 2005). If FCL is considered during initial design of new generating substation, lower impedance could be selected for generator and/or the step-up transformer. That could potentially save money in investment cost as well as by reduced losses. Figure 9-5 Networks Coupled through FCL Coupling of Busbars One possible configuration in which FCL can be used to tie two MV buses being fed by HV grid through separate transformers is shown in Figure 9-6 . Figure 9-4 New Generator Connection Coupling of Networks Network coupling with a SFCL leads to advantages in energy flow, voltage stability and security of supply without increasing the short-circuit capacity in the networks (Noe and Oswald. 1999). The economic benefits include lower network losses and potential savings in equipment cost as shown in the example here. Figure 9-6 Example of FCL in bus-tie The advantages of this FCL application are as follows: • Reduction of the short circuit current of the system when the tie-breaker is closed • Improved power quality (reduced harmonics, sags and flicker) due to reduced source impedance • Higher system availability • Higher loads possible in sub-systems • Even loading of the feeding transformers An example of coupling of networks through FCL is shown in Figure 9-5 (Neumann and Bock. 2004). It serves to free the surplus transformer capacity that is needed in the absence of the coupling. Thus, high savings in investment costs and lower losses can be obtained. In case of the transformer outage in one network, the other network can meet the power demand. Also, in case of a fault in any network, FCL limits the overall short-circuit current to admissible values. 9-9 In another example shown in Figure 9-7, use of FCL permits tie breaker CB7 to be closed without the need of upgrading breakers CB3,4,8 and 9 (EPRI 2005). Figure 9-8 Busbars Coupled through FCL and low impedance transformers in series with FCL (Neumann and Bock. 2004) Coupling of Local Generation The technical and economical advantages of using FCL for coupling distributed generation such as wind power stations are similar to those that were discussed for new conventional power stations. It provides more flexibility in selecting the location of local generating stations as added short circuit capacity is not a limiting factor any more. Figure 9-7 Busbars Coupled through FCL Transformer feeder Use of FCL in existing transformer feeder would provide benefit of higher steady-state and transient stability. It would allow utility to meet the increase in load demand. It can also delay the need for system improvement as reduced fault current can offset any planned increase in short circuit capacity upstream of the transformer. In some stations that have reached the limits of admissible short circuit capacity, use of FCL can avoid the need of coupling the new local generation to the high voltage grid through costly transformers (Figure 9-9). For a new design, use of FCL in series with a transformer would allow the selection of subsequent devices with lower dimensioning as they would be subjected to lower strain during a fault resulting in savings. It also allows selection of transformer with lower impedance resulting in lower purchase cost and reduced transformer losses during normal conditions. An example that shows such an application in combination with the busbar coupling is shown in Figure 9-8. Figure 9-9 Coupling of Local Generation ( EPRI 2005) 9-10 The estimate of the transformer purchase cost as a function of rated MVA is shown in Figure 9-11. Further, transformer production costs decrease with the impedance up to a certain limit (Sjöström and Politano. 2001). Based on the survey results by CIGRE WG (see Figure 9-10), the majority of the fault current limiters will be installed in Bus-ties (52%) and incoming feeders (33%). Figure 9-11 Transformer purchase cost with and without on-load tap changer (EPRI 2000) For example consider a 30MVA transformer without taps, with load losses (LL) of 0.35% and no-load losses (excitation losses, EL) of 0.05%. Assume for evaluation: Figure 9-10 Preferred locations for installing FCLs( CIGRE 2003) Economic Analysis of Individual Components Previous section discussed the various applications where use of FCL can provide technical and economic benefits to the system. The economics of the individual power system components such as breakers and power transformers that could be potentially downsized due to FCL applications are discussed in this section. The total owning cost of a transformer consists of three major components (EPRI 2000). Purchase price • Capitalized cost of load losses • Capitalized cost of no-load losses •the purchase price transformer is $400,000 • •the discount rate over 12 years is 8.2% • •the cost of energy is 0.04$/kWh • •the transformer is operated continuously (8760 hours/year) • •the transformer is carrying on average a load of 60% of its rating and the load loss is a simple square function of the load. for this The capitalization factor for 12 years at 8.2% (present worth of a uniform investment over the period) is 7.46. Therefore the capitalized losses for this 30 year period is: Power transformers • • • 9-11 •Capitalized cost (EL) = 30,000kW x 0.0005pu x 0.04$/kW h x 7.46 x 8760h = $39,210. • Economic Analysis for FCLs •Capitalized cost (LL) = 30,000kW x 0.0035pu x 0.62 x 0.04$/kWh x 7.46 x 8760h = $98,809. The decision of a utility to opt for a FCL application is naturally going to be dictated by economic aspects in addition to its technical capabilities. The results of the surveys that were carried out by EPRI and CIGRE regarding the price the customers are willing to pay for FCL devices is presented here from CIGRE WG 13.10 report (CIGRE 2003) Therefore, the total owning cost is estimated to be $400,000 + $39,210 + $98,809 = $538,019. In this example, use of FCL can allow selection of transformer with reduced impedance. This will impact the total owning cost by virtue of resultant reduction in purchasing cost and load losses. For existing transformer feeders, use of FCL will result in reduced mechanical stresses on the transformer insulation during faults. This means increased functional life of transformer in terms of cycles of short circuit current that it can withstand as per the life cycle expression (Eq. 7-8) in Chapter 7. Figure 9-12 Worth of FCL to a Customer (price unit: price of a conventional CB) Circuit Breakers It was shown in previous section that the use of FCL can be used to avoid the otherwise necessary upgrade of circuit breakers. The following equation may be used to compute the savings due to the extension of the life of the existing circuit breaker (Salama et al. 1993). The methodologies that have been developed for performing economic analysis of the novel FCL technologies are presented in the following sections. Solid State FCLs S CB = K re + K in + K FCB + KVCB MVASC − new Eq. 9-1 The economic analysis of a device that serves the dual purpose of fault current limiting and increased transmission power capability is presented in (Salama et al. 1993). The proposed device (FCL-TCI) limits the fault current by using a thyristor controlled impedance. This novel FCL design uses back-to-back thyristors in series with an inductor and a capacitor, Figure 9-13. The series capacitor is intended to be part of a line compensation scheme. Under normal conditions, the firing angle is zero. The control circuit