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MECH2360 Dynamics 2 Marking Schedule

Student No: _________________
MECH2360 Dynamics 2
‘Super Eta’ Analysis and Report
Marking Schedule
Report Content
 Executive Summary
To get full marks for this section as small introduction of what your report is
about, including findings is required
 Introduction/Background/Formulation of problem
To get full marks for this section a more detailed formulation of the problem/
background of why this analysis was being done was required
 Engineers Analysis
- Assumptions / Limitations of the analysis
- Calculations, Results
To get full marks for this section you need to get the analysis correct for the
velocity, acceleration and forces.
 Recommendations
- Address the points in the assignment question
Report Presentation
 Overall Presentation
- Looks professional
To get full marks for this section your report needs to look good enough for
someone to be happy to pay for it
- Suitable layout
- Quality of figures
To get full marks for this section the presentation of your figures need to be
consistent i.e. axis labels and units. And figures labels should be underneath
the figure for easy identification.
 Professional Language
To get full marks for this section the language used needs to be appropriate
for a client.
- Spelling
- Grammar