operates to increase the thyristor-firing angle when a fault is Where, Kre = Cost of removal of the existing circuit breaker Kin = Installation cost of the new circuit breaker KFCB = Fixed circuit breaker cost KVCB = Circuit breaker variable cost per MVASC rating MVASC-new = Short circuit rating of the new circuit breaker 9-12 detected. This will result in limitation of the fault current. C I = K FL + KVL n2 S n n −1 2 2 Eq. 9-3 Cost of the capacitor CC = K FC + KVC S n2 n2 n2 −1 Eq. 9-4 Where n = design constant (typical value is 3) S = FCL rating in MVA KFL = Fixed inductor cost Figure 9-13 Fault Current Limiter With Thyristor Controlled Impedance (Salama et al. 1993) KVL = Inductor variable cost per MVar The economic benefits of this application are attributed to increased life of existing breakers and transformers and reduced losses in the power transmission. The total cost of operation of the FCL can be calculated to determine whether installation is economically justified. In other words, “Total cost” in the following equation should have a negative value in order to ensure the economic feasibility of the application: KFC = fixed capacitor cost KVC = capacitor variable cost per Mvar Cost of the thyristor + cost of the control circuit: CT = K FT + KVT S Eq. 9-5 Where “Total cost = cost of the inductor + cost of the capacitor + cost of the thyristor + cost of the control circuit + cost of energy losses in the capacitor + cost of energy losses in the inductor + cost of energy lost in the thyristor the saving due to the extension of the useful life of the existing breaker the saving due to the increase in the transmitted power.” KFT = Fixed thyristor cost KVT = Thyristor variable cost per Mvar Present cost of energy losses in the capacitor, inductor and thyristors: ⎛ ⎞ S n2 PCE = 8760 f v f e f u ⎜⎜ f c S + × 10 3 ⎟⎟ Eq. 9-6 2 nQ n − 1 ⎝ ⎠ where Q C FCL = C I + CC + CT + PCE − S CB − S TP Eq. 9-2 Where: Cost of the inductor = Capacitor MVar fv = Present value factor fe = Cost of energy loss per fu = LC utilization factor kWh 9-13 fc kW/Mvar = Capacitor loss factor No numerical example was offered in (Salama et al. 1993.). But, the approach could be extended to do economic analysis of other topologies of solid-state fault current limiters. in The savings due to the extension of the life of the circuit breaker by installation of the FCL are given by: Newer designs for Solid State FCLs are discussed in (Meyer et al. 2004.). These utilize a number of schemes for forced commutation using capacitors to shut off thyristors during a fault. The simplest example, “topology a”, is shown in Figure 9-14. Under normal conditions, load current flows through TMain1 and TMain2, and both capacitors are pre-charged as shown. When a fault occurs, the auxiliary thyristor connected to the main thyristor, which is conducting at the time, will be fired, discharging its capacitor. When the next zero crossing is reached, the main thyristors will be turned off. S CB = K re + K in + K FCB + KVCB MVASC − new Eq. 9-7 where Kre = Cost of removal of the existing circuit breaker Kin = Installation cost of the new circuit breaker KFCB = Fixed circuit breaker cost KVCB = Circuit breaker variable cost per MVASC rating MVASC-new = Short circuit rating of the new circuit breaker Savings due to increased transmitted power due to the series capacitor: S TP ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ 1 = KVTS PSIL ⎢ ⎛ 1 − m2 ⎢ ⎢ 1 − m 2 sin⎜ ⎜ m2 ⎢ ⎝ ⎣ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ More complex circuits use smaller capacitors, IGCTs as well as thyristors, transformers, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistors, and other variations. These are designated topologies “b” “c” “d” and “IGCT circuit breaker” in the study. ⎤ ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎥ − ⎛ 1 ⎞⎥ sin⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎝ m ⎠⎥ ⎦ Economic comparison shows that the simplest “topology a” is superior both in investment costs, Figure 9-15, and in lifecycle costs (which are composed mainly of losses as no maintenance is required), Figure 9-16. Eq. 9-8 Where, m= 1 Eq. 9-9 ω C fL Lt KVTS = Incremental cost installing a new transmission system of PSIL = Surge impedance loading (SIL) of the existing transmission system Lt = Inductance transmission system CfL FCL-TCI of the = Series capacitance of the 9-14 Superconducting FCLs The superconducting FCL (SFCL) is a new technology under development. As such, installed costs are not available. Various approaches have been used to analyze the economic benefits of deployment of these devices in power systems: Present Worth Method This method is based on the calculation of the prospective savings by using a SFCL. In this method a reference cost is obtained (Currency unit/kW), that can be compared with the conventional devices for limiting short circuit currents. The expression for the reference cost of an SFCL is given as: Figure 9-14 Forced Commutation Circuit for FCL (Meyer et al. 2004) cp = Cp Sr where , CP = purchase price of the SFCL Sr = rated power of the SFCL Figure 9-15 Comparison of Investment Costs (Meyer et al. 2004) CP = N ∑ (1 + i ) PWS − (C P 0 + C Pk ) n −1 − n q n =1 ⎡⎛ y ⎤ ⎞ ⎛ z⎞ ⎢⎜ (1 + i ) xm q − xm ⎟ − ⎜1 − ⎟(1 + i )N q − N ⎥ + ⎟ ⎝ m⎠ ⎢⎣⎜⎝ x =0 ⎥⎦ ⎠ ∑ N ∑f M (1 + i )n −1 q −n n =1 Eq. 9-10 Figure 9-16 Total Life-Cycle Costs of Topologies (Meyer et al. 2004) PWS = present worth of the savings of using an SFCL CP0 = cost of no-load losses CPk = cost of load losses N = average life in years of conventional methods of limiting short circuit currents m = average life in years of the SFCL i = inflation rate p 9-15 = interest rate q = 1+ analysis, it can be deduced that the power stations and wind generator interconnections are the locations where use of SFCL would provide maximum economical benefit. p 100% y N/m = even numbered share of z = N − ym Table 9-5 Data for Economic Evaluation (Noe and Oswald. 1999.) = maintenance costs per year CM Name Symbol Value Average life N 30 years Interest rate p 9% - 14% Inflation rate i 2% - 4% Energy charge ce 0.05 – 0.06 $/kWh Demand charge cd 113 – 169 $/kW ce = energy charge Maintenance factor fM 3% TN= 8760 hours SFCL losses PSFCL 0.1% ST fM = CM CP Sr SFCL (assumed) is the rated power of the C p 0 = (c d + ceTN ) P0 Where, cd = demand charge (0.75% ST for wind generators) Po = No load losses C pk = (c d ha2 + vceTN )hr2 Pk Where, ha = ratio of active power of subnetwork at the time of the peak power of the whole network to the peak active power of the subnetwork. SFCL no load losses P0 2/3 PSFCL SFCL load losses Pk 1/3 PSFCL Table 9-6 Main data of investigated network (Noe and Oswald. 1999.) hr = ratio of maximum power to rated power v = 0.17m + 0.83m 2 Where m= load factor The data of an example system that was used by Noe and Oswald in their analysis, is given in Table 9-5 and Table 9-6. The results of the economic evaluation for various FCL locations (Figure 9-3) for various physical lifetimes of FCL are summarized in Figure 9-17. As per this 9-16 Parameter Value Annual maximum demand 6312 MW Annual quantity of energy 3301 GWH Line length 110 kV 148 km Line length 10 kV 1470 km Line length 0.4 kV CI = investment costs 4263 km COM = operation and maintenance costs CF = yearly cost due to faults 40.00 n = service life in years 35.00 $/kVA 30.00 25.00 10 years 20 years 30 years 20.00 15.00 i = real index Normalised cost benefit (B*C) is then computed as: 10.00 5.00 0.00 Generatorconnection Power station auxiliaries Network computing Busbar coupling Transformer feeder Block-type thermal power station connection Wind generator connection BC* = SFCL Location Where, Figure 9-17 Medium Specific Purchase Price of Superconducting FCL With Losses (Noe and Oswald 1999) k = number of FCL S = rated power Strategic and cost benefits can then be combined into a strategic-economic benefit by: Strategic-Economic Benefit Method This method combines the strategic and economic benefits of incorporating SFCLs into the overall evaluation (Sjöström and Politano. 2001.). Strategic benefit (BS) is the weighted contribution of four different aspects that have a value between -5 and +5 depending on their impact. The weightings for the various aspects determined by their relative importance are as follows: * * BSE = BC* + 0.4C FCL BS Where, * C FCL = normalized life cycle cost of FCL and is computed as: * C FCL = 1. Safety and reliability – 0.5 2. Customer satisfaction – 0.25 4. Organizational benefit – 0.1 Cost benefit (BC) is more easily quantifiable and is computed as the difference in LCC for the existing system and the systems with SFCL. The LCC cost is calculated using the “present value method”: LCC (n ) = C I + ∑ (C j =1 OM ⎛ 1 ⎞ + CF )⋅ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝1+ i ⎠ LCC fcl S The comparison of strategic-economic benefit against the normalized life cycle cost of FCL can be done to determine the economic feasibility of the application (See Table 9-7). 3. Environmental impact – 0.15 n BC kS Table 9-7 Economic Feasibility of FCL Application E q. 9-11 Where, 9-17 * BSE C* / FCL Economic feasibility >3 Very attractive >5/3 & <3 Attractive >1 & <5/3 Possible profit >1/2 & <1 Not economical <1/2 Bad application increased power availability was also evaluated. The results of these case studies are summarized in Table 9-8. As per the analysis, regional, low voltage and industrial systems are the most economical locations for FCL applications. Sjöström and Politano conducted eight case studies, for the following locations in Swiss power system (Figure 9-18): Table 9-8 Summary of strategic-economic analysis results 1. Radial feeder, 200 kV 2. Substation 280/220 kV 3. Substation 220/110 kV 4. Industrial power system 5. Power plant 1.2 and 0.2 GW 6. Inter-regional distribution system at 60 kV 7. Regional distribution system at 16 kV 8. Low voltage system at 400 V The cost reductions that are possible by downsizing the individual equipments due to the use of FCL can be significant as shown in Table 9-9. Table 9-9 Cost Savings for Designing a Power System Using FCLs (Sjöström and Politano 2001) Figure 9-18 FCL locations studied in Swiss grid (Sjöström and Politano. 2001.) For each study, one scenario involved design of a new system that would permit downsizing of the equipment due to the use of FCL. The other scenario dealt with the existing system in which the main focus was on the impact of FCL on the increased equipment life as it is subjected to lower stresses during faults. The impact of Equipment Cost reduction by introduction of an FCL Transformers 5% - 8% Power circuit breakers 5% - 15% Bus-bars 3% - 15% Cables 0% - 3% Overhead lines 0% System Integration Issues The application of fault current limiters in the utility network will require new integration issues to be addressed. As 9-18 • Recovery voltage. Therefore, the protection schemes and settings need to be adapted for FCL applications to ensure proper network protection selectivity. technologies like the solid-state and superconducting fault current limiters come closer to commercial reality, various industry groups are now considering these issues. (CIGRE. 2003, Steurer, 2004) The issues like listed below need to be addressed:: • • The impact of a solid-state based FCL on the distance protection scheme (mho characteristics) in an example distribution system is addressed in (Henry et al, 2003). For the purpose of the analysis, they used a fast switching FCL that utilized GTOs to perform the fast switching function and a resistor as its current limiting impedance (Figure 9-19). Impact of FCLs on system protection schemes 1. Relay settings 2. Selectivity 3. Protection blinding (especially in case of directional protection) 4. Compatibility with downstream fuses Impact of FCLs on system reliability 1. Unintended operation of FCL. There is a chance of undesirable operation of FCL due to unavoidable inrush currents (transformer energization, capacitor bank switching, motor starting etc.) 2. Failure of FCL to operate under fault conditions. It can be catastrophic as fault current may exceed the interrupting ratings of the breakers. 3. Failure mode of FCL in case of internal fault 4. Maintenance requirements of FCL Development of testing standards and test procedures for FCLs Figure 9-19 Fast Switching FCL (Henry et al, 2003) Protection Coordination The test system was modeled in EMTDC to analyze the transient response of the distance relay with and without the presence of FCL. If the FCL is placed behind the relay, the reach of the relay is determined by the impedance of the extent of the line to be protected. When the FCL is placed in front of the relay, its setting must be adjusted to take into account the added impedance of FCL during a fault. Depending on the technique used in a FCL, the system may get impacted during the fault conditions in following ways (Schmitt. 2006): • Magnitude of fault current • Phase angle of current • Fault duration It was found that relay selectivity is not affected if the reach of relay is adjusted to take into account the FCL impedance. In fact, the introduction of FCL was found to be beneficial to the response of relay as it resulted in significant reduction in oscillatory response of relay at the • 9-19 protection boundary. It may be attributed to the considerable reduction in ac and dc component of the fault current due to FCL action. Table 9-10 SCFCL Model Parameters (Langston et al, 2005) In the case of superconducting FCL, the added impedance would change during the transient of a fault. Therefore, relay settings in such a scenario would be more complex when the FCL is placed in the front of it. A generic computer simulation model of a resistive type superconducting FCL has been developed and explained in Langston et al, 2005. The authors used the commercially simulation platform RTDS to study the impact of FCL on a Schweitzer SEL-311B distance protection relay. The SCFCL model comprises of a superconducting element as a variable resistor in parallel with a fixed resistance. The model accounts for highly non-linear characteristics of superconducting element and also includes the thermal aspects of the transient phenomenon during fault conditions. The thermal model includes the heat capacity of the material as well as a first order approximation of the heat transfer to the surrounding coolant. The relevant mathematical equations used to model the SCFCL are also provided in the paper. The model parameters that were used are given in Table 9-10.. The test-system comprises of a thevenin source connected to a generator through two transmission lines (T1 and T2) as shown in Figure 9-20 .A distance relay having a mhocharacteristic is protecting line T2. Singleline-to-ground faults are applied at various locations along transmission line T2, and the behavior of the relay is studied A.) without the SCFCL, B.) with the SCFCL placed between T2 and the PTs, and C.) with the SCFCL placed between B2 and the PTs. Figure 9-20 Test set-up with FCL placed beyond PT (Langston et al, 2005) It was found that relay operates correctly for the fault on T2 in the absence of SCFCL and also when SCFCL is located behind PT as the relay sees only the line impedance. In the case corresponding to the location of SCFCL in front of PT, the relay was unable to detect some faults inside the protection zone as it is sees additional impedance introduced by the FCL during a fault. 9-20 The admissible temperature rise of non accessible parts such as contacts in vacuum interrupters, silicon wafers in semiconductor devices or superconducting materials will have to be considered separately. If a fault current limiting device has an overload capability this shall also be verified by tests. Testing of FCLs This section on testing requirements of FCLs has been taken from the CIGRE WG 13.10 report (CIGRE 2003). Standards with rules of the testing are presently only available for fault current limiting reactors (IEC 60289) and for highvoltage current limiting fuses (IEC 602821). Rules for the testing of other types of fault current limiters need to be established in the future. In this section some basic considerations about the tests to be carried out are given. It is understood that for different types of fault current limiters different test procedures will apply. Short-Time Withstand Current Tests In case of self-triggered fault current limiters (e.g. superconducting fault current limiters) the prospective short-circuit current shall be applied to the device. The purpose of the test is to verify the current limiting performance (i.e. the initiating current, the limited current and the follow current). External triggered fault current limiters can be divided in two sub-groups: • Devices which are capable of withstanding the prospective shortcircuit current of the system (e.g. pyrotechnic fault current limiters): These devices shall be subjected to a peak and short-time withstand current test with the prospective short circuit current without any limiting operation. The operation of the triggering device shall be tested separately to verify the trigger levels required in accordance with the ratings of the system. • Devices which are not capable of withstanding the prospective shortcircuit current of the system (e.g. solidstate fault current limiters): These devices shall be subjected to a peak and short-time withstand current test with the prospective short circuit current with the triggering device operative. This test will therefore at the same time serve to verify current limiting performance. Dielectric Tests Dielectric tests as described in IEC 60694 have to be performed with the fault current limiter in closed position between phase and ground and between the phases. The test voltages should be chosen in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of IEC 60694. If a fault current limiter (or the combination of a fault current limiter and a series switch) can have an open position the dielectric performance in this position has also to be verified, independent of the nature of the gap (e.g. solid-state switch, mechanical switch). The voltage imposed on an open circuit-breaker in a grid coupling could serve as a basis for determining the test voltages in this case. Additionally, the long term performance shall be investigated, especially in the case of semiconductors. Temperature-Rise Tests Temperature-rise tests including the measurement of the resistance of the main current path have to be performed in accordance with IEC 60694. The test current shall be equal to the rated current of the fault current limiter. The temperature rise of the contacts and other parts should be within the limits specified in Table 3 of IEC 60694. Short-Circuit Making and Breaking Tests These tests apply to fault current limiting devices with current interruption. The shortcircuit current breaking tests shall be carried out at the rated voltage of the fault current limiter. The source impedance of the test 9-21 circuit shall be chosen so that the required prospective short circuit current flows in the circuit. Tests at different fault initiation angles are to be performed in order to verify that the fault current limiter is capable of interrupting both symmetrical and asymmetrical currents. The transient recovery voltage of the test circuit shall be defined taking into account the network condition prevailing at the location where the fault current limiter will be installed. When a fault current limiter can be used for closing a circuit, short-circuit current making tests need also to be carried out. increased life of other equipment, reduced losses etc. over the life time of FCL. There are several issues that will need to be resolved in order to ensure the smooth integration of novel FCLs into the utility networks. These issues include protection coordination with the existing system, system reliability and development of uniform testing standards and procedures for FCls. References 1. Das, J.C. 1997. “Limitations of FaultCurrent Limiters for Expansion of Electrical Distribution Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 33, No. 4, July/August 1997, pp. 1073-1081. Endurance Tests In case of fault current limiters suitable for more than one limiting operation an endurance test with an appropriate number of limiting operations shall be carried out. 2. CIGRE WG A3.10, 2003, “Fault Current Limiters in Electrical Medium and High Voltage Systems”, CIGRE Technical Brochure 239, December 2003. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Tests Electromagnetic compatibility tests shall be carried out in accordance IEC 60694. Depending on the type of fault current limiter and triggering device it may be advisable to supplement the tests described in IEC 60694 by additional EMC-tests. 3. Schmitt, A, and CIGRE Working Group A3.16, “Fault Current Limiters Report on the activities of CIGRE WG A3.16”, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, 2006. Summary and Recommendations There are several technical and economic advantages of fault current limiting methods. FCLs can provide benefits at several locations in power system but the majority applications are likely to be at incoming generator and transformer feeders, bus-ties and distributed generation connections. 4. EPRI 2000. Evaluate Solid State LTC options for Medium Power Transformers: Project 41C3084/66586424, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 5. EPRI. 2005. Survey of Fault Current Limiter (FCL) Technologies. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2005. 1010760. It is easier to perform economic analysis of conventional solutions such as CLRs as their capital cost is known. On the other hand, the purchase cost of novel technologies such as solid-state and superconducting FCLs that are still in development is still not known. Any economic analysis should also factor in additional economic benefits such as 6. Henry, S., Baldwin, T., Steurer, M. “The effects of a Fast Switching Fault Current Limiter on Distance Protection,” IEEE 2003 9-22 7. Power Quality Impact of Distributed Generation, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2005. 1008507. Emerging Utility Integration Issues”, IEEE PES General Meeting, June 2004. 8. Meyer, C.; Kollensperger, P.; De Doncker, R.W.; 2004. “Design of a novel low loss fault current limiter for medium-voltage systems,” APEC '04. Nineteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition. Vol.3, pp.1825 – 1831. 9. Neumann, C., and Bock, J. “Three phase resistive fault current limiterimpact on system design” presented at ASC2004, Jacksonville, USA. 10. Noe, M.; Oswald, B.R.; 1999. “Technical and economical benefits of superconducting fault current limiters in power systems,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 9, Issue 2, Part 1, June 1999 pp.1347 – 1350. 11. Salama, M.M.A.; Temraz, H.; Chikhani, A.Y.; Bayoumi, M.A.; 1993. “Fault-current limiter with thyristor-controlled impedance,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 1993 pp.1518 – 1528. 12. Sjöström, M.; Politano, D.; 2001. “Technical and economical impacts on a power system by introducing an HTS FCL,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 11, Issue 1, Part 2, March 2001 pp. 2042 – 2045. 13. Slade, P.G., Voshall, R.E., Wu, J.L., Stacey, E. J., Stubler, W. F., Talvacchio, J. “Study of Fault Current Liting Techniques”, EPRI-Report EL6903, 1990. 14. Steurer, M., M. Noe, F. Breuer, 2004, “Fault Current Limiters . R & D Status of Two Selected Projects and 9-23 expressed in terms of the crest value of the”standard lightning impulse.” G GLOSSARY Bundled Conductor. An assembly of two or more conductors used as a single conductor and employing spacers to maintain a predetermined configuration. The individual conductors are called subconductors. AC (Alternating Current) Transmission. The transfer of electric energy by alternating current from its source to one or more main receiving stations for subsequent distribution. ACSR. Aluminium Reinforced. Conductor Bus. Connection between components of electrical substations such as switchgear, transformers and exit lines. A bus is generally three-phase, and is composed of flexible or rigid conductor sections mounted on insulators. Steel Air Circuit Breakers. Air circuit breakers are used to interrupt circuits while current flows through them. Compressed air is used to quench the arc when the connection is broken. Capacitor. An electric circuit element used to store charge temporarily, consisting in general of two metallic plates separated and insulated from each other by a dielectric. It comes in a huge variety of sizes and types for use in regulating power as well as for conditioning, smoothing and isolating signals. Alternating Current. An electric current that reverses direction at regular recurring interval of times. • Axial Stress. Axial (or Normal) Stress, often symbolized by the Greek letter sigma, is defined as the force perpendicular to the cross sectional area of the member divided by the cross sectional area. • large investments in testing facilities to qualify Italian electromechanical industry skills on power system analysis for the development of the national grid. Ferromagnetic Hysteresis. When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized in one direction, it will not relax back to zero magnetization when the imposed magnetizing field is removed. It must be driven back to zero by a field in the opposite direction. If an alternating magnetic field is applied to the material, its magnetization will trace out a loop called a hysteresis loop. The lack of retraceability of the magnetization curve is the property called Bending stress. A compressive and/or tensile stress resulting from the application of a nonaxial force to a structural member. BIL. Basic lightning impulse insulation level is the electrical strength of insulation G-1 hysteresis and it is related to the existence of magnetic domains in the material. Fuses. Safety device used to protect an electric circuit against an excessive current. A fuse consists essentially of a strip of lowmelting alloy enclosed in a suitable housing. It is connected in series with the circuit it is to protect. Because of its electrical resistance, the alloy strip in the fuse is heated by an electric current; if the current exceeds the safe value for which the fuse was designed, the strip melts, opening the circuit and stopping the current. The fuse housing is designed to resist the pressure generated if the overcurrent vaporizes the alloy strip, provided the voltage across the fuse does not exceed its rating. Some fuses, called slow-blow fuses, are designed to carry a small overload for a short time without opening the circuit, while others are designed to open very rapidly if the rated current is exceeded. The choice of one type or the other depends on the ruggedness of the equipment to be protected and whether large pulses of current often occur in the circuit; a slow-blow fuse is usually used to protect motors, and a fast-blow fuse to protect electronic equipment. A circuit can also be protected by a circuit breaker. Finite Element Analysis. A mathematical technique for analyzing stress, which breaks down a physical structure into substructures called "finite elements." The finite elements and their interrelationships are converted into equation form and solved mathematically. Flashover. Disruptive discharge through air directly or around or over the surface of solid or liquid insulation between electrodes of different potential or polarity, produced by the application of voltage wherein the breakdown path becomes sufficiently ionized to maintain an electric arc. Fixed Bus Bar End. The end of a rigid bus bar that is not free to rotate. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP). It is a composite made from fiberglass reinforcement in a plastic (polymer) matrix. A construction analogy would be the steel reinforcing bars in a concrete matrix for highways. Fusing Current. The amount of current that a conductor can conduct without burning. By reinforcing the plastic matrix, a wide variety of physical strengths and properties can be designed into the FRP composite. Additionally, the type and configuration of the reinforcement can be selected, along with the type of plastic and additives within the matrix. These variations allow an incredible range of strength and physical properties to be obtained. FRP composites can be developed specifically for the performance required versus traditional materials: wood, metal, ceramics, etc. Gas Insulated Substation (GIS). For applications where space requirements are a problem, conventional bus arrangements are replaced with gas-insulated substations. The gas is generally SF6. Each conductor is placed in the center of an enclosure filled with SF6, which exhibits excellent dielectric strength and, therefore, allows small distances between the energized conductor and the enclosure, which is at ground potential. G-2 electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia, telecommunication, and energy production and distribution, as well as associated general disciplines such as terminology and symbols, electromagnetic compatibility, measurement and performance, dependability, design and development, safety and the environment. Grading Ring. An electrode of toroidal or similar in shape that is placed at the ends of conductors, insulator strings, bushings, etc. in order to grade the electric field and lower the surface gradient on the metallic components and on the di-electric surfaces of insulators. They are often applied on polymer insulators, and may have “horseshoe” shapes to facilitate installation. . IG = D f × I g Heat Sink. A material that absorbs heat. Typically made of aluminum, heat sinks are widely used in amplifiers and other electronic devices that build up heat. Modulus of Elasticity. A measure of the resistance of material to deformation. It is the ratio of normal stress corresponding strain for tensile or compressive stresses below the proportional limit of the material. High Temperature Superconductors (HTS). The term High-temperature superconductor was initially employed to designate the new family of cuprateperovskite ceramic materials discovered by J.G. Bednorz and K.A. Müller in 1986. These materials are characterized by presenting superconductivity at a higher temperature than conventional superconductors (which require temperatures a few degrees above absolute zero (• 273.15 °C or • 459.67 °F)), and by other unconventional features. So-called high-temperature superconductors are generally considered to be those that demonstrate superconductivity at or above the temperature of liquid nitrogen, or • 196 °C (77 K). Moment of Inertia. The property of an object associated with its resistance to rotation. It depends on the objects mass and the distribution of mass with respect to the axis of rotation. National Electrical Code (NEC). Published volume of rules whose purpose is “the practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity.” NCI. Non-Ceramic Insulator. ORNL. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a multi-program science and technology national laboratory managed for the United States Department of Energy by UT-Battelle, LLC. ORNL is located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, near Knoxville. Scientists and engineers at ORNL conduct basic and applied research and development to create scientific knowledge and technological solutions that build the nation's expertise in IEC. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These serve as a basis for national standardization and as references when drafting international tenders and contracts. The IEC charter embraces all electrotechnologies including electronics, magnetics and G-3 key areas of science; increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore and protect the natural environment; and contribute to national security. ORNL also performs other work for the Department of Energy, including isotope production, information management, and technical program management, and provides research and technical assistance to other organizations. Polymer. It is a term used to describe a very large molecule consisting of structural units and repeating units connected by covalent chemical bonds. The term is derived from the Greek words: polys meaning many, and meros meaning parts. The key feature that distinguishes polymers from other molecules is the repetition of many identical, similar, or complementary molecular subunits in these chains. These subunits, the monomers, are small molecules of low to moderate molecular weight, and are linked to each other during a chemical reaction called polymerization. Partial Discharge. In electrical engineering, a partial discharge (PD) is a localised dielectric breakdown of a small portion of a solid or liquid electrical insulation system under high voltage stress. While a corona discharge is usually revealed by a relatively steady glow or brush discharge in air, partial discharges within an insulation system may or may not exhibit visible discharges, and discharge events tend to be more sporadic in nature than corona discharges. Protection Relays. These devices will sense the fault and initiate a trip, or disconnection, order. A protection relay is a complex electromechanical apparatus, often with more than one coil, designed to calculate operating conditions on an electrical circuit and trip circuit breakers when a fault was found. Unlike switching type relays with fixed and usually ill-defined operating voltage thresholds and operating times, protection relays had well-established, selectable, time/current (or other operating parameter) curves. Such relays were very elaborate, using arrays of induction disks, shaded-pole magnets, operating and restraint coils, solenoid-type operators, telephonerelay style contacts, and phase-shifting networks to allow the relay to respond to such conditions as over-current, overvoltage, reverse power flow, over- and under- frequency, and even distance relays that would trip for faults up to a certain distance away from a substation but not beyond that point. An important transmission line or generator unit would have had cubicles dedicated to protection, with a score of individual electromechanical devices. Related terms include: Present Value Method. Present value is the current worth of future sums of money. The process of calculating present value is actually the opposite of finding the compounded future value. The present value method, also called the present worth method, is widely used in corporate finance to evaluate a proposed capital investment project or to measure the expected return. Pinch force. Maximum tensile force in a bundled flexible conductor due to the attraction of the sub-conductors in the bundle. Pinned Bus Bar End. The end of a rigid bus bar that is free to rotate. G-4 replaced thermionic devices (vacuum tubes) in most applications. They use electronic conduction in the solid state as opposed to the gaseous state or thermionic emission in a high vacuum. Semiconductor devices are manufactured as single discrete devices or integrated circuits (ICs), which consist of a number—from a few devices to millions— of devices manufactured onto a single semiconductor substrate. Differential Relay. A relay with multiple windings that functions when the voltage, current, or power difference between the windings reaches a predetermined value. Electromechanical Relay. An electric relay in which the designed response is developed by the relative movement of mechanical elements under the action of a current in the input circuits. (IEC). Series Compensator (SC). It is a power electronics based device that acts to mitigate voltage perturbations due to faults in power system. Numerical Relay. Numerical relays emulate their electromechanical ancestors with great precision and convenience in application. By combining several functions in one case, numerical relays also save capital cost and maintenance cost over electromechanical relays. SF6 Circuit Breakers. SF6 Circuit Breakers operate to switch electric circuits and equipment in and out of the system. These circuit breakers are filled with compressed sulfur-hexafluoride gas which acts to open and close the switch contacts. The gas also interrupts the current flow when the contacts are open. Solid-State Relay. A relay whose functions are achieved by means of electronic components and without the use of moving parts. Shell-form Transformer. A transformer in which all the windings are on the center of three legs. Resonance. The state of a system in which an abnormally large vibration is produced in response to an external stimulus, occurring when the frequency of the stimulus is the same, or nearly the same, as the natural vibration frequency of the system. Short Circuit Tensile Force. Maximum tensile force in a flexible main conductor due to swing out reached during a short circuit. SCADA System. Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition System. Single-Phase. Producing, carrying, powered by a single alternating voltage. Semiconductor Devices. Electronic components that exploit the electronic properties of semiconductor materials, principally silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. Semiconductor devices have or Skin Effect. The skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current to distribute itself within a conductor so that the current density near the surface of the conductor is G-5 point of installation, maintains the clearance between sub-conductors. greater than that at its core. That is, the electric current tends to flow at the “skin” of the conductor. The highr the frequency, the more the skin effect and the greater the resistance. Stranded wire produces less skin effect than solid, because there is more surface area. The skin effect enables copperclad steel wire to be used. The steel adds cable strength, and the current flows mostly through the better-conducting copper. Span. Distance between contiguous power line support structures Spring Constant. Hooke's Law states that for small forces and extensions, the force on a spring is proportional to its extension. The constant of proportionality k is called the spring constant and is a property of the material and shape of the spring. Slack Bus. A bus made of flexible conductors, which hangs from post insulators, such that Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. SFCL. Superconducting Limiter fault Current where l is the distance between supports (m) SSB. Solid State Breaker lc is the length of bus conductor (m) SSCL. Solid State Current Limiter SML. Specified mechanical load. Snubber. Snubber consists of just a small capacitor in series with a small resistor. This combination can be used to suppress the rapid rise in voltage across a thyristor, preventing the erroneous turn-on of the thyristor; it does this by limiting the rate of rise in voltage (dV/dT) across the thyristor to a value which will not trigger it. Step Voltage. If a person is standing on the surface, and the flow of ground current causes a dangerous voltage drop to occur between their feet, they are exposed to a step voltage. It may be calculated as the difference in surface potential experienced by a person bridging a distance of 1 m with the feet without contacting any grounded object. Solid-State. Pertaining to circuits where signals pass through solid semiconductor material such as transistors and diodes as opposed to vacuum tubes where signals pass through a vacuum. Stiffener. A special spacer intended to reduce the mechanical stress of rigid conductors. Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. Spacer. A mechanical element between subconductors, rigid or flexible, which, at the G-6 electricity consumers to the main transmission network (unless they use large amounts of energy); so the distribution station reduces voltage to a value suitable for connection to local loads. Strain-bus Structure. A bus structure comprised of flexible conductors supported by strain insulators, such that Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. where l is the distance between supports (m) Superconductivity. A property of some materials in which their electrical resistance drops to zero, and they acquire the ability to carry electric current with no loss of energy whatsoever. Formerly, materials developed superconductivity only at temperatures near absolute zero, but new materials have been found that remain superconductive at temperatures above those of liquid nitrogen. lc is the length of bus conductor (m) li is the length of one insulator chain (m) Sub-conductor. A single conductor which carries a certain part of the total current in main phase and is a part of the main conductor. Surface Material. A material installed over the soil consisting of, but not limited to, rock or crushed stone, asphalt, or man-made materials. The surfacing material, depending on the resistivity of the material, may significantly impact the body current for touch and step voltages involving the person’s feet. Substation. A substation is a subsidiary station of an electricity generation, transmission and distribution system where voltage is transformed from high to low or the reverse using transformers. Related terms include: Transmission Substation. A transmission substation is one whose main purpose is to connect together various transmission lines. The simplest case is where all transmission lines have the same voltage. In such cases, the substation contains high-voltage switches that allow lines to be connected together or isolated for maintenance. Switchgear. The term switchgear, refers to the combination of electrical disconnects and/or circuit breakers meant to isolate equipment in or near an electrical substation. For transmission levels of voltage (high voltages over 66 kV), often switchgear will be mounted outdoors and insulated by air, though this requires a large amount of space. A compact, though more costly form of switchgear is "gas insulated switchgear" (GIS), where the conductors and circuit breakers are insulated by sulfur hexafluoride gas. Distribution Substation. A distribution substation is one whose main purpose is to transfer power from the transmission system to the distribution system of some area. It is uneconomical to directly connect Switching Surge. Voltage surge resulting from a switching operation. G-7 magnitudes of the components within each of the three phase sequences (positive, negative, zero) are equal, but they may or may not be equal to each other in magnitude. The rotating vectors of each of the three sets of components may be shifted by some electrical angle from a common reference point in the rotating vector diagrams. A physical interpretation of positive sequence components, for example, would be the currents that would occur on a balanced power system; the sum of their instantaneous values is zero. Negative sequence components would exist (along with positive sequence components) in an unbalanced system in which the phase current magnitudes are numerically unequal but still sum to zero. Zero sequence currents exist when there is a net current (i.e., the instantaneous values of the phase currents do not sum to zero. The zero sequence phase currents would flow in the neutral or ground paths. Symmetrical Components. Mathematical technique developed by C. L. Fortescue (published in 1918) that can be applied to a variety of engineering problems. It is widely used for solving power engineering problems involving unsymmetrical (or unbalanced) power systems. In three-phase power systems, it is applied to current, voltage, and impedance problems. The method is used to transform an unbalanced three-phase system into three sets of balanced three-phase phasors. The method of symmetrical components is one form of a general matrix transformation. In this reference book, the method is applied usually to circuit or load condition issues that could affect EMF levels and attenuation characteristics. In general, an unbalanced system can be resolved into balanced, symmetrical, three-phase or single-phase vector systems (called symmetrical components), and used to obtain solutions to the original unbalanced, nonsymmetrical problem. The unbalanced system is uniquely resolved into three sets of balanced phasesequence vectors called: positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence components. In the method of symmetrical components, all of the resolved phasesequence vectors rotate in the positive (counterclockwise) direction. The three vector components of the positive sequence components are equal to each other in magnitude, are 120 electrical degrees apart in phase, and achieve maximum values in the positive phase rotation sequence of A, B, C. The three negative sequence vector components are also equal to each other in magnitude, are 120 electrical degrees apart, and rotate counterclockwise, but in the negative phase sequence of A, C, B. The zero sequence vector components are likewise equal to each other in magnitude, but all three components are in phase (i.e., there is a zero degree angle or zero sequence between the three components). The Tensile Force. A stretching force pulling at both ends of a component or structure along its length. Thyristor. It is semiconductor switch used chiefly in power-control applications. Also called a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), it is a variation of the transistor. A thyristor is capable of producing large direct currents by rectification of alternating currents and can be automatically triggered “off” for specified periods of time. Thyristors are used in variable-speed electric motors, power supplies for electrochemical processes, lighting and heating control, and controllers for electric utility power systems. Time-to-saturation. The time during which the secondary current is a faithful replica of the primary current in a current transformer. G-8 Transmission Line. A transmission line is the material medium or structure that forms all or part of a path from one place to another for directing the transmission of energy, such as electromagnetic waves or acoustic waves, as well as electric power transmission. Components of transmission lines include wires, coaxial cables, dielectric slabs, optical fibres, electric power lines, and waveguides. Touch Voltage. The highest voltage potential difference between a conductive structure and a point on the earth’ssurface separated by a distance equal to the normal maximum horizontal reach, approximately 1 m. This voltage potential, applied between hand and foot, can cause a body current in excess of safe levels defined by fibrillation current. Transformer. A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy from one circuit to another by magnetic coupling with no moving parts. A transformer comprises two or more coupled windings, or a single tapped winding and, in most cases, a magnetic core to concentrate magnetic flux. An alternating current in one winding creates a time-varying magnetic flux in the core, which induces a voltage in the other windings. Transformers are used to convert between high and low voltages, to change impedance, and to provide electrical isolation between circuits. Turns ratio. The ratio of the secondary winding turns to the primary winding turns. Underbuild. Term used in transmission-line engineering to describe lower voltage circuits placed below and on the same structure as the phase conductors of a transmission line. Varistor. A varistor is an electronic component with a significant non-ohmic current-voltage characteristic. The name is a portmanteau of variable resistor. Varistors are often used to protect circuits against excessive transient voltages by incorporating them into the circuit in such a way that, when triggered, they will shunt the current created by the high voltage away from the sensitive components. Transformer Short-Circuit Impedance For Category I and Category II transformers, the transformer impedance, expressed in percent on the transformer’s rated voltage and rated base kilovoltamperes. For Category III and Category IV transformers, the sum of transformer impedance and system short-circuit impedance at the transformer location, expressed in percent on the transformer’s rated voltage and rated base kilovoltamperes Voltage Regulator Device or circuit that maintains constant output voltage (within certain limits) in spite of changing line voltage and/or load current. Voltage Sag. A decrease to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu in rms voltage at the power frequency for durations of 0.5 cycle to 1 min. Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV). The transient voltage that occurs across an opening contact- for example, in a circuit breaker. G-9 Zero Crossing. In alternating current, the zero crossing is the instantaneous point at which there is no voltage present. In a sine wave or other simple waveform, this normally occurs twice during each cycle. Weibull Distribution. The Weibull distribution is most commonly used in life data analysis, though it has found other applications as well. The Weibull distribution is often used in place of the normal distribution due to the fact that a Weibull variate can be generated through inversion, while normal variates are typically generated using the more complicated Box-Muller method, which requires two uniform random variates. Zero Sequence. A balanced set of voltages or currents in a symmetrical component analysis corresponding to the average of the phase voltages or currents involving a return path outside the phase conductors. WINIGS. The program WinIGS performs analysis and design of a grounding system or multiple grounding systems that are an integral part of an electric power system. Specifically, it allows the user to model any power system together with its grounding structures, it analyzes the performance of the system under steady state, normal, and fault conditions, and evaluates its performance against industry-standard criteria. The user may select either the IEEE Std. 80 criteria or the IEC-479-1 criteria, both of which have been integrated into the program. Zero Sequence Components. Symmetrical Components. X/R ratio. Ratio of the system reactance to resistance. It is indicative of the rate of decay of any dc offset. A large X/R ratio corresponds to a large time constant and a slow rate of decay. Young Modulus. Within the limits of elasticity, the ratio of the linear stress to the linear strain is termed the modulus of elasticity or Young's Modulus and may be written Young's Modulus, or E = (Stress/Strain) It is this property that determines how much a bar will sag under its own weight or under a loading when used as a beam within its limit of proportionality. 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The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), with major locations in Palo Alto, California, and Charlotte, North Carolina, was established in 1973 as an independent, nonprofit center for public interest energy and environmental research. EPRI brings together members, participants, the Institute’s scientists and engineers, and other leading experts to work collaboratively on solutions to the challenges of electric power. These solutions span nearly every area of electricity generation, delivery, and use, including health, safety, and environment. EPRI’s members represent over 90% of the electricity generated in the United States. International participation represents nearly 15% of EPRI’s total research, development, and demonstration program. Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity © 2006 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. 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